Breath of Ten Meditation To Become Dis-Ease Free

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Breath of Ten Meditation to

Become Dis-Ease Free

"I don't believe that pain is the way of life. I think happiness is the way of life and it's our
birthright....[This meditation] looks very simple but it will change your biorhythm and your
magnetic field, thus it will trigger the command center and ask your immune system to wake
up....This is called Breath of Ten. It's a complete breath. Breath of Ten is in the line of breath
of fire, and it gives you a disease-free body and an absolutely meditative mind, fantastic life
and intuition...It requires practice…Your value is in your breath of life. Enhance the capacity
now, please…If this exercise is done eleven minutes, it puts the entire Chakras in rhythm." -
Yogi Bhajan

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.

Mudra: Your elbows are bent and your forearms and hands are relaxed in a clapping position
at the level of the solar plexus. Your hands move in and out as if you are clapping but they do
not touch. Stop the inward motion when the hands are about six to eight inches apart. Move
slowly and rhythmically.

Focus: Concentrate on the energy you feel between the palms of your hands.

Breath: The breath is timed with the movement of the hands. Each stroke of the breath is one
complete clapping motion (hands move in, hands move out). Inhale in five strokes through
the nose as you complete five complete clapping motions. Then exhale in five strokes
through the mouth as you complete the next five clapping motions. Continue and do not
break the rhythm of the movement and the breath.

"We need sincerity, we need courage, we need involvement, we need romance....Feel you are
a great sage, you are sitting on the top of the mountain, running the whole Universe. Do
something positive once for life, and change. Otherwise just be American and rotting down
here. Come on, let's get out to the higher self. You are an angel, the hands are just your
wings, you are flirting with the Mother Nature and you have romanced with the divine. Come
on, move, move. There's no chance to freak out." —Yogi Bhajan

Time: To put all the chakras in rhythm, do this meditation every day for 11 minutes. You can
gradually increase the time to 16 ½ minutes.

To End: Inhale and hold the breath for 20 seconds as you press your hands against your face
as hard as you can. Exhale. Inhale again, and hold the breath 20 seconds as you press your
hands strongly against your heart center. Exhale. Inhale one last time and hold the breath 20
seconds as you press your hands against your navel point. Exhale and relax.
© 3HO. This kriya is courtesy of YB Teachings, LLC. Used with permission.

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