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Volume XV, No. 2

Mercyhurst College, Erie Pa
November 22. 1944
Seniors Plan i
November WhO S Who It
/ /

Frolic lects
Onej of the highlights of the Eight Mercyhurst
pre-Advent and post-Thanks-
giving-season will be an affair
senior Studen R eceiye High Honor '.

j given by the Seniors for the "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Uni-
J Freshmen. At this time these versities" will list in its roster this year eight ^Mercyhurst College
two classes will really become students, members of the Senior Class. The girls receiving this
distinction are graded!according!to qualities of leadership, schol-
:•. acquainted; they J will find new
arship, personality, and co-operation. One quality is not sufficient;
- friendships—ones that will en- a combination of all four must be present.
I dure for many years. This event The girls selected this year are: Mary O'Hara,? Beliefonte, Pa;
- will take place\ Thursday eve- Margaret Sullivan, Auburn, N. Y.; Loretta Crowley, Ellwood City,
* ning, November 30, under the Pa.; Margaret O'Connor, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Margay Savage, McKees-
direction of Anne Kingston, gen- ~~ port, Pa.; Anne Kingston, Erie,
Pa.; Margaret Scullion, Sala-
eral chairman. A. B. Group manca, N. Y.; and Alvina Mc-
It has been hinted that this
party will be a combination
Begins ew Term Dermott, Belford, N. J.
Biographies of outstanding
At one of the recent A. B. students in 655 colleges appear
[indoor and outdoor celebration.
gatherings in the Blue Room, annually in "Who's Who." Can-
Laughter amidst songs ^and^ Seated from left to right, we find M O'Hara, A. McDermott,
students discussed the political didates are selected from mem-
fgames around a bonfire will M. Scullion, A. Kingston, M. O'Connor, M. Savage, and standing: problems of the day; namely, bers of the Senior. Class by a
mark the climax of the evening. | - Su,,ivan L
» - Crowley—Mercy hurst's WHO'S WHO. the advantages and disadvan- vote of the faculty.
tages of a fourth-term; the
J The Seniorslhave been antici- All of these have done fine
platforms and policies tof the
p a t i n g this get-together for predominant political parties!of work during their four years
; several weeks; they know this reign Language uos Unite these United States; the his-
at Mercyhurst.
achievements and
J*ill afford them an opportunity The foreign language clubs, Spanish, French, German, and Ital- tories, in brief, of the Demo- have been awarded one of the
-JL t ^ , j. i 1 . , , ian, instead of existing separately, have united and now form the cratic and! Republican parties;
,*w oecome better acquainted and the relative values of the highest honors that could be
»<rvitit +u« -ni *_ i , Modern Foreign Language Club. On October twenty-fourth the chief presidential candidates as conferred on a college student.
#»witn the Freshman class. 1
first meeting of this new ? organization was held. 1 individuals and as leaders in To them the students of the
college extend their heartiest
The purpose of this club is to give to all its members a broader our country for the! ensuing congratulations.

Speaks on Quatemalo background of eachj of the countries represented. This will be four years.
The A. B.|Club, as a result
n yjt T achieved by having several members from each {department con-
| Mr. John Henry Coon, noted Z . A. ,,. „• .„ . , _ ET of this discussion, decided to
quirer, photographer, and
duct a meeting. In this way, all will unconsciously become ac- have "student election day" to
- Sodality Inducts
traveler presented the second quaintediwith the customs and cultures of these four nations. determine the political attitude ;
t* lecture of this term Sunday Chosen to advise thevgroup are: Sister M. Mercedes, professor
of the student body. New, Members
This political analysis, aided
ening, November 12, in the of French and Italian; Sister Mary Rachel, instructor of German; by the experience and knowl- December 8
# allege auditorium. Mr. Coon and Mile. De ^Thierry, instructor of Spanish. The following girls edge of Sister M. Loretta, is one
were elected as officers: Marilynne Cooper,(President; Sally Lund, of the many indications of the Christ the King Chapel will
flighted his audience with the
Vice-President; Teresa Ann fulfillment of the purpose of be the scene of a very impres-
^ r e s t i n g subject of "Guate-
the A. B. Club: "To unite the sive ceremony on December 8
rf*fr '" Col
°rful pictures com- Lennon, Secretary; Ruth E. Sul-
fields] of the arts into a whole when the Freshmen students of
j ^ e d with gay costumes of livan, Treasurer; and Jeanne $zCettdo>i which will make the students Mercyhurst College will be re-
* uatemala natives portrayed a Roepke, Representative to the realize the immense importance
A B rou November 22 Thanksgiving of the liberal arts in their own ceived into Our Lady's Sodality.
Realistic scene of our Central - - £ P-
vacation begins. lives and in their relation to Before the reception all the can-
^ericanfneighbor. One need not be a language society." Concerts, lectures, dis- didates will have received a few
November 23 Thanksgiving.
student to join this newly form- cussions, and faculty-student weeks' instructions in the his-
November 30 Senior-Fresh- get-togethers are all a means
ed. club. The only requirement man party. tory and organization of the^
Student Council is to have an interest in the December 3 to this end. Students are
Beginning of urged to enrich their knowledge Sodality. During this time the*
languge and to be willing to Advent. many privileges of the associa-
J Renews Activitie of world affairs by active par-
take an active part in the meet- December 8 — Feast of the Im- ticipation in this Liberal Arts tion, into which they will soon
»' ^ e first Movement. be accepted, will be related to
meeting of the Stu- ings. maculate Conception.
5 dent
Council opened under the them.
freside n c The prospective soda lists,

4 *Uion.

e Cou
y m Miss Margaret

ncil discussed many

N. F. C. C. S. Holds Convention each carrying a rose and attir-
ed in cap and gown, will march
in procession to the front of the
S rel On December 2, the Reg- serves to consolidate and which it;wan( to foster. Once chapel to offer their bouquet
if "iter ative to the i students' ional Convention of the National strengthen the Catholic Edu- a college succeeds in interesting
¥%t ii m
<>tion was passed Federation of Catholic College cational System. all other member colleges of to the Blessed Mother on her
\ °Pen t ° 0Uncil
meetings be Students will be held at-Naz- the region in establishing the feast day—the Feast of the Im-
the How It Operates maculate Conception.
,,S«10tt£h «. student
-«««*'"*w body. Al-
*nmjr. .ru- areth College, Rochester, New Each Catholic College rn a same commission, it may hold
bble * students will not be York. Mercyhurst will send two specified area sends two dele- an annual convention for the Margaret Sullivan, the pre-
tf* aue \ ° V t e
<» the po student delegates to this' con- gates to a Regional meet where discussion of technical problems. fect of the Sodality, and Dolores
' P^oni _ ^ m y
* v o i c•e their vention: Miss Marilynne Cooper, the students exchange ideas The International Relations Club DiVincenzo, the vice prefect,
°n all matters. \ Senior Delegate; Miss Jeanne on campus activities. Upon re- operates under this plan. will pin the medal of the Im-
The m a i n Future maculate Conception over the
aftP e^o business for the Roepke, Junior 5Delegate. turning to their respective col-
a Sch o n Wa
s the discussion of Purpose leges, the delegates give a re- If Mercyhurst succeeds with heart of each new sodalist.
pr ec port of the meeting to the stu- her endeavors in the region, These new members, having
Ition cvf° °J t for fthe injec- The hierachy in United States been received into the Prima
\: °* Parliamentary
Pari! procedure favored one strong Catholic dent body. *i perhaps she can look forward to
an< c a s 8 Member colleges of the Lake a national commission. Such an Prim aria, are afforded many
f^^as A c i d e d* * meetings. educational body' to represent graces and indulgences!
^arliam that copies of the Catholic educational inter- Erie Region?are: Nazareth Col- honor would enable her to des- other-
taw tary procedure be seminate information to col- wise' hot received.
r is ^-mT mittl. ests of America. They appealed lege, Niagara University,
f to the colleges to pool their ef- D'Youville College, Villa Maria leges throughout the country. That evening the students will
P tribut \ eographed, and meet in the auditorium to en-
lenity A *° a11
students and forts and to work toward a College, Canisius College, and
1 ors common objective. The colleges St. Bonaventure's. Students! Support the N. F. joy a program in celebration
*ach D J ' In this way, C. C. S. on your campus! of the great feast of the Sodal-
Mth WiU b e responded, and the National Commissions
d Pari?" acquainted Each college has a particular Watch for its bulletins in the ity, and to honor the new mem-
^l^spectivl mentap
y rules inlhis Federation of Catholic Colleges
materialized. This organization interest group or commission future! bers.! * »l &
Page 2 TJfo Tftencfad OctobeLiilDli

7<fe IKencituL Little ecrferi

Tojthe Student Body: I | ', § |
The Merciad? What is it? It is your paper. It is to be the ex- Continues
Editor (SlQ^^i Assistant Editor pression of your opinions, 'your thoughts, and your desires. An
The results of an
Rita Rittenhouse 4BmS I Jeanne jjltoepke opportunity is afforded each of you to relate your ideas in "Letters held elect*
last I week placed u
to the Editor." It is not necessary for you to be a master in the
- saret O'Connor at the head]
art of literary writing—all we want is your own opinion in your pthe Mercyhurst Little %>'
Published monthly by the students of Mercyhurst College own words.
News Editor Ruth E. Sullivan gpolores DiVincenzo is th e
What did you think of the presidential election? What are representative to Student (V
Feature Editor Mary Doyle your feelings toward extra-curricular activities? What new ideas
cil and* will also act as J
Literary Editor £ Barbara Fleming have you that may be beneficial tojthe school, your class, or your
president ofjthe group. <w
Art Editors N. Hirtle, G. Middleton friends? Don't] talk about these'things with your roommate or
ine Gavanaugh was elected
Business Manager Marie Wolman keep them within yourself. Write them down! cording secretary; Mary J
Contributors: M. Savage. M. Scullion, T. Lennon, M. Cooper, L. We want The M ciad to be an expression of the personality will serve as corresponding!
Crowley, E. Fitzgerald, P. Ferry, M. Mohr, P. Dengate, J. and spirit of Mercyhurst students. Won't you help us out? retary for the coming yearl
Wadlinger, P. Sullivan, M. O'Connor, M. 1. Kinnemey, S. The Editor. The ^Mercyhurst Little TkJ
Conrad, K. Connolly, J. Berry, M. Masterson, S. Brigham, P. ter functions along with
White, L. Writer, N. Cooper, M. Gould, J. Schanbacher, M. E. Janus Clu b as part of N.P.ccJ
Fitzgerald, M. O'Hara. A Day of Opportunity Lake Erie Regional Conunii
Thanksgiving Day is almost here! Just smell (mentally, of on the Catholic Theater.
Business Staff :| D. Harrington, M.| A. Harrison, A. Devine, D.
| j Donatelli, H. Fabian, P. Ferry, E. Reagle, V.|Walsh, D. Lynch. course) that turkey roasting in the oven! And as you sit in your The purpose of the CaM
easy chair, can't you just picture all the other food that completes Theater Movement is to ft
that wonderful Thanksgiving menu: creamy mashed potatoes, the; writing and production 1
stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, green peas, yellow corn, and good Christian drama* This par
mince-meat pie? And doi you pose is fulfilled by the CatM
recognize all those familiar Theater Commission at Meitj.)
Many years ago, a comparatively small group of people faces sitting around the table, ymn 3£i hurstJthrough the combined*
bowed their heads in thanksgiving for all\ that God had eagerly waiting to begin ? Just The sea sang sweetly to the forts of the Janus Club, M
shore production end of the prograJ
given them. These settlers were thankful for a safe look at all the food that is being the Mercyhurst Little TheilJ
Two hundred years ago:
journey to America and for the freedoms which are en- brought to the table. You'd To weary pilgrim-ears it bore service')unit designed to aid cotj
never know, from that mind's A welcome, deep and low. leges, schools, and parish or-
joyed only in a free country. To these people, thanks- ganizations; and the varied
eye view, that there is a war
giving was a time for showing their gratefulness to God going on, a war with its food They gathered, in the autumnal classes in the curriculum whin
forfall Hejjhad done for t h e m . They h a d enjoyed so few rationing and all the other calm, deal extensively^ with the stud
To their first house of prayer; and writing of English dramil
privileges in t h e i r m o t h e r countries t h a t t h e y t r u l y ap- small discomforts and incon-
And softy rose their Sabbath
preciated everything they received. veniences, would you? psalm
Today, how much j does the day called Thanksgiving But suppose that we take a On the wild woodland air. We Express \
minute right now and recall
mean to us? Will it be just another day; or will we prove Our Gratitude 1
something that did j!remind us The Ocean took the echo up;
that we, too, are thankful ? We, the people of America, if It rang from tree to tree:
of this global war! It was that This year, upon their ret
n fl
we simplyllook^at the!situations in foreign lands and all And praise, as from an incense-
to Mercyhurst, members of *
headline in last night's news- cup, I I | ) student body found a olveW
the suffering there,[must realize that we have much for
I paper, "Greek People Starving." Poured over earth and sea.
which to be thankful. On this Thanksgiving Day, let us surprise. During their sumnwj
Those pictures of little children
all bow our heads in prayer and realize the true meaning vacation, a bevy of worked
crying in the street because They linger yet upon the breeze, painters, and decorators sw
of giving thanks. Let us all join in a fervent prayer that The hymns our fathers sung:
next year at this time|bur families will again be united they were hungry didn't leave They rustle in the roadside into the halls of the school ^
much doubt in our mind about trees, changed the. South Parlor W
for I a more joyous, but none the less grateful, Thanks- a? place of splendor, be antf
giving. I the shortage of food in Europe And give each leaf *a tongue.
and charm.
and other parts of the globe.
The grand old sea is maoning The redecoration of the W
0* And do you| remember that Parlor was made po 851

W* %>t 7*> £*te pnewsreel which showed the long

|With music's mighty pain:
bread lines, and the happy faces No chorus has risen, to fit
through the generosity tf °*
benefactors, Dr. and Mrs. M*
H a v e you ever stopped t o count t h e n u m b e r of times of those who came away with rice E. Sullivan, parents H
Its wondrous anthem-strain. Ruth Elaine Sullivan. The &*
you gripe about t h i n g s in one day ? I t seems t h a t t h a t only |one loaf of bread ? They livans chose this generous
is t h e t h i n g t o do n o w a d a y s ; for, w i t h t h i s w a r on, we a r e were thankful for^the little bit When human hearts, are tuned as a means of showing the nip
to Thine, esteem with which they i&\
being deprived of so m a n y t h i n g s — n o t enough b u t t e r o r they received. Are we ^really Whose voice is in the sea,
eggs, too little sugar, n o t i r e s , n o dances, n o | m e n ! T h e r e thankful for what food we have, Life's murmuring waves a song our Alma Mater and the #*
is a s h o r t a g e of t h i s and a s h o r t a g e of t h a t ! W e really and for what we will eat on divine work it is doing.
h a v e it tough, don't w e ? Can't a n y t h i n g be done about Thanksgiving Day? We say: Shall chant, 0 God, to Thee! Our deepest thanks to
—Lucy Larcom. and Mrs. M. E. Sullivan
t h i s situation? H e r e we are, young college women missing "Certainly we are." But we
o u t on t h e very t h i n g s for which we waited t o grow up. must show our thanks. Thanks-
Oh why, oh why, does everything happen to us? giving means a day on which Don't Deny Them That Joy y
Well, Sit isn't easy to tell you why everything happens we have an opportunity to thank Not too long ago, an American soldier wrote the following ^
God for all our benefits. The to his mother on the eve of an invasion: "Some of us J
to us—why everything good happens to us. Yes, every- wounded; others will die; but the group will have a great tr ^
Pil rim
t h i n g good! Let u s stop and t h i n k for j u s t one .moment. ^ s knelt in a prayer of Mom, if I'm wounded, 111 return to Africa; if I die, I sn
T h i n k about t h e boys you know t h a t a r e fighting a t t h i s f thanks before beginning their my God—. Would you deny me that joy?" ; ^ t
moment for*, their country and for you,; your b r o t h e r s , first Thanksgiving Dinner. Let That soldier could have been questioning anyone of u* g< v 1
tne y
uncles, cousins, and sweethearts. W e r e any of t h e m fin us remember to go to Mass, this month of November which is dedicated to P° r t f flS
Few persons, indeed, enter upon the Beatific Vision witnlthouv
school when t h e y were drafted for service? Did they and to thank God for all His passing through the flames of purgatory. A hero son tt s
h a t e to leave t h a t school more t h a n a n y t h i n g else? Did g ™ * s | bestowed on us, and to from the fiery caldron of war, and his soul is speeded to e J
you stop to t h i n k w h y t h e y h a t e d t o leave t h a t school j pray, too, for victory and peace Is his soul speeded immediately to eternal peace? We J|
so that soon there will be a earth can hasten that eternal peace by performing a hero j
so much when t h e y were always complaining about i t
Thanksgiving Day celebrated all an act of charity. Generous hearts will offer up all tti ^ a
before t h a t ? The reason was?because t h e y realized then works, penances, and indulgences for the release of the a _ ^
over the world.
t h a t their l greatest opportunity in life was being taken souls. Though God is "J^JJ !

away from them. They were beginning t o understand nothing defiled can obtain i
t h a t school w a s not all drudgery, t h a t t h e r e was a g r e a t Letter to the Ed nal peace; so the souls m J I
main in cleansing **?
satisfaction in t h e accomplishments derived from h a r d D e a r E d i t o r . atonement has been mad • ^ I
work. They were beginning to understands t h a t their I SAt Mercyhurst as well as in every college of the country, the Wouldn't it be easier w J
whole futures were dependent upon w h a t t h e y would de- "rights^of seniority" is a respected tradition. How happens the atone for that boy's » w ^ I
rive from their education. sudden open disregard of a fact and a position for which a class saying indulgenced asp ^
has worked three long years? than to give way to
They foundlthat out too late. We stilifhave time t o re- Since when do frosh and sophs and juniors barge ahead of and excuses? Our V-jp
alize t h e advantages we have a t hand and to benefit by seniors into chapel doors, lounge doors, and just plain doors? united with the Holy *» p I
them. I t is not too late for u s to be thankful t h a t God Since when have the two large "senior tables" been occupied by of the Mass through** J
gave us p a r e n t s who aspired t o send us to a Catholic col- other classes while seniors sit in the rear of the dining room? world, can satisfy GodSJ f
Since when and why a lot of things? I repair and? cancel th rftfV
lege, t h a t H e made it possible for them t o realize their The Senior Class deserves the respect of the other classes—at temporal punishment, a pHl
aspirations, t h a t H e gave us t h e ability* to benefit by least the consideration for the position it holds as the oldest group the soul of every «*** 6
t h e s e previous gifts. No, it is not^too late; so let us really of the student body. How about it? soldier from imprison* ^ j
be thankful. Let us give thanksgiving in our hearts, in Sincerely yours, .} Would you deny tw
our minds, in our actions, and, most of all, in our prayers. "A Little Sister" joy? ™
November 22, 1944
7 ^ Ifancuid
lafo It 'pi*** "?&em
70et>(d Major
Our plane came back all alone, and so full of holes it looked like
a sieve. Every engine had been h i t and one was completely out I. R. C.
We were over the North Sea for two and a half hours with no At the first; fall meeting of
| t h e I. R. C, under the presi-
* ~'^ ~„ - r\ V ° vx wie 0
Pmion that "God dency of Sally Lund, there was
was our co-pilot that day. Lt. Raymond A. Guerrein U.S.A.A F a discussion on Federal Insur-
England. f ance. Book reviews were given
by Misses Sally Lund and Bar-
Our chaplain said something at Mass this morning t h a t i r i l never bara Fleming.
ibrgekf If we die for something we love, something we know is
right, we won't mind dying, because it's the way we've been taught Janus Club
to live." It.makes sense, doesn't i t ? I guess that's how we all feel
Some are still reminiscing the
Cpf. George H. Flood USMC, South Pacific. j> £
i Halloween Party which the Ja-
You'll probably be surprised to hear from me, but something nus Club sponsored. Dressed in
opened the other day that reminded me of a certain young lady ludicrous costumes, everyone
a certain dance, and I had to write. We didn't have much time to had fun. In fact, it may be the
get acquainted in one short evening, b u t you'll never know what an beginning of an annual affair.
impression you made. So much has happened since then that it
English Club
seems like years ago, and right now I'd give anything for just

one dance at Mercyhurst. P. F . C. Donald s B. Schmidle USMC
South Pacific. 5 ' Club
On November 14, the English
held its second fall meet- A Turkey Thanksgiving
ing with Miss Margaret O'Con-
I did get to Mass a few Sundays fago. Gosh, but itffelt great to nor presiding. The program cent- When November comes in the fall of the year,
We mortals know we have nothing to fear,
be able to get inside a church again. I had practically forgotten ered around Catholic books and But have you ever looked a t the other side ?
jf how to act, and almost clapped when the priest finished his ser- authors. Refreshments were
served to the guests and mem- A t the poor *lil bird who must sulk and hide.
mon. I was so thankful that I was able to go, I didn't even whistle (Continued on Page 4)
at any girls, on the way back From the shadow of death in an axe's shape
And from which death, there is no escape,
to the ship. Ensign J ohm J.
Howe, USNR, France. | AA4CNG H EEJT
For from t h e axe they cannot flee
Thanksgiving dinner is their destiny.
At present we are quartered Have you been looking for a novel which is in keeping with the
in a coconut grove . . . a beauti- Since the Pilgrims landed so long ago
times—one that will satisfy your desires for adventure, excitement, And the horn of plenty began to flow,
ful South Sea setting in every and love? Kay Boyle, the*author of thirteen books, and twice the
espect . . . blazing hot in the Poor Mr. Turkey has been mainly the buffer
winner of the 0 . Henry Memorial Prize for the best short story He is the one who has had to suffer.
daytime; thej? daily rain keeps of the year, has written aL book, Avalanche, published in 1944,
jus supplied with mud and as- which contains all of these elements. They s t a r t treating him well long before the day
sorted insects and animals; and To give you an idea of the interest that is in store for you in Which gives the old bird a cause to be gay,
last but not? least, we?have our this book I present the following synopsis: They fixihis every ache and pain,
special enemy. It's about a In the blacked-out train passing through "unoccupied" France Then fatten him u p on feed and grain.
fifty-fifty bet at the latest, sits a young American girl, Fenton Ravel, who has come to search
whether a falling coconut or a for her lover, Bastineau, who disappeared after the coming of the Along in November comes the day
ap will prove the nemesis. enemy. There are two men who have been in her constant presence Mr. Turkey says farewell I to his life so gay,
Bounds like a comic strip, but in the train. Wherever Fenton turns they are at hand: De Vaudois, Off comes his head and his feathers too,
- the former really are danger- the imperious Swiss with the cold, intelligent eyes and the scar And into the oven t o bake and t o stew.
o u s . Cpl. Donald J. Kasperek, on his cheek; and Jacqueminot, the faun-like young Frenchman,
USA, New Britain. & I a newcomer to the village. She cannot tell whether they want to A t the passing of the turkey we shed not a tear
t For the fattened bird dinner brings plenty of cheer,
\ help her or to destroy her. The delights of the feasts do not need stressing
Because of her love for Bas-
The Huchet and Shovel tineau, Fenton continues to
There's nothing as good as turkey and dressing.
And so ends his life of loving and living, i
As Told By: Oscar search for him, ignoring the
The Talking Doll, So eat up, Mr. Turkey, soon comes Thanksgiving.
warning of the guides who in-
Who Sees All,
i timate that, for anyone seeking
J "Knows All,,; and
Tells Everything
I How I love Autumn, with its brightly colored leaves, rustling
Bastineau, death waits in the
mountain. it Been Said Be ft
r ' an(
l gay Seniors roaming our halls once more, wiser than Finally, on a dangerous Al- Exchange
is eve
J r after their practice teaching! pine train, roped to the man
Ailer she now Shoulders stooped a s if under a great weight, a dilapidated felt
rev"' e's Rosemary Held, most welcome wheri she]brought __ that recognizes a s a n ene-
hat pulled down t o a point almost coverging with a worn and
A Sraham-cracker pie to the seniors one weekend.^ So much happens my, F e n t o n solves t h e mystery
wer weekends here! For example, what three Sophs dated the frayed collar of a tattered coat, shoes .battered into shapelessness,
of Bastineau's disappearance. On
jj Bradford High football stars over ascertain, recent weekend ? and torn, ragged trousers, splattered with mudfand grease, and
guess! If u her courage and fast thinking
Ito y ° can't, ask M. J. about "the fellas." Mercedes somewhat changed in color to a repulsive green—the green of
A win beck had such a grand time at Grove City that she was depends t h e safety of t h e en-
heavy grass stains—this was the stranger that passed me in t h e
~ T ? reluctant to leave. Marg O'Connor flew through the air with tire village and of a vital link
a onae r
street. To see him was adequate reason to turn aside; t o watch
^* Corps m a n the other day, and she, Margie Acker- in t h e French underground. t h a t painful, fagging gait was to envision a nomad wanderer, who,
an am
J *> M * Maryellen Knauer enjoyed Hal£ Mclntyre's orchestra a t *What she did and how she having Host his camel, is forced to traverse t h e shifting desert
C | p "Mere" to the utmost! Dot Donatelli and Helen Fabian say the did i t can only be answered, m y
P I P boys they m e t a t t h e Dedication of t h e new school a r e very dear reader, by the actual read- sands until overtaken by death. This man was indeed a wanderer
PJ^f^now about t h a t ? Mary J o Smith and Sally Brigham have ing of the book. I will not r e - with nothing in his pockets but ragged holes.
r yea weekend furloughs very much and* lucky Barbara * Fleming veal the answer. You must find Then, a s I watched him plodding down the street, a peculiar
.1A j . ° Buffalo for a Canisius College prom. Helen Martin r e - it yourself.
".',• ^ , a
dozen red roses fromSher friend J i m and went home last incident occurred, for instead of turning the corner which would
nd s e e a Bobi W e i i a i 1 right! have takenlhim out of sight into obscurity, he ascended t h e stone
v wi? * ° » •I Our thanks to Miss Frances
stairwaytto his left, passed through the small welcoming arch and
$ the TJ 1S e
^ ^ Sullivan's secret for reducing from what she w a s a t Honeck who represented u s so
p ll0Ween Party well a t t h e reception of Arch- knelt in a little pew of St. Paul's Chapel.
ff o c h t o l w h a t she i s n o w ? How did t h e beautiful
rf' tim . Dtus
(Margie Puchner) captivate \her handsome brave, in bishop Cicognani. His entrance into t h e small chapel affected me like the wel-
t eert • these? Dressed a s a sailor, Sue* Conrad resembled a come sun bursting through t h e
1 And*? f h artbeat i n
Ann Nickum s life—could i t have been Ted? sheaves of thunderheads. Led on
ean u by curiosity, I went u p after
/ /

V Tu *^ Erwin make a cute w a r v e t e r a n ? him into t h e church. With t h e

$• 1^ w handsome soldier whofpinned his wings on Joanne Videtto? removal of his indescribable
gerald - r bwuitter,
iutleraM ^
w l U.c
e r , ana mat is trie truxn, tnis time: ASK. JUIV r i w
and t h a t is t h e truth, this time! Ask Lib Fitz- 11 years ago .jg revue was given by the stu-
niAfu * b | Sophomore corresponds frequently
A with h e r future hat, he had suddenly changed.
/] Mother-
'"other.** i _w# ,- ave . . *. __ _ - . Nov. 20, 19331933 . . . The first dents for the guests. Against a His head w a s encircled by a
H o fJLt *? ** you heard t h a t it was Mary Doyle's marine background of fall decorations multitude: of blonde waves, his
I 0ok
Green I s l a n d ? ! J u s t like t h a t ! Lee Riley will tell you meeting of the Dramatic Or-
that ~~
IN!\ thriu v 0 6 ^ 1 1 8 gardeniasl wired from Naples is quite a ganization was held in the au- and color, tea was served in the visage, though shadowed, began %
tt) 0u student dining room. to glow with reawakened life,
li^JW * should have a whiff of Eileen Klempay's new perfume; uiwuuiu. ditorium. The «.«c yyear's
c a i o -JMU««U-
nt rge 9 years ago . . . and his body expanded t o burst-
J TStone
o n p v \ George sent sent itit fromfrom France.France. Congratulations
Congratulations to Mary tions and schedule were planned
er sol ing with a sigh that seemed not
J Wag 8 i t a i r e is lovely! Now w e know why Gerry Baker and the adoption of "Wardrobe I .1
. . Marie Hous- of the material flesh but of the
Cer anxious to
A taini y c a m make ijthe hockey team—those Edinboro trips Nov. 7, 1935 .
r 1 ple^
Day" was discussed for the pur- ton, soprano, presented the first immortal soul."And then, as he
»il«_ d ^ Came ® in i n handy.
\\ar\A\T We'reW e ' r e wondering
wnnHOTino* if i f Kay
K a v Connolly
C o n n o l l v was
w or n
o t when she m e t her former pupils with their report pose of gathering costumes. concert of the season at Mercy- knelt devoutly there, his whole
4 •f
e a e you
Rules were given for joining. hurst. Miss Houston sang se- being fully devoured by prayer,
|*I saw just how much better a
Cm. - - - UP in the a i r now with a few questions. Should Nov. 25, 1933 . . . After lections from Mexican, Old Eng- man he was than I. Here was a
a Ce y Urley
/ Hain <.? Relieve the fortune teller's news, and why should a lapse of three years the a n - lish, German, Indian, and Ital- soul, lost like the Arab upon the
ree b fiv
/ For J r ^ " y - e piece of tfaper exciteSally Lund? material sands of the world, but
0re nual benefit bridge tea j ^ was ian folk songs in costume.
np-to-the-minute news, tune in^next month! glorified in its love of God. 1
By now, again held a t Mercyhurst. A s Nov. 22, 1936. The Mercy-
Oscar. a [novelty entertainment, a style (Continued on Page 4) •The Stilus.
Page 4
nU TKenctod November 22,1944

ues or Cuties PORT
1. A blue convertible,!one Naval Med student from the Smokey
City, and her picture in one of the newspapers from that same TORY
city—all this and freckles, too! Field hockey is in full swing
2. The gal who sports the blonde Vogue hair-do; efficiency plus at Mercyhurst. On October 25
—vice president of her class—you'll find her in the studio hiding and November 4 the hockey
behind her palette and canvas. team, with Miss Gallager act-
3. This cutie with the Gibson girl pomp, finds the front deck ing as instructor and Loretta
porch is definitely not the place * for farewells with Ithe ICoast Crowley as captain, played
Guard. its f i r s t two g a m e s at
4. "Just a Kid Named Joe," "I Came Here to Talk for Joe," Edinboro State Teacher's Col-
'Taradiddle Joe," "Watcha Know Joe?"—just favorite "all time lege. Tuesday, November 7,
ole timers" this little Senior plays over and over both on the vie found the Edinboro girls at
and in her mind.
"Tempus is Fugiting" 5. She's had more than one room-mate who tangled with orange Mercyhurst challenging us on Major {Minutes
tM 1
our own field. After an excit- (Continued from Page 3)
(Continued from Page 3) blossoms and wedding bells—could be that she is a good luck ing game in cold and rain, the
charm for Senior hopefuls, teams were served a delicious bers jby an appointed! conuj
hurst Sodality played hostess 6. Our Shorty with the contagious laugh—sleeps in the upper
to sixty guests at a bridge story, hands out wings and men free for nothin'—'cept that certain luncheon in the colorfully dec- tee. ]
orated Lounge.'.
party held in the Roost. Re- Gunga Din who keeps running from "Montezuma to Tripoli." O. G. A.
freshments were served, and To conclude the season's
7. My gosh, another blonde! By the way, those Army Air Corps games, the Mercyhurst team at- The regular monthly meed
bridge and bingo were enjoyed Wings look super in her hair, and did you ever see such a fiend tended a play-day at Allegheny of the 0. G. A. was held N
by the guests. The purpose of for jive? And, no foolin', she's just oodles of fun. College in Meadville onf No-
the party was to bring the vember 15. Miss Anne Devi]
8. Willowy, brief braids topped with big bows, twinklin' brown vember 11.
Sodalities of the city closer to-| eyes—you can't mistake her. We sympathize with our gal who, discussed and answered <ra|
Sgether. as the innocent first offender, was caught in the!wrong surround- tions on the "G. I. Billf
If you didn't make the hockey
8 years ago . . . ings at the wrong time. team this fall, don't be dis- Rights." Miss Sally Hanrahi
Nov. 8, 1936 . M Mercyhurst 9. Why have a man around? Silly question, I know; but if couraged. Basketball will soon gave a short talk on the "His
College chapel was dedicated you'll take J second best, whiz down to the lounge and grab that be in progress, and everyone tory of hte Typewriter." MiT
with an impressive ceremony by sharp clil' Freshman who can really dance—and, what's more is 'invited to participate. Come Leora Riley reminded the group]
the Rt. Rev. John Mark- Gan- important, lead as good as any fellow! on, Freshies, show your school of the story of Thanksgiving]
non, Bishop of Erie. The chapel 10. And there's always that swell Junior who has the most spirit by attending basketball
practice; >and, who knows, per- Day and recited an appropriate
was dedicted to Christ the "one-der-ful" knack of finding the oddest things in the funniest
haps you will be one of the poem for the holiday. Excerpts
King, and its donor, Mrs. James places. Could be she was looking for something different! And
E. O'Neil, was present at the say, did you ever hear of anyone leaving her lights on and door lucky girls making the team. of letters from 0. G. A. Alum-
ceremonies. nae were read by Sr. Mary
open to make 11 p. m. social calls ?
Our congratulations to the Esther. Miss Marie Wolman
SHALL IT REMAIN WITHIN US new cheerleaders who are doing •[presented to the members«an
Too, we ought not to hesitate such a good job: Suzan Conrad, interesting article, "I Sing of
by our fear of what others
Whether we know it or not, to exclaim? over the beauty of Gerry Baker, Joyce| Elliott, Eve Secretaries." The meeting was
will say for think. Each little
there is in us a hidden soul a sunset, even though those Patrick, Margarette James, closed with {an advertisement
inspiration would love to be
around us may not understand Betty Norton, Shirley Sommer-
that is waiting to be released. solidified on a piece of paper; quiz game.
how that beauty makes us feel hof, and Dottie Donatelli.
The term, soul, here, does not our noble desires are longing
to be fulfilled; our immediate deep inside.
necessarily refer to religion;
it can mean all the hidden in-
thoughts yearn to be put into There will [be a ransom to
pay in order to release these
words. When little ideas that The looking glass almost fooled us several times recently
spirations, desires, and' thoughts seem to make sense come to our exuberant emotions of ours.
They cannot be freed without Thosel "how-much-they-look-alike" sisters of "Tay" Schott, H
which have arisen within us, minds we should jot them down
some work, without a lot of Patrick, and Betty Marshall kept us glancing back to make sure
but which! have not as yet been They may come in handy to
prayer, or without much, much, we weren't seeing! double, j
write a {theme. If we have a
expressed. thought. But, if we pay the
sudden urge to bend down and ransom, we will certainly be
This hidden soul of ours is speak to some little child on Wasn't the movie "Going My Way" a real! surprise 1! » *
not only waiting, but anxious, rewarded with^j great dividends,
the street, is it reasonable to one of the nicest things that has happened this year. Hana
to be redemmed from captivity, not| only here on earth, but
hesitate because of what our hereafter in Heaven by God! chiefs were pulled out of pockets-even for those who bad
for, until now, it has been en- ; it four or five times, bigns
so-called friends might say°
slaved by our self-consciousness, "wasn't it wonderful?" «"
MINNIE'S WARDROBE I t h e auditorium after the sho»
v <M> tStop IKe
£ was a dull day and two little sardines were^swimming airn-
Now, what we'd like to to* J
Comes November. So let's talk turkey about what makes a well- how was the movie kept •
dressed gal tlie "apple of his eye" for a campus co-ed or a visiting •secret! I

l e s s l y around San Diego Bay. One suggested they go to San 111 I ^"There's a big fat turW^
First of all he'll want a gal |dressed! to fit the weather. Now grandfather's farm"—it hot
™ u ^ Z T o t - w i n , to San Francisco, ejected Inis that fold man J winter has come out of hibernation and days are be long! just imagine .
clear and cold, a wise 'un is interested in coats. browned turkey, »» J
companion. f . sauce,{pumpkin pie, and
«We could make the trip in the train! Had you noticed? I Coats this year are j softly tailored. [The
w h t ! ^ shouted the second sardine. "And get Jammed in like c h e s t e r f i e W > t h a t versatile, straight-hanging box coat, still rates other trimmings. This i
u home and Thanksgivi* J
high for school girls. most of us. The rousing: ^
a couple^of soldiers?"
Now look at our smart model of a football game wW ^
TI -^ITWI the Navyjbecause I admired the way the s p o r t s | n u m b e r . fit's a princess some of us while o*e*
xwmt ho kews ,hem
j r . " — - *• ™- — * coatlthat claims a unique style
creation; for the center tfront
panelsJ drop from Ithe shoulder
just sink into the comfo^
easy chair in front of tn
place and talk with » J ^
s o clean and tidy. With love. Junior.
seam, down to the I waistline and Sis. That's a day for
and sweep over toward the to be really thankful!
hips, outlining deep pockets.
The seams are outlined with reffli
did so. "It's my Here's a : little jfar oft
w i,n stuttered was asked why he top-stitching — a style note Christmas isn't so verj pla^!*
that's top-notch this year. and many of us are pef*
„ ¥ ^McCall School Service. to earn a few e f - pi
culiarity. | k questioner. t • • during our stay at teir
d V
« D o ^ o u s - s sSr your c - c l f f e e with your r-r-right hand?" ^ ^ |o ^ ^ Q ^ , not too early to appV , ^
porary positions at » ^ JJ,
1. Nancy Smith. offices, dress shoP > ^
S S A S ^ r pecuna_rity1Most p-P-P-ple use a spoon. member those g&* a lit*
2. Gloria Middleton. and the family will taK
, av t h ee gK
als wanted sheer stockings to 1 ook like 3. Connie Schneider. planning-and saving. i
B e f o - the - - * ^ ^ ^ ^ l e g . m a ke-up ^Quadratus labii inferioris—
4 . | D . A. Harrington. depressor septi — buccinator.
^ r ^ loS Hkl sLkings. You figure it out, 5. Marie Wolman. What's this—Latin class? No,
to make them — m 1 A what you've beenjhearing from one of the most fam of »
i ._. «r)ue to conditions beyond 6. Dot Lynch. some of our students isn't any
passage from Caesar. It's only in the rooms o• f*^ n aDid
^ i1"..^
7. M. L. Farrell. co-eds. Those s naZ cer^p
the physiology -students trying
8. Rita Brocke. to learnlwhether the buccinator by Michael, we ag*• ', up tM
JJey Bhould be." d ^ t e n d to "brighten
' ' •L%„VXO> i n the window of a 9. Margarette James. mucles is in the face or in the
A pair of very loud checked tronser ta«M» g ^ ^ ^ leg. You've got me! place!
10. Cathy Cavanaugh.
York secondhand
NeW Y n
°;Lrar eTncalled for.'
"These pants arc

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