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Intraoral Air Abrasion: A Review of Devices, Materials, Evidence, and Clinical

Applications in Restorative Dentistry

Article · September 2019


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3 authors, including:

Celin Arce
University of Alabama at Birmingham


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Intraoral Air Abrasion: A Review of

Devices, Materials, Evidence, and Clinical
Applications in Restorative Dentistry
Chan-Te Huang, DDS; Jihyon Kim, DDS; Celin Arce, DDS, MS; and Nathaniel C. Lawson, DMD, PhD


Abstract: Intraoral air abrasion is a technique in which abrasive particles are used Identify the armamen­
tarium for intraoral air
to remove or alter tooth structure. Intraoral air-abrasion devices are available as
standalone units that offer a variety of customization, such as modifications to Discuss the effect of air
air pressure, particle flow rate, and water flow rate, or as attachments to a dental abrading tooth structure
on the tooth's surface tex­
unit, allowing for a smaller footprint in the operatory. Some devices used for ture and bond strength
intraoral air abrasion are able to limit excess particle spray through utilization Describe clinical applica­
of a shroud of water. Aluminum oxide, or alumina, is the most commonly used tions and protocols for
intraoral air abrasion
and most abrasive type of air-abrasion medium; it is used mostly to roughen or
remove tooth structure. Other types of particles are intended for cleaning tooth
DISCLOSURE: Dr. Lawson has previously
surfaces. Previous research has reported negative and positive effects, as well received grant support from Danville
Materials/Zest Dental Solutions, which
as no effect, of air abrasion on the bond to dentin and enamel. The results of provided product support for this
article. The authors had no other
a study performed for this review show that air abrasion to both dentin and disclosures to report.

enamel with alumina at 60-psi pressure produced a visible roughening texture but did not negatively affect
bond strength. Clinical applications for intraoral air abrasion in restorative dentistry include cavity preparation,
cleaning of preparations, and removal of plaque and stain prior to restoring a tooth.

irborne-particle abrasion is defined in the glossary restorative procedures, and present clinical protocols for employing

of prosthodontic terms as “the process of altering the intraoral air abrasion. Intraoral air abrasion may also be used as a
surface of a material through the use of abrasive parti­ tool for dental prophylaxis, often called air polishing; however, this
cles propelled by com pressed air or other gasses.”1 review will focus on its uses as an adjunct for restorative procedures.
More casually, this process is known as air abrasion or
sandblasting'. Most dental laboratories have air-abrasionAir-Abrasion
units that Devices
are used to remove investment material, clean out milling residue, Several com mercially available intraoral air-abrasion units can
roughen the intaglio of crowns, and perform various other procedures be used w ithout sim ultaneous w ater spray. Examples include the
associated with laboratory work. The use of intraoral air abrasion MicroEtcher™ IIA (Danville M aterials/Zest Dental Solutions, zest-
has become practical with devices that simultaneously output abra­ and the EtchM aster' (Groman Dental, gromandental.
sive particles and water to control the spread of the particles. Several com). These system s are effective for roughening and cleaning,
different types of abrasive particles maybe used depending on the clin­ although the particle spray tends to be messy for both the patient
ical application for which the intraoral air abrasion is being performed. and the dental operator. If a dental practice is going to make the use
This article will describe the armamentarium available for intraoral of intraoral air abrasion a routine part of restorative procedures,
air abrasion, review the evidence for the use of this modality prior to the addition of w ater spray becomes essential.

508 COMPENDIUM September 2019 Volume 40, Number 8

Among the intraoral air-abrasion units with water (eg, PrepStart™ which m eans th at the rough edges on the particles may be abra­
H20, Danville Materials/Zest Dental Solutions; AquaCare, Velopex, sive. The density of alum ina is 3.95 g/cm 2. The particles can be; RONDOflex™ plus 360, KaVo Kerr,; Bioclear obtained with an average particle diam eter ranging from around
Blaster, Bioclear,, there are differences in the 30 pm to 90 pm, with the larger particles (90 pm) being more abra­
mechanics of the devices that can affect their efficiency in cutting sive.3 These particles are used for the creation of dental prepara­
and roughening, such as the mechanism used to mix abrasive parti­ tions, to either cut tooth structure or remove unwanted artifacts
cles and air, the air pressure, particle flow rate, and w ater shroud­ w ithin a tooth preparation. Additionally, these particles may be
ing flow rate. For example, some devices mix particles and air by used for roughening dental materials, such as metals,4 ceramics,5
creating a vortex within the particle chamber, whereas others use a and com posite resins.6
vibration mechanism.2Another differentiation is thatsom e intraoral
air-abrasion systems are available as standalone devices and others Glass
are connected to a dental unit. Different forms of glass also have been examined for their capability
After a search of the literature, the authors found no research of removing or roughening tooth structure. Glass bead particles are
comparing the effectiveness of air-abrasion particles with and with­ spherical and have a lower density than aluminum oxide. Typically
out the use of water. To reiterate, the purpose of the w ater is to obtained in particles sizes between 50 pm and 90 pm, glass beads
control the spray of the particles. are less abrasive than aluminum oxide on intact dentin and enamel.3
Practically, glass beads are not used for tooth preparation but are
Standalone Devices indicated for certain cleaning procedures in which surface damage
The advantage of a standalone device is that it usually offers more versa­ should be minimized, such as removal of cem ent from tem porary
tility in its functions, such as the ability to adjust the air pressure, particle restorations or plaque from dentures. Glass bead particles may also
flow rate, and water shrouding flow rate. Two widely used models, the be used for cleaning metal instruments.
PrepStart H 20 and the AquaCare, contain a reservoir for storage of the Bioactive glass also has been investigated for its use as an air-
air-abrasion particles and fluid and require only a connection from an abrasion particle in an effort to take advantage of its antibacterial
airline. Both devices contain a foot pedal that is used to activate the air properties and rem ineralization potential. It was reported to be
abrasion. The devices differ in that the former unit contains one reser­ less abrasive than aluminum oxide.2 In practice, bioactive glasses
voir, into which the aluminum-oxide, or alumina, abrasive particle of may be used as abrasive particles that can occlude dentin tubules
choice may be inserted. The latter device has individual canisters for to help prevent sensitivity.7
each type of air-abrasion medium that can be interchanged as needed.
As for infection control, these devices have removable handpieces that Cleaning Particles
maybe sterilized in an autoclave. The PrepStart H 20 utilizes a water Several types of particles exist purely for cleaning purposes, such
reservoir that is filled by the user, so the waterlines must be flushed with as sodium bicarbonate, glycine, calcium sodium phosphosilicate,
a disinfectant solution at the end of each day. The AquaCare device is calcium carbonate, and alum inum trihydroxide.8A lab o rato ry
used with an accompanying fluid component that contains ethanol to study determ ined th at air abrasion with each of these particles
sterilize the fluid lines within the device. except for glycine was abrasive enough to alter the surface of resin
com posite and glass ionomcr.9 Moreover, each of the three latter
Devices Connected to a Dental Unit particles—calcium sodium phosphosilicate, calcium carbonate,
Devices th a t are connected to a dental u nit have the benefits of and alum inum trihydroxide—was capable of altering the surface
requiring a sm aller footprint in the dental operatory and easier of enam el.9 Despite this abrasive potential, all of these types of
mobility between operatories. Examples of these devices include particles are typically less abrasive than alum ina abrasive p arti­
the RONDOflex plus 360 and the Bioclear Blaster. These instru­ cles.8 W ithin the realm of restorative dentistry, these particles
ments have canisters that can be filled with the abrasive particles of may all be used for the removal of plaque prior to placem ent of a
choice. W ater and air from the dental unit are used to run the device. dental restoration.
The devices either have removable tips that may be autoclaved or
the entire device may be autoclaved.

Abrasive Particles
Several different types of abrasive particles are available for in tra­ Shear Bond Strength to Tooth Structure
oral air abrasion that vary based on their abrasivity. Aluminum With and Without Air Abrasion
oxide (alumina) is the main type of particle used to roughen and
“cut” tooth structure. Other, less abrasive particles have been used Adhesive W ithout Air W ith Air
System Abrasion Abrasion
to clean biofilm or stain from the surface of a tooth prior to bonding. (MPa) (MPa)

Enamel Etch-and-rinse 28.4 ± 6.7 30.4 ± 4.5

Aluminum Oxide
Etch-and-rinse 27.3 ± 5.2 24.9 ± 9.8
A lum inum oxide is a ceram ic particle th a t is the m ost abrasive Dentin
Self-etch 22.8 ± 7.2 23.9 ± 3.6
particle used intraorally. These particles are irregularly shaped, September 2019 COMPENDIUM 509


Fig 1. Enam el spe cim e n w ith o u t a ir abrasion b e fo re e tc h in g . Fig 2.

Enamel specim en w ith air abrasion b e fore etching. Fig 3. Enam el speci­
m en w ith o u t air abrasion a fte r etching. Fig 4. Enamel specim en w ith air
abrasion a fte r etching. Fig 5. Enamel specim en w ith air abrasion a fte r
etching, at high er m ag nification . Fig 6. D entin specim en w ith o u t air
abrasion before etching. Fig 7. D entin specim en w ith air abrasion be­
fo re etching. Fig 8. D entin specim en w ith o u t air abrasion a fte r etching.
Fig 9. D entin specim en w ith air abrasion a fte r etching. Fig TO. Dentin
specim en w ith air abrasion a fte r etching, a t high er m agnification .

Evidence for Air Abrasion’s Effect on Bonding but did not affect dentin (etch-and-rinse system).12The scanning
The effect of air abrasion on the bond to enamel and dentin has been electron microscope (SEM) photographs suggested that possible
reported previously with mixed results. The results are dependent weakened tooth structure after air abrasion could result in adverse
on th e type ofadhesive used, w hether seif-etch or etch-and-rinse. bonding strength. Roeder e t al rep o rted th a t w hen air abrasion
(alumina at 120 psi) was used in place of phosphoric etching, a lower
Previous Studies bond to enamel and dentin was achieved.13
Studies regarding shear bond strength after air abrasion on enamel Furtherm ore, some studies found there was no difference in
or dentin are contradictory. Some studies had positive results. bond strength to resin composite on either enamel or dentin after
Mujdeci and Goka reported th a t air abrasion (25-pm alum ina at alumina air abrasion. Los and Barkmeier showed no effect on the
120 psi) increased bond strength to enamel and dentin with a total- bond to dentin with a self-etch system after air abrasion at 60 psi
etch system.® de Souza-Zaroni et al reported that air abrasion (27.5- with 50-pm alumina or 20-pm to 40-pm hydroxyapatite.14Similarly,
fim alum ina at 60 psi) increased bond strength to enamel with a Roeder et al reported th at air abrasion (27-pm and 50-|nn alumina
self-etch system but had no positive effect on enamel with an etch- at 120 psi) did not affect the bond to enam el and dentin w ith an
and-rinse system.11 etch-and-rinse system.13
On the other hand, other studies have reported that air abrasion
reduced bond strength. Nikaido et al found that air abrasion (at Laboratory Research
41.8 psi) w ith 50-pm glass beads significantly decreased the bond A study was undertaken for this review to examine the effect of air
strengths to enamel and dentin (etch-and-rinse system), whereas abrasion on the bond to enamel (etch-and-rinse only) and dentin
air abrasion w ith 50-pm alum ina decreased adhesion to enam el (self-etch and etch-and-rinse). Following In stitu tio n al Review

510 COM PENDIUM Septem ber 2019 Volume 40, N um ber 8

Board approval, freshly extracted human teeth were ground to etch-and-rinse or self-etch mode. The dentin specimens in the
expose flat enamel (n = 20) or dentin (n = 40) and wet-polished to etch-and-rinse group (n = 20) were etched with 37% phosphoric
320-grit silicon paper. acid for 15 seconds prior to bonding. The dentin specimens in the
Half of the specimens (n = 10 enamel, n = 20 dentin) were treated self-etch group (n = 20) received no etching prior to application
with an intraoral air-abrasion unit (PrepStart H20) for 10 seconds of the bonding agent. All specimens etched with phosphoric acid
with 50-(im alum ina particles (Aluminum Oxide 50 Micron, were rinsed for 10 seconds with an air-water spray.
Danville M aterials/Zest Dental Solutions) at 60-psi pressure. The bonding agent (Prelude One™, Danville Materials/Zest Dental
The specimens were then rinsed with copious water spray. All of Solutions) was applied to all specimens (both the etch-and-rinse and
the enamel specimens (n = 20) were etched with 37% phosphoric self-etch groups) following the manufacturer’s directions and light-
acid (Scotchbond™ Universal Etchant, 3M Oral Care, cured using an LED curing light (Elipar™ S10,3M Oral Care) with
for 30 seconds. The dentin specimens were tested in either an output >800 mW/cm2. A cylinder (2.35-mm diameter) of composite

Fig 11. Air abrasion of enamel. Fig 12. Matte surface o f dean enamel after air abrasion prior to bonding. Fig 13 and Fig 14. Crown preparations with
tem porary cement remnants prior to air abrasion (Fig 13) and after air abrasion (Fig 14) (case by Mohammed Badahman, DDS). Fig 15 and Fig 16.
Cavity preparation prior to air abrasion (Fig 15) and after air abrasion (Fig 16). September 2019 COMPENDIUM 511

C O N T I N U I N G E D U C A T I O N 2 | AI R A B R A S I O N

The SEMs showed that air abrasion and phosphoric acid applied
texture to enamel (Figure 1through Figure 3) and that when enamel
was etched w ith phosphoric acid after air abrasion, the coarser
texture from air abrasion could still be seen through the etch pattern
(Figure 4 and Figure 5). This same trend was also observed in dentin
(Figure 6 through Figure 10). Despite the increased surface texture
(or roughness) created through air abrasion, the results of the shear
bond testing indicate that cleaning enamel or dentin with alumina
particle air abrasion at a relatively low pressure (60 psi) provides
no negative or positive effect on bond strength. Possibly, air abra­
sion of enamel with a self-etch system would have improved bond
strength similar to the study by de Souza-Zaroni et al.n

Clinical Applications
Cavity Preparation
Clinical advantages of perform ing cavity preparations using intra­
oral air abrasion instead of a rotary cutting bur include w hat has
been described as a m ore conservative p rep aratio n due to the
abrasive particles being able to remove tooth structure in smaller
increm ents than even the smallest burs and the potential to selec­
tively remove only carious orotherw ise unwanted tooth structure.15
I lowever, several studies have examined the ability of air abrasion
to selectively remove carious dentin while leaving sound dentin
and enamel unaffected, and even with varying the types of abrasive
particles and air pressure, air abrasion could not selectively remove
carious dentin.3’1617Additionally, one study determ ined th at air
abrasion with alumina was more effective at removing sound tooth
structure than carious tooth structure.16
The use of air abrasion to “cut” a preparation takes longer than
using a ro tary cu ttin g in stru m en t; however, th e re are various
param eters that can affect the cutting efficiency with air abrasion.
The air pressure of the device has been shown to linearly increase
cutting rate up to 100 psi.mThe recom m ended air pressure for
cutting tooth stru ctu re for the air-abrasion unit used in the pres­
ent study is 100 psi; therefore, the operator should ensure th at the
air pressure exiting the airline is sufficient to achieve this pressure.
The particle flow rate also can affect cutting efficiency, b ut it
Fig 17. A p plication o f tw o -to n e disclosing solution to reveal biofilm . needs to be adjusted based on the air pressure. The abrasive parti­
Fig 18. A ir abrasion w ith aluminum trihydroxide to remove biofilm.
Fig 19. Cleaned to o th surfaces after air abrasion prior to application
cles require a certain speed in order to cut. If the particle flow rate
o f adhesive bonding resin com posite to close black triangles. is increased without sufficient air pressure, the volume of particles
will not be sufficiently propelled and the additional particles will
only contribute to excess dust.19Ensuring that a sufficient am ount
(Prestige™, Danville M aterials/Zest Dental Solutions) was placed of abrasive particles are in the device’s canister prior to and during
against the tooth surface and cured for 20 seconds from all directions. use is also im portant, as this will affect the particle flow rate.20
Specimens were stored wet at 37°C for 24 hours and then ther- Finally, the angle at which the tip is held relative to the surface
mocycled (5°C and 55°C, 15-second dwell time, 10,000 cycles). The being abraded and the distance of the tip from th e surface being
specimens were subjected to shear-force loading until failure using abraded both will affect cutting efficiency. H olding th e nozzle
a universal testing machine (Instron' 5565, Instron, at at 60 degrees to the surface being abraded will allow efficient
the crosshead speed of 1 mm per minute. Representative specimens v-shaped cutting, and m ain tain in g a 5-m m d istan ce from the
were then viewed using SEM. nozzle to the enam el surface has been shown to produce the most
The shear bond strength for each group is presented in Table 1. efficient cutting.18
The effects of air abrasion on shear bond strength for both enamel A nother benefit of intraoral air abrasion is patient com fort. A
and dentin were compared separately. A f-test found no difference clinical trial compared the preparation of fissure caries (at the depth
in bond strength with air abrasion on enamel (P= .437), and a one­ of the dentinoenam el junction) in prem olars of the same patient
way ANOVA found no difference on dentin (P= .515). with air abrasion and a rotary cutting handpiece. No anesthesia

512 COMPENDIUM September 2019 Volume 40, Number 8

was used. The patients reported a significantly lower perception Nathaniel C. Lawson, DMD, PhD
Assistant Professor, University ofAlabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry,
of pain with air abrasion, and all patients preferred the treatment
Birmingham, Alabama
with air abrasion.19
Queries to the author regarding this course may be submitted to
Preparation Cleaning
Air abrasion with alumina also can be used as an adjunctive proce­
dure for cleaning tooth preparations prior to bonding. As mentioned REFERENCES
previously, the results of testing the effects of air abrasion on dentin
and enamel prior to bonding are varied.1014Additionally, air abra­ 1. The glossary of prosthodontic terms: ninth edition. J Prosthet Dent.
sion for selective caries removal seems to be ineffective.W6,17
2. Milly H, Austin RS, Thompson 1, Banerjee A. In vitro effect of air-
With these limitations acknowledged, visual inspection of tooth abrasion operating parameters on dynamic cutting characteristics of
preparations after air abrasion reveals that this modality is effec­ alumina and bio-active glass powders. Oper Dent. 2014;39(l):81-89.
tive in removing remnant restorative materials, stains, and tempo­ 3. Horiguchi S, Yamada T, Inokoshi S, Tagami J. Selective caries re­
rary cement, leaving a clean, matte surface for bonding (Figure moval with air abrasion. Oper Dent. 1998;23(5):236-243.
4. Kern M, Thompson VP. Sandblasting and silica-coating of dental al­
11 through Figure 14). Air abrasion also can smooth the internal
loys: volume loss, morphology and changes in the surface composition.
aspects of a cavity preparation to help enable better adaptation of Dent Mater. 1993;9(3):151-161.
the restorative material (Figure 15 and Figure 16). The technique- 5. Inokoshi M, De Munck J, Minakuchi S, Van Meerbeek B. Meta-analysis
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Biofilm Removal literature. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2014;26(6):382-393.
Air abrasion with aluminum trihydroxide has been used as an adjunc­ 7. Sauro S, Watson TF, Thompson I, Dentine desensitization induced by
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mined enamel, poorly bonded resins or liners, and soft-tissue tags ability and confocal microscopy study. J Dent. 2010;38(5):411-422.
prior to bonding. The rationale of biofilm removal before bonding is 8. Graumann SJ, Sensat ML, Stoltenberg JL. Air polishing: a review of
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ize, a one-time application of a two-tone disclosing solution to dried 10. Mujdeci A, Gokay O. The effect of airborne-particle abrasion on the
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removal (Figure 17 through Figure 19). Some cleaning particles other
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this may lead to risk of undesired staining of tooth structure. Mater Med. 2007;18(10):2003-2009.
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Air abrasion can be a means of cavity preparation or an adjunctive 13. Roeder LB, Berry EA 3rd, You C, Powers JM. Bond strength of com­
procedure for tooth preparation with adhesive dental restorations. posite to air-abraded enamel and dentin. Oper Dent. 1995;20(5):186-190.
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dentistry, the abrasive particles and device parameters should be 16. Paolinelis G, Watson TF, Banerjee A. Microhardness as a predictor
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17. Motisuki C, Lima LM, Bronzi ES, et al. The effectiveness of alumina
ABOUT THE AUTHORS powder on carious dentin removal. Oper Dent. 2006;31(3):371-376.
18. Paolinelis G, Banerjee A, Watson TF. An in-vitro investigation of the
Chan-Te Huang, DDS effects of variable operating parameters on alumina air-abrasion cut­
ChiefResident, University of Alabama at Birmingham School ofDentistry. Birmingham,
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Alabama; Attending Faculty, Chang Gang Memorial Hospital, Keelung, Taiwan
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20. Banerjee A, Uddin M, Paolinelis G, Watson TF. An investiga­
Celin Arce, DDS, MS tion of the effect of powder reservoir volume on the consistency
Assistant Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham School ofDentistry, of alumina powder flow rates in dental air-abrasion devices. J Dent.
Birmingham Alabama 2008;36(3):224-227. S e p t e m b e r 2019 C OMPENDIUM 513


Intraoral Air Abrasion: A Review of Devices, Materials,

Evidence, and Clinical Applications in Restorative Dentistry
Chan-Te Huang, DDS; Jihyon Kim, DDS; Celin Arce, DDS, MS; and Nathaniel C. Lawson, DMD, PhD

This article provides 2 hours of CE credit from AEGIS Publications, LLC. Record your answers on the enclosed Answer Form or submit them on a separate
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your name, address, telephone number, and last 4 digits of your Social Security number.

Please complete Answer Form on page 515, including your name and payment information.

1. The purpose of adding a shroud of water to an air-abrasion 5. In a laboratory study, which of the following particles was not
device is: abrasive enough to alter the surface of resin composite and
A. to propel the abrasive particles, glass ionomer?
B. to cool the tooth. A. calcium sodium phosphosilicate
C. to control the spray of abrasive particles. B. calcium carbonate
D. to prevent occlusion of dentin tubules. C. aluminum trihydroxide
D. glycine
2. Standalone air-abrasion devices usually offer such versatility
features as: 7. In the study performed for this article, the results of the shear
A. a smaller footprint than devices connected to a dental unit. bond testing indicate that air abrasion with alumina particle
B. the ability to adjust the particle and water shrouding flow rates. at a relatively low pressure:
C. the ability to adjust the unit's voltage. A. improved the bond to dentin.
D. easier mobility than devices connected to a dental unit. B. weakened the bond to enamel.
C. improved the bond to both dentin and enamel.
3. Which is the main type of particle used to roughen and “cut” D. had no effect on bond strength to dentin or enamel.
tooth structure?
A. aluminum oxide 8. With regard to cavity preparation, in several studies using
B. glass beads varying types of abrasive particles and air pressure, air abrasion:
C. sodium bicarbonate A. was unable to remove either carious or sound dentin.
D. calcium carbonate B. was effectively able to selectively remove carious dentin.
C. could not selectively remove carious dentin.
4. Which is the most abrasive particle used intraorally? D. selectively removed only carious dentin.
A. sodium bicarbonate
B. calcium carbonate 9. A clinical trial comparing the preparation of fissure caries with
C. aluminum trihydroxide air abrasion and rotary cutting determined that:
D. aluminum oxide A. air abrasion removes tooth structure faster.
B. air abrasion causes more postoperative sensitivity.
5. Glass bead particles are indicated for: C. patients reported a lower perception of pain with
A. tooth preparation. air abrasion.
B. removal of cement from temporary restorations. D. patients preferred the treatment with rotary cutting.
C. applications that require more abrasivity than aluminia.
D. cutting tooth structure. 10. Air abrasion with aluminum trihydroxide has been used as an
adjunctive for tooth preparation to:
A. cut tooth.
B. remove biofilm (ie, plaque, light calculus, etc).
C. remineralize the tooth.
D. desensitize the tooth.

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