Drug Abuse

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Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking

A research paper written in partial fulfilment of the Course: RELP 225 Foundations of Youth

Ministry. An objective statement paper, stating how the student intends to embark on the

ministry to the youths in the local church.

Presented by

Mqalisi Sibanda: SU160181W

Lecturer: Dr H Ddlovu

Due Date: September to December 2018.

Today’s society has influenced drastic changes in terms of the development of the youth in

the church and outside the church. The way young people develop from youth to adulthood

today has drastically changed from what it used to be in the past years. Today the influence of

media has changed societies in a tremendous way. This has led young people to develop

habits which are socially unacceptable and evil in many ways. Drug abuse and drug

trafficking, abnormal social development and premarital sex among many other things, these

are the problems which have stormed in societies today, even the Seventh-day Adventist

church is not spared, hence as pastors and all those with responsible authority in the church,

have to take important measures in approaching youths who are faced with these various

challenges within the societies.

The approach to the youth ministry today should have their problems and the available

influences in mind. This being the case, the approach to young people today should be very

different. As the youths are encouraged to appreciate God in their youth stage, according to

WHO, “Deliberate and intentional measures should be taken to address their challenges and

help them with the understanding of what they are going through, because the society has

drastically changed according to youth research done recently.”

Young people are most likely to begin abusing drugs including tobacco during adolescence

and adulthood. WHO reveals that, “By the time they are seniors in high school, seventy

percent of the high school students have taken illegal drugs. Nearly forty percent will have

smoked a cigarette and more than twenty percent will have used a prescription drug for

nonmedical purposes.” These percentages show that the future of most of the young people

might turn out to be bleak because these abuses of drugs and tobacco.

There are many reasons adolescents use these harmful substances, including the desire for

new experiences, an attempt to deal with problems or perform better in schools and also
simple peer pressure. Adolescents are biologically wired to seek new experiences and risks,

as well as to carve their own identity. Thus all these clearly show that youths are in a serious

crisis in terms of drug abuse.

Drug abuse and drug trafficking of late have become one of the major issues whenever social

issues affecting young people are put on perspective. James G. Wright et al points to the fact

that, “Research clearly shows that they do not only start using drugs at adolescent stage but

even at primary school. The further reveals that it has resulted to numerous problems like

mental health issues, domestic violence, anti-social behaviour, housing issues, learning

difficulties, disabilities, drop in school attendance and behaviour.” These scary problems

according to research are associated with kids at a very tender age of the primary school

going children.

The aforesaid problems which are associated with drug abuse are mostly associated with

youths who use them every day; according to statistics shows are very high. Serious measures

should be taken to address this issue which has devastated consequences in the society as

youths are the future of any given society, and have terrible effects to the human family in the


Addressing these ills, there is a need to have a wholistic approach to bring them under

control, seminars should be conducted on drug education as a wider strategic approach

targeted on vulnerable youths who are mostly at risk. Attending schools, colleges,

universities and learning institutions around the place where a pastor can intentional visit to

create an awareness to these young people on the terrible dangers of drugs. The whole

community should be addressed in helping these young people to shun these harmful

These educative or advisory seminars should be directed more to primary school children.

The reason being that they are introduced to drug awareness and indoctrinated at an early

stages about the dangers of drug abuse before much damage is done in their bodies and to the

society at large. In as much as it of great importance to educate the early young adults, the

primary kids are of more importance.

More of the peers also should be used in these educative tours, especially to those in

universities and colleges. It becomes more effective when they get it from their colleagues.

Especially those who were once involved but were able to leave these health destroying

habits are the most powerful tools to use to educate others. Drugs are perceived to be very

addictive and many believe that it is very difficult to leave. When they are clearly shown by

those who once indulged in these health destroying habits, through their testimonies and from

scripture and even scientifically, that it is possible to leave these harmful substance, they will

leave them and free their respective communities.

Drugs free communities in a free society. This is the effort to mobilize communities in

preventing drug usage. It provides the funding necessary for communities to identify and

respond to locally to drug abuse. Benson highlights that, “It is on this notion that

communities must be organised and equipped to deal with their individual substance abuse

problems in a comprehensive and coordinated manner.” He further postulates that, these

efforts should include the community as a whole. Ranging from youths under the age of 18,

parents, business, media, school, youth organisations, law enforcements agents, religious

fraternity organisations, health care professionals such as (doctors, nurses, dentists,

pharmacists, etc) and all other important institutions in the society.

Those people who will be tasked to come out with strategies which are grounded on public

health and emphasizing on the broader physical, social, cultural and institutional forces that
contribute to drug and drug trafficking abuse. Benson argues that, “The ultimate goal is to

modify the settings where a person lives, which in turn would influence how the person

behaves. Environmental prevention approach into actions that can affect community changes;

provide information, enhance physical design and modify policies, examples of such

strategies in use include local coalitions on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs that limit youths

to access to alcohol at groceries and convenience stores.’’

A pastor working with young people should also involve media in the anti-drugs campaign.

The media helps so much in dealing with the problem of drugs in society. Research according

to UN women and drug abuse says, “A country that intends to reduce drug abuse and drug

trafficking among the youths should dedicate resources to project consistently with drug

messages out to their youths through media.” All over the world, parents, teachers, religious

leaders, and others are struggling to compete with the volumes of misleading messages and

negative influence among young people who are exposed through the media itself, especial

when it comes to drug abuse.

Anti-drug media campaigns are an effective way to push back against these negative

messages and únsell’ the idea of drug use by young people. Private corporations spend a lot

of money in advertising their product, because it works and it is an effective strategy. The

same was anti-drug media campaigns will drastically reduce drug use in the societies. This

can also reach more people as many people have access to things from the media. This will

help young people that this is very vital because currently quietness about it makes one to feel

good and social acceptable.

The intent is to deliver clear consistent, credible and sustained drug abuse messages. All

television advertisements should be subjected to a rigorous process of qualitative and

quantitative testing, to ensure that before they are ever broadcasted. This is to make sure that
the assignments are credible and have intended effects on the awareness and to the attitudes

and behaviours of the youths.

In all these efforts in trying to help the youths it very important to engage them in the

programs discussed in this paper. Youth engagement is defined as the sustained and

meaningful involvement of youth activities focusing outside him or her. James D Wright

argues that, “A broad range of activities are effective in engaging youths; Including but not

limited to school or community volunteering, sports, the arts, music. The benefits of engaging

youths are significant. Positive outcomes of engagement include a decrease in the rate of

crime, an increase in academic performance and a meaningful connection with the youths in

the community.’’ Youths should be engaged in the communities to play an active role in

engaging their youths from risky behaviour, such as the use of drugs.

Youths that are in important decision making that affect their lives, youths that are

encouraged and youths that are supported usually reach to their full potential. Yet the youths

who receive mutual respect from adults, parents, educators and peers are more likely to live a

healthy lifestyle. Benson et al says, “Successful community execute strategies related to drug

abuse and other risky behaviours, particularly active participation in evangelistic campaigns,

projects such as creating anti-drug messages through video productions, news, papers, mutual

designs, attending career fairs, and participating in sports among many other things which

can keep them occupied with thins of their age.”

Pastors, who are working with youths, need to make sure that they act as mediators between

parents and these young people. Active involvement of parents in helping these youths is

very important. This may include mutual support groups, assisting with school curricula,

monitoring youth’s activities and otherwise participating in the lives of the young people. A

recent research by WHO shows that youths who feel emotionally connected to their parents
and family mare less likely to use cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana. The research further

reveals that, “school policies and school based services that serve youths, including those

who may be thinking about trying drugs and those worried about their use is real a protective

factor against risky behaviours.”

The pastor can effectively work with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), these are key

partners in implanting drug treatment programs. The advantages of working with these

organisations are that they work on the ground. They often run and are supported by health

practitioners, social workers and former drug users. Their constant efforts have helped so

much and if these can be utilised the better will be seen. Thus by partnering with them

moving around with them and sharing or providing the health aspect of it, yet the pastor will

be providing the biblical aspect of it will be very effective. Using scripture passages like

Genesis 9:21, Proverbs 3`1:5 and proverbs 23:31 among others will eliminate the clouded

mind to leave these harmful products. All these being the efforts to eradicate drug usage

among youths will give a positive influence towards the right direction.

The greatest challenge with these drugs, if important measures are not taken into

consideration to address the situation is that they will kill and they are very addictive. Once a

person starts it, it becomes very difficult to leave them. Hence young people should be

constantly reminded that these things do not only have health effects in their bodies, but that

above that they literary kill. Before they kill, they literary lead to numerous unacceptable

behaviours in the societies which obviously lead to crime and imprisonment.

Drugs have different dangers associated with them. Some such as alcohol has seductive

effects which slow down the way the body and brain function. WHO’s research dealing on

substance abuse and deaths points to the fact that, “Seductive drugs like alcohol can lead to

fatal overdose if a lot is taken. They can also affect co-ordination of the mind, there by
affecting the mind, which leads to making accidents more likely.” This has seen many

precious lives being lost in the process, as its affects the brain, which leads to poor

performance in school and numerous consequences to the individuals, society, church and the

nation at large.

The rise in the numbers of children and youths seen in the streets idle and have become a

burden to society is vastly because of early use of drugs. The person looses the whole focus

on life and end up in the streets, living for the drugs without any productive means to

contribute to the family and society at large. The church should take an active role in

conscietizing the young people about the consequences of drug abuse. In youth camps and all

youth outings, this monster of drug abuse should be addressed, so that less of the drugs

should be seen in the church.

There are many dangerous physical effects of drug addiction. UN on women and drug abuse

underscores that, “The kidney can be damaged by the habitual use of these drugs over a

period of time. The liver also fails in the process. It also leads to heart failure, cocaine addicts

and stimulant users are doing significant damage to their hearts. The lungs are also affected

when an individual smokes. Smoking affects even those who live with the smoker.” Many

people have gone down to the graves at a tender age, living parents who hoped to lean on

them in future heartbroken.

Drugs, other than health effects, can lead to crime. Many young people today get arrested for

unacceptable social behaviours after the usage of drugs. The drugs disturbs the mind, usually

tends the person to do a lot of things that includes crime and imprisonment. Many young

people are getting involved in criminal activities like murder, robbery, shop theft and many

other things. UN for example in 2004 said 17% of state prisoners had committed crimes

under the influence of alcohol and drugs.” It also leads to domestic violence, in colleges it
affects the behaviour of students among many other things which they do under the influence

of alcohol.

The tragedies that have been highlighted in this write-up, because of drug abuse calls for

measures to be taken to eradicate this evil, which has held many hostage. The clergy should

be seen to taking a leading role to fight against this monster which is threatening to wipe all

the youth who are the future of any given society. Campaigns and counselling session should

be unleashed to fight the ever rising drug abuse and drug trafficking. This will go a long way

towards reforming the lives of the young people.

The church should take the issue of drug abuse seriously as the core business of the church is

to redeem and reform people from the challenges that affecting them in every society. It is

also evident that that drug abuse is even affecting the church members, and families in the

community. The will to curtail the influence from within and without must sound an alarm to

the church to act for the best interest of the society at large.

Drug abuse and drug trafficking should not be viewed only from social point of view, but

should also be considered to be a spiritual problem affecting humanity, and the pastor should

treat it as such. The Bible clearly says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against

principalities in the high places. This becomes a call to consider drug abuse as a problem that

has been sown by the enemy. The aspect of prayer is very critical to deal with drug abuse.

Ministers should also attack this problem through prayer as prayer is the source power. Jesus

is the only one who can set as free as human beings. Prayer will bring hope to the young

people since drug abuse has the tendency to be addictive. Because its addictive nature, it

forces the person to lose all hope, hence the need to introduce prayer for divine intervention

to bring the lost hope.

In conclusion, if we share the belief that children and youths are precious assets from God for

the human population and future human capital. We need to invest our intellect, social

resources and a range of resources in nurturing them and protecting them against this deadly

social condition of the 21th century, which is drug abuse. The interest of the socio-economic

and spiritual agenda globally will be achieved, if everyone including the pastors will rally

behind the agenda to eradicate drug abuse among the young and children. Solutions to these

immoral issues are not easy, but there is the need to pull together and from all directions to

fight drug abuse and drug trafficking, especial among the youths, children as they are the

most vulnerable groups in the world.


The Bible, New King James Version.

Benso, Warren S. And Senter, Mark H., The complete Book of Youth Ministry , Chicago;
Moody press, 1989.
English Oxford Dictionary.
James D. Wright, Donalt Karninstyt and Martha Witting, Health and Social conditions of
street children, Volume 1, Honduras, March 1993.
Selected Excerpts and Youth Manuals from the General Conference and the Division as
recommended by the instructor.
United Nations women and drug abuse: A position paper by United Nations, 11 February
Who, program on substance Abuse, prevention substance abuse in families. A position,
Geneva, 1993.
WHO program on substance abuse deaths related to drugs, WHO Consultation November

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