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May 18, 2011

Board Members in Attendance

Mrs. Anne Bennett, Mr. Dan Cain, Mr. Jeff DeWeese, Mr. Richard Freisinger, Mr. Lynn

Mr. Eddie Cooper, Manager NRCD; Debbie Williams, Environmental Technician

Call to Order
Mr. Dan Cain called the meeting to order at 8:03am.
Those present stated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison.
Mr. Eddie Cooper gave the invocation.

Minutes of the Last Meeting

Mr. Lynn Laird made a motion to accept the April's Board minutes. Mrs. Anne Bennett
seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.
In regards to Mrs. Bennett's updated contact information listed in the April's minutes, she
gave an additional contact number of 207—6065.

Acknowledgement of Public Notice

The meeting advertisement was noted.

Treasurer's Report
Mrs. Anne Bennett presented the Treasurer's report.
Mrs. Bennett read a letter she drafted thanking Compass Bank for their service to the
Board. Mrs. Bennett made a motion to send the thank you letter to Compass Bank.
Mr. Jeff DeWeese seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.
Discussions were held on the Financial Assessment Report that was submitted in April.

Mr. Charlie Rosborough was unable to attend. His reports were attached in the packet.

Mr. McElhaney was attending grazing training in Marianna.

Mrs. Debbie Williams stated for Mr. McElhaney that the program measures were attached
in the packet. She also mentioned the deadline for submitting applications for the
Organic Initiative program was Friday, May 20th.

Old Business
Discussions were held regarding the upcoming Second Annual Joint Conference of the
Association of Florida Conservation Districts and Florida Association of Research
Conservation Development. The meeting will be held August 12, 2011 and August 13,
2011 in Ocala, Florida. Mrs. Bennett stated she would be interested in attending the
meeting and she would pay for her room, meals, and gas.
Mr. Laird made a motion to pay Mrs. Bennett's registration fee of $200.00 for the
conference. Mr. DeWeese seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

Discussions were held on the 2011 Southeast NACD meeting being held July 31, 2011
through August 2, 2011 in Orange Beach, Alabama. Mr. DeWeese stated he would
attend the meeting and pay all costs including the registration.

Mr. DeWeese gave an update to the Area 1 meeting that was held on Wednesday, May
11, 2011 in Marianna.
There were seventeen supervisors to attend, which was the largest record they have had
this year.
The Area 1 speech contest was held too but only two students participated in the
event. Mr. DeWeese stated the speech presentations were good and how this is a great
opportunity for students and more encouragement is needed to increase
Mr. DeWeese stated each county gave an overview of their activities. There were many
great projects being done which were being funded by grants. Several projects involved
conservation efforts in the coastal areas and one involving planting grasses in erosion
areas along roadsides. He has requested information on grants being offered and
suggested the Board review the grant opportunities.
It was also discussed of how the Bill proposing to eliminate Soil and Water
Conservation Districts came forward. A reason was people really don't know or
understand the Board's duties. Now, even some District's names may be changed so
people who see the name can relate to the fact the Board is affiliated with their county
and has responsibilities within it.

Mr. DeWeese said Ms. Barbara Gill is available for Supervisor training. The Board will
request Ms. Gill to attend the June's Board meeting for training.

Mr. DeWeese stated he did apply and submit a request for seeds from the Herman Seed

Mr. Yoder's micro-dairy was discussed. Mr. Yoder has passed the first State inspection
for operation. This is a grassed based dairy in which milk will be bottled for sale and is
the only type of facility in the area. The Board supports the project and in February
2011, the Board recommended funding assistance through Three Rivers RC&D.
The Board discussed the amount of funding and Mrs. Bennett made a motion to request
$1,000.00 from Three Rivers RC&D to assist with the project. Mr. DeWeese seconded
the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

The Board authorized Mr. DeWeese to post that the Board supports and sponsors Mr.
Yoder's micro-dairy. The Board will also send a thank you to Three Rivers RC&D for their
continuous support.

Mr. Cain read the response to the Board's resolution letter regarding the Conecuh Landfill
from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management.

New Business
Mr. DeWeese stated at the Area 1 meeting there was a request for districts to donate
$25.00 to help with the costs of the speech contest.
Mrs. Bennett made a motion to donate $25.00 to Jackson SWCD. Mr. DeWeese
seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

Mr. DeWeese reviewed the Taylor County's resolution proposal which will be voted on at
the AFCD conference in Ocala. The resolution is requesting that it not be required for
SWCD to publish their meeting schedule in the Florida Administrative Weekly. The
Escambia SWCD is in agreement with the proposal. At the meeting Mrs. Bennett will
vote yes to the Taylor County resolution.
Mrs. Bennett made a motion for Mr. DeWeese to write a support letter to the
resolution, have the Chairman sign, and mail out as soon as possible.
Mr. Laird seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

Mr. Cain reviewed Mr. Joshua McElhaney's request to increase Micah and Sharon's salary
to $8.00 an hour. Mrs. Bennett made a motion to increase their pay from minimum
wage to $8.00. Mr. DeWeese seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

With no further business before the Board, Mr. Laird made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr.
DeWeese seconded the motion. Mr. Cain adjourned the meeting at 9:24am.

Mr. Dan Cain

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