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Unit 1 Grammar Practice

Level 3

1 Circle the correct form of the verbs. &
3 Put the time expressions into the correct
1 People spend / are spending more and more
time in front of their computers.
two weeks the beginning of winter
2 Do you usually cycle / Are you usually cycling more than an hour a couple of days
to school? last April as long as I can remember
such a short time my birthday
3 I need / am needing some cash to buy our ®rst date forty minutes ago
4 It seems like the summers get / are getting
for since
longer and hotter every year.
5 She settles / is settling quite nicely into her two weeks
................................. .................................
new school. ................................. .................................
6 His second novel really stands out / is ................................. .................................
standing out as his best.
................................. .................................
7 I hope / am hoping I do well in this test.
................................. .................................
8 Do you try / Are you trying to be funny?

2 Complete the sentences with the present
simple or present continuous form of the
4 Choose the correct answer a, b or c.
1 We haven't seen that movie ................. .
a yet b already c still
is getting more and more dif®cult to ®nd
1 It .................
a job these days. (get) 2 I've ................. heard their new CD.
a yet b already c still
2 Greg ................. £10 per week for keeping

his room clean! (get) 3 You ................. haven't given me my
birthday present.
3 Mum is in the kitchen. She ................. ®sh
a just b already c still
pie. (cook)
4 He's ................. bought a new mobile
4 She ................. ®sh pie every Friday. (cook)
5 I ................. you use that mobile phone too a yet b still c just
much. (think)
5 Have you spoken to your parents about
6 Be quiet, please. I ................. (think).
your job .................?
7 Carla has changed schools so often. She a just b yet c still
always ................. in very quickly. (settle)

6 Has Kerry ................. ®nished her

8 We moved here last month, and we homework?
a already b yet c still
................. in very well, thank you. (settle)
7 I ................. haven't tried Turkish food.
a yet b still c just
8 Hello? Police? Someone has .................
stolen my car!
a just b yet c still

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 1

Unit 2 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Circle the correct time expressions. &
3 Write sentences using the past simple form
of the verb in brackets.
1 I've seen Simon in school last week / today.
1 I've lived in London for ®ve years. (move)
2 Have you done your homework yesterday /
yet? I moved to London ®ve years ago.

3 Tom met his wife two years ago / for two 2 I've known Martin since December. (meet)
years. ....................................................................
4 When I was born / Since I was born I had 3 We've owned this car since last summer.
red hair. (buy)
5 She has never / last year been on a plane. ....................................................................
6 He wrote a book about deafness since he 4 I've been able to juggle since I was two years
was 25 / when he was 25. old. (learn)
7 Have the children saved much money ....................................................................
this month / last month?
5 They've been married for ®fty years. (get)
8 Did you buy that CD today / already?
9 I've worked here for two weeks / two weeks
6 I've had this cold for a week. (catch)

2 Write sentences using the present perfect of
the verb in brackets.
7 We've been friends since I saved her life.
1 I moved to London ®ve years ago, and I'm ....................................................................
still here. (live)
8 She has been here since yesterday. (arrive)
I've lived in London for ®ve years.

2 Dan started work here a month ago. (work)
.................................................................... &
4 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of say or tell.
3 She met Mark when she was a child. (know)
1 I laughed all evening. The comedian
.................. a lot of funny jokes.
4 I learned to drive seven years ago. (be able)
2 `I'm sorry. I didn't understand you. Can you
.................. it again, please?'
5 We got here at 10 pm. (be)
3 It's polite to .................. `thank you' after

dinner at a friend's house.
6 We bought this house when we won the
4 My teacher .................. me off because I
lottery. (have)
was late for class again.
5 We .................. goodbye when the party
7 She had £100, now she has £30. (spend) ended.
.................................................................... 6 In church, people often sit quietly and
8 I enjoyed skiing when we went on holiday .................. prayers.
to Austria, and I still enjoy it. (like)
7 My brother is colour-blind. He can't
.................. the difference between colours.
8 She .................. me a secret about her
house yesterday. It's haunted!

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 2

Unit 3 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Match the two parts of the sentences.
1 I was walking in the park a when her son got home.
2 While we were working b as soon as his head hit the pillow.
3 Did anyone call me c as the sun came up over the ocean.
4 She started to cook dinner d the children were playing.
5 As soon as I heard the news e when a dog bit me.
6 We were lying on the beach f I phoned Sam to tell him about it.
7 He fell asleep g while I was sleeping?
1. ....... 2. ....... 3. ....... 4. ....... 5. ....... 6. ....... 7. .......

2 Choose the correct time expression, a, b or c. the window and my dog 8 ...........................
as soon as
1 I phoned you ................................ I got (sit) on the sofa. This was very strange, because
home. my dog always stays outside, and I'm sure I
a while b as soon as c as 9
........................... (remember) to close the
2 ................................ she was watching TV,
curtains last night. Then, I 10 ...........................
a bird ¯ew in though the window.
(see) a letter.
a Then b While c As soon as
3 Did you remember to lock the door left?
4 Rewrite the sentences with had in the
correct place.
a while b then c when 1 By the time I got to the stadium, the game
4 He had an idea ................................ he was started.
driving home that evening. By the time I got to the stadium, the game

a as b as soon as c then had started.
5 ................................ she entered the room,
2 She told me a joke, but I heard it before.
everyone fell silent.
a Then b As soon as c While ....................................................................

6 ................................ you saw Tony last 3 When Dan got home the house was a mess.
night, did he look angry? What happened?
a Then b As c When ....................................................................

3 Complete the text with the past simple or
past continuous form of the verbs.
4 I suddenly remembered I left the front door

I think someone 1 ........................... (come)
5 How the cat escaped? Nobody could
into my house late last night while I
understand it.
........................... (sleep). When I
........................... (get up) this morning, the
6 My girlfriend already bought tickets for the
radio 4 ...........................(play) classical music cinema, but I didn't want to go.
in the kitchen ± but I never listen to classical ....................................................................
music! So I ........................... (turn) it off and 7 Greg didn't tell me where he got all that
........................... (go) in to the living room. money from.
The sun 7 ........................... (shine) through ....................................................................

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 3

Unit 4 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Circle the correct form of the verbs. 7 His eyes are red and sore. He is in the
kitchen, holding a knife.
1 I have worked / have been working on the
car all morning, and I am exhausted. ....................................................................

2 You have read / have been reading that

book for weeks! &
3 Circle the correct word a, b or c.
1 You'd better try harder if you want to get in
3 She says she has seen / has been seeing this
the team.
a ought b better c should
4 How long have you known / have you been
2 Tim ................... ask Tina to go out on a
knowing Mark?
5 I haven't had / haven't been having this a ought b better c should
camera for long.
3 What do you think I ................... to do?
6 Have you decided / Have you been deciding a ought b better c should
what to do when you leave school?
4 You ................... not speak to your mother
7 Where have you been? I 've tried / 've been like that.
trying to phone you for the past two hours. a ought b better c should
8 Your clothes are ®lthy! What have you done 5 You look exhausted. I think you'd
/ have you been doing?
................... go home.
9 Sarah hasn't visited / hasn't been visiting a ought b better c should
Paris before.
6 How ................... I tell Peter the bad news?

2 What have they been doing? Read the
situations and write sentences using the
a ought b better c should
7 She ................... to know better by now.

verbs in the box. She's nearly eighteen!
a ought b better c should
swim cut play watch
work eat ®ght 8 You had ................... not do anything until
I get there.
1 He looks hot and tired. He is carrying a a ought b better c should
tennis racquet.
He has been playing tennis.
4 Complete the dialogue with should, ought,
or better.
2 She is sitting in front of the TV. She is crying.
Tom: I really like Fiona, and I'd like to ask
her out. But she's going out with Frank.

3 The children's faces are covered in should

What 1 ................... I do?
Carla: I think you 2 ................... wait and see
how long the relationship with Frank lasts.
4 He is wearing a swimming costume. He is
wet. Tom: You don't think I 3 ................... to ask

.................................................................... her out anyway?

5 He has a black eye, and his shirt is torn. Carla: No, you'd 4 ................... not.

.................................................................... Tom: But if she doesn't like him, why

6 Her jeans are covered in oil. She is in the ................... I wait?
garage. Carla: Because Frank is much bigger than you!

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 4

Unit 5 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Put the words in the correct order to make 5 ............................ (you / compete) in the
next Olympics?
1 going / repair / bike / my / tomorrow / to / I'm 6 Take it easy, or you ............................ (hurt)
I'm going to repair my bike tomorrow. yourself.
7 Have you heard? Greg and Diane
2 stopped / be / you / at / customs / will
............................ (have) a baby.
8 I think I ............................ (go) home and
3 leaving / this / afternoon / are / we
have a long hot bath.
9 She ............................ (stop) smoking. She
4 a sailor / be / going / he / is / to
has made a promise.
5 father / be / your / very / will / happy &
4 Circle the best sentence in the following
1 Someone is knocking on the door.
6 snow / this / it's / to / going / afternoon
a) That will be the postman with a delivery.
.................................................................... b) That is going to be the postman with a
7 seeing / doctor / the / I'm / Tuesday / next delivery.
.................................................................... 2 What have you planned for the bank
8 walk / going / we're / to / school / today / to
a) We'll go to the seaside.
.................................................................... b) We're going to go to the seaside.

2 Make the sentences in Exercise 1 negative.
3 Have you made an appointment to see the

I'm not going to repair my bike tomorrow.
1 .................................................................... a) Yes, I'll see him next Tuesday at 11.30.
2 .................................................................... b) Yes, I'm seeing him next Tuesday at
3 ....................................................................
4 .................................................................... 4 What is the weather forecast for southern
England next week?
5 ....................................................................
a) It'll be warm and sunny.
6 .................................................................... b) It's being warm and sunny.
7 .................................................................... 5 Can you come to my house tonight?
8 .................................................................... a) Sorry, I'm playing in a tennis match.

b) Sorry, I'll play in a tennis match.

3 Complete the sentences. Use will or
(be) going to.
6 Have you made any arrangements for the
1 We've decided on our holiday destination. a) Yes, I'll send out the invitations on
are going to visit (visit) some friends in Monday.
We ............................
b) Yes, I'm sending out the invitations on
2 Perhaps we ............................ (see) each
other at the concert?
3 Look! Stella ............................ (dive) into
the swimming pool.
4 That's it. I ............................ (not / help) you
with your homework ever again.

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 5

Unit 6 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are some extra words that you won't need.
is likely to cry might be might buy will probably crash won't argue
might not believe isn't likely to help might sing probably won't notice will pass

might be
1 Yes, okay. Let's go to Helen's party. It ............................ fun.
2 If Tony doesn't drive more carefully he ............................ before long.
3 She is a very emotional woman, and she ............................. if she sees a sad ®lm.
4 Go ahead, apply for that stupid job. I ............................ with you.
5 You can try turning the computer off and then on again, but it ............................
6 Mum ............................ if you just take a couple of pounds out of her purse.
7 I'm pretty sure that I ............................ my driving test this time.
8 I'm going to tell the police about this, but I'm worried that they ............................ me.
9 I've heard their new CD is pretty good, so I ............................ it.

2 Circle the correct words. &
3 Circle the correct time conjunction.
1 Yes, you can borrow my laptop if / unless 1 Let's wait here until / as soon as it stops
you are very careful with it. raining.
2 We'll go to the park this afternoon if / unless 2 Can you give this to Len when / as soon as
it's not raining. he comes home?
3 You're going to be late if / unless you get 3 When / If I heard the news, I phoned my
out of bed now. sister.

4 I'll go home now if / unless there is 4 Don't do it unless / as soon as you have to.
something else you want me to do. 5 If / Until you see Sandra, tell her I want to
5 Children can come in to the club if / unless speak to her.
there is an adult with them. 6 I'll be at home if / until 8 o'clock, then I'm
6 I never worry about anything if / unless it is going out.
really important. 7 Does it hurt when / until I do this?
7 If / Unless you don't stop drinking so much, 8 As soon as / If we touched down at the
she'll leave you. airport, Dan woke up.
8 If / Unless he apologises, I'll forgive him.

9 I'll work here when / until I earn enough

9 If / Unless he apologises, I won't forgive him. money to start my own business.

4 Match the two parts of the sentences.
1 You'll be late a I'd probably walk more.
2 If I had a dog b your skin would probably look healthier.
3 When I watch a lot of TV c unless you leave now.
4 As soon as we arrive d I get a headache.
5 You should stay at home e we can give them the present.
6 If you ate more fruit f until you feel better.
1. ....... 2. ....... 3. ....... 4. ....... 5. ....... 6. .......

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 6

Unit 7 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Complete the sentences using the causative have.
1 Mr Poor makes his breakfast himself. 4 Mr Poor polishes his own shoes.
Mr Rich has his breakfast made for him.
.................................................................... Mr Rich .......................................................
2 Mr Poor repairs his car himself. 5 Mr Poor cuts his own ®ngernails.
Mr Rich ....................................................... Mr Rich .......................................................
3 Mr Poor does his shopping himself. 6 Mr Poor shaves his face himself.
Mr Rich ....................................................... Mr Rich .......................................................

2 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect passive form of the verbs.
has been knocked down
A lot of things have changed in my town over the years. My old school 1 ........................................
(knock down), and a sports centre 2 ............................ (built) in its place. What used to be a bingo hall
............................ (change) into a multi-storey car park. A lot more people live here now, so a lot of
new houses 4 ............................ (put up) for them to live in. It's a much cleaner and safer place now, as
well. The town centre 5 ............................ (clean up), and the crime problem 6
(solve). Apparently, they are going to build a big new shopping centre in the town, but we
............................ (not / tell) when the construction will begin. I'm looking forward to it!

3 Read the text. Some of the lines have an extra, unnecessary word. Write the words at the end of
the line. If the line is correct, put a tick (3).
When we are be elected, we promise that we will never raise taxes, be
1 .......................
and that the minimum wage will be increased to £5 per hour. The 3
2 .......................

previous government has been criticised for managing the economy 3 .......................
poorly, and it is true. They made up a real mess of the international 4 .......................
trade negotiations, and now we so must make an effort to repair 5 .......................
the damage that they have been done. It will not be easy, but it is 6 .......................
necessary. All that we are ask is to be given a chance to show the people 7 .......................
of this country that progress can be made for; that both happiness and 8 .......................
prosperity are possible for the majority; and that, with your support, 9 .......................
this country that can once again become the great nation it once was. 10 .......................

4 Rewrite the sentences using the word given. Use between 2 and 5 words, including the word given.
1 They dropped Maria from the basketball 4 French is spoken in many parts of Canada.
team. was speak
was dropped
Maria ....................................... from the They ................................. in many parts
basketball team. of Canada.
2 The police stopped me on the way home. by 5 They haven't built the new sports
I ....................................... on the way home. centre yet. been

3 We arranged for someone to paint our The new sports centre .................................
garage. had yet.

We ....................................... painted.

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 7

Unit 8 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Circle the correct words. &
2 Put the words in the correct order.
1 We are not allowed / let to wear trainers at 1 allowed / aren't / to / you / eat / here / in
school. You aren't allowed to eat in here.
2 My mother allows / makes me wash the 2 to / have / I / do / shopping / you / with / go ?
dishes every evening.
3 You can't make / let me do it if I don't want
3 must / on / the left / you / drive / the UK / in
4 Do your parents allow / let you watch violent
®lms on the TV? 4 smoke / on / mustn't / you / planes
5 Sorry. I'm not allowed / let to give you that ....................................................................
information. 5 doesn't / Tom / to / for / wait / us / have
6 At camp, they made / allowed us run ®ve ....................................................................
miles before breakfast.
6 borrow / she / mobile / can / my
7 Is your dog allowed / let to sit on the
7 you / no, / in / can't / come
8 The teacher didn't allow / let us go home
until everyone had ®nished their work. ....................................................................

9 Did someone make / allow you wear that

awful shirt?

3 Complete the sentences. Use must, mustn't or not have to and the verb in brackets.
1 You ................................... (use) your mobile phone in the library.

2 When you enter a new country, you ................................... (show) your passport.
3 You ................................... (come) to my party if you don't want to. But it will be fun!
4 Children under four ................................... (be) accompanied by an adult.
5 Be quiet when you come home ± you ................................... (wake) the baby.
6 Don't worry. You ................................... (®nish) the job today. Tomorrow will be ®ne.
7 You ................................... (be) mad to work here ± but it helps!
8 We will probably get there on time, but we ....................................(hurry).
9 Slow down! You ................................... (drive) so fast. We might have an accident.

4 Complete the sentences using can, can't, or don't have to.
you don't have to
a ................................... go to work.
1 When you are on holiday . . .
b ................................... eat in restaurants every evening.
a ................................... smoke.
2 When you are in a hospital . . .
b ................................... show your passport.
a ................................... talk to colleagues.
3 When you are at work . . .
b ................................... sleep at your desk.
a ................................... eat everything on your plate.
4 When you are in a restaurant . . .
b ................................... tell the waiter what you want.

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 8

Unit 9 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Put the verbs in the correct column.
miss promise hope practise offer suggest feel like afford ask
decide imagine expect learn don't mind detest enjoy

+-ing form (gerund) + in®nitive

.......................... ..........................
.......................... ..........................
.......................... ..........................
.......................... driving a car .......................... to drive a car
.......................... ..........................
.......................... ..........................
.......................... ..........................
.......................... ..........................

2 Circle the correct word. 4 On our way home, we stopped ....................
a pizza. (buy)
1 Sarah really enjoys working / to work here.
5 The doctor said I should try ....................
2 I didn't expect ®nding / to ®nd the ®lm so
these tablets. They might help. (take)
6 I've been trying .................... you all
3 Can you imagine living / to live in the North
morning. Is your mobile switched off ?

4 I don't really feel like going / to go out
7 Would you like ..................... to the theatre
with me? (come)
5 We can't afford buying / to buy a new car
8 Oh no! I didn't remember ....................
this year.
Mike the key to the front door. (give)
6 I promise phone / to phone you as soon as I
get home.
4 Right (3) or wrong (7)? Correct the wrong
7 Did you remember posting / to post that sentences.
letter I gave you this morning? 1 I tried ®nishing the puzzle, but it
was too hard.

8 I don't mind sharing / to share my lunch

with you. I tried to ®nish the puzzle, but it was too hard.
9 He hopes becoming / to become a great 2 Sheila really enjoys to shop. &
writer one day. ....................................................................

3 Complete the sentences with the correct
3 I wasn't expecting seeing you here. &
form of the verbs. ....................................................................
to return
1 Will you remember ....................
to the library please? (return)
this book 4 You need to practise more, or you'll
fail your driving test.
2 I don't remember .................... to the boss ....................................................................
at the of®ce party last week. (talk)
3 Please stop .................... ! I can hear you.
5 The teacher promised not giving us
any new projects this term.
(shout) ....................................................................

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 9

Unit 10 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Circle the correct form of the verb. &
3 Write sentences with I wish . . . or If only . . .
1 If you had / would have the money, would 1 I can't play the piano.
you buy that house? I could play the piano.
I wish ..........................................................
2 If I could live anywhere, I live / would live in 2 She smokes.
If only .........................................................
3 She would be happy if she had / would have
3 I don't like parties.
a bigger ¯at.
I wish ..........................................................
4 My dad was / would be very disappointed if
I left school without any quali®cations. 4 I'm lazy.
5 Would you walk to work if you didn't have / If only .........................................................
wouldn't have a car? 5 He isn't polite.
6 If nobody broke / would break the law, we I wish ..........................................................
wouldn't need prisons.
6 My mobile isn't working.
7 Your car broke down / would break down if
If only .........................................................
you didn't put oil in it.
7 It's raining.
8 Dan would be very annoyed if you let /
would let him down. I wish ..........................................................

2 Use the correct tense of the verbs to &
4 Right (3) or wrong (7)? Correct the wrong
complete the sentences. sentences.

1 I can't read this letter. If only I 1 What would you do if they would
give you too much change?

............................. my glasses with me.
What would you do if they gave you
2 If only I ............................. (earn) more
too much change?
3 I wish Ted ............................. (not smoke) 2 I will tell you his number if I knew it. &
so much. It makes the whole house smell! ....................................................................
4 I wish I ............................. (speak) Italian. 3 Will you come and visit me if you will
have time?
5 If only I ............................. (know) more
people. I could have a party. ....................................................................
6 I wish I ............................. (can) swim like a
4 He might get angry if you don't keep
your promise.

7 If only it ............................. (snow) more ....................................................................

often here. I love skiing! 5 I wouldn't do that if I was you. &
8 I wish you ............................. (not play) ....................................................................
your music so loud.
9 If only you ............................. (do) what I
6 You can have what's in the fridge
if you could get hungry.
told you, you wouldn't get into trouble.
7 If only there was a park near my house. &
8 I wish I haven't taken the magazine
from the shop.

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 10

Unit 11 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Match the two parts of the sentences.
1 You can't be thirsty. a It sounds a bit stressful.
2 She must be tired. b This is an exciting game.
3 He must be French. c She failed all her exams.
4 She can't be pleased. d They look quite similar.
5 He might be her brother. e You've just drunk a litre of water.
6 She might not take the job. f She's been up since 4 am.
7 You can't be bored. g He has a perfect accent.
1. ....... 2. ....... 3. ....... 4. ....... 5. ....... 6. ....... 7. .......

2 Circle the correct words. 4 The exam is tomorrow. They aren't studying
1 Although / Despite they were very expensive, much. (in spite of )
I bought the shoes. ....................................................................
2 The special effects were excellent. Despite / 5 Our new teacher is friendly. The lessons are
However, the acting wasn't very good. more dif®cult. (however)
3 Even though / In spite of I had a lot of ....................................................................
homework, I watched TV all evening. 6 It was raining hard. I walked to school.
4 My sister and I usually get on well, although (even though)
/ despite arguing sometimes. ....................................................................
5 Although / However I was tired after school,
I took the dog for a walk. &
4 Right (3) or wrong (7)? Correct the wrong
6 Why are you always late, despite / even

though you have a bus stop outside your
1 In spite of he is 78, he still plays

7 However / In spite of not winning the Although/Even though he is 78, he still

match, our team played as well as they plays football.
8 Although / Despite being on a diet, my
2 I don't feel nervous, despite have the
exam this afternoon.
father still doesn't do much exercise.

3 Combine the two ideas. Use the linker at the 3 Although standing up, we couldn't
see the match.
end. There may be more than one possible

answer. ....................................................................
1 The sun's shining. It's really cold outside.
4 I didn't get a reply, even though I
emailed him twice.
The sun's shining. However, it's really cold
.................................................................... ....................................................................
2 He's got an expensive camera. He hardly ever
5 Not despite having a ticket, we
managed to get in.
uses it. (although) ....................................................................
3 She didn't call the dentist. She's got
6 My sister loves football, although
she hasn't joined a team yet.
toothache. (despite) ....................................................................

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 11

Unit 12 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Complete the sentences. 4 the match / why / cancelled / me / you /
can / they / tell /
he is
1 I wonder how old ..............................
(he / be) ....................................................................

2 Where .............................. ? (you / live) 5 you / know / if / open / is / do / on Sunday /

this shop
3 I don't know where ..............................
(she / work) ....................................................................

4 Nobody knows what .............................. 6 is / name / do / what / know / her / you

(her name / be) ....................................................................
5 What .............................. ? (his phone 7 if / won / can / me / you / England / tell
number / be)
6 I don't understand why ..............................
(this / work) &
3 Complete the conversation with must have,
7 Why .............................. ? (that / happen) can't have or might have and the verb in
8 We'd like to know how ..............................
must have been
Andy: Wow. It 1 ...................................... (be)
(he / feel)
a great party last night. Look at the mess
9 How .............................. ? (I / look) in here!

2 Put the words in the correct order to make
Sue: Where's Dan. Have you seen him?
Andy: I'm not sure. I suppose he
1 you / know / do / starts / the ®lm / when ...................................... (go) home.
Do you know when the ®lm starts? Sue: No, he 3 ...................................... (go)

2 tell / the supermarket / can / me / where /
Andy: How do you know?
you / is
.................................................................... Sue: Because his bike is in the garden!
Andy: Oh dear. He 4 ......................................
3 Mark's / you / know / address / do
(fall) asleep somewhere. Let's check all
the rooms.

4 Read the text. Some of the lines have an extra, unnecessary word. Write the words at the end
of the line. If the line is correct, put a tick (3)
We had a fantastic day when we went to visit Stonehenge! It was 3
1 .......................

the most amazing place I have ever been to already. Nobody really already
2 .......................
knows how it was built. My cousin thinks it must to have been built by 3 .......................
aliens, but I think that's a silly idea. I don't understand why are aliens 4 .......................
would do that. But it is hard to understand the reason those huge 5 .......................
stones are there. Some people say they maybe might have been built as 6 .......................
a kind of calendar. Others do think that they could have been used as a 7 .......................
kind of church. Whatever the truth is, one thing is certain: the stones 8 .......................
are very beautiful. If you haven't seen them yet, I very recommend that 9 .......................
you pay them a visit. You will have never forget it! 10 .......................

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 12

Unit 13 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Circle the correct verb form to complete the &
2 Change to reported speech using the verbs
sentences. given.
1 She offered to do / doing some shopping 1 ``I'm sorry for hurting him.'' (apologise for)
for me. apologised for hurting him.
She .............................................................
2 I apologised to be / for being late. 2 ``You are right, it is a stupid idea.'' (agree)
3 I invited them to join / joining the team. He ..............................................................
4 I asked them to do / that I do my homework 3 ``No, I won't go out with him.'' (refuse)
for me.
She .............................................................
5 I persuaded them to stay / staying at the
4 ``Please, please lend me the car Mum.'' (beg)
He ..............................................................
6 She refused going / to go to the lesson.
5 ``Why don't we go for a swim?'' (suggest)
7 He agreed to help / helping with the
housework. She .............................................................
8 I suggested going to / to go to the park for 6 ``Would you like to come to dinner
a picnic. with me, Mary?'' (invite)

9 They begged him lend / to lend them the He ..............................................................

money. 7 ``She's a very considerate person.'' (say)
He ..............................................................

3 Read the text. Some of the lines have an extra, unnecessary word. Write the words at the end of the
line. If the line is correct, put a tick (3)

It was my aunt's wedding last week. We had a really great time 3
1 .......................
but it was quite an unusual day. My aunt had always said so that she so
2 .......................
wanted a church wedding, but she could not persuade to her ®ance 3 .......................
to agree to that because he doesn't like churches. He suggested for 4 .......................
getting married at the local football stadium, but she refused to even 5 .......................
discuss about that idea! Eventually, they agreed to have the ceremony 6 .......................
on a beach in Jamaica. Of course, not everyone could afford to travel 7 .......................
so far, so I offered that to ®lm the whole thing on my digital camera, and 8 .......................

to broadcast it over the internet. In this way, everyone was could watch 9 .......................
the ceremony while they sitting in front of their computers at home! 10 .......................

4 Rewrite the sentences using the word given.
Use between 2 and 5 words, including the
3 ``I'm sorry that I forgot the ring,'' he
said. (for)
word given.
He .......................................... the ring.
1 ``I like him,'' she said. (that)
4 She refused to get off the bus. (won't)
said that she liked
She .......................................... him.
``I .......................................... the bus,''
2 The teacher asked me to sit down. (you)
she said.
``Can .........................................., please?''
5 ``Let's go for a walk.'' (going)
the teacher asked me.
He .......................................... a walk.

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 13

Unit 14 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Circle the correct word a, b or c.
would have
1 If I had known about it, I ........................... told you.
a had b would have c will have
2 She would have been horri®ed if she ........................... seen the accident.
a had b would have c will have
3 If you ........................... him an ice-cream, he might have had a tantrum.
a didn't buy b wouldn't buy c hadn't bought
4 They ........................... furious if you hadn't sorted it out.
a would have been b had been c were
5 If he ........................... apologised, she would have forgiven him.
a would b had c would have
6 You ........................... regretted it if you hadn't asked her out.
a had b would have c will have

2 Match the two parts of the sentences.
1 If I had known you were coming, a if I lost this game.
2 He'd take a shot b she'd have screamed.
3 If she had been frightened, c we might not have got lost.
4 I wouldn't have done it d if you had run out of petrol?
5 How would you have got home e I'd have baked a cake.
6 I'd be embarrassed f if he thought he could score.
7 If we'd had a map g if I hadn't wanted to.

1. ....... 2. ....... 3. ....... 4. ....... 5. ....... 6. ....... 7. .......

3 Complete the sentences with should have or
shouldn't have.
4 Rewrite the sentences using the word given.
Use between 2 and 5 words, including the
word given.
1 ``Ouch! I burnt my ®nger on the cooker.''
shouldn't have touched it.'' 1 I didn't see him, so I didn't tell him. (told)
``You .........................
I would have told
If I had seen him, ................................. him.
2 ``I went to the chemist, but it was closed.''
2 I regret not bringing my sunglasses
``You ......................... phoned them ®rst.''
with me. (only)
3 ``Someone stole my bike.''
If ................................. my sunglasses

``You ............................ locked it.'' with me.

4 ``Oh no, my towel is soaking wet.'' 3 You should have remembered her
``You ........................ left it by the pool.'' birthday. (forgotten)
5 ``I'm freezing.'' You ................................. her birthday.
``You ......................... put on more clothes.'' 4 I didn't go to the class, so I didn't
6 ``I'm exhausted.'' understand the homework. (understood)

``You ......................... gone to bed so late.'' If I had gone to the class,

I ................................. the homework.
7 ``I'm starving.''
``You ......................... had some lunch.'' 5 I didn't go to see that ®lm, and I
regret it. (have)
I ................................. to see that ®lm.

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 14

Unit 15 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Make one sentence from two. &
2 Circle the correct word.
Use who / that / which.
1 The little boy, ......................... name was
1 A man lives next door. He is a teacher.
Timmy, was crying.
who lives next door is a teacher.
The man ..................................................... a who b whose c which
2 A student was asleep in class today. He has 2 He's from Scotland, ......................... they
got extra homework now. make good whisky.
The student ................................................ a where b when c what

3 A bus goes past my house. It leaves at 7.00. 3 My Uncle Tom, ......................... works for
the police, caught a burglar yesterday.
The bus .......................................................
a which b whose c who
4 A dog ate your dinner. It belongs to my
4 I haven't seen Psycho, ......................... is
one of the scariest ®lms ever made.
The dog ...................................................... a what b which c who
5 A ®lm is on TV tonight. It's very funny. 5 Tolkien, ......................... books are sold all
The ®lm ...................................................... over the world, was an Oxford professor.
a whose b which c where

3 Complete each sentence. Use a de®ning or a non-de®ning clause. Use commas where necessary.
There is sometimes more than one possible answer.
1 I was looking for a CD this morning. I still haven't found it.
the CD that/which I was looking for this morning.
I still haven't found ............................................................................................................................
2 Our house is in the city centre. We bought it two years ago.

Our house ..........................................................................................................................................
3 Tina's boyfriend was at the party. I don't really like him.
Tina's boyfriend .................................................................................................................................
4 Steve showed me the photographs. They were taken in the Bahamas.
Steve .................................................................................................................................................
5 Tornadoes often happen in the USA. They are violent wind storms.
Tornadoes ..........................................................................................................................................
6 I'm looking for a book. It has information about computers in it.

I'm looking for ...................................................................................................................................

4 Complete the sentences with a / an, the or
5 Can I open .......... window, please?
6 What's for .......... dinner? I'm really hungry!
1 Would you like .......... cup of tea?
7 Don't look directly at .......... sun. It's bad for
2 I go to .......... dentist every six months. your eyes.
3 I love all .......... animals, especially .......... 8 I'm going on .......... school trip to Germany
cats. next weekend.
4 It's hot. I'd love to buy .......... ice cream now.

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 15

Unit 16 Grammar Practice
Level 3

1 Tom moved from a big city to a small village &
3 Right (3) or wrong (7)? Correct the wrong
in the country, and is ®nding it dif®cult to sentences.
adapt. Use the words in the box to complete
his sentences.
1 I'm not used to go to bed so late. &
I'm not used to going to bed so late.
going noise
the sound
the smell
2 Are you used to live next door to us? &
taking driving buying ....................................................................

1 It's so quiet here. I'm used to ...................... .
3 I am used to work in London, but now
I work in Manchester.
2 I'm not used to ...................... two hours ....................................................................
every day, just to go to work.
3 I'm used to ...................... public transport
4 Did you use cycle to school? &
wherever I need to go, but there isn't any
here. 5 I didn't use to like dogs, but I do now. &
4 I'm used to ...................... to a different club ....................................................................
every weekend ± there is only one club here.
5 I'm not used to ...................... saying
6 We used to wasting a lot of paper,
but now we work on computers.
``hello'' to you when you go to the shops. ....................................................................
6 I'm not used to ...................... woken up by
the sound of birds every morning.
7 I can't get used to this new
7 I'm used to ...................... of the number 9 ....................................................................
bus waking me up.
4 Complete the sentences with the correct

8 I'm not used to ...................... of fresh,
clean air. form of the phrasal verbs.

9 I'm used to ...................... , and the smell of sort out look after bump into
exhaust fumes. take off (62) put up (62)
put up with pick up take after
2 Circle the correct words.
1 I've got a problem at school. I don't know
1 Sam used to play / playing for the school
sort it ..........
how to .......... out .
volleyball team.
2 She isn't used to work / working so hard. 2 The weather's bad so the plane's going to
3 Where did you use to / used to live? .................... late.

4 I'm used to live / living in the big city. 3 I like this picture. Why don't you .......... it

5 Dan used to / is used to like loud rock music, .......... on the wall?
but he doesn't anymore. 4 It's hot. Why don't you .......... your coat
6 I'm not used to eat / eating such hot food. .......... ?
7 Are you used to / Did you use to doing a lot 5 Can you .......... me .......... after school?
of physical exercise?
6 My mum stays at home to .................... the
8 You aren't used to / didn't use to have new baby.
blonde hair, did you?
7 I was really surprised when I ....................
9 We used to be / 're used to being friends, my new neighbour yesterday.
but we're not now.
8 We can .......... you .......... for a few nights
at our house.

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 16

Unit 1 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 Do you usually cycle
3 need
4 are getting
5 is settling
6 stands out
7 hope
8 Are you trying

2 2 gets
3 is cooking
4 cooks
5 think
6 'm thinking
7 settles in
8 are settling

for since

two weeks the beginning of winter

more than an hour last April

a couple of days my birthday
as long as I remember our ®rst date
such a short time forty minutes ago

4 2 b
3 c
4 c
5 b

6 a
7 b
8 a

# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 1

Unit 2 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 yet &
3 2 I met Martin in December.
3 two years ago 3 We bought this car last summer.
4 When I was born 4 I learned to juggle when I was two years old.
5 never 5 They got married ®fty years ago.
6 when he was 25 6 I caught this cold a week ago.
7 this month 7 We became friends when I saved her life.
8 today 8 She arrived here yesterday.
9 for two weeks
4 2 say
2 2 Dan's worked here for a month. 3 say
3 She's known Mark since she was a child. 4 told
4 I've been able to drive for seven years. 5 said
5 We've been here since 10 pm. 6 say
6 We've had this house since we won the 7 tell
lottery. 8 told
7 She's spent £70.
8 I've liked skiing since we went on holiday
to Austria.


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 2

Unit 3 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 d &
4 2 She told me a joke, but I had heard it
3 g before.

4 a 3 When Dan got home the house was a mess.

What had happened?
5 f
4 I suddenly remembered I had left the front
6 c
door open.
7 b
5 How had the cat escaped? Nobody could

2 2 b
understand it.
6 My girlfriend had already bought the tickets
3 c
for the cinema, but I didn't want to go.
4 a 7 Greg didn't tell me where he had got all
5 b that money from.
6 c

4 2 was sleeping
3 got up
4 was playing
5 turned
6 went
7 was shining
8 was sitting

9 remembered
10 saw


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 3

Unit 4 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 have been reading &
3 2 c
3 has seen 3 a
4 have you known 4 c
5 haven't had 5 b
6 Have you decided 6 c
7 've been trying 7 a
8 have you been doing? 8 b
9 hasn't visited
4 2 should
2 [suggested answers] 3 ought
2 She has been watching a sad ®lm. 4 better
3 They have been eating chocolate. 5 should
4 He has been swimming.
5 He has been ®ghting.
6 She has been working on the car.
7 He has been cutting onions.


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 4

Unit 5 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 You will be stopped at customs. &
3 2 will see
3 We are leaving this afternoon. 3 is going to dive
4 He is going to be a sailor. 4 'm not going to help
5 Your father will be very happy. 5 Are you going to compete
6 It's going to snow this afternoon. 6 will hurt
7 I'm seeing the doctor next Tuesday. 7 are going to have
8 We're going to walk to school today. 8 will go
9 is going to stop
2 2 You won't be stopped at customs.
3 We aren't leaving this afternoon. &
4 2 b
4 He isn't going to be a sailor. 3 b
5 Your father won't be very happy. 4 a
6 It's not going to snow this afternoon. 5 a
7 I'm not seeing the doctor next Tuesday. 6 b
8 We're not going to walk to school today.


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 5

Unit 6 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 will probably crash &
3 2 as soon as
3 is likely to cry 3 When
4 won't argue 4 unless
5 isn't likely to help 5 If
6 probably won't notice 6 until
7 will pass 7 when
8 might not believe 8 As soon as
9 might buy 9 until

2 2 if &
4 2 a
3 unless 3 d
4 unless 4 e
5 if 5 f
6 unless 6 b
7 If
8 If
9 Unless


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 6

Unit 7 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 has his car repaired (for him). &
3 3 3
3 has his shopping done (for him). 4 up
4 has his shoes polished (for him). 5 so
5 has his ®ngernails cut (for him). 6 been
6 has his face shaved (for him). 7 are
8 for
2 2 has been built
9 3
3 has been changed
10 that
4 have been put up
5 has been cleaned up &
4 2 was stopped by the police
6 has been solved 3 had our garage
7 haven't been told 4 speak French
5 hasn't been built


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 7

Unit 8 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 makes &
3 2 must show
3 make 3 don't have to come
4 let 4 must be
5 allowed 5 mustn't wake
6 made 6 don't have to ®nish
7 allowed 7 don't have to be
8 let 8 must hurry
9 make 9 mustn't drive

2 2 Do I have to go shopping with you? &
4 1b you can
3 You must drive on the left in the UK. 2a You mustn't
4 You mustn't smoke on planes. 2b you don't have to
5 Tom doesn't have to wait for us. 3a you can
6 She can borrow my mobile. 3b you mustn't
7 No, you can't come in. 4a you don't have to
4b you must


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 8

Unit 9 Answer key
Level 3

+-ing form (gerund) + in®nitive

miss promise
practise hope
suggest offer
feel like driving a car afford to drive a car
imagine decide
don't mind expect
detest learn
enjoy ask

2 2 to ®nd &
4 2 [7] Sheila really enjoys shopping.
3 living 3 [7] I wasn't expecting to see you here.
4 going 4 [3]
5 to buy 5 [7] The teacher promised not to give us any
6 to phone new projects this term.

7 to post
8 sharing
9 to become


3 2 talking
3 shouting
4 to buy
5 taking
6 to phone
7 to come
8 to give

# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 9

Unit 10 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 would live &
3 2 If only she didn't smoke.
3 had 3 I wish I liked parties.
4 would be 4 If only I wasn't lazy.
5 didn't have 5 I wish he was polite.
6 broke 6 If only my mobile was working.
7 would break down 7 I wish it wasn't raining.
8 let
4 2 [7] I would tell you his number if I knew it.
2 2 earned 3 [7] Will you come and visit me if you have
3 didn't smoke time?

4 spoke 4 [3]

5 knew 5 [7] I wouldn't do that if I were you.

6 could 6 [7] You can have what's in the fridge if you

get hungry.
7 snowed
7 [3]
8 didn't play
8 [7] I wish I hadn't taken the magazine from
9 did
the shop.


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 10

Unit 11 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 f &
3 2 He's got an expensive camera, although he
3 g hardly ever uses it. / Although he's got an
expensive camera, he hardly ever uses it.
4 c
3 She didn't call the dentist, despite having
5 d
toothache. / Despite having toothache, she
6 a didn't call the dentist.
7 b 4 In spite of the exam tomorrow, they aren't
studying much. / They aren't studying much,
2 2 However in spite of the exam tomorrow.
3 Even though 5 Our new teacher is friendly. However, the
4 despite lessons are more dif®cult. / The lessons are
more dif®cult, however.
5 Although
6 Even though it was raining hard, I walked to
6 even though
school. / I walked to school, even though it
7 In spite of was raining hard.
8 Despite
4 2 [7] I don't feel nervous, despite (having) the
exam this afternoon.
3 [7] Although we stood up, we couldn't see
the match.
4 [3]
5 [7] Despite not having a ticket, we managed

to get in.
6 [3]


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 11

Unit 12 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 do you live &
3 2 might have gone
3 she works 3 can't have gone
4 her name is 4 must have fallen
5 is his phone number
6 this works
4 3 to
4 are
7 does that happen
5 3
8 he feels/is feeling
6 maybe
9 do I look
7 do
2 2 Can you tell me where the supermarket is? 8 3
3 Do you know Mark's address? 9 very
4 Can you tell me why they cancelled the 10 have
5 Do you know if this shop is open on
6 Do you know what her name is?
7 Can you tell me if England won?


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 12

Unit 13 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 for being &
3 3 to
3 to join 4 for
4 to do 5 3
5 to stay 6 about
6 to go 7 3
7 to help 8 that
8 going 9 was
9 to lend 10 they

2 2 agreed that it was a stupid idea. &
4 2 you sit down
3 refused to go out with him. 3 apologised for forgetting
4 begged his mum to lend him the car. 4 won't get off
5 suggested going for a swim. 5 suggested going for
6 invited Mary to dinner.
7 said (that) she was a very considerate


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 13

Unit 14 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 a &
3 2 should have
3 c 3 should have
4 a 4 shouldn't have
5 b 5 should have
6 b 6 shouldn't have
7 should have
2 2 f
3 b &
4 2 only I had brought
4 g 3 shouldn't have forgotten
5 d 4 would have understood
6 a 5 should have gone
7 c


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 14

Unit 15 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 The student who was asleep in class today &
3 2 Our house, which we bought two years ago,
has got extra homework now. is in the city centre.
3 The bus which / that goes past my house 3 Tina's boyfriend, who I really don't like, was
leaves at 7.00. at the party.
4 The dog which / that ate your dinner 4 Steve showed me the photographs which
belongs to my neighbour. were taken in the Bahamas.
5 The ®lm which / that is on TV tonight is very 5 Tornadoes, which are violent wind storms,
funny. often happen in the USA. / Tornadoes,
which often happen in the USA, are violent
2 2 a wind storms.
3 c 6 I'm looking for a book which has
information about computers in it.
4 b
5 a
4 2 the
3 no article, no article
4 an
5 the
6 no article
7 the
8 a


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 15

Unit 16 Answer key
Level 3

1 2 driving &
3 2 [7] Did you use to live next door to us?
3 taking 3 [7] I used to work in London, but now I
4 going work in Manchester.

5 people 4 [7] Did you use to cycle to school?

6 being 5 [3]

7 the sound 6 [7] We used to waste a lot of paper, but

now we work on computers.
8 the smell
7 [3]
9 pollution

2 2 working
4 2 take off
3 put it up
3 use to
4 take your coat off
4 living
5 pick me up
5 used to
6 look after
6 eating
7 bumped into
7 Are you used to
8 put you up
8 didn't use to
9 used to be


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 16

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