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Drone 2 Rigging:

- Major.
- Skinning Arms.
Skinning Drone 2: Antenna.

To start skinning on drone 2, I began with skinning the antenna. Repeating the process of
selecting the joints then binding the drone mesh to the joints through the bind skin operation
in the rigging menu.
Setting Base Skin Weights.

From there I then

proceeded to sort out the
skin weights for the arms
by segmenting vertices to
the certaion joints.
Mirrored Base Skin

With the base sections set I then mirrored over the skin weights by selecting the existing arm
with the weights and then selected the arm I wish to mirror them to using the mirror skin
weight option in the rigging menu. With these set I could then move onto setting up the
fingers base skin weights.
Fingers base Skinning: Pt1.
Fingers base Skinning:
Pt2 – Blending the
Fingers Base Skinning: After.

After completing one finger, I then repeated

the process for the other finger.
Thumb Skinning: Before Blending
I then repeated a similar process for the thumb,
setting up the base sections and then proceeding to
blend them from the knuckle to the base.
Thumb Skinning: After Blending Weights.
Wrist Skinning.
Hid the wrist cuff to see what the
bend in the wrist was doing. Here I
also skinned the cuff to the elbow
joint to try and stop it from
interfering with the wrist movement
and to also avoid stretching.
Elbow Skinning.

Before. After.
Elbow Skin Outcome.

There's some clipping in the elbow but hope to rectify this with the use of Pose Space Deformers
(Corrective Blend Shapes) to help un pick the clipping.
Shoulder Skinning.
Drone 2 Skinned

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