Production of AIN Films Ion Nitriding Versus PVD C

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Production of AIN films: ion nitriding versus

PVD coating

Article in Thin Solid Films · December 2004

DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2004.08.129


16 108

3 authors, including:

Olimpia Salas Joaquin Oseguera

Tecnológico de Monterrey Tecnológico de Monterrey


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Thin Solid Films 469–470 (2004) 295 – 303

Production of AlN films: ion nitriding versus PVD coating

U. Figueroa, O. Salas*, J. Oseguera
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey-Campus Estado de México,
Carretera a Lago de Guadalupe km. 3.5, Atizapán, México 52926 México

Available online 30 October 2004


The properties of AlN render this material very attractive for optical, electronic, and tribological applications; thus, a great interest exists
for the production of thin AlN films on a variety of substrates. Many methods have been developed for this purpose where two processes
stand out: plasma-assisted nitriding (PAN) and PVD coating. In the present paper, we compare the processing advantages and disadvantages
of both methods in terms of the characteristics of the layers formed. AlN production by ion nitriding is very sensitive to presputtering
cleaning and working pressure. Layers several micrometers thick can be produced in a few hours, which are formed by a fine mixture of
Al+AlN. The surface morphology of the layers is rather rough. On the other hand, formation of PVD AlN coatings by DC reactive magnetron
sputtering is more readily performed and better controlled than in ion nitriding. PVD results in macroscopically smoother AlN films and with
similar thickness than the ion nitrided layers but produced in shorter processing times. The morphology of the PVD AlN layers is columnar
with a fairly flat surface. Mechanisms for the formation of both types of AlN layers are proposed. One of the main differences between the
two processes that explain the different AlN layer morphologies is the energy of the particles that arrive at the substrate. Considering only the
processing advantages and the morphology of the AlN layers formed, PVD performs better than PAN processing.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Aluminum nitride; Aluminum ion nitriding; Aluminum reactive magnetron Sputtering

1. Introduction still be carried out. However, as a consequence, most of

the papers report the presence of oxidized phases in the
This paper presents partial results of an ongoing AlN layer. Regarding the effect of substrate composition,
research project at ITESM-CEM to produce AlN films some investigations indicate that alloying elements, such as
on Al substrates to improve their tribological properties for Mg, favor the formation of AlN [2], but all studies were
mechanical applications. Two approaches to produce AlN successful in nitriding pure Al in addition to Al alloys.
are currently evaluated: plasma-assisted ion nitriding Normally, hexagonal polycrystalline AlN is reported with
(PAN) and reactive magnetron sputtering (PVD). The very small grain size in the tens of nm range. In one case,
results from the production of AlN by ion nitriding have a duplex columnar-equiaxic AlN structure has been
been already reported [1]. This information together with observed [3]. Also, in a couple of instances [4,5], the
the most relevant published literature on the subject [2–6] presence of metallic Al within the layer was observed.
indicates that a presputtering cleaning stage to eliminate The literature review for AlN deposition by PVD
the impervious Al2O3 layer is always necessary prior to processes [7–20] reveals that the majority of the studies
nitriding. Only in one instance this step has been are focused on electronic or optical properties and only a
eliminated [2]. During nitriding, despite the efforts to few papers are devoted to tribological applications. Table
maintain a very low pO2 to minimize alumina reformation, 1 summarizes the information on PVD processing
there is always some residual oxygen, but nitriding can conditions reported in the literature. The following
paragraphs describe the relevant structural characteristics
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +52 55 5864 5665. of the films obtained. Reactive magnetron sputtering of
E-mail address: (O. Salas). Al on single KCl crystals, aluminum and glass substrates
0040-6090/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
296 U. Figueroa et al. / Thin Solid Films 469–470 (2004) 295–303

Table 1
Summary of experimental conditions for AlN PVD coating from literature
Reference PVD method Target Substrate Pretreatment conditions
Base Cleaning Power Time
p (Pa) p (Pa) (W) (min)
[6] d.c. RMSa Al (99.95%) disks, Al, KCl monocrystals, 710 4
110 1 420 15
10 cm diam. low C steel, glass pure Ar
[7] d.c. RMS Al (99.95%) disks, Si, KCl monocrystals, 710 110 1 430 15
10 cm diam. low C steel pure Ar
[16] d.c. RMS Al (99.95%) disks, KCl monocrystals, 710 to 110 1 430 15
10 cm diam. low C steel, glass 810 pure Ar
[11] d.c. RMS Al (99.999%) disks, NR 510 NR NR NR
5 cm diam.,
5 mm thick
[16] r.f. RMS Al (99.999%) disks, Si monocrystal 410 NR NR NR
10 cm diam. disks (100)
[12] d.c. triode Al (99.999%) disks, Glass 1.3310 NR NR NR
5 cm diam.
[17] MS Al (99.999%) disks, Glass 110 NR NR 30
d.c. RMS 10 cm diam., 3 mm thick
[15] d.c. RMS Al (99.999%) disks, 7059 Corning glass NR NR NR NR
15 cm diam.
[18] d.c. tetrode MS Al (99.999%) disks, Si, SiO2, steel NR NR NR NR
6 cm diam.
[14] d.c. and r.f. RMS Al and Ti Rotating Si disks 210 NR NR NR
RMS: reactive magnetron sputtering.
NR: not reported.

produced thin AlN polycrystalline films that were Al rich however, they do not elaborate further in how this
under various total pressures indicating the presence of N affects the energy input at the substrate. Furthermore,
vacancies in the AlN lattice. Higher total pressures result their observation of an increase in deposition energy with
in more stoichiometric AlN films with enhanced electro- increasing pressure is in disagreement with several
chemical behavior [7]. Oxygen as a thin Al2O3 layer and authors [7,15,19], which report the opposite trend and
carbon detected in the films were associated to sputtering normally associate it to an increase in the probability of
gas mixture and residual chamber oxygen and pump collisions before the sputtered atoms reach the substrate
contamination, respectively. In similar studies by the surface when the pressure is increased. Búc et al. [12]
same group [8,9], AlN films with a smooth and uniform produced AlN films by d.c. sputtering with balanced and
structure free of cracks were produced. The films were unbalanced magnetrons on Si substrates with an extra
polycrystalline with very small grain size (15–30 nm), coil used to confine the plasma above the target. XRD
hexagonal AlN structure, and thickness between 326 and analysis indicated that the AlN films produced with an
366 nm. XPS results reveal the presence of surface unbalanced magnetron had the hexagonal wurtzite struc-
oxynitrides and oxides. Their electron diffraction analysis ture with a (002) preferred orientation, while those
shows AlN (110), (102), (002), and (100) rings where the produced in the balanced mode show the normal (100)
(100) seemed to be the most intense. Nakamura et al. orientation. AlN films of various compositions were
[10] synthesized AlN films by Al evaporation and produced by reactive sputtering in the work of Vacandio
simultaneous irradiation with nitrogen ions. They found et al. [13]. Increasing the nitrogen partial pressure from 0
that higher substrate temperature leads to the formation of to 0.013 Pa led from pure Al to stoichiometric AlN with
films with higher crystallinity and smaller grain size. The a transition state in which both Al and AlN coexist.
intensity of the (002) and (101) AlN orientations Glocker [14] compared the incident energy at the
increased with decreasing N ion (deposition) energy. substrate during reactive d.c. and low frequency a.c.
The energy input per incorporated atom of d.c. and r.f. sputtering of AlN. The a.c. process results in approx-
sputter deposition of AlN in pure N2 atmospheres was imately 64% greater energy flux per deposited atom, 15%
investigated by Drqsdeau and Koppenhagen [11]. For d.c. lower deposition rate, a plasma about four times denser,
discharges, there is an increase of the input energy and electron energies somewhat greater than the d.c.
proportional to the logarithm of pressure. They attribute plasmas. As a result, more ion and electron bombardment
this effect to an increase in the cathode dark space with of the substrate is experienced in the a.c. case. Este and
pressure that in turn leads to a higher amount of Westwood [15] used r.f. and d.c. discharges to produce
secondary electrons to escape from the magnetron; AlN and TiN. In N2 atmospheres, the residual stress in
U. Figueroa et al. / Thin Solid Films 469–470 (2004) 295–303 297

Table 1 (continued)
Deposition conditions Remarks
Working pN2 T (8C) Time Voltage d (cm) Power (W) i C (A)
p (Pa)
2 3
710 (N2+Ar) 910 NRb 15 min NR 13 NR AlN: 174 nm thick;
AlN grain size: 15–30 nm
310 2, 110 1, 710 3, 510 2, b130 2h 240–280 13 1.2 AlN: 366 nm thick
110 1 (N2+Ar) 110 2 substrate
310 2, 110 1 1.510 2, 910 2 NR 2 h, 1.5 h 240 13 1.2 AlN: 102 and 182 nm thick

0.5–1 (N2+Ar) NR NR NR 180 to 250 7 Balance/unbalanced magnetron.

Bias voltage to substrate.
AlN 800 nm
0.09–1.6 (N2+Ar) 25%N2+75%Ar V300 1h NR 6 100 to 500 NR Bias voltage to substrate

2 2
810 0 to 1.710 NR NR NR NR NR 0.15

6.610 2 to 1 50%N2+50%Ar 200 NR NR 5 NR 300 Facing target and planar

210 1 to 1 100% N2 6.5 Unbalanced magnetron

0.5–1 (N2+Ar) pN2/pAr=0.3 70, 130, NR NR 10 to 30 750 and 830 NR

and 400
NR pN2/pAr=0.2 to 0.5 b80 NR NR 9.5 1.5103 NR

the AlN films went from 19 GPa compressive to 2.5 GPa compressive stresses was associated to bombardment of
tensile as the pressure increased from 0.2 to 5 Pa with the film by neutral atoms reflected with high energy from
zero stress observed at ~1 Pa. The presence of the the target. The conditions to control the stoichiometry of

Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the d.c. reactive magnetron sputtering unit for PVD runs. (1) Piranni gauge, (2) cold cathode gauge, (3) pressure gauge
controller, (4) leak valve, (5). 908 on/off valve, (6) target, (7) magnetron, (8) auxiliary heater, (9) timer, (10) turbomolecular pump, (11) rotary vane pump,
(12) gate valve, (13) sample (substrate), (14) thermocouple, (15) shutter, (16) temperature control, (17) gas supply system, (18) d.c. power supply, and (19)
vacuum chamber.
298 U. Figueroa et al. / Thin Solid Films 469–470 (2004) 295–303

Table 2A
Summary of experimental PVD conditions
Sample no. Target sputtering stage Deposition stage
Temperature Time Pressure Gas mixture Temperature Time Pressure Gas mixture
(8C) (min) (Pa) (sccm) (8C) (min) (Pa) (sccm)
PVD 15 (d=2.5 cm) room temperature 10 0.4 6Ar 120 120 0.2 6Ar+2N2
PVD 14 (d=3 cm) room temperature 10 0.4 6Ar 92 120 0.2 6Ar+2N2

AlN films during planar reactive magnetron sputtering impinging particles and the structure of the layer and the
were investigated by McMahon et al. [16]. They residual stresses developed.
observed that control of film stoichiometry can be more When comparing the literature review on both PAN
easily achieved in a mode of controlled cathode voltages and PVD processes, a few observations stand out. Even
at constant flow rates. though lower base and work pressures are required for
In summary, it is evident that most of the PVD PVD processes, minimization of residual oxygen in the
processes reviewed rely on d.c. reactive magnetron reactor is not critical in this case. Also, in PVD, lower
sputtering to produce AlN layers. The nature of these temperatures were reported to achieve successful forma-
layers is of course closely related to processing conditions, tion of AlN as compared to PAN, and no heating of the
particularly work pressure, substrate to target distance and substrate was required. On the other hand, normally
voltage, which in turn will affect the energy of the thicker layers are reported for PAN processes than for

Fig. 2. (a) Typical PVD run sequence. (b) Typical PAN run sequence.
U. Figueroa et al. / Thin Solid Films 469–470 (2004) 295–303 299

PVD. In any event, according to the literature, both scanning electron microscopy (SEM)+energy dispersive
processes can readily produce AlN layers. The purpose microanalysis (EDS). Additionally, PAN samples were also
of this paper is to determine the best route, PVD or analyzed by XPS and the results were presented in a
PAN, to produce AlN layers based in a comparative previous paper [1].
analysis of the structural characteristics of the layers as
well as on the easiness and control of the AlN formation
conditions. 3. Results and discussion

3.1. X-ray diffraction

2. Experimental procedure
Fig. 3a–d show the diffraction patterns for PAN
2.1. PVD process (GAXRD) and PVD (CXRD) samples, respectively. Both
processes produce h.c.p. Wurtzite type AlN, and no
Substrate disks of 50.8 mm in diameter and 7 mm in evidence of any cubic AlN was found in either case. In
thickness were cut from a soda lime glass plate. The AlN the case of the PAN samples, not only the signal is more
films were deposited by d.c. reactive unbalanced magnet- intense, but also all the AlN peaks appear on the
ron sputtering of an aluminum target in a gas mixture of diffractogram, while in the PVD spectra, the peaks are
argon and nitrogen. A schematic drawing of the reactor is rather low and only the expected most intense (100) peak
presented in Fig. 1. The diameter of the aluminum target plus the (110) reflection are observed. The relatively wide
was 50.8 mm and thickness was 3.175 mm with a purity peaks in all, the PAN and PVD, XRD patterns indicate that
of 99.96% Al. Two deposition runs were carried out at small grain size was obtained in both techniques.
constant gas mixture of 6Ar+2N2 sccm and work pressure Currently, more PVD experiments are being carried out
of 0.2 Pa and two substrate to target distances (d), 2.5 cm to investigate the relationship between process parameters
(sample PVD 15) and 3 cm (sample PVD 14), as indicated and preferred orientations and residual stresses in the AlN
in Table 2A. The typical deposition sequence is displayed layers.
in Fig. 2a. Initially, the vacuum chamber was evacuated to The higher intensity of the AlN peaks in the PAN XRD
a base pressure of 110 3 Pa, and high purity argon (6 patterns is likely to arise from the enhanced surface signal
sccm) was introduced at a pressure of 0.4 Pa. Next, the GAXRD versus the CXRD used to analyze the PVD
target was sputtered-cleaned at 310 V for 10 min and then samples. Another interesting difference is the absence of
nitrogen (99.96% pure) was introduced and the working Al peaks in the PVD diffractograms. One would expect
gas mixture (6Ar+2N2 sccm) was adjusted to a total that the Al peaks present in the PAN patterns arise from
pressure of 0.2 Pa. Deposition was carried out for 2 h at the Al substrate, while in the case of PVD, do not appear
this pressure applying a voltage between 250 and 270 V because a glass substrate was used. However, considering
and avoiding electrical arcs. The substrates were not heated that the PAN layer was analyzed by a surface technique
externally. The substrate temperature indicated in Table 2A (GAXRD), the Al signal observed must come from
is assumed to result from plasma heating due to ion elemental Al inside the AlN layer at or near the surface.
bombardment. As mentioned in the Introduction, other authors have also
observed the presence of metallic Al in AlN PAN layers
2.2. PAN process [4,5]. In the case of PVD patterns, no Al peaks appear, but
the presence of Al either elemental or as an excess Al in
A schematic drawing depicting a typical PAN run is the AlN lattice can still not be ruled out; further analysis is
shown in Fig. 2b. Although details on the procedure to necessary though. In any event, a distribution of elemental
obtain these samples has been described elsewhere [1], the Al within the layer will be of great importance especially
relevant process parameters are indicated in Table 2B. in terms of the tribological and mechanical properties of
PAN samples were characterized by glancing angle X-ray the layer. The absence of amorphous glass peaks in the
diffraction (GAXRD) while PVD samples by conventional PVD diffractograms indicates that the AlN layer formed in
XRD (CXRD). Both were analyzed by optical (OM) and that case was rather thick.

Table 2B
Summary of experimental PAN conditions
Sample no. Cleaning presputtering stage Nitriding stage
Temperature Time Pressure Gas mixture Temperature Time Pressure Gas mixture
(8C) (min) (Pa) (sccm) (8C) (min) (Pa) (sccm)
PAN 2 350 30 50 12Ar+3H2 350 120 80 12Ar+3H2+42N2
PAN 6 400 15 50 12Ar+3H2 390 120 80 12Ar+3H2+42N2
300 U. Figueroa et al. / Thin Solid Films 469–470 (2004) 295–303

Fig. 5. (a and b) SEM views of PVD samples 15 and 14, respectively.

Fig. 3. (a and b) GAXRD spectra for PAN samples 2 and 6, respectively. (c PAN processes, a minimum presputtering time is required to
and d) CXRD spectra for PVD samples 15 and 14, respectively.
produce an Al surface free of Al2O3. This is achieved when
a certain value of Al+/O+ is reached, which is associated to
3.2. Surface morphology an equilibrium between sputtering and redeposition of
Al2O3. It follows then that presputtering times shorter than
Figs. 4a,c and 5 show the typical surface morphologies of this minimum will result in Al surfaces with residual Al2O3,
the PAN and PVD samples, respectively. Even the flattest which will prevent the formation of a completely smooth
surface obtained by PAN in Fig. 4a shows a much rougher AlN surface. Even if presputtering times longer than the
appearance that any of the PVD surfaces. In previous work minimum are used and an Al2O3-free surface is obtained,
[1], it was found that the extent of surface roughness in the some degree of roughness is still expected due to bombard-
PAN samples was closely associated to the duration of the ment with the highly energetic particles present in this
presputtering cleaning treatment. According to Ref. [6], in process, especially at the grain boundaries. In fact, the

Fig. 4. (a and b) SEM top view and OM cross-sectional view of PAN sample 2. (c and d) SEM top view and OM cross-sectional view of PAN sample 6.
U. Figueroa et al. / Thin Solid Films 469–470 (2004) 295–303 301

energy required to sputter Al is ~13 eV with Ar+ [20], and Considering that not only the deposition conditions were
the average energy of the Ar ions should be between a few much more easily obtained and controlled in the PVD
eV up to 400 eV (this last value corresponds to the applied experiments, but also that the treatment time was much
voltage) [6]. Additionally, the occurrence of local surface shorter to produce similar AlN thickness (~7 h for PAN vs.
micromelting within the AlN layer and macromelting along ~2.5 h for PVD including the pretreatment periods)
the surface grains of the substrate during nitriding is indicates that PVD may be the most adequate technique to
possible and should contribute to the larger surface rough- produce these layers. Additionally, it should be emphasized
ness. Ion bombarding and its effects are considered central that in the case of PVD, no heating of the substrate is
in the PAN layer formation mechanism discussed later. In required. Nevertheless, results from tribological and adhe-
the PVD process, production of a smoother layer is expected sion tests should also be considered in the selection of a
considering that less sputtering of the AlN will occur given technique to produce AlN on Al substrates.
the lower energy of the particles arriving at the substrate. To further establish and discuss the differences between
Furthermore, even if some protuberances form, high surface the two processes, in the following paragraphs, AlN
mobility of these particles can even them out. Finally, the formation mechanisms are proposed for each case based
difference in roughness may also be attributed to some on the processing experimental conditions and on the
degree to the roughness of the substrates used in each case. microstructural analysis of the AlN layers.
The glass substrates for the PVD layers were smoother than
the Al substrates used for the PAN samples. The rougher 3.4. PAN layer formation mechanism
surfaces in the PAN samples will probably lead to a lower
tribological performance with respect to the smoother According to the microstructural and phase identification
surfaces of the PVD samples. results, we propose the mechanism for AlN layer formation
in the PAN process illustrated in Fig. 6. It starts with the
3.3. Cross-sectional morphology Al2O3-free surface after the cleaning presputtering stage
(Fig. 6a) where some roughness is already observed due to
Figs. 4b,d and 5 show the cross-sectional views from the severe preferential sputtering of the soft Al surface and grain
PAN and PVD samples, respectively. In the PAN samples, boundaries by the highly energetic ions produced in this
the rough nature of the AlN layer stands out again as process. At this point, it is important to mention that one of
compared with the almost flat surface of the PVD samples, the consequences of ion bombardment is heating of the
especially when Fig. 5d is considered, where roughness is in substrate, which in addition to the external heating may lead
the order of tens of micrometers due to the coarse grain to grain and precipitate growth and even surface melting in
topography that develops during this process. In the flatter any stage of the process.
PAN sample, some discontinuities are observed along the The sequence of events proposed during nitriding are
layer. These cracks have been associated to thermal stresses largely based on a study of atmosphere characterization
produced during cooling of the sample by Chen et al. [4]. In during AlN production by ion nitriding performed by Quast
contrast, Fig. 5 shows the dense flat structure developed in et al. [6]. This study indicates that during nitriding, in
the PVD samples. In the case of the sample PVD 15 (d=2.5 addition to the Ar+ and Al+ species already present from the
cm) where the layer is thicker, it is clear that a columnar presputtering treatment, N++N+2 ions now appear. According
morphology developed. In the thinner layer of sample to these authors, N+2 species are more abundant but less
PVD14 (d=3 cm), it is difficult to discern the morphology. energetic than the N+ ions, which although fewer, their
Clearly, the target to substrate distance is central in terms of energy distribution shows a peak at the highest possible
growth kinetics. Considering the polycrystalline nature of values given by the voltage applied. In principle, both ions
the layers, as indicated by the X-ray diffraction results, it may react with the clean Al surface to form AlN particles;
can be concluded that the deposition conditions resulted in however, it is expected that N+ species react more readily,
the development of a Z2 type structure in which surface since reaction with N2+ would have to involve an extra step
diffusion allows enough atom mobility to produce a of dissociation to form N+ ions before it can form AlN
crystalline columnar dense layer. An interesting feature in molecules. Furthermore, the higher energetic N+ particles
the PVD samples is the rather large thickness of the AlN may also penetrate the Al surface to react with the Al atoms
layers produced. It varies between 1 Am for PVD 15 (d=3 in the substrate interior. Once the AlN nuclei form, the
cm) and 5 Am for PVD 14 (d=2.5 cm), which are much continuing N++N+2 and Ar+ ion bombardment leads to
larger than any of the AlN PVD coatings reported in the preferential sputtering of the softer Al surrounding the
literature reviewed. Comparing the base and work pressure harder AlN nuclei (and everywhere else, Al is exposed on
values, the applied voltage and the target to magnetron the surface) forming surface protuberances (Fig. 6c). Further
distance selected for the present experiments with those growth of the AlN can now occur below the initial nuclei up
summarized in Table 1, the thicker AlN layers obtained in to a thickness that allows penetration of ions to reach the
this work are probably due to the much shorter target to AlN/Al interface and react there with the Al underneath.
substrate distances (d) used in the present experiments. Diffusion of N through AlN to reach the Al substrate and
302 U. Figueroa et al. / Thin Solid Films 469–470 (2004) 295–303

Fig. 6. Proposed PAN layer formation mechanism.

react to form AlN is not expected if stoichiometric AlN is toughness. Chen et al. [4] and Quast et al. [5] also report
formed, since the solubility range of N in AlN is nil. Thus, metallic Al intermixed in their AlN layers obtained by PAN
from the start, a mixture of Al+AlN is formed as processes.
protuberances with an outer AlN layer and unreacted Al It is clear that high energy ion bombardment of the
inside. Simultaneously, on the rest of the exposed Al surface substrate is central in the formation of AlN in PAN
next to the protuberances, more nuclei may form and the processes, but also leads to undesirable layer and substrate
process repeats until eventually all the surface is covered by morphologies.
a rough structure that is a fine mixture of AlN+Al nodules.
Since now the Al surface is covered by AlN (Fig. 6e) and N 3.5. PVD layer formation mechanism
diffusion through it is not feasible, additional growth of the
layer may occur by local melting of the Al cores and In the case of the PVD process, the sequence proposed of
eruption of the molten Al through thin AlN zones (some AlN formation involves generation of highly energetic Ar+
AlN resputtering) (Fig. 6f). Once the molten Al erupts ions by the unbalanced magnetron. These ions, upon
(likely by capillarity) through the layer on to the surface and collision with the target, will sputter Al atoms and Al ions
solidifies there, the nucleation process repeats (Fig. 6g). that will leave the target with some of the kinetic energy
Even formation of AlN in the molten Al cannot be ruled out. from the collision. Additional Al ions may form when the
As a result, a layer composed by a fine mixture of AlN+Al Al-sputtered atoms enter the plasma region. Reaction of the
is continuously formed (Fig. 6h). This mechanism could Al species with the N particles to form AlN in this process
account for the presence of Al in the surface as evidenced by may occur both in the plasma volume and on the substrate
GAXRD and contribute to the surface roughness observed. surface. According to Smith [21], for the pressure range
The presence of a fine network of Al in the layer formed used in the present experiments, both diffusion of particles
may also explain why such thick layers were formed in the as well as collisions in the plasma atmosphere are expected.
present work as compared to some reported in the literature It is still unclear which reaction dominates, but since
whose thickness was limited by the dielectric nature of a formation of AlN on the surface would require deposition,
layer entirely formed by AlN. Furthermore, it is also adsorption, and migration of the Al and N ions until they
expected that the presence of Al in the AlN layer may have can meet and bind, it would be expected that AlN formation
a beneficial effect on its wear behavior due to an increased by reaction in the sputtering gas mixture occurs more
U. Figueroa et al. / Thin Solid Films 469–470 (2004) 295–303 303

readily. Once the formation of the AlN molecules occur, involved in each case is central in determining the structure
they are deposited on the substrate surface in a fairly of the layer. Higher ion energies in the PAN process are
uniform manner. The uniform thickness of the layers necessary to form the AlN layer, but also lead to severe
obtained indicates a uniform population of AlN particles sputtering (roughening) of the AlN layer and degradation of
in the sputtering gas mixture, no preferential deposition sites the substrate microstructure. These effects are not expected
in the substrate leading, and enough particle mobility at the in PVD and thus smoother more uniform AlN layers form in
surface to even out any crevices or protuberances that form. this case.
One of the main differences between PAN and PVD
processes is the energy of the particles that arrive at the
substrate. Even though in the PVD experiments, since the References
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surface with still a significant fraction of the collision 19 (5) (2003) 345.
[2] B. Reinhold, J. Naumann, H.-J. Spies, H7rterei-Tech. Mitt. 53 (1998)
energy; in PAN, the particles are much more energetic. For 329.
example, Glocker [14] reports an incident energy per d.c. [3] T. Ebisawa, R. Saikudo, Surf. Coat. Technol. 86–87 (1996) 622.
sputtered Al atom of 14.1 eV, while Quast et al. [6] observe [4] H.-Y. Chen, H.-R. Stock, P. Mayr, Surf. Coat. Technol. 64 (1994) 139.
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also to grain and precipitate growth in the substrate that (2000) 12.
affects adversely its mechanical properties. Some resputter- [8] V. Dimitrova, D. Manova, T. Paskova, Tz. Uzunov, N. Ivanov, D.
Dechev, Vacuum 51 (2) (1998) 161.
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for each process suggest that the energy of the species

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