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Curse of the Moon Children.

Level 3 Glossary Chapter 5

aching – hurting
admirably – in a way that I think is good
agonisingly – painfully
authorities – the organisations in charge
bait – a piece of meat left out to bring an animal near enough to catch
bewildered – totally confused
blasted – hit
blissfully – extremely happily
bolted – locked with a bolt
boundary – the line that marks the edge of land
bustled – worked hard and happily
cackled – laughed like a witch
caw – the call of a large bird
clustered – crowded around
dangling – hanging
dazed – confused and dreamlike
defy – disobey
dense – solid and heavy
desired – wanted very much
despairing – feeling hopeless
dismayed – very disappointed
dizzily – wobbily because you feel ill
eased – loosened
emitted – gave out
enclosed – held
era – period of time
gliding – (for a bird) flying without flapping
glinting – flashing as light hits it
gusto – enthusiasm
hankie – handkerchief
hoisted – pulled up
inanimate – without life
inquisitive – curious
jack-o-lantern – a pumpkin carved out with a candle inside, particularly one with a face carved on the
loyal – supports someone without question
lurks – hides
merciless – without any kindness
mounted – climbed up
pace – walk up and down when worried

Chapter 5. The Last Collection - 1/2

Curse of the Moon Children. Level 3 Glossary Chapter 5

pinned – held so tightly (she) couldn't move

plucked – pulled out with two fingers
plunging – falling
prised – pulled apart
purchase – grip
radiance – glow
resumed – continued again
retreated – went back
reverberating – echoing and vibrating
rigid – not bendy, stiff
scooped – picked up quickly
scrubby – thin and not growing well
see-sawing – going up and down (like a see-saw)
sheen – shine
shinned – climbed down by holding on tight with your legs
shoving – pushing
shrieked – screamed
snaked – went around like a snake
spare – free, available
sprite – a naughty fairy
squawk – the sudden cry of a bird
suspiciously – not trusting
swoop – (for a bird) to suddenly fly up or down
talon – long claw of a bird of prey
tangle – muddle
tilted – at an angle, not straight
treacherous – unfaithful, betraying
trick-or-treat – a custom of going from house to house at Halloween asking for sweets, and playing a trick
on anyone who does not give sweets
unseating – throwing (the person) out of a seat or saddle
venture – go bravely
vicious – mean and violent

Chapter 5. The Last Collection - 2/2

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