Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Irish Farm Operators

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Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among

Irish Farm Operators

Aoife Osborne, BAgrSc,1 Catherine Blake, PhD,2 David Meredith, M.Litt,3 Anne Kinsella, MSc,

James Phelan, PhD,5 John McNamara, M.Agr.Sc.,6y and Caitriona Cunningham, PhD2

Background To establish prevalence, risk factors, and impact of work-related muscu-

loskeletal disorders (WMSDs) among farmers in Ireland.
Methods In summer 2009, a questionnaire was appended to the Teagasc (Irish
Agricultural and Food Development Authority) National Farm Survey (n ¼ 1,110) to
obtain data on the prevalence, risk factors and impact of WMSDs amongst farm
operators in Ireland. Data were collected by trained recorders and analyzed using chi-
square tests, t-tests, Mann–Whitney’s U-tests and logistic regression models.
Results The prevalence of WMSDs in the previous year was 9.4% (n ¼ 103), with the
most commonly affected body region being the low back 31% (n ¼ 32). Nearly 60%
(n ¼ 57) of farmers reported missing at least a full day’s work as a consequence of
their WMSD. Personal factors evaluated using binary regression analysis, were found
not to influence whether or not a farmer experienced a WMSD. However, work-related
factors such as larger European Size Units (ESUs, OR: 1.007, CI: 1.002–1.012), great-
er number of hectares farmed (OR: 2.501, CI: 1.208–4.920), higher income (OR:
1.859, CI: 1.088–3.177), dairy enterprise (OR: 1.734, CI: 1.081–2.781), and working
on a full-time farm (OR: 2.156, CI: 1.399–3.321) increased the likelihood of
experiencing a WMSD. Working on a full-time farm was the only factor found to
independently predict WMSDs in the multiple regression analyses.
Conclusions This study suggests that the prevalence of WMSDs can be reduced by the
application of improved farm management practices. A more detailed examination of
the risk factors associated with WMSDs is required to establish causality and develop
effective interventions. Am. J. Ind. Med. ß 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

KEY WORDS: work-related musculoskeletal disorders; farm operators; prevalence;

risk factors; impact

Rural Economy Development Programme,Teagasc, Oak Park, Carlow, Ireland Contract grant sponsor: Irish Health and SafetyAuthority.
School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science, Health Science Contract grant sponsor: Teagasc the Irish Agricultural Food Development Authority.
Complex, University College Dublin, Belfield Campus, Dublin 4, Ireland Disclosure Statement: The authors report no conflicts of interests.
3 y
Rural Economy Development Programme, Teagasc, Ashtown Research Centre, Dublin Teagasc, Health & Safety Officer.
15, Ireland *Correspondence to: Aoife Osborne, Rural Economy Development Programme, Teagasc,
Rural Economy Development Programme, Farm Survey Department, Teagasc, Athenry, Oak Park, Carlow, Ireland. E-mail:
Co Galway, Ireland
School of Agriculture, Food Science & Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture & Food Science Accepted 8 June 2012
Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield Campus, Dublin 4, Ireland DOI10.1002/ajim.22092. Published online in Wiley Online Library
Kildalton College, Piltown, Kilkenny, Ireland (

ß 2012 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.

2 Osborne et al.

INTRODUCTION despite having the highest number of occupational fatali-

ties [Health and Safety Authority, 2011]. Thus, the current
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most com- research aims to establish the extent of WMSDs amongst
monly reported cause of work-related ill health in Ireland, farm operators and estimate the number of days lost by
costing business and the State approximately s750 million farmers due to WMSDs.
per year [Bevan et al., 2009]. Work-related musculoskele- A systematic review of ‘MSD prevalence among
tal disorders (WMSDs) describe disorders and diseases of farmers’ highlights substantial heterogeneity between
the musculoskeletal system that result from an acute injury study methods including case definitions, data extraction
from a one-time trauma or are associated with cumulative and analysis methods making it difficult to establish single
traumas such as repetitive motion, excessive force, awk- prevalence results for specific body regions [Osborne
ward or sustained postures and prolonged sitting and et al., 2011]. This issue was compounded by the failure of
standing [Da Costa and Vieira, 2010]. The impact of most studies to account for both personal and work factors
MSDs on an individual’s ability to work and the time they when evaluating MSD prevalence rates. The reported 1-
may require to be absent from work means that MSDs year prevalence of experiencing any MSD ranged from
have significant associated costs to the individual, their 60% to 92.9% with an overall pooled result of 76.9%
family, and the wider economy [Bevan et al., 2009]. (95% CI: 69.8–82.7) [Osborne et al., 2011]. In order to
During the working day, farmers are exposed to a va- address the issue of WMSDs, it is first necessary to mea-
riety of physical hazards: lifting and carrying heavy loads, sure the magnitude of the problem by establishing preva-
working with the trunk in sustained flexion, risk of trips lence rates and then to identify risk factors, especially as
and falls on slippery and uneven walkways, unpredictable some risk factors may be unique to farmers working with-
actions of livestock, and exposure to vibration from farm in specific cultural, institutional, and geographic contexts.
vehicles and power hand tools [Walker-Bone and Palmer, Although, recent studies explored MSDs [Osborne et al.,
2002]. Farming is different to other occupations as it com- 2010] and disability [Whelan et al., 2009] among Irish
bines physically demanding labor in a variety of environ- farmers the focus was not specific to WMSDs.
ments, that is, in confined spaces and also outdoors. This Given the heterogeneity of farm work related to dif-
increases the potential risk of developing MSDs compared ferent farm enterprises, farmers are likely to have different
with other workers [Leino-Arjas et al., 1998; Sandmark work exposures which place them at risk of developing a
et al., 2000; Walker-Bone and Palmer, 2002; Health and WMSD. Research on WMSDs among farmers is under
Safety Executive, 2007; Thelin et al., 2009]. researched both nationally and internationally. The current
The Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989 provided study, which analyzes statistically representative samples
for the establishment of the Irish Health and Safety Au- of different types of farms, in terms of occupation and
thority (HSA), which has responsibility for overseeing the farm enterprise, is necessary to help understand the preva-
implementation of Irish health and safety legislation and lence, risk factors and impact of WMSDs among farmers.
is implemented through the provision of guidance, site vis- This study aims to (1) establish the prevalence of
its, advice and where warranted, enforcement. The HSA WMSDs, (2) measure the impact of WMSDs, including
have also implemented secondary legislation on the manu- number of work days lost, and (3) explore the relationship
al handling of loads regulation which forms part of the between WMSDs and various personal (operator age, gen-
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) der, martial status) and work-related factors (European
Regulations 1994 which were updated in 2007 [Health Size Units, hectares farmed, farm income, days, and hours
and Safety Authority, 2007]. In Ireland, it is mandatory worked in a year, full-time or part-time farmers and farm
that accidents and injuries be reported to the HSA when a enterprise) among farm operators in Ireland.
person is injured at a place of work and cannot perform
their normal work for more than 3 consecutive days MATERIALS AND METHODS
[Health and Safety Authority, 2006]. This is the case for
employers, employees, and the self-employed and, hence, Data Source
includes the population working in agriculture. However,
comparisons of official injury figures recorded for all sec- University College Dublin Research Ethics Commit-
tors in 2009 highlights significant discrepancies between tee granted ethical approval for the current study. Subse-
data published by the HSA (7,161) and those of the Irish quently, permission was sought and granted from Teagasc
Central Statistics Office (31,774). The substantial differ- (Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority) to in-
ence in these figures suggests that workplace accidents are clude questions in their annual National Farm Survey
underreported in Ireland. This may explain the relatively (NFS) for the year 2009. In 2009, 1,110 farms represent-
low figure reported for the agriculture, forestry and fishing ing 102,398 farms enterprises nationally were included in
sector, which accounted for 1.2% of injuries in 2010 this survey [Connolly et al., 2010]. The primary purpose
WMSDs Among Irish Farm Operators 3

of the NFS is to collect and analyze information relating were incorporated into the NFS during the summer of
to farming activities in Ireland and report these results to 2009 and were answered by the principal farm operator. In
the European Farm Accountancy Data Network [Connolly Ireland, the principal farm operator is usually the farm
et al., 2010]. The NFS is conducted on a sample of farms owner but in a small number of cases it might be a hired
identified by the Irish Central Statistics Office. The sample farm manager. For this survey WMSDs were defined as
is stratified by main farming systems and farm size group ‘‘any significant bone, joint or muscle problem lasting
to ensure that the data provide a representative profile of 24 hr or more in the last 12 months, that the farmer
farms in Ireland [Connolly et al., 2010]. System refers to believes was related to farming.’’ Standard cues were used
the primary enterprise on the farm business and is catego- by the interviewer to clarify this definition where neces-
rized according to the European Union farm typology. sary in order to capture significant WMSDs and not just
These enterprises include dairying, less intensive dairying minor aches and pains. Also recorded were the body part
with other farm systems, cattle rearing-suckler cows, other affected, number of days unable to do normal farm work
cattle systems-dry stock, mainly sheep, and mainly tillage. due to the WMSD and the farm activity to which farmers
Pigs and poultry are not included in the sample, due to the attributed their WMSD.
inability to obtain a representative sample of these systems
in Ireland. The NFS has been implemented on an annual Statistical Analysis
basis since 1972 and therefore is a nationally representa-
tive, well-established, and verified data collection system. Questionnaire data were entered onto the Statistical
The NFS collects data relating to a large number of Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS V.18) for analysis.
variables, which facilitates the exploration of various risk Initial analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics.
factors and consequences related to WMSDs. Based on a A Kolmogrorov–Smirnov statistical test was performed to
review of the literature by the current author [Osborne determine if age, ESUs, hectares farmed, farm income
et al., 2012], the following variables: age, gender, days data, and days worked were normally distributed. Only
worked per year, full- or part-time farm, and farm enter- age met this assumption. Independent t-tests were used to
prise were identified as significant in understanding the explore the relationship between WMSD prevalence and
risk factors of MSDs. Other variables identified as gaps in the normally distributed variable, age. Where variables
the literature and were explored in the current study in- were not normally distributed, a Mann–Whitney’s U-test
cluded: hectares farmed, ESUs, and Farm Family Income. was used to explore relationships between WMSD and
European Size Unit is a gross margin denominator of ESUs, hectares, income, and days worked. A chi-square
s1,200 that is used to express the economic size of an test was used to compare proportions of farmers with and
agricultural holding or farm in a standardized manner. For without a WMSD in subgroups based on farm enterprise,
each enterprise on a farm, the standard gross margin is full- or part-time farmer, gender, and martial status. As
estimated based on the area used for the particular activity the dependent variable (WMSDs yes/no) is categorical,
(or the number of livestock) and a regional coefficient. further analysis using binary logistic regression techniques
The sum of all such margins derived from activities on a was conducted to determine odds ratios with 95% confi-
particular farm is its economic size, which is then dence intervals, following which multiple logistic regres-
expressed by dividing the total standard gross margin in sion explored independent predictors of WMSDs.
euro by 1,200, thus converting it to ESUs [Eurostat, Continuous variables such as age, hectares, and income
2012]. A part-time farm is defined for the purpose of the were collapsed into categories for regression analysis.
NFS as one which requires <0.75 standard labor units to Hectares and income were grouped in accordance with
operate. This is calculated on a standard work day basis NFS classifications and age was sub grouped into 5-year
(8 hr of work supplied by a person over 18 years of age). cohorts. Further sub grouping of hectares into 0–30, 31–
Standard work day coefficients, based on the labor input 100, and >100, income into <6,499, 6,500–29,999 and
required per hectare for the different crops or per head for >30,000, and farm enterprises into cattle (cattle rearing
various categories of livestock, are used to calculate the and other cattle system), dairy (dairying and dairying with
total number of standard work days required to operate a other farm systems), sheep and tillage (Table IV) was con-
farm. A full-time farm requires at least 0.75 standard labor ducted. Variables found to be significant on the bivariate
units to function, as calculated on a standard work day logistic regression analysis were analyzed in a multiple
basis [Connolly et al., 2010]. The distinction between a binary logistic regression model to explore for indepen-
full and part-time farm is based on the estimated labor dent predictors along with age, which was considered to
input required rather then the actual work time input. be a potentially important factor. Age, however, did not
The NFS is implemented by trained recorders through alter the ultimate outcome of the analysis and therefore is
an interview process. Implementation of the survey takes not reported in tables. Collinearity diagnostic tests were
place on individual farms. Questions relating to WMSDs carried out on ESUs, hectares farmed and income, to
4 Osborne et al.

explore for potential mulitcollinearity between these varia- unable to work, the median days lost was 7 days (1 week)
bles and thresholds were not exceeded. Therefore all were with the number of days ranging from 1 to 300 (Table II).
retained in regression models. A further 87% (n ¼ 90) of farmers with a WMSD
reported having days when they were able to perform only
RESULTS 50% or less of their normal farm work with the number of
days ranging from 1 to 365 (median ¼ 20, Table II).
NFS Results
Risk Factors for WMSDs
Respondents were aged between 23 and 85 years
(median ¼ 53), farmed a median of 46 ha of land and None of the personal factors (age, gender, or martial
were predominantly male (95%). Farm enterprise groups status) showed any significant relationship with WMSDs
were represented as follows: 26% (n ¼ 285) dairy, 8% in the univariate analysis (Table III). However, an associa-
(n ¼ 83) dairy and other, 22% (n ¼ 247) cattle rearing, tion was found between the scale of the farm business
24% (n ¼ 272) cattle other, 11% (n ¼ 126) mainly sheep, measured in terms of ESUs, hectares farmed, farm income
and 9% (n ¼ 97) mainly tillage. and full- or part-time farm, and having a WMSD
(Table III).
Prevalence and Impact of WMSDs The binary logistic regression analysis (Table IV)
showed that farmers who had higher ESUs (OR: 1.007,
Of the respondents, 9.4% (n ¼ 103) of farm opera- 95% CI: 1.002–1.012), worked larger farms (>100 ha,
tors, corresponding to an estimated 9,629 farmers nation- OR: 2.501, 95% CI: 1.208–4.920), and had an income
ally, reported having had a WMSD in the previous >s30,000 (OR: 1.859, 95% CI: 1.088–3.177) increased
12 months prior to the survey. Table I illustrates the body the likelihood of experiencing a WMSD. The odds of hav-
regions and attributed causes of WMSD. The most com- ing a WMSD were higher in full-time operators (OR:
monly affected body regions were low back 31% 2.156, 95% CI: 1.399–3.321) by comparison with part-
(n ¼ 32), knee 15% (n ¼ 15), and hip 12% (n ¼ 12, time operators. Dairy farmers had a statistically signifi-
Table I). Of the farmers who had a WMSD (n ¼ 103), cantly greater risk of WMSD compared to the other enter-
55% (n ¼ 55) attributed this to a specific farm injury. The prises (OR: 1.734, 95% CI: 1.081–2.781). In the multiple
most commonly attributed cause of WMSD was ‘‘general regression analysis (Table IV) only full-time operator was
lifting/pulling/pushing’’ (n ¼ 51, 50%, Table I). found to independently predict WMSD (OR 2.048, 95%
In the previous 12 months, 57% (n ¼ 59) of farmers CI: 1.085–3.864).
lost at least 1 day’s work due to their WMSD. For those
TABLE I. WMSDs Among Farm Operators: Body Parts Affected and
Attributed Causes (n ¼ 103) This research is the first to use a nationally represen-
tative sample to report on WMSD among farmers and to
n (%) compare different farm enterprises. This is also the first
Bodypart affected study to report on prevalence, risk factors, and impact of
Low back 32 (31) WMSDs among farm operators in Ireland. Furthermore,
Knee 15 (15) the current study quantifies the number of work days lost
Hip 12 (12)
Ankle/foot 8 (8)
Hand/wrist 7 (7) TABLE II. Farm Operators With WMSDs and Resultant Reduced
Shoulder 6 (6) Productivity Days (n ¼ 103)
Upper back 4 (4)
Neck 2 (2) Full days unable to 50% or less farm
Elbow 1 (1) work, n (%) work, n (%)
Other 16 (16) 1^3 days 19 (18.4) 9 (8.7)
Attributed causes 4^7 days 13 (12.6) 19 (18.4)
General lifting/pushing/pulling 51 (50) 8^14 days 4 (3.9) 13 (12.6)
Animal handling 13 (13) 15^30 days 8 (7.8) 23 (22.3)
Trips and falls 12 (12) 31^180 days 14 (13.6) 22 (21.4)
Usingmachinery/tools/implements 11 (11) >180 days 1 (1.0) 4 (3.9)
Other 16 (15) 59 (57.0) 90 (87.0)
WMSDs Among Irish Farm Operators 5

TABLE III. Factors Associated WithWMSD Among Farmers (n ¼ 1,110)

WMSD yes WMSD no Test P-value

Median (range) 52.78 (30^85) 53.67 (23^84) 0.690 0.491
Interquartilerange 15 17
Male,n (%) 102 (9.6) 955 (90.4) 2.910b 0.088
Female,n (%) 1 (2.2) 45 (97.8)
Martial status
Single,n (%) 21 (8.2) 234 (91.8) 2.427b 0.489
Married,n (%) 79 (9.9) 721 (90.1)
Widowed,n (%) 1 (2.9) 34 (97.1)
Separated,n (%) 1 (7.7) 12 (92.3)
Median (range) 32.53 (2.01^206.98) 17.21 (2.07^258.19) 3.952c 0.001
Interquartilerange 50.96 35.55
Median (range) 59.10 (8.90^228.00) 45.00 (4.00^418.00) 2.89c 0.004
Interquartilerange 53.20 39.70
Median (range) 16,385.42 (12,375.52^88,849.31) 12,281.00 (69,612.62^329,076.00) 2.450c 0.014
Interquartilerange 28,594.39 21,888.68
Daysworkedper year
Median (range) 300 (1^365) 300 (0^365) 1.145c 0.252
Interquartilerange 60 42
Full-time,n (%) 70 (12.4) 493 (87.6) 12.598b 0.001
Part-time,n (%) 33 (6.2) 501 (93.8)
Farm enterprise
Cattle,n (%) 35 (6.7) 484 (93.3) 7.612b 0.055
Dairy,n (%) 41 (11.1) 327 (88.9)
Sheep,n (%) 15 (11.9) 111 (88.1)
Tillage,n (%) 12 (12.4) 85 (87.6)

Chi-square test.
Mann^Whitney’s U-test.

by farmers due to a WMSD, which is known to be under- interview process enhanced the validity of the research
reported for farmers [Hartman et al., 2006], especially as survey data. Furthermore, it should be noted that results
no national record exists for farmers in Ireland. The NFS from this study may not be generalizable to all interna-
has been conducted on an annual basis since 1972 and tional farmers given the heterogeneity that exists between
strengths of this study include access to the NFS sample nations, for example, farm size, farm systems, and farm
which ensured a nationally representative sample of farm practices.
operators with good statistical power. Although it must be This current study found that 9.4% (n ¼ 103) of Irish
acknowledged that one potential limitation might be the farm operators reported having a WMSD in the previous
‘‘healthy worker effect,’’ as farm operators who are no year, with the most commonly affected body region being
longer farming because of their WMSD might not have the low back 31% (n ¼ 32). Personal factors explored in
been captured. As the NFS is repeated annually it is possi- the current study were found not to influence whether or
ble that this specific population can be followed up to not a farmer experienced a WMSD, although some previ-
monitor if progress is being made in reducing the preva- ously reported MSD risk factors, for example, body mass
lence of WMSDs and related disability in Ireland. In addi- index [Holmberg et al., 2004], height [Kolstrup et al.,
tion, the use of trained NFS recorders through an 2006], weight [Gustafsson et al., 1994] were not explored
6 Osborne et al.

TABLE IV. Regression Analysis Used to Explore Factors Associated WithWMSDs (n ¼ 1,110)

Binary regression Multiple regression

OR 95% CI P-value OR 95% CI P-value
ESU 1.007 1.002^1.012 0.004 1.002 0.994^1.011 0.631
0^30 (indicator variable)
31^100 1.501 0.872^2.584 0.143 0.942 0.486^1.824 0.860
>100 2.501 1.208^4.920 0.007a 1.070 0.419^2.734 0.887
<6,499 (indicator variable)
6,500^29,999 1.140 0.694^1.873 0.605 0.977 0.571^1.671 0.932
>30,000 1.859 1.088^3.177 0.023b 1.162 0.615^2.198 0.643
Daysworked 1.001 0.998^1.005 0.457
Part-time (indicator variable)
Full-time 2.156 1.399^3.321 0.001a 2.048 1.085^3.864 0.027b
Farm enterprise
Cattle (indicator variable)
Dairy 1.734 1.081^2.781 0.022b 0.947 0.488^1.835 0.871
Sheep 1.869 0.986^3.541 0.055 1.547 0.790^3.030 0.204
Tillage 1.952 0.974^3.912 0.059 1.353 0.641^2.857 0.427

P < 0.01.

P < 0.05.

here. However, work-related factors such as ESUs, greater [2008]. In Ireland, studies related to effective use of work
number of hectares farmed, higher farm income, dairy and time have indicated that both technology and practice
working full time on the farm were found to be associated adoption were required to reduce working time [O’Brien
with higher odds of experiencing a WMSD. Using multi- et al., 2006; Ruane et al., 2007]. Safety management on
ple regression analysis, working as a farm operator on a the farm has been found to be a function of farmer’s abili-
full-time farm was the only factor found to independently ty to successfully manage all aspects of the farm business
predict WMSD and this was similar to findings of a previ- [Phelan et al., 2007]. Therefore, improving farm manage-
ous Irish study [Osborne et al., 2010] where MSDs were ment skills, in particular planning work activities, routines
found to be more common amongst farmers who worked and technology adoption relevant to WMSD prevention
longer hours. International studies have also identified could be more beneficial to farmers as well as reducing
work hours as a potential risk factor for MSDs among daily hours worked.
farmers [Gustafsson et al., 1994; Holmberg et al., 2002]. In the current study, the results established that opera-
Furthermore, it was found that shorter workdays could re- tors farming >100 ha and with incomes >s30,000, that
duce the amount of sustained muscular activity at work, is, farms with higher ESUs, were at a greater risk of
however, this effect has relatively little impact on the WMSDs. This has not been reported previously for
risk of overexertion injuries such as back injury and other WMSDs. However, research by Pickett et al. [1995] sup-
factors such as the need for manual handling of heavy ports the association between injury and larger farm size
loads and the possibilities for safe lifting may be of great- and also higher farm income. Larger farms tend to have
er relative importance for the occurrence of back pain higher activity levels and require greater labor inputs,
[Wergeland et al., 2003]. Results from the current study thereby exposing their operators to more physical hazards
indicated that 55% of farm operators who reported a or possibly greater work time constraints. In the current
WMSD in the previous year attributed the cause to a spe- WMSD study, dairy farmers made up a higher proportion
cific farm injury, suggesting acute overexertion injury rath- in the larger farm group (>100 ha) and the higher income
er than cumulative work trauma. This highlights the need group (>s30,000). They also had more ESUs compared
to develop better working routines such as eliminating with the other farm enterprises. It is therefore unsurprising
heavy lifting and alternating work tasks, the maximum that Dairy farmers also reported a greater risk of WMSD
time spent working on specific tasks and the resting time compared to the other enterprises. Dairy farmers are
in between tasks which have been suggested by Kolstrup exposed to the added hazard of milking and regularly
WMSDs Among Irish Farm Operators 7

handling dairy cows in comparison to other farm enter- like to acknowledge Brian Moran, Teagasc NFS specialist
prises. Milking cows has been described as physically de- in data collection, validation and analysis, for technical
manding and can be associated with repetitive and help.
monotonous work, difficult working postures and move-
ments [Stal et al., 1996, 2003; Pinzke et al., 2001]. There-
fore, the characteristics of this enterprise, in terms of
physical farm size, scale of the farm enterprise and the
Bevan S, McGee R, Quadrello T. 2009. Fit for Work? Musculoskele-
number and variety of farm tasks, increases their risk of tal Disorders and the Irish Labour Market: The Work Foundation.
experiencing a WMSD. A more detailed examination is Available on:
required to understand what factors make farm enterprise, Documents/ffw_Ireland311009.pdf [cited January 18, 2012].
size, and scale risk factors for WMSDs. Connolly L, Kinsella A, Quinlan G, Moran B. 2010. National farm
The current study results illustrate the impact of Survey 2009. Athenry, Ireland: Teagasc.
WMSD on Irish farmers, where nearly 60% of those with Da Costa BR, Vieira ER. 2010. Risk factors for work-related muscu-
a WMSD reported being unable to conduct their farm loskeletal disorders: A systematic review of recent longitudinal stud-
ies. Am J Ind Med 53:285–323.
work for, at least, a full day with the median days lost
being 1 week. Interestingly, 35% of farmers reported ab- Eurostat. 2012. Economic Size Units. Available on: http://epp.eurostat. [cited Jan-
sence from work due to their WMSD compared with 22% uary 18, 2012].
of industrial workers [Morken et al., 2003] and 18% of
Gustafsson B, Pinzke S, Isberg P. 1994. Musculoskeletal symptoms
veterinarians [Scuffham et al., 2010]. The proportion of in Swedish dairy farmers. Swedish J Agr Res 24:177–188.
farmers (22%) needing >14 days off work was also higher
Hartman E, Oude Vrielink HH, Huirne RB, Metz JH. 2006. Risk
when compared with 9% of industrial workers reporting factors for sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders among self-
an absence of more than 12 days [Morken et al., 2003]. employed Dutch farmers: A case-control study. Am J Ind Med
These comparisons show a higher level of work absentee- 49:204–214.
ism among farmers. However, such comparisons need to Health and Safety Authority. 2006. Code of practice for preventing
be interpreted with caution given that return to work is injury and occupational ill health in Agriculture Available on: http://
highly dependent on individual and cognitive factors and_Forestry/Code_of_Practice_Agri_.pdf [cited January 18, 2012].
[Reme et al., 2009] and given that farmer roles, tasks, and
Health and Safety Authority. 2007. Guide to the Safety, Health and
conditions of employment are different to most occupa- Welfare at work (General Application) Regulations 2007. Chapter 4
tions. As this study investigated impact only in terms of of Part 2: Manual Handling of Loads. Available on: http://www.
days lost, further research is required to establish the eco-
Manual_Handling.pdf [cited January 24, 2012].
nomic and social impacts of WMSDs on the farm operator
and implications for the viability of the farm enterprise. Health and Safety Authority. 2011. Summary of workplace injury,
illness and fatality statistics 2009–2010. Available on: http://www.
Taking a longitudinal approach using the NFS sample
would allow this research and also help reduce limitations of_Workplace_Injury_Illness_and_Fatality_Statistics_2009_2010.pdf
like the ‘‘healthy worker effect’’ as it would capture farm- [cited January 18, 2012].
ers with more severe WMSDs who had to cease farming Health and Safety Executive. 2007. Self-Reported Work-Related
as a result of a WMSD. Illness and Workplace Injuries in 2005/06: Results from the Labour
Force Survey 2007. Available from:
The risk factors identified by the current study suggest lfs/lfs0708.pdf [cited January 18, 2012].
that the prevalence of WMSDs can be reduced by applica-
Holmberg S, Stiernstrom EL, Thelin A, Svardsudd K. 2002. Muscu-
tion of improved farm management practices which may loskeletal symptoms among farmers and non-farmers: A population-
include the use of technology and practice adaptation, as based study. Int J Occup Environ Health 8:339–345.
was suggested previously [Phelan et al., 2007]. A more Holmberg S, Thelin A, Stiernstrom EL, Svardsudd K. 2004. Psycho-
detailed examination of the risk factors associated with social factors and low back pain, consultations, and sick leave among
WMSDs is required to establish causality and hence devel- farmers and rural referents: A population-based study. J Occup Envi-
ron Med 46:993–998.
op effective interventions.
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