Past Tenses: Used To & Would To Express Past Habits

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Name: Class: Date:


Complete the sentences using the correct past tense

1. We had already eaten when John ________________ (come) home.
2. Last year Juan ________________ (pass) all his exams.
3. When I _________________ (get) to the airport I discovered I had forgotten my passport.
4. I went to the library, then I ___________________ (buy) some milk and went home.
5. I opened my handbag to find that I ___________________ (forget) my credit card.
6. When we ________________ (arrive) at the station, the train had already left.
7. I opened the fridge to find that someone ________________ (eat) all my chocolate.
8. I had known my husband for three years when we _________________ (get) married.
9. Julie was very pleased to see that John __________________ (clean) the kitchen.
10. It __________________ (not/rain) all summer, so the grass was completely dead.


Choose the correct completion
11. Amanda didn't need to study the multiplication tables in fifth grade. She ______ them.
a) had already learnt
b) was learning

12. I enjoyed visiting Tommy's class. It was an arithmetic class. The students _____ their multiplication tables.
a) had already learnt
b) were learning
c) was learning

13. While I _____ the mountain, I got tired. But I didn't stop until I reached the top.
a) had climbed
b) was climbing

14. I was very tired when I got to the top of the mountain. I _____ a long distance.
a) had climbed
b) was climbing

15. I knocked. No one answered. I turned the handle and pulled sharply on the door, but it did not open. Someone
_____ it.
a) had locked
b) was locking

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16. A: Where were you when the earthquake occurred?

B: In my office. I _____ to my assistant. We were working on a report.
a) had talked
b) was talking
c) were talking

17. A: Michael's house was destroyed during the earthquake.

B: I know! It's lucky that he and his family_____ for his parents' home before the earthquake struck.
a) were leaving
b) had already left

18. We drove two hundred miles to see the circus in Kansas City. When we got there, we couldn't find the circus. It
_____ town. We _____ all the way to Kansas City for nothing.
a) had left/ had driven
b) was leaving/ had driven
c) had left/ were driving
d) was leaving/ were driving


Choose the correct option for each sentence
19. How many friends _______ have?
a) would you
b) did you use to
c) both are posible

20. Which sentence is NOT correct?

a) I didn't use to walk home after school.
b) As a child, I would hate having to get up early.
c) I didn't use to like cheese when I was younger.

21. When I was a child, we _______ live in the countryside.

a) both are possible
b) would
c) used to

22. On Sundays, my mum _______ wake us up and cook pancakes.

a) used to
b) both are possible
c) would

23. My brother and I _______ fight all the time.

a) used to
b) both are possible
c) would

24. When the weather was bad, I _______ stay home and read comic books.
a) used to
b) both are possible
c) would

25. When I was a child I ____ like peanuts.

a) didn't use to
b) wouldn't
c) both are correct

26. In the morning he _______ sit on the front porch and read.
a) used to
b) would
c) both are possible

27. Which sentence is NOT correct?

a) She would call me after class to chat.
b) I would have very blond hair.
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c) I would go shopping with her every Friday.

28. I _______ wear glasses when I was at university.

a) wouldn't
b) both are correct
c) didn't use to


Choose the correct past tense or expression form to complete the sentences
29. My family and I ____ in London when I was young. Few years later, my dad was transferred so we went to the
U.S. and we have been living here ever since.
a) were living
b) used to live
c) would live
d) had lived

30. We ____ some sandwiches and fresh fruit to eat for lunch yesterday.
a) had bought
b) buyed
c) were buying
d) bought

31. When I was a kid we ____ every weekend in a country house we ___, sadly my family had to sell the house some
years later.
a) used to spent/ would have
b) would spend/ used to have
c) had spent/ would have
d) had spent/ had had

32. I ____very hungry when I ____ home. I _____straight to the fridge, only to find out that someone ____a piece of
pie I ____from the night before.
a) had felt/ had got/ went/ had eaten/ had left
b) felt/ was getting/ had gone/ ate/ left
c) was feeling/ got/ went/ had eaten/ had left
d) was feeling/ was getting/ was going/ ate/ left

33. I ___ a dog when I ___ a kid. His name was Doggo and he was run over by a passing car. I remember he ___
like crazy every time he ___ my footsteps approaching, I could see him through our window. I ___him in one of
these animal shelter places.
a) had had/ had been/ jumped/ was hearing/ adopted
b) used to have/was/would jump/heard/had adopted
c) would have/ was/ had jumped/ had heard/ was adopting
d) use to had/ was/ would jump/ heard/ had adopted

34. Yesterday a crazy day. While I ____ a shower, the fire alarm ____ and I ___ to run downstairs with a towel
wrapped around my body. Everyone ____ at me and I ____ very uncomfortable at that moment. Luckily, it was
just a simulation and I was back to my apartment immediately.
a) was having/went off/ had/ was staring/was feeling
b) had/had gone off/ was having/ stared/ was feeling
c) had had/ was going off/ had/ was staring/ felt
d) was having/ was going off/ was having/ was staring/ felt

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