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Q1. What can be the different objectives and missions of a Marketing Promotion?

Elaborate with examples.

 To make the item and brand mindful - Several business advancement procedures are exceptionally
viable in presenting clients to items and brands interestingly and can fill in as key special parts in the
beginning phases of the new item and brand presentation. This mindfulness is the reason for any
remaining future special exercises. Special exercises inspire the clients to attempt new items and
brands and the sellers likewise promote the new items and brands.

 To make interest - Sales advancements are extremely successful in making interest in an item. Truth
be told, making interest is regularly viewed as the main utilization of deals advancement. In the retail
business, engaging deals advancement can essentially make clients interested.
 To give data - Promotional exercises give significant data about the item to the clients. This goes
quite far in changing over interest into real deals.

 To invigorate requests - Effective special exercises can animate interest for the item by persuading
the clients to purchase the items.

 To support the Brand - Promotion can be utilized to build up or fortify the brand in the personalities
of the clients. This will guarantee rehash deals of the item over the long haul.
 To draw in new clients - Sales advancement gauges additionally assume a significant part in drawing
in new clients for an association. Normally, new clients are those people that are faithful to different
brands. Tests, gifts, prizes, and so forth are utilized to urge customers to attempt another brand or
shift their support to new vendors

 To initiate existing clients to purchase more - Promotion exercises can expand the buys made by the
current clients by causing them to consume a greater amount or consume on more events.
 To assist the firm with staying serious - Companies attempt deals advancement exercises to stay
cutthroat on the lookout. Hence, in the cutting edge serious world, no firm can get away from deals
advancement exercises.

 To expand deals in slow times of year - Sales of the items normally decrease during the slow time of
year. In this manner, limited-time exercises can be executed during the slow time of year to keep up
with or even increment the deals. Procedures, for example, slow time of year limits, slow time of
year offers can accomplish this.
Q2. What are the different budget allocation methods? Elaborate with examples

Percentage of sales method:

 It is a commonly used method, the amount of advertising is decided based on sales. The advertising
budget is a specific percent of sales. The sales may be current or anticipated. Sometimes, past sales
are also used as the base for deciding on ad budget. For example, the last year's sales were Rs. 3
more and the company spent Rs 300000 on advertising. The company has spent 1% of sales in the
last year.

Objectives and Task Method:

 This is the most appropriate ad budget method for any company. It is a scientific method to set an
advertising budget. The method considers the company's environment and requirements. Objectives
and task methods guide the manager to develop his promotional budget by defining specific
objectives, determining the task that must be performed to achieve them, and estimating the costs
of performing the task. The sum of these costs is the proposed amount for an advertising budget.

Ex-focus on achieving a specific goal like increasing sales by 10%

Competitive Parity Method:

 Competition is one of the powerful factors affecting marketing performance. This method considers
the competitors' advertising activities and costs for setting an advertising budget. The advertising
budget is fixed based on the advertising strategy adopted by the competitors.

 Ex- if the close competitors spend 3% of net sales, the company will spend, more or less, the same
percent for advertising.

Affordable or Fund Available Method:

 This is, in the real sense, not a method to set an advertising budget. The method is based on the
company's capacity to spend. It is based on the notion that a company should spend on advertising
as per its capacity. A company with a sound financial position spends more on advertising and vice

Q3 (a). Which are the top 10 advertising agencies in India?

1. JWT- India
2. Grey India
3. DDB Mudra communications.
4. Rediffusion (Y & R)
5. McCann- Erickson   India ltd
6. Traverse Advertising ltd
7. Ogilvy & Mather
8. FCB- ULKA advertising ltd
9. Dentsu Aegis
Chaitra Leo Burnett pvt ltd

(b): Write a Creative Brief for a campaign to launch a new product of your choice. The brief needs to be
given to the Creative Agency which is executing the promotion campaign

 Lay's is a brand of potato chip varieties, as well as the name of the company that
founded the chip brand in the United States. It has also been called Frito-Lay with Fritos.
 Leading potato chips brand Lays want to lunch to lunch a new product which is known
as “Lays lightly salted “chips.
 The goal and objective of the camping are to create awareness of the new product to
the customer and to increase the sales of this product.
 The primary message for the camping is to create a brief about the new product,
increase awareness, and develop interest.
 The target audiences are children and youngsters.
 Competitors of lays are Kurkure, bingo, haldiram, etc.
 Camping strategy for a new product can be aware through making advisement in
newspaper, Tv, magazine and other news media also through YouTube, Twitter, and

Q4. Explain the following Sales Models with examples:

a. AIDA Model-
 The AIDA Model, abbreviated for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action, is a marketing
effect model that explains the stages a person goes through while purchasing a product. It
includes material expenses both direct and indirect, as well as service costs. On the other
hand, process costing is a possibility. Attention, interest, desire, and action are abbreviations
for the AIDA model. It is a marketing term that refers to the steps that a buyer goes through
when purchasing a product. It is a marketing term that refers to the steps that a buyer goes
through when purchasing a product.

b. Hierarchy of Effects Model-

 The hierarchy-of-effects model illustrates how advertising affects a consumer's decision to
purchase or not to purchase a product or service. The hierarchy illustrates the evolution of
customers' learning and decision-making experiences as a result of advertising. This is a
marketing model that illustrates how a consumer develops from being unaware of a brand
to gaining attitudes and understanding about it and then becoming an end customer.
Investors should create advertisements that result in consumers purchasing the supplied
products or services, according to the hierarchy of effects strategy. Advertisers are
instructed by the hierarchy of effects model to produce commercials that take the buyer
through all six phases of awareness, knowledge, like, preference, conviction, and purchase.

c. Innovation Adoption Model-

 An approach for classifying innovators according to their degree of receptiveness to novel
ideas. The characteristics of inventive adoption are assigned to groups to illustrate that all
inventions follow a predictable path to widespread acceptance. Everett Rogers pioneered
the paradigm, which categorizes people according to their willingness to absorb new ideas.
The adopter types are innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards,
in order of their rate of uptake. A model that postulates several elements that influence or
drive individuals' or organizations' adoption decisions, such as when applied to the adoption
of a particular technology.

d. Communications Model-
 Communication is merely the exchange of information from one party to another. However,
this is a complex procedure that involves a plethora of additional components. The three
most well-known communication models are linear, interactive, and transactional. This
paradigm, developed in 1948 by Shannon and Weaver, depicts communication as a
sequential process. This model illustrates the transmission of a communication from a
sender, or speaker, to a recipient, or listener. The model contains four components that
reflect the communication process: sender, message, channel, and receiver, each of which is
influenced by a range of factors. Additionally, the paradigm emphasizes encoding and
decoding, which occur before the sender sends the message and before the receiver
receives it.

Q5. Explain the following Message Strategies with your examples

a. Cognitive Strategy-
A cognitive message strategy is the presentation of rational arguments or pieces of information to
consumers. These ideas require cognitive processing. When a cognitive message strategy is used, the
advertisement's key message is about the product's attributes or the benefits.

b. Affective Strategy-
Affective strategies are a common approach to developing a strong brand name. When an
advertisement gets you to like a brand and has positive feelings for a brand, then the hope is that
you will also purchase that brand

c. Behavioral Strategy-
Behavioral marketing is the strategy of targeting leads or customers based on specific actions they
take on a website, rather than just the pages they view. Then, marketers use behavioral
segmentation to target specific consumers based on the actions they take.
Elaborate which strategy works in which case by relating to the Objective of the campaign and Decision-
Making-Process of the consumer.

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