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Who Am I?

Name: _____Arham_______

Go to Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

What is the name of your designation? _______Architect___________

What is your code? __I__ __N__ __T__ __J__

Letter Percentage

I 79%

N 70%

T 64%

J 64%

What do each of the letters mean?

__I___ = ______Introverted____________________

__N___ = _____Intuitive_______________________

__T___ = _____Thinking_______________________

__J___ = _____Judging________________________

Section: List bullet points:

Strengths –Rational; Architects use their rationality to expand their knowledge & skills.
=> I really like to learn new things. I have this personal philosophy that anything can be
interesting or worth learning about if you have a vested interest in accumulating
knowledge for knowledge’s sake. I’ve recently started liking math a little more after 11
whole years of despising it because I recently could relate it to something I can actively
like, i.e. game programming.

–Informed; Architects like forming rational, evidence-based opinions, where they like
grounding their opinions in research instead of what they “feel’ is right.
=> I really don’t like when people have no good reason to have a problematic opinion. For
example, there are many people against people transitioning their gender to their
preferred way of being, bringing up points like how they may regret it or some other such
sentiments. However, my opinion is that transitioning is almost always a good thing for a
person questioning their gender, and this is backed up with hundreds upon hundreds of
peer reviewed, reproducible studies.

–Independent; Architects are known to stray from conformity and strive to achieve their
goals whichever way they find most effective. This can be because Architects dislike rules
that only serve to “get in the way.”
=> I usually prefer to work independently in projects rather than with other people,
whether it be a regular class project, or a lab, or even a personal project like composing a
song. This is because I am more in control with the quality of the output if I’m the one
handling the steering wheel.
–Determined; Architects are intensely goal-oriented, and when an idea or pursuit catches
their attention, they can dedicate themselves to acquiring the correct skills and resources
to pursue the idea to its conclusion effectively.
=> I can find myself interested in a subject out of nowhere and start pursuing it with great
intent. I can lay out a whole plan to see it through from beginning to end just from finding
something interesting to begin with.

–Curious; Architects are very open to new ideas, so long as they can be reasonably
backed up. They may even change their views in accordance to new reasonable opinions,
so long as it’s a better option than what they were already standing by.
=> I often fully uproot my opinions when I find and confirm an opinion or idea that makes
more sense than the one I already have. You won’t find it likely that I’ll stick by an opinion
in spite of a better opinion because “I just prefer mine over yours.”

–Versatile; Architects like to deepen their interests in a wide variety of things they find
interesting. Their curious and determined nature helps them succeed in whatever they
find interesting.
=> I have a few core things I am deeply interested in, but just about anything can be
interesting to me if I look into it.

Weaknesses –Arrogant; Self-assuredness blinds Architects from useful input.

=> Sometimes I can be too caught up in my perspective to consider others even if it can
be helpful.

–Dismissive of Emotions; Rationality gets in the way of caring for feelings.

=> Sometimes I’ll not understand how people can be affected by something that logically
has nothing to do with them. For instance, I personally couldn’t pinpoint an example for
when a movie or other media made me cry.

–Overly Critical; Hold others to their standards, but criticisms can be unfair or harsh
=> I hold myself and my work to a high standard, and can get frustrated when, for
whatever reason, I’m unable to accomplish a task to my satisfaction. I really care about a
lot of the work I accomplish and want to be proud of what I do, and I expect other people
care as much as I do, and that can be a bit of a problem when they don’t.

–Combative; Want to cut through unnecessary rules/regulations to get to the point, but
this can lead to conflict.
=> Often I see that certain rules are put into place for no other reason than to make the
person that is in charge to feel more superior, which really bothers me because they can
get in the way for no real reason.

–Romantically Clueless; Ultra-rationality gets in the way of romance

=>I have often thought about why I’m not interested in romantic relationships, and the
answer had always been that “I have better things to do,” and sometimes that sentiment
can get in the way of me being able to care about others’ romantic lives.

Friendships Regarding Friendships:

& –Not everybody likes to be friends with the Architect personality type, but Architects don’t
Relationship particularly mind, because they are content with not having many friends, so long as the
quality of the connection is strong.
=> I agree with this. I don’t have many friends, but the friends I do have a am quite close
with. I’m not particularly interested in making more friends, and if I was, I’m not particularly
interested in menial conversation topics.
Regarding Relationships:
–Architects take a much more rational or puzzle-like approach on romance, and this tends
to fail in a real romantic situation because romance inherently isn’t a thing that can be
handled like a puzzle of some kind.
=> I have no idea where I stand on this. I have never been in a situation where I would
need to consider romance or attraction.

Career Paths –Architects often have technical skill and know-how, but they don’t want to get just any
pencil-pushing desk job, as they would consider it a wasted opportunity for their skills and
=> i agree with this. I personally couldn’t stand a mindless, circular job. I have evidence
for this as well, as I had worked a produce stocking job for over a year and I hated the
menial, thoughtless labour. The best part was always finishing everything and talking to
coworkers about things that were actually interesting.

Workplace –Architects tend to dislike work that limits them and their creative needs. This can lead to
Habits conflicts with managers and bosses with a more micromanegerial style. Architects excel
when they are their own boss.
=> I mostly agree with this. I don’t know if I would do very well without a boss at all, but I
would do well with a boss that would appreciate my way of doing things and doesn’t
nitpick the things I do,

1. Write a reflection using Word on TEAMS (half page minimum) describing:

● How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.
● Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality.

Don’t forget to:

○ Provide details and examples where possible.
○ Use paragraphs in your writing.

2. Upload the worksheet and your write up to your Portfolio tab on your website.
 Write a short sentence or two explaining what you learned about yourself from this

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