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University Students reached Partner Activities


Uganda Christian University 762 UCU chaplaincy • Distribution of literature (tracts, DVD’s
(Mukono) • One on one evangelism
• Warning students about cults
Uganda Christian University 304 UCU chaplaincy • Distribution of literature (tracts, DVD’s)
(Kampala campus) • One on one evangelism
• Warning students about cults
• Answering questions on the Christian faith
and cults and Counseling former cult victims
• Speaking and teaching in Community services
Kyambogo University 889 St. Kakumba • Distribution of literature (tracts, DVD’s)
Chapel • One on one evangelism
• Warning students about cults
• Answering questions on the Christian faith
and cults and Counseling former cult victims
• Speaking and teaching in St. Kakumba chapel
Makerere University 1076 St. Francis • Distribution of literature (tracts, DVD’s
Chapel • One on one evangelism
• Warning students about cults
• Answering questions on the Christian faith
and cultsandCounseling former cult victims
• Speaking and teaching in St. Francis chapel
Chuka University, Kenya 420 FOCUS Kenya
• A weekend of teaching and preaching
• Distribution of literature (tracts, DVD’s
Africa College of Theology Eternal Impact
(ACT), Kigali, Rwanda • Warning students about cults
• Answering questions on the Christian faith
Africa Renewal University and cults
174 Eternal Impact • Counseling former cult victims

Kampala International 78 Eternal Impact • A 3-day seminar of teaching and preaching

University (KIU)-Western • Distribution of literature (tracts, DVD’s
Uganda campus • Warning students about cults
• Answering questions on the Christian faith
and cults and Counseling former cult victims



An outreach to Women and girls, dedicated to inoculating Christian women
and girls against spiritual manipulation, deception, and exploitation by
™ƒ”‹‰–Š‡ƒ„‘—–•’‡…‹ϐ‹…†ƒ‰‡”•ƒ†‡“—‹’’‹‰–Š‡™‹–Šƒϐ‹”‰”ƒ•’ Project Priscilla
‘ˆ•…”‹’–—”ƒŽ–”—–Š•‘–Š‡›…ƒ’”ƒ…–‹…‡„‹„Ž‹…ƒŽ†‹•…‡”‡–ǡ…‘ϐ‹†‡–Ž›ƒ† Discipling Women for Discernment
accurately declaring and defending the truth of the Gospel.

Many women and girls today are the target of cults and false teachers that
twist the Scriptures in order to take them spiritually captive and unethically
use them.

Along with its commands for all believers to be discerning and ready “to give
an answer,” the Bible presents Priscilla (Acts18) as a shining example of a
Christian woman who stands alongside her husband to strengthen and
disciple God’s people in their proclamation and defense of saving truth.

“This year, with the help of women volunteers, our like-minded

partners and the ACFAR team, we were able to reach out to many
women and girls challenging them to examine their faith and know
ACFAR in partnership with other women ministries
what they believe and how to communicate it ably in the face of
opposition. In order to do this, were involved in women conferences/ The year 2018, leaves many women discipled,discerning, and
seminars, radio, women sleepovers and female Apologetics classes, all the more eager to share their faith in a winsome way, for
reaching over100,000 women in East Africa.” which we praise the Lord. Such a need to continue to train
Sarah Kiyenga Walusimbi and equip more women in Africa will continue to be our
Project Coordinator passion even in the coming year 2019 and this we will do-
God being our help.
• Speaking at conference / seminars:
In partnership with Proclaim Africa, we spoke at conferences in Mubende, Feedback from listeners shows the hunger for God’s Word
Kampala, Kamuli, Mukono, Masaka reaching at least 500 women and girls. among women most of whom are young believers, have not
had opportunity to attend theological education, yet are in
• Sleepovers: ’‘•‹–‹‘•‘ˆ‹ϐŽ—‡…‡ƒ–™‘”ǡ‹–Š‡ˆƒ‹Ž›ƒ†–Š‡…Š—”…ŠǤ
Focused, intentional long term instruction in Apologetics. Through this
arrangement, 5 ladies were helped to be more discerning, with some of Many of the callers were grateful for faithful exposition of
them, former members of heretic churches leaving them and others gaining scripture and asked if more resources for further study can
…‘ϐ‹†‡…‡–‘•Šƒ”‡–Š‡‹”ˆƒ‹–Š™‹–ŠŽ‘˜‡†‘‡•‹•—…Š‰”‘—’•Ǥ be put into the hands of as many women as possible.




A pioneer in the Apologetics class 2013
Project Priscilla
Discipling Women for Discernment

The topic on the Great Commission stood out as a blessing for me in the Apologetics class. Mark 16:15 says “Go into the world and preach
the Good News to all creation. By the help of ACFAR I have been able to be part of this Great Commission when we reached out to the
students of Kyambogo University in October last year as well as teaching on discernment in Kamuli district last year in a church called God’s
Holy Assembly Nakibunguliya. My teaching was on “Discernment” and the highlight of which included a Muslim lady by the names of
Jalia who confessed Jesus as Lord and savior.

I wouldn’t ask for more this year, but to be eternally grateful to God and the ministry through ACFAR that has enabled me to fulfill the
Great Commission. The Sleep-over fellowship (Team Priscilla) led by Sarah has equally been a great ministry to me. I have learnt the
importance of sisterhood through caring for one another. I have witnessed young ladies use God’s word to make the right choices in life and
I must say Sarah does priceless work in mentoring young ladies and encouraging them to wait on the Lord, as well as obedience to his word.
The fruit of this work is seen in the lives that are led by the girls currently in Team Priscilla.

Women Coordinator with young

girls (Wakisa pregnancy centre) Sarah With Proclaim Africa Core Team



Sarah With Project Priscilla Team Project Priscilla Grad class

Sarah teaching at the proclaim africa

annual clergy women conference

Apologetics Notebooks distributed

to young women
      Sarah at women’s conference in Nairobi



the frontline against error. If the pastor is ill-equipped or misled, his members follow
suit. But what if the pastor was equipped to understand the Christian faith, explain it
truthfully and faithfully to his congregation? What if the pastor had the skills to equip
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“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all
Š‡’ƒ•–‘”‹•–Š‡™ƒ–…Šƒ‘ˆŠ‹•ϐŽ‘…ƒ†‹ˆŠ‡‰‡–•Ž‘•–ǡŠ‹•ˆ‘ŽŽ‘™‡”•™‹ŽŽ„‡Ž‘•– the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you
–‘‘Ǥ‡„‡Ž‹‡˜‡–Šƒ–‡“—‹’’‹‰–Š‡’ƒ•–‘”‡ƒ„Ž‡•Š‹–‘’”‘–‡…–Š‹•ϐŽ‘…ƒ•‡“—‹’–‘ overseers, to care for the church of God, which
he obtained with his own blood.”
respond to and resist cults and false teachers. Pastors on Guard (POG) that equips
ferocious wolves that opportunistically deceive and distort God’s World to mislead

Some of the study material

Pastors breakfast meeting available for pastors Rodgers preaching in London

“Keep a close watch on yourself and on

the teaching. Persist in this, for by so
doing you will save both yourself and
your hearers.” 1Tim 4:16



Most of these pastors were introduced to
Apologetics and its necessity in guarding their
as well as ground them in their Christian faith.

This year, we were able to reach ten thousand

pastors in East Africa, Zambia, and Southern
Africa through:
• Conferences/seminars
• Providing Theological resources for their
ministerial formation
• Collaborating with like-minded ministries like
Pastor Discipleship network, Ekklesia Afrika
to provide training
• Providing information on controversial relig- Pastors conference in Nairobi
ious movements in Africa for their preparati-
on in responding to cults.

Pastors conference in Zambia



I have known ACFAR for a long time through Pastor Rodgers
Atwebembeire and Paul Carden. For me I am encouraged by the
times I have been under his teaching couple times. It has helped
awaken me more to the shocking realities of the lostness of the
church in Uganda, and the taking advantage of poor un-discipled
Christians and how deep and wide that has sadly gone. It continues
to challenge me in engaging continually in the bible translation   !
ministry and all its
implications in dealing “It has helped awaken me "# $%&  %' ( 
with this issue. more to the shocking “Staff and students at Uganda Martyrs Seminary Namugongo
I am grateful that ACFAR realities of the lostness continue to be grateful for visits every 6-months from Rodgers
is being an arm for bible of the church in Uganda...” and his ACFAR team to speak to us about different apologetic
translation ministry. It is challenges facing the church in Uganda today. As church leaders in
getting us all in considering studying scripture and eat it for our training it’s crucial that
nourishment. It is not enough for the bible to be given to the peop- our students (and by “...our students are not only
le. The process is complete when the word of God is being accessed extension we teaching able to know and preach
and making impact therefore protecting us from death. staff) are not only able
to know and preach the the true gospel, but also
We are so encouraged by the commitment of ACFAR to protect and true gospel, but also recognise false gospels...”
get back souls to where they are meant to be. recognise false gospels
Thank you so much pastor Rodgers for your continual support for
SIL INTERNATIONAL Uganda through your consistent partnership Rodgers’ ministry has been crucial for us in this way and we
in prayer and friendship. These two ministries can’t do without the continue to pray for all at ACFAR as they help to equip us and
other. ƒ›‘–Š‡”•–‘’”‡ƒ…Š–Š‡–”—‡‰‘•’‡Ž‘ˆ ‡•—•Š”‹•–ƒ† ‹
I am excited for what God is opening up for a deeper partnership in …”—…‹ϐ‹‡†ƒ…”‘••ƒŽŽ‰ƒ†ƒƒ†ƒ•–ˆ”‹…ƒǤdz
Gods kingdom



)*   * + (( ,  Partners in ministry 22
-. ' * /  -.' $ " ) %
"I hereby write to wholeheartedly acknowledge the transformational ministry of
ACFAR. My encounter with the apologetic works ACFAR for the last few years has
been very helpful to me and my ministry at the great and prestigious Makerere Institute for Religious Research
University... ACFAR is 'God sent' to combat false teachings in our institutions."

, $ - Institute for Religious Research

    $' 0 #    "#
## .)  ' "# -   " ) %
Institute for Religious Research
"The problem of being misled or being deceived in the African cults is so, so ram-
pant. ACFAR comes in to emphasize the importance of Biblical teaching, the
importance of knowing what cultic groups may emerge. It comes to help us with
that, and I think that's why I feel it's important that I should support it on the
board and ensure that our young people, our old people, the people in our
churches, are exposed to some good Christian teaching." Institute for Religious Research

 *1* - 

'   2  " ) %
.' "# Institute for Religious Research

"I am only too happy to endorse your critical ministry. Everywhere I go I see the
devastating efforts of poor, unbiblical thinking. With the meltdown of western
powers and the instability of so-called democratic movements, we need the
Institute for Religious Research
straight forward, pure Gospel more than ever before. ACFAR reaches into that
chaos with penetrating truth! Your ministry is now more than ever desperately



ACFAR International Networks And Partnerships
This year, ACFAR has been privileged to partner with Like-minded
international ministries through which it has spoken at international
conferences/conventions equipping Christian leaders with the tools
for outreach to cults.

November 2017: Ekklesia Afrika Pastors conference, Kitwe Zambia

January 2018: FOCUS commission student conference, Nairobi Kenya

June 2018: Annual Fundraising in the USA

Sarah's outreach to women in Nairobi June Bible consultation Pretoria, South Africa

July 2018: Keswick Convention in UK

May 2018: Proclaim pastors Conference, Nairobi Kenya

 ‹”‡…–‘”••—‹–Ǧ ‹•ƒˆϐŽ‹ƒ–‡†–‘ƒ‡–™‘”‘ˆ…‡–”‡•
world over

Through these strategic partnerships, ACFAR put hundreds of read-

ing resources in the hands of Pastors and Christian leaders from all
over the world.

ACFAR conducted workshops in which participants from all over the

ACFAR Kenya world were exposed to Apologetics, cults and contemporary false
teachings with the goal of informing, and teaching them to underst-
and, identify and answer such groups and teachings.




CFAR Directors summit,

—†ƒ’‡•– —‰ƒ”›

CFAR Celebration 2018



Overview Overview of Main 2018–2019 Priorities
The challenge of cult and false teachings continue to grow. Both existing and new • Outreach projects (among Pastors, Students and
religious movements are aggressively seeking to proselytize many unsuspecting Women)
believers in East Africa-and believers have almost nowhere else to turn for help. • Media (radio outreach and social media)
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true gospel to advance among students. More work is needed in sensitizing people • Training through conferences/Seminars
against cults. More research and information are needed to inoculate many against • Staff development (Staff Theological training)
the subtle deception of these groups. • Research (emerging religious trends and
The situation is not hopeless though, by God’s grace, through our multifaceted movements)
programs ACFAR will seek to reach out to thousands of believers, equipping many • Apologetics Curriculum development for
churches and individual Christians with much needed information to identify, Theological Institutions
understand, answer and evangelize cultic groups.
…in addition to such ongoing activities as
• General research on new and controversial
God willing we will continue to: movements and trends
• Research and provide top-quality resources like literature & DVDs to churches, • Translation
university fellowships and individuals • Correspondence
• We will prioritize radio outreach to reach the masses for cult awareness and
access of information • Counselling/consulting
• We will partner with like-minded organizations to organize conferences,
seminars, and workshops for women, students and pastors in East Africa. NB: ACFAR staff will consider invitations to speak
ACFAR will especially partner via our existing projects with ministries like: at conferences / seminars whose topics include
a. Project Priscilla Apologetics, worldview comparisons and under-
b. Test Before You Trust standing cults.
c. Pastors On Guard
d. Research and Media

Major Goals for This Work Plan

• To provide tools to help believers discern truth from error through Scripture
it with conviction and courage, and who are passionate about cult evangelism
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in the churches and Christian Educational Institutions of East Africa.



Expenditure and Budget
We praise the Lord for all our supporters for standing with us in prayer and
above - mentioned activities and to impact many across East Africa.

The expenditure for the year 2017-2018 was 329, 600, 980/- (about $ 91,555)
In light of the proposed activities and outreaches, the expected budget for the
year 2018-2019 will amount to 356, 892,640/- (about $99,137), subject to the
exchange rate.

We call upon all of you who have always supported us to do even much more
so that we can continue to reach many in East Africa for a discerning, discipled


Employment Costs

Conferences And Core Activities10%

Administration Expenses
Travel And Communication
Seminars And Outreaches
Rent And Utilities 




Sarah teaching at the Proclaim africa annual FOCUS Conference in Arua

clergy women conference

Outreach at a Primary School ACFAR Student retreat





P.O Box 72405, Clock Tower, Kampala-Uganda.

Tel: +256 706 378254 / +256 706 100 664

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