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Important Points:

 It is written as a personal letter. Such letters are very persuasive in nature.

 It is written in the first and second person.
 Sender’s address is written as usual but the receiver’s address is not mentioned.
 Date of writing the invitation is given.
 The salutation is ‘Dear + name’/ ‘Dear+ relation’.
 Complimentary close is ‘Yours sincerely’/ ‘Yours friendly’/ ‘Yours lovingly’/Yours.
 Sender’s signature isn’t required; only his/her name is written without brackets.
 Various tenses are used to suit the sense.
 Personal feelings and emotions are included.
 The vocabulary is less formal. The style & tone are relaxed & informal

Marking Scheme:
Format 1 mark

Content 1 mark
Expression 1 mark

 Sender’s address
 Date of writing
 Salutation
 Conclusion
 Opening sentence
 Details of day,date,time and event
 Closing sentence
(grammatical accuracy, appropriate words & spellings)


Q1. You are Gautam/Gautami. You want to invite your friend Vibhor to join your birthday party
with you at your residence. Write the invitation in 50 words inventing all the necessary details.

B-234 Raj Nagar


15th June, 20xx

My dear Vibhor

You will be pleased to know that I am turning sixteen on 20 th June,2021. It’s a great occasion for a
party,isn’t it? So be ready for an evening full of dance, music and fun-n-frolic. Of course there will
be good food too.

Do come with your younger brother. Remember 20th June 20XX, 8:00 pm. The venue is my

No regrets. No excuses. See you!


Q2.You are Ankit/Akriti .Your friend from Japan is staying in the hostel.Invite him/her to
join Diwali celebrations with you at your residence. Invent all the necessary details.


243/1 Manish Nagar

New Delhi

17th June 20XX

Dear Akio/Aika

You know Diwali ,the festival of lights,is approaching. It gives me great pleasure to invite
you to Diwali celebration at my residence. My mom,dad & Golu will be very happy to find
you with them on this auspicious occasion.

We will have great fun all together. Do join us for the Pooja .

No if and but.See you !



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