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April 20, 2011

Board Members in Attendance

Mrs. Anne Bennett, Mr. Dan Cain, Mr. Jeff DeWeese, Mr. Richard Freisinger, Mr. Lynn

Mr. Joshua McElhaney, District Conservationist NRCS.

Call to Order
Mr. Dan Cain called the meeting to order at 8:05am.
Those present stated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison.
Mr. Joshua McElhaney gave the invocation.

Minutes of the Last Meeting

Mrs. Richard Freisinger made a motion to accept the March's Board minutes.
Mr. Jeff DeWeese seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

Acknowledgement of Public Notice

The meeting advertisement was noted.

Treasurer's Report
Mrs. Anne Bennett presented the Treasurer's report. Mr. DeWeese made a motion
to accept the Treasurer's report. Mr. Freisinger seconded the motion. The motion
carried unopposed.

Mr. Charlie Rosborough was unable to attend.

Mr. McElhaney gave the District Conservationist report. Office continues to work on 2011
EQIP and WHIP applications.

Old Business
Brief discussion was held on petty cash.

Mr. McElhaney stated the Bratt Gardens were close to being completed. He submitted an
invoice from Mrs. Debbie Williams for reimbursement on purchases made for the gardens
in the amount of $261.00.

Mr. DeWeese gave an update on the proposed program for obtaining seed packets to be
giving out at educational activities. The seeds would come from the Herman's Garden
Program. A variety of seed packets are sent and the program requests only $10.00
to cover postage and handling. Mr. DeWeese and Mr. Cain will donate personal funds for
the purchase. Mrs. Bennett made a motion to purchase the seeds from Herman's
Garden. Mr. Lynn Laird seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

New Business
Mrs. Bennett stated there are changes in her contact information. The number 432-5209
is not valid and for now 456-5620 is valid.
Discussion was held regarding monitoring on the proposed Conecuh landfill and the new
ECUA sewage plant. Mr. DeWeese will look into any available grants for monitoring of
the sites. The monitoring would be used to review the impact the two sites have on the
water quality.

Discussion was held on the upcoming Area One's Soil and Water Conservation District's
meeting. The meeting will be held in Marianna on Wednesday, May 11th. Mrs. Bennett
made a motion for Mr. Cain and Mr. DeWeese to attend the meeting and reimburse them
for their meals. Mr. Lair seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

The AFCD meeting was discussed along with the request from NACD for dues.
Mrs. Bennett made a motion not to send money to NACD due to lack of funds.
Mr. Freisinger seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

With no further business before the Board, Mr. Laird made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr.
DeWeese seconded the motion. Mr. Cain adjourned the meeting at 9:31am.

Mr. Dan Cain

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