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Jackson Duty-Cycle Rated Holders :
Tongs of heat treated 98% copper alloy with high- Sine Giedls
impact, heat resistant glass fiber insulators permit
highest duty cycles with a wide margin of safety.
For top production, select the holder best suited to | medium [oat ae
the job at hand. The table at the right rates these | 350-2/0
holders by duty cycle, that is the percentage of za 375-2/0 Es
arc time in any ten-minute period of work, depend- 450-3/0
ing on rod size, amperage and cable size. Heavy-Duty 500-4/0 80%

Sold Everywhere by Better Welding Supply Distributors and Dealers

| Jackson Products .

31739 Mound Road, Warren, wae

For details, circle No. 1 on Reader Information Card


Technical Papers Maintaining Superior Weld Quality in a Plutonium Production Plant, by C. D. Brons
Welded-steel Transfer Bridge for Loading Railroad-car Floats, by M. L. Koehler. .
Items and Unitized Body Construction, by Karl M. Sims. ..................
Reports Plasma—A Substitute for the Oxy-fuel Flame, by James A. Browning
A Portable Pipe-welding Machine, by H. L. Saunders.

Practical Welder Facelifting ...Freighter Converted to Luxury Liner, by Stan Richardson...

Economies Effected in the Semiautomatic Welding of Piling, by J. F. Gulley
and Designer Powder Gives Cutting Flames a Flying Start................

Press-Time News.......... New Members Gaz

Welding Zones er Abstracts of Current Patents.
and Related World-Wide Welding News.................... 846 Current Welding Literature...
Editorial-Opening Greater Opportunities for News of the Industry......
Events Welding, by G. S. Dunham.................. 851 Personnel.
New Literature. .
New Products
Fa CHUN, inadatveasacdcs Reader Information Card
Section News and Events... Index to Advertisers

Feasibility of Titanium for Welded Missiles, by Carl E. Hartbower, George M. Orner and Daniel
Welding Are isthe iain abah RS aaa ea niae aie
Research Spontaneously Induced Brittle Fractures in Welded-Steel Disks, by A. Vinckier. .
Research News
Spot Welding of a 12%-Cr Mariensitic Stainless Steel, by E. F. Nippes, W. F. Savage, L. C. lanniello and

Development, Properties and Usability of Low-Hydrogen Electrodes, by D. C. Smith...

Published for the advancement Published monthly by th Welding Society rthampton Streets, Easton,
Pa. Editorial and general offices. 33 West 39th St tions $8.00 per year in the
Jnited States and possessions; foreign countries embers $1.50 members $1.00
of the science and art of welding Second-class privileges authorized at Easton. Penna to be mailed at the special
ates of postage prescribed by Section 132.122. Cooyright 1959, b n ding Society The Society
t responsible for any statement made oDInio sed in it Per n is given to reprint
by the American Welding Society icle after its date of publication orovideo credit
almost thirty representatives from
PRESS-TIME the USA, some accompanied by
their wives.
Four days were given to meetings
of the fifteen technical commissions
of IIW for discussion of technical
reports. Such subjects as testing
and inspection of welds, behavior
of metals subjected to welding,
residual stresses and stress reliev-
ing, pressure vessels, boilers and
. People pipelines, fatigue testing, fundamen-
tals of design and fabrication for
Welding welding were discussed. Other
sessions dealt with standardization,
Products documentation, terminology, weld-
ing instruction, and hygiene and
An international exhibition of
publications and photographs of
welding interest was an important
U.S.A. Well Represented at feature of the assembly and oppor-
tunities were provided for partici-
Annual Assembly of IIW in Yugoslavia pants to meet socially, thus con-
tributing to the friendly atmosphere
More than 700 people from 23 Opatija, Yugoslavia, from June 29th of the assembly.
countries attended the Twelfth to July 5th, at the invitation of the The next Assembly of the II1W
Annual Assembly of the Inter- Association of Welding Societies of will be held in Liege (Belgium) from
national Institute of Welding at Yugoslavia. Among them were June 12 to 18, 1960.

Representing the American Council at the June 28th meeting C. E. Hartbower (center of photo), and Mr. and Mrs
of IW Governing Council were (left to right), AWS Technical T. E. Jones (right) attended the Opening Session
Secretary E. A. Fenton, Commander A. F. Munchmeyer and of the IlW on June 29th
Rear Admiral E. H. Thiele, Ship Structure Committee

Listening attentively are Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Davis Left to right are Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Levenstein and
(foreground) and P. J. Rieppel (upper right) Admiral Thiele at the Opening Session

842| SEPTEMBER 1959

Hobart Manumatic Semi-Automatic Weld-
|| ing Unit being used to hardsurface Gradal
Fo oO BART Manun te Bucket with Hobart tubular wire—open arc.


Now you can profitably use semi-automatic welding for greater production at lower feeds
proper solid or tubular
equipment and wires with
cost. This inexpensive Hobart ‘‘Manumatic’’ unit can be teamed with an AC or
DC welder of sufficient capacity to handle Hobart’s new ‘‘Manumatic.”’ Brings higher EASILY CONNECTS TO YOUR
weld deposition rates and higher duty cyclele. AC OR DC WELDER
EASY TO USE—The ‘‘Manumatic’”’ is compact and easy to use in what normally
would be awkward and difficult places. Simplified controls speed operation. A Es ATTAINS HIGH DEPOSITION RATES
rheostat controls wire speed. A high-low inch switch and a forward-reverse inch
switch conserve welding wire and simplify new coil threading. To start the arc, wire speed up to 260 inches per
merely touch the feed wire to the work. minute. (Up to 460 ipm with
optional gear box.)
CUT COSTS BY INCREASING WELD DEPOSIT—The ‘‘Manumatic’’ soon pays for
itself. Deposits welding wire at least three times faster than the manual stick elec- @ Low cost
trode method. Feed rolls and current tips are available for 5/64” and 3/32” solid :
hard wire and 3/32”, 7/64” tubular (fabricated) wire. say Bygone a
Write today for complete details, without obligation, to: HOBART BROTHERS continuously or part time.
CO., BOX W4J-99, Troy, Ohio, Phone FE 2-1223. ‘‘Manufacturers of the world’s
most complete line of arc welding equipment.”



Standard Electric Transformers AC/DC Inert oa 2 “Husky Boy” 200 Amp. DC
Drive D 300 to 500 amps. Gas Combination 250 Amps. DC 250 Amp. OC Welder and AC
d Power Unit


New IRON POWDER Please send me complete details on the items I’ve checked:
[] ‘‘Manumatic”’ [] Hardsurfacing tubular wire
ELECTRODES [] Transformers [} AC/DC Inert Gas Combination
by Hobart are easy to use and control. Speeds weld QO “Contractor's Special” |) “Husky Boy’’
deposition rates and results in a finely rippled, high qual- “‘Power/Weld”’ Hobart iron powder electrodes
ity bead. Available for all types of general purpose use | Electric Drive Welders [) New Hobart All Machine catalog
either AC or DC, straight or reverse polarity. Try them! My work is
City Zone State
For details. circle No. 2 on Reader information Card

The N.S. Savannah," world’s first nuclear-powered merchant ship, wil! go to sea with nary a puff of smoke. The absence of
smoke stacks gives the ‘‘Savannah” a sleek look, all because of her nuclear heart. This view shows main deck and super-
structure arrangements as well as the position of the containment vessel. Truly a queen, her vital statistics are: Passenger
accommodations for 60, cargo capacity for 10,000 tons, normal cruising speed of 21 knots, normal cruising range of over 300,000
miles and 3'/, yr on one loading of fuel, 587 ft long, 78 ft beam, 29'/, ft draft and manned by one of the most select and thoroughly
trained crews ever assembled for one ship. States Marine Lines will operate the N.S. ‘‘Savannah,”’ which was built by the New
York Shipbuilding Corp. as a joint Atomic Energy Commission—Maritime Administration project

Located deep amidships of the N.S. “Savannah,” the

shielding and containment vessel houses the pressurized
water reactor and all other primary components that will be
radioactive. In the center is the reactor and its primary
shield tank. The spider-like units are the heat exchangers
(bottom) and steam drums (top). The bullet-shaped unit at
the right is the pressurizer, which maintains the primary
system at a constant pressure of 1750 psi. The primary
piping is shown between the reactor, pumps and boilers.
The entire containment vessel shown here is covered with a
6-in layer of lead and a 6-in layer of polyethylene

The containment vessel, 35 ft in diam and 50.5 ft long, located

in the reactor space, houses the ‘‘Savannah’s” entire reactor
plant and primary cooling system. It is designed to contain
all the water and steam released in the event of a mechanical
failure of the pressurized water loops (maximum credible
accident) and to support the lead and polyethylene shielding
(about 500 tons) covering the upper half of the containment
here is an outfit
which will make
you proud to
Owmit . e« e

With a most acceptable price tag goes

the very highest quality and safety your
money can buy .

only 539

By all means look at other “pack-

age outfits first to make you the more
certain that this one is the best for you.

here’s why this combination welding and flame cutting

outfit is actually the very finest your money can buy...

This new outfit, the Five Star Pak, was de- tended as the needs expand. Larger or smaller
signed particularly for the smaller shop, for nozzles or tips fit the torches as do multiple
farm use, garages, the hobbyist, or any one flame nozzles so convenient for many brazing
whose welding and cutting operations are operations. The cutting attachment, for in-
diversified and more limited in scope and
stance, may cut easily up to four inches of
metal thicknesses...
steel thickness.

An economy outfit can be economical only if

You can buy with confidence from a company
it will perform well and for many satisfying
which has been in the business of making fine
years to come. If it fails to meet highest
equipment for nearly fifty years.
standards, it ceases to merit all considera-


Extendable? By all means. This Five Star which gives you all of the information you

Pak is amazingly versatile. It may be ex- ought to consider...

552 DEPT.

NA |NA welding equipment company... 218 fremont street san francisco 5 california

For details, circle No. 3 on Reader Information Card


By Gerard E. Claussen

BELGIUM automobile wheels pressed from Another article describes an inert-

rimmed sheet '/; in. thick containing gas consumable-electrode head for
Atomium Described 0.08% C, 0.32% Mn, 0.019% P and welding aluminum. A _ Russian
0.041% S. The riveted and arc- flash-welding machine for aluminum
A detailed description of the de- welded wheels had the same fatigue alloy AK-6 (1.8-2.8% Cu, 0.4-0.8°
sign and construction of the Atom- strength. The spot-welded wheels Mg, 0.4-0.8% Mn) is described
ium at the Brussels Fair last year had 10% higher fatigue strength if which is being used in the refrig-
was given in the Belgian Revue de la the spot diameter was 0.51 in., but erator and automotive industries.
Soudure, No. 1, 1-18 (1959). High- 50% lower if the spot diameter was
tensile steel (50,000 psi _ yield 0.32 in. Tests also were made com-
strength) of high weldability (Class paring two types ofjoints for welding
D of I1W) was used for the central flanges to drive shafts. INDIA
mast and main beams of the
spheres. Old Belgian specifications Technical Meeting
called for chemical analysis, macro- Cored Electrodes The 13th Annual Technical Meet-
structure and bend, Kommerell Also, a detailed description of ing of the Indian Institute of Metals
and notch impact tests. The Mes- equipment and procedure is given will be held in Bangalore from De-
nager impact value at +68° F was for manufacturing cored electrodes cember Ist through 5th. The pro-
specified at 25 ft-lb min in the for submerged-arc and CO, welding, gram will include a symposium on
strain-aged condition with a mini- A cored electrode consisting of 78% “Structural Changes in Metals and
mum ratio of 0.6 for the strain-aged mild-steel sheath, 22% core (4.08% Alloys,” arranged in collaboration
to the as-received condition. New ferrochromium, 10.40% ferrotung- with the Department of Metallurgy
specifications called for a minimum sten, 0.83% ferrovanadium, 1.34% of the Indian Institute of Science.
Charpy value of 20 ft-lb at —4° F ferromanganese, 0.51% graphite, The symposium is part of the Gol-
with a minimum ratio of 0.5. Com- 4.78% iron powder) produced a de- den Jubilee celebrations of the
parative Charpy and Mesnager posit containing 0.639% C, 2.80% Cr, Indian Institute of Science. Plant
tests on ' .-in. high-tensile steel 9.75% W, 0.41% V and 1.538% Mn. visits and social functions will
showed no clear relation between The *,/.-in. diam electrode was used supplement the technical sessions on
them, the ratio varying in a ran- with submerged-arc flux containing the program. (For particulars, con-
dom manner from 0.7 to 0.9 for 40-44% Si0., 33.5-37% Mn0o, 3-7% tact R. D. Lalkaka, The Indian
Charpies from 30 to 100 ft-lb. Two Al.0, 4-8 % CaO, 4-7% Mg0, 2-3.5% Institute of Metals, 31 Chowringhee
lots of steel of almost identical CaF, to build up rolling-mill rolls. Road, Calcutta 16.)
chemical composition (0.13-0.16%
C,1.06-1.20% Mn, 0.14-0.16% Si,
0.18-0.26°% Cr) had entirely different NETHERLANDS
brittle-fracture tendencies measured
by notch impact, Navy tear, Van-
der Veen, and cruciform biaxial
tests. One steel was */,; in. thick
and was acceptable for service at
-4° F. The other steel was 1 in.
thick and was not acceptable. No
reason was given for the difference
in behavior, which was pronounced
in each type of test.
~ sala
. =
Acces — — | ‘eao~-- -_
Fatigue Strength i
The Czech welding magazine Zvar-
anie for January 1959 contained data
on the torsional fatigue strength of
riveted, arc-welded and spot-welded Storm-flood defense at Krimpen on Ijssel. Between the lifting towers is the all-welded
storm-flood gate. On the left is a lock with 10 check gates. Inthe background, just vis-
DR. GERARD E. CLAUSSEN is associated with ible, is a truss bridge (with opened leaf). Span of the storm-flood gate and truss bridge
Arcrods Corporation, Sparrows Point, Md is 270 ft, width of lock is 72 ft. (Courtesy of Rijkwaterstaat, Netherlands)

846 | SEPTEMBER 1959

Operates at 200 amperes continuous duty, AC or DC. SPECIFICATIONS
Molded. totally closed water-cooling system elimi-
nates any chance of leaks at torch head. Capacity —
200 amp. AC or DC, continucus duty cycle;
225 amp. AC or DC, reduced duty cycle
9/16- by 2-5/16-in. torch head permits welding in with short cap: 3.3 oz.*
hard-to-reach areas as small as 3 in. in diameter. with medium cap: 3.5 0z
with long cap: 3.6 oz
Total toreh length is under 7 inches.
Length overall —67% in
3.3-OZ. FEATHERWEIGHT Length of Torch Head —
Selected materials, such as glass fiber reinforced with short cap: 2-19/64 in.*
with medium cap: 3-9/32 in
phenolic plastic, save weight without sacrificing with long cap: 7-5/16 in
strength. Torch (with short cap) weighs only 3.3
Maximum Handle Diameter — % in.
Maximum Head Diameter — 9/16 in.
HANDLES LIKE A PENCIL Service Lines — 121 or 25 ft.
Exceptional balance, light weight, small size, and *Torch is supplied with medium cap for 3-in. electrodes
super-flexible service lines make the HW-20 torch Short cap for 2-in. electrodes and long cap for 7-in
electrodes are available as accessories
as easy to handle as a pencil.

For further information, call your local LINDE Office

or Linde Distributor ...or write: Dept. WJ-09,
LINDE CoMPANY, Division of Union Carbide Corpo- * le 1S]ite),
ration. 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, New York.
ley Vi i=ji)e]=
The terms “Heliarc Linde and ‘“‘Union Carbide” are
registered trade marks of Union Carbide Corporation
For details, circle No. 5 on Reader Information Card
JAPAN in the February 1959 issue of tests will be undertaken on 3.15-in.
Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo. Literature double-strap specimens, 0.39 or
University of Tokyo Publishes is cited on the development of a 0.59 in. thick (two of which will be
Data on Brittle Fracture flux, and a nomogram shows the 0.24 or 0.32 in. thick). The spot
relationship among current, voltage, welds were made by S. A. Sciaky in
Brittle fracture in mild steel is the travel speed and electrode diameter. Paris.
subject of a series of papers pub-
lished by the University of Tokyo. Sossenheimer Appointed
Authored by M. Yoshiki and T. Submerged-arc Welding of Un-
Kanazawa, the papers represent beveled Plates Found Practical Dr. Heinz Sossenheimer has been
data compiled between 1953 and appointed head of the West German
Submerged-arc welding of un- Welding Society and will replace
1959. ‘The more recent papers dis- beveled steel plates, */, to 2 in.
cuss the double-tension test——similar the late F. Kalbfleisch, according
thick, is practicable provided that to the February 1959 issue of
in principle to the Robertson test. the welding conditions are con-
However, all stresses are static. Schweissen und Schneiden.
trolled closely and flux backing is
An exponential formula is derived employed. A table, appearing in
from relaxation theory which relates Tests Made on Weld Metals
the February 1959 issue of Svar-
the temperature and minimum ochnoe Proizvodstvo, shows that as at Low Temperatures
stress required to propagate a brit- plate thickness is increased from
tle fracture. The formula agreed Recent tensile and impact tests
’/, to 2 in., the spacing between the conducted on three steels, 5% Ni,
closely with experimental results on edges must be increased from 0.12
a l1'/,-in. thick steel containing 18% Mn + 3% Cr and 18% Cr +
to 0.43 in. At the same time, cur- 10% Ni + 0.43% Ti, were reported
0.18% C, 0.74% Mn and 0.22% Si.
rent rises from 800 to 1300 amp by W. Hummitzsch in the February
This work was sponsored by the while travel speed decreases from
Japanese Shipbuilding Research As- 1959 issue of Schweissen und Schnei
14'/. to 6 ipm. den. The results indicate that aus-
tenitic weld metals have high duc-
tility at low temperatures. Low
SWITZERLAND notch-impact values are obtained
SOVIET UNION by 3.8% Ni ferritic weld metals at
Cracks Prevented in Welding —274° F and below. Weld metal!
Gas-flux Process Used to Austenitic Castings deposited by low-hydrogen elec-
Surface Steel and Cast Iron trodes, containing 0.84 to 1.20%
A patented Swiss method for pre- Mn, 0.35% Si and 0.05 to 0.07% C,
An article in the February 1959 venting cracks in welding austenitic produce notch-impact values com-
issue of Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo de- steel castings consists of peening the parable to fine-grained structural
scribes surfacing of steel and cast surfaces before welding. This was steel (at —76° F after strain aging).
iron with the gas-flux process, using described by W. A. Stauffer and A. Good notch-impact values are also
brass wires. Illustrations are pub- Keller in the January 1959 issue of obtained at —58° F from oxyacety-
lished of the apparatus, which mixes Schweisstechnik. Recrystallization lene welds in pipes, while weld
acetylene with methanol (66 to of the peened metal by the heat of metal deposited by argon and CO,
75% methyl! borate). Silicon brass welding greatly increases the grain- processes exhibit good notch tough-
should not be used due to the for- boundary area. Since cracking ness at —76° F.
mation of a hard high-silicon layer occurs by separation of grain bound-
at the bond. Silicon-free brass aries on which precipitation has oc- Welded Tanker Launched
forms a bond on steel with a 51,000 curred, the fine-grained, recrystal-
psi tensile strength (failure in brass) A 65,000-ton tanker, launched by
lized metal resists cracking com-
and one of 21,000 psi on cast iron Howaldtswerk AG in Kiel, con-
(failure in cast iron). tained 16,000 tons of welded steel.
The tanker’s 3 million cu ft capacity
is interspersed among 14 center and
Results on Copper WEST GERMANY 28 side tanks. The center tanks
Welding Recorded are 39 ft long, 53 ft wide and 56 ft
Spot Welding for Building high. Rivets were used only on one
An article in the February 1959
Construction New Subject longitudinal hull seam and one deck
issue of Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo re-
for Research seam.
cords results of fatigue tests on arc-
welded and brazed joints in copper The first basic research ever con-
and a copper alloy containing 53% ducted in Germany on spot welding
Ni, 1.19% Fe and 0.53% Mn. YUGOSLAVIA
for building construction is now
Static tensile strengths ranged from under way within the subcommittee
29,300 to 35,000 psi, while fatigue Corrosion Tests
on material problems of the German
strengths at 2 million cycles were Committee for Steel Construction. An article in Vol. 7, No. 3/4 of
12,000 to 14,000 for copper and Dr. Bierett, chairman of the sub- Varilna Tehnika describes corrosion
15,000 to 16,500 psi for the alloy. committee, reported in Acier, Stahl, tests on stainless steel (Ugine NS
Steel (24, 1959) that both basic 21 A) containing 0.085% C, 1.86 Mn,
Copper Plates Welded by Bessemer and killed open-hearth 18.25% Cr, 8.99% Niand 0.05% Mo.
steels are being studied to include Welds made with covered electrodes
Submerged-arc Process such surface treatments as sand- or with argon in sheet 0.078 in.
The submerged-arc welding of blasting, flame cleaning, manual thick had excellent resistance to
‘/y- to */s-in. thick copper plates and machine wire brushing, and corrosion by the atmosphere and by
with copper electrodes at 425 to normal mill scale and rust. Ten- acids, provided the welds were
850 amp is the subject of an article sile, fatigue and metallographic polished.

g48| SEPTEMBER 1959



TaMn d=).
llale me-ti im Sallet.dal-t-1-1-1- mie)ar-ye-1-)

using PURECO CO.7

Here’s a new way to weld mild steel, manually. Reduce supply systems includes: receivers, high pressure receiver
costs and raise weld quality at the same time with Dip tubes, converters, and cylinders.
Transfer* CO, Welding. Gives you very low spatter; Get full information about CO, in welding from
hydrogen-free welds; makes manual welds easy in any PURECO Technical Sales Service. Call your PURECO
position. Use PURECO Welding Grade CO, for gas representative today. There are more than 100 locations
shielding, at the purity and price to keep welding quality from coast to coast for your convenience.
up and cost down. The complete line of PURECO CO, *Patent No 2886696

Pure Carbonic Company

A Division of Air Reduction Company, Incorporated


For details, circle No. 6 on Reader Information Card
| 849
Dick Deily announces sales

and service !:eadquarters

for the remarkable .. .



For the most advanced techniques in oxygen cutting and auto-

mated cutting equipment, consult the representative nearest you.
Los Angeles Burdett Oxygen Company
Burdett Oxygen Company OREGON
San Francisco Industrial Air Products Company
Victor Equipment Company PENNSYLVANIA
Southern Oxygen Company Southern Oxygen Company
GEORGIA Pittsburgh
Southern Oxygen Company Weld Tooling Corporation
General Dynamics Corporation Southern Oxygen Company
Liquid Carbonic Division TEXAS
INDIANA Fort Worth
General Dynamics Corporation Big Three Welding Supply Company
Liquid Carbonic Division Houston
KENTUCKY Big Three Welding Equipment Co.
General Dynamics Corporation VIRGINIA
Liquid Carbonic Division Southern Oxygen Company
General Dynamics Corporation Industrial Air Products Company
Liquid Carbonic Division WISCONSIN
MARYLAND CR O Engineering Company
Southern Oxygen Company
Charles Peirce Associates NORTHEAST
MICHIGAN Henry Keep, Jr.
General Dynamics Corporation New York, N.Y.
Liquid Carbonic Division CENTRAL
CRO Engineering Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin
General Dynamics Corporation Paul M. W. Bruckmann
Liquid Carbonic Division Mobile, Alabama
Cranford W. S. Johnson
Harris Calorific Sales Inc. Monterey, California
General Dynamics Corporation
Liquid Carbonic Division

Messer Cutting Machines, Inc.


For details, circle No. 7 on Reader Information Card

850| SEPTEMBER 1959

Opening Greater Opportunities for Welding

Progress in welding in the last few decades The welding specialist has this ever-expanding
has been nothing short of phenomenal. Fifty fund of knowledge at his finger tips.
years ago the smith with his hammer and forge But this is not enough. The full potential
was the principal practitioner of the art as it of this new science cannot be reached until a
had developed through the ages. With the greater understanding of the potentialities of
advent of the oxyacetylene torch and the elec- welding are spread more broadly to all engineers,
tric-arc-welding machine, this was changed and whether they be in design or construction work.
welding was quickly adapted to applications This is not to imply that every engineer should
undreamed of before these new tools were avail- be a welding expert. The field has grown too
able. large and complicated for that. Rather, it is
The first fumbling efforts of a converted black- to suggest that all engineers should have sufficient
smith were far from scientific. But they ac- familiarity with the capabilities of welding to
complished wonderous things, and alert and recognize possible applications that would either
skilled men quickly realized that experiment improve the product or reduce its cost.
and research could add even greater new ac- The AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY has recog-
complishments for these wonderful new tools. nized thisproblem. It is taking steps to formulate
Universities and laboratories all over the world a program designed to carry information of
have developed a mass of information to help this kind to those outside the welding industry.
solve practical welding problems, explored new This effort should receive active support from
fields for the application of welding and have
the entire welding fraternity, not only through
widely reported the results of their investiga-
group action, but through the initiative of each
of us working as individuals.
These discoveries are well known to the welding
industry, but unfortunately many engineers are Welding has contributed much to the develop-
only vaguely aware of the progress that has been ment of modern industry. A basic familiarity
made. with its capabilities on the part of more people
Our technical societies and journals are doing should open up even greater opportunities in the
an excellent job of publishing new developments. future.

G. S. Dunham

epitor B. E. Rossi
C. 1. MacGuffie A. F. Chouinard J.J. Chyle R. D. Thomas, Jr. H. E. Rockefeller
President Vice President Vice President Vice President Treasurer
F. L. Plummer F, J. Mooney E. A. Fenton
Secretary Asst. Secretary Technical Secretary
E. J. Tangerman Chairman 0. B. J. Fraser John McCracken
J. E. Norcross Vice-Chairman John Haydock A. G. Oehler
H. R. Clauser C. G. Herbruck G. W. Place

This d-c rectifier type welder does more things bet-

ter than any other welder of its class because —
a. Its new transformer (Miller designed and
built) has integral flux diverter.
b. Its new weld stabilized circuit delivers the
ultimate in speed of metal deposition.
c. Its new completely sealed semi-metallic rec-
tifier — designed for welding — provides the
most efficient d-c for welding ever devised.
These features contribute to the
Gold Star SR's greater arc stability,
denser welds, easy arc starting and
flexibility to handle all electrodes
in all positions.
wherever profits are im-
portant, the Gold Star
SR is available in single
and duplex models of
200 to 1200 amperes at
60% duty cycle ratings

"...ifits MILLER

you know it’s the finest. . .”

The features that set the SR above and beyond the normal standards of welder
performance belong to the SRH also. But, in addition to the horizontal design for
easier stacking and paralleling, this welder has an “all-weather” construction that
includes baked varnish coated transformers and rectifiers plus phosphatizing and
painting of all base and sheet metal — even fan blades. Cam-Lok receptacles
are standard equipment. The Gold Star SRH welds real well.

Complete specifications on these Gold Star models will be sent promptly.

i] Electric Manufacturing Company, Inc., arrreron, WISCONSIN
EXPORT OFFICE: 250 West 57th St New York 19, W.Y. © Distributed in Canada by Canadian Liquid Air Co Ltd., Montreal

For details, circle Ne. 11 on Reader Information Card

852 | SEPTEMBER 1959
Fig. 1—Protective clothing for highly contaminated areas

Maintaining Superior Weld Quality

in a Plutonium Production Plant

Welding used to alter, improve and maintain Hanford reactors and radio-chemical

processing plants must have a quality of unquestioned reliability


Company Policy Concerning Weld Quality Electric Co., as prime contractor for the Atomic
Weld quality of the highest possible order is para- Energy Commission in the operation of the Hanford
z ° ~ DPD . wats »)) Fs
mount in a nuclear-products plant and General Atomic Products Operation (HAE O), believes there
is no substitute for high quality. By high quality it
Hanford rr oe,
Atomic Products Oe Richland,
Operation, Peston, Wash
Gensel Mesiels Co is not implied
" that. everyae weld must be perfect,
‘ > for
Paper to be presented at the AWS National Fall Meeting to be held in what might be entirely satisfactory weld quality in a
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28 to Oct. 1, 1959 water-storage tank could be completely unacceptable



Fig. 2—Welding within a radiation zone Fig. 3—Welding under adverse conditions

in a pressure vessel. High quality might be defined trial operation. Maintenance-welding personnel are
as that weld quality which will assure unfailing opera- concerned with the more common plant maintenance
tion of a fabrication to the maximum of its intended problems such as the repair of shop equipment, the
service and provide a reasonable factor of safety. maintenance, repair and alteration of water lines,
steam distribution systems, air-conditioning equip-
Basic Considerations ment, etc. Maintenance welding must also be done
This discussion will be concerned primarily with in radio-chemical processing plants where highly
maintenance welding at Hanford and the program of corrosive solutions are handled, and in and around
welding service which is maintained to assure that the Hanford reactors where service conditions require
the desired quality is achieved in the repair, altera- the highest weld quality attainable. In some areas
tion and replacement of operating fabrications and of the plant it is not possible to make repairs, due to
equipment. contamination or radiation, and even where fabrica-
The Human Element tions which have failed can be removed from con-
taminated areas by remote control, the cost of decon-
Owing to the very nature of maintenance work, it tamination would be prohibitive even if it were possi-
rules out, to a great degree, the use of automatic or ble. For these reasons, it is mandatory that replace-
even semiautomatic welding where precise process ment parts or equipment being placed in these areas
controls can be employed. Therefore, when main- must be as near as possible to the ultimate in quality.
tenance welding is considered, thought must be given
to the human element. Since the welding operator
Quality Standards
is not a perfect machine, those responsible for quality
must often accept something less than perfection in Quality standards which have been established at
many welded fabrications. Hanford are (1) for normal maintenance work, such
as the alteration or repair of water lines, steam-dis-
Service Conditions tribution systems, etc., where weld quality must be
One of the first quality-control problems to be con- equal to that required by the applicable national
sidered is to determine what is acceptable, quality- codes, such as the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
wise, for the various services to which Hanford weld- Code; ASA Code for Pressure Piping, etc; (2) for
ments are to be subjected. The obvious question process vessels and piping where severe corrosion is a
then is, ““What types of service are encountered?” problem, where later repair work is impossible, where
It is common knowledge that, in a plant such as leaks or failure would establish dangerous radiation
Hanford, more distinct kinds of operating service or contamination area; in which compliance with
are dealt with than will be found in any other indus- existing national codes is not considered adequate

854| SEPTEMBER 1959

and more stringent quality requirements are estab- relatively small number required to maintain specific
lished and specified in individual fabrication specifica- facilities, it is impossible to limit the work responsibil-
tions depending upon the intended service. ities to one or even two or three craft categories.
Factors Involved in Quality There just are not sufficient hours in the day or days
in the week to allow him time to familiarize himself
In any weld-fabrication shop it soon becomes evi-
with the many phases of all crafts reporting to him.
dent that what has been established as the necessary Therefore, assistance must be furnished by special-
quality, what is written into the fabrication specifica-
ists, to condense and make available the information
tions, or what inspectors and radiographic technicians
necessary for him to maintain a high level of per-
decide is or is not acceptable, is only part of the an- formance.
swer or solution to the problem of quality and even
though one part is perfect, performance will not be ac- Equipment
ceptable if the other parts are not carried to a reason- The adequacy of welding equipment is a very im-
able solution. Other areas which must be considered portant factor in achieving and maintaining a high
are (1) ability or skill of the craftsmen, (2) adequacy level of weld quality. A proper selection of mate-
of welding equipment, (3) material identification and rials, the correct choice of a welding process and the
control and (4) supervisory control. ability of the most skilled craftsman may be com-
The Maintenance Welders pletely set at naught by unavailability of correct
The author believes that first-class maintenance equipment or the use of equipment not adequately
welders should be considered as the top in their maintained. Also, as new materials and material
craft. The building trades craftsman normally combinations are proven acceptable for use, special-
works day after day with pipe, with boiler plate, ized equipment or equipment of the latest design is
with structural steel or with sheet metal, depending oftentimes essential if high quality is to be achieved.
upon his craft affiliation. He does, as a rule, work
Physical Plant Arrangement and
with one, two or three welding processes.
Most of these men become very proficient in their HAPO Administration
specific phase of welding and are what might be At Hanford there are three product departments
termed specialists. The maintenance welder, on the Fuels Preparation Department, lrradiation Process-
other hand, must match the specialist’s ability or ing Department and the Chemical Processing De-
skill on not two or three material shapes and two or partment. These departments are physically dis-
three welding processes but on all the materials and persed over 600 sq miles with as much as thirty miles
processes employed by practically all of the building separating some areas from others. ‘There are two
trades. This is especially true at Hanford where the operating and three functional components, the
various welding shops are separated by too many operating components being Hanford Laboratories
miles to make the exchange of craftsmen economical. Operation, and Construction Engineering and Utili-
At Hanford, the maintenance craftsman must be ties Operation. Included within the functional com-
skilled in such welding processes as brazing and braze ponents are Relations Operation, Contract and Ac-
welding, oxyacetylene welding, shielded metal-arc counting Operation and Legal. The primary func-
welding, inert-gas-shielded tungsten-arc welding and tion of these operations is to provide service to the
on the following materials—low- to high-carbon manufacturing departments. To maintain uni-
steels, the chrome-nickel steels, nickel and its alloys, formity of quality, procedures and methods and to
aluminum, the copper alloys, and now the reactive simplify the recording and documentation of quality
metals zirconium, titanium, tantalum and molyb- achievements in an organization such as described
denum are receiving considerable attention. Many in the foregoing requires the assistance, direction and
times a maintenance welder may not use a particular surveillance of a central control. The quality of as-
process on a certain material for a period of several sistance given and the adequacy of the administra-
months, but when he is given an assignment involv- tion of such control measures are just another factor
ing this material and process, he is expected to per- in the over-all maintenance of high quality.
form in a satisfactory manner. Conditions under Welding Assistance Program
which some maintenance welding at Hanford must
be accomplished is another reason why the author At Hanford, plant forces adhere to appropriate
pressure-vessel and piping codes. ‘To insure that
believes that those who qualify should receive top
code compliance is met and to maintain the highest
rating. Figures 1, 2 and 3 illustrate some of the
cumbersome equipment which must be worn at times practical quality in all fabrications, a program is in
to assure adequate protection against radiation or effect which is designed to:
1. Train employed welders on applicable welding
processes and materials and qualify them to ASME
Supervision standards.
In the maintenance of a plant such as Hanford, 2. Qualify and make recommendations for em-
a first-line supervisor has a very difficult assignment. ployment of all new-hire welders.
Because of the physical layout of the plant, the many 3. Assist maintenance personnel on material iden-
types of work which must be accomplished and the tification and control.

| 855
SE == ===
8" SCH 1GO PIPE "“ E60I5 or 36" THRY
orn 7/8" PLATE
+ + - E6O0I6 -Fe4 UNLIMITED
STAINLESS (14 US GA) E3xXxX-i50r i6 O° THRU 3716°
8" SCH 160 PIPE
2C orn 7/8" PLATE
on 3/8" PLATE $—$—$—$—$ CARBON STL
5A 1100 orn 3003 14 B&S GA 1100 or 3003 2s
58 606! orn 6065 VI6" PLATE | P 23 GROUP ASME UPWARD 5356

Fig. 4—Basic welder-performance qualification tests specified by Hanford Atomic Products Operations (HAPO)

4. Maintain a system of equipment upgrading and

preventive maintenance.
5. Conduct welder-training classes, stressing prac-
tical fundamentals of shop metallurgy, testing, equip-
ment adjustment, material control, etc.
6. Conduct classes for first-line supervisors on
welding fundamentals.
7. Offer welding-consultant service to all depart-
8. Examine specifications and drawings for their
influence on the quality and efficiency of mainte-
nance welding.
9. Evaluate new materials for weldability.
10. Evaluate new welding processes, techniques,
methods and equipment for potential use in main-
Fig. 5—Training and qualification facility tenance work.
11. Establish and maintain surveillance on critical
fabrications, especially those falling within the cate-
Fig. 6—Welder receiving training gories normally governed by national codes and to
establish uniformity in weld quality requirements.
Training Facility
Owing to the nature of maintenance work, as de-
scribed earlier, many welders find it very difficult to
maintain the degree of dexterity demanded where
quality must be held to such high levels. To assist
On July 1, 1958, this central training facility was
discontinued in favor of ‘‘on-job,”’ individual train-
ing and qualification. It was believed that this
1. Afford instruction on actual work assignments
rather than on representative work.
2. Make possible more frequent visits to work
areas by specialists in the welding field who could
thus render a more efficient consultant service.
Specialized Training
Training on an individual-need basis continues to
be conducted on a number of processes and materials
in addition to the nine basic categories. This in-
. Brazing and braze welding on the copper alloys.
Fig. 7—Inert-gas welding chamber
. Inert-gas-shielded metal-arc welding of alu-
them in retaining this skill, a program of periodic . The joining of nickel and the high-nickel alloys.
training and qualification is a continuing phase of . Brazing and welding cast iron.
welding service at Hanford. . Lead burning.
Considering the number of welding processes in . Welding the reactive metals, tantalum, tita-
use at Hanford and the many materials involved, a nium, zirconium, and molybdenum. To date,
number of welder-performance qualification tests the welding of these materials has been on a
have been established as being basic and which will very limited basis.
qualify for the major portion of the work. These 7. The welding of plastics.
have been arranged in chart form and are shown in
Fig. 4. As shown, test numerals designate a weld- Employment Qualifications
ing process and material, and the letters following All prospective new-hire welders must, before em-
denote the material thickness on which qualification ployment is offered, successfully qualify on four of
is made. Progressing horizontally across the chart, the 16 basic tests: shielded metal-arc welding of car-
test materials are described, the process is named and bon steel and austenitic stainless steel, oxyacetylene
the types of material and thickness range qualified welding of carbon steel, and inert-gas-shielded tung-
for are listed. These performance tests are con- sten-arc welding of stainless steel. These tests are
ducted according to the procedures and specifications conducted on pipe and applicants must qualify for
set forth in Section IX of the ASME Boiler and all welding positions.
Unfired Pressure Vessel Code.
Where material and material combinations re- Material Identification and Control
quire, special tests are established as the need arises. In a plutonium production plant, possibly more
The frequency of requalification and scheduling major types of materials and more grades of the
for “‘brush-up”’ training is governed primarily by various types are used than in any other industrial
job performance as reported by first-line supervisors plant. Because of this, material identification and
and inspectors. As performance qualifications are control becomes a major factor in the achievement of
made, individual performance test records are made, high-quality welded fabrications. This becomes a
one copy going to the code engineer, one to the man’s very complex system to the uninitiated, and it is a
supervisor and the original kept on file. Periodi- function of welding service personnel to assist plant
cally, summary sheets designating the qualifications supervisors in familiarizing their personnel with the
of all personnel in a given component are distributed identification and control measures that are neces-
to inspectors and to supervisors to assist them in sary for high performance. ‘To accomplish this,
proper work assignment. classes are offered to all components for the training
Until July 1, 1958, a central facility was used for of their personnel in this important phase of quality
training and qualification purposes. This facility control.
was equipped to accommodate six welders simultane-
ously. Figures 5, 6 and 7 show portions of the Maintenance and Upgrading of
facility established for training and qualification pur- Welding Equipment
poses. Figure 5 shows five of the six individual weld- To insure the adequacy of welding equipment,
ing booths equipped for shielded metal-arc, inert- periodic inspection and adjustment of all welding
gas-shielded tungsten-arc and oxyacetylene welding. apparatus is made by personnel who have received
Figure 6 shows a welder receiving instruction, and specialized training on the various types of equip-
Figure 7, an inert-gas chamber for instruction on the ment in use. When inspection indicates the need,
welding of the reactive metals. equipment is removed from work area for major

| 857
~- oe
A epee en
3 Bemaae

Fig. 8—Exterior of Fig. 9—Interior of weld-root bead, Fig. 10—Sections of weld-root bead,
weld-root bead, using using HAPO technique using HAPO technique
HAPO technique

overhaul. However, to assure that Hanford quality was prepared and presented by specialists in the
is maintained at the optimum level, new apparatus is various fields of knowledge covered. The subjects
continually evaluated in an effort to improve per- covered were:
formance and to adapt new welding concepts to . Job supervision.
HAPO requirements. 2. General metallurgy.
Training in Welding Theory 3. Codes, specifications and standards.
. Identification and control of materials.
In 1954 all welders attended a series of 18 lectures
5. Welding processes.
on welding and allied subjects. These lectures were
3. Weldability of metals.
supplemented with nine of what appeared to be the
. Basic joints, weld types and symbols.
best educational films available and each lecture was
8. Control of stress and distortion.
followed by a question and answer period. This
9. Weld faults, inspection and testing.
program was 40 hr in length and covered the follow-
10. Job relations.
ing subjects:
These lectures were followed by a 4-hr session at the
—. Mechanical properties of metals.
training facility to witness demonstrations on proper
. Structure of metals.
joint preparation, welding techniques and a discus-
. Mechanical metallurgy.
sion on weld faults and methods of inspection.
bdo Alloy steels and their heat treatment.
The code engineer, a specialist in craft training
uo . Introduction to ferrous metallurgy.
and a welding instructor are available to all design
. Stainless steels.
engineers and supervisors to review specifications
. Nonferrous metals.
and drawings prior to the start of fabrication to assist
. Weldability of aluminum and its alloys.
them in ascertaining that what has been designed
©. Welding processes.
and specified is in accordance with applicable codes
. Arc-welding equipment.
and in conformance with established and proved
. Basic joints, weld types and symbols.
procedures. There has been excellent acceptance of
2. Codes, specifications and standards.
this consulting service among all persons concerned
3. Classification of carbon steels and welding
with welded fabrication at Hanford.
. Identification and control of stainless steels. Welding Studies
15. Weld faults, inspection and testing. In the rapidly developing and changing nuclear
16. Safety precautions and safe practices. field, new materials are continually under investiga-
17. Two sessions on inert-gas-shielded tungsten- tion. If they are to be welded, maintenance per-
arc welding. sonnel must be trained. A major function of the
All lecture material was duplicated and placed in welding service effort is to search for new methods
binders and distributed to all participants as a begin- and techniques of welding and to adapt them to
ning for a personal reference data file. The welding maintenance work.
instructors continue to search for and distribute help- One of the problems presently under investigation
ful information to add to these individual files. is the open-air welding of the reactive metals, by the
This type of training has continued on a limited use of procedures which utilize trailing shields, chill
basis as requested by the various departments but is bars, etc., and the adaptation of these methods to
replaced to a substantial degree by individual specific fabrication requirements.
consultation and the distribution of information Most of the welding done thus far at Hanford on
material. these materials has been accomplished either in an
inert-gas chamber or, where size of the fabrication
Assistance to First-line precludes this, within specially constructed con-
Supervision and Engineers tainers where only that portion including the weld
To assist first-line supervisors with the varied prob- area is protected by an inert atmosphere. Figures
lems which confront them in the production of high 11 and 12 illustrate two titanium fabrications made
quality weldments, a series of information lectures by the latter method.

958 | SEPTEMBER 1959

I \
\\ WAN mS
Fig. 11—Titanium tube bundle welded in Fig. 12—Titanium end-cap welded in
modified inert-gas chamber modified inert-gas chamber

New Procedures and Techniques vessels and pressure piping.

A continuous search is made to find new methods, 2. Evaluate and/or approve inspection methods
techniques and processes which will contribute to as applied to unfired pressure vessels and pressure
the improvement of weld quality and to lower main- piping fabricated on site.
tenance costs. A new technique in the inert-gas- 3. Initiate the preparation of and approve proce-
shielded tungsten-arc welding of stainless-steel pipe, dure specifications, welding procedures and proce-
using a 37'/.-deg bevel, no land, a */j.-in. root gap dure qualification tests for use with on-site fabrica-
and the addition of filler metal in the first pass, has tion of pressure vessels and pressure piping.
done much to enable welders to consistently meet 4. Represent the company in official application
radiographic quality on difficult assignments. of the ASME U-symbo! stamp and in certification
Figure 8 pictures the exterior of a root pass made of code compliance to unfired pressure vessels con-
on 4-in. sch. 40 stainless-steel pipe by this method. structed at Hanford.
Figure 9 shows the interior bead. Figure 10, by 5. Report, as required, on status of compliance
cross-section views of welds made in this manner, with ASME-ASA code requirements to department
illustrates how the exterior appearance indicates to and operations’ management on work within their
the welder or inspector what the interior bead con- cognizance and make special reports as required for
tour will be. this type of work.
The changing from a 37' /.- deg bevel to a 55-deg 6. Support safety rules and regulations as they
bevel, '/\s-in. land and closed root, has enabled may be applied to the incumbent’s work and that of
many welders to consistently make inert-gas-shielded his associates. Recognize and recommend correc-
tungsten-are welds on aluminum pipe, with a very tion of facilities and working methods where unsafe
uniform bead on the inner surface. practices are detected.
A change from oxyacetylene welding to inert-gas- 7. Furnish consultation to the Inspection Opera-
shielded tungsten-arc welding on the smaller diame- tion with respect to appropriate inspection methods
ters of carbon-steel pipe has resulted in higher and required for Code vessels and pressure piping pro-
more consistent quality and has greatly reduced cured off site.
training time for this particular category. To assure management that the weld quality
These are a few of the improvements that have which has been established as the required quality is
been made in the area of new methods and tech- being attained, all critical fabrications are closely
niques. checked by experienced welding inspectors. Identi-
fication and preparation of material is closely
Quality Control of Pressure Vessels, Piping, watched; inspection during fabrication, using such
and Critical installations techniques as borescopes, dye-penetrant, etc., is
The position of pressure vessel and piping code made and, where it is required, complete radiography
engineer was established at Hanford with the objec- is requested.
tives of providing surveillance and approval, advice Conclusion
and counsel for pressure-vessel design and fabrica-
The welding which is used to alter, improve and
tion, inspection and documentation for pressure
maintain the Hanford reactors and radio-chemical
vessels to assure HAPO compliance with the ASME
processing plants must have a quality of reliability
Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, and to provide the
which is unquestioned. The methods which have
same for pressure piping to assure compliance with
been described in the foregoing relate how Hanford
the ASA B31.1-1955 Code for Pressure Piping, with
welding personnel are prepared to meet any welding
the exception of approval (a service furnished by
contingencies which may be encountered
The continuing program established to assure at- Acknowledgment
tainment of these objectives is to: Grateful acknowledgment is extended to General
1. Furnish consultation relating to the design, Electric, HAPO, Photography Unit, for their splen-
fabrication, repair and inspection of unfired pressure did cooperation in furnishing photos for this paper.

| 859




lOO-0" ’ OF
| : poe




Fig. 1—General drawing of structure

Use of welding simplifies the design and provides economical fabrication of new

Welded-Steel Transfer Bridge

for Loading Railroad-Car Floats


ABSTRACT. The extensive use of all-welded bridges for repairs to railroad bridges, the relatively few welded
for highway construction in the past few years has caused railroad bridges existing today would indicate that many
steel fabricators to adapt their shops and install equip- of our railroads have not fully utilized the advantages
ment to fabricate large all-welded structures. With the available through the use of welded construction. The
present-day steel fabricators amply experienced and quali- use of welding simplified the design, and provided
fied in welding, the design engineer may feel confident economical fabrication of a new railroad bridge structure
that satisfactory welded-steel structures are readily in the reconstruction of a forty-year old facility at Nor-
available. Although welding has been used extensively folk, Va. The design of the subject bridge girders incor-
porates several unusual details which are attained through
M. L. KOEHLER is Engineer, Bridges & Buildings, The Pennsylvania the use of welding. The paper includes, in addition to
Railroad Co., Philadelphia, Pa the more important design details of the bridge, the
Paper to be presented at the AWS National Fall Meeting to be held in procedure for reconstruction of the abutment with mini-
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28 to Oct. 1, 1959 mum interference to rail traffic.

860 | SEPTEMBER 1959

Introduction tinuous trackage is not available. This is a common
The use of welded bridges in our Nation’s highway type of facility and is used in New York, Philadel-
expansion program has proved that there is a con- phia, Baltimore, New Orleans, San Francisco and
siderable saving in the cost over riveted construction. other harbors in this and other countries.
However, the use of all-welded bridges for railroads, The original structure which is being replaced
to date, has been limited to only a few structures. consisted of steel girders which were installed in
Railroad bridge engineers have been reluctant to 1918 and, after 40 years of service, the steel became
use welded bridges for a number of reasons. First, badly deteriorated and required replacement.
an assured satisfactory weldable steel for welded Figure 1 shows the general arrangement of the
railroad bridges has only recently been made avail- bridge. The girders are supported on hinges at the
able. Second, a specification that would fully meet inshore end and rest on a pontoon near the outshore
the requirements for a satisfactory welded railroad end. During the transfer of cars, the outshore end is
bridge was not available prior to the 1956 Specifica- attached to and supported on the deck of the car
tions for Welded Highway and Railway Bridges. float.
Third, the saving in cost was not fully recognized in The elevation of the outer end of the bridge is
the use of welded bridges. adjusted to receive the deck of the car float by
The present AWS Specifications for Welded High- regulating the amount of water in the ballast tank of
way and Railway Bridges provide the necessary the pontoon. This type of bridge may be used at
requirements for design unit stresses, materials and locations where the maximum tidal range does not
workmanship for the construction of a satisfactory exceed six feet.
all-welded railroad bridge. Although this is a struc- The hinge supports rested on a timber grillage sup-
ture in which fatigue is a most important considera- ported on 44 timber piles. Most of the piles had the
tion, this is fully covered in the AWS Bridge Specifi- exposed portions partially destroyed above the mud
cations by varying the allowable unit stresses accord- line by marine borers.
ing to the anticipated loading cycles.
With the critical economic situation of many of
our railroads today, railroad-bridge engineers should The new bridge and abutment was designed to
investigate the use of welded construction more ex- replace the original structure at the same location.
tensively and, where practicable, obtain alternate One important consideration in the design was that
proposals for new railroad bridges to determine the the reconstruction of the facility must be performed
possible savings. with minimum interruption of regular rail traffic.
During the initial studies for design of the bridge, The new bridge is designed for a live load capacity
comparative estimates were made for a riveted design of 6000 lb per ft of track, using AREA Specifications
versus welded design. The result of this investiga- for Steel Railway Bridges for design and workman-
tion showed about 25 per cent saving in weight of ship.
structural steel through the use of welded construc- The structural steel is in accordance with ASTM-
tion. A373, Structural Steel for Welding. The welding is
in accordance with AWS Specifications for Welded
Description of Structure
Highway and Railway Bridges D2.0-56.
The subject structure is a railroad transfer bridge The girders are 100 ft long, from center of hinge
located at Sewells Point, Norfolk, Va. This transfer pin to the outshore end of girder. The depth of the
bridge is designed to fit railroad-car floats that are girders is 5 ft 9 in.
used for the transfer of cars across water where con-
It should be noted that the girder-flange plates are
of uniform thickness (3 in.) for full length.
On the top flange this provides a very definite
advantage in permitting all deck timbers to be of
1sxFlange Plate ; Edge of plate uniform depth.
thickness tg aa com
+ - The girder-flange section, determined by the
7. Ms et moment of inertia method, consists of an 18- x 3-in.
plate on the top and bottom flanges of the girder
Oo . COV. / PL.3°«I0
x| where the maximum bending moment occurs. The
flange plate steps down to 15 in. width and then to 10
in. width, which is continued to the ends of the girder.
The butt welds in the 3-in. thick flange plates are
detailed in accordance with AWS Bridge Specifica-
5\60 * tion weld joint 220-G. A smooth transition is made
at the offset flange plates of the butt joints. This is
£% accomplished by cutting and grinding the edges of
the wider plates as shown in Fig. 2. As will be
4 60 + noted, the transition starts at a point located 1'/,
Fig. 2—Girder flange details times the flange plate thickness from the center of

the butt joints. This is done to avoid the possibility Specification submerged arc weld joint 221-KA; it is
of a stress raiser at the welded joint; also, it permits shown in Fig. 3.
the use of basic unit stresses as covered by Para- This is a very important weld that must be capable
graph 207 of AWS Bridge Specifications. of taking shear, compression and bending stresses.
The welds connecting the flange plates to the girder It must take direct vertical compression and im-
web, with exception of the shallow end, are made by pact due to live load transmitted through the timber
submerged-arc welding. deck.
Due to the restricted space at the outer end of the This weld must also withstand lateral bending due
girders, the use of manual welding is permitted at to irregularities in bearing of wood ties on the flange
this location. plate. These irregularities occur because of allow-
The joint between the girder top flange and the able tolerance for tilt of girder flanges plus variations
web is detailed in accordance with AWS Bridge in the framing of the track ties.
The bottom flange plate is joined to the web plate
with two '/,.-in. continuous fillet welds.
These girders are unique in that the installation
requires the depth of the girder to be reduced drasti-
cally at the outshore end, where the car float extends
beneath the end of the girder. In this section, both
the top and bottom 3-in. thick flange plates are
ah joined to the heavy web section with full-penetration
lO", double-bevel tee-joint welds, as shown in Fig. 4.
The web plate of the girder is '/.in. thick. How-
STFE Ps) - NOSE SECTION ever, at the nose or outshore end, where the depth of
the girder is reduced, the web thickness is increased
to 1*°/, in. and then to 3 in. The web-plate sections
are aligned symmetrically and the thicker plate is
: chamfered 1 in 2'/, in accordance with AWS Bridge
if “ ] ;
IS _,) Specifications, Paragraph 216. This is shown in Fig.
The design of the girder where the thicker web
Fig. 3—Girder sections
sections are required is obviously simplified by using
welded construction.
The girder-web stiffeners consist of '/.-in. plates
_i———"+—- NOSE BEAM welded to the web with continuous fillet welds. The
intermediate stiffeners are fitted to the top flange but
not attached.
The bottom ends of these stiffeners are cut short to
clear the bottom flange by */, in. This is done to
avoid a potential stress raiser and eliminate the ex-
pense of fitting the stiffener to the flange. It also
eliminates a pocket that would collect dirt and invite
Il corrosion.
The web stiffeners located at the pontoon bearing
va a Lae area are fitted to contact the girder flanges.
| ». > The connection of the end plates to the girder web
B “60°, ae ~ a“ ¢ is critical in this design, as they carry the total end
shear of the span to the supports and a full butt
Per DETAILS-OQUTSHORE END weld is used at this location.
The lateral bracing, consisting of 4- x 4- x '/,-in.
Fig. 4—Nose section of girder
angles, is welded to the underside of the top flange of
the girders with fillet welds. The cross frames are
welded to the under side of the top flanges and to the
girder web stiffeners.
The nose beam at the outshore end of the girders is
vulnerable to damage when mooring car floats; for
this reason, the beam is attached to the end of the
girders with bolts to facilitate renewal. The nose
beam consists ofa 21 in., 96 lb wide-flange beam with
ee cover plates attached by */;-in. fillet welds. The
SLOPE 2sini~ “
lower face of the bottom cover plate is rounded to
Fig. 5—Web-plate joints bear on the deck of car floats, and provides a rocker

862 | SEPTEMBER 1959

Fig. 6—Condition of exposed piling when old bridge was removed

bearing to adjust for changes of elevation due to A 10-in., 3000 gpm pump, used alternately with a
loading conditions and tide fluctuations. 12-in. sea valve, controls the amount of water in the
ballast chamber. When the bridge is secured to a
Trunnion Shoes car float, the water is pumped out of the ballast
The hinged end of the bridge is supported on four chamber. The uplift effect of the pontoon provides
trunnion shoes. These shoes provide longitudinal some reduction in the bending stresses in the girders.
and transverse support for the bridge as well as ver- Four all-welded auxiliary flotation tanks are in-
tical support. The shoes are fabricated from ASTM stalled between the girders to provide sufficient buoy-
Specification A-373, using all-welded construction. ancy to prevent sinking in event of failure of the sea
The use of welded design for these units permits a valve to the ballast tank
saving of material and simplifies details.
The elevation and alignment of the four hinge New Abutment
units are very important to obtain uniform loading The design and construction of a railway bridge is
on the pins and minimize the wear at hinge points. basically similar to a highway bridge, except in the
For this reason, a special requirement specified the case of a reconstruction job where traffic must be
girder end plates must be 90 deg with the vertical maintained with minimum interruption. The design
and horizontal axis of the girders. The machined of the new abutment was dependent on the method of
hinge castings are bolted to the girder end plates. maintaining the bridge in service and the amount of
time that rail traffic might be interrupted.
Pontoon The new abutment was designed to utilize the
The new pontoon is 8 ft in depth, 38 ft long, 32 ft existing timber piling by cutting off the damaged
wide and is of all-welded construction. A ballast upper portions amounting to a length of about 5 ft
chamber 8 x 12 x 32 ft is provided in the center por- and encasing the remaining top 4 ft portion of the
tion of the pontoon to adjust the height of the bridge piles in concrete. Figure 6 shows the condition of
when mooring a car float. the piles when the old bridge was removed. The

| 863
reduction in weight of steel obtained by use of the The longest period of time that the bridge was
welded girders was helpful in that additional piles out of service to perform the above operations was
were not required for the construction of the new eight hours.
Erection of Bridge
Construction of Abutment After the reconstruction of the abutment, the new
The first step in the reconstruction of the abutment bridge girders were assembled on the new pontoon
was to drive steel-sheet piling around the perimeter and atemporary pontoon. After all bracing was in-
of the new abutment. The driving of the steel-sheet stalled and field welding was completed, the steel was
piling along the face of the abutment was accom- painted and the timber deck and tracks installed
plished by the installation of a temporary pontoon After all necessary preparations were completed,
near the abutment end of the bridge and shifting the the old bridge was floated out and the new bridge and
entire bridge about 8 ft offshore. pontoon moved into place.
After the steel-sheet piling was driven, the bridge The entire operation was handled with very little
was returned and continued in service. The next interference with regular railroad traffic.
operation was to install a short steel tail span to
bridge the excavation for the abutment and the Conclusion
backwall. The material within the cofferdam was The use of all-welded construction for the subject
then excavated to proper depth for the concrete bridge provides:
footing. When the excavation was completed, a 1. A saving of 25% in weight of structural steel,
concrete footing about 4 ft thick was placed. After or about 92,000 Ib.
the concrete was properly cured, the bridge was 2. More efficient use of structural steel.
again shifted offshore. The timber piles were cut 3. Simple, clean-cut details free of recesses,
off at the top of the concrete footing and steel gril- pockets, rivet heads, etc., which are vulnerable to
lages were installed as shown in Fig. 7. corrosion, especially when exposed to salt water.
The three grillages were designed to be installed 4. A substantial reduction in weight, permitting
individually or collectively as available time would easier erection and more economical abutment con-
permit. struction.
Following the installation of the grillages, the 5. Girder top flange of uniform thickness, sim-
bridge was replaced and continued in service. The plifying the track tie daps and reducing the tie costs
reinforcing steel and concrete for the abutment and because the timber depth remains uniform.
backwall was then placed. After concrete was pro- 6. Simple, clean lines to improve appearance
perly cured, temporary beam spans were removed and simplify painting, reducing the maintenance cost
and fill material placed in back of the abutment. of the structure.

Fig. 7—Steel grillages installed after timber piles were cut off at the top of the concrete footing

" atl A

ad ‘


Fig. 1—Roof assembly for integral-type automobile body

Unitized Body Construction

developed by automobile manufacturer leads to major design changes, engineering

advances and a new Set of values in transportation


SYNOPSIS. The integral-type body construction, com- The Unitized Body

monly referred to as a “unitized body,” has been built
and used by one automobile manufacturer for 18 years. The integral-type construction, commonly referred
The combining of passenger compartment and the to as a “unitized’’ body, combining both the frame
frame into one unit has made possible weight reduction and the passenger compartment, has been used by
in critical areas. Strength is developed through the use
of channels, box sections and extrusions which a few one manufacturer for 18 years. Over two million
years ago were thought to be too light for consideration units have been built, driven and, in a sense, evalu-
by the designer. ated by a most critical test group, the owners and
In order to assemble the unitized-type body, it is drivers of the product.
necessary to hold body stampings to close tolerances to The acceptance of this new design might well be
assure the high quality of welding required for this type
construction. There is an increase of approximately considered the second major break-through in the
300% in the number of welds required in the unitized body portion of the automobile industry. The
body over separate-type construction. The welding first one came, the author believes, when the buggy-
industry has met this demand by developing time, heat whip socket was finally removed from the dash
and pressure controls that, through careful use and job
application, have aided in producing a bonded or, per- board. The automobile then became a mode of
haps, better described as a fused, body of remarkable transportation and soon would no longer be called a
strength. horseless carriage. Succeeding developments such
KARL M. SIMS is associated with the American Motors Corp., Detroit as power-plant improvements, dependable ignition,
Mich fuel and lighting systems, balloon and later low-
Paper to be presented at AWS National Fall Meeting to be held in
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28 to Oct. 1, 1959 pressure tires, power steering and brakes, safety

| 865
Fig. 2—Enveloping structure of protective steel

The combining of the passenger compartment and

the frame into one unit has produced an enveloping
structure of protective steel (Fig. 2). The “‘crush-
ability”” or impact absorption resulting from the
use of light but strong front-end construction
has been a tremendous factor in the reduction of
passenger injuries. "The members required to mount
the power plant and front suspension are continua-
tions of the body (Fig. 3). These parts, which are
formed of relatively light metal, have a high ‘“‘crush-
ability”’ factor. It is this “crushability” of the
wheelhouse structure, supplementing crashwise the
front bumper and the front-end sheet metal, that
provides greater safety in the event of a head-on
collision. The structure, as outlined, has more than
average vertical depth, hence it acts more effectively
as a crash barrier than does the conventional
construction. The major structural members of
Fig. 3—Front-suspension mountings the body extend along the sides, thus affording side
protection along the outside edge of the floor.
These members provide early impact absorption in
glass, the enclosed body and heating and cooling event of a side blow.
systems, to note but a few, became conveniences
that are commonplace today. Construction
Major design changes, engineering advances in The life blood of the unitized body is the box
construction and styling, as well as an entirely new section (Fig. 4) and its variations. These sections
set of values in transportation, have been estab- are used generously throughout the unit. The
lished as a result of the development of the unitized general areas such as doors, windshield opening, roof,
body. rear-window opening, deck opening and the floor
are outlined with this type of section. Box section
Safety is somewhat of an ambiguous term, since some of
Passenger safety has long been foremost in the these members are channels to which reinforcements,
mind of the automobile designer. Several ap- plates and even skin-type components are welded.
proaches in body development have been made in Others are welded to flat surfaces, thus closing the
the past and most of them are now incorporated in open side of the channel.
all automobiles. Among them are the steel roof, Stress concentration is present in any assembly.
front hinged doors, increased visibility and the all- In an assembly such as a unitized body, such con-
steel body. The natural evolution of the all-steel centrations must be relieved as effectively as possible.
body is the unitized body we are talking about This is often accomplished by providing sufficient
today. strength by welding several thicknesses of metal or

966 | SEPTEMBER 1959

by dispersing such force through especially designed possible to make softer springs and thereby reduce
box sections. the unsprung weights such as axles, wheels, etc.
Styling dictates the surface of the skin or outer
sheet metal. However, the structure beneath these Manufacturing
surfaces is designed not only to accept these con- The designing of an unitized body permits the
tours but also to permit even major revisions often manufacturer to take fullest advantage of the
required for yearly styling changes. Many sheet- advancement in manufacturing methods such as
metal panels also serve as load carrying structures, sheet-metal forming, assembly procedures, new
(Fig. 5), for example, the wheelhousings, front and materials and other related factory processes.
rear, the underbody panels, etc. To _ prevent The entire body is designed, first of all, to fit the
vibration and oil canning of these panels, it is often plant facilities available for its production. All
necessary to add beads, ribs and depressions. affected departments, engineering, manufacturing,
There are occasions when these ribs and depressions processing, styling and purchasing, are consulted
also serve various auxiliary functions such as foot in arriving at this final design. But, it must be
wells in the underbody, tunnel clearance for the remembered that no matter how superior the design
drive shaft or torque tube, as well as mounting may be, it is useless unless it can be produced
points for assemblies such as seat tracks. Rein- economically.
forcing the primary locations such as mounting In planning a unitized body, it is necessary to
points for springs and shock absorbers is accom- give particular thought to the details of the as-
plished with a minimum of increased weight but semblies. These stampings must be held to very
with sufficient strength to meet the requirements of close tolerances to assure correct mating (Fig. 6).
design loads.
Engineering departments of companies manu-
facturing such competitive products as automobiles
must keep two thoughts foremost in mind during
design planning. These thoughts are weight and
Economy is directly affected by weight. The
greater the weight of the automobile, the more
powerful the power plant must be to produce an
acceptable performance standard. By combining
the frame with the body, it is possible to reduce the
total car weight. Also, by tying the roof structure
and the underbody together through the use of a
uniside assembly, it is possible to save weight by the
elimination of small parts such as brackets, plates
and braces (Fig. 1).
Additional weight savings are accomplished in
the power train, brakes, axles and suspension
system through the consolidation of the frame
within the body. By reducing body weight, it is

Fig. 4—Box sections and channels Fig. 6—Detail assembly

| 867
Assembly must be accomplished as easily as pos-
sible, and must also maintain a uniform configura-
tion. A variation in metal gage produces welding
thicknesses that are not conducive to a uniform
standard for a particular assembly. The quality
of a weld depends upon the predetermined pressure,
time and heat for a particular application. Since
there is an increase of approximately 300% in the
number of welds required for the unitized body
over the conventional type, rigid control must be
maintained. One manufacturer has _ established,
as his standard for each weld, the minimum nugget
size specifications set up by the AMERICAN WELDING
SocrEeTy as determined by the peel test. They
also list the values of time, pressure and heat
required for each weld on a card attached to the
transformer. These cards also show tip dressing
information as well as replacement time. A daily
check is made of all equipment to assure continuous
7—Body-framing buck high-quality welding.
Details are first welded into subassemblies in
several locating fixtures. These welded subas-
semblies are then joined into the major assemblies.
These major assemblies, which are the underbody,
unisides, roof, etc., are located in a body-framing
buck where they are joined by welding (Fig. 7
This body-framing buck is considered the best
means of assuring maximum accuracy.
All welding is done as close as possible to the
bend forming the flange. This is done to insure
maximum strength. Welding primer is used to
form an anticorrosion barrier at joints where mois-
ture might enter.
Too much emphasis cannot be placed upon the
close dimensional control that is required during the
entire assembly process. The windshield opening
and the rear window opening are two particular
locations requiring close control to assure proper
installation of the glass.
Welding is used to produce a body shell of greatest
strength and rigidity. There are, in most unitized
bodies, a few structural members which are bolted
into position for final-assembly reasons (Fig. 8).
The motor-mounting front and rear crossmembers
Fig. 8—Bolted members are assembled with the power plant. The front-

Fig. 9—
Deep-dip primer tank
suspension crossmembers, as well as the radiator inside surfaces of pillars and sills. Critical body
upper supports, are often bolted into place. These areas which require additional sanding are fortified
supports and cross members then serve as addi- with a spray coat of primer-surfacer. After the
tional body structural members. primer dip and spray, the body passes through
the baking oven at 250° F for 1 hr. A corrosion-
Body Preparation inhibiting wax compound is sprayed into internal
Simultaneously with the development of the sill and rocker panel areas. The primer coat is
unitized body, there has been the advancement in sanded and blown off with compressed air. It
metal protection and corrosive-action prevention. then enters a dust-free room and is wiped clean to
The unitized body lends itself to the built-in type of remove all dust remaining on the surface prior to
drains and conversely to built-in seals, to overcome the application of the finish color.
dust and water entry. These new compact bodies (Fig. 10) have been
Metal protection is of prime consideration. It developed so that maximum available space is
has never been too difficult to coat the exterior utilized for passenger area; strength and durability
surfaces sufficiently for ample protection, but those have been increased through structural advance-
areas within the body have, in the past, been ment; comfort has been provided as a result of that
somewhat of a problem. Today, a dip process is built-in feeling of security; pleasant appearance
being used. First the body is cleaned in an alkali has been brought about by that clean look of
wash to remove all dirt, oils, grease and lubricants flowing surfaces well protected against corrosion.
accumulated in body assembly operations. A This is the picture with the unitized-body type of
clear-water rinse removes all alkali solution. A construction.
phosphate solution at 130° F produces a uniform
protective coating which retards corrosion and also References
provides a positive base for paint adhesion. A Cenzer, Carl W., Executive Body Engineer, American Motors Corp.,
clear-water rinse is used to remove surplus phosphate “Unitized Bodies.’"” Presented at SAE Student Branch, Chrysler Insti-
tute of Engineering
chemicals. Next, a chromic-acid rinse, which is a “An Opinion on Frames,’’ SAE Trrans., 50, 301 (1942
conditioning rinse, sets the phosphate for positive Stout, William B., ‘“‘What Motor Cars Can Be,"’ Jbid., 34, 229 (1939).
Jenson, R. F., Accessory Engineer, American Motors Corp., ‘Small
adhesion of the paint primer. The body is dried Cars,’ SAE Presentation S-187
and then vacuum cleaned to remove all metal and Monson, D. H., American Motors Corp ‘Assuring Customer Satis-
faction by a Compact Car Organization Presented at SAE Produc-
foreign particles that may have remained through tion Meeting, Detroit, Mich., March 1959
Trygar, M. H., and Simmons, O. B., “Welding the Lincoln Uniframe
all of the preparation. Body,”’ Machinery, 64 (4), 162-165 (December 1957
The body is now ready to be dipped into the Nagler, L. H., American Motors Corp., ‘Passenger Car Dimensions
as Related to Parking Requirements,"’ for Presentation to Highway
primer-paint tank (Fig. 9). This method covers all Research Board, Washington, D. C., Jan. 8, 1959

Fig. 10—Compact unitized body features maximum available space for passenger area
Fig. 1—Spraying of aluminum oxide to form a thick coating on a shape simulating a missile nose cone

It is anticipated that

Plasma—A Substitute for the Oxy-Fuel Flame

will command more and more attention within the welding field as time goes on


Introduction flames for many welding applications. Not only

Recent experience gained in the laboratory and from can this new heat source, with its unusually high
field tests indicates that the plasma torch offers temperature, perform many tasks hitherto not pos-
tremendous advantages over conventional chemical sible, but it also produces unit heat output at lower
than oxy-fuel costs when used on an industrial basis.
JAMES A. BROWNING is President of Thermal Dynamics Corp., This paper discusses the theory of operation of the
Hanover, N. H
Paper to be presented at the AWS National Fall Meeting to be held in plasma-flame torch and gives several examples of
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28 to Oct. 1, 1959 its uses within the welding field.

870| SEPTEMBER 1959

Discussion of the transferred-arc torch has, for several years,
History been used for the cutting of difficult metals. More
recent analyses show such a unit to be favorably
A considerable amount of work on the production
competitive with oxygen cutting of steel.
of plasmas using the electric arc as the heat source
was accomplished in the early part of the present Theory of Operation
century. Patent literature in this country extends Plasma torches may be operated with the arc
back to 1908 and, perhaps, to an earlier date. This transferred to the work—transferred-arc torch or
early work was characterized by theoretical success, with the arc circuit completed within the body of
but the duration of each run was limited to a few the torch itself—nontransferred-arc torch. Figure
minutes in length due to heating failures of the torch 2 compares both of these techniques of operation
structure. with the open electric arc. It is seen that the arc is
Until the period iinmediately subsequent to World confined by the torch to follow a path of high-current
War II, there was no critical demand for a heat density. This results in more collisions of electrons
source more intense than the oxyacetylene flame. with gas molecules leading to high temperatures.
The advent of the gas turbine and rocket engines, Where the peak temperature of the conventional
with the accompanying demand for better materials open arc is limited to below 12,000° F, plasma-flame
and greater knowledge of high-temperature reac- temperatures for the nontransferred-arc torch reach
tions and processes, has created a critical concern for 30,000° F (60,000° F for the transferred-are torch).
high-temperature technology. The efficiency of It is these extreme temperature values which make
such heat engines is directly connected with peak the plasma fiame unique for all melting operations.
operating temperatures. New materials are in In addition, new processes for the synthesis of chem-
demand which will allow these higher temperatures. icals may arise. With respect te the welding in-
Information concerning the flow of hot gases at dustry, preliminary investigations indicate that large
extreme velocity is of fundamental importance. yields of acetylene from both gaseous and liquid
This surge in high-temperature interest kindled hydrocarbons are possible. Acetylene yields as
renewed efforts in the plasma field. Several domes- high as 25% by molal volume of the reacting sub-
tic concerns became active in the field, and apparatus stance are theoretically possible.
is now commercially available. The present use of Figure 3a is a drawing of a nontransferred plasma
this equipment is limited mainly to research and torch which operates on the principle of ‘“‘gas-
development investigations. Strangely enough, the sheath” stabilization. A conventional high-fre-
temperatures now available are so much greater
than those previously possible using oxy-fuel flames,
that the industry has been “caught by surprise.”
The oxyacetylene flame represented a two-fold tem-
perature increase when it was first introduced. The
plasma flame is upward of five times as hot as the
oxyacetylene flame, with heat-transfer rates nearly
ten times as great.
The major advancements in plasma-torch design
result from better techniques for positioning the arc
well away from torch members and by the avail-
ability of better refractory materials, such as thori-
ated tungsten.
Various designs of plasma equipment have evolved.
In essence, however, they all operate in much the TRANSFERRED - AR TORN
same fashion. An arc is made to jump from one
electrode through a confining passage to another
electrode. The plasma-forming gas is constricted to
flow through the same passage and is heated to arc
temperature by the arc. The gas is then ejected
and, in many ways, operates similarly to the more
common chemical flame. There the similarity ends,
for the plasma flame truly represents a completely NVON- TRANSFERRED ARC TORCH VON- TRANSPERRED Aft TORCH
new tool to the welding industry. With its applica- EXTERIOR A HYAINGEYENT MNTERNMAL Ate (YYINELAUENT
tions, all materials can now be melted, and even Fig. 2—Comparison of different types of electric arcs. Note
vaporized. in upper-left view of an open arc that the arc expands when
Many applications within the welding field have not constrained. When constrained by gas flow in a nozzle
been studied for possible plasma use. Of particular passage, the same arc current may be compressed into a
importance are metallizing and spraying, general much smaller cross-sectional area. The bottom-right view
provides a long nozzle capable of containing the entire arc
heating applications and, in the future, fusion weld- within its length (see Fig. 3 for further details on this last
ing. A unique cutting torch utilizing the principle design)


Casing nylon Cooling water jacket Plasma forming gas Electrode Fig. 3—A sketch of the
gas-sheath stabilized
PTT LS. plasma-flame torch is
shown in (a). Establish-
Nozzle ing the operating plasma
copper alloy arc of (d) requires the se-
quence shown in (b) and
(c). In (b) an ionized
path between electrodes
Plasma flame is established. in (c) the
main arc (held to low
amperage) is seen to fol-
low the original ionized
Electric arc path. The current in the
main arc may be turned
to the desired operating
Electrode , bi a Electrical connection and value once the stable-arc
adjustment and cooling water inlet Plasma gas inlet cooling water outlet position shown in (d) is
obtained. The time re-
(a) quired for this sequence
of events is well under
one second. Note in the
sketches that the gas
velocity is greatest near-
est the walls, less in the
center of the passage.
Such a velocity distribu-
WINN tion (a sheath) centers
the arc well away from
UW the passage walls until a
point is reached where
the arc has given up most
of its energy to heat the
(b) gas

quency arc starter provides an ionized path between of dissociation is placed to excellent use when the
the stick cathode and the nearest point of the hollow plasma is used for heating purposes. In a way, the
anode (see Fig. 3b). When the power supply is great amount of heat released upon cooling of the
energized, the main arc is initially established along plasma (formed from diatomic gases) may be
the ionized path. The momentum of the gas likened to the cooling of steam within the mixed-
stretches this initial arc outward and into the nozzle phase region. Large amounts of heat are released
passage (see Fig. 3d). The long arc and gas path with small temperature drop. In the case of such
provides for maximum heating of the gas. The noble gases as argon, the plasma temperature drops
electrons in the arc lose most of their energy due to rapidly with heat release. For most heating and
heat to the gas. A point is reached where the anode fusing operations, diatomic (and more complex) gases
heating is reduced to a level where available ma- are superior to the noble gases.
terials can withstand the electron bombardment. A At the extreme temperatures, any definition of
balance between gas momentum and amperage is temperature is bound to have serious limitations to
maintained at a value which will allow completion of the engineer who is acquainted with heat transfer
the electric circuit within the nozzle passage itself. from normally heated gases. Heat from a gas is
The plasma flame extends beyond the nozzle and is transferred due to the kinetic action of the molecules
electrically neutral. striking the work surface. At extreme temperatures,
Figure 4 is a graph showing the specific enthalpy additional energy, when added to the gas, is parti-
as a function of temperature. Typical monatomic tioned between the different degrees of freedom
and diatomic gases are described. The monatomic of the molecules. The vibrational and rotational
gas (argon, helium, etc.) is typified by a nearly linear modes, as well as the translatory, are excited.
increase of the heat content with temperature rise to Based on recent tests on heat transfer from plasmas,
the point where ionization occurs. The diatomic it is now believed that, at a certain range, the rate of
gas, on the other hand, must be dissociated prior to heat transfer increase with increase of temperature
being ionized. The steep rise in the curve for the suffers drastically. A plateau in the curve may
diatomic gas means that large quantities of heat are actually result. This means that the additional
absorbed per unit temperature rise. It should be energy contained in the gas is not directly available
noted from Fig. 5 that nitrogen at 10,000° F con- for heat transfer. Rather, it is radiated by the
tains as much heat as argon at 25,000° F. This heat vibrational mode and is, perhaps, stored by the rota-

872| SEPTEMBER 1959

tional. As the gas cools, the energy stored in the
Table 1—Electrical Power-to-Gas Heating Efficiency
rotational mode is transformed into its translational
form and thence transferred to the work. In short, Electric
gases at extreme temperature may transfer heat at a power
Power to gas
rate equivalent to a much lower temperature. Of to Plasma Plasma Arc heating
course, such a gas cools less rapidly and is capable of torch, tempera- enthalpy, voltage, _ effi-
sustaining maximum heat-transfer rates for longer Gas kw ture, ° F Btu/Ib Vv ciency, %
periods of time than a gas at lower “‘theoretical’’ N, 60 13,200 17,900 65 60
temperature. H, 62 9,200 138,000 120 80
He 50 36 ,000 92,000 47 48
The basic difference between a plasma-torch arc A 48 26 ,000 8,400 40 40
and the conventional electric arc is that the former
is capable of producing maximum gas heating, hold- Table 2—Comparison of Maximum Heat-Transfer Rates
ing heat losses to the anode to a minimum. Effi-
ciencies of electrical energy to gas heating approach Maximum
90%, as shown in Table 1. transfer
The open arc is not a good gas heater and, thus, can Maximum rate, Btu/
transform most of its electrical energy into anode Type of flame temperature,° F _ in.*/sec
heating. Due to this basic concept, it is doubtful Air-propane Bunsen flame 3,300 1
that the plasma flame will supplant the open arc as Air-propane rocket flame 3, 300 5
Oxy-propane Bunsen flame 5,300 5
the major heat source for fusion welding. In the Oxy-propane rocket flame 5,300 12
latter form of welding, it is desirable to transfer heat Plasma flame (nontransferred
to the work as effectively as possible. The non- arc) 30 ,000 42
transferred-plasma-arc torch should be considered Plasma flame (transferred
arc) 60,000 150 (est)

as an advanced form of a “flame.” Heat-transfer

rates for the oxyacetylene flame approach 10 Btu
4SEG/ON in.?/sec; for the plasma flame, these rates approach
K 60 Btu /in.? /sec.
The transferred-arc torch is capable of heat-trans-
8 fer rates as great as 200 Btu/in.*/sec. However,
é these rates are achieved by coupling high jet tem-
K perature with high jet velocity. For hydrogen
plasma expanded through a critical pressure drop,
. the jet velocity is nearly 30,000 fps. The high
momentum of such a jet obviates its use for fusion
welding, since the liquid pool is literally hurled away
CAS TEMPERATE from the surface. In order to accomplish satisfac-
Fig. 4—Heat content as a function of temperature. The first tory welds, the transferred-arc jet velocity must be
steep rise for the diatomic gas is due to dissociation— greatly reduced below sonic velocity. In the limit,
the second rise is due to ionization. There is no dissocia- it approaches the open arc at its lowest kinetic levels.
tion of a monatomic molecule On the other hand, good use can be made of the
transferred arc for fusion welding where heat-trans-
fer rates reasonably greater than those obtainable by
open arc means are desired. In addition, the trans-
ferred arc has excellent directional! stability, moving
exactly asthe torch ismoved. Local arc fluctuations
common with open-arc use are virtually eliminated.
Table 2 compares the peak temperatures and heat-
transfer rates of various heat sources. The air and
oxygen (welding torch) Bunsen flames are well
known. The higher-velocity internal-burner flames
are similar to “‘rocket’’ jets and have been used in
the past for such typical applications as metallizing,
flame hardening and mineral drilling.
Upon examining Table 2, it is evident that the
plasma flame is capable of heat-transfer rates an
0 Ow 6,000 order of magnitude greater than those of oxy-fuel
Gas TEA PLAAT ME flames. This fact, when coupled with the low-
Fig. 5—Enthalpy—temperature curves for various gases operating costs of the plasma system, should give

| 873
wre ij wer tame ee~wv7

Fig. 7—Photomicrograph of tantalum-carbide coating on

Fig. 6—Photomicrograph of spheroidized boron-carbide tantalum. Spraying followed by annealing at 3950° F for
particles averaging 40, diameter five minutes ina vacuum. X 100

: ’eg . ne A aS 23. ,
tu o. a

this new tool a great future importance—particu- plasma flame. The table is based on equivalent heat
larly in the welding field. outputs. The fact that the plasma-flame tempera-
Table 3 gives a cost comparison of a typical oxy- ture is about double that of the chemically produced
acetylene flame and its equivalent plasma flame. flame makes each Btu of heat energy more available
The latter heat source is seen to operate at about for heat transfer. Comparison tests between these
half the total cost. The high equipment cost of the two heat sources at equivalent heat-output rates (a
plasma devices must be amortized. This makes the maximum rate for the oxyacetylene flame), show that
above comparison less favorable. However, in an initially cool solid material is brought to the fusion
those industrial applications where the heat source is point by the nontransferred-arc plasma flame in less
operated on a nearly continuous basis, substantial than one-sixth the time required by the oxyacetylene
savings are possible. flame.
A second factor not shown in Table 3 favors the Applications
Where the nontransferred-arc plasma flame is
properly compared with the oxy-fuel flame, the
transferred-arc torch should be compared with the
Table 3—Comparison of Hourly Operating Cost, Oxyacetyl-
ene Flame and Thermal-Dynamics Plasma Jet open arc. Cutting of metals using the open arc has
never been very satisfactory, even when coupled
Assumed oxygen flow, cfh 625 with a flow of oxygen. The high jet momentum of
Acetylene for stoichiometric combustion, cfh 250
Heat generated by combustion (LHV, 1453 Btu/ft*), the transferred-arc torch operating at critical, or
Btu/hr 361,000 higher, pressure ratio results in an entirely new con-
Equivalent electrical power in plasma-jet flame, kw 106 cept of arc-cutting action. Such a device has been
Power to torch at 65% efficiency, kw 163 commercially available for several years. Any elec-
N, gas flow to torch, cfh 300 trically conducting material is easily severed, with
Temperature of oxyacetylene tiame, ° F 5,600
Temperature of plasma jet, ° F 11,000 cut face conditions comparable to oxygen cuts in
Operating cost with plasma jet mild steel. A major limitation of this device is its
Power at 2¢/kw, 0.02 « 163 $ 3.26 present inability to cut very thick sections. It is to
N, cost at 1.5¢/ft® 4.50 be anticipated that this limitation will be gradually
Total operating cost $ 7.76 eliminated, and that plasma-arc cutting will, in the
Operating cost with oxyacetylene burner future, share a large portion of the industrial-
Oxygen at 1.5¢/ft® $ 9.38 cutting market.
Acetylene at 2.0¢/ft* 5.00
The transferred-arc cutting unit quite satisfac-
Total operating cost $14.38
torily cuts up to 1-in. thicknesses of steel, as well as

874 | SEPTEMBER 1959

Fig. 8—The complete plasma-flame system is shown. The operator is holding the torch. To the right is the
console which features automatic control of the entire sequence of operation, and to the left a motor-generator d-c power
supply. (Arectifier power supply is also excellent for this use.) In front of the operator is a booth which exhausts
the fumes created by spraying operations

other metals. Cutting speeds (at 100 kw electrical materials successfully fused and sprayed by plasma
input to the torch and 259 cu ft of nitrogen per hour) means. In two cases, the material was not de-
of 70 ipm in */,-in. steel are achieved. Comparing posited as a coating on a surface; rather, it was
this to 15 ipm for oxygen cutting of the same ma- spheroidized, as shown in Fig. 6, for boron carbide.
terial, using 120 cu ft of oxygen and 14 cu ft of acetyl- Figure 7 is a photomicrograph of a tantalum-carbide
ene per hour, leads to gas costs of $3.75 for the plasma coating on a tantalum base.
torch and $2.15 for the oxyacetylene flame. On a The complete plasma-flame system is shown in
cost per lineal foot cut, the plasma expense is nearly Fig. 8.
a third that of oxygen cutting. The high-cutting
speeds associated with plasma use are even more
favorably weighted when labor costs are included. Table 4—Melting Point of High-Temperature Materials
A secondary benefit results from the fact that the Fused and Sprayed by Plasma Means
preheat time is essentially nonexistent.
Cc °C
Where plasma cutting can compete with oxygen Tungsten 3350 Uranium oxide* 2540
cutting only for relatively thin sections, no such Molybdenum 2650 Aluminum oxide 2030
limitation is imposed on the uses of plasma for Chromium 1900 Beryllium oxide 2500
metallizing. Plasma is competitive with the more Stainless (1500) Zirconium boride 2900
conventional chemical flame over the entire range of Aluminum 660 Tantalum carbide 4150
Beryllium 1280 Zirconium carbide 3550
metallizing and spraying. Many plasma units are Zinc 419 Niobium carbide 3500
being used today by leading domestic research and Zirconium oxide 2950 Titanium carbide 3100
development organizations. Numerous interesting Thorium oxide 2800 Tungsten carbide 2850
results have been obtained. For example, tungsten, Beryllium oxide 2500 Boron carbide” 2350
tungsten carbide (both pure and with cobalt binder), Magnesium oxide 2500 Calcium zirconate 2800
and other highly refractory materials have been * Spheroidized
sprayed. And the resulting coatings have been
highly superior. In addition to spraying materials
which cannot be sprayed with conventional flames, It is anticipated that plasma techniques will com-
the normally sprayed materials such as alumina and mand more and more attention within the welding
other refractory oxides, stellite and the like, are more field as time goes on. The author is confident that,
successfully sprayed by the plasma flame than by as a heat source, plasma will replace the oxy-fuel
prior techniques. ‘The as-sprayed densities may be flame for many conventional applications. In
made greater, and high deposit speeds and efficien- addition, it will lead to many new and valuable
cies are evident. Table 4 lists some of the many processes within the welding field.


Fig. 1—Pipe-welding machine in operation

A Portable Pipe-Welding Machine

has been developed which, according to the author, is a simple, inexpensive

and lightweight tool for welding aluminum pipe lines


Introduction unavailability of suitable joining methods. Conse-

Over the past century or more, pipe-line transporta- quently, much effort has been expended in the inves-
tion has developed into a major factor in our econ- tigation of improved joining methods for the pipe-
omy. A vast network of pipe lines covers almost line industry.
all sections of this continent and carries a great Widespread use of aluminum pipe was not possible
diversity of materials. Expansion of pipe-line until a satisfactory welding method had been de-
applications has been governed to a large degree by veloped. Gas welding, which was once used for
the availability of suitable pipe materials and of the steel, and shielded metal-arc welding, which has been
techniques for constructing pipe lines of these ma- so successfully applied to steel pipe laying, could not
terials at reasonable cost. Application of new pipe produce high-quality joints; both methods are ex-
materials has been delayed in many cases by the tremely costly and require considerable operator
skill. Only after the introduction of the inert-gas-
H. L. SAUNDERS is Welding Engineer, Aluminium Laboratories Ltd., shielded arc-welding processes just over ten years ago
Kingston, Ont., Canada
Paper to be presented at the AWS National Fall Meeting to be held in was it possible to consider aluminum as a bona fide
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28 to Oct. 1, 1959 pipe material.

876 |SEPTEMBER 1959

Gas-shielded metal-arc manual welding has been The machine described in this paper is the result of
tried and discarded as impractical, but shop and field that program.
experience has proved the effectiveness of gas-
shielded tungsten-arc welding for aluminum pipe. Design Assumptions
Tungsten-arc welding costs for aluminum pipe are
Before beginning the design of the machine de-
comparable to those for steel pipe. In most alloys,
scribed in this paper, a careful analysis was made of
joints are as strong and ductile as the pipe. How-
the other machines and their operation. The follow-
ever, the process has certain limitations which de-
ing were considered to be the fundamental factors
tract from its usefulness: (1) a pipe with a wall
which would decide the scope and nature of the final
thickness greater than 0.125 in. requires a rather
wide U-groove edge preparation; (2) the process re-
1. The machine need not be capable of aligning
quires special welding equipment which is costly and
the pipe joints. Although later it may be possible
not useful for other pipe materials; and (3) it
to combine the welding machine with an alignment
takes one to two weeks of intensive training to
device, the present program should separate welding
acquire the necessary technique, even for an apt
from all other functions.
welder. Further, not every apprentice has the
2. The gas-shielded metal-arc welding process
muscular coordination to master the technique, and
must be employed because it alone is capable of
those who do are not likely to be able to obtain
welding the widest possible range of pipe sizes and
enough aluminum-pipe welding to maintain their
skill. The training time is an important cost item
3. The machine must be simple to operate, and
to the contractor who must provide the equipment,
operators of average skill must be able to make high-
the man and sufficient pipe, properly cut and edge
quality welds after a very short period of instruction.
prepared, for practice welding. Added to this is the
4. The machine must be capable of welding a
possibility that, once trained, the welder may choose
joint in one continuous operation, i.e., by the torch
to offer his skill to the highest bidder.
rotating continuously around the pipe a sufficient
Against this background, it has been obvious to
welding-equipment manufacturers, aluminum sup- number of times to complete the weld.
5. The machine must be simple in design, without
pliers and pipe-line builders that a machine for weld-
electronic circuits, and, as far as possible, should be
ing aluminum-pipe joints had to be developed.' It
constructed of components standard to the welding
has been generally assumed that it should consist
equipment industry. It must be rugged enough for
fundamentally of a combination of a gas-shielded
field use and constructed so that an average mechanic
metal-arc welding machine and a mechanism for
or electrician can maintain it.
rotating it around the pipe. Also considered desir-
6. It must be truly portable, i.e., under 100 lb. so
able was the ability of the machine to align and jig
that it can go anywhere a workman can go.
the joint for welding. A machine embodying the
welding and rotation features mentioned above was 7. It must operate satisfactorily in conjunction
with conventional d-c power sources, particularly
described by Resen in 1954.° Since then, other
similar machines have been made and many miles of engine-driven generators which are commonly avail-
able throughout the pipe-line industry.
aluminum pipe have been welded by machine on this
8. It must be relatively inexpensive so that even
continent and in Venezuela. Although the accept-
ance of these machines by the pipe-line industry has the smallest contracting firm can purchase it and, on
large jobs, more than one machine can be used for
not been overly enthusiastic because of their cost and
complexity, the tendency in later developments has additional flexibility or for standby purposes.
been toward larger, more-complex machines, at In addition to the above essentials, a number of
higher initial costs. The earliest machine was re- desirable features were listed:
ported to weigh 200 lb, the most recent over 1000 Ib. a) The torch should be radial and normal to the
Purchase prices have risen from several thousand axis of the pipe at all times (no need for adjusting the
dollars to around $40,000. The control systems have torch angle).
become so elaborate that the maintenance man (b) The rotation mechanism should be reversible
must be a specialist. As a consequence of these so that welding can progress in either direction.
facts, the possible advantages of machine welding c) The torch and other components should be air-
have been applicable only to the largest pipe-laying cooled.
jobs if, indeed, then. (d) The machine should have the shortest possible
Approximately one year ago, the Aluminum Com- swing to prevent having to raise the pipe more than
pany of Canada, Ltd.* which had previously given required for manual welding.
much thought to the purchase of a pipe-welding e) The machine should require only the simplest
machine, decided instead to institute a program to possible edye preparation, and any given welding
determine specifications for an aluminum-pipe- procedure should cover the widest possible range of
welding machine to meet more closely its needs. pipe sizes and alloys.
f) The machine should eliminate weld craters.
(g) The torch should be demountable for occasional
* A member of the Aluminium Limited Group of Companies manual welding or maintenance.

| 877
Machine Description The rotating portion of the machine is mounted
General on a C-shaped ring gear which slides in a similarly
The pipe-welding machine described in this paper shaped circular bearing which, in turn, is bolted to
(Fig. 1) is a simple, inexpensive and lightweight tool the front of the machine platform. The openings in
for welding aluminum pipe lines. It has been de- the ring gear and its bearing are slightly greater than
signed to meet all the requirements listed previously the outside diameter of the largest pipe to be welded
as essential and desirable. The machine is available in the machine and, thus, the machine can be lowered
in several sizes, each of which can handle a range of onto or removed from a length of pipe so long as the
pipe sizes; for example, 1'/:- to 4-in. diam pipe; openings coincide. The ring gear is driven around
4- to 8-in. diam pipe; 8- to 12-in. diam pipe and so on the pipe by a governed speed '/>»;-hp 115-v a-c motor
up to 36-in. diam. The machine for '/, to 4-in. through a system of gearing. Two pinions which are
diam pipe weighs about 35 |b. synchronized by a chain and sprockets drive the
The pipe-welding machine consists of a portable ring gear and are located so that one is always in
mechanism which clamps to the pipe and rotates a engagement with it. The motor and gearing have
special gas-shielded metal-arc welding torch around been chosen to provide arc travel speeds from 50 to
the pipe in accurate alignment with the pipe axis and 250 ipm for the pipe sizes within the range of each
the joint plane. It operates in conjunction with machine.
components which include a relay enclosure, a d-c The torch bracket and torch-cable-drum assembly
welding-power source, an argon supply, a secondary (Fig. 2) is constructed of aluminum plate and tubing
welding-circuit contactor and a 115-v 60-cycle a-c with resin-bonded joints; it is as light as possible
control-circuit power supply. The machine with its and provides maximum visibility of the arc. It is
auxiliary equipment on a truck or side-boom tractor open at the bottom to match the ring gear. The
forms a versatile and highly efficient pipe-welding torch bracket has been continued to the full shape of
setup. the ring gear to stiffen the latter. Slots in the
bracket to accommodate studs on the back of the
Rotating Mechanism torch permit instant adjustment for any pipe size in
An aluminum horseshoe-shaped saddle clamps to the range of the machine. Design changes to the
the pipe and forms the supporting base for the entire torch-bracket-and-drum assembly are planned for
machine. Four feet on the saddle are accurately the near future to extend the usefulness of the
machined so that the rotation mechanism will algin machine to include the welding of flanges and other
with the pipe axis. Sets of extension pads for these pipe fittings.
feet are used to adapt the machine to each pipe size.
The saddle is clamped to the pipe by a ‘“‘boomer”’ Welding Torch
chain which has a spring to allow for slight variations The torch is the principal key to the highly suc-
in pipe size and a toggle clasp for quick clamping. cessful operation of the pipe-welding machine. It is
The saddle carries the main platform of the machine unconventional in design, but meticulous attention
(also aluminum) through two horizontal cylindrical has been paid to detail. It represents the best fea-
steel shafts which slide in four bearings mounted on tures of the recently introduced 1-lb gas-shielded
the saddle. This arrangement permits the welding metal-arc welding torches and of the older conven-
mechanism to be moved 1'/,; in. transverse to the tional metal-arc torches combined with some fea-
joint, i.e., parallel to the pipe axis. The motion is tures not utilized previously. The torch operation is
provided by a lead screw which is operated by the so good that its arc is referred to by many welders as
operator through a knob on the front of the machine. the “‘perfect arc.”’ It drives 0.035-in. diam electrode

Fig. 2—Closeup of torch, torch Fig. 3—Pipe-welding-machine torch adapted for manual
bracket and cable drum welding. Note inching knob
wire with no trace of arc instability at any time, and nozzle and nozzle adaptor, both of which are copper,
burnbacks occur only through circumstances outside are electrically insulated from the torch body by a
the control of the torch. Traces taken from record- heat-resistant fiber sleeve.. Nylon inlet and outlet
ing meters confirm the highly effective self-regulation guides are employed and the contact tube is fitted
of the arc when powered by a conventional drooping- tightly to the outlet guide to ensure minimum fric-
characteristic power source. There is no spiraling tion on the electrode wire between the drive rolls and
of the electrode wire as it leaves the torch, and the the arc.
wire surface is not knurled to interfere with positive Care was taken in the placing of the wire spool to
current pickup in the contact tube. The torch has an ensure proper pay-off and feeding into the inlet
extremely simple but very effective mechanical guide. Adequate offset from the centerline of the
inching device. The wire-speed control is not over- torch reduces the straightening effect on the wire and
sensitive and is easily adjusted for the desired arc the set or cast of the wire helps to guarantee positive
length. The torch has adequate air cooling to and consistent current pickup in the contact tube.
handle 200 amp continuously and has superior cool- The wire spool spindle which is 1 in. in diameter
ing for the contact tube. A 2-lb spool of wire per- rotates with and is keyed to the spool. An adjustable
mits 30-35 joints in 4-in. (schedule 40) pipe before drag brake prevents overrunning of the spool and
changing spools. Although heavier than conven- consequent loosening of the wire turns. The spool is
tional torches, the machine-welding torch is well retained on the spindle by a wire clip of simple design
balanced and performs well as a manual torch. so that, if it is broken or lost, it can be easily replaced
Finally, the torch is simple; a pair of side-cutting by a short piece of the electrode wire.
pliers suffice the operator as tools for welding, chang- The rate of consumption of electrode wire when
ing a spool of wire or replacing a contact tube. welding large-diameter heavy-wall pipe necessitated
With a screwdriver and small adjustable wrench a a larger capacity spool for the pipe-welding machine
maintenance man can completely dismantle it. than the 1-lb spool used for similar manual torches.
The torch base is of laminated phenolic material In addition, experience has indicated that the layers
chosen for strength and for electrical insulation of of wire nearest the hub on a 1-lb spool must fre-
the torch components from the welding-machine quently be discarded because they give excessive
bracket. The wire-drive mechanism is housed in an difficulty in driving through the torch. Conse-
aluminum block mounted on the base plate to which quently, a 2-lb spool has been adopted for use on the
the wire-drive motor and the main front body of the pipe-welding machine. It has a 2'/.-in. diam hub
torch are attached. A V-groove drive roll (1'/, in. and 5! .-in. diam flanges, but is no wider (1'/» in.
diam) with an integral shaft is carried between two between flanges) than the 1-lb spool. The bore is 1
sealed antifriction bearings and is splined to the in. diam to accommodate the spindle described
motor shaft. The pressure roll is a sealed antifric- earlier.
tion bearing on a shaft supported at both ends. A The torch cover, of fiberglass-reinforced plastic, is
thumbscrew provides adjustable pressure on the held in position by two spring clips which grip the
wire. The pressure-roll assembly swings open for torch base securely but permit easy access for main-
access when threading the electrode wire through the tenance or when a fresh spool of wire is to be loaded.
torch. An extension of the drive-roll shaft projects A small window with a plexiglass cover permits the
from the torch cover and has a knurled “inching”’ operator to check occasionally on the quantity of elec-
knob at its extremity. Inching the electrode wire trode wire remaining on the spool. Two studs on
by turning the drive roll has been found to be the back of the torch bolt it to the bracket. Wing
superior to the use of the torch motor through an nuts are used on the studs so that no tools are neces-
electrical circuit. Manual inching permits advanc- sary to remove or replace the torch, and the mounting
ing the electrode wire into contact with the joint holes are slotted sufficiently for the torch to be
under complete control so that it can be stopped positioned easily for any pipe size within the capacity
before it buckles. Inching can be either up or down of the machine. When the torch is to be used for
as required. In addition, the mechanical method of manual welding an aluminum handle is attached to it
inching eliminates a rectifier, a variable resistance by the same two studs (Fig. 3) and the trigger button
and a push button. circuit is connected to the torch by a plug and socket.
The torch motor is a 24-v d-c gear-head motor with
a rated output of 15 w. Its output speed has been Electrical Circuits and Components
chosen to drive electrode wire at about 650 ipm when Every opportunity was taken to simplify the elec-
the motor is supplied with d-c power at 20 v. trical circuits and care was taken to avoid unneces-
The main front body of the torch is of chrome- sary relays and any electronic components. The
plated copper and is of simple design. Argon pas- circuit design (Fig. 4) was further influenced by the
sages are relatively large and the flow of argon helps requirements of the manual controls, i.e., that one
to cool the torch. The copper contact tube fits into switch must control not only rotation (in both direc-
an accurately machined bore in the body and is re- tions) but also must initiate the welding arc and
tained by a thumb-type setscrew. Standard contact that an emergency stop button must be provided.
tubes 5'/, in. long are used with this torch. The The control circuits operate on 115-v, 60-cycle a-c


power. The line fuses F-1 and F-2 are of 5-amp rotation. Consequently the arc can only be ex-
rating. The 115-24 v step-down transformer T-1 tinguished during machine welding by opening the
provides a safe voltage for the manual trigger circuits. limit switch SW-4. Opening switch SW-5 prevents
The emergency stop switch SW-6 de-energizes the the interlocking effect of relay IR-1 so that, through
balance of the components when depressed by the relay CR-1, the torch trigger switch has complete
operator. The maintained contact limit switch control of the welding contactor for manual welding.
SW-4 controls all other functions except that of The wire-drive motor is powered by the voltage
machine rotation. Consequently, rotation is pos- across the welding arc and speed control is obtained
sible with or without welding. The limit switch is by a variable resistance R-1 in series with the motor.
normally closed by the operator and opened by a This circuit, in conjunction with the proper motor
lever on the rotation motor-speed control to ex- and other components, results in excellent arc
tinguish the arc automatically at a predetermined length self regulation.
high arc-travel speed (about 200 ipm) which elimi- All electrical components which could be located
nates the crater. apart from the pipe-welding machine are in a relay
In series with switch SW-4 and in parallel with enclosure (Fig. 5) which serves as a control center
each other are a pilot light, an argon-control solenoid for the rotating machine, the torch and the contactor.
valve and the welding contactor coil. When switch A multiconductor cable, 25 ft long, connects the
SW-4 is closed, argon flows, the contactor circuit is enclosure to the operator control panel on the weld-
primed and the pilot light glows to indicate (a) that ing machine. A cable-and-hose assembly, 50 ft long,
argon is flowing and (b) that when switch SW-3 is consisting of a four-conductor control cable, a 2/0
closed in either direction, if the electrode contacts the welding cable and an argon hose supplies all services
pipe, an arc will result. The pilot light serves to to the torch.
warn against unnecessary argon wastage and an unex-
pected arc. The interlocking relay IR-1 prevents Manual Controls
the de-energizing of the welding contactor coil when The operator’s control panel (Fig. 6) is attached
switch SW-3 is opened during reversing direction of to the machine platform which ensures that it re-


Tl - TRANSFORMER (1/5 V -24V)
m 40

PILOT | ke
| PLLigur st
5/7 T/s

Fig. 4—Schematic diagram of pipe-welding-machine control circuits

g80| SEPTEMBER 1959

Fig. 5—Relay enclosure with cover removed. Note Fig. 6—Operator’s control panel. Note close grouping
simplicity and accessibility for maintenance of controls for easy manipulation

tains the same position relative to the rotation speed the joint using the traversing mechanism and, with
control and traversing knobs at all times. The de- his right hand, he inches the electrode wire into con-
sign of this control panel is such that each control is tact with the pipe. With his left hand he resets the
in the most natural position for manipulation by a limit switch SW-4 which initiates argon flow and pre-
gloved hand using the sense of touch only. The pares the arc circuit for action. His right hand is
panel is sloped backward 30 deg from the vertical now free to hold the welding shield while the left
and the controls are tightly clustered to prevent hand makes all other machine-operation movements.
unnecessary reaching, but are positioned at different To initiate the arc, the operator moves the main
levels to prevent accidental disturbance of any welding switch SW-3 to the top position, starting arc
setting. With the palm of his hand on the traversing travel away from himself and down the far side of
knob, the operator is able to operate the combination the pipe. Before the arc leaves his view, he notes
rotation-welding switch or to depress the emergency and corrects for any misalignment of the arc with the
stop button. Only a slight movement of his hand is joint. As the arc comes into view at the bottom of
necessary to reach the wire-speed control without the pipe, he again checks alignment of arc and joint.
removal of the heel of his hand from the emergency Welding continues around the pipe as many times as
stop button. The only major displacement of the required by the procedure being used, and then the
operator’s hand occurs when the joint is completed direction of travel is reversed by moving switch SW-3
and he rotates the rotation speed control until the to the bottom position. Some traversing of the arc
arc is extinguished. The limit switch has been lo- is done for the final two or three passes to cap the
cated near the rotation motor to reduce the length of weld and the arc may be lengthened to a predeter-
the lever which opens the switch, and the reset but- mined setting for these passes. When the required
ton is on the reverse side of the switch where it is number of passes have been made, the operator
easily actuated even with a gloved hand. rapidly rotates the motor-governor control counter-
By experience it has been determined that a hand clockwise until it actuates the limit switch SW-4,
shield is most suitable for the operator’s use to watch extinguishing the arc. He then rapidly returns it to
the arc. He may use it to shield his eyes while the original setting while, at the same time, he drops
glancing occasionally to one side or the other to check his welding shield so that he can visually park the
control settings or winding of the torch cable as- machine. Procedures have been established to use
sembly onto the drum. Consequently, all controls as many rotations in one direction as the other, so
are arranged to be operated by one hand, leaving the that, when the weld has been completed, the torch
other hand free to hold the welding shield while the cable is completely unwound. A brief visual inspec-
arc is in progress. tion indicates whether the joint has been completed
satisfactorily and, then, the boomer chain is un-
Machine Operation clamped and the machine raised from the pipe for
The operator technique for this pipe-welding transportation to the next joint.
machine, although extremely flexible, is nonetheless Although defects seldom occur, undercutting or
easily mastered even by a novice welder. With the incomplete filling of the groove is possible until the
torch “‘parked”’ in the 12 o’clock position, the opera- operator has had some experience. In such an
tor lowers the machine onto the pipe, positioning the instance, before the machine is removed from the
torch roughly in line with the joint, and clamps the pipe, a repair is effected. The torch is positioned at
machine with the rapid-acting boomer chain. With the start of the fault and welding is started and
his left hand, he accurately positions the torch over stopped as before. Both start and crater are almost

| 881
indiscernible (Fig. 7) and the quality of the repair
weld is equal to that of the original.
For manual welding, once switch SW-5 has been
opened and limit switch SW-4 has been reset, welding
can continue using the trigger switch as for any con-
ventional manual-welding torch.
Joint Design
The choice of edge preparation is an important
factor in the successful welding of aluminum pipe.
Our experience in manual welding with both
metal-arc and tungsten-arc processes led us to adopt
a U-groove (Fig. 8) as standard for manual welding.
It permits proper and complete penetration of the
root, while maintaining a relatively narrow groove so
that the total amount of weld deposit is small.
Similarly, the U-groove edge preparation has proved
to be very satisfactory with the pipe-welding machine
although some dimensions had to be changed to take
best advantage of the high currents and high arc-
travel speeds possible with the machine. This edge
preparation has the added advantage that the root
faces are butted together as tightly as possible and
therefore the specification and the determination of
root opening is simple. For machine welding, the
groove is as narrow as possible so that the maximum
number of passes may be deposited one directly
above the other and it is usually only the top two or
three which are positioned to cap the weld. The
bevel on the interior edge of the pipe has been chosen
to allow for any variation of pipe-wall thickness or
pipe roundness, and the selection of dimensions is
made to produce as little bevel as possible, while
ensuring that the nose-thickness dimension will be
held within the specific tolerance. The advantages
of a V-groove edge preparation are appreciated par-
Fig. 7—Weld repair made with pipe-welding machine. ticularly in the field where machining equipment for
Top view shows start of repair and bottom view shows stop. making a U-groove is seldom available. We plan,
Note absence of crater : , . ste ‘
in the near future, to determine the practicability of
using V-groove edge preparation.

Joint Alignment and Backing

Although the pipe-welding machine has been used
both with and without internal alignment and back-
ing, we have standardized for the present time on the
use of both. We expect that external alignment
methods will be developed which are satisfactory for
use with the machine pipe-welding unit but, in
accordance with our stated objective, the present
machine is completely divorced from the operations
of aligning and backing. Weld backing assures a
better and more consistent welding operation, par-
ticularly during the training of an operator. Inter-
nal alignment lends itself to a very efficient pipe-

Fig. 9—Collapsible internal-alignment and backing tool

for pipe welding

Fig. 8—Macrosections of joints unwelded and welded to

show edge preparation and weld. X 5. Tucker's etch.
Reduced by '/; upon reproduction

882 | SEPTEMBER 1959

laying procedure which is described later. The tool and feeds its handle extension through the next
alignment and backing tool (Fig. 9) consists of a length of pipe. They clean and fit the second joint
cylinder formed of eight or more stainless-steel shoes and expand the tool to align it. By the time the
tapered in their length and arranged so that, when machine has completed its weld on the first joint and
they are advanced or retracted relative to each other, has been advanced, the second joint is ready for
the effective diameter of the cylinder is increased or the machine and no time is lost in beginning the next
decreased. This motion is produced by a screw weld. The advantage of this method is obvious
thread and is controlled by a handle at the end of a over the method which requires the machine to align
40-ft long extension. This tool, in 4 and 6 in. diam and support the pipe and also to do the welding.
sizes, has been thoroughly tested and proved satis-
factory on field pipe-line jobs. Collapsible alignment Welding Procedures
tools are not in common use for the smaller pipe Typical welding procedures for use with the pipe-
sizes although they have been used successfully for welding machine are given in Table 1. A 5254 alloy
welding large-diameter steel pipe lines.‘ electrode wire in 0.035 in. diam is used for both pipe
alloys and sizes. On the basis of a large-scale
Pipe-laying Procedure investigation of properties in the tungsten-arc weld-
It is recognized that usually the welding operation ing of pipe in six alloys to determine mechanical
is the bottleneck in pipe-line construction. It fol- properties and corrosion resistance, the 5254 filler
lows that if the contractor is to reduce the cost of alloy was determined to be most generally suitable.
pipe laying by increasing the amount of pipe which The electrode-wire diameter was chosen after a
can be laid in a given time, a faster welding method comprehensive investigation of the full range of
than hitherto available must be employed. The electrode sizes available. Larger wires did not per-
welding operation must reduce both the time to mit sufficient current density at the maximum cur-
make the joint and also joint-to-joint time. The rent capacity of the welding torch. The smaller
latter includes the time to position and align the wires resulted in very small weld passes and compli-
machine and time to remove and transport it to the cated the operator’s technique. The choice of 0.035
next joint. The machine described herein has re- in. diam electrode has made possible the use of weld-
duced, by a significant amount, the time necessary ing current densities of 200,000 amp per sq in. The
to make a pipe weld and, equally important to its significance of this high-current density is more
success, is the fact that it makes possible the align- evident when it is compared with those commonly
ment of the next joint while actual welding is in used for present-day manual welding of aluminum
progress on the previous joint. Because the which are in the order of about 75,000 amp per sq in.
welding machine, unlike a manual welder, is prac- Much of the success of the pipe-welding machine
tically insensitive to bouncing or jarring of the pipe, a must be attributed to the use of high-current densi-
pipe-laying procedure may be used which takes full ties.
advantage of this particular capability of the pipe- Because the pipe-welding machine is used in con-
welding machine. junction with a constant-current power source, and no
For most efficient operation, the pipe-welding programming of welding current is used at any time,
machine is lowered onto the pipe and clamped into the values given in the procedure table represent the
position at the first joint. The operator quickly nominal setting for all passes in a weld. The arc
makes the necessary adjustments and strikes the arc. voltage, on the other hand, may be increased slightly
After the torch has traveled 360°, completing the for the capping passes and this is indicated in the
root pass, the alignment crew removes the internal procedures. Welding current, arc voltage and arc-

Table 1—Typical Machine Pipe-welding Procedures

Arc- Total
———--—Pipe—----— travel arc Argon
Nominal Electrode wire Welding Arc speed, No. of time, flow
Alloy size, in. Wall, in. Alloy Diam, in. current, amp voltage, v ipm passes sec rate, cfh
5154 4 0.188 5254 0.035 170-175 R1, 18-19 90 4 38 30
R2, 20
F3, 20
F4, 20
6351-T4 5254 0.035 R1, 18-19
R2, 20-21
F3, 20-21
F4, 20-21
6351-T4 5254 0.035 R1, 18
R2, 20
R3, 20
F4, 20
F5, 20


travel speed have been chosen so that their combina-
Table 2—Tensile Properties of Manual- and
tion results in satisfactory welds and permits of Machine-welded Pipe*
simple operator technique. The number of passes
and the total arc time for any joint describes very Ultimate
tensile 0.2%
effectively the high-speed operation of this machine. strength, yield, Elonga-
The argon-flow rates given are satisfactory for all Pipe kips/sq kips/sq tion in 2
normal welding conditions. On windy days, how- alloy Welding method in. in. in., %
ever, it may be necessary to increase the rate by as 5154 Unwelded 31.73 13.97 27.4
much as 50%. Quite satisfactory welding has been Manual gas-shielded
tungsten-arc 31.28 13.38 20.7
continued on days when the winds were normally 20 Machine gas-
miles per hour with gusts to 50 miles per hour with- shielded metal-
out resort to special wind screens. arc 30.05 13.89 18.9
6351-T4 Unwelded 44.45 28.87 20.0
Weld Quality Manual gas-shielded
Several hundred machine-welded pipe joints have tungsten-arc 28 .80 17.91 8.2
Machine gas-
been made under shop and field conditions. The shielded metal-
testing of sample joints in representative aluminum arc 31.35 23.14 6.2
pipe alloys and sizes has enabled us to determine weld * Standard '/, in. wide sheet specimens
quality and typical joint strengths. We had ex-
pected, on the basis of our experience with butt a uniform arc length consistently within extremely
joints in aluminum sheet and plate, that the machine narrow limits. Such a torch has been unknown to
pipe welds would very nearly match the quality of the present time; also, it is urgently needed in many
well-made tungsten-arc manual welds. Our expec- other fabrication fields. Moreover, a torch which
tations have been exceeded in that both weld quality, can produce this “‘perfect arc’’ with a conventional
i.e., freedom from excessive porosity and other de- drooping-characteristic power source is even more
fects, and also joint strengths are better than those unusual. It is this adaptability to the equipment
for tungsten-arc welds. owned by every pipe-welding contractor for laying
Radiographs of typical welds indicate satisfactory steel pipe that is expected to make it popular with
penetration and only a small amount of fine scattered those who have been unenthusiastic about alumi-
porosity. Weld samples have withstood success- num pipe welding in the past. The use of extremely
fully both face and root bends around a mandrel of high-current density arcs and high arc-travel speeds
2T radius for 5154 and 5T for 6351-T4. Typical makes it possible at one procedure to deposit quality
tensile strengths for machine welds in these two com- weld metal at any position around a pipe joint.
mon pipe alloys are included in Table 2. These, then, are the fundamentals of the process
The truest measure of the quality of a pipe joint which, we believe, can revolutionize the pipe industry.
has always been the standard pressure test to The machine described in this paper is expected to
destruction. Machine-welded pipe joints in both become a prototype for similar machines to be built
5154 and 6351-T4 alloys burst (Fig. 10) at the in the future. It is light enough to carry, small
same pressures as the unwelded control samples enough to go almost anywhere a man can go and
indicating that the joints are at least as strong as the simple enough that its operation can be learned in
unwelded pipe. half a day right on the job. Unlike manual weld-
ing, the machine can be operated comfortably from a
crouching position with a minimum of physical
Much effort and money has been expended over exertion. It can be maintained by an average
the past few years to adapt and conform the gas- mechanic or an electrician with standard tools and
shielded metal-arc welding process for aluminum to no knowledge of electronics. Low-priced, the ma-
the extremely demanding requirements of machine chine makes pipe welds at a rate which eliminates the
pipe welding. This paper has described a pipe- welding bottleneck, thus permitting the contractor
welding machine designed around an entirely differ- to increase his pipe-laying footage per day. It pro-
ent concept of pipe-laying construction and of the duces quality welds with minimum dependence on the
part played by pipe welding. A revolutionary new skill of the operator or how he is feeling. We believe
concept in gas-shielded metal-arc welding is now pos- that contractor, operator and inspector alike will
sible because a torch is available which will maintain readily accept the advantages of this new method of
pipe welding.
Fig. 10—Machine-welded joints in 4-in. pipe (0.188-in. wall) 1. Reed, P. S., “Status of Efforts to Develop Nonmanual Pipeline
pressure tested to bursting. Alloy pipe 5154 at top burst at Welding Methods,”’ THE WELDING JOURNAL, 35 (9), 877-883 (1956)
2300 Ib/sq in. pressure and X6251-T4 pipe (bottom) at 3100 2. Resen, F. L., “Automatic Welder Makes Aluminum Pipe Prac
Ib/sq in. pressure tical,” Oil and Gas -Jnl., 52, 79-80 (Mar. 15, 1954).
3. Resen, F. L., “Welding Aluminum Pipe Automatically,’ /bid., 53,
110-112 (Aug. 30, 1954).
4. Barkow, A. G., “Pipeline Field Welding and Quality Control
Methods,”’ Paper No. 1673, Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., 84 (Pl 2), 1-34
(June 1958).
Practical Welder

and Designer

Facelifting .

Freighter Converted
Fig. 1—The ‘‘Pine Tree Mariner,’’ an unglamorous freighter, was converted for
Matson Lines by Willamette Iron & Steel Co. of Portland, Ore.

to Luxury Liner



—s —

Fig. 2—This gleaming new liner, the S.S. ‘‘Mariposa,"’ will carry passengers
to exotic ports of call in the South Seas

It is doubtful that many of the passengers sailing to courts, game rooms, air-conditioned cabins and
exotic ports of call in the South Seas on the gleaming lounges have replaced the utilitarian cargo decks,
white S.S. Mariposa this summer will realize that while the tempo of shipboard life has relaxed from the
just a short time ago this luxurious Matson Lines’ bustle of maritime commerce to one of leisure.
cruise ship was an unglamorous freighter—-the Pine This transformation was accomplished by Willam-
Tree Mariner (Figs. 1,2). Swimming pools, tennis ette Iron & Steel Co., Portland, Ore., specialists in
ceaiaie ieidtiadnials 0, ick anidiaash, “iale Shateiaalie Wadia te building, converting and repairing marine vessels of
esiieedl Cine every type. In the conversion of the Mariposa,

| 885
both manual and automatic welding and cutting
equipment and carloads of electrodes were used.
To begin with, the old superstructure was cut off
the hull of the Pine Tree Mariner with oxyacetylene
torches (Figs. 3,4). The oxygen was piped directly
from a plant located across the street from Willamette
in Portland. Willamette’s own generators produced
Fig. 3—The “Pine Tree Mariner” shortly after the old the acetylene from calcium carbide. All work
superstructure was removed and before the , ; : aioe s
major conversion work began aboard the ship was handled by pipe line with jumper
hoses from dock to ship. Flow control stations were
set up aboard with eight outlets on each cabinet.
After the old superstructure was removed, the
fabrication of the decks, bulkheads and stack began.
E-6010 electrodes were used for the vertical and
overhead weldings, and iron powder E-60-7024
electrodes for the downhand welding of stiffeners (Fig.
5). Welding personnel estimated a substantial in-
crease in deposition rate over conventional elec-
trodes through the use of iron powder E-60-7024 elec-
Both the tungsten-arc inert-gas and the gas-shielded
metal-arc welding processes were used on special
work. The huge aluminum stack of the Mariposa
(Figs. 6,7) was welded with manual gas-shielded
metal-arc guns. Five-hundred-ampere CAV arc
welders provided the power. All of the stainless-steel
sinks, counters and drawers for the ship’s galley were
tungsten-arc inert-gas welded in the Willamette sheet
metal shop using 350-amp holders. Both this process
and the gas-shielded metal-arc process were used for
the welding of the aluminum stall showers in the
cabins of the Mariposa.
The work done on the Mariposa and its sister ship,
the Monterey—another Willamette conversion job
is typical of the wide application of welding in the
marine engineering field.
Fig. 4—One stage of the conversion of the ‘‘Pine Tree Mari-
ner’’ to the luxury cruise ship, ‘‘Mariposa,"’ before the new
decks and other structural parts were built

Fig. 5—Welders using iron-powder Fig. 6—The ‘‘Mariposa’’’s new alumi- Fig. 7—Scaffolding covers the
(E60-7024) electrodes begin welding num stack. The stack was welded all-aluminum stack shortly before
the new decks of the ‘‘Mariposa”’ with manual gas-shielded metal-arc installation was completed
welding guns in the yard itself, and
later installed on the ship

886 | SEPTEMBER 1959

Economies Effected in the Semiautomatic Welding of Piling


—_ Z
— - 5 gtsae
Stes - al
<5 ee
ae —
Fig. 1—Full-length tubular steel pile, consisting of several lengths arc welded end to end, being transferred by crane toa
temporary storage pile before being driven in deep water for a new Potomac River Bridge

Bypassing Washington, by car, at least, is not an Fig. 2—Arc welding one joint in a full-length tubular steel pile
easy matter without going a long way around in as it is turned on rotators parallel to a track for a carriage that
supports a semiautomatic welding machine and supplemen-
trips from northeastern states to points south or tary equipment. Short lengths of tube are welded on as
vice versa. However, it will be a lot easier and save needed and virtually eliminate scrap
considerable time (and temper) when a new Beltway
now under construction is completed.
An important link in a new Beltway by-pass
around Washington, D. C., will be the Woodrow
Wilson Memorial Bridge, now under construction,
which will span the Potomac River from the Mary-
land to Virginia shores at Alexandria, Va.
The Arundel Corp. of Baltimore, Md., was
awarded the contract for the pier foundations in the
deep section of the Potomac River. These piers
will rest on tubular steel piles up to 100 ft in length.
With over 50,000 ft of 18-in. diam tubing to fabricate
into the various-length sections, Arundel adopted a
program whereby standard seamless tubing in */;-
and '/.-in. wall thickness and with a _ prepared
30-deg beveled edge would be shipped directly from
the mill in random lengths to the job site.
Here they would be unloaded and ready for welding
into the various lengths required.
To do the welding expeditiously, a semiauto-
matic welding machine was selected for this
work. It was felt that the semiautomatic unit
could do the job economically and, because of
its versatility, be of considerable value on other
types of work in Arundel’s Baltimore shop when this
particular job was completed.
A set of power-driven rolls were installed on a
J. F. GULLEY is welding engineer, Lincoln Electric Co., Baltimore,
level foundation in a row parallel to a 110-ft track.
The semiautomatic welding machine and a small
air compressor, used to force-feed the welding flux,
were mounted on a wheeled carriage which would
ride the full length of the track. An electric-driven
motor-generator power source was stationed at the
south end of the track, and a flexible welding lead
extended the full length of the track from the gener-
ator to the mounted welding-machine control unit.
In operation, three of the double-random lengths of
tubing are set up by crane on the rollers. Here a
backing ring rolled from '/s- by 1'/;-in. steel strip is
see inserted and tack welded to back up each of the two
— . - circumferential butt welds to be made. The backing
ring also assists in the proper alignment of the tubing.
Fig. 3—Closer view of the welding setup with the control unit, Once the tacking and positioning is completed,
generator, boom for holding the welding head (shown mak- the down end of the pile is closed by butt welding,
ing a weld) and a small air compressor on the carriage at left. with the mechanized semiautomatic unit, a flat
Rollers support the pile and rotate it as the weld, covered by circular steel cap */, in. thick. After completing
flux, is produced this joint, the operator moves his mounted carriage
on the track and completes the remaining two
circumferential butt welds.
A */y-in. mild-steel electrode wire is automatically
fed through the gun from a 60-lb roll and a neutral
flux is used for all the welding. The gun remains
stationary and the tubing is rotated at a surface
speed of 23 ipm; hence it requires about two and
one-half minutes per pass for the 18-in. diam tubing.
Two passes are made for each joint at 500 amp
d-c (electrode positive) and 32 v. This method
compensates for the problem of good fit up with
38- to 44-ft sections and assures full-plate-strength
welds of the highest quality. This is a necessity
since the piles are driven under a 10-ton hammer
and the welds receive impacts of 26,000 ft-lb in each
One of the unexpected economies effected with
the use of the mechanized welding machine on this
job was the splicing of as many as eight small sec-
tions of tubing into a length of pile suitable for
driving. The cost of hand welding so many small
sections would have been prohibitive. Thus, Arun-
Fig. 4—Closeup showing the arc weld deposited at high del was abie to practically eliminate costly scrap
speed by mechanized semiautomatic welding machine in
two passes that fill the Vee groove produced by bevels where losses which normally would have been unavoidable
the two ends of the tubes meet due to the varying length requirements of the piling.

Powder Gives Cutting Flames a Flying Start

A unique and highly effective oxygen-cutting are sliced into lengths ranging from 4 to 12 ft.
machine has enabled Pittsburgh Steel Co., Allenport, Materials cut vary from mild steel, through tough
Pa., to boost output and slash production costs. high-carbon, to 4 to 6% chrome alloy. Cuts are
Key to the efficiency of this machine is the addition made fast, clean and sharp and require no finishing.
of special iron powder to the oxygen-cutting flame After billets are ‘‘tailor’”’ cut they are fed into seam-
which gets cuts off to a flying start. less-tube hot mills to be made into tubing which
Operation of this unusual machine is entirely varies from 2*/,; to 8'/,; in. OD.
automatic and more than 1000 billets are cut every Powder cutting replaces the use of shears for this
8-hr shift (Fig. 1). Billets 3'/, to 7'/, in. in diameter work. In addition to increasing the over-all
speed of the operation, powder cutting also prevents
Based on a story by the Linde Co., New York, N. Y¥ elliptical shaped ends which are a problem with

gas | SEPTEMBER 1959

shearing. Shearing also has a tendency—especially
in harder steels—to produce cracks that show up
as open seams in finished tubing. This problem is
also eliminated with powder cutting.
Two cutting torches with powder-cutting attach-
ments are mounted on a machine carriage that
automatically controls the cutting speed. Cams
ride on the surface of the billets and raise and lower
the torches to follow the round surface. Iron
powder is fed into the cutting-oxygen stream from a
pneumatic powder dispenser (Fig. 2). The addition
of powder produces the intense reaction that gets
the cuts on the round surfaces off to a flying start.
Use of powder also allows the operator to quickly
pick up the cut if for any reason the machine should
be stopped at any point in its cycle.
An operator easily and accurately controls the
machine from a booth containing all necessary
controls. Push-button control makes it possible
to raise or lower automatically the track for different
size billets, position the torches at any place in the
cycle and restart the cut if lost. Billets are delivered
by a crane to the cutoff dock where an operator rolls
them onto the loading table and sets the stop for the
required length. Sections are rolled from the cutting
machine onto the platform where a ship car picks
them up and transfers them to bins. The crane Fig. 1—Closeup shows two torches cutting quickly and
delivers them to the preheat furnaces and then to the cleanly through several billets. More than 1000
hot tube mills. billets are cut in an eight-hour shift

Fig. 2—Over-all view of the automatic billet cutting setup shows the loading dock, feed rolls, cutting table and the control
booth on the right. lron powder is fed into the flames from the injector on the platform to the upper left of the machine
Automotive Applications of Welding Are Featured

at National Fall Meeting in Detroit

Technical Papers, Keynote Address, Banquet, Plant Tours and Ladies’ Program Are Planned

AWS members will convene in Scott, manager of the Ford Division Sponsored by the Detroit section,
Detroit this month for the National Product Planning office, who will the banquet will feature a full
Fall Meeting to be held from Sep- discuss “Compact Cars—Their Fu- course dinner, door prizes, enter-
tember 28th through October Ist. ture.”” Mr. Scott is head of the di- tainment and dancing, and presenta-
The Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel will be vision of Ford which is studying the tion of the George N. Sieger Memor-
the headquarters for the meeting, at potential introduction of the small ial Award. Art Briese, well known
which some 48 technical papers will car to the American market. humorist, will deliver an after-dinner
be presented. In addition to the On Monday afternoon, the first talk on “Skulduggery at the Old
technical aspects, a full compliment of the week’s technical sessions will Crossroads.”’
of other activities has been planned, be held. Sessions on 16 general Tours to the Rouge Plant of the
including a banquet, plant tours topics pertaining to welding will be Ford Motor Co. at Dearborn, Mich..,
and a very complete ladies’ pro- given during the four-day meeting. and to the Canadian Bridge Works
gram. Especially appropriate for the Motor of Dominion Steel and Coal Corp.
Starting off the meeting at 10:00 City locale are two sessions devoted
A.M. on Monday morning, Septem- to Automotive Welding. Other
ber 28th will be the welcome address topics include Resistance Welding, MEETING HEADQUARTERS
by President C. I. MacGuffie. Toughness in Steel Weldments,
Following the welcome, the principal Brazing, Miscellaneous Alloys, Non-
address will be presented by Will destructive Testing, Inert-gas Weld-
ing, Welded Structures, Weldability
of Steels, Process Development,
PRINCIPAL SPEAKER Aluminum, Titanium, Tantalum
and Beryllium, Weldments.
Among the various conferences
and committee meetings also sched-
uled are an all-day section officers
meeting and an educational commit-
tee meeting.
The Educational Activities Com-
mittee has scheduled a_ special
symposium-type conference for
Wednesday, September 29th. It
will be held in the morning, followed
by a luncheon, with provision for
continuing the discussion in the
afternoon, if found desirable.
Highlighting the social activities
of the meeting will be the banquet on
Will Scott, Ford Motor Co., will give Tuesday night in the grand ball- The Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel is the Fall
principal address in Detroit room of the Sheraton-Cadillac. Meeting headquarters

890 | SEPTEMBER 1959

in Windsor, Ontario, will take place busy while in Detroit. Sightseeing
on Wednesday and Thursday morn- tours, luncheons and a fashion show Sh, L
ings, respectively. The Society are all planned as part of the Ladies’ Y
has arranged for bus transportation Program.
to and from both plants. A complete calendar of all events - - - George Pezold, for your fine
The ladies will also be kept quite appears in this issue. behind-the-scenes assistance
during the Summer months.
Our best wishes go with you on
your return to college for post-
} graduate studies.
New England Welding Conference to Be Held |
October 21st and 22nd | ;
é' | Welding Show Attendance
Current developments in welding—from nuclear power and guided Analysis Available
missile applications to heavy structural fabrication and operator qual-
ification—will be the theme of the Fourth Annual New England Weld- The AMERICAN WELDING
ing Conference to be held in Hartford, Conn. on October 21 and 22, SOCIETY announces the avail-
1959. | ability of the Attendance
The conference is sponsored by the eight sections that comprise Analysis of the 1959 Welding
District No. 1 of the AMERICAN WELDING Society. The Hartford Show, held in Chicago, II.
Section is the host section. The analysis is the result of
A one-day technical session at the Rockledge Country Club will be an independent survey. It
held on October 21st. Concurrently, a two-day welding show will be gives a regional breakdown
held in the West Hartford Armory on October 21st and 22nd. Papers and an occupational break-
scheduled to be presented at the technical session are as follows: down of the registered attend-
*“Electro-slag Welding for Heavy Fabrication.’”” R.D. Thomas, Jr., ance.
yeas i The'T figures
ay } arei ve very re-
Arcos Corp. and ist vice president, AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY vealing. They indicate the
‘‘Welding of Chrome-moly piping.”” Jay Bland, General Electric percentage of attendance
KAPL drawn from the areas sur-
**‘Designing for Welding.’”’” LaMotte Grover, Air Reduction Co. rounding Chicago and the
“‘Welding by Electron Beams.’’ Herbert Kalish, Olin Matheson Co. percentage from more remote
“Economics in Designing and Manufacturing of Welded Fabrica- — :
tion.” John Mikulak, Worthington Corp. The ’ occupational —_break-
“Plasma Technology in the Welding Industry.’”” James A. Browning, down lists percentages from
Thermal Dynamics Corp executive management, engi-
E neers, general welding, pro-
The conference will open with registration at 8:30 A.M. at the duction, purchasing, instruc-
Rockledge Country Club. The first paper will be presented at 9:00 tors and technicians and
A.M. government. This breakdown
Following luncheon in the country club, an afternoon technical ses- is particularly interesting to
sion will be held until 5:00 P.M. A cocktail hour will precede a ban- manufacturers who wish to
quet which will be held in the main dining room of the country club at evaluate potential sales by the
7:00 P.M. AMERICAN WELDING Society President C. I. MacGuffie quality of attendees. Practi-
and Secretary F. L. Plummer will be guests of honor. The after-din- cally 90% of those attending
ner speaker will be a submarine officer from the first atomic powered the Chicago Show had the
submarine, Nautilus. He will speak on the world’s first undersea trip authority to recommend, spec-
under the polar icecap. ify or place orders. This un-
In addition to the technical session, the largest welding show ever usually high percentage ac-
held in New England will convene in the West Hartford Armory. Al- counts for the fact that 70%
most one-half acre of the latest and most up-to-date welding and of exhibitors have exhibited at
allied equipment will be on display and in operation. A partial list of the AWS Welding Show for
exhibitors include: Arcos, Aronson, Tec Torch, Picker, Aro-Spot, the last three years, and 58%
Balteau, Weldma, Alloy Rods, McKay, Cecil Peck, Brennen, Bucci & have never missed a show.
Weber, Miller, Arcair, Pandjiris, Stahl, Tempil, A. O. Smith, Induc- The 4list Annual AWS
tion Heating, Bernard, Linde, Cosa, Budd, P & H, All-State, Airco, Meeting and Welding Show
American Chain, Presto, Sperry, Messer, Westinghouse, Metco, Nel- will be held in Los Angeles,
son, Austin Hastings, Whitehead, Harris, M & T, and the AMERICAN | April 25-29, 1960. The Bilt-
WELDING Society. Also many users of welding equipment, including more Hotel has been desig-
nuclear and missile fabricators, will display welded products. nated the headquarters hotel
The welding show will be opened by a chain-cutting ceremony at and the Welding Show will be
10:00 A.M. on October 21st. The Honorable Abraham Ribicoff, held at the Great Western
Governor of Connecticut, is expected to oxygen cut the chain. The Exhibit Center.
technical session will be for one day, but because of the interest al- Copies of the Attendance
ready shown in the welding show, it will be held on October 22nd also. Analysis may be obtained
This two-day show will be from 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. and at- without charge from The
tendance of several thousand is expected. AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY,
33 W. 39th St., New York
18, N. Y.








Sunday, Sept. 27 ¢ 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Monday, Sept. 28 ¢ 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Wed., Sept. 30 ¢ 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Thursday, Oct. 1 ¢ 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.


10:00 A.M.—Official Opening Session

C. |. MacGuffie, President, AWS
Will Scott, Ford Motor Co.

Papers “A” Start at 2:00 P.M.

apers “C’’ Start at 3: :

1. Resistance Welding 2. Toughness in Steel Weldments

Chairman Chairman
H. V. Beronius, Swift Ohio Corp. T. N. Armstrong, The International Nickel
Co., Inc.
G. J. Prowse, Link Welder Corp. Co-cheames
Z. J. Fabrykowski, Ordnance Arsenal
A. Butt Welding Steel Sheet by the Foil A. Correlation of Toughness Between H-
Seam Process Plate and Charpy Impact Tests
by L. W. Mecklenborg, Precision by W. P. Hatch, Jr., Watertown Arsenal
Welder & Flexopress Corp. Laboratories
. Ring-Projection Welding of Low-Car- . Factors Which Affect Low-Alloy Weld-
bon Steel Munitions Metal Notch Toughness
by Michael J. Welther, Sciaky Bros., by S. S. Sagan and H. C. Campbell,
Inc., and Salvatore M. Robelotto, North Arcos Corp.
American Aviation . Effect of Microstructure on Notch
. A New System for Automatic Feedback Toughness—Part IV
Control of Resistance Spot Welding by E. H. Kottcamp, Jr., and R. D. Stout,
by G. R. Archer, The Budd Co. Lehigh University

992| SEPTEMBER 1959

Papers “A” Start at 9:30 A.M.
Papers “C” Start at 11:10 A.M.

3. Automotive Welding 4. Toughness in Steel Weldments 5. Brazing

(Sponsored by the AWS Automotive Weld- FOUNDER ROOM ENGLISH ROOM

ing Committee) Chairman Chairman
CRYSTAL BALLROOM K. H. Koopman, Welding Research Council W. A. Black, Republic Steel Corp.

Chairman Co-Chairman Co-Chairman

J. F. Randall, Ford Motor Co. W. J. Pfander, Ford Motor Co. M. D. Bellware, The International Nickel
Co., Inc.
Co-Chairman A. Spontaneously Induced Brittle Frac-
C. E. Pflug, American Motors Corp. tures in Welded-Steel Disks A. Volatilization Phenomena in High-
A. Design for Welding by A. Vinckier, Westinghouse Research Temperature Brazing Filler Alloys
by T. W. Shearer, Jr., Fisher Body Laboratories by William M. Lehrer and Harry
Division, GMC . Notched Longitudinal-Bend Specimens Schwartzbart, Armour Research
. Fabrication of Light-Weight Truck for Evaluating Armor Weldments Foundation of Illinois Institute of
Frames by S. M. Silverstein, P. J. Rieppel, Bat- Technology
by N. E. Wheeler, Truck & Coach telle Memorial Institute, and R. P. . Metallurgy of Bonding in Brazed Joints
Division, GMC Sopher, Electric Boat Division Part I!1—The Role of Intermetallic
. Arc Welding Processes and Equipment . A Comparison of the Charpy V-Notch Compounds in Brazed Joints
for Automation and Drop-Weight Tests for Structural by Nikoljas Bredzs and Harry
by F. E. Adamson, Westinghouse Elec- Steels Schwartzbart, Armour Research
tric Corp. by J. H. Gross, United States Steel Foundation of Illinois Institute of
Corp. Technology
. Development of New Nickel-Base
Brazing Alloys Having Ductility
by Roger A. Long, Narmco Industries,

Papers ‘‘A”’ Start at 2 00 P.M.

Papers “C’’ Start at 3 40 P.M.

6. Automotive Welding 7. Miscellaneous Alloys

(Sponsored by the AWS Automotive FOUNDER ROOM

Welding Committee) Chairman
CRYSTAL BALLROOM G. R. Pease, The International Nickel Co.,
J. E. Fitzwater, International Harvester Co. Co-Chairman
J. R. Larimer, Linde Company
H. R. Sparks, Chrysler Corporation A. Characteristics of Arc Welds in Nickel-
A. Unitized Body Construction Base Alloys
by Karl M. Sims, American Motors by Julius Heuschkel, Westinghouse
Corp. Research Laboratories
. Automated Welding Procedures for . Ultrasonic Welding of Dissimilar Metal
Sheet-Metal Stampings Combinations
by H. A. Franke and E. R. Hubbard, by W. C. Potthoff, J. G. Thomas and F.
Ford Motor Company R. Meyer, Aeroprojects, Incorporated
. Monitoring the Time Relation in Auto- . Health Hazards and Practical Weld-
mated Welding Machines ability of the Rare Metals
by Robert Kimble, Sheffield Corpora- by John Huminik, Jr., Melpar Inc

| 893


Business is booming
at R & R Tank Company!
And now profits are rolling in.
Six months ago, welding costs
were twenty-five to thirty percent higher.
And the profit squeeze was tight.
But no longer!
New production methods
and faster, superior equipment
and electrodes turned the tide.
““How did we accomplish this?
The easiest way possible’’, says
Mr. Floyd Reinhardt, R & R’s president.
“We called in the man who
knows most about welding procedures—
the Lincoln Welding Engineer.
“He suggested some easy changes
which were routine to him, I guess,
but they were news to us.”

on tank production

RESULTS: A change in fabricating sequence

plus a switch to “Jetweld 1’’, iron-powder electrodes
saved 25% through faster welding and easier cleaning.
The three new “‘Lincolnweld’”’ automatics
increased production and cut the
automatic welding costs by 30% .
Do you want to save time and money
on your welding operations?
Call your Lincoln Welding Engineer today!


Dept. 1959 © Cleveland 17, Ohio
The World’s Largest Manufacturer of Arc Welding Equipment
For details, circle No. 9 on Reader Information Card
Papers “A” Start at 9:30 A.M.
Papers “C” Start at 11:10 A.M.

8. Nondestructive Testing 9. Inert-Gas Welding 10. Welded Structures

Chairman Chairman Chairman
A. Gobus, Philips Electronics, Inc. A. J. Last, Air Reduction Sales Co. W. H. Munse, University of Iilinois
Co-Chairman Co-Chairman Co-Chairman
G. Woods, Nuclear X-Ray Inc. W. R. Schober, Hobart Brothers R. V. Zacharie, Whitehead & Kales Co.

A. Industrial Radiography—A Non- A. A Philosophy of Tooling for Inert-Gas A. Plastic Design of Pinned-Base, “Lean-
destructive Tool for Quality Control Welding to” Frames
by W. D. Kiehle, Eastman Kodak Co. by F. J. Pilia and H. G. Rath, Linde Co. by R. L. Ketter, University of Buffalo
. Ultrasonic Weld Inspection at Work . A Portable Pipe-Welding Machine and Bung-Tseng Yen, Lehigh Univer-
by J. E. Bobbin, Branson Instruments, by H. L. Saunders, Aluminium Labora- sity
Inc. tories Limited . Corner Connections Loaded in Tension
. Principles of Isotope Radiography . Consumable-Electrode Welding in the by G. C. Driscoll, Jr., Lehigh Univer-
by Harry D. Richardson, Louisiana Auto Industry sity, and J. W. Fisher, National Acad-
State University by Milton M. Smucker, Thompson In- emy of Sciences
dustries, Inc. . Brittle-Fracture Strength of Welded
Spherical Container
by K. Masubuchi, Transportation Tech-
nical Research Institute, Hiroshi !shi-i,
Ishi-i Iron Works Co., and Hiroshi
Kihara, Tokyo University

Papers “A” Start at 2:

Papers “C” Start at 3

11. Weldability of Steels 12. Process Development

Chairman Chairman
W. L. Fleischmann, General Electric Co. N. G. Schreiner, Linde Company
Co-Chairman Co-Chairman
G. R. Rothschild, Air Reduction Co. K. B. Smith, Dix Engineering Co., Inc.
A. Study of Cracking in Low-Alloy Steel A. Electron-Beam Welding
Welded Joints by George Burton, Jr., and William L.
by J. T. Berry, Armour Research Frankhouser, Westinghouse Electric
Foundation, and Raymond C. Allan, Corp.
Naval Construction Research Establish-
. New Automatic Open-Arc Process
Welds at 200 IPM
. Welding Galvanized Steel—Cracking by Robert A. Wilson, The Lincoln Elec-
Induced by Stress and Liquid Zinc tric Co.
by J. F. Rudy, Armour Research
. Plasma—A Substitute for the Oxy-Fuel
. The Cruciform Test for Plate-Cracking by James A. Browning, Thermal Dy-
Susceptibility namics Corp.
by L. E. Poteat and W. L. Warner,
Watertown Arsenal Laboratories

996 | SEPTEMBER 1959

Papers “A” Start at 9:30 A.M.
OCTOBER 1, THURSDAY MORNING two simULTANEOUS SESSIONS, 9:30 A.M. Papers “B” Start at 10:20 A.M.
Papers “C” Start at 11:10 A.M.

13. Aluminum 14. Welded Structures

Chairman Chairman
L. A. Cook, Ravens Metal Products, Inc. C. D. Jensen, Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
Co-Chairman vania
F. J. Wallace, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co-Chairman
Arthur W. Brown, Brown-Hutchinson Iron
A. Ultrasonic Welding of Aluminum Works
by M. W. Brennecke, F. R. Collins and
J. D. Dowd, Aluminum Company of A. Conception, Design and Fabrication of a
America Welded Rigid-Frame Railroad Bridge
. Plastic Properties of Aluminum- by R. T. Blewitt, Nickel Plate Railroad
Magnesium Weldments Co., H. T. Borton, Osborn Engineering
by C. M. Adams, Jr., W. G. Moffatt, Co., end R. A. Wilson, The Lincoln
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Electric Co.
S. S. White, Watertown Arsenal Labs., B. Welded-Steel Transfer Bridge for
and Ralph E. Manchester, Hicks Cor- Loading Railroad-Car Floats
poration by M. L. Koehler, Pennsylvania Rail-
. Effects of High-Frequency Current in road Co.
Welding Aluminum . Distortion in Structural Welding
by Robert E. Fish, North American by Omer W. Blodgett, The Lincoln
Aviation, Inc. Electric Co.

Papers “A’’ Start at 2 P.M.

Papers “C”’ Start at 3 4 P.M

15. Titanium, Tantalum and 16. Weldments

Chairman L. J. Larson, Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co.
D. C. Martin, Battelle Memorial Institute
Co-Chairman R. L. Deily, Messer Cutting Machines, Inc.
W. F. Savage, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute A. Maintaining Superior Weld Quality in
a Plutonium Production Plant
A. Feasibility of Titanium for Welded by C. D. Brons, General Electric Co.
B. Natural-Gas-Oxygen Cutting—Theory
by Carl E. Hartbower and George M.
and Application
Orner, Watertown Arsenal Laborato-
by J. C. Worthington, Westinghouse
ries, and Daniel M. Daley, Jr., Army
Electric Corp.
Ballistic Missile Agency
. The Fundamentals of Residual Stresses
. Tungsten-Arc Inert-Gas Welding of
in Weldments
by B. Ronay, Consultant, and 0.
by Burton S. Payne, Jr., and L. R.
Kreisel, Electric Arc, Inc.
Haslip, The Pfaudler Co.
. Welding of Beryllium
by E. L. Brundige, Gale S. Hanks, R. S.
Kirby and James M. Taub, Los Alamos
Scientific Laboratory

| 897
Other Activities


3:00 P.M.—Districts Council Meeting, Parlor C, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac
7:00 P.M.—Ohio State University Student Alumni Dinner in
Sheraton Room, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac


9:00 A.M.—Section Officers’ Meeting, Pan American Room, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac

2:00 P.M.—Technical Council Meeting, Parlor J, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac

7:30 P.M.—Banquet, Grand Ballroom, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac


9:00 A.M.—Educational Activities Meeting, Pan American Room, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac

10:00 A.M.—WRC Series Spot Welding Subcommittee, Parlor F, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac
2:00 P.M.—WRC Resistance Welding Research Committee, Parlor G-H, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac


10:00 A.M.—Board of Directors Meeting, Sheraton Room, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac

10:00 A.M.—PVRC Materials Division Meeting, Parlor C, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac
2:00 P.M.—PVRC Design Division Meeting, Parlor G-H, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac
7:00 P.M.—PVRC Fabrication Division Meeting, Sheraton Room, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac


10:00 A.M.—PVRC Executive and Main Committee Meeting, Founders Room, Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac

98 | SEPTEMBER 1959 For details, circle No. 12 on Reader Information Card ——>
World’s toughest test

withstood by MeT’ Murex


Behlen Frameless Metal Buildings have survived what’s probably the

world’s toughest single test—a nuclear explosion. One of the prefabricated
buildings was placed only 6,800 feet from blast center and remained erect.
A duplicate building 15,000 feet away suffered almost no structural dam- » . +
age. In welding the components used in constructing churches, plants, ae w me Ee se
schools, supermarkets, commercial and farm buildings, Behlen Manufac- ears nnenenae oe
turing Company relies heavily on Murex electrodes — products of METAL
& THERMIT CORPORATION, General Offices: Rahway, New Jersey.


2:00 P.M. Advance Registration
* Wednesday,
September 30— SEPTEMBER 28, MONDAY
Tour of the Ford Motor Morning—Coffee Reception—Registration—Bus tour of Belle Isle and visit to the Botanical
Gardens with its million-dollar display of unusual flowering plants.
Company’s Rouge plant at Luncheon and Fashion Show at the new ‘‘Roostertail’’ overlooking the Detroit River.
Dearborn, Michigan. Mem-
bers will see the open SEPTEMBER 29, TUESDAY
hearth, blooming mill, roll-
Morning—Coffee Reception—Registration—Tour of historic Greenfield Village or Henry Ford
ing mill and stamping oper- Museum.
ations. Luncheon at Clinton Inn
Evening—Banquet and Entertainment
* Thursday,
Tour of the Canadian Bridge Morning—Coffee Reception—Registration
Works of Dominion Steel Luncheon at beautiful ‘‘Devon Gablies'’—Tour museum of the Cranbrook Institute of
and Coal Corp. in Windsor,
Ontario. Structural steel
fabrication, including large
Morning—Coffee Reception—Tour of Canada’s Fort Malden National Historic Park at
welded bridge trusses, will Amherstburg, Ontario
be seen. Luncheon—at famous Elmwood Casino

AWS members planning to stay in Detroit are reminded that accommodations

| should be reserved in advance. The Society has organized a Housing Com-
| mittee to assist members in obtaining reservations.
Write to:
AWS Housing Committee
33 W. 39th St., New York 18, N. Y.

For details, circle No. 4 on Reader Information Card ——>

900| SEPTEMBER 1959

World’s safest safe

welded with MeT Murex


Guarding the nation’s most treasured documents is a job entrusted to ,

what is probably the world’s safest safe. At night the safe automatically Susan
lowers cases containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitu- ee
tion and the Bill of Rights into its own interior, locks mammoth doors. Se / i 4
In its construction, the Mosler Safe Company depended on M&T Murex - Un & of
electrodes—products of METAL & THERMIT CORPORATION, General Offices: °¥Crs ron warren wate
Rahway, New Jersey.

by Fred L Plummer

@ Late June activities at headquar- discussing technical subjects and of the Society and of other groups.
ters included conferences with Presi- outlining Society activities and ob- During the 1958-59 fiscal year he
dent C. I. MacGuffie; with Na- jectives. He has presided at board was a member of the Board of
tional Membership Chairman Harry and council meetings, guiding the Directors, the Technical Council,
E. Miller who has planned and is discussions effectively and _ effi- the Executive, Finance and other
actively promoting a ““Do It Your- ciently. He has ably conducted committees. He will now become
self’ program to increase member- our national meetings and spoken chairman of the Technical Council.
ship; with Publicity Committee with distinction on these and other During the 1958-59 fiscal year
Chairman R. Swisher who met with occasions. The Society and the A. F. Chouinard, who is a past-
Art Phillips to plan for the first welding industry owe a great debt to chairman of the Chicago Section,
meeting of his committee which was President G. O. Hoglund and to his served as District No. 7 director,
held in Cleveland July 14; with company which made possible his chairman of the Section Advisory
President J. C. Cox and Miss Bloom major contributions to the advance- and Organization Structure Com-
of S.M.S. Corp. who were visiting ment of our Society and of the mittees, member of the Board of
with JOURNAL Editor Bonney Rossi; science and the art of welding. Directors, the Technical Council,
with Paul Masters who is chairman @ Our Prime Officers: During the the Executive, Finance and other
of our Pittsburgh Section; with 1958-59 fiscal year C. 1. MacGuffie committees. He now becomes a
Past President J. H. Humberstone was first vice-president, chairman of vice-president and chairman of the
concerning Reserve Funds, Head- the important Technical Council Districts Council.
quarters Housing, Exposition and and member of the Executive and Each of these men has contributed
other Socrety activities; with A. K. Finance Committees and the Board in large measure to the varied activi-
Pollack who is manager of the Los of Directors. Our 1959-60 presi- ties of your Socrery. Together
Angeles Convention Bureau; with dent is a past-chairman of the Phila- they provide a wealth of industrial,
Coordinator Davies and architects delphia Section and has served the technical and executive talent and
concerning layout of space and facil- experience which will maintain a
Society as chairman or member of
ities in new United Engineering the Manufacturers’, Public Rela- high level of inspired leadership for
Center; with Socrety attorney and tions, Exposition, Reserve Funds, the Society.
insurance advisors concerning group
Publicity, Technical Papers, Jour-
insurance plan to be made available
NAL and other committees. He has e@ Our Junior Past-presidents: Our
to AWS members; and with Ameri-
been active in the welding industry three junior past-presidents, C. P.
can Standards Association officers
for almost 35 years. Sander, J. J. Chyle and J. H. Hum-
concerning joint activities.
Vice-president R. D. Thomas, Jr., berstone, have each maintained
@ Each year your Secretary pre- is also a past-chairman of the Phila- active participation and continuing
pares a report summarizing SOCIETY delphia Section and has been espe- interest in Society activities. Mr.
activities for the fiscal year which cially active on technical committees Humberstone has served as chair-
ends May 3list. This report in-
cludes brief statements prepared by
district directors and chairmen of
committees. Copies of this 48- AWS DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE
page report are mailed to national
officers, committee chairmen and Term Expires l960 1961 1962
to section secretaries. Any AWS J. F. Deffenbaugh AA Holzbaur Jay Bland
member may obtain a copy by A F. G. Singleton
.B Howard
addressing a request to the Secretary E. Pearson D
at headquarters. The remainder of C. M. Styer C .E 4 Jackson C. B. Smith
this article consists of excerpts from J. L York J. R. Stitt
the first few pages of this annual
@ Our President: The Society has
again benefited from the outstand- District No. leNew England G. W. Kirkley District No. 6eCentral J. N. Alcock
ing leadership and inspiration fur- District No. 2eMiddle Eastern E. E. Goehringer District No. 7eWest Central L. L. Baugh
nished by a president with a long District No. 8eMidwest G. 0. Bland
history of activity in Soctery affairs, District No. 3eNorth Central J. W. Kehoe District No. 9eSouthwest C. L. Moss II!
who has served many years in in- District No. 4eSoutheast E. C. Miller District No. 10eWestern F. V. McGinley
dustry as an executive directly con- District No. 5eEast Central H. E. Schultz District No. 1leNorthwest C. B. Robinson
cerned with the production and
welded fabrication of one of our
principal metals. He has traveled AWS PAST PRESIDENT DIRECTORS
to all sections of the country, fre-
quently in the company of your J. J. Chyle G. 0. Hoglund C. P. Sander
Secretary, and has addressed many
AWS Sections and other groups,
For details, circle No. 14 on Reader Information Car¢d——>
9022| SEPTEMBER 1959
World’s best cars

welded with MeT Murex

More than one out of every four cars produced in the United States—the
world’s best—is welded with M&T Murex electrodes. For joining frames,
or unitizing bodies, the people who build the best cars depend on the best
welding materials—products of METAL & THERMIT CORPORATION, General
Offices: Rahway, New Jersey.
man of the important Reserve mittees. Under his leadership a the policies and plans to be executed
Funds and Headquarters Housing balanced budget totaling $627,866 by your staff members. Each has
Committees and as a member of the of income and expense for the 1958- contributed significantly to the in-
Board of Directors, Manufacturers’ 59 fiscal year was prepared and then crease in scope and effectiveness of
and other committees. Mr. Chyle approved by the Board of Directors. Society activities. Each has earned
has served as member of the Board The Socrety has operated success- an expression of our sincere thanks
of Directors and its Executive and fully under this budget, completing and commendation.
Finance Committees, as chairman the year with a small excess of in- The Executive Committee, the
of the new AEC Advisory Com- come over expense. Your Treasurer Finance Committee and the Techni-
mittee, as member of the Handbook, gives generously of his time in cal Council are committees of
Honorary Membership and other handling necessary routine opera- board members given power to act
committees, and has represented tions such as checking invoices and for the board on certain matters
the Society on the National Re- audits, signing thousands of checks and under specified conditions.
search Council and in activities of and similar activities. However, Your representatives forming these
the International Institute of Weld- much greater benefits accrue to the groups are responsible for all major
ing. Mr. Sander has continued his Socrety from the guidance and decisions affecting SociEtTy activi-
active participation as member of counsel given your Secretary and ties, policies and plans. They are
the Board of Directors, Executive, other staff members by Mr. Rocke- leaders in industry and professional
Finance and Reserve Funds Com- feller. activities who, with the full support
mittees, and as chairman of the e@ Your Board of Directors: Your of their companies, give of their
National Nominating and Honorary 1958-59 Board of Directors included time and talents in analyzing So-
Membership committees. Each of 30 individuals: president, two vice- CIETY problems and indicating pre-
these men has provided valuable presidents, treasurer, three past- ferred actions to be taken in seeking
assistance and aided in achieving presidents, 12 directors-at-large their solutions.
many of the outstanding accomplish- and 11 district directors. Four
ments of the past year. @ Your Section Officers: At the close
directors-at-large: J. H. Blanken- of this fiscal year the Socrery had
@ Our Treasurer: Treasurer H. E. buehler, G. E. Linnert, P. G. Parks 84 active sections and a number of
Rockefeller has completed the sec- and F. H. Stevenson; three district divisions of sections. The officers
ond year of a_ three-year term, directors: S. Low, P. V. Penny- and committee chairmen of these
serving also as a member of the backer and H. E. Miller; and Past- groups include almost ten percent of
Board of Directors, Convention, President J. H. Humberstone com- the active members of the So-
Executive, Exposition, Headquar- pleted terms of two, three or more ciety. This illustrates the keen
ters Housing and Reserve Funds years as members of the board. interest and active participation of
Committees, and as chairman of the All of these men have faithfully AWS members in local technical
Finance and Group Insurance com- performed their duties, determining meetings, plant tours, educational
courses, social and recreational ac-
tivities. These men provide the
motivation, the ideas, the inspira-
tion and the leadership which create
successful section activities and
contribute so much to the collective
IN THE RED DR achievements of the entire Society.
To each of these men we are greatly
@ Your Committee Members: It is
HIGHEST not practical to give complete
statements covering the activities of
the more than ninety technical,
QUALITY several handbook chapter and edu-
cational, and 20 to 30 operating
committees. Several hundred indi-
vidual members assist their fellow
members by contributing freely of
their time and the knowledge gained
through formal training and broad
experience, in developing recom-
mended procedures and standards
DEPENDABLE and in encouraging the greater use
of properly designed welded con-
struction. To these men also we
SUPPLY owe a great debt.
e@ Your Staff: The WELDING JouR-
NAL Department is responsible for
Write for the name and address collecting, writing and editing the
of the NATIONAL CARBIDE supplier nearest you. material published in the JoURNAL,
for securing advertising, handling
National Carbide Company
connected with the JOURNAL, and
for the planning and conducting of
For details, circle No. 13 on Reader information Card
9044| SEPTEMBER 1959
meetings. Editor B. Rossi, Assist- NALS, HANDBOOKS, codes, specifi- |
ants Irving and O’Leary and three cations, books and manuals. These |
secretaries constituted the staff orders come from all parts of the toughest
during the 1958-59 fiscal year. Fred world and may cover a single
Talento will join the staff to solicit fifty-cent publication or a combina- |
advertising and Mr. Irving will be tion of items costing hundreds of | ... safest
replaced by a new assistant editor. dollars. ‘Two additional staff mem- |
The Technical Department sup- bers assist Mr. Krisman in this
plies technical information to in- activity.
dustry and plans and coordinates The Mailing and Duplicating!
the work of the many committees departments handle a large volume|
preparing standards, codes and of work with the aid of modern| You won’t always find welds by
recommended practices. During equipment and are staffed with two | M&T Murex electrodes in the
1958-59 the staff consisted of Tech- men who also report to Mr. Kris- world’s toughest, safest or best
nical Secretary E. A. Fenton, an man. equipment. But you’ll surely
assistant during part of the year, find them in the world’s most
The Bookkeeping Department carefully manufactured.
and three secretaries. For the must handle the thousands of ac-| Murex electrodes comprise
coming year the work will be ex- counts covering member dues, sales | one of the broadest lines of
pedited by W. S. Morrison and a and purchases. The two staff mem- quality rods and wire. Choose
second assistant to Mr. Fenton. bers who handle these records, re- from over 1000 types and sizes
Three major activities are com- —mild steel and low alloy, stain-
port to Assistant Treasurer Frank less, hard surfacing, etc. Ask
bined under the direction of A. L. Mooney. the M&T man or send for free
Phillips, Assistant W. Hall and The Convention Department is literature. Also for information
three secretaries. The Handbook the responsibility of Convention on M&T’s complete line of weld-
Department is responsible for the ing machines. METAL& THERMIT
Manager Frank Mooney and his| CORPORATION, Rahway, N. J.
preparation each year of a 500-page secretary with a second assistant|
section of the WELDING HANDBOOK. available when needed. R. T. Ken- yy.
A special committee is organized to worthy is retained to serve as ex-
assist in the preparation of each position manager.
chapter. Since two sections are Mr. Krisman, as office manager
normally in preparation at a given and membership chairman, also|
time, some twenty-five committees reports to Mr. Mooney who carries|
may be actively engaged in this the triple titles of assistant na-|
work. tional secretary, assistant treas-|
The Education Department is urer and convention manager.
rapidly expanding its activities
which include a number of com- The Soctety retains legal counsel, |
mittee activities, the preparation of auditors, and public relation agents |
course outlines and texts, the pub- in the city where the Welding Ex- |
lishing of guidance materials and position is held. Your Secretary|
close cooperation with programs and his personal secretary complete|
promoted by the sections. Addi- the Socrety staff.
tional staff support is a serious need. Your staff members are directly
The new Information Center had responsible for executing the plans|
an auspicious beginning during the and policies determined by your|
1958-59 fiscal year. The Exposi- Board of Directors. They have}
tion, Manufacturers’ and Publicity given your Secretary complete sup- |
committees all urgently recom- port, full cooperation and have)
mended the addition of new staff served the Socrety loyally and}
members so that this service could efficiently. |
be expanded. It is now expected |
that this may be done for the 1960 @ Society Highlights: The second |
61 fiscal year. section of the Fourth Edition of the|
The Membership Department is WELDING HANDBOOK was _ issued|
responsible for all direct contacts late in 1958 and was well received. |
with individual members and with The third section will be issued|
the 84 active sections and their during the third quarter of 1959.
divisions. Collection of dues, main- Committees have been or are being |
taining accurate addresses, revising formed for the fourth section which |
supporting company rolls, promot- will be issued in 1960.
ing new members, new sections and The newly inaugurated Informa-
similar activities requires a_ tre- tion Service, with guidance from the |
mendous volume of clerical work. Publicity Committee and its Chair-
More than 5000 additions, deletions man A. V. Scherer, has established
and changes in the membership and an outstanding record during its
address records occur each year. first year with an extremely limited
E. Krisman with five assistants is staff. Two important successes
responsible for these and other were the promotion of Welded
activities. Products Month and the handling of
The Order Department must all publicity for the Annual Meeting
handle hundreds of individual orders and Welding Exposition.
for emblems, certificates, Jour- “Opportunities in the Welding!
For details, circle Ne. 15 on Reader Information Card
| 905
Industry,” a guidance booklet for
high school students, was prepared,
published and distributed by the
Education Department. A supple-
ment to the “Speakers Directory,”’
a new “Film Directory” and addi-
tional course outlines were also pre-
pared by this group which includes
various committees which report to
the EAC and its chairman, C. E.
Two other important achieve-
ments of this group consist of the
distribution of a NEMA sponsored
publication suitable for use in col-
lege courses covering the design of
metal fabrications, and the prepara-
tion and publication of the new
AWS Training Manual of Arc Weld-
The Technical Department has
issued eight major publications in-
cluding revised and expanded weld-
ing symbols, mild steel and low-alloy
steel arc-welding electrode specifi-
cations, a corrosion test report,
bibliographies and an addenda to
the specification covering water
storage tanks. This department
continued to furnish technical in-
formation on a wide variety of sub-
Job report courtesy of jects to industry.
Electric Steel Foundry Company, Portland, Oregon
pletely restyled and revised to in-
When nuclear applications crease benefits to readers and ad-
vertisers. A new staff member,
call for stainless welds of highest quality Fred Talento, will seek additional
advertising and greater subscription
distribution for the JOURNAL.
Members approved a revised or-
ganization structure which provides
for a president, three vice-presidents
without rank, a treasurer, 13 direc-
tors-at-large, eleven district direc-
tors and two past-presidents to
STAINLESS ELECTRODES constitute the Board of Directors, a
combined Executive-Finance Com-
This is part of a 3900 lb. stainless pump-volute casting for a sub-
mittee and four councils. These
marine nuclear power plant. In the photo, a skirt is being welded
groups are responsible for deter-
to the casting using 5/32" dia. Arcos Chromend K Electrodes.
mining policies, adopting plans and
To minimize stresses, a step-back and skip procedure was used.
designating activities of the So-
These welds conformed to Class I Navy radiographic standards—
an indication of the dependability of standard Arcos electrodes CIETY.
for your stainless welding needs. ARCOS CORPORATION, The Board of Directors confirmed
1500 South 50th St., Philadelphia 43, Pa. their tentative acceptance of an
invitation of the United Engineering
Trustees to establish Socrery head-
quarters in the new Engineering
Center to be erected in New York
and agreed to attempt to raise $60,-
000 in contributions from AWS
members. Contributions from in-
dustry and from members of the
founder societies now equal more
than $7,000,000 with an additional
$2,000,000 to be available from sale
of property owned by this group.
Construction of the new building is
scheduled to start during October
1959 and completion for occupancy
is estimated for the summer of 1961.
Your Reserve Funds Committee,
with the approval of the Board of
For details, circle No. 17 on Reader information Card
906 SEPTEMBER 1959
Directors has retained the Marine
Midland Trust Co. as investment
advisor. These funds are now about
fifty percent invested in common
and preferred stocks with the re-
maining half held in savings ac-
counts or invested in corporate
bonds. The current value of the
funds is about $275,000.
As of Jan. 1, 1959, your Secretary
assumed the duties of the American
secretariat of the International
Institute of Welding. Twenty-six
delegates and experts from the
United States attended the annual
assembly of IIW, joining repre-
sentatives of the 26 other member
countries. An invitation has been
extended to ITW to hold the 1961
assembly in New York in conjunc-
tion with the April Annual Meeting
and Welding Exposition of AWS.
A special advisory committee to
the Atomic Energy Commission was
organized and is chairmanned by
past-president J. J. Chyle.
A new Missiles and Rockets
Welded Construction Committee
has been authorized and will be chair-
manned by Director Don Howard.
As a service to members, the
Board of Directors has approved a Job report courtesy of
group insurance plan, to be adminis- Midwest Piping Co., Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
tered by others, without expense or
income to the Socrety, which will When stainless welds must
provide to members and _ their
pass the most rigid tests possible
families at attractive group rates
coverage against accidental loss of
life or limb, loss of income and pay-
ment of hospital and surgical ex-
penses resulting from accident and
Membership during the first nine * HIRCOS ¢

months of the membership year QUALITY FILLER METALS

increased by about 200. The Nash-
ville and Eastern Illinois Sections This 16" diameter Type 304 stainless elbow is part of the reactor
cooling system in an atomic powered ship. In welding the two
were reactivated and new sections halves, the first pass was made with Arcos Chromend K (Type 308)
were formed at Mobile and San electrodes. The balance of the joint was submerged arc welded
Diego. The J. A. K. Division of with Arcosite Bonded Flux and Chromenar K (Type 308) wire.
the Chicago Section became an The inset shows results of a dramatic test of the Arcos weld
independent section. ‘The Oregon metal so produced. A 214" ring, cut from an elbow, was given
Tech Student Chapter was or- the normal bend test—and then completely flattened—without
ganized. a crack! Such performance is the reason why Arcos is preferred
The Board of Directors voted to for all tough jobs. ARCOS CORPORATION, 1500 South 50th
establish “‘Adams Memorial Mem- Street, Philadelphia 43, Pa.
berships”’ in honor of our founder
and first president, Comfort A.
Adams. Each year five outstanding
educators will be awarded four-year
memberships in the SocrEery.
Your Secretary has attended
meetings of 38 sections, divisions
and district groups during the
1958-59 fiscal year. At many of
these meetings he has presented
technical talks. During the past
several years he has met one or more
times with all but about twenty of
the approximately one hundred
AWS sections, divisions and student
chapters. He has also attended Arcos Chromend K Arcos Chromenar K Bare Wire
meetings of many other groups. e (Stainless) Electrodes and Arcosite Bonded Flux
For details, circle No. 19 on Reader Information Card

Welding Education other communities that their indus- let us introduce problems associated
try is a good industrial neighbor. with welding to illustrate basic
Educational programs are in- “3. Because they want to let scientific principles. Instead of ask-
tended to satisfy specific needs. people know that they are vital to ing the student to visualize a bee
In the particular case of the welding the economy in peace and in war. flying back and forth between two
industry, the objective is to make World War II provides a good approaching locomotives to illus-
people aware of the many processes example of what I’m talking about. trate a principle in calculus, let us
and materials involved in the fabri- When we were gearing up for war use an example involving an electric
cation of commonly used products. or at least to support our allies, the arc traveling at a given rate of speed
Education may take any one of steel industry had no trouble getting and determine the rates of heat flow
several forms. draft deferments for key men or at varying distance from this travel-
National Welded Products Month getting priorities for material. The ing source of heat. A physics class
was an example of a program de- Aircraft Industry had no trouble, studying forces deflecting simple
signed to educate the general public the Automotive Industry had no beams might be asked to determine
in a specific industry. ‘The program trouble. Everyone knew they were the reduction in deflection when the
made many thousands of people essential.” same force is applied to the same
aware of the importance of welding beam having a flange welded to it.
for the first time. The project In chemistry, what professor could
stimulated many newspaper articles miss the opportunity of illustrating
and was reported in numerous tech- Formal Education
the use of the inert gases, such as
nical and trade journals. A most A greater number of people are helium or argon, to protect the
interesting outcome was a talk given enthusiastic advocates of formal molten metals from the atmosphere
at the 135th National Meeting of welding instruction and lose no in the inert-gas shielded arc-welding
the American Chemical Society: opportunity to state the case for processes? ‘These are but a few of
**. Another part of the technical welding education. numerous illustrations which will
industrial world has just joined the In a paper on ‘“‘Welding Educa- provide the engineering student with
ranks of sponsors of special months. tion in the Engineering Curricula” a familiarity with welding early in
If you haven’t heard before now, presented at the recent ASEE his undergraduate studies.”
this is National Welded Products Annual Spring Meeting in Pitts-
Month, sponsored by a group as burgh, AWS Vice-president Dave
much professional as commercial, Thomas, Jr. stated the problem and The two examples cited above are
The AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY. then proposed a solution in the form slanted to different audiences, but
Why have they sponsored a month? of specific suggestions: they have one thing in common
Let me read to you from their pro- “Industry has been all too prone they both have a positive approach
motional material: ‘Objective of to blame our university faculties for to the problem.
National Welded Products Month: the shortcomings of the engineering
To stimulate greater interest in graduates without offering construc-
science and engineering and intro- tive suggestions for meeting its
duce a wider public to the science needs. Education on the welding
and technology of welding.’ So of metals is a real need—a need
they, too, feel as many of us do. which will affect the progress of all
People don’t know enough about us future engineering projects which
and the contributions we make to require that metals be joined to-
society and to the economy. gether. Every engineer, whatever
“This month all over the country his specialty, must have a_ back-
then, men and women employed by ground understanding of the art and Welcome
producers of welding materials will science of welding. Where can this
be making speeches, appearing on be better done than in the univer- Supporting Companies
radio and television programs, hold- sity? How can this be done in an
ing plant tours, giving away booklets already overly crowded curriculum?
Effective July 1, 1959:
and buttons and bumper strips. So important is this subject to those
“Why? of us who are engaged daily in the
The Cooper-Bessemer Corp.
“Because they want people to use of welding that specific sugges-
know what they are doing and why Lincoln Ave.
tions are offered as answers to these
they are important. Grove City, Pa.
“‘Why?—-several reasons— ‘“‘Welding...applications cover Effective August 1, 1959:
“1. Because they want the cream such a wide field that no engineer can
of the high school and college escape it in one form or another. Acme Iron Works
graduating classes to work for their Over the past twenty-five years, P. O. Box 2020
companies, not some other company. the use of welding has multiplied San Antonio 6, Tex.
“2. Because they want to estab- about twenty-five times.
lish that they are an asset to the “If we accept the premise that
communities in which they have more time must be devoted to
plants. In part this is to convince mathematics, physics and chemistry,

908 |SEPTEMBER 1959



>Nuclear Systems Economical.

Portable Radiography Machines

At Kaiser Steel Corporation’s Fabricating Division

in Napa, California, one of several Nuclear Systems
portable radiography machines is brought into position. This
man is using a light, easily carried Model 30 with an Iridium 192
source to spot-check plate welds on the bow section of a steel
barge. The steel is a half inch thick
Companies all over the country are saving time and money
... keeping weld quality high . . . by inspecting with radiography
machines from Nuclear Systems.
If you have an inspection problem, Nuclear Systems has a
safe, portable, economical radiography machine to suit your
needs. For full information, contact Dept. W-9 at one of our
sales offices. Also . . . inquire about Nuclear Systems regularly
scheduled three-day Radiation Health Physics Course — an
approved AEC licensing aid.


A DIVISION OF THE BUDD COMPANY, Philadelphia 32, Pa. >
— 3; «Yr

For details, circle No. 16 on Reader Information Card


As Reported to Catherine M. 0.’Leary


Los Angeles—On Thursday
night, June 11th, the Los Angeles
Section held its second successful
Annual Reunion and Ladies’ Night. SEPTEMBER 8 OCTOBER 13
The affair was held at the Rodger NEW YORK Section. Victor's Restaurant, N.Y.C. NEW YORK Section. ‘Welded Pressure Ves
Young Auditorium with 176 mem- Get-together 5:00 P.M. Dinner 6:00 P.M. Pro- sels,"’ Norman Block, Foster Wheeler Corp.
bers, their ladies and guests in at- gram 7:00 P.M. ‘New Developments in Resist- OCTOBER 13
tendance. During dinner, the re- ance Welding,” F. A. Bodenheim, The Federal NORTH TEXAS Section. Dinner and technical
tiring chairman, John Ross, intro- Machine & Welder Co. session, Western Hills Inn, 6:30 P.M.
NORTH TEXAS Section. Dinner and technical
duced Mary Phelan (Miss AWS) session, Western Hills Inn, 6:30 P.M. OCTOBER 19
and Hal Hayes, who distributed
gifts to all the ladies. Entertain- SEPTEMBER 15 ROCHESTER Section. ‘Why Add Filler Metal?
Harlan Meredith, Airline Welding and Engineering
ment was of top variety, opening TOLEDO Section. Plant tour, Continental Avia- Co.
with Dick Aired, who performed tion and Engineering Corp., Toledo, Ohio.
feats of magic. The Glendora Elks OCTOBER 20
Chanters, a chorus group, sang a TOLEDO Section. “Large Weldments Fabrica
MADISON Section. Plant tour, Fisher Body Div., tion,” 1. A. MacArthur, Olin Mathieson Chemica
series of harmonious “old-time” G.M.C., Janesville, Wisconsin Corp.
The feature of the evening was a
Editor's Note Notices for December 1959 meetings must reach JOURNAL office prior to September
hilarious affair in which some of the 20th, so that they may be published in the November Calendar. Give full information concerning time
section past-chairmen participated. place, topic and speaker for each meeting.
This was done in pantomime, ac-
companied by records of prominent
artists, making the whole affair ap- April 1960, the subject being largely NEW OFFICERS
pear quite real. The first artist to directed to the ladies and visiting
take the stage was Charlie Smith. members. Next, the new section San Jose—The social meeting of
After being decked out in a derby chairman, Dick Hayes, was intro- the year and installation of officers
and a silver spotted coat, he was duced. After commenting on the of the Santa Clara Valley Section was
handed a trumpet, and did a fine show, he thanked and extended his held on June 20th. A very good
imitation of Harry James. He was appreciation to the past chairmen barbecue was enjoyed following
followed by Al Fenalson who was for their help and guidance. cocktails. During the dinner, Z. M.
handed a slide trombone, after being
decked out in a leopard skin ‘‘zoot
suit” and gave an excellent per-
formance. The next one to join PLANNING AHEAD FOR AWS 41ST ANNUAL MEETING
the band was “‘Sandy”’ Sander. He
was given a small tuba to play.
He was dressed up in a double-
breasted red coat with shiny brass
buttons and a tall hat, giving him the
general appearance of one just fresh
out of a German band. The next
person to complete the quartet was
“Mac” McGinley. Mac, being
Scotch, was given a “‘squeeze”’ bag
much to his liking and converted
by a quick switch from suit to kilts
with a laddie’s hat to match. This
completed the band, with Charlie
Smith as the leader.
Prior to the entertainment Chair-
man Ross introduced Prof. Dick
Wiley of Cal-Poly who gave a brief
talk on scholarship and the impor-
tance of this activity to the section.
He was followed by District Direc-
tor McGinley who spoke on the Former Director-at-Large Francis Stevenson (left) and John B. Ross, past-chairman of
entertainment aspects for the forth- Los Angeles Section, discuss the National AWS Convention to be held next April in Los
coming Welding Show to be held in Angeles with California Governor Edmund G. Brown (right)

910| SEPTEMBER 1959

Some things are PRICELESS

To a drowning man nothing is more valuable that will find daily use in solving your toughest
than a life preserver. Every day, in thousands of welding problems.
shops, EUTECTIC “Low Temperature Welding
Alloys’® are just such a “Life Saver’. You owe it to yourself to get all the facts on
EUTECTIC low heat input welding that minimizes
In maintenance shops from coast-to-coast, warping and distortion and produces joints that
and throughout the worid, weldors have learned are often stronger than the original part. Fill
to rely on EUTECTIC products. They don’t count out the handy coupon now and learn how you
the cost of these Priceless Alloys because they too can make tremendous savings through
know what they will do. They know that every the use of the Priceless Hundred and Sixty
package carries a guarantee of satisfaction, of EUTECTIC “Low Temperature Welding Alloys’.
competent service from each of 300 qualified
Technical Representatives. They depend on
prompt delivery of factory-fresh products, from
modern warehouses, in major centers through-
out the country.
EUTECTIC Guarantee of Satisfaction
You, too, can profit from 50 years of research
and development by calling your nearest Cost plays no part in the selection of raw mate-
EUTECTIC Representative. Without obligation, he rials for the manufacture of EUTECTIC “Low
Temperature Welding Alloys’’. Only the finest in-
will conduct a Weld Savings Survey in your shop gredients are acceptable and each product is refor-
or plant, carry out a complete product demon- mulated regularly to take advantage of the latest
stration keyed to your products and problems, research in product development.
and provide you with valuable technical data

Mail this coupon today...

©1959 EWAC
EUTECTIC WELDING ALLOYS CORPORATION = { curecric wetoine atuoys corroraTion|
40-40 172nd Street, Flushing 58, New York, N. Y.
40-40 172nd St., FLUSHING 58, NEW YORK Gentlemen:
ATLANTA; BOSTON; CHI- Please send my free copy of the 180-page
Canadian Plant and Headquarters: Montreal
Warehouses: Dartmouth, N. S., Toronto and Vancouver
For details, circle No. 21 on Reader Information Card
Section Chairman John Ross introduces Miss AWS, Mary Among the celebrants are (left to right): Past-president
Phelan, and Hal Hays who distributed gifts to the ladies. “Sandy”’ Sander, Mrs. Sander and Section Past-
Mrs. Ross is seated at the Speakers’ table chairman Dave O’Connor

These past-chairmen were given meritorious awards for their Making ‘‘music out of this world,”’ and “dressed to kill’’
contribution to the growth of the Section. Left to right are: for the occasion, were (left to right) the Messrs.
Mr. Sander, Al Fenalson, Ed Williams, F. McGinley, C. Smith, Smith, Fenalson, Sander, McGinley and Co.
Mr. O'Connor and Mr. Ross



Professor Wiley speaks on the District Director McGinley speaks on the Incoming chairman of the Los Angeles
awarding of scholarships for participation of the Los Angeles Section Section, Dick Hayes, assumes his
prospective welding engineers at forthcoming 41st Annual Meeting in duties for the 1959-60 fiscal year
Los Angeles in April 1960

Hubbard introduced the new chair- Minneapolis, Kansas City and

man, Ron Skow, and other officers. Omaha sections attended.
An evening of dancing followed. Starting with breakfast at 7:00
The complete roster of newly SECTION OFFICERS MEETING A.M., the meeting lasted until mid-
elected officers is as follows: Chair- Wichita—The Wichita Section afternoon. Each section reported
man, R. R. Skow; list Vice-Chair- ended the 1958-59 year as host to on the past year’s activities and
man, W. R. Smith; 2nd Vice- the District 8 section officers meet- then a general discussion of section
Chairman, R. C. Bertossa; Secre- ing on June 20th. The new district activities and problems followed.
tary, W. C. Schultz; and Treasurer, director, George O. Bland, and From this, many ideas were ex-
F. D. Nelson. representatives from the St. Louis, changed and suggestions received

912| SEPTEMBER 1959

for bettering each section. Out of
the meeting, it was found that most
of the problems were common to |
each section and that it was easy to
find a workable solution to them |
after a general discussion. It was |
felt that everyone left the meeting |
with great enthusiasm to build his
AWS section into a better one. 702-
In the evening, the out of town 3-C
guests were honored with a dinner |
dance at the Broadview Hotel. This is a popular standard-size Helmet that
Members, guests and their wives, 85 YES!...they do if they’re offers excellent fume and light seal with
extra ventilation. Has all the famous Fibre-
in all, were present, making it the Fibre-Metal’s Metal comfort features. Offers variety of
most successful event of the year for fixed and lift-front glassholders.
the Wichita Section.


Buffalo—The Niagara Frontier °
Section held its regular scheduled
meeting on Thursday, May 21st, WELDING

at the Peace Bridge Motel. Forty 708-

members attended the dinner and 3-C
these were joined by five more for
Over 120% increased vision with its 442” x
the meeting. Newly elected Chair- 5%” lens...more vision both vertically and
man John Jaluzny presided. HELMETS
horizontally. Reduces eyestrain and fatigue.
W. O. Emmons, chief project Excellent for welders who must wear bifo-
cals, or trifocals, while welding.
engineer of Harrison Radiator Divi- Undeniable comfort, clearest wide vision
sion, General Motors Corp., Lock-
port, N. Y., spoke on the research, and assured safety are basic quality fea-
development and fabrication of a tures of these Fiberglas welding helmets.
stainless steel heat exchanger, now FIBRE-METAL compression-molded,
produced by Harrison, that will
lower human temperature from 98 Fiberglas-reinforced polyester resin shells
to 88°F in 3'/, min preceding heart offer the very finest in durable face protec-
surgery. tion. Proper glass fiber distribution and a
Mr. Emmons exhibited a _pro-
duction model of the heat ex- “beaded edge for strength” insure long-
changer. lasting, trouble-free helmet life. Shells are
self-extinguishing, are unaffected by heat
LADIES’ NIGHT The popular narrow-front shell for compact,
and moisture, will not warp or lose shape, lightweight protection. Best for welding in
Olean—On Saturday night, June tight spots...eliminates flat, spatter-collect-
may be easily and quickly cleaned and ing surfaces. Less pitting, lasts longer.
20th, the Olean-Bradford Section 674-3-C has lift-front glassholder.
held its annual election followed by a sterilized. Welders TELL US these helmets
dinner and dance as a feature of help produce more and better welding!
Ladies’ Night. Thirty-four mem-
bers and guests were present and All helmets have Ratchet Adjustment
proclaimed the event a most delight-
ful evening. “free floating’ Headgear, impact resistant
The following officers were elected adjustable friction joints and adjustable
for the 1956-60 season: Chairman, chin rest. Glassholders are available in
David Peterson, Air Preheater;
Vice-chairman, James Matheny, plastic, steel or Dowmetal, in either fixed
Clark Bros.; Secretary, Dean Ran- or lift-front styles. All types of helmets are 606-
some, Air Preheater; ‘Treasurer, described in Catalog No. 26. 3-C
Peter Stern, Dresser Mfg. Div.;
Directors, Felix Schneble, Air Pre- Features extended neck and chest protection
Ask your Welding & Safety Distributor! with greater ventilation. Standard-size shell.
heater, and Joseph Dagliostri, Also available with an Inner Bib (See our
Dresser Mfg. Div. *OWENS-CORNING TRADE MARK Catalog No. 26) for extra fume and light seal.

aatetel-M ilelate
The FipRe-\AETAL Products Company PENNA
Bristol—The Annual Clambake In CANADA Fibre-Metal (Canada) Limited, Toronto
of the Providence Section was held
on June 17th at King Phillip’s
For details, circle No. 23 on Reader information Card
| 913
Bakemaster in Bristol, with 75
members in attendance. Special
attractions were door prizes, free
beer and soft drinks.
The outdoor sports planned had
to be canceled due to rain, but the
undaunted group moved indoors for
some lively games of shuffleboard.
Winners were J. Ambrose, J. Mac-
Intosh, J. Bronco and C. Choppel,
with J. McManus and B. Choppe!
tying it up for booby prize.


Nashville—On Thursday even-
ing, May 14th, the Nashville Sec-
tion met in the Chamber of Com-
merce Auditorium and were ad-
dresed by W. L. Lutes, manager,
Hard Surfacing Division of McKay
Co. Mr. Lutes showed films and
discussed the history and develop-
ment of new hard-surfacing tech-
Also present was Dr. Rollin Daniels
of the Nashville-Dividson County
Chapter of the American Cancer
Society, who gave a brief educational
talk on the perils of cancer.

Tullahoma—lIn place of the
regular monthly meeting, the Nash-
ville Section made a tour on June
12th of the United States Air Force
Arnold Engineering Development
Center near Tullahoma. Two bus
loads of members and visitors, 92 in
all, took part in the tour.
Prior to the tour, refreshments and
dinner were served at the base
* Also Tempil® Pellets cafeteria. After dinner, a_ very
and Tempilaq® (liquid form)
excellent briefing was given of the
facilities at the Center. This con-
sisted of slides and film strips, after
Tempilstik °—« simple and which the tour was made and proved
accurate means of determining preheating very interesting.
and stress relieving temperatures in Two of the test centers visited
welding operations. Widely used in all
heat treating—as well as in hundreds were the Propulsion Wind Tunnel!
of other heat-dependent processes and the Gas Dynamics Facility.
in industry. Available in 80 different The former is reported to be the
temperature ratings from 113°F largest welded structure in the world.
to 2500°F .. . $2.00 each.
The motors which drive this unit
Send for free sample Tempil® Pellets, have a rating of 220,000 hp on a
State temperature desired ... Sorry, shaft nearly 500 ft long. These
no sample Tempilstiks’.
motors and blowers can create speeds
Most industrial and welding supply several times greater than that of
houses carry Tempilstiks® ...If yours sound. They can simulate altitudes
does not, write for information to:
of 100,000 ft and speeds of Mach 20.
Fuel tests for advanced craft are
ACCESSORIES DIVISION conducted at the Gas Dynamics
A short business meeting was also
Tempil® corporation held to give the annual treasurer’s
report and to introduce the new
officers for the coming year as fol-
For details, circle No. 25 on Reader Information Card lows: Chairman, John L. Bevill,

914| SEPTEMBER 1959

Kerrigan Iron Works; Vice-Chair-
man, Robert W. Liddle, Ford
Motor Co.; Secretary, Lem A.
Tanksley, Temco, Inc., and Treas-
urer, William E. Moran, Nashville
Bridge Co.


San Antonio—The San Antonio
Section met on July 6th at Capt. Screw flight faces receive a 1” wide over
Jim’s Cafe. The guest speaker, lay, using Colmonoy No. 1 electrodes
Martin Esser, Deputy Director, aa ws &s
San Antonio Civilian Defense,
brought a message on the importance
of civilian defense and the impor- Colmonoy Hard-Surfacing
tant part that will be played by the
welder. The message was em-
phasized by the showing of a film of Sand Conveyor Screws
made on Apr. 17, 1959, when San
Antonio had a Conelrad Alert.
The second film was a record of
Operation Ivy. This was a nar-
rated report of the hydrogen bomb
experiment in the Pacific Ocean.
The explosive force was the equiva-
lent of 20 million tons of high ex-


Screw periphery is protected by %” wide
Madison—The Madison Section overlay of WCR-100 oxy-acetylene rod.
has started a drive to increase its
membership by holding a contest
among its members. The plan is
to have graphs and charts on dis- Cuts High Replacement
play throughout the year indicat-
ing the gain.
Costs a Big 94 Per Cent

Using a combination of two Colmonoy hard-

surfacing alloys, the operator of the foundry sand
screw shown above now reclaims worn screws for
Free Information less than half the cost of buying new ones—and
they last six times as long. Overall costs are also
lowered by reducing the number of overhauls,
with less labor and down-time being required.
Free Literature Spectacular savings such as these might well be
made in your plant too. You know which equip-
ment suffers excessive wear. Col-
monoy sales engineers know what
“Yours for to do about it. Call one, or write to
Detroit regarding your problem part.
Ask for Colmonoy Hard-Facing Manual No. 79
the Asking”

Use Reader Information Card WALL COLMONOY

19345 John R Street ¢ Detroit 3, Michigan
For details, circle No. 26 on Reader information Card
New Members EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1959
A—Sustaining Member D—Student Member
B—Member E—Honorary Member
C—Associate Member F—Life Members


Albuquerque Louisville
Rose, Boyce A. (B) Wood, Robert H. (C)
Webb, Walter S. (B)
Atlanta Wilson, J. D. (C)
Schmidt, W. E. (B) Honorary
Michiana Life Members
Boston Brennan, Richard P. (B)
Nicholson, Frank J. (C) Hearrell, Samuel A. (B)
Morykwas, Steve (B)
Chicago AWS Builds Men of Welding
Ainsworth, James E. (D) Milwaukee
Wallace, William W. (D) Bowen, Joseph P. (C)
Odriozola, Roberto, Jr. (B)
Cincinnati Gastman, Bernard C. (C) Case, Maurice E. (B)
Mohawk Valley Griffin, James O. (C) Dettmer, Charles L. (B
Nienaber, Leonard A. (C) Loyd, Lee Roy (C)
Stari, Joseph E. (B) Brazinski, Joseph (C) Eckles, Paul N. (B)
Moke, Charles L. (C) Handley, Roy E. (B)
Cleveland Nashville Toland, Carl E. (C) Kennedy, Frank J. (C
Ward, Howard W. (C) Luse, Harley K. (B)
Farquhar, T. J. (B) Bradford, Kenneth (B) Rasmussen, George L. (B
Nichols, Robert C. (B) Bryan, Ewin L. (B) Philadelphia Wallis, John A. (B)
Rossman, John A. (B) Hale, A. T. (B) Hussakowskij, Roman (B)
Schussler, Henry C. (B) Kennedy, Hubert C. (B) Santa Clara Valiey
Looper, Frank (B) Pittsburgh
Columbus Owen, Charles Frank (B) Barr, William H. (B)
Raboine, Aaron J. (B) Agey, John C., Jr. (C) Dudley, Donald A. (B
Nunnikhoven, Joe (D) Betz, David F. (D)
New Hampshire Blose, William F. (C) Washington, D. C.
Cutting, George L. (B) Bohn, Frederick A. (C) McDonald, Clint C., Jr. (D
Baraszu, Daniel C. (B) Cooper, Charles C. (C)
Bingel, Dwight C. (B) Hensley, Robert D. (B) Western Michigan
Mosakowski, Edward (C)
Karnoski Peter J., Jr. (C) Potts, Wallace B. (B)
Lucas, Calvin (B) New Jersey Pifer, John William (C)
Robinson, James C. (B)
Jennings, James F., Jr. (B)
Fox Valley Koch, Raymond H. (C) Portland
Radloff, M. E. (B) Meehan, James F. (B) Members Reclassified
Marshall, Roy (D)
During July
Hartford New York Providence
Jacobs, Alvin H. (B) Emmons, Charles F., Jr. (B) Chicago
Cloutier, George John (C) Johnson, Walter K. (C to B)
Hander, E. J. (B) McGrath, William F. (C)
Holston Valley Harding, Robert W. (B)
Puget Sound Columbus
Clore, Glenn (C)
North Central Ohio Lott, Jack E. (C to B)
Houston Delaney, Tom (B)
Bechtle, Paul (C) Fraser, Morris C. (B) Dayton
Allen, Truett D. (B) Bruzas, Joseph (C) Hopkins, Stanton R. (B) Cary, Howard B. (C to B)
Councill, George, Jr. (B) Buschkill, C. Jack (C)
Crane, Virgil B. (B) Wettergreen, John A. (B) Richmond Mobile
Deem, Harlan L. (C) Thomas, Weedrow Rhodes Pierre, W. A., Jr. (C to B
Morrish, Fred L. (B) Northeast Tennessee (B)
Stastny, Joseph D. (B) New Jersey
Williams, William O. (B) San Antonio
Indiana Sullivan, Raymond P. (C to
Northwest Benavides, Senobio P., Jr. (B)
Bickel, James S. (D) Bentley, James P. (B)
Ford, Leslie G. (C) Southern, W. P. (B) New York
lowa Jorgenson, Harry E. (B) Monteith, James S. (C to B)
Valenta, Joe I. (C)
O’Hara, Richard J. (B) Overby, Raymond O. (C)
Richardson, Paul (C) San Diego Pittsburgh
Long Beach Stromme, George (C) Shinely, Robert L. (D to C)
Westrum, R. L. (B) Adams, Royce E. (C)
LeWeck, C. (C) Blair, David L. (B) Portland
Northwestern Pa. Cormode, Herbert J. (C) Carlson, William R. (D to C)
Los Angeles De La Motte, Joseph G. (B)
Jones, W. H. (B) Carroll, Richard E. (C) Duke, E. A. (B) Providence
Luksin, Raymond Walter (D) Eakley, Acel L. (B) Bianco, John A. (C to B
Pierce, W. C., Jr. (D) Peoria Kramer, John A. (B)
Roche, David M. (B) Baker, Albert N. (C) Thompson, Homer Clyde (B) Richmond
Rohde, Robert C. (B) Berg, Howard W. (C) Vredenburgh, Raymond T.., Florestano, Ernest J. (C to B)
Sakioka, Hiro (D) Brink, Wilbert (C) Jr. (B)
Smith, Walter J. (D) Brown, Donald W. (C) San Francisco
Walker, Dorsey E. (D) Claypool, Raonld M. (C) San Francisco Rivera, Hector Vargas (C to
Weisman, Chauncey (B) Felker, Noel C. (C) Cappelletti, Albert L. (B) B)

916| SEPTEMBER 1959

2,836,703—-Low VoLTAGE Arc WELD- the rectifier assembly and it is adapted to have a Hills, N. Y., assignor, by mesne assign-
ING Crrcuir ror UsE wITH PERCUs- battery connected in series with such circuit to ments, to the United States of America
SION HaNnpy WELDER—Willard S. provide a source of charging current to the as represented by the United States
Boyle, Berkeley Heights, and James L. battery and to prevent the application of the
open circuit voltage to the rectifier. Atomic Energy Commission.
Smith, Basking Ridge, N. J., assignors A new process of cladding uranium with
to Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 2,836,787 CONDENSER DISCHARGE aluminum is disclosed by the present patent.
nt lla N. Y., a corporation of New WELDING System—John P. Seider, First a thin layer of nickel is sandwiched between
ork. Rockford, Ill., assignor to Western aluminum or uranium eurfaces to be joined to-
In this arc-welding system for welding elec- Electric Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., a gether. The sandwich is heated in a protective
trodes together, a first electrical energy storage corporation of New York. atmosphere to a temperature of approximately
means is provided and characterized by a high 550° C after which the surfaces are forced
power, rapid discharge, while a second electrical In the present patent, a special condenser together at a pressure of approximately 20 tons
energy storage means is present and is char- discharge welding system is disclosed. The per sq in. for a period of several minutes.
acterized by a substantially constant power system includes the combination of a plurality
discharge over a predetermined time interval. of condensers with means for charging the 2,838,427—-METHOD AND APPARATUS
Means connect both such storage means to the condensers, a transformer, discharge tubes, etc. FOR FLAME SPIRALLING—Alexander L.
electrodes and other means are provided to Timer means are provided to be triggered to
operate at a predetermined time during the Pugh, Jr., Bala-Cynwyd, Pa., ignor
charge the storage means. Hence, the apparatus discharge of a first condenser in the circuit to International Resistance Co., Phila-
and circuit function so that when the electrodes delphia, Pa.
are brought together with a predetermined 2,837,626—-METHOD FOR PRODUCING
velocity an arc discharge is provided between Pugh’s patent is on a method of burning a
the electrodes over a major portion of a pre- WELDED TuBING—Mortimer Pierce. path in a car on surface body and comprises
determined time interval and the electrodes Buck and Cecil Franklin Crumbley, the steps of contacting the surface of the body
will become welded upon cooling. The apparatus Huntington, W. Va., assignors to the with a hot flame and providing relative move-
is so set up that the sum of the rapid and constant International Nickel Co, Inc., New ment between the flame and the body. Next a
power discharges provided from the up that the York, N. Y., a corporation of Delaware. nonoxidizing atmosphere is set up over the
sum of the rapid and constant electrical energy burnt surface of the body
storage means exceeds the conduction loss of the The present patent relates to a special welded
electrodes over the predetermined time interval metal tube and to a process of forming the tube. 2,838,431—METHOD AND APPARATUS
so that the electrical energy applied to the elec- The tube is made from a helically-formed metal
strip having abutting contiguous edges of ad jacent FOR THERMO-CHEMICAL METAL SCARF-
trodes will become substantially zero shortly convolutions. The metal tube edges are welded ING—William Allmang, Bloomfield,
after contact of the electrodes. together by a primary continuous inert gas- Carl E. Hartmann, Florham Park, and
shielded electric-arc butt weld penetrating from Ivan P. Thompson, Elizabeth, N. J.,
the inside tube-wall surface towards the outside assignor to Union Carbide Corp., a
tube-wall surface and a secondary, continuous corporation of New York.
similar butt weld penetrating from the outside
tube-wall surface towards the inside tube-wall In this thermo-chemical scarfing process, a
surface. stream of oxidizing gas is discharged onto a
reaction zone at an acute angle of impingement
2,837,627—-AUTOMATIC MULTIPLE ARC to the work surface. A row of jets of preheated
fuel gas are also discharged at an acute angle to
WELDING MeEtHops—Pierre Soulary, the oxidizing gas stream onto the reaction zone
Croissy-sur-Seine, France, assignor to and preheated oxidizing as is supplied from the
Unionmelt, Societe Anonyme Fran- stream of oxidizing gas to support combustion
raise, Paris, France. of the jets of fuel gas and produce post-mixed
This patent relates to an automatic multiple- preheat flames therefrom.
arc welding process wherein a constant ratio is
maintained between the feed rates of the elec- 2,838,651—APPARATUS FOR MAKING
of Current PATENTS trodes. These feed rates are automatically AND WELDING Can BoprEes—Clarence
controlled as a function of the variations of the J. Smith, Rockford, Ill., assignor to W.
arc voltage of the single one of the electrodes. F. and John Barnes Co., Rockford,
Such single electrode is energized from an inde- Ill., a corporation of Illinois.
pendent welding current source and the other
electrodes are energized from at least one current This patented apparatus is for making can
source of a known type having self-ad justing out- bodies and the like from blank means that are
put features so that the melting rates of the other moved along a path of travel. The apparatus
electrodes are kept proportional to the feed is adapted to provide resistance welded side
rate of the first or single electrode seams in the can bodies by elongated resistance
welding wire electrode means at a welding station
2,837,811 ELECTRODE COMPOSITION and adapted to engage portions of both inner and
Gerald G. Hatch, Chicago, IIl., as- outer surfaces of the can body blanks at the
side seam area thereof
signor to Kennecott Copper Corp.,
prepared by Vern L. Oldham New York, N. Y. 2,838,654 SELECTIVE CONTROL DE-
Hatch’s patent is on a consumable electrode VICE FOR STABILIZED INERT GaAs
Printed copies of patents made from a rod having a compressed mixture
may be obtained for 25¢ from the of about 75% by weight of titanium particles and SHIELDED ARC WELDING SYSTEMS
Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C about 25% by weight of sodium chloride par- Ralph E. Nugent, North Hollywood,
ticles therein Calif.
Nugents patented control is adapted to be
2,837,817—-METHOD OF MAKING THIN interposed between an arc welding apparatus
MetTaL SHEETS—Floyd C. Kelley, having current, coolant and inert gas connections.
2,836,705—-WELDING Gun-—George H. Schenectady, N. Y., assignor, by mesne A plurality of welding torches are provided in
Cotter, Springville, N. Y., assignor to assignments, to the United States of the associated apparatus and the control box is
Westinghouse Electric Corp., East adapted to selectively direct the welding current,
America as represented by the Secre- gas and water to a selected single torch while
Pittsburgh, Pa., a corporation of tary of the Navy. cutting off the current, gas and water connections
Pennsylvania. Kelley’s patent is on a process of making a to the other torches
This welding gun is used with a consumable thin foil of molybdenum or tungsten. First
electrode in a gas shield. The gun includes a one surface of a thin sheet of such metal is cleaned 2,839,433-—-Arc FLASH PREVENTING
nozzle through which the electrode and the gas as is one surface of a thicker and larger sheet of
shield are passed. Certain gas supply tubes and iron. The cleaned surface of the metal sheet COATING FOR WELDING Rops—William
other means are provided so that the gas saturates is placed against and within the periphery of the B. Kriewall, Flushing, N. Y., assignor
the region where the electrode enters a guide tube cleaned surface of the iron sheet, and a sheet of to Eutectic Welding Alloys Corp.,
and suppresses the flow of atmospheric gas in uncleaned stainless steel about equal in dimension Flushing, N. Y., a corporation of New
through the nozzle portion of the gun. to the iron sheet is placed against the uncleaned York.
2,836,786—-ARc WELDING AND Bar- surface of the metal sheet. A compact is made The present patent covers an electrode for
from the iron and stainless steel at the periphery use in arc welding operations and the electrode
TERY CHARGING APPARATUS—Arthur of such members by a plurality of spaced spot has a conductive metal core, a first covering of
E. Johnson, Elkhorn, Wis., assignor to welds. The compact is then heated in a non- conventional fluxing and slag forming materials,
A. O. Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wis., a corrosive atmosphere after which the compact is and a second or outer covering material coating.
corporation of New York. rolled in several stages so as to free the stainless Such outer coating is made from approximately
Johnson's patent covers the combination of steel form the compact leaving a laminate of the equal parts of silicon and manganese dioxide
an alternating current welding source having a metal and the iron. Further rolling actions are held together by conventional binder material
dropping voltage characteristic for providing performed after which the iron is dissolved away compatible with formation of the heavy blanket
arc welding current with a dry plate rectifier from the laminate so that there is obtained a of molten flux from the second coating material.
assembly having an inverse peak voltage limi- thin foil of the initial starting metal sheet The second coating is at least as thick as the
tation below the open circuit voltage of the first coating and the radial thickness of the total
source. A _ series circuit is also present and 2,837,818—-MetTHOD OF SOLID STATE flux covering on the core is a minimum of twice
includes the output of the welding source and WELDING—Samuel Storchheim, Forest the over-all thickness of the metal core.

| 917
Power Plant, J. Glatter, E. G. Ultrasonic Weld Inspection, J. E.
Schwartz, W. L. Frankhouser, and J. H. Bobbin. Nondestructive Testing, vol.
Eyler. Am. Mach., vol. 103, no. 10 17, no. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 1959), pp. 26-28.
(May 18, 1959), pp. 128-130. Welding and Draughtsman, H. B.
Oxygen Cutting Merriman. Brit. Welding J., vol. 6,
Powder Cutting for Stainless Steel no. 6 (June 1959), pp. 255-265.
i} Slabs. Mass Production, vol. 34, no. Tubes, Bending
12 (Dec. 1958), pp. 100-102. How to Design and Check Bends in
Rolls Welded Steel Tubing. Jron Age, vol.
183, no. 9 (Feb. 26, 1959), pp. 85-88.
Thermit Welding Structural Mill Rolls,

E. B. Russell. Jron & Steel Engr., vol.

36, no. 6 (June, 1959), pp. 124-129 How to do Better Welding Job, R.
(discussion), pp. 129-131. Kolb. Eng. & Min. J., vol. 160, no. 1
Sheet Metal (Jan. 1959), pp. 71-78.
What’s Coming In Welding. Sieel,
Short Arc Pinpoints Heat for Welding vol. 144, no. 13 (Mar. 30, 1959), pp.
Sheet Metal. Jron Age, vol. 183, no. 74-78.
9 (Feb. 26, 1959), pp. 90-92.
Welding Controls
Solders Electronic Control Equipment for
For copies of articles, write directly to Apparatus for Testing Solderability of Automatic Arc-Welding Machines. O.
publications in which they appear. A list of Wire, J. A. ten Duis. Philips Tech. Becken and E. Rietsch. AEG Prog-
addresses is available on request. Rev., vol. 20, no. 6 (1958-59), pp. 158— ress, no. 1 (1958), pp. 32-35.
161; see also Engrs.’ Digest, vol. 20,
no. 2 (Feb. 1959), pp. 77-78, 82. Welding Distortion
Welding Distortion: What Causes it
Steel Structures and How to Cure It, L. J. Larson.
Modern Methods of Fabricating Struc- Industry & Welding, vol. 32, no. 4
Arc Welding tural Steelwork, M. F. Palmer and R. (Apr. 1959), pp. 35-36, 67.
Use of Arc Welding in Structural En- J. Fowler. Structural Engr., vol. 36, Welding Electrodes
gineering, J.S. Allen. Structural Engr., no. 11 (Nov. 1958), pp. 365-376.
vol. 36, no. 10 (Oct. 1958), pp. 334 Structural Uses of Welded High- Filler Metals for Joining, O. T.
344, Tensile Steel, G. Roberts. West of Barnett. Welding Engr., vol. 44, no.
Automation Scotland Iron & Steel Inst.—J., vol. 66 4 (Apr. 1959), pp. 48-50.
(1958-59), pp. 122-130 (discussion), Identification of Covered Arc-Weld-
At France’s Renault it’s ‘“‘vive l’auto- pp. 151-186. ing Electrodes. NEMA—Publ. no.
mation.”” Am. Mach., vol. 103, no. 9 EW2-1959 (Feb. 1959). Natl. Elec.
(May 4, 1959), pp. 112-116. Surfacing Mfrs. Assn., New York, 1959, 15 pp.
Automated Press and Welding Lines at Cut Costs, Try Hard-facing, A. J. Investigation Into Slag Welding
Volkswagen Plant, D. Scott. Automo- Zvanut. Rock Products, vol. 61, no. with Plate Electrodes, B. A. Koch.
tive Industries, vol. 120, no. 2 (Jan. 11 (Nov. 1958), pp. 112, 116, 119, 140. Engrs.’ Digest, vol. 19, no. 12 (Dec.
15, 1959), pp. 66-67, 126, 128; (Feb. 15) 1958), pp. 513-515.
pp. 66-68. Testing
Investigation of Radioisotopes for In- Welding Machines
Brazing spection of Ship Welds, D. Polansky, Tape Controlled Welding Is Paying
Simple Spray-Brazing Process Makes D. P. Case, and E. L. Criscuolo. Off at Convair. Steel, vol. 144, no. 13
Tough Jobs Easy, H. E. Miller. Jron Nondestructive Testing, vol. 17, no. 1 (March 30, 1959), p. 80.
Age, vol. 183, no. 5 (Jan. 29, 1959), pp. (Jan.-Feb. 1959), pp. 21-25.
85-87. What Do Russians Weld With? P.
Radiographic Inspection of Welded Trippe, D. Swan, D. Vvedensky, and
Electric Cables Turbine Wheels for Jet Starters, A. R. R. J. Gasser. Product Eng., vol. 30,
Stranded Cable Brazed, Cut Automat- Potenski. Nondestructive Testing, vol. no. 3 (Jan. 19, 1959), pp. 64-67.
ically, W. Scott and J. L. Harper. 17, no. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 1959), pp. 29-31.
Severe Wear of Pearlitic Steel Weld Zirconium
Steel, vol. 144, no. 11 (Mar. 16, 1959),
pp. 132-133. Metal, S. Ito, K. Honda, and K. Argon Pinch-Hits for Helium in Zir-
Ishiyama. Tokyo. Government Mech. caloy-2 Welding Operations, H. E
Nuclear Reactors Laboratory——J. Mech. Laboratory (Eng- Soisson. Welding Engr., vol. 44, no. 4
Zirconium Welds Join Parts for Atomic lish Ed), vol. 4, no. 1 (1958), pp. 15-21. (Apr. 1959). p. 59.


YOU'RE in your 20's or early 30's The TAPCO GROUP of THOMPSON RAMO WOOLDRIDGE, INC. is
seeking a Welding Metallurgist to supervise a welding test !aboratory.
YOU'RE interested in metals and welding Diversified experience is necessary in the field of fusion welding of alloy
YOU can handle a job where you're pretty much your own boss steels, stainless steels, heat resistant alloys, or titanium alloys. Must be
capable of initiating welding development programs for the above ma-
YOU like to travel (New York State, mainly) terials and for refractory metals, molybdenum, columbium and tantalum.
Background should include a metallurgical or welding engineering degree.
YOU want to sell and to manage a sales territory
Forward resume to: Engineering Personnel Manager.
YOU like being paid according to the results you produce...
YOU may be our man TAPCO GROUP
7209 Platt Avenue
33 WEST 39th STREET @ NEW YORK 18, N. Y.

gi8 | SEPTEMBER 1959

ao wk ee

RESTRICTED wire fwo Keay aPeeTume
eesTmcTeO Tuse with




X-ray boom in position within the shell for radio- Diagram shows how three longitudinal seams are
graphing weld seams in missile body. x-rayed simultaneously.

Radiograph revealed crack and porosity which must be repaired.

Three hour x-ray job cut to thirty-five minutes

To speed Air Force missile pro- tank. Two rod-anode type x-ray present x-ray equipment. To see how
gram, Douglas develops unusual tubes, fixed on a boom extending you can save time and money, dis-
exposure technique within the shell, project x-rays cuss it with your Kodak x-ray dealer
through lead slits to all three weld- or write for a Kodak Technical
Ordinarily the longitudinal weld-
ments. In making the exposure, the Representative to call and talk it
ments of the three segments making
tank is moved half its length by elec- over with you
up this missile tank would be radio-
graphed by an external source using tric drive, each half passing through
successive exposures of individual the radiation of one of the x-ray tubes.
film cassettes mounted along the Using Kodak Industrial X-ray
weld inside the tank. Film, Type AA adds to the savings in
To meet production schedules and time—for this film has the extra
reduce costs, Douglas Aircraft Co. sensitivity and speed to allow shorter
exposure. Kodak Industrial X-ray Film, Types
devised the method shown in the AA, M, and KK are available in
diagram. Strips of 70mm Kodak In all applications, Type AA Film 70mm by 550 ft. as well as
Industrial X-ray Film are placed is producing quality work in less in standard size packages
along the welds on the outside of the time—also extending the service of of 75 or 100 sheets

X-ray Division, EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, Rochester 4, N. Y.

For details, circle No. 27 on Reader Information Card

| 919
New Electrode Numbering System and Edwin M. Miller. George F. In his new position Mr. Nickerson
Proposed by RWAA Clipsham was elected secretary. will coordinate the sales of all elec-
Mr. Wilson W3, who has been with trical contacts and contact ma-
A proposal by the Resistance Lincoln since 1935 in various engi- terials produced by the Baker Con-
Welding Alloy Association concerns neering capacities, is in charge of the tact, H. A. Wilson and D. E. Make-
the adoption of a new, simplified company’s application engineering peace Divisions.
numbering system for electrodes and service, developing procedures and Sebastian P. Musco, former
holders. techniques for applications of arc manager of the Providence plant of
The existing numbering system, welding in industry. Willis, with the American Platinum & Silver
which follows the Morse taper code, Lincoln since 1947 in manufactur- Division of Engelhard Industries,
was adopted by the RWMA some ing, is head of the company’s elec- Inc., has been appointed division
time ago. Because this system is trode manufacturing division, re- sales manager.
arbitrary and confusing, the RWAA sponsible for the manufacturing of
has suggested the use of a Jarno Electronic Welding Co.
taper code, to be known as the
“RWAA Numbering System.” Ex- Zero Manufacturing Co., Bur-
isting electrodes and holders will be bank, Calif. metal fabricating firm
interchangeable with those manufac- recently announced approval by the
tured under the new system, as the
actual tapers are almost identical.
The advantages given for new
RWAA system are: COMING
1. Uniform taper of 0.600 in. per
2. Sizes or numbers of the tapers EVENTS
have a definite physical relationship
to the dimensions. The designa-
tion number represents the diameter A Calendar of Welding Activity
of the taper in increments of '/, in.
(No. 3 =*/;in., No. 8 =*/s in. =1 in.,
etc.) Robert A. Wilson
AWS National Meetings
3. Existing tapers fall within manual and automatic welding elec-
tolerances of new system and are trodes, fluxes and supplies. Miller 1959 National Fall Meeting:
interchangeable. joined Lincoln in 1923 and has been September 28—October 1. Shera-
4. New tapers of intermediate associated with nearly every phase ton Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich.
size, i.e., */, in. and */, in., can be of the company’s welding machine 4ist Annual Meeting and Eighth
described adequately by the system. and motor manufacturing. He is Welding Show:
The development of the new head of the machinery manufactur- April 25-29, 1960. Biltmore Ho-
numbering system is the work of ing division. Clipsham, with Lin- tel, Los Angeles, Calif.
the RWAA Standards Committee, coln since 1929, and from 1935 to
under the chairmanship of J. C. 1948 president of the company’s NWSA
Cox WS, president of the S-M-S former English subsidiary, will as-
September 24-25. Central Zone
Corp. of Detroit, Mich. Cooperat- sume the company’s general secre-
Meeting, Statler Hilton Hotel,
ing with the committee are Howard tarial duties.
Alexander of the Ford Motor Co. and
Arthur Wood of P. R. Mallory Co. Engelhard Appoints Two September 28-29. Eastern Zone
Meeting, Hotel Roosevelt, New
Joseph Nickerson, former sales York City.
manager of the American Platinum
Lincoln Elects Officers & Silver Division of Engelhard
Industries, Inc., has been appointed ASM
The board of directors of The
Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, coordinator of electrical contact November 2-6, 1959. 4ist Na-
Ohio, at its regular July meeting, sales and member of the corpora- tional Metal Exposition and
elected the following vice presidents: tion’s executive committee. Heisa Congress. International Amphi-
Robert A. Wilson, George F. Willis, vice president of the corporation. theatre, Chicago.

920| SEPTEMBER 1959


When it’s unhandy to position

Hard-Face it where it Sits!

Low Cost STOODY 1030— the rod that simplifies

jobs —in field or shop!

POSITION WELDING — Here's a new Stoody Hard- Stoody 1030 surpasses everything in its price class!
Facing Rod for use on big equipment — parts that This means longer wear per hard-facing dollar!
can’t be positioned readily for welding! Stoody
For high deposition rates, more actual pounds laid
1030 is easy to weld either vertical or downhand
down per hour...for a long lasting alloy at a low
The arc is smooth and stable with little smoke and
price try Stoody 1030! It’s available from any
low spatter. Runs AC and DC. Welds to carbon
Stoody Dealer. Check the Yellow Pages of your
steel, manganese steel and weldable cast iron.
phone book or write direct to the company. Litera-
LESS WORK— With Stoody 1030 there’s no slag to ture available.
chip, deposits are bright and clean—ready for mul-
tiple passes and high buildups, if required.
facing metals know that high alloy content is the 11986 East Slauson Avenue * Whittier, California
key to more wear resistance. With 11.3% chrome,
For details, circle No. 29 on Reader Information Card
stockholders of both companies of
the purchase of Electronic Welding
Co., also of Burbank, for an undis-
vide prequalified joint designs for closed amount of Zero stock. Elec-
all requirements. This would ful- tronic Welding had reported 1958
fill 95% of the designer’s require- sales of $432,000, and is expected to
ments, and would eliminate much show a substantial increase this
of the expense involved in qualify- year. The combined sales of Zero,
ing welded joints. Electronic Welding and The White
Prequalification of welding proc- Aircraft Corp., whose purchase was
esses and procedures could also be
made more universal. reported in March, are expected to
Reciprocity of welder qualifica- exceed $6,000,000 as compared to
tions is another potential area for this year’s record figure of approxi-
reducing testing and allowing sub- mately $3,750,000. Electronic Weld-
sequent savings. ing president Raymond Koepenick
Before significant progress can be will continue to direct the facility’s
made in the above situations, we activities and will become a vice
Dear Mr. Rossi: must have more uniformity among president of Zero.
the welding provisions of the codes
Industry and the public have now in use. A possible objective
shown increasing acceptance of would be a single welding code com- Adopt Trademark
welding. Correspondingly, there prising sections devoted to various
has been an increase in the number applications or industries, and /or Since 1946 the Contour Sales
of codes and specifications which providing for various levels of Corp. have marketed four patented
govern its application. These stand- quality. Testing procedures would welding aids—each under a different
ards are written by groups inter- be standardized with variations name. Now, in order to avoid con-
ested in protecting the public or in peculiar only to specific applications. fusion and to facilitate quick identi-
maintaining minimum quality In conjunction with such a code, fication of all of their products, they
standards. They are primarily used various levels of service requirements
by purchasers and users of welded and acceptability with respect to have registered and are now using
products and many times form the radiographic inspection, magnetic- the trade mark—Curv-O-Mark.
basis for price. Codes are not particle inspection, etc., would be
written to limit a particular manu- established. The level of accepta- Resistance-welding Machine
facturing process but to protect the bility and/or applicable sections of
life and property of the public. the general code would then be a Sales Up
Those responsible for purchasing matter of agreement between pur- Monthly statistics compiled by
and using weldments produced un- chaser and supplier. the Resistance Welder Manufac-
der code rarely criticize the codes. The single general code would
Those who do criticize codes are turers’ Association indicate that new
contain provisions for welder qualifi-
usually members of the welding in- cation, also at various levels of pro- business has been increasing steadily
dustry. Even they, however, would ficiency. A pattern similar to that since the first of the year. The cur-
not remove or eliminate the quality employed in licensing airplane pilots rent tabulation reflects a 42% gain
control specification employed in all the way from the learner’s per- in net orders for the first five months
purchasing or inspecting materials mit to the multiengine type of li- of 1959, when compared to the same
for their own use. cense could be employed. Welder period last year.
We believe that much can be done qualifications could allow for move- Shipments continue to exceed $2
to reduce the confusion surrounding ment between employers without million per month and are 15,
the use of codes and tests. Al- requalification. Adequate _ safe-
though the AMERICAN WELDING ahead of the same period in 1958.
guards and records would be re-
Society has done a notable job of quired. Members reported backlogs of
standardizing the welding provi- Such a code could eliminate $8'/. million, the highest figure in
sions in the different codes, much countless duplications of tests to nearly two years.
work remains. Many people criti- qualify processes, joint designs, pro-
cize welding codes but too few of cedures and tests to qualify welders
them know what these various codes Airline Welding Expands
for each new contract or with each
contain. One objective should be new employer. The savings to Groundbreaking ceremonies for a
to provide increased knowledge and fabricators would be enormous and new $150,000 facility for Airline
understanding of the provisions of the final result would be quality Welding and Engineering were cele-
the different codes. welding at lower cost.
Most welding codes contain scope, brated recently by more than 100
Welding codes and specifications employees and officers at the com-
welding definitions, welding speci- cannot be eliminated. Buyers de-
mens and testing methods, design mand guarantees of quality in the pany’s new site, 159th and San
considerations including joint de- goods they purchase. Likewise, Pedro streets, Los Angeles.
sign, welding electrodes and base some people attempt to reduce Byron H. Russell 9, Airline
metals, inspection jurisdiction and quality and to produce goods that president, turned the first spadeful
acceptability standards, the quali- will not meet the service require- of earth for the new 38,000-sq ft
fication of processes and procedures ments imposed. Only by means of concrete building which has been
and the qualification of welders. minimum standards can we main- more than one year in the planning
These last two factors, together with tain an orderly arrangement be-
inspection requirements, provide for stage.
tween buyer and seller that will The plant will incorporate equip-
the majority of the welding tests. protect life and property and retain
Some of the codes provide stand- public confidence in welding. ment for the manufacture of pre-
ardized joint designs which have cision welding positioners and re-
been prequalified. Additional re- Howarp B. Cary, Director lated tooling.
search should be performed to pro- Hobart Brothers Technical School In addition, the plant will include
a complete sheet metal fabrication
shop and research welding labora-
tories for the investigation of weld-

922| SEPTEMBER 1959

ing techniques for new exotic metals,
alloys and complicated assemblies.
New Hi-Ilmpact Plastic Insulated
Welding-wire Factory
i A new factory producing welding Panel Receptacles and Mating Plugs
wire will be in operation in Rich-
mond, Calif. this year.
Construction began in July on a
$70,000 plant housing a branch of
the Industrial Air Products Co. of . Mount directly
Portland. Albert R. Seyranian,
San Francisco architect, has de- im ry onany
signed a 15,000-sq ft building featur-
As + Electrical
ing tilt up walls and glu-laminated
ceiling beams. Gilbert Schnitzer Panel
is president of the northwest con-
cern which also manufactures indus-
trial and medical gases and various
types of welding equipment at the J
home plant.
New Warehouse
Alloy Rods Co. announced re-
cently the establishment of a ware-
| rx-Tiibit-)-¢
house in the Oakland-San Francisco-
Bay Area. The company has main-
tained a sales office in that area for
the past three years, making all
shipments from its plant at El
Segundo. Walsh states that the
increased usage of company prod- Now, you can make fast, positive power connections to any
ucts by fabricators in the Bay metal panel or housing without special insulating materials.
Area warrants the establishment of | Simply punch outa hole and insert a Cam-Lok self-insulated
local stocks and service. The new Receptacle! Uses standard electrical lock-nuts, affords
warehouse is located at 95 Market ‘“‘dead-front”’ protection. Push in and twist Cam-Lok
St., Oakland 7, Calif. Telephone
mating Plug and you've made a locked connection, which
GLencourt 1-1171.
can be released quickly.
Air Reduction Appointments
New Cam-Lok Receptacles eliminate costs of special
On July 16, O. M. Donohue as- insulating panels and reduce assembly time. Patented,
sumed new duties as administrative
high-pressure contact assures minimum resistance and
assistant, Eastern Region, Air Re-
duction Sales Co., at Union, N. J. heating.
Mr. Donohue, who has been with
the company since 1925, was dis- Cam-Lok has a complete line of Receptacles and Plugs in
trict manager of Airco’s Metropoli- many sizes and designs. Standard and special purpose
tan District located in Jersey City, Power Distribution Connections are available. Write today
N. J.
Mr. Donohue was succeeded by for new Bulletin No. 301.
C. D. L. Perkins as district manager
of the Metropolitan District. Mr.
“Dead Front” design for fast
Perkins’ career with Air Reduction
began in 1950 as a salesman, and, direct mounting on...
except for a period of military leave,
he served in this capacity until his © ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANELS © SWITCHGEAR
appointment in 1957 as assistant ¢ BUS DUCT «© JUNCTION BOXES
manager, sales (gases), Airco Phila-
delphia. © WIREWAY or any electrical cubicle

Metal & Thermit Appoints

The appointment of E. S. Nus-
pliger, Jr. as director of advertising EMPIRE PRODUCTS, INC
and publicity, Metal & Thermit
Corp., was announced recently. e@noneclelix P.O. BOX J-98
A graduate of Hamilton College DIVISION CINCINNATI 36, OHIO
with the Bachelor of Science degree,
Mr. Nuspliger was a vice president For details, circle No. 33 on Reader Information Card

| $23
warehouse area and 5000 sq ft of
office space.

Welding Supply
House Established
Louisville, Ky. has a new weld-
MILWAUKEE ing supply house, Ki-Weld Supply
Co., 1510 Mellwood Ave., Louisville
6, Ky. This new firm is headed by
WELDING MACHINERY Joseph Hassler 49 who was formerly
ENGINEERS BUILDERS with the Tri-State Supply Co. of
Louisville. Associated with Mr.
ESTABLISHED 18386 Hassler is Elmer Fautz who pre-
viously acted as manager of Tri-
State Supply Co.
In addition to the normal distrib-
For details, circle No. 34 on Reader information Card utor activities, a complete repair
department has been set up for
and account group manager at G. Co., Jefferson City, Mo. The Texas handling repairs and reconditioning
M. Basford Co., N. Y. Prior to firm, owned by C. E. Graves WS of gas and electric welding equip-
this he was an account executive marked the occasion by staging an ment.
with Moser & Cotins, Inc., Utica, open house and welding clinic. The
N. Y. He was voted “Agency Missouri firm is owned by A. E. General Dynamics Acquires
Man of the Year’ in 1958 by the Bogg. Hench Enterprises
New Jersey Chapter, National In-
dustrial Advertisers Association. Whitehead Opens General Dynamics Corp. recently
acquired the industrial and medical
Syracuse Office gas business of the Hench associated
P & H Names Two Distributors gas enterprises.
A new sales office and warehouse,
Harnischfeger Corp. have ap- covering a total area of 45,000 sq ft, The acquisition of the stock of the
pointed two new distributors to han- was opened in Syracuse, N. Y. by various companies comprising the
dle P & H welding equipment: Texas Whitehead Metals, Inc. Located enterprises involved several million
Welding Supply Co., Dallas, Tex., in the Syracuse Industrial Park, the dollars and was a cash transaction.
and A. E. Bogg, Machine & Tool new building has 40,000 sq ft of The Hench group of gas enterprises
is said to be the strongest inde-
pendent group in the industrial and
medical gas field.

Canadian Company Expands
Superior Propane Ltd. has an-
nounced the purchase of Nakash
Propane at Thetford Mines, Que.

The former customers of Nakash

made by All-State for Propane Ltd. will be serviced by
Superior through Mr. Maurice Gre-
WELDING nier, a Superior distributor in Thet-
ford Mines.
SOLDERING Glenn Purchases
M & T Welding Products
Production line brazing with auto- The purchase of all the outstand-
POWDERED flux is micro-ground; matic fluxing system. information
on All-State JET FLUX® on request. ing stock of M & T Welding Prod-
PASTE flux is homogenized ucts Corp. by Glenn Industries
Corp., was announced recently.
At ALL-Srarte each flux is manufactured to rigid speci- Formerly a wholly owned subsidiary
fications, tailored for best results with specific alloys. of Metal & Thermit Corp. of Rah-
For example, ALL-STaTeE’s S-200 silver brazing flux af- way, N. J., M & T Welding Prod-
fords complete protection to heated base metal to 1800° ucts Corp. designed and manu-
F., insuring excellent capillary action and easy flowing factured heavy-duty power supplies
of silver alloy. Melts at 600° F. Equal care is built into used in automatic welding processes
and in the electronics, nuclear and
other fluxes made by ALL-SrarTe to assure oxide-free
general industrial fields.
bonding of all metals at low temperatures. Henceforth the operating com-
Ask for free copy of 58-page Instruction Manual. Write for pany will be known as the Glenn
information on fluxes custom coated on your own rods. Pacific Power Supply Corp. Pres-
ent plant and office facilities lo-
stributor Stocked venient to buy. Economical to use cated at 703—-37th Ave., Oakland,
Fen ALL- STATE WELDING ALLOYS CO., INC., a will be expanded to provide a 25%
Call WHite Plains 8-4646 or write for nearest distributor increase in production capacity.
No change in product lines or cus-
For details, circle No. 35 on Reader Information Card tomer service will be made.

924| SEPTEMBER 1959

FOREIGN VISITORS Westinghouse Announces Sales for the nine months totaled
12% Gain $4,739,259, and compared with $4,-
593,891 in the same period last
Net income of the Westinghouse year.
Electric Corp. increased 12% in the
first quarter of 1959 over the cor-
responding period a year ago to $14,- Canadian Firm Enlarges
409,000, equal to 81 cents a common Allan A. Rowan-Legg, president
share. of Superior Propane Ltd., has an-
The board of directors declared a nounced the purchase by Superior of
dividend of 50 cents a share on the Gerow Propane Ltd. of Brockville,
common stock, and 95 cents a share Ontario. This purchase involves
on the 3.80% preferred stock, both cylinders, regulators and a trans-
payable June ist to stockholders of port tanker.
record May 11th.
Among recent visitors to Hobart Brothers
Co., Troy, Ohio, was Alberto M. Vazquez, Net sales billed in the first quarter
were $440,072,000, a decline of 2% Linde Starts Liquid-hydrogen
manager of Equipo Petrolero Ltda., La
Paz, Bolivia, distributors of Hobart weld- from the billings of $449,329,000 in Plant in California
ing equipment inthatcountry. With Mr. the initial quarter of 1958. The net Linde Co., will build a liquid-
Vazquez (center) are W. H. Hobart, Jr. income after taxes of $14,409,000 on hydrogen producing plant at Tor-
(left) and G. R. Whitlow, Hobart export these sales compared with first rance, Calif. Construction of the
manager (right) quarter net income a year ago of plant will be completed in one year.
$12,903,000, which was equal to 73 Original plans called for Linde to
cents a share. begin construction of a liquid hydro-
gen facility on the west coast late
Nelson Reports Earnings this year. Construction date has
Gregory Industries, Inc., has re- been advanced since the National
Norris Office Relocated ported net earnings of $207,496 Aeronautics and Space Administra-
The Norris Division of Norris- of 66 cents per share for the nine tion recently awarded a contract for
Thermador Corp. has announced months ended Jan. 31, 1959. This the supply of liquid hydrogen to
that R. K. Innes, manager, cylinder compares with earnings of $243,423 Linde Co. Under the terms of
sales, Eastern Area, has moved his or 78 cents per share on an equiv- the contract Linde will supply
office to 248 Lorraine Ave., Upper alent number of shares during the NASA up to 3,300,000 Ib of liquid
Montclair, N. J. same period last year. hydrogen per year.

Excessive heat in a welding circuit is oftentimes caused
by a resistance build-up at some point in the welding cir-
CABLE ATTACHMENTS cuit due to connections being loose or oxidization setting up
in a mechanical type of terminal connection.
Shown in the above “cut-a-way” picture of an Elec-
trode Holder is the new HI-AMP, T.P.C. type of connection
that can be adapted to ground clamps and quick discon-
nect plugs as well as to electrode holders.
T.P.C. means a Thieaded Power connection using the
pressure of threads on a sleeve to drive the ends of any
welding cable down into the depth of a cable socket, then
locked into place with threaded plugs. An excellent electrical
connection as well as providing direct contact with the
welding cable to the accessory so that maximum heat is
conducted into the heat-absorbing cable.



For details, circle No. 36 on Reader information Card

| 925
Metal & Thermit Corp. New Eutectic Warehouse services. The new Chicago ware-
Reports on Sales and Service Center house is another phase in a million
dollar warehouse expansion program
Sales of Metal & ‘hermit Corp. Eutectic Welding Alloys Corp. announced by the company earlier
for the three months ended June 30, has announced the opening of a new this year.
1959, were over $11,000,000, com- Chicago warehouse-service center at
pared with $8,403,355 in the corre- 4353 South Kedzie Ave. The new
sponding period a year ago. Pre- facility, under the management of Branch Facility
liminary estimates indicate that Lester Soliday, will serve as head-
net earnings after taxes will be quarters for the company’s Central Opened
$440,000 compared with $151,434 a Division, Inc., formerly located at The opening of an Industrial Air
year ago, indicating per share earn- 1652 E. 87th St. Products Co. liquid oxygen and
ings in the second quarter of this The announcement was made by acetylene manufacturing and dis-
year of 55 cents per share compared Mr. Rene D. Wasserman AS, presi- tributing facility in Boise, Idaho,
with 19 cents last year. dent of Eutectic Welding Alloys was recently announced.
Corp., who said that the expansion Galen Ebright, previously man-
Rankin Expands move was prompted by the tre- ager for [AP at Yakima, will serve as
Research Facilities mendous industrial growth of the Boise manager. Ebright formerly
area in recent years and the ac- managed Industrial Air Products of
Appointment of Harry Rankin to companying demands for better the South at New Orleans and also
direct research and product develop- welding materials and consultation served in the firm’s Seattle office.
ment activities in the field of hard-
surface welding is announced by
David Rankin, president of Rankin
Manufacturing Co. To augment
their research program, Rankin
Manufacturing Co. has at the same
time more than doubled the area of
their research laboratories and has
installed new equipment for qualita-
tive and quantitative analysis of
existing and experimental alloys
used in the manufacture of their
Ranite metallic-coated electrodes
and their new Ranomatic wire.

For wil WELDING HEATS... General Advertising Rates
Effective January 1, 1960
3 times 6 times 12 times *
-00 a
USE THIS .00 260.
*24 times rate, for full page only: $330
*36 times rate, for full page only: $300
1 450.00
WELD-CHEK Inside front cover
Inside back cover
THERMOMETER Outside back cover
Inside pages, standard AAAA color, extra
Indicates up to Inside pages, special color, extra
Color on cover, extra

Now you can check these and many other surface temperatures ORNAMENTAL
quickly, accurately . . .
to 1,000°F. Stability within 60 | @ HIGH CARBON STEELS IRON DESIGNS
seconds ... easy to read. May be | and other metals
left on material or area to be tested | @ MANGANESE Book of 3100 beautiful, practical designs for railings,
during pre-heating period... need j @ PRE-HEATED MAGNESIUM
not be removed between re adings | @ HARD FACING columns, etc.
User can reset, if necessary. Small
magnetic clamp holds thermome- | @ FURNACE WELDING Free literature
ter in place on vertical or a | Model 573-FM
ferrous surfaces, Diameter 1% | with Magnet Clamp s@eo
weight 4 oz Model 575-FM, same but with maximum- CUNNINGHAM
Your order will be filled minimum temperature indicators, $6.75 3881 South 3200 West
through your nearest dealer Phone GRanite 8-1134 or write Dept WJ-99
Salt Lake City 4, Utah
11836 W. Pico Blvd
For details, circle No. 38 on Reader Information Card For details, circle No. 28 on Reader Information Card

926 | SEPTEMBER 1959

Pa eaeaa


Welding Gas & Equipment Co. of Detroit,

Mich., has added 3500 sq ft to its ware-
house facilities at 7425 E. Davison Ave.
“The new addition provides a total of
12,000 sq ft for our office and plant and
enables us to serve our customers
better,"’ said Carroll Brown MWS, presi-

im 8 > me Tt }


Mayor Vernon D. Selland turns a valve

that sent the first quantity of liquid
oxygen from a huge trailer truck into a
new 150,000-cu ft liquid-oxygen storage
and filling unit dedicated at Baker's
Welding Supply Co., Fresno, Calif., as J
M. Bridges (left) and G. B. Doubleday
look on Photo courtesy of National Valve and Manufacturing Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Specify Drawalloy “quality controlled” stainless steel welding wire for
your next “quality weldments.” Your greatest advantage is experience ...
our experience in producing wires for welding exclusively. Because we are
ATTEND TRAINING SCHOOL specialists, Drawalloy stainless steel welding wire is produced to strictly
; 4 controlled specifications to provide the right chemistry, finish and temper
for the finest quality weld metal and smoother operation in your automatic
or semi-automatic equipment. Drawalloy stainless wires are available in all
popular grades as well as 214 Cr, 1 Mo; 144 Cr, 4% Mo.
Why not discuss your stainless welding wire needs with your Drawalloy
Distributor or Representative . . . a man with the products and knowledge
to help you. Bulletin 355 DC provides complete information on every grade
of Drawalloy wire. Write to: Drawalloy Corporation, Lincoln Highway
West at Alloy Street, York 13, Penna.

Among recent students at the Hobart

Technical School, Troy, Ohio, were two
trainees from Paraguay, Julio T. Sal- —DRAWALLOY—
gueiro (left) and John Hanzen (right) CORPORATION
Both received four weeks’ welding training
under the joint sponsorship of the United STAINLESS STEEL & TOOL STEEL WELDING WIRE
States Operations Mission in Paraguay,
Point IV, and the International Coopera- THE WIRE MILL FOR THE WELDING INDUSTRY
tion Administration For details, circle No. 39 on Reader information Card

| 927
3, as Director of Advertising and
Sales Promotion and Charles G.
Herbruck 5 as Assistant Secretary,
Public Relations and Publicity.
Mr. Sawyer, a graduate of Cor-
nell University, joined Lincoln in
1948. Following an assignment as
a methods engineer, in 1950 he
entered the company’s advertising
and sales promotion department, in
which he assisted in planning and
producing the company’s advertis-
ing, sales literature and promotion
activities. He now has been placed
in charge of this department and will
direct the company’s advertising
and sales promotion program. A. W. Sawyer
Mr. Herbruck, a graduate of
Princeton University, started with
Lincoln in 1942 following several
A. 0. Smith Announces years of newspaper experience. He
Organizational Changes worked in the factory as a foreman
and for two years as night superin-
The following organizational
tendent. In 1947 he became an
changes in the sales department of
assistant to the late A. F. Davis,
the Welding Products Division, A.
working with the company’s educa-
O. Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wis.,
tional and publishing program. In
were recently announced by R. W.
his new position, Herbruck will direct
Raney MS, general sales manager of
the company’s general public rela-
the division.
tions, publicity and educational
A. E. Johnson WS, formerly chief
engineer, Elkhorn, Wisconsin plant,
was named sales manager—welding
machines, replacing A. R. Schneller Firestone Leaves Acme
WS. Schneller assumes manager-
Gustave A. Firestone, V3, general
ship of the Milwaukee District. C. G. Herbruck
manager of Acme Welding and
Johnson also assumes responsibility Heating Division of the United Tool
for the division’s advertising func-
& Die Co., West Hartford, Conn.,
tion, formerly handled by R. N.
has announced his resignation from
Stime. Stime has been named A. the company after more than 10
O. Smith’s assistant director of
years of active management of the
organization. He is now in the
L. G. Crowley WS, who has been
process of establishing his own busi-
manager of the Milwaukee District, ness in West Hartford.
was named southern regional man-
A native of Philadelphia, Pa., he
ager with headquarters in Memphis, attended Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and is a member of the
Sawyer, Herbruck American Ordnance Association, So-
Appointed by Lincoln ciety for Non-Destructive Testing
and both the Connecticut and
The Lincoln Electric Co. has National Associations of Purchasing
appointed Ansley W. Sawyer, Jr. Agents.
A. R. Schneller

A. E. Johnson R. N. Stime L. G. Crowley

928 | SEPTEMBER 1959


universal pressure welding torch No. 43

and the No. 49 cutting attachment will

faat-1.4-me i m oley-t-j|
ol (-mi(em-Aa-ie-lel—

ile} 7, MORE asl lal

rVor-s igelaame celelames dllalel—la-)

outstanding features:

All welding assemblies and cutting attachments operate on less than 1 pound
of Acetylene, permitting complete withdrawal of all the gas.
Safer . . . virtually impossible to back oxygen into acetylene line.
Exceptional Flame Stability, due to unique mixing principal.


Call your nearest Harris Distributor for a Demonstration—or write to us.



For details, circle No. 40 on Reader Information Card
In 1955 Governor Lodge ap-
pointed him to the Boiler Safety
Board which had been established
by the state legislature to originate,
develop and write a code for boiler
safety for Connecticut.

Budd Co. Names Archer

George Richard Archer WS has
been named chief engineer, elec-
tronic controls section of the Budd
Co., it was announced recently.
Mr. Archer was first associated
with the company in 1952 as a stress
analyst working with the weapons
division. In 1955 he was ap-
pointed a project engineer. He has
been with the manufacturing meth-
ods research and the airframe re-
search laboratories of the company.
Mr. Archer attended the Coast
Guard Academy and was awarded a
B.S. and a M.S. degree from Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology in
1953 and 1955. He is active in the
Institute of Radio Engineers, the
i: ‘ American Institute of Electrical
Engineering and the AMERICAN

Other Employment Ads


Appear on Page 918

These and other vital missile and space projects

at DOUGLAS have created prime opportunities for
METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS The Allis-Chalmers Manufactur-
(B.S., M.S. or Ph.D.) ing Company, Hydraulic Division,
at York, Pennsylvania, has an
Several outstanding openings exist in production, development and opening in its Manufacturing organ-
research. Areas include fusion welding and design consultation. ization for an experienced Welding
Aircraft or missile experience is preferred but is not mandatory. Engineer. Engineering degree
/ For full information contact Applicants should have experi-
ig C. C. LaVene, Box 621-D ence in heavy fabrication with a
3 A.)Ne, _ Douglas Aircraft Company knowledge of metallurgy, being
DOUGLASS Santa Monica, California capable of developing techniques
KES“/ for the fabrication of alloy mate-
The most respected name in aircraft, missile and space technology Salary commensurate with ex-
perience and ability to work with a
high degree of independence.
Send resume to:
Industrial Relations Department
Allis-Chalmers Manufac’uring Co.
York Works
Lincoln & Hartley Streets
York, Pennsylvania

930| SEPTEMBER 1959

McIntosh Promoted
R. J. McIntosh, superintendent
of the structural steel manufactur-
ing division at the R. C. Mahon
Co., Detroit, has been named plant
manager of the division.
He succeeds Graham Dick M93
who will continue to be affiliated
with the division in an advisory
McIntosh joined Mahon early in
1947, becoming division superin-
tendent shortly thereafter.

Bohen Retires After

45 Years of Service
Thomas M. Bohen retired on
June 30, 1959, from active service
with Whitehead Metals, Inc. after
serving with the company since its
formation in 1914. Mr. Bohen
will continue as honorary chairman
and honorary director of the com-
pany, an affiliate of the Inter-
national Nickel Co., Inc.

Russell Joins
Fibre-Metal Pacific
William C. Russell has joined the
sales department of Fibre-Metal
Pacific, Inc., 7332 S. Garfield
Avenue, Bell Gardens, Calif. He
was formerly with the B. F. Mc-
Donald Co. and is a member of the
American Society of Safety En-
gineers, both San Francisco and
Los Angeles Chapters, a member of
the Southern California Safety So-
ciety, the Aircraft Manufacturers
Safety Council, and the Veterans of
Mr. Russell will cover’ the
Southern California - Arizona -
Nevada territory for Fibre-Metal
Pacific, Inc. and will work with
distributors of Fibre-Metal Safety
and Welding equipment in a sales ELECTRODE HOLDERS
promotional capacity. convert the total fluxed portion of
electrodes into weld metal.
Reduce stub waste to the lowest
possible. ..which means
YOU LESS, 15 to 20 percent less, when
SERVICE deposited with SHORTSTUBS!
BULLETIN A Saving of $15.00
to $20.00 of every
Services Available FiOmeer fOr $100.00 spent for
A-723. Young Indian,” age 21,
painstaking, a graduate in Science of
the University of Calcutta, having BERNARD WELDING EQUIPMENT CO.
sound theoretical and practical knowl-
edge of gas and electrical welding, . 10232 S. AVENUE N
seeks a job with an American welding
firm to learn more of the trade. Any Peet §=6CHICAGO 17, ILLINOIS
position commensurate with the above
qualification and experience will be Contact your focal distributor
thankfully accepted. For details, circle No. 42 on Reader information Card

NWA mIGeUlt Bulletin 35-F is said to feature the
38 most important “‘Sellstrom Safe-
guards’”’ found in the firm’s large
general catalog, including welding

Arc-welding Training Manual Issued by AWS

The AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY which would be a guide to instruc-
has announced the publication of tors and a reference to welders.
an Arc Welding Training Manual Fifty pages are devoted to arc-
specifically designed for welders and welding exercises and the various
instructors of manual metal-arc techniques can be mastered by
welding. following the instructions. Step by
Contents include welding proc- step illustrations show how each
esses and recommended § safety operation is performed, and each and chipping goggles, welding hel-
practices, the metal-arc process, exercise details the material, elec- mets, face shields, industrial res-
accessories, exercises in arc welding, trode, amperage, voltage, polarity pirators and a variety of replace-
arc-welding equipment, identifica- and the purpose of the particular ment lenses and plates.
tion of metals and metals and their exercise. For your free copy, circle No. 56
structure. Profusely illustrated, the on Reader Information Card.
manual contains 337 line drawings, Copies of the AWS Training
halftones and tables. Manual of Arc Welding are avail-
The material was prepared in able from the AMERICAN WELDING Wall Chart of
response to requests from schools Society, 33 W. 39th St., New York Conversion Factors
and industry for a training manual 18, N. Y., at a list price of $3.00
of basic arc-welding information postpaid. A reference table for engineers
and other executives in wall chart
form has been published by Pre-
cision Equipment Co., 4411 E.
Gas Regulators Beam sections. Application and Ravenswood Ave., Chicago 40, Ill.
erection techniques are shown for Included are common conversions
A new and unique line of indus- construction of a wide range of such as inches to centimeters or
trial gas regulators without gages buildings. Apartments, office build- watts to hp as well as many con-
is described in a data sheet now ings, homes, schools and commer- versions that are difficult to locate
available from Linde Co., Division cial and industrial buildings are
of Union Carbide Corp., 420 Lexing- included.
ton Ave., New York 17,N. Y. The Specifications for the design prop-
new Oxweld gageless regulators are CONVERSION
Reteremes amtFACTORS
Gime: Lie wbmes |
erties and dimension details for ee Tatts torRagen:
designed to eliminate the costly and each of the lightweight structural
annoying problem of gage breakage sections are covered in a set of
and replacement. tables.
Designed for use with oxygen, For your free copy, circle No.
acetylene or propane on cylinders 53 on Reader Information Card.
or manifolds, the new regulators are
designated the R-550 (oxygen), Weld Shaver
R-551 (acetylene) and the R-552
(propane). Complete specifications Operating features of the new IYFiSMag
and operating data on the new Zephyr Weld Shaver for cutting and
large-capacity, single-stage regula- finishing weld beads to within
togs are included in the data sheet, +0.000 in. to +0.001 in. of surface
which is designated Form 1295. plane, are detailed in Catalog 17
For your free copy, circle No. issued by Zephyr Manufacturing Co. in reference manuals. (Some ex-
51 on Reader Information Card. Inc., Inglewood, Calif. Catalog de- amples are: atmospheres to kg /sq
scribes models for finishing of alumi- cm, cm/sec to miles‘hr, cu ft to
num and other soft alloy weldments, liters, etc. )
Lightweight Steel Structurals and for titanium, stainless steel and For your free copy, circle No. 57
The use of lightweight steel hard alloy weld beads. Cutters for on Readers Information Card.
structurals in building construction various applications are listed.
is described in a_ booklet just For your free copy, circle No. 54
on Reader Information Card. Industrial Gases
published by Jones & Laughlin
Steel Corp., 3 Gateway Center, A new 32-page booklet that
Pittsburgh 30, Pa. Safety-equipment Catalog
covers the production and commer-
Titled “J&L’s Lightweight Struc- A new 4-page condensed catalog cial applications of all currently
turals,”’ the 16-page booklet deals of face and eye protection products available industrial gases has just
with the use of J&L’s Junior Beams, has been published by Sellstrom been issued by Air Reduction Sales
Junior Channels, Joists and Light Manufacturing Co., Palatine, Ill. Co., 150 E. 42nd St., New York 17,

932 | SEPTEMBER 1959

plete information on all products The new literature describes the
Plan Now to Attend manufactured and distributed to the electroslag process, compares it with
welding trade by their company. submerged arc welding and de-
For your free copy, circle No. 62 scribes the Vertomatic machine,
1959 AWS NATIONAL on Reader Information Card. which is designed to weld sections
FALL MEETING within the range of 1'/, in. to 14 in.
Semiautomatic Welding Machine thick with standard size '/; in. (3
mm) diam wire.
Sept. 28-Oct. 1 Detroit, Mich. A 4-page folder published by
A table is included showing
American Manganese Steel Divi- variables used on typical welds
sion, 389 E. 14th St., Chicago
with different thicknesses of ma-
Heights, Ill., illustrates and de-
terial. Also given are mechanical
scribes a new portable, semiauto-
N. Y. Illustrated with both four- properties of electroslag welds made
matic welding machine for build-up
color and black and white photo- with composite wires on samples
and hard surfacing. Features are
graphs and drawings, the booklet which were not heat treated.
simple arc length control and finger
offers a comprehensive survey of For your free copy, circle No. 65
tip feed of welding wire through
how each gas is made, delivered on Reader Information Card.
electrode holder.
and used. For your free copy, circle No. 63
on Reader Information Card. Cable Connections
A new No. 12 Tweco catalog just
Electroslag Welding printed illustrates and describes the
complete line of arc-welding cable
Arcos Corp., 1500 S. 50th St.,
connections and accessories manu-
Philadelphia, Pa., has just issued
factured by Tweco Products, Inc.,
a a new product bulletin on welding
P. O. Box 666, Wichita, Kan.
equipment for electroslag welding.
He For your free copy, circle No. 67
The 4-page, illustrated bulletin on Reader Information Card.
is one of a series now in preparation
to on specialized welding processes.
Like others in the series, it serves Welding Machines
the welder in a double capacity as A new bulletin No. 4608.1 de-
an instruction manual and also scribes operating features, construc-
as a product bulletin. tion details and applications for a

Emphasis is placed on the ex-

tensive use of industrial gases in
such diverse fields as metalworking,
chemistry, building and construc-
tion, aircraft and missiles, food
processing, electronics and_ steel
The gases included are oxygen,
nitrogen, argon, helium, acetylene,
hydrogen, carbon dioxide and the
rare gases——-neon, xenon, krypton,
atmospheric helium and _ specially
purified argon. Bilable in 23 sizes.
For your free copy, circle No. 59 t less than new teeth.
on Reader Information Card.

Brazing Alloys
A new &-page booklet published
by Allen Specialties Co., Swissvale, 11%-14% MANGANESE $1
Pa., discusses various high-purity
brazing alloys for copper, bronze or wv . WiIne-
brass. Complete specifications and INDIVIDUAL SLIP-G
cooling charts on standard alloy
compositions for nonferrous brazing, Available i
and similar data on silver solders for Eliminate b
both ferrous and nonferrous metals
are given.
For your free copy, circle No. 61
on Reader Information Card.
wile FoR
Welding-products Catalog COMPLETE DETAILS
The Thermacote Co., 108 South
de Lacey Ave., Pasedena, Calif., an-
nounces a new catalog giving com- For details, circle No. 43 on Reader Information Card

| 933
|new line of welding machines being N. Y. The data sheet gives com-
manufactured by Lincoln Electric position of the silver-phosphorus-
Co., Cleveland 17, Ohio. The new copper alloy as well as specifica-
machines are said to be the only tions to which the alloy conforms,
|unita which can be used for all melting point and other technical
manual arc-welding applications: information.
|d-c manual electrode, a-c manual For your free copy, circle No. 73
\electrode, d-c inert gas, a-c inert on Reader Information Card.
| gas.
| For your free copy, circle No. 69 Bronze Welding Electrodes
|on Reader Information Card.
Roller pins used in industrial
‘Conversion Table lift trucks and overlaid with alumi-
num bronze electrodes are described
A linear conversion table TDC- in the second quarter, 1959 issue
|110, for handy reference by engi- of the Ampco Welding News.
| neers, purchasing agents and others The publication, issued quarterly
| who have occasion to convert inches by Ampco Metal, Inc., 1745 S. 38th
and fractions of inches into decimal St., Milwaukee 46, Wis., producer
parts of a foot has been issued by of special copper-base alloys, is
the Tubular Products Division of directed to users and potential users
|the Babcock & Wilcox Co., Beaver of bronze welding electrodes.
|Falls, Pa. The table is suitable Other articles included in this
for many purposes in addition to issue illustrate the fabrication of
its application to steel tubing. stainless steel draw dies, overlaying
For your free copy, circle No. 70 of tube bending mandrels, fabrica-
on Reader Information Card. tion of sea water pump sections and
the repair of cast iron gate valves.
Engineering Societies Directory For your free copy, circle No. 75
The 1959 Edition of The Engineer- on Reader Information Card.
ing Societies Directory is now avail-
able from Engineers Joint Council. Welding Steel Tubing
This directory is the only compre-
hensive United States listing of Fabricators who are confronted
engineering and scientific societies, with the problem of joining tubing
their functional staff personnel and of similar or dissimilar types of
| publications. steel by welding will benefit by the
Societies and organizations are information contained in a new
listed in the directory as well as data card TDC-155, released by the
national and international organ- Tubular Products Division of The
izations and all state registration Babcock & Wilcox Co., Beaver
boards for professional licensing. Falls, Pa. The data card sum-
A nearly complete listing of Cana- marizes the various recommenda-
dian engineering organizations is tions for arc welding. In addition
also included. to indicating the proper type of
Copies of this publication may be electrodes to be used, it provides
AA obtained from Engineers Joint information on suggested preheat
Council, 29 W. 39th St., New York and postheat treatments. Steels
18, N. Y., at $3.50 per copy. discussed are carbon steels, chrom-
ium-molybdenum alloy steels and
stainless steels.
Welding Carbon-products For your free copy, circle No. 76
Manual on the Reader Information Card.
A new booklet describing the use
of carbon rods, plate and paste in Resistance-soldering Unit
welding has been issued by the
Arcair Co., Box 431, Lancaster, Three models of Zephyr Micro-
Ohio. The manufacturer states that, Brazer resistance soldering units for
‘used to control the flow of weld assembly line soldering and ten
metal, carbon products make it types of soldering probes produced
possible to perform many difficult by Zephyr Manufacturing Co. Inc.,
welding jobs without use of jigs Inglewood, Calif., are described in
and fixtures. new Catalog K-3. Development of
For your free copy, circle No. 71 precision soldering technique
on Reader Information Card. through use of electronically timed
MicroBrazer is explained and illus-
trated. Use of manually operated
a fron SOnrl Brazing Alloy 100-w and 1000-w MicroBrazers for
MACHINE COMPANY A new brazing alloy, Phos-Sil light and heavy duty soldering and
ARCADE, NEW YORK |6, is described in a data sheet, brazing is detailed.
|No. 1771, released by American For your free copy, circle No. 78
For details, circle No. 44 on Reader information Card Brazing Alloys Co., P O Box 11, on Reader Information Card.

934| SEPTEMBER 1959

Some of the problems of elevated changers, rocket motors, clad
temperature joint strength and metals, honeycomb structures, tur-
oxidation resistance in heat-resist- bine blades and many others. The
ant alloys are being solved today following are brief descriptions of
by a relatively new group of Handy these Handy & Harman alloys:

& Harman high temperature braz-

[LITHOBRAZE 925] For short time
ing alloys. These alloys embody
operation to 900° F, continuous
certain unique characteristics, all
at 500° F. Very ductile, virtually
of which are requisite for high
no solution of base metal. Good
the Heat

temperature brazing:
salt-spray corrosion resistance.
e They have good strength
and oxidation resistance at For continuous serv-
recommended temperatures. ice 900° F-1000° F. Fairly duc-
tile, moderate general solution

They are ductile, with the of base metal.

ability to withstand vibra-
tion and stress at elevated [PREMABRAZE 128] Continuous
temperatures. service up to 1500° F. Ductile,
moderate solution of the base

These Handy & Harman

metal. Tensile strength at 1600°
alloys provide minimum so-
F in 304 stainless steel is 20,000
lution and penetration of
psi (short time test).
the metals being joined; this
Handy &

is a particular advantage |PREMABRAZE 130] Same proper-

when joining thin sections. ties as PREMABRAZE 128, but
These alloys effectively join freer flowing and lower brazing
stainless steels, low alloy temperature.
steels, nickel-base alloys,
|PREMABRAZE 101| Continuous op-

cobalt-base alloys and other

eration in 1800° F-2000° F range
high temperature metals in-
(based upon limited oxidation
cluding refractory types.
tests). Ductile, moderate solu-
The list of successful applications tion and penetration of the base
includes jet engine parts, heat ex- metal.


Alloy Composition

LITHOBRAZE 925 92.55 Ag 7.3 Cu


HI-TEMP 30 70 Mn 30 Ni

PREMABRAZE 128 72 Av 22 Ni

PREMABRAZE 130 82 Au 18 Ni

PREMABRAZE 101 54 Pd 36

Data sheets and complete details on each of the above Handy & Harman
alloys are available upon request to Handy & Harman, 82 Fulton Street,
New York 38, N. Y.

Source of Supply and Authority on Brazing Alloyse «+» 1.0»

PRoviotnce wet
Cwicdeo. iL
General Offices: 82 Fulton S$t., Mew York 38, M.V. oaniano. cau
7 aT AmADA
viveceeivety CANADA
For details, circle No. 45 on Reader Information Card
Pipe Sizes Aluminum-bronze Dies Published by the American So-
ciety for Metals, 7301 Euclid Ave.,
Technical data TDC-191, pub- An illustrated, 8-page bulletin Cleveland 3, Ohio. Price $6.50.
lished by the Tubular Products describing the advantages of alu- Increased demand for high-tem-
division of the Babcock & Wilcox minum-bronze forming and drawing perature high-strength materials
Co., 161 E. 42nd St., New York, dies has been released by Ampco has resulted in extensive research
N. Y., contains the dimensions and Metal, Inc., 1745 S. 38th St., into possibilities of metals once
weights per foot of pipe in sizes Milwaukee, Wis. considered curiosities, or at least
'/, through 36 in. foot all sched- Included in the 2-color bulletin are unsuited to practical application.
ules. histories and physical properties of Today, molybdenum finds increas-
For your free copy, circle No. 80 three grades of Ampco metal de- ing use in gas turbines and other
on Reader Information Card. signed especially for use as die mate- similar applications.
rial. Photomicrographs and typical The ASM publication, Fabrica-
X-Raying the Atomium die applications are also given. tion of Molybdenum, is a compila-
A new folder just released de- Suggestions are offered on the tion of much of the information
scribes the techniques and problems proper “run-in” and general use of available on molybdenum. Con-
of X-raying the huge Atomium Ampco metal dies. In addition, sisting of 18 technical papers origi-
which was the theme center for the the bulletin provides instructions nally presented at a conference in
Brussels World Fair. The folder regarding correct machining pro- Los Angeles in May 1958, the
measures 8'/, x 11 in., has six pages cedures of the die alloys, which are book attempts to present a repre-
produced in 60 stock sizes as sentative picture of the state of the
and was published by the Gevaert
Co. of America Inc., 321 W. 54th centrifugally cast rings, solid rounds art of molybdenum fabrication.
St. New York 19, N. Y. and rectangles. Charts and tables give technical
The folder is profusely illustrated For your free copy, circle No. 82 data on the properties of the metal
on Reader Information Card. and its alloys; the various processes
and will be of interest to engineers
and technicians, who will appreciate of welding, brazing, extruding, forg-
the engineering feat of constructing ing, etc., are described, and his-
and inspecting the 348 ft. high tories of some interesting applica-
Atomium. The booklet also out- tions are given. A valuable refer-
lines characteristics and uses of the ence, the 121-page book should
Gevaert industrial X-ray films prove useful to engineers concerned
which were used for this work. TL with high-temperature materials.
For your free copy, circle No. 81
on Reader Information Card.



Electron-beam Melting

For twenty five years S-M-S Proceedings of the First Sympo-

Corporation has been making sium on Electron-Beam Melting, Le

new contributions to Resistance 93 pages, paper bound, 8'/, x 11 in., r A

Welding Industry in Ejector illustrated with photographs and + A
Holders of all types. tables. Published by Alloyd Re-
search Corp., 202 Arsenal Ave.,
Adjust-A-Pressure Holders Watertown 72, Mass. Price $1.50. BLICKMAN
Special Holders to Customers Containing 15 papers presented
Specifications at a symposium in Boston on March
20, 1959, as well as a summary of an VACUUM DRY BOX
Electrodes — Standard and
Special earlier British symposium, the pro-
Elkonite for Resistance Welding ceedings deal with latest develop- Designs and specifications are avail-
and (Electrical Discharge Ma- ments in the application of electron able for a variety of welding enclo-
chining) bombardment in metallurgy. sures for research and production
Castings and Forgings in RW- New equipment and results of | welding, and for work in the fields of
current research projects are de- | metallurgy and physical chemistry.
MA Classes of Alloys These enclosures can be fully evacu-
Special Welding Fixtures scribed. Some of _ the topics | ated and then be filled with an inert
Bar Stock covered are: zone-melting, purifi- | gas for welding in an inert atmosphere.
cation and welding of titanium, Write for Technical Bulletins on vari-
If it is unusual we make it. beryllium, tungsten and other al- ous types of welding enclosures:
S. Blickman, Inc., 3009 Gregory Ave-
loys and design of electron beam nue, Weehawken, N. J.
S-M-S CORPORATION furnaces and welding machines.
Detroit 4, Michigan Molybdenum Fabrication
Fabrication of Molybdenum, paper Look for this symbol of quality Bill@urniesia
or S, circle Ne. on Reader bound, 8'/, x 11 in., 221 pages. For details, circle No. 47 on Reader Information Card

936 |SEPTEMBER 1959

lds are de-
Titan bronzein weservice - °°
pendable strength, excel-
have high resistance - - can
lent wear d easily, quickly
be applie and low carbon
to high ght iron, copper,
steel, wrou grey iron an
cast steel, materials. Dov
many other ized by patented
ble-Deoxid assure duc
Titan proces-ss trtoength. non
tile, high s.
porous weld

Shapes uminum
Special Bras
s Brass & Al
Titan special bra ss Machined
shapes give higimu hest
m ex-
Produced to meet ns.
production, max
workability, elimin a- act specificatioclose
tion of excessive scraedp Machining to Titan
tolerances is del
parts,and unsurpass
machinability. Com - specialty. Fast ivery
positions and ordodd assured.
shapes made to er.

inum Forgings i
Brass & Alum a
Hot-pressed from extr uded stock
m density,
to provide maximulife, superior
high strength, long Have thinner
finished surface. rances and
sections, closer tolentages over
free machining adva
sand castings.

Write for folder

describing Titan
welding rod com
positions and uses Titan
It's free


~ RO DE PAs in Glo) -10)-7 aalels
Bellefonte, Pa Newark, Calif Serving the Welding
Industry for 40 Years
F or details,
, circle No. 48 on Reader Information Card
| 937
New Products switch; baked enamel case with rust
preventive prime coating; 25'/, in.
over-all height.
Wired for either 230- or 460-v
service, the M-295 is also available
with power factor correction, special
voltages and complete accessory
package including skids and either
steel- or rubber-tire running gear.
For details, circle No. 113 on
Reader Information Card.

Arc-welding Machines
A new line of ‘“‘Magna-Tran’”’
New 350-amp Holder welding machines has been intro-
duced by Mid-States Welder Manu-
A new 350-amp_ water-cooled facturing Co., 6025 S. Ashland Ave.,
manual gas-shielded tungsten-arc Chicago 36, Ill.
holder—as small as most conven- According to the manufacturer, a
tional 200-amp holders——has been patented, magnetically-controlled
marketed by Air Reduction Sales transformer permits full range out-
Co., 150 East 42nd St. New York put by the rotation of a single dial.
17, N. Y. Four available timing devices permit
as many as twelve different operat-
ing control combinations for the
operator’s selection.

The automatic welding machine

can process all tubular products
with outside diameters of from 4 to
11 in. The head of the unit can be
positioned through a wide range of
welding angles and can also be set to
This new holder—the H35-B
For details, circle No. 103 on
can be used to weld stainless steel,
Reader Information Card.
aluminum, copper, magnesium and
other special metals and alloys in a
welding range from’ thicknesses A-C Welding Machine
paper-thin to '/, in. or heavier de- Production line, general mainte-
pending on the metal and type of nance and repair shop needs are said
current employed. to be met with the new Miller M-295
The holder is rated at 350-amp d-c Another important feature is a
welding machine, a versatile, low minimization of maintenance
straight polarity and 300-amp ac. cost 40-v, 60% duty cycle at 200-
Tungsten electrodes0.020 in. through “downtime.” The new Magna-
amp machine that fills the gap be- Tran series has introduced what is
*/s» in. diameter in lengths from 2 in. tween the very small and the very
through 7 in. can be used with argon, said to be the first application, in
large welders long available. electric welding equipment, of
helium or mixtures of these shielding Features include: current settings
gases. quickly replacable plug-in type pan-
For further information, circle No. els, valves and timers. This concept
101 on Reader Information Card. of replacement has found popularity
in the missile, aircraft and auto-
mation programs for its time-saving
Pipe-welding Machine value.
An automatic pipe-welding ma- For details, circle No. 115 on
chine for welding aluminum pipe Reader Information Card.
was announced recently by Alumi-
num Company of America, Pitts-
burgh, Pa. Welders’ Clothing Line
Designed and developed by Alcoa, A new addition to their line of
the machine is said to produce sound welders’ protective clothing has been
welds with full penetration without announced by American Optical Co.,
the use of backing rings. This gain Southbridge, Mass.
in welding technique, plus high weld- The garments are made from a
ing speed—the unit completes a through movable shunt; two ranges special, dark brown, soft grain
pass on 4-in. pipe in 11 seconds of from 25 to 115 and 80 to 295 amp; leather which is not only light and
may help narrow the price gap high open circuit voltage; forced flexible, but offers excellent protec-
between aluminum and steel pipe- draft cooling; Cam-Lok connectors tion from harmful heat rays. The
lines. and heavy duty “On-Off” panel new clothing protects welders on

938 |SEPTEMBER 1959

gas-shielded electric welding opera- dinal or rotary circumferential weld-
tions where argon, helium and simi- ing operation.

lar gases are used. For details, circle No. 107 on

Reader Information Card.

Portable Safety Shield


A new portable safety shield, es-

pecially designed for welding, grind-
ing and other metal manufacturing new d-c

operations, is being introduced by

the Special Products Division of
Singer Glove Manufacturing Co.,
860 W. Weed St., Chicago 22, IIl.
Among its features are: curtain

made of heavy-duty olive drab duck

treated with U. L. approved flame-
resistant finish, guaranteed water
and mildew resistant curtain which TYPE WS

wraps around a metal frame and is

secured by heavy-duty rust-proof
The new line consists of a short snap fasteners, and frame _ con- SILICON

jacket, a 26-in. jacket, sleeves, cape structed of heavy tubular steel and
sleeve and cape sleeve and bib. steel connecting rods in rust-proof
The cape sleeve and bib (illustrated ) black oxide finish.
weighs only 15'/, oz. It protects The shield can be assembled and RECTIFIER

arms, chest and shoulders. All taken apart in three minutes. It

seams are cotton stitched and seam folds flat for compact, space-saving
ends are reinforced with steel rivets. storage or transportation. No
Bib attaches to front with snap hooks, bolts, screws or wires are
fasteners. used and no tools required to as-
For details, circle No. 105 on semble or take it apart. The Singer
Reader Information Card. Portable Safety Shield comes in four
standard sizes.
For details, circle No. 109 on
Automatic Welding Machines Reader information Card. stinghous¢
A new series of automatic gas- siicon WELDER
shielded tungsten-arc welding ma- “‘Auto-dial” Control
chines designed for precision welding
of longitudinal and circumferential A welding positoner control, an-
seams has been introduced to the nounced by Harnischfeger Co., Mil-
metalworking industry. These ma- waukee, Wis., is said to give the
chines are based on concepts and welding operator travel speed for
general specifications of the Linde weldments of various diameters,
Co., Division of Union Carbide without the risk of a wrong calcula-
Corp., New York, N. Y. and have tion. One dial sets for ipm, and
been designed and built by Expert another for weld diam to the nearest
Welding Machine Co., 17144 Mt. one-hundredth in. Both can be
Elliott Ave., Detroit 12, Mich. varied while weldment is in motion.

A Product of Westinghouse Engineering

Purchasing—The WS is reliable
low in operating cost and carries
the standard Westinghouse
warranty. Consult your local West-
inghouse Welding Distributor now.

Watch Westinghouse for

In one typical application, the New Developments in Welding!
accuracy of the machines, coupled In addition to full control of rotation
with electronic arc-length-controls and tilt, both forward and reverse, You caw BE SURE...1F
makes possible production of 2000 there is a ““Weld-run”’ switch which
permits maximum table rpm with- Westinghouse
coffee maker bodies per day with a
reject rate of less than 1%. out disturbing the weld settings. WATCH “WESTINGHOUSE LUCILLE BALL-DESI ARNAZ snows”
The machines are said to be The ‘‘Auto-dial”” system is an in- Ces Tv FRIDAYS
adaptable to any type of longitu- tegral part of the electronic control- For details, circle No. 49 on Reader Information Card
| 939
ler and is said to give more accuracy process. The new additions to the
than is possible with a two-dial in- line include two heads (Models
dependent circuit system which AMH-D and AMH-E), two con-
relies on tachometer indication. trols (Models AMC-C and AMC-D),
For details, circle No. 111 on and two machine barrels (Models
Reader Information Card. AM 80-A and AM 80-B).
Designed for maximum versatil-
ity, various combinations of these
Cable to Ground machine heads, controls and barrels
Rod Connection can be used to suit the needs of
Erico Products, Inc., Cleveland individual jobs.
Ohio, has just introduced a new For details, circle No. 119 on
adaption of the ““Cadweld (the origi- Reader Information Card.
nal copper thermit principal) Proc-
ess” of electrical connections, the Automated Soldering System
How long did it take “One Shot”’ mold. Faster, higher quality soldering
of printed circuit boards or other
electronic and machine component
to gouge out this 64 assemblies is said to be possible
with the new Flowsolder production
cubic inches of steel? line integrated soldering system,
a product of Electrovert, Inc.,
Fourteen hours’ time were for- 1 E. 53rd St., New York 22, N. Y.
merly required to chip 64 cubic No manual operation is required
inches of metal from a 5-ton between placing an assembled board
reaction-type turbine casting. on the conveyor and removing it
Using the Arcair cutting and after soldering.
gouging torch the job was done in Product conveying, flux applica-
1% hours, saving this company
12% hours of costly, hard work, tion, solvent removal, flux and board
not counting clean-up time for- preheating and soldering are com-
merly required — and completely pletely integrated into one autom-
eliminated with the Arcair ated system.
process! Cadweld ‘“‘One Shot” mold is a For details, circle No. 118 on
You can cut, gouge, bevel or ceramic disposable unit replacing Reader Information Card.
groove any metal using the Arcair
process—and get similar dra- the former semipermanent graphite
mold and associated handle clamp. Hand Protective Lotion
matic cost savings, with an invest-
ment of much less than $100. Now a simple 2-in. package con- A new protective product is now
taining the ceramic mold, which in available for the first time from
The 1%-lb. torch utilizes Arcair turn contains the Cadweld thermit Vanfaire Co., North Hollywood,
COPPERCLAD electrodes, ener- powder cartridge, a metal disk, a Calif., for the industrial worker
gized by current from a welding wrap seal and a ferruled sleeve, is all with hands exposed to chemicals,
machine to melt the metal. Air that is required to make a Cadweld oils, grease, solvents, plastics and
from an 80-100 p.s.i. air line connection of a No. 4 or smaller paint. This lotion provides a new
travels through the torch and out cable to °/s-in. ground rod. invisible protection against re-
tiny holes in the head, pushing the For details, circle No. 117 on sulting rashes. Applied like any
metal ahead of the worked sur- Reader Information Card. hand lotion, it is soluble in soap and
face. Fifteen minutes instruction water and protects the hands up to
is all an operator needs. 12 hr.
Machine-welding Equipment
WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? For details, circle No. 122 on
If you have a specific metal re- Air Reduction Sales Co., 150 E. Reader Information Card.
moval problem, or would like 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y., has
additional information, write us. recently placed on the market sev- Plier-type Clamp
Or, ask your welding supply eral items in its line of Aircomatic
distributor. A convenient portable plier-type
machine welding equipment for use clamp, model 462 now avail-
| with Airco’s gas-shielded metal-arc able from Detroit Stamping Co.,
340 Midland Ave., Detroit 3, Mich.,
is said to simplify hundreds of clamp-

| THE ARCAIR CO., 427 S. Mt, Pleasant St. | ing operations in the welding and
Lancaster, Ohio |
general metal-working fields. The
| Send me more information on ARCAIR new De-Sta-Co clamp incorporates a
patented two-way trigger release for
| | simple one-hand operation.
| (Name) | Designed for clamping operations
| (Title) |
| in hard-to-reach positions, the clamp
| (Company) | provides swift and simple release
| ! (Address) | in operations where space does not
| T{City) | permit use of both hands in the
| é- (State)
| usual manner, by pressing the
| mY | trigger against either the upper or
I PROBLEM ( | lower handle.
] =
For details, circle Ne. 50 on Reader Information Card The new clamp is available in a

940| SEPTEMBER 1959

Changes in incremental depths can
reportedly be actuated by finger con-

trol to within 0.0005 in. An air-

cooling system blows chips away
\ from the work surface.
For details, circle No. 126 on completely

2, Reader Information Card.

Pipe-beveling Machine new d-c

A new type of pipe-beveling

machine is being manufactured by
Superior Welding, Inc., Bartlesville,
variety of sizes with jaw openings to Okla. By variations in chains, the welder

6 in. and holding pressure capacities

to 1200 lb. A complete line of
De-Sta-Co clamp accessories makes
it possible to adapt the clamps to TYPE WS

any job.
For details, circle No. 124 on
Reader Information Card.


A new standard line of press-type

resistance-welding machines is being
introduced by the Federal Machine
and Welder Co., Warren, Ohio.
These machines are available in four
sizes ranging from 30 to 500 kva in-
clusive. Each size is available as a
spot-welding, projection-welding or
a combination spot- and projection- 39-lb machine can be used on pipe |
welding machine in a range of from 8 to 80 in. in diam. Electri- |
standard throat depths, electrode cally driven, speed is controlled by
forces and transformer sizes. electric governors.
For details, circle No. 135 on For details, circle No. 114 on
Reader Information Card. Reader Information Card.

Aircraft Grinding Automatic Dip Soldering

A portable grinding unit for use A water-soluble soldering flux for
in the aircraft and missile industries automatic dip soldering of printed
has been introduced by Zephyr circuit boards has been developed by
Mfg. Co., Inc., 201 Hindry Ave., Fusion Engineering, 17921 Roseland
Inglewood, Calif. Ave., Cleveland 12, Ohio.
The new unit, known as the ““Weld Known as Fusion Catalog No.
Shaver,” is available in two models, 14-E Soldering Flux, it has been ap-
each one utilizing a rotary cutter proved for military and civilian
mounted between adjustable rollers applications. One electronics manu-
which straddle and follow the weld facturer is said to have reported
bead on flat, convex or concave sur- 80% reduction in reject rates,
bright joints after soldering and A Product of Westinghouse Engineering
faces. Model ZT508 is recom-
mended on stainless steel, steel and residue completely soluble in water. Engineering The WS is most effi-
titanium, while Model ZT509 was For details, circle No. 129 on cient—complete electrical circuit
designed for use on aluminum, Reader Information Card. protection makes it the most ad-
copper, brass and magnesium. vanced type of welder on the
Brazing Flux market. Consult your local West-
A flux known as Wonderflux #4, inghouse Welding Distributor now.
designed for induction or short-cycle J-22151
brazing operations is now in produc- Watch Westinghouse for
tion at the American Silver Co.,
New Developments in Welding!
36-07 Prince St., Flushing 54, N. Y.
The reasons advanced by the you caw peSURE...1F
manufacturer for the superiority
of the new flux are its low surface
tension, its 480° F melting tempera- Westinghouse
ture and its water-thin substance at WATCH “WESTINGHOUSE LUCILLE BALL-DES! ARNAT snows”
800° F. Ces TY FRIDAYS
Wonderflux is reportedly noncor- For details, circle No. 41 on Reader Information Card

| 941
rosive, nonhygroscopic, and does not sprocket and chain drive give extra of 2-, 3-, 4'/;- and 5'/,-in. steels;
effervesce when heated. It is avail- power to crank when reeling in; and and portable Eresco, MS or X-Ton
able in 1- and 5-lb jars. positive locking pin prevents pay- series units for 360-deg circumferen-
For details, circle No. 136 on ing out of hose except when needed. tial or 40-deg single-port X-ray
Reader Information Card. Over-all dimensions without hose examination of equipment in the
are: length 22'/, in.; width 19 in.; field or in laboratories.
height 22'/, in.; and weight is 46 For details, circle No. 132 on
Hose Reel Ib. Reader Information Card.
A new hand-operated reel with a For details, circle No. 130 on
capacity of 150 ft of '/,-in. dual Reader Information Card. Arc-welding Machines
hose has been introduced by United Eight different models of arc-
Specialties, Inc., El Dorado, Ark. welding machines are now available
Industrial X-ray Equipment
Unlike its companions in the Weld- from Forney Arc Welders, Inc.,
reel line, the new Model OA-10 has Mitchell Radiation Products Fort Collins, Colo. Ranging in size
a hand crank for reeling in the hose. Corp., E. Washington St., Norris- from 5- to 80-amp Model F-100 with
town, Pa., is now distributing non-
destructive-testing equipment man-
ufactured by Rich, Seifert & Co.,
Hamburg, Germany, throughout the
United States and Canada. In-

6 heat stages through the 5- to 350-

amp Model I with 36 heat stages,
each unit is equipped with “‘built-
in” carts for mobility. Model C-5,
a 20- to 180-amp unit, includes
double-wound transformers, vertical
draft ventilation, 70° F temperature
rise and 80% power factor at rated
cluded in the German line are mo- load.
An adjustable drag brake permits bile oil- and water-cooled Isovolt For details, circle No. 134 on
control of hose when paying out; units for radiographic examination Reader Information Card.

... COMPLETE | When You Weld Cast Iron

Select the Correct

Give Your Welding Problems to Cayuga
In addition to a complete line CAST IRON WELDING RODS
of standard Cayugamatics (see OR ELECTRODES
below) Cayuga designs and builds
special equipment, either single
units or complete assembly lines
for a high speed precision weld-
ing. This includes process de- <a FUSE-WELL No. 11, Square—Gray Cast
velopment to fit your particular TURNING @ Iron Welding Rod for Acetylene use in
requirements. ROLLS filling or building up new or worn
1 to 100 ton, 6” and up diam- castings producing machineable welds.
eter tank range. Rheostat
remote control, ground shoes. OTHER
CAYUGAMATICS a fAetnan ta —
Turn Tables FUSE-WELL No. 12, Round—Has the|
Turning Rolls same uses and analytical ingredients
Positioners as Fuse-Well No. 11.
Travel Carriages
and Beams
Contour Welders FUSE-WELL No. 14, Moly—An Iron
Horn Jigs Base Rod with alloys added for finer
Sheet Splicers grain structure and greater strength. |
Motor Stator
& Transformer
100 Ib. to 50 ton capacities 135 Tank Welders FUSE-WELL No. 22, Electrode — Light '
tilt, vertical adjustment, rheostat Head & Tail coated Rod to be used for AC or DC |
remote speed control, ground col- Stocks
lectors welding in the fabricating and repair-
MANIPULATORS Wire Reels ing of cast iron castings.
3’ X 3’ to 25’ & 30’, 360° rotation.
Both vertical and horizontal pro- Send for complete
tection by limit switches. information
Rapid traverse standard all models THE CHICAGO HARDWARE FOUNDRY CO.
Safety devices prevent ram falling CAYUGA MACHINE & FABRICATING Ww 4 Rod Division
accidentally. ~~ speed con- NORTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS
trol, automatic flux conveyors. CO., INC. DEPEW, N. Y.
For details, circle No. 32 on Reader information Card For details, circle No. 37 on Reader Information Card

942 | SEPTEMBER 1959

Welders’ Glove dividual shop layout draws off
gases, fumes, smoke and heat right a

A welders’ glove with an extra where they are created. The result-
long palm of genuine horsehide is ing clean air condition is said to re-
now available from the Industrial duce worker fatigue and overheat-
Glove Div. of Riegel Textile Corp., ing, and up-grade morale and shop completely

Conover, N.C. Designed along the output.

For details, circle No. 140 on
Reader Information Card.
hew d-c

Aluminum Filler Wires

Dalweld Co. Inc., 13 Bertel Ave.,
Mt. Vernon, N. Y., has developed a
5% silicon-aluminum filler wire to

join such alloys as 5052, 6053 and

6061. Known as Dalweld #4043, it
is available in 36-in. straight lengths
and 1- and 10-lb spools. Said to TYPE WS

) meet Federal Specification QQ-R-

566 Type 1, Class FS-RA-143, MIL-
E-0016053F and MIL-E-16503-D,
lines of the Montp patter t
e n, he the new filler wire has a melting
s lioer

glove includ f a
es uch ther eatures s point of 1055° F.
horseh gusset welted seams, For details, circle No. 141 on
seamle ide back, cuff, lining and a wool- Reader Information Card. RECTIFIER
lined stshumb area.
For details, circle No. 137 on
Reader Information Card. “Pencil-type” Holder
A new “pencil-type’’ manual
Nozzles for Gas-shielded Welding holder for inert-gas-shielded tung-
An assortment of extension noz- sten-arc welding of light gage ferrous
zles that fit three series of Westing- and nonferrous metals has been
house’s gas-shielded metal-arc weld- placed on the market by Air Reduc-
ing equipment, namely, SA-110, tion Sales Co., 150 E. 42nd St.,
SA-120 and SA-10, are available New York 17, N. Y. The principal
advantage of this 100-amp air-
cooled holder is its body design.
Shaped like a large lead pencil, it is
designed for work in places difficult
to reach with holders having a
conventional head.
The smallest unit in the com-
pany’s line, it is rated at 100 amp
continuous duty cycle either ac or

from Metal Parts, Inc., 437 Henry

Ave., Steubenville, Ohio. The nine
basic designs of these nozzles are
said to permit welding in hitherto
inaccessible areas.
For details, circle No. 139 on A Product of Westinghouse Engineering
Reader Information Card.
Manufacturing The WS is most
productive—excellent welding per-
Welding-shop Exhaust System
formance and requiring little or
A new low-cost, high-efficiency no maintenance. Consult your
exhaust system for welding shops is local Westinghouse Welding Dis-
announced by Car-Mon Products,
Inc., 1541 Devon Ave., Chicago 26, tributor now. J-22152
Ill., long-time specialists in carbon The holder accommodates tung- Watch Westinghouse for
monoxide removal systems for ga- sten electrodes from 0.020 through
rages and work shops. , in. in lengths up to 3 in., and New Developments in Welding!
Called the Car-Mon Dual Tab-L- can be used with argon, helium or
Exhauster, the system has receptor mixtures of these shielding gases. You Can BE SURE...1¢ rs
exhaust inlets with magnet bases The holder assembly is equipped
which fasten right on the piece with nuts and glands for easy Westinghouse
being welded, or on any conven- maintenance.
ient metal nearby. Suction from For details, circle No. 142 on WATCH “WESTINGHOUSE LUCILLE BALL-O6S! ARNAZ SHOWS
a fan system suited to the in- Reader Information Card. For details, circle Ne. 24 on Reader information Card


TIG welding is “right“’ for so many jobs...

Outdoor furniture made of steel tubing, is TIG-welded

for smooth, slag-free welds and greater strength

Magnesium ramp for trailer trucks features

rugged TIG welding of plates and channels

-and oylvania tungsten Electrodes

do thejob right...everytime!

From lightweight outdoor furniture to giant magnesium

truck-ramps... Tungsten Inert Gas Welding is adaptable
to almost any job. But the quality of the weld is only as
good as the tools you use. .
That’s why TIG welders prefer Sylvania Tungsten Elec-
trodes. You can take your pick of all 4 electrode types:
Puretung®, Zirtung®, 2% Thoriated, 1% Thoriated. They’re
available with cleaned or ground finish. And they’re color-
coded to prevent waste and costly errors.
Sylvania Tungsten Electrodes are available through all
leading distributors. Call yours today.

¥ SYLVAN 1A Sylvania Electric Products Inc.

Chemical & Metallurgical Div.
Subsidiary Towanda, Penna.
For details, circle No. 22 on esInformation Card
944| SEPTEMBER 1959
READER INFORMATION CARD Card valid until November 30,|
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14 39 64 89
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19 44 69 on
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21 46 71 9
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25 50 75 100

Mail me a list of AWS Publications (J



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Now, with just one postcard, you can gather :
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Just follow these simple steps for quick action: :
1. Note reference number on text pages .
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Acro Welder Mfg. Co.
soa. Air Reduction Sales Co.
Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co.
All-State Welding Alloys Co., Inc.
The Arcair Company
do Arcos Corporation
Aronson Machine Company
Bernard Welding Equipment Co.
S. Blickman, Inc.
The Budd Company
Cam Lok Division, Empire Products,
Cayuga Machine and Fabricating Co.
Chicago Hardware Foundry Co.
R. J. Cunningham Designs
Douglas Aircraft
33 York
39th Drawalloy Corporation
BY Eastman Kodak Company
& Eutectic Welding Alloys Corporation
913 Fibre Metal Products Company
935 Handy & Harman
929 Harris Calorific Co.
September, 1959 843 Hobart Brothers Co.
Card valid until November
30, 1959 : Jackson Products
Please send me, without cost or obligation, further Lenco, Inc.
information and literature on items circled below: The Lincoln Electric Company
76 £38 Linde Company, Division of Union
78 Carbide Corporation
79 Messer Cutting Machines, Inc.
83 2.
lee Meta! & Thermit Corporation
SCeneoauaun=- 84 Miller Electric Manufacturing Co.
86 National Carbide Company
88 National Welding Equipment Co.
89 Pacific Transducer Corp.
91 Pure Carbonic Company
93 S-M-S Corporation
94 Stoody Company
% Stulz-Sickles Company
7 Sylvania Electric Products
99 Tempil® Corporation
Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Inc.
Mail me a list of AWS Publications [] Titan Metal Mfg. Co.
Union Carbide Corporation
Linde Company
Victor Equipment Co.
Wall Colmonoy Corp.

Westinghouse Electric Corp.


Research Sponsored by the Welding Research Council

of the Engineering Foundation


Feasibility of Titanium for Welded Missiles

On a strength-weight basis, titanium offers attractive possibilities

for use in rocket and missile casings


ABSTRACT. A study has been made of weight must be kept to a minimum vestigated—a few tests were run
the feasibility of welded titanium sheet and safety factors approach unity, with consumable-electrode welded
for missile applications. Evaluation an urgent demand exists for sheet at high travel speed. With the
was based primarily on _ short-time materials that are light, strong, exception of the consumable-elec-
elevated-temperature tensile properties easily joined and highly uniform trode weld (made with unalloyed
and a notch-tensile-impact test for
notch sensitivity. Three alloy types in their physical properties. Several filler wire), all welds were made
were investigated: viz., Ti—4Al-—2V of the more recently produced ti- using a single heat of '/3-in. Ti
complex (1Mo-—1Cr-—1Sn), Ti-—6Al tanium alloys possess high strength- 6AIl-4V filler wire, mechanically fed
4V and Ti-— 5Al-—2'/,Sn. With the ex- to-weight ratios which made them into the tungsten arc. Tensile
ception of two welds made with unal very attractive to the missile de- properties as a function of temper-
loyed consumable electrode, the inert- signer. However, production and ature were obtained by means of
gas-shielded tungsten-arc process was processing methods for titanium short-time elevated-temperature
used with Ti—6Al-4V filler wire. sheet leave much to be desired and tests of both welded and unwelded
Tensile properties were considered frequently large variations in physi- materials. Notch-tensile-impact
satisfactory with the exception of low
ductility in some of the materials which cal properties occur from heat to tests were conducted at tempera-
had been converted from ingot to sheet heat. The joining of titanium sheet tures ranging from —196 to +600°
on an experimental basis. Although all by welding has also posed many C. Some testing was done for
materials suffered loss of ductility after problems, due principally to the homogeneity and isotropy in the
welding (with Ti-—5Al-—2'/. Sn least rapidity with which this material unwelded sheet. Tensile testing of
affected), 100% tensile joint efficiencies becomes contaminated when ex- welds was done with the joints both
were realized. Notch sensitivity was posed to air during fabrication. longitudinal and transverse to the
indicated to be a problem, particularly The use of titanium in missile con- direction of loading. A few tests
after welding. Marked variations in struction is therefore very limited were conducted on solution-treated
notch sensitivity from heat-to-heat of a
given composition type were noted. at the present time, but as better and aged material.
techniques for producing and
welding titanium sheet are de-
Introduction veloped, this metal should find wide The titanium sheets obtained for
application in the missile field. this investigation were 3 ft wide and
Background from 6 to 10 ft long. The chemis-
In the design of missiles, where Objective and Scope tries and thickness measurements
The objective of this study was to are listed in Table 1.
determine the short-time elevated- The Ti—4Al—2V complex heat
CARL E. HARTBOWER and GEORGE M temperature tensile properties, the M2805 and the Ti—6Al—4V_ heat
ORNER are associated with the Watertown notch-tensile-impact transition be-
Arsenal Laboratories, Watertown, Mass., and M2804 were converted from ingot
DANIEL M. DALEY, JR.., is associated with the havior, and the fusion-welding char- to sheet by a Canadian steel pro-
U. S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency, Redstone acteristics of 4Al —2V complex, 6Al ducer under Ordnance Contract
Arsenal, Alabama.
4V, and 5Al— 2'/, Sn titanium sheet DA-19-066-ORD-2556. The efforts
The opinions or assertions contained herein are
the private ones of the authors and are not alloys in the wmill-annealed as- of this company were directed
necessarily to be construed as official or reflecting welded condition. Welding was ac- mainly at processing the material
the views of the Department of the Army. complished by the inert-gas-shielded through existing mill equipment.
Paper to be presented at the AWS National Fall tungsten-arc process at one energy The flat produced was both cross
Meeting to be held in Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28
Oct. 1, 1959. level for each sheet thickness in- rolled and_ straight-away rolled,


Table 1—Materials and Chemistry
Type Heat ness, in. Source N
Ti-6AlI-4V M2804 0.031 Atlas ~ —M 0.015
Atlas s3* 0.018
Ti-4AI-2V M2805 Atlas 28 0.014
(complex) Atlas ooo
a~~ 0.011
Ti-6AI-4V 25151 Comm. a
© Rw 0.007
M5259 Comm. : 0.013
M4947 Comm. .016 °23
a 0.012
Ti-5AI-2'/,Sn 23239 Comm. 0.020 _ 0.012
M1133 Comm. 0.016 arm oo. 0.014
24983 Comm. 0.020 0.013
Ti-6AlI-4V M2789 Comm. 0.030 8238ooooocooocoocno;o
eee 28323380.019 RIMAAM

without benefit of suitable cleaning In addition to the two heats proc- on longitudinally oriented speci-
facilities and without vacuum an- essed in Canada (in two thick- mens in the unwelded, transversely
nealing equipment; as a result, the nesses each), six heats (three of welded and longitudinally welded
surfaces were badly discolored indi- Ti—6Al—4V and three of Ti-5Al conditions. Specimens were heated
cating excessive contamination. 2'/,Sn) were evaluated as processed by means of a 40 kw-input induction
by two major U. S. titanium pro- heating unit with temperature re-
ducers. Note that two of the Ti- corder and controller. With this
6Al—4V heats were supplied from unit specimens could be brought to
the Department of Defense Ti- temperature in approximately one
tanium Alloy Sheet Rolling Pro- minute. Temperatures were meas-
gram (heats M5259 and M4947). ured by means of chrome-alumel
All materials were received in the thermocouples attached at the top,
mill-annealed condition. middle and bottom points in the
test section of each specimen. The
Procedures thermocouples were attached by
Two test specimens were used in spot welding the individual wires
this investigation; viz., a flat ten- 1/30 in. (+1/¢4 in.) apart at each po-
sile specimen for determining the sition on the specimen. The
unnotched static tensile properties thermocouple wires were deliber-
before and after welding,* and a ately spaced to more accurately
notched tensile impact specimen sense the surface temperature.
for determining notch sensitivity When the test specimen attained
(Fig. 1). When welds were tested, the desired temperature, the speci-
the weld joints were centered in the men was loaded at a head speed of
test pieces either longitudinally or 1 ipm. In general, the specimens
Fig. 1—Static-tensile and notch- transversely to the direction of were fractured within 30 sec after
tensile-impact test specimens principal stress. Because the welds reaching the desired test tempera-
The unnotched-tensile specimen is a Watertown were relatively narrow, the longi- ture. A universal testing machine,
Arsenal Laboratories standard test piece, similar tudinally welded test pieces con- 60,000 lb capacity, was used for
to ASTM Standard No. E8-57T. In the case of these tests. The data obtained were
the notched-tensile-impact specimen, the notches tained heat-affected base metal as
are standard Charpy V-notches cut to a depth of well as deposited weld metal (the yield strength, ultimate strength
0.188 in., resulting in a notch depth of 37.5% and elongation.
(percent of original cross-sectional area removed fusion zone in the '/.-in. wide
by the notch) and a notch sharpness of 31.2 static tensiles ranged from 35 to Notched-tensile-impact Testing
(ratio of the half depth of section under the notch 55% of the cross section, depending
to the root radius of the notch). Lateral con- Notch-tensile-impact tests were
traction was determined by measuring the change upon the thickness of the sheet). conducted at temperatures ranging
in width of specimen at position “A” before and
after testing (by micrometer). Tensile Testing from —196 to +600° C, using a
Room-Temperature Tests. An in- specimen and fixture designed at
dication of the directional proper- Watertown Arsenal Laboratories.
ties of the materials investigated The design of the specimen was
was obtained from room-tempera- such that plastic deformation was,
ture tensile tests on unwelded speci- for all practical purposes, eliminated
mens cut in both the transverse and from the specimen except in the
longitudinal directions. In the case vicinity of the notched test section.
of the two heats of titanium proc- The fixture for loading the specimen
essed in Canada, additional speci- is used in conjunction with a stand-
mens were taken from a second lo- ard pendulum-type Charpy impact-
cation to determine sheet homo- testing machine (Fig. 2). When
Fig. 2—Notch-tensile-impact test fixture geneity. specimens less than ‘/j,-in. thick
The fixture consisted of two platens, one fixed and Short-time _Elevated-temperature were tested, reinforcing plates were
one movable, mounted on a base which was bolted Tensile Tests. Short-time elevated- bolted or spot welded to the flanges
to the Charpy impact-testing machine in place of of the specimens to prevent buck-
the regular Charpy anvils. The platens were temperature (600, 800 and 1000° F)
machined with lugs to engage the shoulders of tensile tests were made in duplicate ling. The heavier specimens were
the specimen. The movable platen was con- sufficiently rigid to withstand the
nected to a lever assembly which was impacted buckling stresses and required no
directly by the Charpy impact-testing-machine * ASTM Standard Rectangular Tension Test
pendulum. Specimen E8-57T reinforcing.

346-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

Performance criteria were energy-
to-fracture and lateral contraction Table 2—Room-temperature Tensile Properties of Base Metals*
occurring across the 1-in. width of Thick- Yield Tensile Elonga- Reduc-
the specimen at the notch (see ness, Loca- strength, strength, _ tion,
Direc- tion in
dimension “A” in Fig. 1). Com- Material Heat in. tion tionpsi psi % area, %
parisons between the various heats, Ti-4Al-2V M2805 0.031 A 105, 350 123,400
thicknesses and composition types (complex) 104, 350 117,400
were made (1) by noting the level 143,000 147,150
of energy or deformation at a given 144,150 146 ,950
108,750 121,650
testing temperature, or (2) by ob- 109, 150 120,200
serving displacements in the energy- 142 ,550 143,150
temperature or deformation-tem- 141,050 142,650
perature transition curves with re- Ti-6AlI-4V M2804 124,150 137 ,350 eeee
spect to the temperature axis of the 117,900 138,800
respective plots. 150, 300 159,100
Special problems attended the 131,700 146 ,200 =
measurement of energy-to-fracture 124,200 140,500
132,200 154,650
in the tensile-impact test. In par- 152,250 156 ,600
ticular, the mass of the moving 156,400 161,150
parts in the test fixture was con- 25151 0.040 119,000 134,650
siderable (several pounds) and, 121,000 135,650 wwnr-
therefore, a significant amount of Ti-5AI-2'/.Sn 23239 0.045 118,550 123,650
energy was absorbed from the pen- 118,850 122,750
dulum in accelerating the moving 24983 0.078 118, 700 130,900 SSRN

parts. The amount of energy ab- 128,700 131,900
sorbed by the fixture was thought M1133 0.055 rYrrrNrNEPNOENPNEPNOPNPN
PrP el
ee 117,700 119,200 ee
to be a function of the residual @ Values are the average of data from duplicate test specimens. Yield strength was measured at 0.2 %
(exit) velocity of the pendulum, offset and elongation was measured over a 2-in. gage length
but this assumption was later found
to be incorrect and, therefore, a
means of actually measuring the to fracture and correspond to the case of the 0.078-in. sheet, the
energy remaining in the lever as- total area under the conventional sheared edges were machined prior
sembly was necessary. A _ small stress-strain curve; while lateral to welding and the electrode di-
copper crushing cylinder of the type contraction is considered to cor- ameter was increased to */;. in.).
used to measure breech pressures respond to the area under the curve Tungsten - to - work Distance.
in guns was placed on a special an- between the yield point and the 0.045 to 0.050 in.
vil and used to arrest the lever as- point of maximum load. In other Arc-travel Speed. 40 ipm (torch
sembly after fracture of each speci- words, the lateral contraction meas- mounted on a radiograph carriage).
men. By measuring the deforma- urement (at Section A in Fig. 1) Wire Feed. 40 ipm ('/;-in. Ti-
tion of the copper cylinder, the provides an indication of the extent 6Al—4V wire heat M2789).
energy remaining in the lever as- of plastic deformation work done Inert -gas Shielding. Primary
sembly could be read directly from before the onset of unstable plastic (torch) 60 cfh helium, trail 60 cfh
a calibration curve plotted from flow. As soon as necking occurs in argon and backed up by a copper
data obtained from tests with the the path of fracture, i.e., at the on- bar containing a 0.010-in. deep
machine empty. It was considered set of unstable plastic flow, deforma- groove '/,-in. wide
that useful values for energy-to- tion becomes highly localized and is Meter Readings. Varied accord-
fracture were obtained with this no longer reflected in the lateral- ing to thickness of sheet being
correction. ft contraction measurement just out- welded, as follows:
Several considerations led to the side the notched section. Thus,
use of lateral contraction as an ad- from an engineering point of view,
ditional performance criterion. In the lateral-contraction measurement Thickness, in. Amperage Voltage
particular, the measurement was reflects the ability of the material 0.031 75-80 12-15
easily made and it was unaffected in a structural member to resist 0.040 85-90 13-15
unstable plastic flow at points of 0.045 110-115 13-15
by energy losses or other vagaries 0.062 205-215 13-16
of the testing machine. Lateral stress concentration, thereby al-
0.078 230-240 15-16
contraction was considered to sup- lowing a redistribution and conse-
plement rather than replace energy- quent lowering of the maximum
to-fracture. The energy values stresses to below yield point values The only difficulty experienced in
represent the total energy required without loss of load-carrying ability. welding the various sheet materials
occurred as a result of variations
Welding Procedures in thickness within a given sheet.
+ It is recognized that there are other factors The following conditions were For example, in welding 0.040-in.
contributing to the energy losses; e.g., the elastic used in welding the various titanium Ti-—6Al—4V heat 25151, three of the
energy remaining in the specimen halves and sheet thicknesses. 30 specimens welded developed a
adjacent parts of the fixture after a brittle-type
fracture, and the energy absorbed at the mating Welding Equipment. 500-amp 1/in. burnthrough (a hole in the
faces of the impacting components. Experimen- water-cooled tungsten-arc torch weldment caused by complete pene-
tal determinations indicated that the losses as a with a ’/,.-in. ID copper nozzle and
result of elastic energy are considerable, par- tration of the tungsten arc). Sheet-
ticularly at low temperatures. However, al- a '/i-in. thoriated-tungsten elec- thickness measurements in the vi-
though the elastic-energy losses affect the absolute trode; power supplied by a 600- cinity of the burnthrough revealed
values of the observed energy-to-fracture and
tend to obscure the transitions, the general shape amp d-c rectifier. an excessive variation in thickness
of the transition curve does not appear to be Joint Design. Square butt, as- within the sheet; on either side of
greatly altered and transitions, where evident, are
believed to be significant. sheared, with no root opening (in the the burnthrough the thickness was


Table 3—Room-temperature Tensile Properties of Welds*
Yield Tensile Joint
Weld strength, strength, Reduction efficiency,
Material Thickness, in. direction psi psi Elongation, % in area, %
Ti-4Al-2V 0.031 166,100 171,000 — oO 8.6
(complex) 110,150 127 ,500
0.062 159,000 164,000 7.6
111,500 123,750
Ti-6AI-4V 0.031 148,400 163,900
127,000 135,300
M2804 0.062 158,000 170,550
126,250 142,200
25151 0.040 164,900 181,900
118,800 133,800
Ti-SAI-2'/2Sn 23239 0.045 140,000 149,500
119,100 125,600 ~
24983 0.078 135,400 146 ,350
Arar 120,500 132,600 = WOTDSHMUMNWUONDBS
@ Values are the average of data from duplicate test specimens.
° Tensile joint efficiency = tensile strength of the transversely welded specimen /tensile strength of the base metal.

0.040 in., whereas in the immediate cent elongation was low in the Cana- Two kinds of welded specimen were
area of the burnthrough the thick- dian-rolled materials, particularly tested; viz., welded transversely
ness ranged from 0.031 to 0.034 in the thinner ('/;. in.) sizes. Low and welded longitudinally to the
in. The localized variations in sheet elongation values, with high yield- direction of tensile stress. All of the
thickness are presumed to be the tensile-strength ratios (in the trans- transverse specimens failed out-
result of a surface-grinding opera- verse direction of the Canadian side of the weld joint. This was to
tion in the manufacturer’s plant. processed sheet) indicate that the be expected because the longitudi-
onset of unstable plastic flow de- nally welded specimens showed the
Discussion of Results veloped almost immediately after strength of the weld to be greater
Tensile Tests yielding commenced, suggesting that than that of the base metal. Con-
Room-temperature Tests. Un- this sheet is unsuitable for applica- sequently, the tensile properties as
welded specimens: The results from tion where loads might be expected obtained from transversely welded
the room-temperature tensile tests to exceed momentarily the yield specimens were, for all practical
of the unwelded titanium-sheet ma- strength. purposes, the same as those obtained
terials used in this investigation are Elongation and reduction-in-area from unwelded specimens. The
presented in Table 2. The data values in the materials processed by tensile strength of the longitudinal
show that the transverse properties the regular titanium producers specimens, on the other hand, was
(yield and ultimate strength) of the (hereinafter referred to as ‘“‘com- appreciably greater than that of the
Ti—4Al—2V-complex and Ti-—6Al— mercial”) were higher than in the unwelded sheet. Table 4 summa-
4V materials rolled in Canada are Canadian-processed materials, and rizes the results of the welded and
consistently higher than those in the directional properties were indicated unwelded tensile tests.
longitudinal direction, confirming to be almost non existent. Short-time Elevated-temperature
the findings of the Canadian steel Welded Specimens. Table 3 Tensile Tests. Short-time elevated-
producer.' Note that where speci- shows the tensile properties ob- temperature tensile tests were con-
mens were taken from two widely tained for the various weldments at ducted on unwelded and welded
separated locations (A and Z), very room temperature. All of the specimens at temperatures up to
little inhomogeneity is indicated. welded specimens were prepared 1000° F utilizing induction heating.
Note also that, while yield and ulti- from blanks cut parallel to the di- Tests were made at a head speed of
mate strengths were consistently rection of rolling. The filler ma- l1ipm. Approximately one minute
high, ductility as indicated by per- terial was Ti—6Al—4V in all cases. was required to bring the test speci-

Table 4—Properties of Welded Versus Unwelded Sheet (Room Temperature)

thick- Weld — Yield strength, kips — Ultimate strength, kips ——— Elongation, % ——
Alloy type ness, in. direction Unwelded Welded Unwelded Welded Unwelded Welded
Ti-4AI-2V M2805 105 166 123 171 5
(complex) (0.031) 110 128
M2805 109 159 122 164 7
(0.062) 112 124
Ti-6AlI4V M2804 148 137 164 3
(0.031) 127 135
M2804 158 140 170 4
(0.062) 126 142
25151 165 135 182 14
(0.040) 119 134 Ww
Ti-SAI-2'/,Sn 23239 140 124 150 14
(0.045) 119 126
24983 135 131 146 13 UF
(0.078) AaArdarararararar 120 133 —

348-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

men to the desired temperature
and an additional 30 sec (approx- LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE
imately) was required to complete aw T WELD WELD
the test. The data obtained are
presented in Figs. 3-6. As ex- YLD
pected, the tensile strength dropped
off with increasing temperature for
all of the alloys tested. Note that
(a) in a given heat the tensile prop-
erties were largely independent of
thickness (see the plots for Ti —4Al—
2V —complex and Ti—6Al—4V); (6)
the commercial Ti—6Al—4V (heat
25151) produced approximately the
same strength as the Canadian- (1000
processed Ti —6Al—4V but with ap- lee
Se aTS
preciably better ductility; (c) the
Ti—6Al—4V composition provided nm 2)
approximately 10,000 psi higher
yield and ultimate strengths than
the Ti —4Al—2V — complex at all tem- 600 1000
peratures investigated; (d) the two TEST TEMPERATURE°F
heats of Ti—5Al-2'/, Sn investi-
Fig. 4—Short-time elevated-temperature tensile properties of welded
gated had appreciably different ten- Ti-4Al-2V complex, heat M2805 (@) 0.031 in. and (0) 0.062 in. (dash curves,
sile strengths and elongations; and unwelded sheet)


ULT (e).O3tin
(©) .O62in ULTIMATE

o@ °o
uLTimate HEAT 23239 > °o
A (e) .O045in
HEAT 24983 n (2)
(0) .O7Bin
"as ear eae g—2n=F
(lOOOPSI) 1 1 l
200 600 1000
Fig. 5—Short-time elevated-temperature tensile properties of welded
Ti-6A1-4V, heat 25151 (+-) 0.040 in. and heat M2804 (@) 0.031 in. and
STRENGTH (O) 0.062 in. (dash curves, unwelded sheet)
(e) at elevated temperature, Ti specimens, sometimes rather dras-
KO _ Ti-6AL-4V 6Al—4V had approximately 20,000 tically.
a HEAT 25151 It is interesting to note in con-
(x).040in psi higher yield strength than Ti
HEAT M2804 5Al—2'/,.Sn. Inconnection with the nection with these data that the
(e) .O31 in
es, tests of the two orientations of weld, short-time (approximately 90 sec
it should be noted that the trans- total time) ¢elevated-temperature
Muy “8 versely welded specimens produced tensile properties obtained for the
very nearly the same temperature- Ti-—6Al—4V and Ti-5Al-2'!/, Sn
strength curves as the unwelded alloys fell within the ranges obtained
nN °o sheet; whereas, the longitudinally from tests of 20 min or more dura-
ed welded specimens _ consistently tion (see Figs. 8-10 of TML Mem-
Fr ELONG ° ° showed appreciably higher strength orandum, “‘Compilation of Avail-
g————_8--"° %ELONG than the unwelded sheet materials. able Information on Ti-—5Al-—2'/,
1 | 1 1 1 ° Sn,”’ dated July 15, 1957, and Fig.
200 600 1000 It should be recalled, in this con-
400 800 nection, that Ti—6Al-—4V filler wire 27 of TML Memorandum, ‘‘Com-
TEST TEMPERATURE°F was used for all welds. Note that pilation of Available Information
Fig. 3—Short-time elevated-temperature the ductility (tensile elongation) on Ti-—6Al—4V,” dated Feb. 28,
tensile properties, unwelded was reduced in all of the welded 1958).


Notch-tensile Impact Fig. 9 presents a typical curve of
Unwelded Specimens. Energy- deformation versus temperature for
temperature and _|lateral-contrac- the Canadian-converted materials.
tion-temperature curves for the The poor notch-tensile-impact prop-
sheet materials investigated indi- erties of the Canadian sheet are
cate that transitions from high-to- believed to be the result of surface
low energy encompass wide ranges contamination. Micro-examina-
of temperature (Figs. 7-9). Al- tion revealed surface cracks in both
though some of the transitions ap- the Ti—6Al—4V and the Ti-—4Al —
pear to be fairly abrupt, this is due 2V-complex, with cracks as deep as
to the compressed temperature scale, 0.005 in. To determine the extent HEAT 23259
required because data were ob- to which surface embrittlement had (.045 in.)
tained over a wide temperature affected the Canadian materials, the 1 A.
range. In general, with the ex- Ti —4Al — 2V-complex was etched in
ception of two heats of Ti—5Al-— a solution of 1OHC]—5HF ~—50OH-
2'/,Sn, the transition ranges oc- NO;. The resulting transition (see
curred well above room tempera- Fig. 9) indicated a substantial im-
ture. Note that in the case of the provement as the result of etching (FT-LB)
energy-temperature curves, the en- in the case of the 0.062-in. sheet,
ergy values were corrected to a but little or no effect in the case of
specimen thickness of 0.1 in. to the 0.031-in. sheet. It would appear ENERGY
facilitate comparisons between dif- that the thinner sheet was embrit-
ferent sheet thicknesses. tled too deeply for etching to be of
The Ti —5Al — 2'/,Sn heats inves- benefit. IMPACT
tigated gave not only the lowest With the exception of the low LATERAL
transitions, but also by far the tensile elongation in the Canadian
highest energy and lateral contrac- converted materials as compared
tion values; e.g., the energy ranged with the “commercial” materials,
from 115 to 155 ft-lb and the con- only notch-tensile-impact showed
traction from 70 to 100 mils at marked or consistent differences
+400° C (see Fig. 7). Energy and between heats of a given composi-
contraction values for the commer- tion type. No explanation is of-
cial heats of Ti-—6Al—4V ranged fered at this time for the fact that
from 60 to 100 ft-lb and 25 — 50 mils, certain indications of notch sensi-
respectively, at +400°C (see Fig. tivity as obtained from notch-ten-
8). In contrast, the energy values sile-impact contradict the published
at +400° C for the Canadian- literature on notch sensitivity as
rolled Ti —4Al —2V-complex were in determined by conventional notch- (.055in)
the vicinity of only 30 ft-lb and the tensile testing. * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
lateral-contraction values for the Welded Specimens. Both longi- -200 ° 200 400
Canadian materials were less than -100 100 300 500
tudinally and transversely welded TEMPERATURE (°C)
5 mils at all testing temperatures notched-tensile-impact specimens
investigated. The upper plot of were tested. In the case of the Fig. 7—Energy-temperature and deforma-
tion-temperature notch-tensile-impact
transition curves for unwelided Ti-5AI-
2'/,Sn, lateral contraction (@) and energy

LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE transversely welded test piece, the

WELD WELD notches were centered on and wholly
contained in the fusion zone. How-
ever, because the width of fusion
*A review of the literature on notch-tensile
ULTIMATE testing of titanium by Holden (TML Report
No. 69, dated Apr. 26, 1957) revealed that a
considerable number of notch tests have been
made on titanium and its alloys; however, the
lack of standard test procedures and uniform
methods for evaluation was found to be a serious
limitation. The most common measure of notch
sensitivity as obtained from notch-tensile tests is
the notch-unnotch strength ratio, with a value of
unity representing the limit between notch sensi-
tivity and notch insensitivity There appears to
(1O000PS!) be little doubt that a notch-unnotch strength
Nn°o ratio of less than unity represents a notch-sensitive
material; however, there is a reasonable doubt
that a ratio of unity or above represents safely a
° notch-insensitive condition. Based on available
data (from notch-tensile tests), Holden concluded
with regard to the notch sensitivity of titanium
%ELONG. and
°o its alloys that (a) ordinary grades of com-
600 1000 200 600 mercial unalloyed titanium are reasonably ductile
TEST TEMPERATURE °F and insensitive to notches; (4) the all-alpha
Ti — 5Al — 2'/:Sn alloy has inherently lower duc-
tility and is more sensitive to notches than com-
Fig. 6—Short-time elevated-temperature tensile properties of welded mercial (unalloyed) titanium; and (c) the alpha-
Ti -5Al -2!/;Sn, heat 23239 (@) 0.045 in. and heat 24983 (CO) 0.078 in. beta Ti-—6Al— 4V alloy in the mill-annealed condi-
tion does not show serious notch sensitivity at
(dash curves, unwelded sheet) ordinary temperatures.

350-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

zone was narrow, the shoulder of the
notch (where the lateral contraction HEAT 23239 - bs
was measured) was generally in Pg HEAT 25151 (.040in.) a
heat-affected base metal. Thus, 4 1. “ UNWELDED
when low values of lateral con- 4
traction were measured in the cross ¥F
section at the shoulders of the /
notch, it meant that premature
unstable flow or brittle fracture had
occurred in the weld. This is con-
sidered very detrimental because (MILS) =e
(MILS) T M5259 (.050in.) ae
it indicates that in the presence of a MATCHING FILLER’ ~ UNWELDED
weld defect, the weld may fail under
low nominal loads.
In the case of the longitudinally
CcoOU HEAT 24983 ail
00, ° -
HEAT 5259 =~ Q l-
4 4
sok (.050in.) 7 “ 5
—e a“
4 HEAT M4947 (.C 7Bin.)
ee 6 LATERAL /
40 /unwevoeo
7 .
a ° . *? -* 2 UNWELDED
ee ae |
| HEAT M4947
BO 4
— ,° a alti
° °
e' ad
oS see eS
° 200
lL 1
400 Fig. 11—Deformation-temperature notch-
uw -100 100 300 500 tensile-impact transition curves for
>o TEMPERATURE (°C) welded Ti-6AI-4V, longitudinally welded
wez Fig. 10—Deformation-temperature notch- (O) and transversely welded (@)
w | HEAT 2452622 tensile-impact transition curves for
cav 8o}- (.050 in) welded Ti-5AI-2'/.Sn, longitudinally Gas-shielded tungsten-arc welding used for
heats 25151 and M5259; gas-shielded metal-arc
tfa 60+ welded (©) and transversely welded (@). welding used on heat M4947
= |
welded test piece, the weld was specimens were generally lower than
centered in the test section between those obtained from longitudinally
the notches with base metal under welded specimens, reflecting low
HEAT 25151 the notches on either side of the notch toughness in the weld metal.
L. (.040in) weld. Thus, low values of lateral The plot at the bottom of Fig. 11
contraction (as compared with those represents commercial Ti—6Al-—4V
of the unwelded sheet) indicated welded with the inert-gas-shielded
premature failure in either the consumable-electrode process at 130
fusion zone or the heat-affected base ipm arc-travel speed. Unalloyed
metal. filler was used. Both single- and
From Figs. 10 and 11 it may be two-pass welds were made, with the
TEMPERATURE (°C) seen that welding, in general, had a two-pass welds indicating slightly
Fig. 8—Energy-temperature and deforma- detrimental effect on notch tough- better performance. Visual inspec-
tion-temperature notch-tensile-impact ness as determined by the notch- tion of the fracture surfaces of these
transition curves for unwelded Ti-6Al tensile-impact test. Note that the specimens indicated that cracking
4V, lateral contraction (@) and energy(O) lateral contraction measurements did not initiate in the weld; in fact,
obtained from transversely welded the weld metal appears to have

Table 5—Effect of Welding on Notch-Tensile impact (Room Temperature)

Lateral contraction, —~
Heat Weld Energy, ft-Ib mils
Alloy type No. direction Unwelded Welded Unwelded Welded
Ti-5AI-2'/.Sn 23239 98 66 36 20
(0.045) 57 8
24983 44 67 ll 12
(0.078) 51 6
Ti-6AI-4V M5259 55 48 é 5
( (0.050)
25151 48 58
(0.040) 51
200 39
TEMPERATURE (*C) M4947 36 37
Fig. 9—Deformation-temperature notch- (0.078)
tensile-impact transition curves for un- @ Solution annealed and aged after welding
welded Ti-4A!-2V complex > Consumable-electrode unalloyed) deposited at 130 ipm arc-travel speed


| 351-5
senal Laboratories interim report
Table 6—Correlation of Tests on the subject should be available
Notched-tensile-impact, Edge-notch-Charpy by September 1959.
Sheet lateral contraction impact energy
Heat thickness, at room temperature, at room temperature, On the Problem of Developing
Alloy type no. in. mils ft-Ib/0.1 in. Optimum Weld-joint Properties
Ti-5AI-2'/,Sn M1133 45 16.8 The increased notch sensitivity
23239 36 11.0 in weld joints as indicated by notch-
24983 11 : tensile-impact points up the need
Ti-4AlI4V M4789 20
M5259 12 for R & D aimed at controlling the
25151 12 transformation products of the weld
_M4947 5 thermal cycle. In titanium, the
M2804 1 basis for such control was provided
by the findings of Armour Research
Foundation under Watertown Ar-
senal sponsored Contract DA-11-
elongated considerably more than Titanium sheet was readily 022-ORD-1292. The work of the
the base metal, particularly in the welded with either the inert-gas- contract demonstrated that marked
two-pass welded specimens. shielded tungsten-arc or consum- variations in mechanical properties
The effect of welding on the vari- able-electrode technique. The ten- can be effected by choice of tem-
ous heats of commercially processed sile strength of the weld joints was perature and time of isothermal
sheet as indicated by room-tem- excellent. The high-strength and transformation. In some titanium
perature notch-tensile-impact tests good ductility realized by welding alloys, it was shown that the tem-
is summarized in Table 5. Note, in Ti-—5Al — 2'/,Sn alloy with Ti—6Al-— perature of transformation is critical
particular, that neither the drastic 4V filler wire (150,000 psi ultimate if an optimum combination of
change in energy input attending with 9% elongation) was particu- strength, ductility and toughness
consumable-electrode welding nor larly noteworthy. However, in the are to be obtained.
heat treatment after welding ef- presence of a notch, all welds suf- The approach currently under
fected any appreciably improve- fered a considerable loss of tough- consideration involves attachment
ment in notch toughness. ness, particularly at elevated tem- to the weld carriage of a supplemen-
perature. tary heat-source and/or a means for
Summary and Conclusions Because of the detrimental effect gas quenching. In alloys such
Tensile tests on prime sheet (un- of welding indicated by the notched- as Ti-6A-—4V, Ti-—4Al-3Mo -1V,
welded) indicate that good strength tensile-impact specimen, further re- Ti-—2'/, Al—16V, and Ti-—13V
and ductility can be attained search and development work is 11Cr—3Al where a _ “solution-
in commercially processed mill- necessary to develop optimum tech- treated”’ condition may be desir-
annealed Ti —6Al —4V and Ti-—5Al — niques for achieving notch tough- able in the weld joint, the welds
2'/,Snsheet. From the standpoint ness in titanium-sheet welds. will be quenched by means of a high
of strength-weight ratio, a titanium arc-travel speed, water-cooled cop-
alloy must have a yield strength of Future Work per backing and a gas quench. The
115,000 psi to be equivalent to high- gas quench will be accomplished by
strength (200,000 psi yield) steel. On the Meaning and Measurement precooling the argon that issues from
At room temperature, both the of Notch Sensitivity the trailing shield.
alpha and the alpha-beta alloys Since this work was completed, Where the _ time-temperature-
met this strength requirement; how- a simple modification of the V- transformation characteristics of an
ever, with increasing temperature notch Charpy-impact specimen has alloy dictate isothermal transforma-
the strength of all the alloys fell been found to be highly sensitive to tion at a definite temperature level,
off rapidly (100,000 psi yield at ap- sheet-to-sheet variations in notch a trailing heat source will be used to
proximately 200° F, 80,000 psi at sensitivity and far more economical interrupt weld cooling at a prede-
approximately 400° F). It should (from the standpoint of both ma- termined temperature level. The
be recalled that the materials in- chine-shop time and material re- trailing heat source will consist of a
vestigated were in the mill- quirements) than the notched-ten- pancake-type induction coil. By
annealed condition; in the heat- sile-impact specimen described pre- controlling the power input to the
treated condition Ti-6Al—4V would viously in this paper. coil, and by varying the distance be-
be expected to exceed 115,000 psi The fact that the two tests give tween the arc and the trailing heat
at temperatures up to approxi- the same qualitative rating indi- source (i.e., the time interval be-
mately 400° F (a sufficiently high cates that the notch-sensitivity de- tween peak temperature and auxili-
temperature for many solid-fuel-pro- terminations are meaningful. Table ary heating), it is possible to arrest
pellant motor-casing applications). 6 demonstrates the correlation ob- the cooling cycle at any desired tem-
Notch-tensile-impact tests in- tained to date. perature level and thereby effect
dicated marked variations in notch Work on the meaning and meas- short-time isothermal transforma-
sensitivity between composition urement of notch sensitivity in sheet tion. Likewise, a weld in the solu-
types and between heats of a single- is continuing. The investigation tion-treated condition will be
composition type. In some in- will include comparison of Charpy strengthened by means of a “‘flash-
stances the findings were at vari- results with G. determinations? and anneal” aging treatment using the
ance with the published literature notch /unnotch ratio by the Srawley- trailing induction coil to heat the
on notch sensitivity as determined Beachem technique.* A modified weld to 1100-1300° F for a few
by conventional notch-tensile Kahn-type tear test for direct meas- seconds’ duration.
testing. Study of the meaning and urement of energy required to propa- The most interesting and prac-
measurement of notch sensitivity gate cracking and a wide centrally- tical feature of the above proposal
in sheet is continuing (see “Future notched sheet tensile test‘ will also stems from the fact that the weld
Work’’). be investigated. A Watertown Ar- heat treatment will be an integral

352-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

part of the welding operation. Thus, The notched tensile impact speci- References
if successful, postheat treatment of men and fixture were designed by 1. Hart, R. V., “R&D in Titanium Processing
weldments will no longer be neces- Richard W. Jones.t and Conversion into Mill Product Forms from
sary. The greatest advantage will The short-time elevated tempera- U.S. Government Furnished Ingots and Blooms,”’
be realized in cases where heat treat- WAL Reports 401/224 and 401/224-1 (July 1955
ture tensile testing was doe under and September 1956); Ordnance Contract DA-
ment of the final assembly is dif- the supervision of Messrs. A. G. 19-066-ORD-2556.
ficult or impossible because of size, Martin and A. K. Wong of the 2. Irwin, G. R., Keis, J. A., and Smith, H. L.,
distortion, etc. High Temperature Measurement “Fracture Strengths Relative to Onset and
Arrest of Crack Propagation,’’ Proc. ASTM, 58,
Acknowledgments Section, Watertown Arsenal Labora- 640-656 (1958)
tories. 3. Srawley, J. E., and Beachem, C. D., “Crack
The Ti—4Al-—2V-complex heat Propagation Tests of High-Strength Steel Sheets
M2805 and the Ti—6Al—4V heat Using Small Specimens,’’ NRL Report No. 5127,
M2804 were converted from ingot to t R. W. Jones is now employed by the General Naval Research Laboratory (Apr. 9, 1958).
sheet by Atlas Steels Ltd., Welland, Electric Co., Lynn River Works Plant, Lynn, 4. Conway, W. J., “Crack Propagation Tests
Mass., as Supervisor of Planning Welded Prod- Safeguard New Lockheed Structures,”’ Aviation
Ont., Canada. ucts, Medium Steam Turbine Department. Age, 32 December 1956)


Requests for single copies should be sent to the

AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N. Y.

Requests for bulk lots ten or more, should be sent to the

WELDING RESEARCH COUNCIL, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N. Y.

No. 42 Weld Flaw Evaluation, by S. T. Carpenter and R. F. Linsenmeyer, September 1958. $2.00.

No. 43 Welding of 347 Stainless Steel Piping and Tubing, by George Linnert, October 1958. $3.50.

No. 44 The Influence of Residual Stress on the Strength of Structural Members, by R. L. Ketter,
November 1958. $1.00.

No. Ten Years of Progress in Pressure Vessel Research, by F. L. Plummer, R. D. Stout, E. Wenk, Jr.,
and |. E. Boberg, December 1958. $1.00.

No. Observations of Strains Near Reinforced and Non-reinforced Cone-cylinder Intersections, by

Charles Kientzler and S. F. Borg; Discussion, “Design Formulas for a Thin Cylinder with Cone
Shaped Ends”’, by Cyril O. Rhys, January 1959. $1.00.

An Experimental Investigation of Open-web Beams, by A. A. Toprac and B. R. Cooke,

February 1959. $1.00.

Plastic Design of Pinned-base Gable Frames, by Robert L. Ketter, March 1959. $1.00.

Stresses in a Spherical Vessel from Radial Loads Acting on a Pipe; Stresses in a Spherical
Vessel from External Moments Acting on a Pipe; Influence of a Reinforcing Pad on the Stresses
in a Spherical Vessel Under Local Loading, by P. P. Bijlaard, April 1959. $3.00.

Stresses in Spherical Vessels from Local Loads Transferred by a Pipe; Additional Data on
Stresses in Cylindrical Shells Under Local Loading, by P. P. Bijlaard, May 1959. $2.00.

Theoretical Stresses Near a Circular Opening in a Flat Plate, Reinforced with a Cylindrical
Outlet, by E. O. Waters; Stresses in Contoured Openings of Pressure Vessels, by D. E. Har-
denbergh; A Three-dimensional Photoelastic Study of Stresses Around Reinforced Outlets
in Pressure Vessels, byC. E. Taylor, N. C. Lind and J. W. Schweiker; Unreinforced Openings in
a Pressure Vessel, by F. S. G. Williams and E. P. Auler, June 1959. $2.00.


Spontaneously Induced Brittle Fractures

in Welded-Steel Disks

Simple test technique is employed to demonstrate

how initiation of disastrous failures may take place.
Also, some of the factors that govern these phenomena
are enumerated and discussed


ABSTRACT. In the past, static welded Vierendeel Truss bridges

tests generally failed to reproduce the broke while carrying no traffic.
phenomenon of spontaneous fracturing Spontaneous brittle fractures have
of welded structures. Spontaneous not been confined to welded struc-
brittle-fracture initiation can _ be tures. Reports exist on several fail-
achieved in a reproducible way in
laboratory specimens. ures of I-beams after oxygen cut-
Tests were conducted on 4 ft diam, ting: ‘“‘. . .A beam of high-tensile
‘/,in. thick, welded low-carbon-steel strength steel, 21'/, in. high and 36
specimens. They consisted of a 16-in. ft long, fractured spontaneously in
diam disk with a 4'/,-in. square open- the shop under no load. On the
ing cut in the center and then welded day before, skew cuts had been
into the 4-ft diam ring. Due to the made at both ends with a cutting
heavy constraint, the inner disk under- torch. The beam was lying flat on
went severe plastic deformation during the ground. The fracture occurred
welding. This resulted in high residual
tensile stresses in the central part, bal- along the whole length through the
anced by compressive stresses in the web. The violent noise gave the
outside of the disk. impression of an explosion.
Local cooling of a small area at the The appearance of the fracture was Fig. 1—Welding of test specimen
corners of the square hole with liquid very rough and jagged, with a
nitrogen led to the initiation of spon- generally coarse and crystalline
taneous brittle fractures. The propaga- granular structure... .””! ion§ Stress, 1000 psi
tion of this fracture was governed by The initiation of service cracks
both the stress field and temperature. without application of external loads
Stress relieving at 1150° F provided
a safeguard against the initiation of was particularly puzzling because, in
brittle cracks. New residual stresses the laboratory, loads beyond the
were put into the stress-relieved speci- yield point were found to be neces-
men and local cooling then resulted in sary to start brittle cracks. It has
a spontaneous brittle fracture. long been known that high residual
Both initiation and propagation stresses are introduced by welding or
conditions may be drawn in a simple oxygen cutting. It is natural, there-
brittle-fracture diagram. fore, that these failures were attrib-
Introduction uted to residual stresses, and it was
soon widely accepted as a fact that
One common characteristic of triaxial residual stresses of unknown
brittle service failures in welded-steel magnitudes had an adverse influence
structures was that they appeared upon the ductility of the steels in- Fig. 2—Residual-stress distribution in
to occur spontaneously. At the volved. welded test specimen
time of fracture, the structures were No supporting reasons exist for
carrying normal service loads or only the idea that residual stresses em- to demonstrate how initiation of
asmall part of the design load. As brittle the material. However, the disastrous failures may take place.
examples, in 1943 a T-2 tanker, the phenomena originating the residual A simple test technique was em-
S.S. Schenectady, broke in two in stresses, mostly local plastic defor- ployed and some of the factors that
calm water at her fitting-out dock, mation and metallurgical damage in govern these phenomena are enumer-
and from 1938 to 1940, three Belgian the welding or cutting heat-affected ated and discussed.
A. VINCKIER is associated with the Metals zones, may cause the material to be Tests were conducted on 4-ft
Joining Section, Metallurgy Dept., Westinghouse more sensitive to brittle fracture; diam, */,-in. thick, mild-steel speci-
Research Laboratories, Pittsburgh, Pa that is, in effect, it raises the transi- mens. These consisted of 16-in.
Paper to be presented at AWS National Fall tion temperature. diam disks, each containing a 4'/.-
Meeting to be held in Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28
Oct. 1, 1959. An attempt is made, in this paper, in. square hole oxygen-cut in the

354-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

center, welded into 4-ft diam rings. taining a central notched butt weld
Due to heavy constraint, the inner (Greene’*) parallel to the direction of
disk underwent severe plastic defor- pull. At certain temperatures, he
mation during welding. This re- obtained full-width fractures with
sulted, in the central part, in high loads considerably below the yield
residual tensile stresses which are point of the materials.
balanced by compressive stresses in
the outside of the disk. Local cool- Description of Test Specimen
ing of a small area at the corners of A circular patch, 16 in. in diam
the square hole, with liquid nitrogen, and */, in. thick, containing a 4'/>-
led to the initiation of spontaneous in. square hole in the center, was
brittle fracture. welded into a 48-in. diam, */;,-in. Fig. 4—Test specimen 1, location of
Similar work has been done at the thick ring (Fig. 1). Earlier, the thermocouples and strain gages
University of Ghent (Belgium) under circular patch was carefully oxygen-
the direction of Prof. W. Soete.’ cut from its own ring, a square hole
Most of the Belgian specimens were was oxygen-cut in its center and the Earlier investigations of residual
prepared with an artificial defect corners of the hole were filed sharp. shrinkage stresses on a similar speci-
welded into the center of the speci- The patch was then welded back men? showed the biaxial stresses
men or into the weld, and locally into its original position in the ring, (Fig. 2) to vary from an estimated
cooling the defective region resulted using low-hydrogen _ electrodes. 30,000 psi tangential stress at the
in cracking. The ring was restrained during weld- corner of the square cut to 40,000 psi
Spontaneous brittle failures, or ing by two bolted-on reinforcing in the weld, changing rapidly to a
failures with very small external rings, each 1'/, in. thick. These compressive stress of 25,000 psi a few
loads, on mild-steel bend-test speci- served to prevent warping of the inches away from the weld, and to
mens with an artificial weld-notch test specimen during welding and to about —10,000 psi at the outer pe-
were reproduced by Greene.’ The centralize the deformation in the riphery. The radial stress was ten-
notches consisted of fine, shallow plane of the specimen. sile with a maximum of about 30,000
saw cuts in the beveled edges as The welding sequence (Fig. 1) psi in the weld.
prepared for welding and were in- was: the patch was first tacked into
tended to simulate weld flaws. position by 8 short, symmetrically Material
A series of tests in which butt spaced welds. The first bead was
The material used was hot rolled
welds were made under conditions then deposited with '/;-in. electrodes
’/,-in. thick semikilled commercial
of severe restraint is described by in the order (Fig. 1) top 1-1’, bot-
ASTM plate. The chemical com-
Weck.‘ A notch, a drilled hole ex- tom 1’-1-2-2’, top 2’-2-3-3’, bottom
position and mechanical properties,
tended by saw-cuts parallel to the 3'-3-4-4’ and top 4’-4. The second
at room temperature, are shown in
butt welds, was provided in the layer, using */\;-in. electrodes, fol-
Table 1. Charpy V-notch test
specimens. ‘The welded assemblies lowed the same order.
values are given in Fig. 3.
were slowly cooled to temperatures Heavy plastic deformation took
in the vicinity of the transition tem- place in the central part of the speci-
perature. Spontaneous brittle frac- men during welding, especially at Composition, Mechanical
tures then occurred. the corners. This plastic deforma- % properties
Wells’ carried out tensile tests on tion was studied on a special test C, 0.18 Yield strength (0.2%),
36-in. wide, mild-steel plates, con- piece prepared for that purpose. 32,550 psi
Mn, 0.99 Ultimate strength,
62,550 psi
P, 0.0092 Elongation, 42.7%
S, 0.017 DPH (30 kg), 202
Si, 0.056
Al, 0.047

The transition temperature of

50% brittle surface, measured on
notched cylindrical tensile specimens
8 was about +15° F. The 15 ft-lb
Ib)- transition value on Charpy V-
} % Brittle TFracture ° notched specimens was —5° F.
| Energy Absorbed Frocture
T Experimental Results
Absorbed Test1
%Brittle The temperature gradient in the
Energy specimen during local cooling, and
at the moment of fracturing, was
uw>a8°3 determined from eight thermo-
——____1_— ~ couples of copper-constantan placed
nN ° along the expected fracture path,
| _15 ft - 1bLevel
Fig.4. ‘Temperature measurements
4 were taken every 2 min. from start
I of cooling. Six strain gages were
-100 also fastened along the fracture
Test Tempercture
path, Fig. 4, to determine the re-
Fig. 3—Charpy V-notch impact test results sidual stresses that existed in the


into the ring. A first attempt to A second crack was obtained by
cool corner C resulted in cracking locally cooling corner D. No tem-
at both the A and B corners. The perature measurements were taken.
liquid nitrogen escaped through a The arrest of this crack was also
small leak in the ring-to-specimen marked by plastic deformation and
seal and accumulated on both corners the icy surface in the vicinity at the
A and B. These cracked for about end of the fracture indicated that
a 1-in. length. the arrest temperature was about
The test was restarted and after a 32° F.
15-min cooling period of corner C a Both cracks opened about '/;;
crack originated at that corner, in. There was no visible striction
running radially toward the periph- along the crack path away from the
ery for about 7 in. (Fig. 5). The end.
temperature in corner C, at the
moment of fracturing, was —254° Test 2
Fig. 5—Spontaneous brittle fracture F; the arrest temperature of the The as-welded specimen was
in Test 1 crack was +29° F (Fig. 6). The placed in a pan filled with a mixture
of brine and chipped ice and cooled
down uniformly to a temperature of
0° F. This was about the 15 ft-lb
transition temperature of the
Charpy V-notch specimen.
Further local cooling of one corner
with liquid nitrogen, in the same
way as in Test 1, initiated two
_—T or — -<+-------------
ome fee os oe +> cracks at the same time in opposite
- Arrest 2 corners (Fig. 6). The temperature
in corner A was —157° F, and in
J corner B, it was —23° F. The
cracks extended across the plate and
stopped in holes which were drilled
for bolting the reinforcing rings
during the welding of the specimen
(Fig. 7).
Test 3
Test | As Welded. This specimen was stress relieved
Test 2 As Welded. at 1150° F after welding. As in
----@---- Test 3 Stress Relieved, |iSO°F Test 2, the whole specimen was uni-
—_- > — Test 4 Locally Heated After formly cooled down to 0° F. Local
Stress Relief. cooling of corner A for about 50
min, or until a steady temperature
Edge regime was established (Fig. 6,
| | | | Curve 3), did not initiate fracture.
8 10 12 9
Inches from Corner The cooling was stopped and a chisel
Fig. 6—Temperature gradient in test specimens edge driven into corners A and B.
at the moment of fracturing No fracture occurred. The same
places were struck several times by
crack arrest was accompanied by a severe hammer blows but no crack
clearly visible striction. could be detected even by later using
The strain-gage readings before fluid-dye penetrants.
and after fracturing permitted an Test 4
evaluation of the residual stresses The disk of Test 3 was reused after
released by fracturing. These new residual stresses had been intro-
stresses, in psi, were: duced by heating corner C up to a
S.G. 1 (corner) temperature of about 1100° F, a
dark-red glow in the dark, over an
S.G. 2-3 (weld) area of 6 in. in diam, with an oxy-
acetylene torch. The specimen was
S.G. 4-5 then allowed to cool to room tem-
perature. The thermal stresses and
S.G. 6 (periphery)
Ys plastic flow during the described
Fig. 7—Spontaneous brittle fracture heating and cooling cycle induced
in Test 2 S.G. locations 4-5 showed unusu- residual stresses into the specimen
ally high compressive stresses. This having a distribution which was
specimen before the test. Local may be related to the fact that not probably similar to the stresses set
cooling was carried out by placing a all residual stresses were released by up by welding, i.e., biaxial tensile
4-in. diam ring on top of one corner the crack and that the two halves of stresses in the center part equili-
of the 4'/,-in. square cutout. This the specimen exerted a bending force brated with compressive stresses in
was made leakproof with grease. on the uncracked parts of the diag- the outer periphery.
Liquid nitrogen was poured slowly onal. Corner C was then cooled down

356-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

locally with liquid nitrogen. At a under the conditions of the experi-
temperature of —215° F, a crack ment, the arrest temperature for a
started. It stopped at thermo- propagating brittle fracture is mark-
couple 5, the temperature of arrest edly above the 15 ft-lb transition
being +32° F (Fig. 6). The sur- temperature of —5° F as indicated
face aspect of the crack was the by the Charpy V-notch specimen.
same as in Test 1: no perceptible The same discrepancy has often
striction along the fracture except been found on large-scale test speci-
at the last 2 in. (Fig. 8). mens.’
It seems impossible that the
Test5 brittle cracks in Test 2 ran far into
To study welding deformations, a the compressed part of the test
small-scale specimen was made by plate. But, as the cracks propa-
welding a steel disk, 10-in. in diam, gate, the residual-stress distribution
'/in. thick, with a 2*/,-in. square changes. Probably the two halves
hole cut into a 20-in. diam, 1-in. of the circular weld may have a Fig. 8—Spontaneous brittle fracture
thick ring. Before welding, one flat tendency to create a bending mo- in Test 4
surface of the inner disk was pol- ment on the uncracked portion of the
ished and a 133-line per inch grid plate. This could provide a region
was photoengraved onto the surface. ahead of the crack with tensile
During welding, Liiders bands stresses.
were observed around the corners of The rolling direction (marked
the hole as soon as the second bead with an arrow on the photographs)
was laid down. Further welding seems to have no influence on the
spread these flow lines until they direction of the crack propagation.
completely covered the areas limited The rolling direction was under 45
by the elongated sides of the square deg with regard to the diagonal of
cut; the other areas showed far less the square cut and no one crack
plastic deformation. deviated from this direction.
The amount of plastic flow was The successful result, obtained by
studied, using the interference pat- stress relieving at 1150° F, and the
tern created by the Moiré-effect that spontaneous brittle fracture which
is formed by superposition of the resulted by reintroducing new re-
original grid on the deformed photo- sidual stresses into the test plate
engraved grid (Fig. 9). This tech- clearly show that the benefit of the
nique, and the derivation of the 1150° F treatment is due to stress
amount of elongation, is described relieving and not to metallurgical
elsewhere.’ Figure 10 shows the effects. The latter is often thought
percentage of plastic deformation to be a major benefit of stress re-
along the diagonal line AB, obtained lieving.
by the two methods of measuring. These tests suggest that the initia-
However, very locally at the tip of tion of catastrophic brittle failures
the corner, the strain wasabout 18%. in steel structures may be related to
This was determined by measuring the coincidence of the following fac-
the distance between a pair of tors:
photoengraved lines with a Brinell 1. The material is in a brittle
microscope. The low values of condition at the moment of frac-
strain determined with the aid of turing, as will be defined later.
the Moiré-effect are due to the fact 2. A geometrical defect exists in
that this method gives the average the structure that is plastically de-
strain between two _ interference formed by previous. treatment. Fig. 9—Moiré pattern of plastic
lines, here about */; in. apart. Such defects may consist of flaws, deformation in welded disk
Locally cooling corner A of this cracks or discontinuities.
specimen down to a temperature of 3. The plastically deformed re-
—223° F did not start a fracture; gion around the notch possesses
also, when a chisel was slightly high residual tensile stresses.
driven in corners A and B, a fracture 4. An auxiliary stress is imposed
did not start. Further cooling of by superposing a load, impact or
corner A down to —259° F and temperature gradient. This brings
hitting the corner with a chisel the stress up to the fracture strength
started two cracks at the same time of the material.
in corners A and B. These propa- The absence of any one of these
gated and bifurcated in the outer factors prevents the initiation of the
ring. There was only a very slight service brittle fracture. An impor-
striction at the arrest of these tant factor, that hitherto seems to
cracks. have been disregarded, is the plas-
tically exhausted defect, accom-
Discussion panied by high residual tensile
When the outer periphery of the stresses. All four of the listed cir-
test plate was held at room tem- cumstances are frequently present Fig. 10—Plastic deformation in x
perature, the cracks were arrested at during welding. In welding, plastic direction measured along the diagonal
about 32° F. This suggests that deformation takes place during the line AB


artificial weld flaws.° In region A, above the transition
inttiation Curve It is also known that catastrophic temperature T7;, (Fig. 11), no brittle
failures have started from minor fracture can occur, and once the
flaws in apparently sound welds. stress exceeds the initiation stress at
These cases may be explained by the F, a shear-type fracture develops.
secondary crack in Test 2. It was In zone B, where the tensile
remarkable that a crack occurred at stress is lower than the critical
the opposite corner. This illus- propagation stress c,, no fracture
! trates clearly the possibility of a propagation is possible.
ui |
i's fracture starting without direct In zone C, a starting crack may
Temperature visible cause. Indeed, this second- propagate in a brittle manner be-
Fig. 11—Brittle-fracture diagram ary crack may in turn be the true cause the temperature is below T’,.
of mild steel ruining crack in a structure. Trac- Such a crack may initiate either by
ing the origin of a fracture in a shear, when the stress reaches the
structure may show only a minor initiation stress o; at E for tempera-
fault, but the direct cause of the tures between 7; and T7,, or by
fracture may lie in a short, hidden cleavage at D for temperatures be-
| crack that was arrested by a lack of low T',.
nitiation Curve stresses or by a high level of duc- An alternative may exist in ma-
tility in the plate. terials that have undergone metal-
Propagation of the fracture in a lurgical damage due to welding or
Propagation Curve steel structure depends on: cold deformation (Fig. 12). The
1. The presence of critical tensile initiation transition temperature,
stresses along the fracture path, the T;, may have shifted toward a tem-
Temperature magnitude of these stresses being perature above the propagation
dependent upon the material and transition temperature, T',, of the
Fig. 12—Brittle-fracture diagram of mild unaffected material. In G, a short
steel with locally higher initiation the temperature.
2. The temperature, which has to brittle crack may initiate from a
transition temperature
be below the propagation transition local defect, but it stops because the
temperature of the material. surrounding material is ductile for
3. A monolithic structure. that temperature.
The results obtained from the
The initiation and propagation experiments on the welded disks
initiation Curve conditions may be drawn in a may be represented schematically in
brittle-fracture diagram (Fig. 11). the brittle-fracture diagram (Figs.
This illustrates the different possi- 13 and 14). At the corners of the
bilities that exist for a mild steel.* square cut, the position in the dia-
If we plot the initiation stress <o,, gram is represented by 2; high
Propagation Curve in a temperature stress diagram, we local-plastic deformation brought
sx. see that, according to Eldin® and the material up close to its shear-
Wessel,"” there exists a transition fracture strength. Local cooling in-
Temperature temperature, 7;, that is notch and creased the stresses until a brittle
Fig. 13—Initiation and propagation strain-rate dependent, and _ that fracture originated in 2’. But, if a
of brittle fracture characterizes a sharp decrease in local defect, 1, is brought up even
true fracture strength and a change closer to the shear-fracture strength,
in the mode of fracture initiation it is likely that, in some cases,
initiation Curve from shear to cleavage. This initia- homogeneous cooling, 1’, may be
3 tionstressis measured as the ultimate sufficient to cause spontaneous crack-
tensile strength on a notched cylin- ing.‘ More likely, a small addi-
y!| drical specimen. Findings by Wes- tional stress due to load or impact
sel indicate that the initiation stress may be necessary in the homo-
a; becomes decreasing with decreas- geneous cooling, 3-3’, to start a
ing temperatures, below the tem- cleavage crack in 3’’. Then, the
perature where the yield strength of propagation of the cracks initiated
the material reaches the ultimate in a defect and represented by
Propagation Curve T' tensile strength. points 1’, 2’ or 3’’, depends entirely
Temperature The propagation curve, as is on the propagating conditions of the
Fig. 14—Initiation and propagation known from tests done by Robert- surrounding material. In Tests 1
of brittle fracture son,'' and Northup and Feely,'? and 4, the crack traveled along a
shows a sharp transition tempera- decreasing stress and increasing
thermal cycle and leaves residual ture T', (nearly independent from temperature path and the arrest was
tensile stresses at the root of the flaw stress according to Robertson, and due to the ductility of the metal, at
or weld defect. Plastic deformation slightly stress dependent according the propagation transition tempera-
of a notched tensile specimen, after to Northup and Feely) that is prob- ture, 2’’. In Test 2, the crack was
removal of the load, contains com- ably different from the initiation arrested due to a lack of stresses,
pressive residual stresses at the root transition temperature, T;. The grre
of the notch. This is, thus, an propagation region is also limited In the stress-relieved specimen
entirely different condition from by a critical propagation stress, ¢c,; No. 3, local cooling brought thermal
that existing at a weld defect, and that is, the minimum stress at stresses in the specimen 4-4’, but
explains the difference in breaking which a crack can propagate. These the hammer blows or the hitting
strength of notched tensile speci- stresses seem slightly temperature with a chisel in the corner 4’-4’’,
mens and tensile tests on plates with dependent. could not bring the stresses above

358-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

the initiation curve and no crack pends entirely on the propagation 4. Weck, R., “Experiments on Brittle Frac
s conditions of the material, i.e., ture of Steel Resulting from Residual Welding
Stresses,”’ Welding Research, 6 (4), 70r—-82r (1952).
temperature and stress. 5. Wells, A. A., “The Brittle Fracture of
Conclusions Welded Steel Plates,’ Trans. Inst. Naval Arch.,
Acknowledgments 97, 353-359 (1956)
Brittle fractures can easily be 6. Dechaene, R., and Vinckier, A., “Use of the
initiated and propagated in sound Gratitude is expressed to J. Moiré-Effect to Measure Plastic Strains,”’ to be
Heuschkel, consulting welding en- published in Trans. ASME.
weldments without the application 7. Hébrant, F., Louis, H., Soete, W., and
of external loads. gineer, and E. T. Wessel, Metal- Vinckier, A., “Brittle Fracture in Steel Plates
lurgy Department, Westinghouse Subjected to Biaxial Tension,” International
The initiation of catastrophic Research Laboratories, for their Institute of Welding, Essen (Germany), 1957.
brittle failures is related to the helpful comments. 8. Soete, W., “Contribution 4 Il’Etude du
coincidence of the following factors: Probléme des Ruptures Fragiles,”” Rev. Metal-
lurgie, 64 (1), 71-78 (1957).
the material must be brought below References 9. Eldin, A. S., and Collins, 8. C., “Fracture
its transition temperature and con- 1. Campus, F., Residual Stresses in Metals and and Yield Stress of 1020 Steel at Low Tempera-
tain high residual tensile stresses Metal Construction, W. R. Osgood, Editor, Rein- tures,” Jnl. Appl. Physics, 22 (10), 1296-1297
hold Publishing Corp., New York, pp. 1-21 (1951).
around a notch or discontinuity 1954) 10. Wessel, E. T., “A Tensile Study of the
that is plastically exhausted by pre- 2. Hébrant, F., Louis, H., Soete, W., and Brittle Behavior of a Ruptured Structural Steel,”
Vinckier, A., “‘Resultats de Quelques Essais de ASTM Proc., 56, 540-554 (1956).
vious treatments. The super- Rupture Fragile, Considerés du Point de Vue du 11. Robertson, T. S., “Brittle Fracture of Mild
position of an auxiliary stress, for Constructeur,”” Rev. Soudure, 13 (1), 31-48 Steel,”” Engineering (London), 172, 445-448
example, local cooling, brings the 1957). See also Abstract by Dr. Claussen, THE (Oct. 5, 1951)
WELDING JouRNAL, 36 (9), Research Suppl., 12. Feely, F. J., Hrtko, D., Kieppe, S. R., and
stress up to the fracture strength of 414-s (1957).
3. Greene, T. W., “Evaluation of Residual Northrup, M. S., “Report on Brittle Fracture
the material and initiates a brittle Stresses,"” THE Wetpinc JOURNAL, 28 (5), Re- Studies,” THE WELDING JOURNAL, 33 (2), Re-
crack. Its propagation then de- search Suppl., 193-s to 203-8 (1949) search Suppl., 99-s to 111-s (1954)

tained when using sintering. The ‘**Techniques Employed in the Elec-

report states that both the alumi- tron Microscope Study Titanium
RESEARCH NEWS num oxide and the rare earth oxide Alloy with 8 per cent Manganese”’
are not stable enough in the pres- First Progress Report of Non-
ence of titanium during a hot extru- Ferrous Task Group of Subcom-
sion process to avoid reaction. mittee XI on Electron Microstruc-
Titanium-Alloy Extrusions ture of Metals; ‘Vibratory Polish-
Electron Metallography ing of Specimens for Electron Micro-
A Preliminary Study of the System Symposium on Electron Metal- scopy’, E. L. Long and R. J. Gray;
Titanium-Aluminum Oxide Extruded lography, STP 245, 126 pages, hard ““A Technique for Easy Removal of
Alloys. P. Turillon and N. J. cover, 6 x 9 in., $4.00. Published Direct Replicas for Electron Micro-
Grant, Massachusetts Institute of by the American Society for Testing scopy,” W. H. Bridges and E. L.
Technology for Wright Air Develop- Materials, 1916 Race St., Phila- Long, Jr.; ‘“‘Examination of Metals
ment Center, U. S. Air Force. delphia 3, Pa. by Transmission Electron Micros-
March 1958. 15 pages. (Order PB Among the 11 papers presented copy,” F. W. C. Boswell and E.
151207 from OTS, U.S. Department Smith; “A Study of Dislocations
in this symposium, metallurgists,
of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C., in Thin Aluminum Foils Elongated
spectroscopists and engineers will in the Electron Microscope,”’ H. G.
50 cents.) Extrusions of titanium find many new and comprehensive
powder mixed mechanically with F. Wilsdorf; ‘Microstructure of
techniques for the study of mate- Age-Hardenable Alloys,” J. R.
aluminum oxide and rare earth ox-
ides were made. Although the ex- rials through the use of the electron Mihalisin and K. G. Carroll; ‘An
trusions produced relatively sound microscope. Electron Metallographic Study of
bodies, they were so brittle that A broad range of topics are the Precipitation-Hardening Process
they could not be used. A series of covered including direct trans- in Commercial Nickel-Base Alloys,”’
titanium-base alloys, containing mission electron microscopy, elec- W. C. Bigelow, J. A. Amy, C. L.
three and ten volume percent tron probe microanalysis, studies of Corey and J. W. Freeman; ‘The
alumina and one alloy containing Application of Electron Diffraction
the microstructure of age-harden-
three percent of rare earth oxides and Electron Microscopy in Studies
able and heat-resistant alloys, and of Minor Phases of Heat-Resistant
were studied. These alloys were new improved techniques in speci-
prepared by powder metallurgy Alloys,”’ W. C. Bigelow, L. C. Brock-
men preparation and replication. way, and J. W. Freeman; “Elec-
methods that included mechanical
mixing, sintering and _ extrusion. The book is well illustrated and tron Probe Analysis of Segregation
In several samples, the sintering contains numerous references. in Inconel,” L. S. Birks and E. J.
step was omitted after cold com- Included in the symposium are Brooks; and ‘‘Selected Etchants for
pacting, but the density of the ex- the following papers: Electron Microscope Studies of
trusion was the same as that ob- Introduction, N. A. Nielsen; Magnesium Alloys,’’ C. A. Moe.


Spot Welding of a 12%-Cr Martensitic Stainless Steel

Optimum spot-welding conditions determined for 0.007-,

0.015- and 0.022-in. Type 422 modified stainless-steel sheet


ABSTRACT. This research covers the in this report was to establish the
determination of the optimum spot- Table 1—Chemical Analysis, %, of Type
spot-welding behavior of a 12%-Cr 422 Modified Stainless Steel
welding conditions for 0.007-, 0.015- martensitic stainless steel contain-
and 0.022-in. Type 422 modified stain- ing 1% Mo and 0.3% V, in the
less steel sheet. Type 422 modified 0.007-, 0.015- and 0.022-in. thick-
stainless steel is a 12%-Cr martensitic 664s <0 cabadkerdudapkeesbadassnne 0.54
stainless steel containing approximately nesses. The optimum welding con-
ditions were selected at the widest OE OPO OP CTE CEEET Te0.026
1% Mo and 0.3% V. Because brittle Dek catcersssbeinbdpadinedscenesssc 0.015
martensite forms in the fusion and reproducible range giving results
heat-affected zones of spot welds in within the limits of the various
this material, these welds must be criteria established by previous
tempered. Spot-weld strengths for workers':* and the recommenda-
both furnace-tempered and machine- tions of the Resistance Welding
tempered welds were determined. The Manual of the Resistance Welding WU Ned snekdapidstccdenecsaeknecscons 0.036
effect of test temperature on weld Manufacturer’s Association.’ These
strength was investigated for the
temperature range from —100 to resistance welding criteria are listed
below: ticable and undesirable to heat treat
1000° F. airframe detail assemblies at high
The procedure for the determination temperatures conducive to high
of the optimum conditions is outlined 1. No porosity or cracking in the
from the standpoint of the limits im- fusion zone. thermal stresses, distortion and
posed upon the variables by the 2. Less than 5% indentation or heavy scaling, it was decided to
RWMaA criteria for spot welding. 10% sheet separation. determine the welding behavior of
These criteria are explained and the . Fusion-zone penetration of 30— the material in the hardened-and-
interrelation of variables is discussed. % of the total sheet thick- tempered condition.
ness. Type 422 modified, also termed 12
Introduction . A wide and reproducible weld- Mo V by the manufacturer, is a
ing-current range. The weld- 12%-chromium martensitic stainless
The material requirements of newer steel containing approximately 1°
aircraft are such as to demand ing current is limited on the
low end by ductile-tear failure Mo and 0.3% V. The selection of
stronger metals with superior heat- tempering temperatures is generally
resistant properties. The high- and at the high end by expul-
sion. considered critical in the 400 series
strength, low-density alloys based steels.‘ Type 422 modified stain-
on aluminum, magnesium and ti-
In addition to nondestructive and less steel has established composi-
tanium are limited with respect to
metallographic tests performed on tion limit ranges of a kind that seek
maximum operating teperatures by
each group of welds, tension-shear to overcome known deficiencies in
their elevated-temperature strength Type 400 steels which are directly
and scaling resistance. Aluminum and normal-tension tests were made
on both furnace-tempered and ma- attributable to inadequate composi-
alloys operate satisfactorily at maxi-
chine-tempered welds. Spot-weld tion control needed for hardening
mum temperatures of about 300—
strengths were determined in a applications.*
400° F, magnesium alloys can
temperature range from —100 to Utilizing data supplied by the
operate at somewhat higher tem-
1000° F. manufacturer® for the heat of steel
peratures, while titanium alloys may
be used up to about 800-900° F.
As aircraft speeds and resulting Material Table 2—Average Room-temperature
operating temperatures have in- Tensile Properties of 0.10-in. Type 422
creased, the trend toward the use of The 12%-Cr martensitic stainless- Modified Stainless Steel. Austenitized
steel sheet used in this investigation, for 15 Min at 1850° F and Tempered at
steel for airframe assemblies has
increased. designated Type 422 modified, was 800° F for 4 Hr. Heat X18833
received in the cold-rolled condition
The aim of the research described Yield
in the 0.008-, 0.016- and 0.024-in.
thicknesses. The chemical analy- strength,
sis, as supplied by the manufac- 0.2% Tensile Elonga-
Test offset, strength, tion in
E. F. NIPPES, W. F. SAVAGE, L. C. IAN- turer, of the particular heat from direction psi psi 2in., %
NIELLO and W. A. OWCZARSKI are associated which the material originated is
with the Welding Laboratory, Department of Longitudinal 204,200 244,000 10.0
Metallurgical Engineering, Rensselaer Poly- given in Table 1. Transverse 196,600 246,200 10.0
technic Institute, Troy, N. Y. Because it was considered imprac-

360-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

used in this investigation, an austen-
itizing and a tempering temperature Table 3—Electrode Material Properties
were selected to give the best com- Ultimate Brinell Conduc-
bination of room-temperature me- Elastic limit, strength, Elonga- hardness tivity, %,
chanical properties. Table 2 gives Material psi tion, % no. IACS
the properties of the fully heat- RWMA
treated steel. The material used in Class Il 50,000 75,000 15 150 80
this investigation was austenitized Class III 80 ,000 100,000 10 225 55
at 1850° F for 15 min, air-cooled
and ther: tempered for 4 hr at 800°
F. To remove the oxide scale, the
sheet material was then pickled trode force of 1000 lb was used for ured with this meter and most con-
with a 10% H.SO, solution at a all measurements. ventional current meters is merely
temperature of 160-180° F. After A silicon-carbide-type resistance the primary current. A new direct-
a pickling time of 10-15 min, the furnace was used for austenitizing reading secondary-current meter,
surface contact resistance of the the specimens, and a circulating air made available by the manufac-
material had been lowered to a value furnace was used for tempering. turer for test, was employed for
of 50 + 15 microhms. The con- direct measurement of secondary
tact resistance remained low with- instrumentation
out any appreciable gain for a The welding force was calibrated
period of at least one month under Table 4 Conditions for Radiography
with a deflection-type force gage. Using Fine-Grained Film. 422 Modified
normal laboratory conditions. The magnitude of weld, chill and Stainless Steel
temper times was measured and re- Tube-
corded by means of a self-inking film
Equipment oscillograph. The welding cur- Gage, Voltage, Exposure, dist-
in. kv ma-min ance, in.
The spot-welding machine used rents and temper currents were
measured using a current-squared- 0.007 40 15 24
was a press-type machine having a 0.015 48 30 24
maximum electrode force of 5000 time meter’ for the 0.022- and 0.022 60 20 24
lb. The transformer, rated at 200 0.015-in. gages. The current meas-
kva, operated at 60 cycles and 440
v. For the two lighter gages,
0.007- and 0.015-in. sheet, a spring-
loaded electrode was employed to Becta =o =A je
apply the required low force with B |a — -}eH © =] DIRECTION OF
uniformity and rapid follow-up dur- 8 an ROLLING
ing welding. PG —_—
The welding power was derived + _— |
from a 125 hp, 350 kva motor-
generator set operating from a three-
phase 4160-v, 60-cycle line. The TENSION - SHEAR TEST SPECIMEN HALF SCALE
output voltage of the 60-cycle
single-phase generator was adjust-
_ >
able from 275 to 550 v.
Electronic-type timing and phase SPOT WELD
controls were used for the weld and a
temper pulses. Since satisfactory a”
welds could be made without the
use of slope control, no work was
done using this circuitry although APPLIED
the equipment was available. The FORCE /
welding and temper currents were 7
adjusted by means of phase control
and by changing the primary-volt-
age supply to the welding trans-
The use of both RWMA Class II NORMAL
and Class III electrode material was
investigated; however, the harder
Class III material was selected be-
cause of the high value of hardness . 18
of the material to be welded. The
' '’
physical and mechanical properties
of these electrode materials are
shown in Table 3.
SPOT wero | i
The contact resistance measure-
ments were made on a device de- |
veloped in the RPI Welding Labora- | Ye" \" APPLIED FORCE
tory... The instrument utilizes a
modified Kelvin double-bridge and a
pair of electrodes having a 4-in. con- NORMAL- TENSION TEST SPECIMEN, U- TYPE HALF SCALE
tinuous radius contour. An elec- Fig. 1 Tension-shear and normal-tension test specimen


welding currents for the 0.007-in. 2 x 6 in. for the normal-tension strength depends on the size of the
gage material. tests. fusion zone and because the heat
The secondary-current meter 8 In Figs. 2 through 7, the cross- producing the fusion zone depends
uses an air-coil toroid pickup at- type normal-tension specimens were on the square of the current, the
tached to the welding electrodes. used, whereas for Figs. 8 through 10 welding current is an extremely
The important advantages of a the “U” type normal-tension test important variable in the spot-weld-
secondary-current meter are (1) was used. Figure 1 gives the com- ing process. A wide and repro-
ease of setting up the welding ma- plete dimensions of the test speci- ducible welding-current range was
chine because of its direct-reading mens. sought which would give a consist-
feature and (2) its reproducibility, Metallographic examination was ently high weld strength.
since it is not dependent on the made of spot-weld sections taken The high hardenability of the
transformer losses of the welding through the centerline of the weld. material coupled with the rapid cool-
machine as is the case in the calcula- Marble’s reagent was used as the ing rates, produced a hard, brittle
tion of secondary current from pri- etchant. The fused area was meas- martensite and required that the
mary-current measurements. The ured macroscopically with a Filar welds be tempered. In evaluating
accuracy of the meter is +3% of eyepiece. Hardness surveys were the proper welding-current range,
full scale with scales of maximum taken across the welds to determine the tempering was carried out in a
reading of 2500, 5000, 10,000, the effect of temper current. A furnace in order to hold the temper-
25,000, 50,000, 100,000 and 250,000 microhardness tester was used with ing conditions constant. Using the
amp. a diamond pyramid indenter and a optimum welding current, the
1000-g load. proper magnitude of the temper
Testing current was then determined.
A 150-kv industrial X-ray unit
was used for the radiographic detec- Investigative Procedure Selection of Welding Variables
tion of cracking and porosity in spot In resistance welding, the vari-
welds. Fine-grained X-ray film was ables are many and quite inter- Electrode Material and Geometry
used with conditions as shown in dependent. It is evident that a Preliminary investigations showed
Table 4. weld produced by a certain com- that although electrode material of
Mechanical testing of spot welds bination of variables may exhibit RWMA Class II was desirable
was accomplished on a universal the same quality and properties as a from a conductivity standpoint, it
hydraulic-testing machine for the weld produced by another combina- did not possess sufficient hardness
0.022-in. material and on a special tion of variables. In considering for adequate electrode tip life.
tensile-testing instrument for the the particular material with which RWMA Class III electrode ma-
0.007- and 0.015-in. material. Test- this investigation was concerned, the terial, with its greater hardness, was
ing at elevated temperatures was high strength of the sheet and metal- found satisfactory from this stand-
accomplished by surrounding the lurgical characteristics of high point. A dome-shaped contour was
specimens with a nichrome-wound hardenability and critical tempering used on the electrode face, with a
resistance furnace. Dry ice was range were peculiarly important. restricted diameter. Greater values
packed around the specimens for The fact that the material to be of indentation and sheet separation
tests carried out at —100° F. The welded was of high strength placed a resulted from the use of electrodes
size of specimens used was °/; x 3 premium on the strength level of the with smaller dome radii. In addi-
in. for the tension-shear tests and resultant weld. Because the weld tion, the dome radius affects the


¥ s


Z :

Lo pro

2800 3000 3200 3400 300 «=©800—s«4000 OO 4636000 «3800 4000s «4200—ié—«‘é4 KD
Fig. 2—Room-temperature spot-weld strength of hardened- Fig. 3—Room-temperature spot-weld strength of hardened-
and-tempered 0.007-in. 422 modified stainless-steel sheet. and-tempered 0.015-in. 422 modified stainless-steel sheet.
Welds furnace tempered 4 hr at 800° F Welds furnace tempered 4 hr at 800° F

362-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

Fig. 4—Room-temper-
ature spot-weld
strength of hardened-
—_—+— TENSION SHEAR ~ and-tempered
0.022-in. 422 modified
stainless-steel sheet.
Welds furnace tem- g
pered 4 hr at 800° F
| —EE ee =

os om
_/NORMAL TENSION —__| a] 40 Ls) 9) Li') 80 90 10
Fig. 5—Room-temperature spot-weld
strength vs. temper current hardened-
and-tempered 0.007-in. 422 modified stain-
less-steel sheet
4400 4600 4800 5000
contact surface and hence will a series of both tension-shear and time for the thinnest gage. From
place a restriction on the maximum normal-tension specimens (see Fig. previous work,’ with a value of 535°‘
diameter of the weld. The diam- 1) were welded at varying current F for the temperature of start of
eter of the fusion zone was found to from that causing sticking to that martensite transformation, a mini-
be affected critically by the size of causing expulsion. The specimens mum cool time of 10 cycles was indi-
dome radius. A 6-in. dome radius cated; however, 30 cycles was
were then furnace tempered and
was selected for the welding of all chosen to ensure adequate cooling
three thicknesses. tested for strength. The recom-
mended welding-current range was and to facilitate measuring of the
Weld Force chosen between the limits of current tempering current. A_ series of
The weld force must be adequate causing start of ductile-tear failure welds was then made and tempered
to ensure a porosity-free weld. In in the machine with varying temper
and the current causing expulsion.
addition, the force affects the sheet current. A recommended temper-
separation, indentation and weld- Temper Time and Current current range was then chosen on
ing-current range. Using an ap- Welds produced at optimum con- the basis of strength as compared to
proximate weld time, a number of ditions were tempered in the welding the furnace-tempered welds. The
tension-shear specimens were pre- machine in an attempt to duplicate welding conditions were the same as
pared and furnace tempered after the strengths obtained from furnace- those used in the furnace-tempered
welding. These specimens were tempered welds. A temper time series with the welding current
welded at different forces over a equal to the weld time was used for selected at approximately the mid-
current range from that resulting in the two thicker gages and equal to point of the recommended welding-
ductile-tear failure to that causing one and one-half times the weld current range.
expulsion. The force which pro-
duced the highest weld strength
over the widest possible current
range was chosen.
Weld Time
Together with the weld current,
the weld time determines the diam-
eter of the fusion zone. Using the
above-determined electrode ma-
terial, geometry and weld force, a
series of welds was made at dif- z+ 1fe)
ferent wel times over a range of STRENGTH,
currents up to expulsion. The z7
fusion-zone diameters were meas- WELD ENSION SHEAR STRENGTH
ured and the shortest weld time NORMAL TENSION
which gave the most consistent
value of weld diameter over the
Weld Current ca)
30 40 x 60 me Le) *” ms
The permissible welding-current Fig. 6—Room-temperature spot-weld Fig. 7—Room-temperature spot-weld
range was determined on the basis of strength vs. temper current hardened- strength vs. temper current hardened-
mechanical tests. With the pre- and-tempered 0.015-in. 422 modified stain- and-tempered 0.022-in. 422 modified stain-
viously determined conditions fixed, less-steel sheet less-steel sheet


Results Figures 8-10 show the effect of WELD ~4CYCLES --WELD
CURRENT 3120 FORCE - 400 (8S
test temperature on the strength of TEMPER TIME - THE SOCYCLES
Figures 2-4 show the spot-weld
machine-tempered spot welds. The
strength for 0.007-, 0.015- and 0.022-
welds were made using the recom-
in. 422 modified stainless steel,
mended conditions for each thick-
tempered in the furnace. The ma-
ness except the 0.015-in. gage. For
chine-tempered strength as a func-
this thickness, a 4-in. radius dome
tion of temper current is shown in
was used on the electrode face in-
Figs. 5-7. The recommended tem-
stead of a 6 in. radius. This re-
per-current range was chosen as that
range within which the strength of sulted in about a 10% decrease in
the tension-shear specimens equaled weld size which in turn decreased
or exceeded the strength of the ten- the strength about 20% below that
sion-shear specimens which were expected from a weld made under
furnace tempered. The furnace- recommended conditions. When
tempered strength was determined determining elevated-temperature
from welds made with a welding properties of welds, the specimens
current equal to the recommended were maintained at temperature for
value. The weld properties of the 10 min before testing. The below- 00
furnace-tempered and machine-
tempered welds are presented in room-temperature tests were con-
ducted by surrounding the specimen Fig. 8—Machine-tempered welds: spot-
Tables 5 and 6, respectively. The weld strength vs. test temperature for
recommended welding conditions are with dry ice and allowing the weld
hardened-and-tempered 0.007-in. 422
summarized in Table 7. to equilibrate at —100° F for 10 modified stainless-steel’sheet

M0 TA AR -SP ec"
Table 5—Weld Properties of Type 422 Modified TEMPER TE - , CYCLES
Stainless-Stee! Welds Furnace Tempered
thickness, Tension-shear Cross-tension Ductility Weld Penetra-
in. strength, Ib* strength, Ib? ratio, % diam, in. tion, %
0.022 1240 290 23.4 0.130 60
(1140-1370) (250-320) z_
0.015 790 175 22.1 0.090 65 =
(730-800) (166-175)
0.007 295 50 17.0 0.060 55 5
(275-325) (35-65) ”n
@ The strength range corresponds to the range obtained by welding with currents within the recom
mended welding-current range, as shown in Figs. 2-4. =

Table 6—Weld Properties of Type 422 Modified

Stainless-Steel Welds Machine Tempered co
, °F
Sheet Fig. 9—Machine-tempered welds: spot-
thickness, Tension-shear Cross-tension Ductility Weld Penetra- weld strength vs. test temperature for
in. strength, |Ib* strength, Ib? ratio, % diam, in. tion, % hardened-and-tempered 0.015-in. 422
0.022 1250 300 24.0 0.130 60 modified stainless-steel sheet
(1080-1340) (240-350)
0.015 840 200 23.8 0.090 65 WELD TIME-8CYCLES WELD FORCE - 6008S
(706-872) (126-226) ss WELDCHILLCURRENT
TIME -- 30
0.007 305 70 22.9 0.060 55 TEMPER THE fROUE MATERIAL“ RWAAS CLASS~ 27105 AMPERES
(285-330) (57-70) ~ — , -

@ The strength range corresponds to the range of values obtained from tempering with currents within
the recommended temper-current range, as shown in Figs. 5-7.

Table 7—Recommended Conditions for Spot Welding

Type 422 Modified Stainless Steel
Electrode size,
Sheet in. Temper §
thick- Re- Weld Weld Chill Temper current, WELD
ness, stricted Dome time, force, Weld current, time, time, % weld
in. diam _ radius cycles Ib amp cycles* cycles current
0.022 we 6 8 600 4000 30 8 70
(3700-4500) (55-75)
0.015 */is 6 5 500 3700 30 5 80
(3400-4000) (71-86) 200 400 eo 600 1000 200
, °F
0.007 5/32 6 a 400 3000 30 6 80
(2800-3300) (75-84 .5) Fig. 10—Machine-tempered welds: spot-
weld strength vs. test temperature for
@ Chill time used was not necessarily optimum value, but chosen to ensure that weld zone was at room hardened-and-tempered 0.022-in. 422
temperature before tempering. modified stainless-steel sheet

364s | SEPTEMBER 1959

min. All normal-tension tests were this investigation are the minimum ferent type specimens were used.
made with cross-type specimens ex- diameters which are required to pre- The cross-type specimens used for
cept those reported in Figs. 8~—10. vent excessive electrode deteriora- Figs. 5-7 gave higher values of weld
These specimens were of the ‘“‘U”’ tion. strength than did the U-type speci-
type. Electrode alignment was found mens used for Figs. 8-10. The U-
to be very important, in that mis- type specimens were used for the
Discussion alignment resulted in expulsion at elevated-temperature testing be-
Figures 5—7 show how the temper low current values. However, even cause their compactness permitted
current affects the spot-weld with carefully aligned electrodes, the the use of a smaller furnace for
strength. Because of the high expulsion limit of current was found elevated-temperature testing. A
hardenability of the material and to be about 10% greater for the correlation between the room-tem-
the high cooling rates encountered tension-shear specimens than for perature tests of the two types is
in spot welding, hard brittle mar- the normal-tension specimens in the possible. For the three gages in-
tensite is formed in a zone where the 0.007-in. gage, and about 5% greater vestigated, the normal-tension
material has been heated into the in the 0.015-in. gage. This effect strength of the cross-type specimens
austenitic region. By use of a may be due to the magnetic force was approximately 1.5 times that of
temper pulse after a chill time fol- tending to separate the different the U-type.
lowing the weld pulse, the martensite size specimens of tension shear and
normal tension. Since the thinner Summary and Conclusions
can be tempered. However, if an
excessive amount of heat is utilized material is more flexible, the dif- The following observations were
in the temper pulse, the weld zone is ference in expulsion limits is greater made during the determination of
heated above the A, critical tem- for the thinner material. the optimum spot-welding condi-
perature and, on cooling, martensite Figures 8-10 show the variation of tions for 0.007-, 0.015- and 0.022-in.
again forms. Figure 11 illustrates weld strength with test tempera- 422 modified stainless steel.
the effect of tempering on the hard- ture. These results show that the 1. For the welding of this ma-
ness of the weld zone. The photo- strength above room temperature terial in the hardened-and-tempered
micrographs shown in Figs. 12-14 remains almost constant up to a condition, the following precautions
show typical microstructures of temperature of about 800° F, above should be exercised:
welds which were produced with which the strength decreases con- (a) Care should be taken to con-
excessive temper current (A), no siderably. It should be noted that trol the welding conditions
temper current (B) and an optimum the short-time tensile strength of used.
temper current (C), respectively. 422 modified stainless steel also de- (6) The sheet should be heat
It should be noted from these figures creases markedly above this tem- treated in a manner to pre-
that with a proper amount of temper perature.‘ The strengths at —100° vent excessive warpage.
current, a tempered martensite mi- F are considerably less, for the two The stock should be given a
crostructure results with a conse- larger thicknesses, than the room- uniform surface treatment.
quent lowering of extreme hardness. temperature strengths. The welding should be per-
Figures 15 and 16 show the weld It can be seen that the room- formed on machines designed
strength, ductility ratio and fusion- temperature normal-tension values to operate at the established
zone diameter as a function of sheet shown in Figs. 8-10 are lower than optimum welding conditions.
thickness for furnace-tempered and those shown in Figs. 5-7. This 2. The criteria for good spot welds
machine-tempered welds, respec- may result from the fact that dif- in 422 modified stainless steel are as
tively. It should be noted from
these figures that a direct linear
relation exists between the strength *WELD TEMPER CURRENT
of the welds and thickness of the A 87% OF WELD CURRENT
sheet. The strength range for the c 73% OF WELD CURRENT
machine-tempered welds _ corre- Fig. 1l—Hardness |
sponded to the values of strength surveys on 0.022-in.
422 modified stainless- an lo
within the recommended temper-
current range in Figs. 5, 6 and 7. steel welds tempered )°
The ductility ratio of normal-ten- in welding machine
sion /tension-shear strength increases
with increased thickness for both
the machine-tempered and furnace-
tempered welds. As a possible ex-
planation for this behavior, thinner 8
gages offer less bending restraint
and, hence, in the normal-tension WELD
test greater stress concentrations are 8 + ZONE —
encountered with the thinner gages. HEAT-AFFECTED-ZONE |
It was found that the tension- |
'Y8 - — ‘
shear test was more sensitive than
the normal-tension test to changes EXCESSIVE TEMPER
in temper current. Figure 1 shows NO TEMPER |
the test specimens. g
|KG. CURRENT — — |
The restricted diameter offers no TEMPER CURRENT }
advantage over a continuous-radius RECOMMENDED
electrode except possibly in aiding te) 0.05 0.10 05 0.20 025
the positioning of the weld. Figure DISTANCE, IN.
17 illustrates the electrode design. *#WELDS MADE UNDER RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS
The restricted diameters reported in EXCEPT FOR THE TEMPER CURRENT



a Sad
Ment tou
at @ardene? tase neat-artected |Tempered
Bae Yelc | Heat-Afive
Wetel Bow Mote Bone Martensite
Belc Zeme
Fig. 12—Weld A—Excessive temper Fig. 13—Weld B—No temper current, Fig. 14—Weld C—Temper current, within
current, showing rehardened weld zone, showing hardened weld zone, Marble's recommended range, showing tempered
Marble’s reagent. X 100. (Reduced by reagent. X100. (Reduced by '/; upon martensite weld zone, Marble’s reagent.
'/, upon reproduction) reproduction) X 100 (Reduced by '/; upon reproduction)

follows: found to be directly linear for the

(a) No porosity or cracking in the three gages investigated.
fusion zone. 7. The weld strengths at elevated
Fusion-zone penetration be temperatures decrease rapidly above
from 30 to 80% of the total about 800° F for the machine-
sheet thickness. tempered welds.
Wide current range from that 8. Electrode dome radius is a
resulting in ductile-tear fail- critical factor in determining the
ure to that causing expulsion. maximum weld diameter and, hence,
Machine - tempered weld the weld strength.
strengths equivalent to fur-
nace-tempered weld strengths. Acknowledgments
(e) Less than 5% sheet indenta- The work reported in this docu-
tion or 10% sheet separation. ment has been made _ possible CONTINUOUS RADIUS TYPE
3. The formation of brittle mar- through the support and sponsor-
tensite in the weld zone required ship extended by Convair, a Divi-
that the welds be tempered to pro- sion of General Dynamics, under
vide a favorable ductility ratio. Contract No. P. O. 19906-SDF. It
4. No difficulty was encountered is published for technical informa-
in the furnace-tempering of labora- tion only and does not necessarily
tory specimens with regard to crack- represent recommendations or con-
ing before tempering. clusions of the sponsoring agency. — {| *——TIP DIAMETER
5. Machine-tempering was suc- The authors wish to acknowledge
cessful in raising the weld strength the sponsorship of this experimental
to a value equivalent to that of fur- investigation by Convair, and to
nace-tempered strengths. How- thank C. W. Alesch of that company
ever, because of the narrow optimum for his advice and cooperation.
temper-current range, close control RESTRICTED DIAMETER TYPE
of the temper current is required.
1. Nippes, E. F., and Fishman, H. B., “Opti- Fig. 17—Electrode design
6. The relation between weld mum Spot and Seam Welding Conditions for
strengths and sheet thickness was Inconel-X,"" THe Wetpinc Journat, 33 (1),


(FROM TABLE ¥ (FROM TABLE WI) Research Suppl., 1-s to 14-s (1954)
2. Nippes, E. F., Savage, W. F., and Moazed
K. L., “Optimum Spot and Seam Welding Condi
tions for Inconel-W,” Jbid., 35 (3), Research
Suppl., 127-s to 136-s (1956)
UCTILITY RATIO ay 3. Resistance Welding Manual, Resistance
Welding Manufacturer’s Assn., Vol. 1 (1956
5 4. “Status of High-Strength Steels for the Air
craft Industry,”’ Battelle Memorial Institute
i TML Report No. 91, Jan. 3, 1958.
5. ““Type 422 Modified Steel—A Martensitic 12
Percent Chromium Steel for Aircraft Applica-
S82 z$ tions,” United States Steel Applied Research
7 ENSION SHEAR Laboratory, Project No. 44.12-012 (1), Progress
> & Rept., Jan. 18, 1957.
Les 6. Wyant, R. A., ““Measurement and Effect of
PERCENT RATIO, Contact Resistance in Spot Welding,” Elec
> : WELD DIAMETER ra Engrg. (Trans.), 65, 26-34 (January 1948)
x : 7. Millar, N. P., and Kavaliauskas, A. A..,
| $ “An Ampere-Squared-Second Indicator for Re
IN. sistance Welding,” Elec. Engrg., 69, 362 (1950
w e NORMAL TENSIO N TENSION 8. Nippes, E. F., Ferguson, H. S., and Savage,
____000s 00D (OS 22C 0025 «=0.030lo — 0008aPm
«=(00 THICKNESS —= CiSs«OO
CiS , IN(iD
a “A Direct-Reading RMS Meter for
THICKNESS , IN Measuring Secondary Resistance-Welding Cur
rent,”’ Presented at the 1959 AWS Annual Meet
Fig. 15—Weld strength, weld diameter, Fig. 16—Weld strength, weld diameter, ing; to be published in the WeLpING JOURNAL
ductility ratio vs. sheet thickness hard- ductility ratio vs. sheet thickness hard- 9. Doty, W. D., and Childs, W. J., “A Sum
ened-and-tempered 422 modified stain- mary of the Spot Welding of High-Tensile Carbon
ened-and-tempered 422 modified stain- and Low Alloys Steels,” THe WetLpinc JouRNAI
less steel, furnace-tempered welds less steel, machine-tempered welds 25 (10), Research Suppl., 624-s to 630-s (1946)

366-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

! | s08°3

Micromechanism of Brittle Fracture in a Low-Carbon Steel

Authors present tensile data, elastic-limit measurements

and metallographic observations of slip, twinning and microcracks,

as well as standard Charpy data, for a low-carbon steel

in a Coarse- and a fine-grained condition


ABSTRACT. ‘Tensile data, _ elastic-

limit measurements, and _ metallo-
graphic observations of slip, twinning
and microcracks, for samples tested in
the range room temperature to — 250
C, as well as standard Charpy data,
are presented for a low-carbon steel
in a coarse (ASTM GS No. 4) and a
fine-grained (ASTM GS No. 7) condi-
tion. Elastic limit, upper yield and
lower yield, and ultimate-tensile-stress
values increase markedly as the test
temperature is lowered, particularly
below —100°C. Fine-grained samples
exhibit higher elastic limit and yield-
stress values. This effect is most pro-
nounced at room temperature, and be-
comes less prominent at low tempera-
An abrupt curtailment of the duc-
tility and fracture stress, referred to as
the ductility transition, is observed at
— 128° C for the coarse, and at —156°
C for the fine-grained material. Cor- (b)
responding changes in the Charpy- Fig. 1—Microstructure of Project Steel E: (a) coarse-grained condition
impact transition temperatures are dis- (ASTM GS No. 4) and (b) fine-grained condition (ASTM
played by the two grain-size conditions. GS No. 7). Nital etch. X 100
Above the ductility-transition tempera-
ture, tensile bars break after necking
with a fibrous fracture or a combina- undergone plastic deformation. The and by Wessel’ support this view.
tion of fibrous and cleavage fracture. microcracks are regarded as instances These workers found that at low
Below the transition, fractures are pre- of cleavage initiation within a grain that temperatures, brittle fracture stress
dominantly cleavage and are nucleated fail to propagate to fracture. The values fall below the extrapolated
by microcracks. Such cleavage frac- cleavage-fracture stress for the low- yield stress curve. One of the
tures occur after strain hardening, i.e., carbon steel investigated is determined
at the very low temperatures by the difficulties with the approach is the
5-20% elongation, and after the onset size of crack needed to account for
of discontinuous yielding, i.e., 0.1—-4% requirements for yielding, i.e., slip or
twinning, and at higher temperatures, brittle fracture. The critical size C
elongation. Below —196° C, cleavage
fracture is associated with the onset of by the requirements for crack propaga- can be estimated with the Griffith-
twinning. The observation that cleav- tion. Orowan’ equation:
age fracture is preceded by some plastic
deformation at all temperatures sup- Introduction (1)
ports the concept of deformation- Two different concepts have been
induced cleavage fracture. used to account for brittle fracture where E is Young’s modulus, y is
Cleavage microcracks of the order of in iron and steel. One concept, the effective surface energy of the
the grain diameter in length are formed developed by Griffith,' Ludwik,* * crack and <a, is the brittle fracture
prior to fracture at low temperatures in and Orowan,‘ relates cleavage frac- stress. An estimate, assuming oy; =
regions of the tensile bar that have ture to pre-existing cracks. Accord- 100,000 psi® °° * (6.9 x 10° dynes
ing to such theories, brittle cleavage cm?) FE = 30,000,000 psi (2.1 « 10!
G.T. HAHN, B. L. AVERBACH and M. COHEN fracture occurs at low temperatures dynes/cm?), y 10° ergs/cm?’.’
are associated with the Department of Metal- yields a value C 0.04 mm, of the
lurgy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, because the normal stress needed to
Cambridge, Mass. W. S. OWEN is associated propagate pre-existing cracks is less order of the grain size. Such cracks
with the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, than the yield stress. Tensile stud- are not normally observed in an-
ies carried out as a function of nealed iron and steel.
Paper presented at the AWS 40th Annual Meeting
held in Chicago, Ill., Apr. 6-10, 1959. temperature, by Eldin and Collins*® The second concept, advanced by


366-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

design of Wessel and Olleman.**

Table 1—Chemical Composition, %, of Project Steel E This chamber utilizes liquid nitro-
Cc N 1) Mn - Other ——---—_. — — gen asacoolant. Testsat —196° C
0.22 0.0021 0.006 0.36 P—0.016 S—0.031 Si—0.002 were performed with the specimen
Cu—0.017 Ni—0.13 Cr—0.08 immersed directly in liquid nitrogen.
V—0.005 Mo—0.25 Al—0.009 At lower temperatures, in the range
Sn—0.012 As—0.001 H—0.0001 —196 to —250° C, tests were car-
ried out in a second chamber de-
veloped by Wessel,** which employs
Zener’ and others''~'* proposes that liquid helium as a coolant. The
cracks responsible for brittle cleav- method for controlling the tempera-
age fracture are not initially present, ture in the liquid nitrogen and the
“f" 0.251 283355
pia. ) liquid-helium chamber was identical!
but are produced by the deforma-
tion process. Cracks are thought to wa OA.0.356
to the scheme described by Wessel
+ - -
originate in localized regions of high |4:
*1fo.252 Le and Olleman. The sample tem-
stress generated by slip bands" or perature was measured by two cop-
deformation twins."*~* Several per-constantan thermocouples at-
dislocation models that account for tached at each end of the gage sec-
crack initiation on this basis have I

37 tion, and average temperature

been proposed.'’~'* A common fea- values are reported. Variations in
Fig. 2—Tensile specimen
ture of these theories is that defor- the sample temperature from the
mation is a prerequisite for fracture. average value, caused by fluctua-
Tensile results published by Low.” tions and gradients encountered in
as a function of grain size illustrate Table 2—Summary of Heat Treatments the tests, are estimated to be less
that brittle cleavage fracture below and Grain-size Values than 4-5° C. Tensile specimens
the transition temperature con- were coo'ed to the desired tempera-
tinues to occur at the yield stress, ASTM ture, and held at this temperature
rather than at some lower stress. Grain grain for about 30 min before testing.
Condi- Heat diam, size Elastic limit determinations de-
This work supports the second con- tion treatment mm no.
cept, that of deformation-induced scribed in the next paragraph were
Coarse 1250°C, 0.106 4 usually performed before testing the
cleavage fracture. 24 hr, AC
The purpose of this study was to samples to fracture. Calculated
1250° C,
learn more about the mechanism of 1 hr, FC upper-yield stress, lower-yield stress
brittle fracture. In order to resolve 1250° C, and _ ultimate-tensile-stress values
the dilemma posed by the work of 24 hr, AC reported are based on the initial
Eldin and Collins® and Low,* * ten- 900° C, cross-sectional area. Fracture-stress
sile studies were carried out both as l hr, FC values are based on the load at the
a function of temperature and grain instant of fracture, and the actual
size. In addition, the possibility cross-sectional area in the vicinity
that pre-yield microstrain”'! could of the break.
provide an explanation for brittle to give a coarse-grained structure; The elastic limit was measured in
fracture below the yield stress con- a second set was annealed at 900° C the range 25 to —196° C using the
sistent with the concept of deforma- for 1 hr and furnace cooled to give a SR-4 strain gage, load-unload, tech-
tion-induced fracture was investi- fine-grained structure. These treat- nique developed by Roberts, Car-
gated. Finally, metallographic ments produced two conditions of ruthers and Averbach,** which can
studies of slip, twinning and micro- grain size similar with respect to detect residual strains of the order of
cracks® **? were carried out to shed final cooling rate and the degree of 10-*. The stress required to pro-
some light on the basic processes of homogenization by virtue of the 24 duce a permanent set of 0.0002% is
deformation and fracture. hr pretreatment. Microstructures here defined as the elastic limit.
of the coarse- and fine-grained Steel Measurements of this type have
E are shown in Fig. 1. Grain-size been made successfully at room
Experimental Methods determinations were made using temperature” and at —196° C*!
Material measurements of the mean inter- but not at intermediate tempera-
Mechanical tests and metallo- cept?* and the results obtained are tures. Considerable difficulty was
graphic studies were carried out on summarized in Table 2. initially encountered in compensat-
Project Steel E,*': ** a rimming type, ing for strain-gage response pro-
open-hearth steel produced for the Tensile Tests duced by temperature fluctuations
Ship Structure Committee, and sup- Tensile tests were carried out on a at intermediate temperatures. The
plied in the form of hot-rolled plate standard 60,000-lb testing machine gage installation shown in Fig. 3 was
108 x 72 x */, in. The chemical at temperatures from the ambient finally devised, and proved to be
composition of the steel is given in down to —250° C. Special spheri- satisfactory.
Table 1. Heat treatments were cal seif-aligning bearings were used Tensile bars were loaded to a
carried out under dry-nitrogen at- to maximize specimen alignment. predetermined stress; the load was
mosphere prior to the machiaing of Samples with a 2-in. gage length, held constant for 1 min and then
specimens. Blanks, cut parallel to 0.025-in. gage diam (see Fig. 2) were released. Strain-gage response
the rolling direction, were first sub- tested at a constant rate of exten-
under load and the residual plastic
jected to a 24-hr homogenization sion, approximately 0.02 in./in./min.
treatment at 1250° C and air Load-elongation curves were ob- deformation after unloading the
cooled (150° C per min) to eliminate tained on an autographic recorder. specimen were measured using a
banding.** One set of samples was In the temperature range —20 to standard strain-gage __indicator.
then annealed at 1250° C for 1 hr —180° C, samples were testedin a This load cycle was repeated at
and furnace cooled (1.6° C per min) cooling chamber patterned after the progressively higher loads until a

368s | SEPTEMBER 1959

WELYUINUD ARVEANY TI wwrrt eeweevy es | ew

tic acid.** The tensile bars were

then strained and unloaded or
strained to fracture. Finally,
samples were examined in a special
fixture, shown schematically in Fig.
5, which enables the operator to
A-METALLOGRAPH HEAD simultaneously rotate and trans-
SPECIMEN TENSILE late the tensile bar past the micro-
Fig. 5—Microcrack-study fixture scope objective, thus permitting the
surface to be systematically ob-
served. In some cases, the diam-
permanent residual strain of 0.005% eter of the gage section was subse-
was observed. At this point the quently reduced by machining, and
measurements were discontinued, the gage section repolished and
and the regular tensile test was per- examined for microcracks in the
formed. Actual load-residual strain interior of the tensile bar. The
Fig. 3—Tensile specimen with SR-4 strain results are reproduced in Fig. 4. A incidence of microcracking is re-
gages: (a) Tensile specimen with meas- well-defined elastic limit was ob- ported as the percentage of ferrite
uring gage cemented in piace. (b) Com- served in each case beyond which grains with microcracks. The re-
pensating-gage assembly consisting of a further increases in load produced producibility of these measurements
strain gage cemented to a thin-steel semi- measurable permanent extensions. was checked in a number of in-
sleeve. (c) Compensating-gage as- The source of small contractions of stances by the following procedure.
sembly fitted on opposite side of measur- the order of 0.0002% to 0.0020%,
ing gage and tied to specimen by means Unbroken samples, previously
observed before the elastic limit is strained at low temperatures to pro-
of thread exceeded, is not understood. The duce microcracks, were strained
elastic-limit stress was calculated additional amounts at room tem-
with Hook’s law from the strain perature so as to expose cracks that
response recorded at the elastic- had failed to open up, and to make
limit load and the appropriate value the cracks more conspicuous. This
of the modulus.” This method procedure did not materially change
™ ELASTIC LIMIT gives the stress directly beneath the the number of cracks observed.
measuring gage and is relatively
insensitive to specimen alignment. Charpy Tests
+A, Metallographic Observations Charpy-impact tests were per-
]2 formed on specimens at different
al Metallographic studies of defor-
°So wu temperatures in the range 225 to
2 mation and fracture were carried out —50° C. Standard Charpy bars
ane on tensile bars tested at low tem- with the V notch cut normal to the
°o<ol 2} “129°C peratures. The appearance of the plate surface were employed. The
fractures was examined, and the procedure has been described in a
amount of fibrous and cleavage frac- previous paper.*® The amount of
ture estimated. Cleavage facets fibrous and cleavage fracture dis-
at the fracture interface were ex- played by the broken Charpy bars
amined under the microscope. The was also estimated.
incidence of slip, twinning and micro-
cracks was studied on the surface of Experimental Results
ee | ary test bars electrolytically polished
RESIDUAL STRAIN (10 °IN/IN) prior to testing. The entire gage Tensile Properties
Fig. 4—Examples of load-residual strain sections of such samples were pol- Results of tensile tests carried out
results obtained for coarse-grained ished in a solution of 5 parts per- on the coarse- and fine-grained Proj-
Project Steel E chloric acid and 95 parts glacial ace- ect Steel E are summarized in Figs.

Fig. 6—Examples of load-elongation curves for Fig. 7—Examples of load-elongation curves for
coarse-grained (ASTM GS No. 4) Project Steel E fine-grained (ASTM GS No. 7) Project Steel E


6-11. As the test temperature is terial, an abrupt curtailment in duc- limit and the upper- and lower-yield-
lowered, the level of load-elongation tility and in fracture stress is ob- stress characteristics, that corre-
curves rises (Figs.6 and 7). Elastic served. This change, shown in spond with the ductility transition or
limit, upper-yield stress, lower-yield Figs. 8 and 10, appears to be dis- subsequent changes in ductility,
stress and_ ultimate-tensile-stress continuous, and will be referred to were observed. However, there is
values increase, particularly below as the “ductility transition.’”’ No some evidence that Liiders’ strain
—100° C (Figs. 8-11). At —128° abrupt changes in the shape of the values (see Fig. 14) increased in an
C for coarse-grained material, and load-elongation curves or the elastic anomalous fashion in the vicinity of
—156° C for the fine-grained ma- the ductility transition.
Below the _ ductility-transition
temperature, T;, samples were not
entirely without ductility, but broke
before necking with progressively
smaller amounts of deformation.
Fracture occurred first after some
strain hardening, i.e., 5-20% elonga-
tion, then during discontinuous
yielding, i.e., 0.1-4% elongation.
Finally, in the vicinity of —196° C,
and at lower temperatures, samples
fractured abruptly and no upper or
lower yield point was observed.
At -—196° C, such fractures were
still not entirely brittle, since a
well-defined elastic limit was en-
countered below the level of the
fracture stress (Figs. 9 and 11).
Below —196° C,* fracture-stress
values become relatively insensitive
to further decreases in the tempera-
ture. The change in the siope of
Po on ell the fracture stress curve indicates
2> 40 7. that fracture-stress values in this
range fall below extrapolations of
-20 > « the upper or the lower yield-stress
= / curve (see Figs. 9 and 11). The re-
ww Deemer 1 J _J sults suggest that if the trend of
= “ry 200 00 RT 00
TEMPERATURE elastic limit values were maintained
Fig. 10—Tensile properties of fine-grained below —240° C, coarse- and fine-
Fig. 8—Tensile properties of coarse-
grained (ASTM GS No. 4) Project Steel E. (ASTM GS No. 7) Project Steel E. Un- grained samples would fracture be-
Unshaded fracture-stress-data_ points shaded fracture-stress-data points repre- fore the elastic limit is exceeded.
represent samples tested in the liquid- sent samples tested in the liquid-helium The influence of grain size on the
helium apparatus apparatus mechanical properties of the steel is
shown in Figs. 12-15. Fine-grained
-———___——- samples exhibited higher elastic
oo, limit, upper-yield-stress and lower-
yield-stress values. This effect is
“FRACTURE STRESS most pronounced at room tempera-
(NO UPPER OR LOWER YIELD ture, and becomes less prominent at
\ \ THESE TEMPERATURES low temperatures. Fine-grained
Bino UPPER OR LOWER YIELD samples also exhibited larger Liiders’
"5 POINTS ARE OBSERVED AT ii. strain values. Ultimate-tensile-
THESE TEMPERATURES) stress values, on the other hand,
were not affected by the change in
8 STRESS grain size. Both the fine- and
JPPER YIELO STRESS coarse-grained samples exhibited the
same trends in fracture behavior.
LIMIT However, the ductility transition
(1000 and the fracture characteristics, in
Lbo general, occurred at lower tempera-
ELASTIC LIMIT tures for the fine-grained condition.
Above T., fine-grained samples were

*In Figs. 8-11, 17 and 18, fracture-stress data

points have not been shaded for samples tested in
00 the liquid-helium apparatus to facilitate compari-
sons with test results made at an earlier time at
TEMPERATURE ° TEMPERATURE °C — 196° C and higher temperatures. For the fine-
Fig. 9—Yield characteristics of coarse- Fig. 11—Yieid characteristics of fine- grained samples, the “‘liquid-helium” data are in
good agreement with earlier results. However,
grained (ASTM GS No. 4) Project Steel E. grained (ASTM GS No. 7) Project Steel E. values obtained for the coarse-grained samples in
Unshaded fracture-stress-data points Unshaded fracture-stress-data_ points the liquid-helium apparatus fall somewhat below
represent samples tested in the liquid- represent samples tested in the liquid- earlier test results at —196° C. The discrepancy
is attributed to chemistry variations in the original
helium apparatus helium apparatus plate.

370-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

psi) * ea” *

Fig. 12—Elastic-limit values for coarse- Fig. 13—Upper yield stress for coarse-
(ASTM GS No. 4) and fine-grained (ASTM GS No. 4) and fine-grained . ree
(ASTM GS No. 7) Project Steel E (ASTM GS No. 7) Project Steel E ite
‘ oO
somewhat more ductile, and corre- > RT 00
spondingly higher fracture stress that had undergone discontinuous
values reflect the additional strain yielding. After such yielding was Fig. 14—Lower yield stress and Liiders’
hardening. At the very low tem- complete, microcracks were dis- strain for coarse- (ASTM GS No. 4) and
peratures, fracture stress values for tributed over the entire gage-section fine-grained (ASTM GS No. 7) Project
the fine-grained material were sig- surface. Steel E
nificantly higher. Most of the microcracks ob-
served extend across one grain, from
Metallographic Observations grain boundary to grain boundary
Observations of the fracture ap- (Figs. 19a and 19d), but microcracks
pearance are summarized in Figs. 16 that appear to extend only across a
and 17. At room temperature, portion ofa grain (Figs. 19b and 19e)
coarse- and fine-grained samples and larger cracks or crack assemblies
broke with fibrous cup-and-cone (Fig. 19c) are also observed. Traces
fractures. In the vicinity of —40 of the cracks on the surface tend to
C, a rim of cleavage facets replaced be oriented normal to the tensile
the cone portion of the fracture. axis of the sample. Extensive local-
An example of this type of break is ized slip and twins (Figs. 19e and
shown in Fig. 18. The fracture- 19f) occur at the ends of micro-
appearance curves (Figs. 16 and 17 cracks in order to accommodate the
illustrate that the fibrous portion be- opening up of the crack. In some
comes progressively smaller as the instances, crack profiles reveal evi-
test temperature is lowered. The dence of cleavage steps?® (Fig. 19g).
fracture transition temperature, T', As shown quantitatively in Figs.
is analogous to the 50% fibrous ap- 16 and 17, surface microcracks were
pearance convention in Charpy spec- first observed just above the duc-
imens. Just above T,, samples tility-transition temperature. As
break with what appear? to be 100% the test temperature was lowered -
cleavage fractures. Below Ty, the below T:, the frequency of cracking ra
£ i
macroscopic appearance of the frac- in samples strained 10% and un-
ture surface is 100% cleavage. loaded increased. At lower tem-
Incidents of cleavage fracture con- peratures, tensile specimens broke
Fig. 15—Fracture stress and reduction in
fined to small regions of the sample after less than 10% elongation, and area for coarse- (ASTM GS No. 4) and
were observed on the surface and in values of the crack density are fine-grained (ASTM GS No. 7) Project
the interior of coarse- and fine- based on measurements made after Steel E
grained tensile bars tested in the fracture. The results for coarse-
vicinity of T,. Examples of these grained samples indicate that the
microcleavages, or ‘“‘microcracks’’ incidence of cracking continues to of Figs. 16 and 17 show that the
are presented in Fig.19. The micro- increase in spite of the fact that the number of microcracks formed be-
cracks formed before fracture, and amount of deformation prior to frac- fore fracture appeared to decrease
not as a consequence of the final ture becomes progressively smaller. at these temperatures. Finally, at
break. However, the cracks were At even lower temperatures, samples temperatures close to —196° C and
only observed in regions of the bar broke before the Liiders’ band had lower, samples broke abruptly and
covered the _ entire specimen. deformation was restricted to a nar-
Microcrack densities were deter- row region on either side of the frac-
+ Small regions of fibrous fracture, encompass mined only for yielded regions under ture. In this range, samples ex-
ing less than 10-15 grains, are difficult to detect
visually these circumstances, and the results hibited no microcracks, except for


isolated cracks in the immediate Notch-impact Behavior responds to 50% fibrous ap-
vicinity of the main fracture. The relation between the transi- pearance.
The results of metallographic tion in tension and the transition (c) Charpy 10-ft-lb energy-to-
observations of twinning in coarse- under notched-impact conditions is fracture transition tempera-
grained samples tested at low tem- illustrated in Fig. 23 for the fine- ture, T'r.
peratures are summarized in Fig. grained condition. The change in
20. Deformation twins began to ductility in tension and the change
occur in these samples at a tempera- in toughness under impact loading Table 3—Tensile and Charpy-impact
ture somewhat below T... The are, in both instances, associated Transition Temperatures for Coarse-
twins were first observed at isolated with a change from a fibrous to a and Fine-grained Project Steel E
microcracks (Fig. 19) and on cleav- cleavage-fracture mechanism. This
age facets at the fracture surface variation in the fracture appearance Coarse Fine
of the Charpy bars corresponds (ASTM
where the twins appear as rectilinear GS
markings.** As the temperature closely to changes in the energy to Grain size No. 4)
was lowered, twins appeared more fracture. In tensile bars, on the
frequently at microcracks, and the other hand, the conversion from tion temperature, Tz,
number of twins at cleavage facets fibrous to cleavage fracture is com- °C —128
increased. 'The onset of twinning at plete before marked changes in the Tensile-fracture-transi-
cleavage facets is illustrated in Fig. mechanical properties are encount- tion temperature, T,,
21. At even lower temperatures, ered. Four transition tempera- “ —40
twins formed generally throughout tures are denoted in Fig. 23: Charpy 10 ft-lb transi-
the structure before fracture. At tion temperature, Tx,
temperatures below —196° C, twins (a) Tensile-ductility transition °C 60
temperature, T,. Charpy fracture-transi-
were observed in the narrow region tion temperature, Ty,
of deformation on either side of the (6) Tensile-fracture transition °C
fracture, as shown in Fig. 22. temperature, T,, which cor-



STR ||
F—+EbD+C-—B ll
B- = A
°o poe |"ll alll
o - REDUCTION | | 8
(%) oO
Ate) -200 -100 O RT PERCENT
Fig. 16—Summary of tensile properties, fracture appearance and Fig. 17—Summary of tensile properties, fracture appearance
microcrack data for coarse-grained (ASTM GS No. 4) Project and microcrack data for fine-grained (ASTM GS No. 7) Project
Steel E. Unshaded fracture-stress-data points represent Steel E. Unshaded fracture-stress-data points represent
samples tested in the liquid-helium apparatus samples tested in the liquid-helium apparatus

372-5 | SEPTEMBER 1959

atoms. These theories postulate An alternative explanation consist-
that the strength of locking in- ent with the dislocation theory is
creases at low temperatures, thus that the increase in elastic-limit and
enhancing both the grain-size effect yield-stress values at low tempera-
and low-temperature strength. The tures is related to a corresponding
present results demonstrate the increase in the resistance to disloca-
marked increase in the upper- and tion movement.
lower-yield stress at low tempera-
tures (Figs. 13 and 14), by now well Micromechanisms of Fracture
established. However, the results The transition from ductile frac-
also show that, contrary to the expec- ture at room temperature to brittle
tations of the theory, the grain-size cleavage below —196° C involves a
dependence actually becomes less progression of changes in the mode
pronounced at low temperatures. of fracture. The fracture phe-

Fig. 18—Example of a fracture showing a

fibrous center surrounded by a rim of
cleavage facets. Fine-grained Project
Steel E sample tested at —101° C

(d) Charpy-fracture transition

temperature, T';, which cor-
responds to 50% fibrous ap-
The influence of grain size on these
(a) Surface crack in a coarse-grained sample (b) Surface crack in a fine-grained sample
transition temperatures is sum- fractured at —163° C after 6% elongation. fractured at —178° C after 4% elongation.
marized in Table 3. The effect of X 350 x 500
grain size on the 10 ft-lb Charpy
transition temperature, T7';, is the
same as previously reported by
Owen, Whitmore, Cohen and Aver-
bach.** The present results illus-
trate that the change in T; is ac-
companied by corresponding changes
in T,y, T, and T’;.

Discussion of Results
‘ go
Mechanism of Yielding
The elastic-limit values exhibit a ~ 8
marked grain-size dependence (see (c) Surface crack in a coarse-grained sample (d) Crack in the interior (same sample
strained 4% at —152° C and unloaded. X 350 as 5). X 500
Fig. 12) in accord with a previous
study.*! The elastic limit, as de-
fined here, is the stress that corres-
ponds to a permanent plastic strain
of 2 x 10~*. This strain is equiva-
lent to about one dislocation sweep-
ing across each grain in the plane of
maximum shear stress, if the de-
formation is uniformly distributed.
On the other hand, larger numbers
of dislocations may be displaced in
any one grain if the distribution of
strain is heterogeneous. Disloca-
tion pile-ups thus produced can (e) Surface crack (same sample as c). (f) Surface crack (same sample as a).
induce a grain-size dependence.'* '* X 350. Twins are associated with the crack} X 500. Twins are associated with the crack
The grain-size effect may also be
associated with the stress to activate
dislocation sources. Finally, it is
possible that differences in the
elastic limit for the coarse- and fine-
grained conditions are related to the Fig. 19—Examples of microcracks in un-
austenitizing temperature used to broken and fractured Project Steel E ten-
establish the grain size rather than sile bars tested at low temperatures.
the grain size itself. (Reduced by '/; upon reproduction)
Current dislocation treatments of
discontinuous yielding in iron and
steel attribute the grain-size de-
pendence of the lower-yield stress to (g) Surface crack (same sample as a).
dislocation locking by interstitial X 250. Crack profile displays cleavage steps


nomena exhibited by Project Steel E mechanism.'® Fractures in region tions of this type have been re-
may be divided into several tem- B are characterized by a fibrous ported for mild steel by Sauerwald,
perature regions identified by the center surrounded by a rim of cleav- Schmidt and Kramer*! and by
letters A through F in Figs. 16 and age (Fig. 18), a form previously ob- Wessel. Immediately below T,,
17. In region A, samples fracture served by Wessel® and others. It fractures that appear to be 100%
with the characteristic cup-and- appears that in this case the frac- cleavage occur after about 15-20%
cone fracture after from 50 to 60% ture also starts in the center of the elongation, and there is considerable
reduction in area. The fibrous necked region with a fibrous crack, difference between the yield stress
crack is initiated in the center of but, converts to cleavage in an annu- and the fracture stress. The Lud-
the necked portion of the tensile lar rim before rupture is complete. wik-Davidenkov concept, that frac-
bar, and grows radially until it In effect, the fibrous crack, by re- ture precedes yielding below the
approaches the free surface.” The ducing the load carrying cross sec- transition temperature, is not con-
final break is then effected by a shear tion and by introducing an internal sistent with these findings. The
notch, provides the stress environ- results of Fig. 23 illustrate that the
ment for cleavage. The fibrous por- ductility transition occurs when the
tion of the fracture thus indicates critical fibrous-crack size approaches
the size of the cleavage-initiating the size of cleavage microcracks, and
FRACTURE STRESS_/ fibrous crack, and may be regarded imply that microcracks nucleate
as a critical crack size. As shown cleavage fracture below T';. Cot-
in Figs. 16 and 17, and more di- trell'* has proposed that the duc-
rectly in Fig. 24, the critical fibrous tility transition occurs when the
crack becomes smaller as the tem- formation of microcracks, i.e., the
perature is lowered in this region. initiation of cleavage within the
a °o One explanation for this change is grain, first becomes possible. This
| TWINNING that the resistance to cleavage di- interpretation is also unsatisfactory
DURING _ LOWER YIELD STRESS minishes. However, it is also possi- since microcracks are observed at
YIELDING ble that the higher flow stresses temperatures above T, as well.
(1000 operative at low temperatures com- Instead, it appears that the transi-
BEFORE BSERVED pensate for the decrease in the tion occurs when the requirements
40} rracture
fibrous-crack size. Since the tensile for the growth of microcracks into
CLEAVAGE FACETS bar is not in equilibrium with the adjoining grains, i.e., the propaga-
TWINS OBSERVED AT applied load during the final stages of tion of a cleavage microcrack to frac-
SOME MICROCRACKS ture, are satisfied. Since the tip of
the fracture process, the calculated
fracture-stress values do not provide a stationary microcrack is blunted
o* " + - . 4 means for distinguishing between the by plastic flow occurring in the re-
“273 -200 100 O RT 100
TEMPERATURE °C two possibilities. gion ahead of the stopped crack,
Fig 20—Relation of twinning to the tensile The boundary between regions B further propagation becomes much
properties of coarse-grained (ASTM No. 4) and C is marked by the discon- more difficult. It therefore, seems
Project Steel E. Unshaded fracture- tinuity in ductility and fracture likely that a newly initiated and
stress-data points represent samples stress referred to as the ductility growing microcrack will propagate
tested in the liquid-helium apparatus transition. Discontinuous transi- to fracture rather than a crack that

139° C
Fig. 21—Examples of cleavage facets’at the fracture surface displayed by coarse-grained Project Steel E
samples tested at different temperatures. X 250. Rectilinear markings on facets of bars
tested below —133° C are twins.” (Reduced by '/, upon reproduction)

374s | SEPTEMBER 1959

had formed earlier and stopped. cleavage entirely in the absence of
Microcrack-induced cleavage frac- prior plastic deformation. How-
ture occurs in region C after yield- ever, results obtained for a low-
ing is complete and some strain carbon steel containing manganese,
hardening has been produced. The and a vacuum-melted iron** suggest
number of microcracks formed be- that fracture in this range coin-
fore fracture increases as the test cides with the onset of twinning.
temperature is lowered in this range. This view is in good agreement with
This change is associated with higher recent work by Biggs and Pratt’
stresses operative during yielding on iron single crystals, and is sup-
and subsequent deformation. The ported by the observation of twins
anamalous increase in Liiders’ strain in the deformed region in the
observed at these temperatures is Fig. 22—Twins in the deformed region vicinity of the fracture. The exact
thought to be related to the forma- close to the main fracture of a coarse- role of twinning is not clear. High
tion of microcracks. Since cracks grained Project Steel E sample tested at localized stresses associated with
tend to be oriented normal to the —223° C. 250. (Reduced by '/. upon twins may initiate cleavage di-
tensile axis, displacements that oc- reproduction) rectly." Twins may also act in-
cur when the cracks open up cause
the tensile bar to elongate, and
contribute to the total elongation
measured. Microcracks that form
as the Liiders’ band transverses the
sample will, therefore, enhance the
Liiders’ strain. Fracture-stress val-
ues decrease in region C. The
change coincides with the appear-
ance of twins on cleavage facets
(see Fig. 20). Berry*’ has found Do O REDUCTION
evidence that cleavage can occur ° IN AREA
at the twin-matrix interface. It
is possible that the existence of an ~FRAC TURE
extra cleavage plane lowers the
resistance to cleavage fracture.
However, microcracks and cleavage
fractures may occur at temperatures | So PERCENT
in region C entirely in the absence TEMPERATURE
of twinning. Twinning, therefore, Fig. 23—Tensile and Charpy-impact transition curves for fine-grained (ASTM GS No. 7)
does not appear to be a primary Project Steel E. The following transition temperatures are indicated: T y—Tensile-
source of cleavage in the tempera- ductility transition temperature. T;—Tensile-fracture transition temperature (50%
ture range C. fibrous fracture). Tg—Charpy 10 ft-lb energy transition temperature. Ty—Charpy-
In the region D, cleavage frac- fracture transition temperature (50% fibrous fracture)
ture takes place at the lower yield
stress after some discontinuous
yielding. Since the yield stress directly by nucleating slip or by
increases with decreasing tempera- providing barriers to slip.'®
ture, the previous trend of fracture-
stress values is reversed, and the Summary Discussion
fracture stress increases. Micro- The results of this study indicate
cracks are only observed in yielded that the formation of microcracks
regions behind the Liiders’ band and the occurrence of cleavage
front, suggesting that gross yielding fracture are preceded by plastic
is a prerequisite for crack initiation. deformation. In the regions C,
The incidence of cracking in yielded D and E, cleavage fracture occurs
regions appears to decrease in this after the onset of discontinuous
range. In region E, cleavage yielding. In region F, where
fracture occurs abruptly; the drop rupture takes place before the
in load characteristic of yielding is onset of discontinuous yielding,
Fig. 24—Relation between the fracture ap-
not observed. Fracture-stress val- pearance (drawn schematically), fibrous- cleavage fracture is associated with
ues scatter about the extrapolated crack size, microcrack size and the duc- the onset of twinning, rather than
upper-yield stress curve. This re- tility transition of fine-grained Project the preyield microstrain. The re-
sult suggests that the behavior in Steel E sults, therefore, support the concept
E is an extension of D, that cleavage that cracks responsible for cleavage
fracture takes place in the very unload rapidly enough. fracture are not initially present,
first location of the sample to In region F, fracture occurs but are produced by the deforma-
undergo discontinuous yielding. No abruptly at stresses that fall below tion process. At the very low
the level of the extrapolated upper- temperatures in regions E and F,
microcracks are observed, presum-
and lower-yield stress curves, and fracture coincides with the onset of
ably, since the first crack formed possibly even below the elastic yielding, i.e., slip or twinning, and
propagates to fracture. Fracture limit. This is the type of fracture it appears that the conditions for
occurs at the upper yield rather behavior, reported by Eldin and yielding determine fracture. At
than at the lower yield stress Collins’ and by Wessel,’ that has higher temperatures, microcracks
because the testing machine cannot in the past been interpreted as are formed after discontinuous yield-


ing but do not immediately propa- bars that have undergone plastic References
gate to fracture. It must be deformation. Cleavage fracture at 1. Griffith, A. A., ““The Phenomena of Rupture
concluded that the conditions for temperatures below the ductility and Flow in Solids,” Philosophical Trans., Royal
the initiation of cleavage within a transition are nucleated by growing Society, A221, 163 (1920).
grain, ie., the formation of a 2. Ludwik, P., ““Kohdsion, Harte and Zahig-
microcracks that propagate into keit,”” Z. Metallkunde, 14, 101 (1922).
microcrack, do not as a rule satisfy adjoining grains. 3. Ludwik, P., “Streckgrenze, Kalt- und
the requirements for the propagation 5. Cleavage fracture in tensile Warmspridigkeit,” Z. Ver. deut. Ing., 70, 379
of the crack to fracture. Further- bars occurs under a variety of 4. Orowan, E., ““Die Mechanischen Festigkeit-
more, although plastic deformation conditions. Cleavage is nucleated seigenschaften und die Realstruktur der Kristalle,”’
is still a necessary prerequisite for Z. Krist., 89, 327 (1934).
by a fibrous crack in the region of 5. Eldin, A. S., and Collins, S. C., “Fracture
the initiation of microcracks in the neck after from 45 to 60% and Yield Stress of 1020 Steel at Low Tempera-
regions C and D, the conditions for reduction in area. Cleavage frac- tures,” Jnl. Appl. Phys., 22, 1296 (1951).
propagating a new microcrack actu- ture nucleated by microcracks oc- 6. Wessel, E. T., “A Tensile Study of the
Brittle Behavior of a Rimmed Structural Steel,”
ally determine fracture. The condi- curs after strain hardening, i.e., ASTM Proc., 56, 540 (1956).
tions for propagating cracks may 5-20% elongation and after dis- 7. Orowan, E., “Fundamentals of Brittle Be-
havior in Metals,”’ Fatigue and Fracture of Metals,
very well be described by the continuous yielding, i.e., 0.1-4% Wiley, New York, p. 139 (1952).
Griffith-Orowan treatment, eq 1. elongation. Below —196° C, sam- 8. Davis, H. E., Parker, E. R., and Boodburg,
A., “A Study of the Transition from Shear to
This view is supported by the micro- ples fracture abruptly below the Cleavage Fracture in Mild Steel,”” ASTM Proc.,
crack observations and the cal- level of the extrapolated upper- or 47, 483 (1947).
culation presented in the intro- lower-yield stress curves. Cleavage 9. Low, J. R., “The Relation of Microstruc-
ture to Brittle Fracture,”’ Relation of Properties to
ductory section that both the fracture in this range is associated Microstructure, ASM, Cleveland, Ohio, p. 163
microcracks and the critical crack with the onset of twinning. At (1954).
10. Zener, C., ““The Micro-Mechanism of Frac-
size for propagation are of the all temperatures, cleavage fracture ture,” Fracturing of Metals, ASM, Cleveland, Ohio,
order of the grain size. appears to be preceded by some p. 3 (1948).
11. Koehler, J. S., ‘““The Production of Large
plastic deformation, either slip or Tensile Stresses by Dislocations,” Phys. Rev., 85,
Conclusions twinning. 480 (1952).
12. Stroh, A. N., “A Theory of the Fracture of
1. Elastic-limit, upper-yield and 6. Twins are observed in tensile Metals,”” Advances in Physics, 6, 418 (1957).
ultimate-tensile stress values for a bars tested below the ductility- 13. Deruyttere, A., and Greenough, G. B.,
transition temperature. There is “The Criterion for the Cleavage Fracture of Zinc
low-carbon steel increase markedly Single Crystals,”’ -Jni. Inst. Metals, 84, 337 (1956).
at low temperatures, particularly no exact correlation between the 14. Cottrell, A. H., ““Theory of Brittle Fracture
onset of twinning, on the one hand, in Steel and Similar Metals,”” AIME Trans., 212,
below —100° C. The elastic-limit, 192 (1958).
upper-yield and lower-yield stress and cleavage fracture, the ductility 15. Gilman, J. J., “Fracture of Zinc Mono-
are grain-size dependent. This de- transition or the formation of micro- crystals and Bicrystals,"” AJ ME Trans., 212, 783
cracks on the other. Below —196° (1958).
pendence appears to be relatively 16. Stroh, A. N., ‘““The Cleavage of Metal Single
insensitive to temperature changes C, cleavage fracture appears to be Crystals,”’ Philosophical Magazine, 3, 597 (1958).
associated with the onset of twin- 17. O'Neill, H., “Deformation Lines in Large
below the ambient. and Small Crystals of Ferrite,’’ Jni. Iron Steel
2. In terms of dislocation theory, ning. However, it is thought that, Inst., 113, 417 (1926).
in this range, twins perform the 18. Bruckner, W. H., ““The Micromechanism of
the observed temperature and grain- Fracture,’ Acta Metallurgica 2, 170.
size dependence of the lower yield function attributed to slip at higher 19. Biggs, W. D., and Pratt P. L.: The Defor-
stress implies that the extent of temperatures. mation and Fracture of Alpha-Iron at Low
7. Cracks responsible for brittle- Temperatures, Acta Metallurgica, 6, 694 (1958).
dislocation pinning by interstitial 20. Low, J. R., “Dislocations and Brittle Frac-
atoms remains unchanged at low cleavage fracture are not initially ture in Metals,’’ Deformation and Flow of Solids,
present, but are produced by the Springer Verlag, Berlin, p. 50 (1956).
temperatures. Enhanced low-tem- 21. Owen, W. S., Cohen, M., and Averbach,
perature strength cannot, there- deformation process. At low tem- B. L., “Some Aspects of Preyield Phenomena in
peratures, the requirements for Mild Steel at Low Temperatures,” ASM Trans-
fore, be attributed to dislocation actions, 50, 517 (1958).
locking, but may be associated yielding, i.e., slip or twinning, 22. Owen, W. S., Averbach, B. L., and Cohen,
with changes in the resistance to control fracture. At higher tem- M.., “Brittle Fracture of Mild Steel in Tension at
peratures, the conditions for frac- —196° C,” ASM Trans., 50, 634 (1958).
dislocation movement. 23. Owen, W. S., Whitmore, D. H., Cohen,
3. An abrupt curtailment of the ture are determined by the require- Morris, and Averbach, B. L., “Relation of Charpy
ments for propagating a new micro- Impact Properties to Microstructure of Three
tensile ductility and the fracture Ship Steels,"" THe Wetpinc JouRNAL, 36 (11),
stress, referred to as the ductility crack. The conditions for propaga- Research Suppl., 503-s (1957).
transition, is observed at —128° C ting such cracks may be described 24. Weasel, E. T., and Olleman, R. D., “Ap-
paratus for Tension Testing at Subatmospheric
for coarse-grained and at —156° C by the Griffith-Orowan treatment. Temperatures,”” ASTM Bull., No. 187, 56 (1953).
for fine-grained material. Samples 25. Wessel, E. T., “Tension Testing Apparatus
Acknowledgments for the Temperature Range of —320° F to — 425
tested in tension also display a F, Ibid., No. 211, 40 (1956).
gradual transition in the appearance The work was supported by the 26. Roberts, C.S., Carruthers, R. C., and Aver-
bach, B. L., ““The Initiation of Plastic Strain in
of the fracture from fibrous to Ship Structure Committee under Plain Carbon Steels,” ASM Trans., 44, 1150
cleavage. These changes appear Bureau of Ships Contract Nobs- (1952).
to be analogous to the transitions 65918 and under the cognizance of 27. Koster, W., “‘Die Temperator Abhingigkeit
des Elastizitats Modulus,” Z. Metallkunde, 39, 1
encountered in the Charpy-impact the Committee on Ship Steel of the (1948).
test. An increase in the grain size National Academy of Sciences- 28. Jacquet, P. A., “Improved Electrolytes for
the Anodic Polishing of Certain Metals,”’ Sheet
causes a corresponding increase in National Research Council. Metal Ind., 26, 577 (1949).
the tensile and Charpy-transition Specimen preparation and the 29. Berry, J. M., “Cleavage Step Formation in
Brittle Fracture Propagation,’”” ASM Trans., 51,
temperatures. mechanical testing were carried out 556 (1958).
4. Cleavage microcracks of the by R. Whittemore, C. Kreder, E. 30. Ludwik, P., Z. Ver. deut. Ing., 71, 1932
order of the grain diameter in Keplin and L. Sudenfield. The (1927).
31. Sauerwald, F., Schmidt, B., and Kramer,
length are initiated in ferrite grains quantitative studies of microcracks G., “Uber den Sprédigkeitsberreich von Eisen bei
at low temperatures. The cracks and the photomicrographs pre- tiefen Temperaturen,” Z. Physik, 67, 179 (1931)
32. Hahn, G. T., Doctorate Thesis, Depart-
are formed only in regions of tensile sented are the work of M. Yoffa. ment of Metallurgy, MIT (March 1959).

376s | SEPTEMBER 1959

Development, Properties and Usability

of Low-Hydrogen Electrodes

Interpretive report sponsored by the Welding Research Council

reviews the development, properties and use of low-hydrogen electrodes.

It reviews their history from the development of mild to ultra-high-

strength weld metal and the detrimental effects of

moisture in the coverings on the weldment


extended welding to steels pre- gram for the welding operator was a
viously regarded as unweldable, sizable barrier to hurdle in its intro-
they must be accepted as one of the duction. Furthermore, the effect
most valuable contributions in of moisture in the coverings in caus-
the field of welding. ing porosity in the weld metal was
There are many unwritten chap- not understood, and the first com-
ters pertaining to electrodes, their mercial electrodes gave porosity
merits and applications. The man- troubles because of their high-mois-
ner in which an electrode is intro- ture content. Today, the manufac-
duced may have far reaching effects turer of electrodes bakes them at
in promoting or retarding progress sufficiently high temperatures to
in the advancement of welding. reduce their moisture content low
Overzealousness and exaggerated enough to eliminate porosity from
claims have, on more than one oc- this effect.
casion, built up a degree of resist- Notwithstanding these variable
ance on the part of the potential claims and opinions as to their ad-
A typical use of low-hydrogen user that has required strenuous vantages in the early part of their
electrodes is welding
alloy gear blanks efforts to counteract. development, they represent one of
The low-hydrogen electrodes are the outstanding achievements in the
quite generally accepted as being field of metal-arc welding for they
Introduction superior in weld metal quality when embody the basic principles which
It is quite appropriate to submit this applied correctly, but the possibili- enable the production of welds
report on basic low-hydrogen lime- ties of a welding operator bungling equal to and in many cases superior
ferritic electrodes because of the the application with improper tech- to that of the base metal.
seemingly varied opinions concern- niques are believed to be greater In the history of electrode de-
ing the advantages and disadvan- than with the more conventional velopment, there are two types of
tages held by some design and pro- types. coverings from which all our present
duction engineers for the welding of Since the advent of the low- electrodes were developed, namely,
the newer alloy steels. hydrogen electrodes as an important the mineral and organic types.
Those familiar with the develop- tool of welding, various controver- The mineral type had its origin in
ment and application of low-hydro- sial opinions have been expressed Europe whereas the cellulose or
gen electrodes concede that more concerning their advantages and organic type had its origin in the
attention is required to details disadvantages over the more con- USA.
associated with their design, produc- ventional acid-slag types. This is The mineral type can be sub-
tion and application than is re- only normal and should be expected divided into the acid- and basic-
quired in the case of conventional for any new development. Unfor- slag types. While both of these are
electrodes. But such facts should tunately, the producer will make as old as the first commercially-used
not be allowed to provide a basis exaggerated claims until the new covered electrodes, the develop-
for questioning their merits. If we product has found its normal niche ment of the present form of the
recognize that, in many cases, the and all variable factors affecting its basic-slag low-hydrogen type took
introduction of low-hydrogen elec- weldability and weld metal quality place in the USA during and since
trodes resulted in a vast improve- have been determined. This has the close of World War II; whereas,
ment in weld quality over anything been particularly true in the de- the acid-slag type, typified by the
attainable with conventional elec- velopment and production of the AWS E6020, had its beginning be-
trodes and, in many other cases, basic low-hydrogen electrodes. The fore World War II.
welding technique required for mak- The wartime volume of difficult-
ing a sound weld deposit is some- to-weld steels and the increasing
D. C. SMITH is Chief Metallurgist, Electrode
Division, Harnishfeger Corp., Milwaukee, Wis. what different and the training pro- commercial demand for higher and


Table 1—Typical Covering and Slag Compositions of Representative Commercial Electrodes from the Organic and Minera! Types*
Mineral ~
-Organic (E6010)— Titania (E6012) Iron oxide (E6020) Basic low hydrogen (E7016)
Constituent Covering Slag Covering Slag Covering Slag Covering Slag
SiO, 32.0 38.0 19.0 17.0 33.0 44.0 16.0 18.0
TiO. + ZrO, 18.0 20.0 45.0 48.0 ‘ 6.5 8.2
Al.O; 2.0 3.0 6.0 7.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0
Fe,0, t if 32.
2.0 0
CaF, 27.0 2 9.
FeO 3.
MnO ..
CaO 6.
co, cs
Organics 30.
Fe 2.
Mn 7. wren
&w coooMNoSo’ ieM
SOO 2.5
CaCo,; 38.0

@ Each of these types has a counterpart with iron powder in the coating. The organic type will have from 15 to 25% iron; the mineral titania and iron oxide
from 45 to 60% iron and the basic low hydrogen from 25 to 50% iron.

higher tensile low-alloy steels pro- ably over the past 6-8 years, their entiate it from the austenitic types
duced immediate stimuli for the percentage of the total used in that were being used for fabrication
successful development of the basic industry is still small and the only of armor plate. It seems appro-
low-hydrogen electrodes that are reason to expect this situation to priate to use the term “basic low
available today. change will be industry’s increased hydrogen”’ since it is the basic or
It should be remembered, how- use of higher tensile and the more alkaline property of the slag and its
ever, that most of the fabrication is difficult-to-weld steels. low-hydrogen content that gives it
still made on low-tensile structural the unique and superior qualities for
steel where conventional electrodes Nomenclature for the Electrode welding of difficult-to-weld steels.
such as E6010 and -11, E6012 and ‘“‘Low hydrogen’’ is the latest ter- Typical coating and slag com-
-13 and E6014 and -24 types are minology by which this electrode is positions of representative com-
satisfactory. It is very unlikely known in the USA. In Europe and mercial electrodes of the basic low-
that the low-hydrogen electrodes other foreign countries the term hydrogen and acid-mineral and or-
will replace the conventional types “‘basic electrodes” generally differen- ganic types are given in Table 1 for
except in difficult welding conditions. tiates them from the other types. comparison. The predominant con-
While the use of the low-hydrogen During its introduction, and for stituents of each are underlined for
electrodes of the E7015, E7016 and several years thereafter, it was called easy reference. Calcium carbonate
E7018 types has increased consider- “lime ferritic’”’ in the USA to differ- and calcium fluoride, being the pre-

£7028 —__'

+ f-— €7018 @

+ yo-* -7g-— F7016 @

——— E7018 4 wi + + o
DC (REVERSE) @--—-e
_ gp3 ==
<<. all
HR Zo 8

N i=}
| | }
150 200 750 300 350 10) 20 40 60 80
! Fig. 1—Deposition rates of typical E7016, E7018 Fig. 2—Vee-notched Charpy-impact transition curves
[and E7028 electrodes (*/\.-in. diam) for three types and nine brands of mild-steel
low-hydrogen weld metal

378s | SEPTEMBER 1959

rT I I r
E11018 ENIO16 £11018 E11016 | j H } , } 900
0.079%, 0.046% 111500 PSI 114500 PSI
Ss 1.36 1.18 99500 PSi 104000 PSI
0.017 0.013 ] 25.0 20.5
0.017 0.018 69 61.1
3 0.36 0.38 ee = oS
0.35 0.69
= 1.55 3.14 LTH,
FROMM 0.47 0.37 AV] // EN018
= Ly y
\ w _<.
§8 FT.-LBS


i 1 i
—100 —80 —é60
40 20 0 20 40 60 80 —100 —-75 ws 0 0 25 50 75
Fig. 3—Typical vee-notched Charpy impact transition
curves of the E11018 and E11016 electrode weld metals Fig. 4—Vee-notched Charpy impact energy curves for weld
tested in the as-welded condition. The shaded areas metals from three heat-treatable welding electrodes of
represent the spread in individual tests 4130, 4140 and 4340 compositions. Quenched and tempered

dominant ingredients of the basic ferent varieties of plain carbon steel the formation of underbead cracking
low-hydrogen coverings, produce a such as rimmed and killed steels unless preheated.”
basic slag in contrast to the high without a variable degree of reac- The basic low-hydrogen electrodes
silica and titania in the coverings of tion pitting and X-ray porosity un- possess properties which enable
the other types which produce slags less the flux coating is formulated their use under all the conditions
that are on the acid side. for the specific steel upon which it is listed above.
being used.
“2. Their inability to allow the Chronological Stages of
Electrode Coverings
introduction of types of alloy addi- Low-hydrogen Electrode
In order to understand better the tion such as silicon, manganese,
superior qualities of basic low- Development
chromium, vanadium, etc., without
hydrogen-type electrodes over the badly upsetting the performance Low-tensile Strength—European Type
older conventional acid-slag types, a characteristics. A loss of these ele- Basic slag-forming electrodes were
brief discussion of the function of ments results and their state of com- a part of the early European types
the electrode covering will be help- bination in the weld is always ques- of mineral covered electrodes but not
ful. Mathias and Bunk' state that tionable. recognized quality-wise as they are
the function of the covering is: “3. Their inability to weld free- today. The main covering constit-
**(a) To stabilize the arc through machining steels without surface uent of this type, calcium carbon-
the formation of a highly ionized and X-ray porosity and weld crack- ate, was used in several types of
vapor or gas surrounding the arc. ing. coverings in this country back in the
“*(6) To control the melting rate of “4. Their inability to weld dras- early thirties in small quantities for
the electrode and the penetration of tically air-hardening steels without improving arc stability and to make
the base metal by altering the dis-
tribution of the thermal energy in
the arc. 50
“‘(c) To prevent atmospheric con-
tamination of the deposited weld 45
metal by the formation of a vapor or 40
gaseous envelope or shield around
the arc and /or adequate slag blanket 35
over the deposit.
“‘“(d) To supply weld metal of the w oS
desired composition either by main-
taining the original composition of nN,)
the core wire or through the intro- nNoS
duction of additional elements. ENERGY,
‘“*(e) To retain the weld metal in a
fluid condition by means ofa blanket
of slag long enough to allow for the
evolution of contained gases and the
separation of the nonmetallic im-
The performance deficiencies of 500 600 700 800 900 1000 «1100 1200
the acid-slag type were stated by TEMPERATURE, “F
Mathias and Bunk to be: Fig. 5—Effect of tempering on the vee-notched Charpy impact
“1. Their inability to weld dif- of 4140, 4340 and type 502 weld metals. Tested at —40° F


them operate better on straight
polarity and to produce a basic slag.
SR The basic slag type, as we know it to-
day, perhaps originated in the old
% 22
Elongation German electrodes which were made
A'W by dipping mild steel rods in a paste
of iron ore, calcium carbonate, cal-
cium fluoride, sand and sodium or
eee eeeee ee eecccdaa aces potassium silicate. The formulas
Yield were very similar to the slags ob-
psi tained in the open hearth practice
at that time and perhaps the idea
came from someone recognizing the
similarity of the two.
Tensile 19 © 1 oww
~ 12 IP © ~~ RRR
properties———— In describing that early state of
the art, according to C. De Rop,’
the first suggestion that limestone
SBESERERESEESE and fluorspar be used in large quan-
Soocoococooocoocoosco tities in electrode coverings was
made in 1921 in a British patent
(192857), issued in 1923. He states that ‘‘although mechanical proper-
ties of low hydrogen electrodes are
excellent, they tend to deposit po-
ooo rous and rough beads.”
psi Low-tensile Strength—USA Type
At the National Convention of
October 1944, the covering composi-
$28 tion of the low- and high-alloy lime-
(max) éddececeas coco ferritic low-hydrogen type elec-
trodes was described.‘ Prior to
this time, low-hydrogen electrodes
one e88 pn BBBR888 had been developed in the USA, but
teh tege
Sage 32 r8aaa3 they were not well known in industry
“4 ade until later. While the development
of the NRC2A alloy type followed
the low-tensile type, it was made
available for commercial use before
the low-tensile type because of the
metal, Sddddggcdcccdacsaaages ser
composition war emergency.
(max) = ot f—) oe “tot
. « NN w
and In March 1947, Mathias and
Bunk' described the development
oo oo oo of a low-hydrogen lime-ferritic elec-
trode of the mild-steel class which
eSeoooocoocooococooceo CSOLVLSCLS had superior quality in every respect
Ni to that of the standard E6020 iron
oxide type. They also stated that
“the successful development of the
SSSESSRSSSSRRSE lime-ferritic electrode is one of the
outstanding achievements in the
o32geeassaeaaee field of metallic arc welding” and
predicted that it would produce
advancements in the art of welding
alloy steel far exceeding anything that had transpired to that time.
and Enough time has now elapsed to
substantiate this prediction. The
advancement in the welding of high-
and ultra-high-strength alloyed steel
as well as the lower tensile and diffi-
Type cult-to-weld steels has been almost
phenomenal since that time.

High-tensile Electrode Development

in World War Il
In an effort to conserve strategic
alloys such as nickel, chomium and
molybdenum in the austenitic stain-
Specification MIL-E-19322A MIL-E-16589A” >Proposed. less steel electrodes used in the
Low-Hydrogen fabrication of armor plate in World

380-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

Table 3—Weld-metal Analysis and Mechanical Properties of Three Brands of E7016,
Four Brands of E7018 and Two Brands of E7028 Low-Hydrogen Electrodes
Mechanical properties
AWS Tensile Yield Reduc-
Brand _ classifica- Weld-metal analysis, 4——————_—_—_ strength, strength, Elonga- tion of
no. tion Mn Si S psi psi tion, % area,%
E7016 0.91 0.54 0.020 78 ,500 68 ,050 31.0 72
E7016 0.88 0.37 0.022 70,500 59,200 33.0 75
E7016 1.09 0.51 0.014 82,500 73,000 31.0 72
E7018 0.93 0.76 0.013 82,200 72,000 32.0 71
E7018 0.72 0.015 76,250 65,000 30.7 73
E7018 0.44 0.016 76 ,600 68 ,000 32.0 73
E7018 0.50 0.018 77,000 69,000 31.0 72
E7028 0.51 0.024 76 ,500 62,000 30.0 70
E7028 ecoooocooce
IF 0.43 0.030 75,750 62,250 32.0 72

War II, the low-alloy high-tensile Development of High-yield Notch- electrodes were discussed. In this
electrode known as NRC2A (1.75% tough Ferrous Weld Metal paper it was stated that low-hydro-
Mn and 0.30% Mo) was developed. After World War II, the Navy gen electrodes with iron powder
The idea for this type developed Department, Bureau of Ships, in additions to the coatings have been
from the basic calcium carbonate- cooperation with the National Elec- successfully designed and are com-
calcium fluoride covering used on trical Manufacturers Association, merically available in both titania-
the stainless-steel-core wire and the formed a committee of technical and lime-type coatings.
basic low-tensile type described personnel from both organizations This paper compares three types
above. This type of covering ap- and initiated a program to develop of low-hydrogen electrodes; the
plied to mild-steel-core wire alloyed an electrode that would deposit high conventional E7016 low-hydrogen
with manganese and molybdenum yield, notch-tough ferrous weld type, the E7018 containing approxi-
proved satisfactory for many appli- metal for welding armor steel with- mately 30% iron powder and the
cations on armor steel without out preheat. The weld-metal com- E7028 containing approximately
giving the characteristic cracking positions finally developed which 50% iron-powder additions to the
difficulties so prone with the low- met the original objective, namely coatings. The E7018 type has all
alloy high-tensile conventional types 90,000 and 110,000 psi minimum the good welding characteristics of
at that time. Many tons of this yield strength, 20% minimum those of the E7016 conventional
electrode were used without preheat elongation, high notch toughness, type of low-hydrogen electrodes con-
for fabricating armor weldments '/, (20 ft-lb minimum keyhole Charpy taining no iron-powder additions,
in. and less in thickness, but heavier at —20° F) when used under highly whereas the E7028 type is designed
armor required preheats of 200° F restrained conditions with little or for horizontal and flat-position weld-
or more. Without preheat, erratic no preheat, were alloys of nickel- ing only.
and unpredictable cracking of weld molybdenum-vanadium. (See MIL- Efficiency, deposition and burn-
metal and base metal occurred. E-986, Table 2.) The details of off rate comparisons of the three
Preheating, however, was imprac- this development, properties, ap- show that as the iron-powder addi-
tical for many fabricators and very plication and usability of these elec- tion increases, the deposition rate
few of these electrodes were used for trodes are described by Franks increases proportionally. The effi-
welding heavy armor. et al.5 ciencies (weight of deposited weld
The development of this elec- metal divided by the total weight of
trode did not reach completion before lron-powder Low-hydrogen- electrode used) for the E7018 type
hostilities ended but the work at type Electrodes are from 6 to 8% higher than for the
Battelle Memorial Institute* on this At the AMERICAN WELDING So- conventional E7016, whereas the
NRC2A electrode indicated that cIETY National Fall meeting, Oct. E7028 efficiencies are approximately
hydrogen in the electrode covering 17-21, 1956, a paper* was given in the same as E7016.
was responsible for all the erratic which the properties and applica- Comparing the deposition rates
results. tions of low-hydrogen iron-powder Fig. 1) at optimum welding cur-

Teme. “F

P54 0-0-0-0 = 1050

ROCKWELL 000-0000 - (
‘ Om QO Ornrg 6 156
1 C
Fig. 6—Hardness across junction of Fig. 7—Hardness across junction of Fig. 8—Hardness across junction of
heat-treated AISi 8630 base metal heat-treated 4140 steel and heat-treated 4340 steel and
and 4130 weld metal 4140 weld metal 4340 weld metal


amperage should not be much below
Table 4—Typical Amperage Ranges and Optimum Amperages of Basic-low-hydrogen the optimum values given in this
Electrodes (DC—Reverse Polarity) table or porosity and/or slag inclu-
Typical sion may result.
amperage Optimum amperage These electrodes are designed to
Size, in. range Vertical Overhead Horizontal operate with direct current, reverse
EXX15 and EXX16 polarity and alternating current,
*/s2 65-100 70 70 80 with the exception of the EX X15
'/s 90-150 110 110 which operates only on direct cur-
5/9 120-190 130 140 rent, reverse polarity. The a-c,
*/i6 155-250 155 190 200 d-c types (EX X16, EXX18, EXX-
"/s9 240-300 “os ai 250 28) usually have better usability
I, 275-375 characteristics and are preferred on
5/16 375-475 direct current, reverse polarity, ex-
cept where magnetic arc blow is a
3/32 70-110 problem. Under these conditions,
‘Vs 110-160 alternating-current welding is pre-
*/s2 130-210 ferred.
4/16 155-280 In vertical-up welding, the steady
7/2 280-350 progression technique, as opposed
I, 300-375 to a whipping technique used with
5/16 400-500
the E6010 and E6011 types, must
be used. If the operator draws his
'/s 150-200 arc from the molten puddle during
5/39 190-250 his upward progression, porosity
*/is 250-325 which may not show on the surface
"/s2 325-400 results. The correct weaving tech-
i, 400-500
nique for this type of electrode is
somewhat different in that the arc
@ Approximately 10% more amperage is required for ac. should not be lengthened at the
edges as with the other types but a
uniform, short arc should be main-
rent for the */;\, in. size of each group electrodes have an easy slag removal, tained across the full weave.
shows that the E7018 is about 30% improved bead appearance, and the The weld-metal quality of the
faster on ac and 20% faster on dc mechanical properties, in general, low-hydrogen electrode is not dam-
than the conventional E7016. With are equal to their conventional aged with excessive amperages like
the E7028, this difference is about counterparts. They have better that of the acid-slag or hydrogen-
60% faster on ac and 80% faster on operator appeal because of the bearing electrodes. However, cur-
de. steady, smooth arc characteristics. rent above the optimum amperages
The E7028 electrode covering should never be used on critical
contains a considerably higher Usability
joining applications. This prop-
amount of titania and iron powder The welding technique required erty makes them a very valuable
with less calcium carbonate and by the low-hydrogen electrodes is tool and material for fabrication in
fluorspar than the E7018. This somewhat different from that re- most industries.
composition difference accounts for quired with the others. The shield-
Their tendency to produce start-
the reverse in deposition rates of the ing carbon dioxide gas is largely
ing porosity sometimes works to a
ac vs. dc as compared with the produced from the decomposition of
disadvantage when welding an open
E7018. the CaCO;, which constitutes the
butt jomt without a backing, such
These deposition rates were deter- largest amount of any ingredient
as for pressure piping, where X-ray
mined on some of the brands of the used in the covering. Since it re-
quality weldments are required.
original developments and today’s quires a fraction of a second for the
There are various ways of over-
product may be changed slightly. electrode covering to reach this
For example, some values obtained decomposition temperature when the coming this weakness, however,
on the E7018 of more recent de- are is struck, a close arc must be such as using an inert-gas backing,
velopment received through private held and a molten puddle of weld using an E7010, E7011-type elec-
communication show that the dif- metal established before the opera- trode for the first pass, or through a
ference between the deposition rate tor proceeds with the weld. For special joint design which forms a
on ac and dc, reverse polarity, is this reason, the basic-low-hydrogen backing as the pieces come together
less than shown in Fig. 1. The electrode is more prone to develop for the joint.
deposition rate on ac was only starting porosity, sometimes re- The advantages of the basic low-
slightly more than the dc, reverse ferred to as “‘long-arc’’ starting poros- hydrogen electrode lie primarily in
polarity. The average, however, ity, than the other types. Moisture their ability to weld difficult-to-
between the ac and dc still showed in the arc atmosphere produced from weld steels such as high-carbon,
about the same increase over the either moisture in the covering or high-sulfur and _ free-machining
E7016, as given in Fig. 1. on the work may also be a factor in steels, highly stressed joints found
There is no significant difference producing starting porosity. in fabricating heavy structures of
in the mechanical properties of any Low welding amperages can also normal welding steels, high-tensile
of the three; all show excellent be a factor in causing weld-metal alloy steels, and for producing high-
metal structure, good ductility and porosity. Table 4 gives the typical quality weldments in general, where
reduction in area, with comparable amperage ranges and the optimum the nature of the work requires it.
yield and tensile strengths. amperages of the three types of low- Such uses are found in fabricating
The iron-powder low-hydrogen hydrogen electrodes. The service earth-moving equipment that gets

382-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

severe service abuse such as excava- 1 L 7 L
tor booms, dipper sticks, bulldozer WELD METAL ANALYSIS %
parts, etc., where the engineer is 4140 4340 4130
constantly challenged with reduc- 0.40 0.37 0.21
ing dead loads in order to increase 0.87 0.89 1.48
the live-load capacities. Ship struc- 0.68 0.77 0.23
0.72 0.71 0.54
tures are being designed with in- 0.33 0.40 0.15
creased toughness in both low- and 1.91 1.30
high-tensile steels and require weld
metal for joining that matches or
exceeds the toughness of the base TENSILE:
metal. The low-hydrogen elec-
trodes are meeting these require-
ments better than the formerly used i)=)
E6010 and E6020 types. _
There are some uses to which \ ELONGATION
each of the three different types a
(E7015 and -16, E7018 and E7028)
can be put with advantage and
the welding or design engineer ELONGATION
should use them correctly. TENSILE
It is generally agreed that in-
creased deposition rate of the iron-
powder types offers the greatest
single advantage, but this should not ‘ 4140
be the only reason for their use.
The E7018 was designed to handle 100 0
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 {100 1200 1300
in all positions equally as well as TEMPERING TEMPERATURE, FF.
the E7015 and -16 types and most Fig. 9—Effect of tempering on the tensile strength and elongation
brands compare very favorably in of 4130, 4140 and 4340 all-weld metal. (Oil quenched from 1575° F
usability with the E7015 and -16. and tempered 4 hr at temperature)
However, there are still some fabri-
cators that claim the E7015 and -16
types handle better in the vertical
position and prefer them for this “Care and Storage of Low-Hydrogen welding techniques have now be-
position, whereas the E7018 are Electrodes’”’ should be followed come fairly standard in the industry.
preferred in the flat, horizontal and closely in the use of the E7028
overhead positions. type. Metallurgy of Covered-
The E7028 type was designed for While there are some variations
horizontal and flat position only and among different brands of each type electrode Weld Metal
has considerable advantages for in- because of different practices and A comprehensive study of slags,
creased deposition rates but, in all compositions used by the manufac- their function and control, was made
fairness to the operator, he should be turers, the differences are becoming by Claussen’ and can be summa-
specially trained to use the electrode less all the time. The efforts of the rized as follows:
properly. This electrode has a government agencies to standardize 1. The sulfur distribution be-
much higher ratio of iron powder to the various specifications require- tween slag and weld metal is not
inorganic compounds in the coating ments for electrodes used in all its far from equilibrium and depends
than the E7018 type and the gas different services, together with the on the slag basicity. Oxides of
shielding is not as efficient, thus wider adoption of the AWS speci- calcium, magnesium, manganese and
making it more susceptible to weld- fications for manual arc-welding sodium act as bases. There is good
metal porosity when incorrectly electrodes, are helping the industry reason to regard TiO. as an acid
applied. Likewise, it can tolerate to design and produce low-hydrogen constituent. SiO, is definitely acid.
less moisture in its coating before electrodes of the same type with 2. The phosphorus distribution
causing weld-metal porosity. For less variation among brands. does not reach equilibrium. Phos-
horizontal fillets and grooved joints In general, all E7018 types can phorus is transferred to the weld
with a backing, this electrode offers be substituted for the E7016 types metal! to a greater extent than sulfur
the greatest advantage. The opera- without experiencing difficulties for a given type of coating.
tor should avoid a long arc under all from the operators, with the possi- 3. The lime-type coatings of
conditions and the lead angle of his ble exception of the vertical-up E7016 electrodes provided a large
electrode should not be more than position, and the reverse is also amount of semi-basic slag with very
15 to 20 deg from the normal if he true. little iron oxide for reaction with
can avoid it. By observing these The E7028 requires the special carbon in weld puddle.
precautions, the shielding of the arc technique mentioned above to pre- The low concentration of hydro-
will be more efficient and it will vent some of the troubles that can gen in the covering and arc atmos-
prevent porosity from forming in develop. phere prevented hydrogen porosity
the weld. The electrode covering Some of these requirements in in the deoxidized weld puddle dur-
of all brands of the E7028 currently technique that were different from ing freezing. Enough iron was oxi-
available will not tolerate more than those of the conventional electrodes dized to balance the oxidation of
approximately 0.30% moisture be- were no doubt responsible for some manganese and silicon. Beyond its
fore giving porosity troubles. There- of the controversial reports in the effect on slag fluidity, the large per-
fore, the practices recommended evaluation of the electrodes when centage of fluorspar in the covering
further on in this report under they were first introduced, but these appeared to play a neutral part.


In a more recent development by ducing the partial pressure of hydro- he found this transition temperature
P. L. J. Leder* from an investiga- gen. This additional carbon dioxide range to be —30to +30° F. These
tion on the application of carbon- in the lime-type coverings is what results were obtained on some of the
dioxide shielding to a rutile-type makes the electrodes so valuable in original low-hydrogen electrodes but
flux-covered electrode, he concludes reducing the tendency of cracking with the later, improved electrodes,
that the benefits of the low-hydro- due to hydrogen. It is not the such as shown in Fig. 2, this range
gen basic-covered electrodes in pro- actual amount of hydrogen but its of NDT would be considerably
ducing high-quality weld deposits, partial pressure that determines its lower. i
particularly in base metals high in harmful effect. Figure 2 compares the energy-
sulfur, stem not from the basic na- impact transition curves of three
ture of the slag, as normally sup- Properties of Mild-steel Low- types and nine brands of low-hydro-
posed, but is primarily due to their hydrogen-electrode Weld Metal gen electrodes. These data were
low-hydrogen content. In his de- Typical chemical analyses and obtained using the ASTM (A370
velopment, he is able to get all the mechanical properties of the un- 54T) method of preparing the test
good, desirable properties using a alloyed low-hydrogen weld metals specimen with the notch cut perpen-
rutile flux with augmented carbon- are given in Table 3. dicular to the direction of weld
dioxide gas shielding. The real Comparing these properties with bead and plate surface. The weld
significance of this new process is weld metals of conventional acid- was deposited in the flat position in
that by combined use of flux and slag-type covered electrodes of the an unrestrained single-vee joint using
carbon-dioxide gas it enables low- E6010, -11, -12, -13, -14, -20, -24 a */,,-in. diam electrode and a 210°
hydrogen weld metal of high quality and -27 types, we find the tensile F interpass temperature.
to be obtained from rutile-type elec- and yield strengths, ductility and While, in general, the superior
trodes without deterioration at high reduction in area more favorable for quality of the low-hydrogen elec-
current densities. In this way, the the low-hydrogen types. Some of trode is attributed to the better
best features of basic- and rutile- the conventional acid-slag types are deoxidation of the weld deposit and
type coverings, respectively, are higher in tensile (E6024, tensile to the lime-base covering, the com-
combined in an automatic process. strength 85~-90,000 psi), but with position of the weld deposit like-
Leder also shows that porosity at lower ductility, and some may be wise exerts an important influence.
the start of a bead made with low- higher in ductility (E6020, 30-35% The variation in toughness, as
hydrogen electrodes caused from in 2 in.), but with lower tensile and measured by these impact data, in
holding a long arc is due to insuffi- yield strengths (60-65,000 psi). the various brands may be due in
cient gas shielding. The decom- Resistance to cracking when used part to the variation in the man-
position of the CaCO, has not pro- on difficult-to-weld steels such as ganese-silicon ratio and sulfur and
gressed sufficiently to supply enough free-machining, high-sulfur, high- phosphorus contents of the weld
carbon-dioxide gas for shielding the carbon, etc., is better with these low- metal. While it is not within the
weld metal when the arc is length- hydrogen electrodes! as compared to scope of this paper to investigate
ened. This defect is overcome in the acid-slag types. the effect of the composition on this
his new process using carbon-dioxide Pellini® has found that the nil- property, it is quite generally agreed
gas with a flow of 15-30 cu ft per ductility temperature (NDT) de- that better toughness of weld metal
hour. termined by the drop weight test is associated with a low sulfur and
This development confirms some- corresponds to a Charpy V-notch phosphorus content in the range
what the findings of M. W. Mal- transition temperature measured at below 0.020% as compared to the
lett’ on the influence of CaCO, addi- 20 ft-lb for weld metal used in ship upper limit of 0.035% permissible
tions to electrode coverings on the structures. For the AWS E6010 for good weldable steels. A man-
composition of the arc atmosphere. and E6011 weld metal, this 20 ft-lb ganese-silicon ratio of 1.5 and above
The carbon dioxide in the arc pro- transition temperature falls in the likewise generally improves this
duced by the decomposition of Ca- range from —10 to +40° F. For toughness. Some of the early de-
CO, will have the influence of re- the E7015 and E7016 weld metal, velopments of the E7018 types had

AWS. 4
-¢ £7028 |



= re rm i rn rm
03 o4 05 06 20 40 60 80 100 120
Fig. 10—Effect of moisture in the coverings of °/s:-in. E10016 Fig. 1l—Rates of moisture absorption of three types
(low-hydrogen Ni-Mo-V) electrodes on the diffusible and seven brands of low-hydrogen electrodes
hydrogen in the deposited weld metal at 68% relative humidity and 85° F

384-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

weld-metal compositions of an ap- Some typical Charpy V impact ganese are readily reduced by ele-
proximate ratio of one, as repre- values at —50° F taken from the ments with which they come in con-
sented by brands 4 and 5. Drop- weld metal of an E7018 electrode tact during welding, the slag bal-
ping the silicon and raising the man- deposited in the vertical-up position ance was easily upset, in which case
ganese to give a ratio of approxi- are 13, 12, 15, 12 and 18 ft-lb. either surface or internal porosity
mately 2.0, as represented by brand This deposit was made with a °/3.- was constantly a problem.
6, is believed to be one of the con- in. diam electrode in a _ 1'/,-in. Since both electrodes had es-
tributing factors for its improved thick plate, double-vee joint, */,,-in. tablished a standard of performance
toughness. root opening, with three layers on generally acceptable to the welding
The position in which the weld is one side and two on the other. industry, electrode producers de-
deposited, as well as the operator’s Comparing these values with those voted most of their time correcting
technique, may also have a marked of Fig. 2 illustrates the effect of the deficiencies to maintain a com-
influence on the measured impact welding position on this property. petitive position. As a result, it
values. For example, a weld de- Very little fatigue strength data took a national emergency such as
posited in the vertical-up position is have been published on unalloyed World War II to provide a definite
generally lower and has a wider weld metal. Those that have been need to bring the low-hydrogen elec-
scatter in notch impact values. published show little difference in trode out of moth balls to serve in-
This may be due to the application fatigue strengths between the con- dustry. A contributing factor to
of thicker weld-bead layers, result- ventional acid-slag types and low- the delay in accepting the low-
ing in a more heterogeneous grain hydrogen-type weld metals, pro- hydrogen electrode were reports from
structure than the weld deposited vided the surface conditions are abroad that it was meeting with
downhand in thinner layers where alike. It appears that this property little success there. Nevertheless,
the grain refinement from the heat may be tied in with surface condi- the origin and much of the success of
of the arc can extend through the tion rather than the metallurgical the low-hydrogen electrode is due to
full underbead layer, thus leaving structure of the weld metal. the efforts of European investiga-
only the top bead with a coarse tors.
structure. Layers of coarse co- Properties of High-tensile Prior to this time, covered elec-
lumnar-grain structure, generally as- trodes containing cellulosic materi-
Low-hydrogen Electrodes als, alloyed sufficiently to raise the
sociated with vertically deposited
welds, distributed throughout the Before covered electrodes of weld-metal strength comparable to
weld, if located under the root of the American design and manufacture that of the high-strength base
notched specimens, result in low became commercially available to the metal, were developed and used with
impact energies and wide scatter. welding industry, covered electrodes minor degrees of success when suffi-
The technique used by the operator of European origin were tested here, cient preheat and postheat treat-
may also influence the amount of but found very limited acceptance. ments were used. But the limit in
this distributed coarse-grain struc- The cellulosic electrode, a strictly tensile strength of the cellulosic
ture throughout the weld, especially American product, was the first to covered alloyed electrodes was only
when deposited in the vertical-up gain general acceptance. This elec- around 110,000 psi.
position, depending somewhat on trode was quickly followed by the The properties of the low-hydro-
the uniformity with which he is able mineral, or E6020, electrode which gen lime-base coatings are ideally
to deposit the weld. was of European origin but modified adapted for alloying the weld metal
All these variables must be con- to suit our performance require- through the covering. Reducing
sidered in evaluating the quality of ments. Both of these electrodes types of ferro alloys such as silicon,
the weld deposit. Too often the produce high-silica slags and depend manganese, chromium and vana-
welding engineer or operator places upon the presence of basic oxides of dium can be added to the covering
the fault on the electrode rather iron and manganese for their suc- without noticeably upsetting per-
than these other variables for incon- cessful performance. Examples of formance characteristics of the elec-
sistent results that he may obtain in these types are shown in Table 1. trodes. Practically all alloys, with
the notch-impact measurements. Since the oxides of iron and man- the exception of titanium, tantalum,

Table 5—Typical Mechanical Properties of E10018 and £11018 Electrode Weld Metals with
Charpy Vee-notched Energy-impact Values at —60° F
Avg. Charpy vee
at —60° F, ft-lb - As welded ——— - Stress Relieved ——
Stress Tensile Yield Reduc- Tensile Yield Reduc-
Size, As relieved, strength, strength, Elonga- tion in strength, strength, Elonga- tion in
i welded 1150° F psi psi tion, % area, % psi tion, % area, %
E10018 type
45 25 110,000 102,000 26.0 73 108 ,000 100 , 000 24 72
42 24 107 ,000 101 ,000 22.5 56 106 ,000 98, 100 23. 69
40 30 107 ,800 91,000 26.0 73 102,500 90 ,000 23. 72
37 24 109,600 92,250 22.5 52 100, 900 92,000 24.§ 69
34 23 101,800 94,100 22.5 73 100 , 800 91,000 24. 71
E11018 type
60 37 114,400 99,000 23.0 65 110,340 97 ,040 24. 70
59 42 116 ,500 100 ,000 22.0 52 114,200 96 ,000 25. 70
65 32 110,000 97 ,000 25.0 72 108 ,000 95 ,000 25. 71
48 26 106 ,000 98 ,000 22.5 69 105 ,000 95 ,000 24. 73
37 23 119,000 101,000 22.5 60 111,200 96 ,500 23. 65


boron and some of the rare earth The electrodes covered by the naval design and construction are
metals, will transfer through the arc MIL-E-19322 specifications, “‘Iron- based upon the production of welded
from a low-hydrogen lime-base powder Low-hydrogen Types,” joints, of satisfactory notch tough-
covering. have created the most interest be- ness, which are suitable for the dy-
The service requirements of the cause of some of their outstanding namic loads inherent in the service.
low-alloy steel arc-welding elec- qualities. Their property of tough- Constant development over the
trodes are now becoming more and ness, as measured by low-tempera- years has produced improved weld-
more exacting. Consumers for ture impact resistance, stands out ing electrodes, from the standpoint
most applications are now requiring as foremost of all their qualities. of notch-toughness and resistance to
the low-hydrogen types. Some con- The 7018 type has already been dis- dynamic loading, along with the
sumers not only require weld metal cussed under the mild-steel topic. necessary information regarding the
of specific mechanical properties The MIL-10018, MIL-11018 and welding procedures and techniques
but also weld metal with a particu- MIL-12018 types, all containing required therewith.
lar composition. Thus in the latest nickel, are made to a specification ‘Research has established that
edition of the AWS-ASTM (AWS requirement of 20 ft-lb Charpy V- to assure the notch toughness of
A5.5-58T) specification for low- notch minimum at —60° F. welded HY80 the weld metals
alloy steel arc-welding electrodes it Electrodes that will produce a should exhibit at least 20 ft-lb
is specified that the weld metal high notch-tough weldment that Charpy V at —60° F and have an
meci a chemical analysis as well as will match the toughness of the new ultimate tensile strength overmatch-
mechanical-properties requirement. heat-treated steels, such as the T-1 ing slightly the ultimate strength of
In this specification the alloy and the HY-80 types, were neces- the base metal.
electrodes have an additional letter sary in the fabrication of these steels. “Electrodes of the MIL-10018
suffix, such as Al, added to the The MIL-10015, MIL-10016, MIL- and MIL-11018 types meet these
standard classification number 10018 and MIL-11018 electrodes qualifications and the following
which designates the chemical com- were developed to fill this need. conditions for their use are stipu-
position of the deposited weld In ship structure investigation lated:
metal. Letter suffixes to designate studies, it has been fairly well es- ““Moisture content guaranteed to
the chemical composition include tablished that a steel is needed that a 0.2% maximum by the electrode
four of the more common alloys: is tough enough to prevent crack manufacturer. In cases involving
the carbon-molybdenum (A1), the propagation which may start from complex structure offering high re-
chromium-molybdenum series (B1, either a built-in notch or one acci- straint or rigidity during welding a
B2, B3 and B4), the nickel steels dently produced, such as arc strike, total water content of 0.1% maxi-
(C1, C2 and C3), and the manga- weld crack, etc., created during the mum is preferable and possibly es-
nese-molybdenum (D1 and D2). In ship fabrication. These quenched sential to safeguard against fissur-
the Al type there are still sizable and tempered steels of the T-1 and ing and cracking in the weld or heat-
quantities of the E7010-Al and HY-80 type are the best available affected zones.
E7011-Al types used but with this in the high-strength classes. “Thus in these cases involving
one exception; the consumer now Pertaining to the application of complex structure, coated electrodes
demands the low-hydrogen types for electrodes and instructions for their should be rebaked at 800° F for 2
all alloy electrodes. use in fabrication of ship structures, hr under condition adequately pro-
Some of the standard alloy-weld- the Bureau of Ships, Department of vided to enhance the removal of
metal compositions now covered by Welding has issued the following in- moisture and then the electrodes
military specifications are given in structions to their personnel: placed in a holding over at 200
Table 2. “In general when using HY80, 300° F until issued to welders

Table 6—Typical Weld-Metal Analysis and Mechanical Properties of Five Commercial Low-Hydrogen Heat-Treatable Electrodes
Temper- — Mechanical properties
ing Tensile R.C.
Test tempera- Weld-metal analysis, % strength, Elonga- hard-
no. Type no. ture ° F Si Cr Ni Mo psi tion, % ness
1 4130° 800 0.23 0.54 1.30 0.15 160,000 15.0 39
1000 137 ,000 19.0 33
1200 112,000 Ww Co 26
4140 450 0.68 0.72 ies 0.33 265 ,000 52
800 200 ,000 45
1000 165,000 38
1200 130,000 ee
nm 28
450 260 ,000 49
800 195 ,000 44
1000 155,000 37
1200 125,000 — 30
600 270,000 53
900 210,000 45
1200 150,000 ~~ coo 33

Hot work 1050 300 ,000 ‘ 56

die steel 1100 270,000 ‘ 53
1150 240 ,000 ; 48

for Idi and resp to heat treatment of SAE 4130 steel.

386-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

Issued electrodes should be returned
to holding ovens after 4 hr. Over-
exposed or wet electrodes are re- Typical Moisture Content
conditioned at 800° F for 2 hr before of Coatings in the As-
placement in holding ovens.” Received Condition are:
Caution should be observed not Brand £7016 £7018 £7028
to overbake by holding too long at 1 0.30 0.25 0.15
high temperature or repeated bak- 2 0. 35 0. 30
ing. 3 0. 33 0.32 0.25
4 0.60 0.35 -<—<—-
Typical Charpy V-notch transi-
tion curves are given in Fig. 3 fora
commercial E11018 and an E11016
electrode weld metal in the as-
welded condition, deposited flat in a
restrained test plate at 100° F
preheat and interpass temperature
described in MIL-E-19322, Fig. 8. %OF
These electrodes must also meet
the 20 ft-lb minimum Charpy V
notch at —60° F in the 1150° F EQUILIBRIUM
stress-relieved condition. The en-
ergy values are lower for the stress-
relieved than in the as-weided con-
dition. Typical values for the
MIL-10018 and MIL-11018 elec-
trode weld-metal Charpy V impact
energies in the as-welded and stress-
relieved conditions, along with the
mechanical properties, are given in
Table 5. In this series of tesis, the Fig. 12—Redrying characteristics of commercial
energy impact values for the MIL- low-hydrogen mild-steel electrodes
11018 run a little higher than the
MIL-10018. This seems to be the
reverse of expectation since the ness. Since that time, several of of the SAE 4340 weld metal, sound
tensile and yield points are higher the aircraft companies have de- crack-free welds may be deposited
for the MIL-11018. However, in veloped structures designed with under restrained conditions.
this series, the manganese and nickel these ultra-high-tensile steels which “Alloys which exhibited low duc-
contents were both higher and the have good ductility and toughness. tility and strength properties were
impact strength improves with an Weld-metal cracking is a major also susceptible to cracking under
increase in nickel and manganese in problem in fabricating weldments restraint.
this concentration range; this, along from high-strength steels which is of “As the carbon content of the
great concern to the aircraft and SAE 43XX steel was increased from
with the welding operator variable,
may account for the results. missile industries because of the 0.20 to 0.59%, only a small decrease
need for joining these high-strength in resistance to hot-cracking was
The impact values in Table 5 were steels. In most structures some noted, provided the sulfur and phos-
obtained from the inspection test filler metals of the same magnitude phorus contents were maintained at
plates made as specified in the in strength as the ultra-high- a low level.
MIL-E-19322(SHIPS) specification strength steel are required. To ‘“‘An increase of sulfur from 0.004
in which the weld metal is deposited reach the strengths and toughness, to 0.036% in SAE 4340 steel weld
in a horizontal position at 200° F high carbon as well as alloys are metals resulted in a decrease in
minimum preheat and _ interpass needed in the weld deposit. Fur- strength and ductility at subsolidus
temperature using T-1 base metal. thermore, to be able to deposit temperatures. These low proper-
The 7 /3.- and '/,-in. diam electrodes crack-free welds under restraint in ties were also illustrated by the de-
are deposited in the flat position these steels, weld metals low in crease in cracking resistance with
only. phosphorus and sulfur content are increased sulfur content.
required. Sopher,” in studying the ‘An increase in phosphorus from
Properties of Ultra-high- effect of chemical composition on 0.004 to 0.017% had little effect on
the cracking resistance of high- the high-temperature properties of
strength Low-hydrogen
strength-steel weld metals, has an SAE 4340 steel. However, a
Electrodes shown that: further increase to 0.039% phos-
A few years ago, one of the major ‘‘Hot cracking of a weld deposit is phorus resulted in a very pronounced
aircraft companies showed that exist- related to the ductility and strength decrease in strength and ductility
ing alloy steels such as 4340 pos- properties just below the nominal at temperatures near the solidus.
sessed dormant properties that could solidus temperature. If the weld These low properties of high-phos-
be utilized for aircraft construction deposit is not capable of deforming phorus weld metal were responsible
at tensile strengths up to 280,000 and thus relieving the stresses that for the very poor cracking resist-
psi by simply lowering the draw are present from contraction during ance. During freezing there was a
temperature below the usual 800 cooling, failure will occur. This segregation of phosphorus which ap-
F. Prior to this, 200,000 psi was failure is integranular; consequently, peared to exist in the alloy as the
considered about the maximum ten- it can usually be traced to a eutectic Fe-Fe,;P eutectic, which has a melt-
sile strength that was safe and still mixture which is the last to freeze. ing point of 1870° F. Fractures in
retain sufficient ductility and tough- “By controlling the composition the tension specimens and weld de-


posits were intergranular and tended 7 and 8. The uniformity of these metal of metal-arc welds, Voldrich''
to pass through the eutectic films.” hardnesses shows the close match in found that the incidence of cold-
The development of the iron- physical properties between weld cracking was definitely related to
powder low-hydrogen coverings has and base metal. the steel properties and hydrogen
enabled the reliable transfer of Figure 9 gives the effect of tem- from the welding electrode. He
carbon from the covering to the pering on tensile strength and elon- showed the results of a number of
weld metal. The weld metal an- gation of these three heat-treatable investigations which lead to the con-
alysis and mechanical properties of electrode deposits quenched from clusion that cold cracking in the
five commercial low-hydrogen heat- 1575° F. heat-affected zone of metal-arc-
treatable electrodes are given in welded joints can occur whenever a
Table 6. A special effort was made critical combination of four factors
The Role of Hydrogen in is present. These factors are hydro-
to keep the sulfur and phosphorus
contents below the values which High-tensile Weld-metal gen, rate of heating and cooling,
Sopher found were necessary in pro- Cracking chemical composition and structure
ducing good cracking resistance. The gases evolved from covered and stress.
The only questionable one in Table electrodes are predominantly CO,, In this investigation, it was shown
6 is No. 5 which has an 0.024% CO, H. and H.O. Mallett and that electrodes with low-hydrogen
phosphorus content. The satis- Rieppel* found there was a direct atmospheres such as stainless steel,
factory test results on cracking re- relationship between hydrogen in and lime-coated ferritic steel types
sistance with this electrode, how- weld metal and hydrogen in the arc produce no cold cracking on an air-
ever, indicated that the phosphorus atmosphere and that there was inci- hardenable steel of composition:
and sulfur contents given in the dence of underbead cracking in base 0.28% carbon, 1.69% manganese,
table are still satisfactory. These metal due to the hydrogen in 0.21% molybdenum. However, the
low sulfur and phosphorus vahies weld metal. Conventional E6010, criterion for a crack-inducing arc at-
were obtained by selecting heats of E6013 and E6020 electrodes with 35- mosphere seems to be the concen-
steel low in sulfur and phosphorus 40% hydrogen in the arc atmosphere tration of hydrogen in the arc at-
for the core wire and by the selec- caused severe underbead cracking in mosphere rather than the absolute
tion of covering compounds and air-hardenable steel, whereas elec- volume of hydrogen. For example,
alloys low in these residuals. Few, trodes with up to 10% hydrogen did an E6012 electrode generated little
if any, of these alloy electrodes not cause cracks in crack-sensitive more hydrogen per inch of electrode
would be possible with other than steel. Hydrogen in ferritic steels than some of the lime-covered fer-
the low-hydrogen-type covering. during normal cooling and room ritic electrodes, yet the hydrogen in
V-notch Charpy impact-energy temperature shows remarkable dif- the E6012 atmosphere was about
curves for three commercial heat- fusibility. Hydrogen contents as 40% as compared to less than 10%
treatable electrodes of 4130, 4140 high as 17 cc /100 g of weld metal are for the low-hydrogen electrode.
and 4340 weld metal compositions reduced to less than 2 cc/100 g in Tests showed that, while the stain-
are given in Figs. 4 and 5. The four days’ storage at room tempera- less and low hydrogen-type elec-
specimens were prepared and tested ture. trodes did not produce cold cracks on
as described under Properties of the above-mentioned steel composi-
Mild-steel Low-hydrogen Elec- tion, while all the others (conven-
trodes. Cold Cracking in the tional E6020, E6012, E6010, etc.)
The hardness survey across the Heat-affected Zone did, all types produced cold cracks
junction of the heat-treated base In his study of the nature of cold- on higher carbon and alloy steel
and weld metal is shown in Figs. 6, cracking in the heat-affected base (0.45 % carbon, 0.70 manganese, 0.50

z +

250 t—J oO o
° Ss
o nN 450 *
3 4
Fig. 13—Rate of moisture loss of typical E7016 electrodes Fig. 14—Rate of moisture loss of typical E7018 electrodes
during redrying at various temperatures with air during redrying at various temperatures with air
entering furnace at 100° F and 100% relative humidity entering furnace at 100° F and 100% relative humidity

388-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

molybdenum, 1.20% chromium and
0.20% vanadium) with the excep- Table 7—Effect of Moisture in the Covering of Typical Mild-steel Low-hydrogen
tion of the low hydrogen with less Electrodes on the X-ray Porosity in Weld Metal Deposited in the Flat Position
than 2% hydrogen. Thus, if it is Exposure time in hours
necessary to weld a steel very high in required for covering to
alloying elements, a_ controlled- absorb the moisture
hydrogen electrode plus a preheat is AWS given in column 3 at
recommended. classification X-ray porosity 68% relative humidity
Figure 10 shows the effect of total Brand no. no. Moisture, % spots/in.? 85° F temperature
moisture in electrode covering on 1 E7016 0.50 106
the diffusible hydrogen in the de- 350
posited weld metal. This graph a
shows that when the total moisture ow
content of the covering is about 80
0.10% that the diffusible hydrogen is =
about 2 cc/100 g of weld metal. 175
Effect of Moisture in the wo a
= < a
Low-hydrogen-electrode 15
Coverings 39
oO 216
Mild-steel Electrodes 52
Moisture in the coverings of low- 120
hydrogen arc-welding electrodes oO 185
has a detrimental effect on the weld- 125
metal quality if present in amounts 216
oo a
above the toleration value.'* This 4
detrimental effect shows up as po- Slee
Vsenrreversy- sh
:-. oI 9
rosity and/or cracking in the weld
metal and fusion zone.
* Exposure time was stopped after 350 hr.
The effects of moisture in the
coverings of seven commercial
brands of low-hydrogen electrodes
of the E7016, E7018, and E7028 weld-metal cracking in the low- C (329° F) to restore freedom from
types on X-ray porosity are given and medium-strength electrodes porosity.
in Table 7. These data show that have been made but the results have These storage conditions given
there is a great variation in the not been too positive. Only when by De Rop and Schmidt-Bach may
amounts of moisture required to these electrodes are used for welding be satisfactory for the two types of
produce X-ray porosity with the dif- an air-hardenable steel, where hy- electrodes described in their paper,
ferent brands and types. drogen is more prone to cause under- but for those produced in the USA
In the E7028 types, moisture pro- bead cracking in the base metal, can our investigations show that a 50%
duced porosity at much lower positive results be measured. Dis- relative humidity or lower would be
amounts than either the E7016 or cussion of the effects of moisture in necessary to prevent the absorption
E7018. Typical rates of moisture the coverings of alloyed low-hydro- of harmful amounts of moisture.
absorption of the electrode cover- gen electrodes on welding air hard- Evidence obtained by Flanigan"
ings at 68% relative humidity and enable steels will be given further on failed to establish a relation of hy-
85° F temperature are shown in Fig. in this report. For the low- and drogen content (which in low-tensile
aa medium-tensile strength low-hydro- electrode weld metal is produced
The redrying data are shown in gen electrodes, the main detrimental from moisture) to ductility except in
Fig. 12. The equilibrium moisture effect of moisture is in causing weld the case where hydrogen is intro-
contents of the coverings at the end metal porosity, and this seldom oc- duced to a hydrogen-free weld by
of the redrying periods are plotted curs until the moisture in the cover- means of acid pickling. By this
against the redrying temperatures. ing has reached around 1.0% or means, an embrittling effect was
These data show that the E7018 higher. produced even when the amount
and E7028 types redry to a given According to De Rop and H. added is less than that present after
moisture level at a lower tempera- Schmidt-Bach,* the absorption of normal welding. This embrittling
ture than the E7016 types. This moisture by the coverings measured effect of acid pickling does produce
would be expected since the cover- at 70% relative humidity after strong evidence that there is a quan-
ings of the E7016 electrodes contain drying 2 hr at 200° C (392° F) was titative isolation of the effect of
more nonmetallic ingredients than approximately 1.4% in 84 hr and at hydrogen in postheating treatments.
the othertwo. The rate of moisture 100% relative humidity, 1.7 to Practically all the ductility improve-
loss on redrying is also greater for 1.9%. They state that up to 1.4% ment produced by low-temperature
the E7018 and E7028 iron-powder moisture, surface beads show no postheating was assigned to the
types than for the E7016, Figs. 13 porosity. Beyond this point, por- elimination of hydrogen.
and 14. The E7018 and E7028 osity usually is observed. Low-hydrogen electrodes that
electrodes come to equilibrium in 1 According to their report elec- have a high-moisture content in
hr using good recirculating ovens trodes stored at 65 % relative humidi- their coverings may show a high-
whereas the E7016 require about 2 ty and below can be exposed indefi- hydrogen content in the weld metal
hr to reach the same equilibrium. nitely without producing porosity. immediately after welding (see Fig.
Attempts to measure the effect of In case the humidity is higher the 10). This relationship between
moisture on the susceptibility of the electrodes may be dried 2 hr at 200° moisture content of the covering


alloy electrodes began near the close
of World War II at the Battelle
Memorial Institute on a project
sponsored and paid for by the Na-
tional Research Council. It was
from this program that the old
NRC2A manganese-molybdenum
electrode was developed.
A study of the quantitative effect
% of moisture in the coverings of these
low-alloy high-tensile electrodes be-
gan after World War II when the
joint Navy-NEMA Committee"!
embarked on the development of
COATING, MIL-230-16 the high-yield notch-tough ferrous
metal for welding armor steel with-
out preheat. The weld-metal com-
CONTENT position and mechanical properties
of these electrodes developed under
this program are given in Table 2—
MIL-E-986 specification.
MIL-260-15 Since there is a difference between
1 i Navy and Army armor, the results
obtained on the Navy armor did not
300 400
seem conclusive to Ordnance and an
investigation of the effect of mois-
Fig. 15—Redrying characteristics of commercial ture in the coatings of these two
Mil-230-16 and Mil-260-15 electrodes electrodes, MIL-230-16 and MIL-
260-15, on the welding of Army
armor was made. Conclusions
and hydrogen in the weld metal was tions of the F values for composi- reached from this investigation are
established by depositing a weld tions given by M. W. Mallett? show shown in Figs. 15 and 16.
bead on a */,-in. thick plate, quench- that the E6010, E6013 and E6020
ing in water 10 sec after completion Results show that moisture in the
electrode coverings give a minus
of the weld and collecting the hydro- value for F. Thus when additional covering of these low-hydrogen elec-
trodes is an important factor in caus-
gen that diffused out of the weld moisture is added to the covering
ing failures when used in the fabrica-
metal over glycerin at 220° F. the actual H, content in the weld
tion of high-tensile steel with little
Many code-writing committees metal becomes less, thus accounting
or no preheat. Moisture below ap-
attempt to control the moisture con- for the beneficial effect of moisture
tent in the electrode covering by in those coverings in reducing the proximately 0.20% in the cover-
ing seemed safe enough when used
specifying a maximum limit of number of “‘fisheyes’”’ in a tensile-
hydrogen in the weld metal. How- test bar. under the restrained conditions of
the test. Moistures between 0.20
ever, the simplest and most positive However, for covering used on the
method of controlling hydrogen is to 0.30% were borderline in producing
low-hydrogen type of electrodes, F is cracks, and above 0.3%, cracking
place a maximum permissible mois- always positive; therefore, an addi-
ture content in the covering as now would generally result.
tional amount of moisture in the
adopted by most of the military covering will always result in in- However, other factors just as im-
specifications. creasing hydrogen content in the portant as moisture in causing cracks
Van den Blink” shows through weld metal. must be considered. Some of these
the equilibrium reaction factors are preheat, operator tech-
Using this formula of Van den
nique, surface profile of the weld
H.O + CO = H, + CO, Blink,” the addition of CaCO,,
metal, and factors affecting the
which on decomposition gives off
that it depends entirely upon the merging or washing up of the weld
CO, gas, will have the same effect
relative values of the partial pres- metal on the side walls of the
in reducing the partial pressure of
sure whether an addition of moisture scarfed joint. Recent unpublished
hydrogen that the increased mois-
to the arc atmosphere will raise or results obtained from a continuation
ture content will have on these elec-
lower the partial pressure of hydro- of the investigation of the effect of
trodes such as the E6010, E6013 and
gen, and that under certain circum- moisture in the coverings of MIL-
E6020 types. There is a limit, how-
stances the partial pressure may 230-16 and MIL-11018 electrodes
ever, to the amount of CaCO, that
decrease because of the diluting show the importance of factors other
can be added to the covering with-
effect of water vapor. A simple than moisture in producing weld-
out upsetting the slag balance and
calculation given by Van den Blink ment cracks when welding 1'/,-in.
impairing the weldability of the
shows that this effect is governed thick armor under high restraint.
electrode. For most of the elec-
by the formula: Electrode coverings of the MIL-
trode-covering compositions in com-
11018 type containing moisture as
, - 1 as Pu x mercial use today this top limit of
high as 0.38% were used to deposit a
1 1 1 1 CaCO; is approximately 45%.
weld in the test joint with no longi-
Puro (5- siPu,0 t Py oO Pco, High-tensile Low-alloy tudinal cracking when the top layers
lf F is always positive then an ad- Electrodes were finished with two beads posi-
dition of H,O will raise the H, pres- The study on the effect of mois- tioned so each bead washed
sure, while if F is negative a lowering ture in the covering on the weld- smoothly into the walls of the
of H, pressure will result. Calcula- metal properties of high-tensile low- scarfed edges, thus eliminating the

390-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

notch that was prone to form when a
single layer was deposited by weav-
ing the full width of the joint. A
few transverse cracks developed,
however, approximately 24 hr after EXTENSIVE CRACKING
welding. Longitudinal cracking de-
veloped in some of the test plates
with moisture contents of only
0.17% in the coverings when the
same electrodes were used by the full
weave technique.
The same beneficial effect in re-
ducing the cracking was accom-
plished by grinding the edges of the BORDERLINE CRACKING
weld of a full weave as soon as the 0.20-0.30% MOISTURE ical
weld was deposited and before it had %MOISTURE,
been allowed to cool. This process 50% R.H., 85 F |
removed the notch effect which in
turn reduced the cracking tendency.
The beneficial effects of preheat, NO CRACKING
likewise, should be stressed in reduc- UNDER 0.20% MOISTURE:
ing the cracking tendency of highly a
restrained joints made in steel of 4 i
high hardenability. Hydrogen in 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
the weldment will have an embrit- TIME IN HOURS
tling effect on newly formed mar- Fig. 16—Rates of moisture absorption by coverings of
tensite but, if a preheat is employed Mil-230-16 and Mil-260-15 electrodes and extent
on the base metal, the rate of weld- of weld-metal cracking in armor plate
metal cooling will be retarded and
some tempering of the martensite
results which reduces the effect of
hydrogen embrittlement. The electrode contains carbon and alloys This can be accomplished by simply
higher the tensile strength of the in sufficient amounts to make pre- raising the storage chamber to 130°
base metal and weld metal, the heating a necessary condition for F minimum temperature. A dry
greater the need of preheating to their usage, that the effects of hy- rod storage oven kept at 175-200°
reduce this effect of hydrogen. drogen in the weld and base metals F is preferable. (2) Electrodes that
Lowering the hydrogen in the weld will be less deleterious than those of have absorbed a harmful amount of
metal also decreases the cracking the nonheat-treatable grades. moisture can be reconditioned for
tendency, but there are practical The actual absorption of the hy- satisfactory use by baking in a well
limits to which the moisture can be drogen in the weldment is greater in ventilated oven at a temperature
reduced in the covering and held the preheated condition over that from 600 to 800° F. The redrying
under fabricating conditions. For condition without preheat but its temperature for a particular brand
example, an atmospheric condition effect is less because of the reasons should be obtained from the elec-
of 83% relative humidity and 85° F explained above. Obviously the trode manufacturer.
(Fig. 16) would allow the covering higher the preheat, the less effective It has become a common practice
to absorb moisture at such a rapid will be the hydrogen in causing now for the consumer of high-tensile
rate that the electrode could not be cracking of the weld metal. low-alloy low-hydrogen electrodes
exposed more than a few minutes to purchase them in hermetically
Care and Storage of sealed metal cans to prevent harm-
before absorbing sufficient moisture
to cause cracking when no preheat Low-hydrogen Electrodes ful moisture absorption in storage.
is used. Overbaking the electrodes According to J. D. Fast,'* a sim- The only precaution required in
to reduce the moisture in the cover- ple practice of keeping the tempera- the care of electrodes packaged in
ing below 0.2% may also produce a ture of the storage room at least this way is to prevent them from
brittle and weak covering which will 10° C higher than the outdoor tem- exposure too long after the sealed
impair the usability characteristics perature, or placing containers filled container is opened. The welder
of the electrode. Cracking resulting with hygroscopic substance in the should be issued electrodes in quan-
from insufficient preheat and mois- storage room, or continuously con- tities sufficient to last not more than
ture above the toleration point is veying dried and heated electrodes approximately one hour at a time.
usually evidenced by transverse into the storage room proved to be Unless the humidity is extremely
cracks in highly restrained weld- sufficient to prevent mild-steel low- high the moisture absorbed will be
ments made in heavy plates, 1'/; in. hydrogen electrode coverings from insufficient to be harmful. ‘The dry-
and above in thickness, of harden- absorbing harmful amounts of mois- rod holding ovens make an excellent
able steel. ture. The investigation of our lab- means of keeping the electrodes
The effects of moisture in the oratory and results in service have from absorbing moisture after the
coverings of high-tensile heat-treat- shown, however, that these simple containers are opened and prior to
able low-hydrogen electrodes have methods, while beneficial, are not issuing them to the welder.
not been investigated in detail like always adequate and the following Summary of Low-hydrogen-
those designed for use with little or more positive methods of storage are
no preheat for service in the as- required: (1) Electrodes packaged electrode Applications
welded or stress-relieved conditions. in nonmoistureproof contaiher These electrodes were originally
It can be reasonably assumed, how- should be kept in storage conditions developed for welding higher
ever, that since a heat-treatable of 50% relative humidity or lower. strength, high carbon, alloy steels


where the other types of electrodes any of the other types. weld metal on the side walls of the
produced “‘underbead cracking.” 2. The functioning of the elec- scarfed joint.
This underbead cracking occurs in trode coverings is better understood 8. Some of the outstanding prop-
the base metal just under the fusion design-wise and desirable weld-metal erties of this type of covered elec-
zone due to the hydrogen. The qualities are more readily attainable. trode are: (a) ability to weld free-
elimination of hydrogen from the Controversial opinions on their machining steels without surface
shielding atmosphere permits this usability characteristics are now and X-ray porosity and weld crack-
type of electrode to be used for the very minor and they are accepted ing, (6) ability to weld drasti-
welding of the most difficulty weld- as having superior properties for cally air-hardening steels without
able steels practically all types of service ap- the formation of underbead crack-
Another popular use for these elec- plication. ing even when not preheated, (c)
trodes is the welding of high-sulfur 3. Iron-powder low-alloy high- ability to allow the introduction of
and free-machining steels. They tensile electrodes have been de- ferro alloys of silicon, manganese,
have also been found useful on mal- veloped with sufficient notch tough- chromium, vanadium, etc., and car-
leable iron, spring steels and the mild ness in the weldment when used on bon without upsetting the perform-
steel side of clad plates. Another the new quenched and tempered ance characteristics.
extensive use has been in welding of steels such as T-1 and the HY-80 Perhaps the property of toughness
steels which will subsequently be steels to prevent crack propagation as measured by low temperature
enameled or glass-lined equipment. of ship structure at freezing tem- impact resistance stands out as fore-
Some of the newer iron powder peratures. most of all their qualities.
EXX18 types are well suited for 4. Ultra-high-strength weld metal It is also possible to match both
fillet welds in high-strength, high- with high-notch ductility produced chemical and physical properties of
carbon or alloy steels. through heat treatment have been most all popular wrought steels and
They are also used extensively in made possible with this type cover- castings with weld metal using the
the casting industries for the repair ing by its ability to allow carbon iron-powder low-hydrogen’ type
welding of castings. Since the char- and alloy additions to pass through coatings.
acteristics of the covering are ideally the coverings to weld metal. Chemi-
suited for the transfer of carbon and cal and physical properties to match References
alloys from the covering into the the ultra-high-strength steels with 1. Mathias, D. L., and Bunk, A. P., ““Develop-
ment and Applications of Lime-Ferritic Elec-
weld metal, the electrodes can and weld metal have also been accom- trodes,” THe WELDING JOURNAL, 26 (3), 209-217
are designed to match the casting plished. (1947).
analysis and this makes it possible 5. There is a definite relationship 2. DeRop, C., and Schmidt-Bach, H., “‘Mois-
ture in Low-Hydrogen Welding Electrodes,”
for the welds to respond to heat between the incidence of cold crack- Ibid., 33 (1), Research Suppl., 39-s (1954).
treatment the same as the casting ing in the heat-affected zone and 3. Mallett, M. W., and Rieppel, P. J., “‘Arc
itself. Atmospheres and Underbead Cracking,” [bid., 25
hydrogen in the arc atmosphere in (11), Research Suppl., 748-s to 759-s (1946).
Still another use of the low-hydro- welding drastically air-hardening 4. Smith, D. C., and Rinehart, W. G.,
gen electrodes is in the fabrication steels. Hydrogen below 2 cc per “Application and Development of Modern Heavy
of aircraft, missile and rocket parts 100 g of weld metal may be neces- Coated Arc-Welding Electrodes,” Ibid., 24 (6),
541-548 (1945).
designed with ultra-high-strength sary to prevent this cold cracking in 5. Franks, E. H., Gayley, C. T., and Wooding,
heat-treatable steels. Low-hydro- drastically air-hardening steel where W. H., “Nickel-Molybdenum-Vanadium Alloy
Steel Shielded Arc Welding Electrodes (Low
gen electrode weld metal to match no preheat is employed. Hydrogen Type),”’ Jnl. Am. Soc. Naval Engrs., 62
base-metal composition is now com- 6. The detrimental effect of high (3), 601-619 (August 1950).
mercially available. moisture in the mild-steel low- 6. Smith, D. C., Rinehart, W. G., and Helton,
D. C., “Properties and Applications of Low-
The extensive use of the mild steel hydrogen covering is its tendency to Hydrogen Iron-Powder Electrodes,” THe WeELD-
EXX18 and the low alloy EXXX18 cause porosity in the weld metal. ING JOURNAL, 35 (4), 341-347 (1956).
type electrodes for ship structure With most low-hydrogen electrodes 7. Claussen, G. E., ““The Metallurgy of Cov-
ered Electrode Weld Metal,” Jbid., 28 (1), 12-24
welding has made it possible to (except the E7028), the moisture (1949).
match the toughness in the weld to must be above approximately 1.0% 8. Leder, P. L. J., Brit. Welding Jnl., 274
that of the base material. before porosity results. With the (June 1957).
E7028 type, porosity occurs when 9. Mallett, M. W., “‘Note on the Influence of
The alloyed EXXX16 and EX- CaCO; Additions to the Electrode Coating on the
XX18 are fast replacing the austen- the moisture in the coverings is Composition of the Arc Atmosphere,” THe WELp-
itic type 307 in the fabrication of all above approximately 0.4%. ING JOURNAL, 27 (1), Research Suppl., 28-s (1948).
10. Pellini, W. S., “Notch Ductility of Weld
types of high-strength heat treat- 7. Moisture in the coverings of Metal,” Jbid., 35 (5), Research Suppl., 217-6 to
able steels. low-alloy high-tensile low-hydrogen 233-8 (1956).
Many industries have adopted the electrodes is an important factor in 11. Voldrich, C. B., “Cold Cracking in the
Heat-Affected Zone,” IJbid., 26 (3), Research
use of the EXX16 or EXX18 to causing failures when used in the Suppl., 153-s-169-s (1947).
reduce the number of types in stock. fabrication of high-tensile steel with 12. Fast, J. D., “Low-Hydrogen Welding
In general, these electrodes can little or no preheat. Moisture be- Rods,” Ibid., 32 (6), 516-520 (1953).
low approximately 0.20% seemed 13. Smith, D. C., Rinehart, W. G., and Johan-
be used for welding mild, medium- nes, K. P., “Effect of Moisture in the Coatings of
carbon, alloyed and high-carbon satisfactory under the restrained Low-Hydrogen Iron-Powder Electrodes,” Jbid.,
steels in all ranges of section thick- conditions of these tests. Moisture 35 (7), Research Suppl., 313-s to 322-s (1956).
between 0.20—0.30% was borderline 14. Flanigan, A. E., “An Investigation of the
ness and electrodes are commercially Influence of Hydrogen on the Ductility of Arc
available with weld-metal composi- and above 0.30% cracking usually Welds in Mild Steel,” Jbid., 26 (4), Research
tions matching practically all types resulted when all other variables Suppl., 193-s to 214-s (1947).
of popular steels. were held constant. 15. van den Blink, W. P., “Note on the Influ-
ence of the Water-Content of an Electrode-Coat-
Other factors just as important as ing on the Hydrogen-Content of Weld Metal,”’
Conclusions moisture in causing cracks are: Ibid.,26 (7), Research Suppl., 369-s to 370-s (1947).
16. Smith, D. C., “Evolution of High-Tensile
1. Low-hydrogen electrode de- Lack of sufficient preheat, poor Weld Metal with Low-Hydrogen Electrodes,”
velopments have now progressed to operator technique, surface profile Ibid., 36 (7), 677-692 (1957).
where weldments produced with of the weld metal and factors affect- 17. Sopher, R. P., “Effects of Chemical Com-
position on Cracking Resistance,” Jbid., 37 (11),
their use have superior qualities to ing the merging or washing up of 481-8 to 493-s (1958).

392-s | SEPTEMBER 1959

Preheating carbon-moly tubing with Victor Model J27 torch
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The first time you try Airco’s new EASY ARCSTART Electrodes striking end of EASY ARCSTART Electrodes — a special metal-
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