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Symbols Arveson spectrum, 385

·, ·, 381 Asa , 1
ASHCEFLC, 49, 253
A Associated representation, 60
Ã, 1 Asymptotically
Â, 121 abelian system, 373
Ǎ, 122 inner automorphism, 422
“ 165
A, inner derivation, 422
a-system, 341 multiplicative state, 374
Aa , 458 Atomic representation, 135
Abelian Aut0 (A), 298
C ∗ -algebra, 243 Aut0,· (A), 427
element, 218 Aut(A), 297
projection, 218 Automorphism, 22
Absolute value, 4 AW ∗ -algebra, 82, 86
ad, 413 AX-algebras, 262
Ad, 413
Adjoint, 1
b(·, ·), 391
Admissible cone, 399
B ∗ -dynamical system, 313
AF-algebra, 263
Barycenter, 169
Affiliated operator, 209
Borchers spectrum, 431
AG , 368 Borel
AH , 440 ∗ -algebra, 148
α̂-integrable element, 343 field, 181
Amenable group, 307 field of von Neumann algebras, 182
Amplification, 28 isomorphism, 158
Analytic element, 458 measurable field, 181, 182
Antiliminary C ∗ -algebra, 243 measure, 193
Aperiodic action, 429 Bσ (X, Y ), 390
Approximate unit, 15
Approximately C
abelian countable Riesz separation C, 161
property, 116 C ∗ -algebra, 1
inner, 462, 467 C ∗ -dynamical system, 311
unitarily equivalent relative to the Calkin algebra, 24, 244, 283
compacts, 62 Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, 54

516 Index

CCR, see Liminary C ∗ -algebra projection, 44

Center, 38 representation, 59
Central vector, 44
cover, 39, 77
measure, 162 D
Centralizer, 98 , 292
Centrally D-Borel
free action, 363 set, 161
free C ∗ -action, 367 structure, 161, 165
Chain recurrence, 379 Decomposable operator field, 184
Chaotic state, 459 Densely defined weight, 194
Closed Derivable automorphism, 423
projection, 96 ∗-derivation, 413
well-ordering, 132 Derivation, 413
Cocycle, 450 Diagonalizable operator field, 184
Commutant, 30 Diamond principle, 286
Commutator, 13 Direct
Compact, 97 integral, 182, 183
operators, 7 product, 7
Completely sum, 7
additive map, 82 Disjoint representations, 81
positive approximation property, 492 Double centralizer, 98
Dynamical system, 311
separated topological space, 144
Composition series, 250
essential, 250
Concentrated representation, 163
invariant, 217
Concrete AW ∗ -algebra, 46 programme, 263
Conjugacy, 379 Enveloping ∗ -algebra, 148
Connes spectrum, 430 Equivalent
Continuous trace projections, 213
C ∗ -algebra, 246 representations, 61
element, 246 Essential ideal, 100
Convolution, 292 Excising states, 112
Corona Exterior equivalent
algebra, 114 C ∗ -dynamical systems, 450
extendibility, 118 W ∗ -dynamical systems, 450
Countable Riesz separation property, 116 Extremally rich C ∗ -algebras, 20
Countably generated Borel ∗ -algebra, 148
Covariance algebra, see Crossed product F
Covariant representation, 314 F(A), 165
Crossed product, 327 Facd , 179
Cuntz Factor, 39
algebra, 51 representation, 82
semigroup, 204 spectrum, 165
subequivalence, 204 Factorial
Cuntz–Pedersen semigroup, 204 state, 165
Cycd , 179 weight, 236
Cyclic Faithful morphism, 75
Index 517

Fermion algebra, 259 derivation, 413

Finite Integrable representation of group, 382
C ∗ -algebra, 218 Invariant mean, 307
projection, 213, 218 Involution, 292
von Neumann algebra, 211 Irr(A), 121
Flip conjugacy, 379 Irrd , 179
Free action, 363 Irreducible representation, 107

G-continuous, 316 Jacobson topology, 123, 126
G-covariant, 316 Jensen’s diamond principle, 286
G-invariant weight, 316 Jiang–Su algebra, 290
G-prime, 352
G-product, 341, 354 K
G-quasiinvariant weight, 316 K-theory, 217
G-simple, 352 Kasparov’s technical theorem, 115
 (dual of G), 382 Kishimoto’s condition, 428
KMS state, 458
Gauge transformation, 465
GCR, see Type I
Gelfand transform, 3
Landstad’s conditions, 341
Glimm algebra, 259
Large group of isomorphisms, 370
Ground state, 459
bounded, 300
C ∗ -algebra, 293
centralizer, 98
von Neumann algebra, 299
Hilbert algebra, 305
kernel, 59
H multiplier, 98
H ∗ -algebra, 305 uniformly continuous, 306
Ha , 135 Lexicographic order, 132
Haar measure, 291 Liminary C ∗ -algebra, 249
Hereditary Locally compact topological space, 144
cone, 20 Long
subalgebra, 20 interval, 132
Hilbert algebra, 305 line, 115
Hilbert–Schmidt operator, 66 Lower semi-continuous, 97
Homeomorphic crossed products, 378 LX-algebras, 262
C ∗ -algebra, 251 M
of degree d, 257 M-Borel, 161
Hu , 75 structure, 177
Mackey–Borel structure, 161, 177
I MASA, 49
ı, 297 Matrix system, 272
Injective C ∗ -algebra, 492 Maximal
Inn0 (A), 297 commutative subalgebra, 44
Inn(A), 297 positive cone, 402
Inner unitary rank, 6
automorphism, 22 M G , 368
518 Index

Middle Polar decomposition, 32

continuous, 97 Polish space, 128
semi-continuous, 97 Positive
Minimal cone (of l.c. group), 398
C ∗ -dynamical system, 353 definite elements, 328
period, 447 definite functions, 294
positive representation, 400 functional, 53
Modular part, 4
condition, 475 Postliminary, see Type I
function, 292 Pr(A), 139
group, 478 Predual, 70
Monotone complete C ∗ -algebras, 82 Prim(A), see Ǎ
Morphism, 22 Prime
Multiplier, 98 ideal, 111
Murray–von Neumann equivalent spectrum, 139
projections, 213 Primitive
C ∗ -algebra, 111
N ideal, 111
Negative part, 4 spectrum, 122
Non-degenerate representation, 31, 59 Product state, 265
Nonderivable automorphism, 428 Projectionless C ∗ -algebras, 290
Normal Proper morphism, 107
element, 1 Properly
functional, 68 infinite von Neumann algebra, 212
map, 82 outer automorphism, 428
positive map, 36 Pure state, 87
ν(·) (spectral radius), 2 Purely
Nuclear C ∗ -algebra, 491 infinite simple C ∗ -algebra, 289
Null infinite von Neumann algebra, 212
field, 181 outer automorphism, 428
sets (of representation), 163
Quasicentral approximate unit, 103
O Quasicentralizer, 98
O2 , 51 Quasidiagonal
Open projection, 96 C ∗ -algebra, 64
Operator set, 63
concave, 12 Quasiequivalent representations, 61
convex, 12 Quasiinvertible elements, 20
field, 182 Quasimatrix system, 272
monotone, 10 Quasimultiplier, 98
Orthogonal functional, 57
P Range projection, 31
P(A), 87 Real rank zero, 20, 25
Partial isometry, 31 Reduced
Pedersen ideal, 227 crossed product, 334
πa , 135 group C ∗ -algebra, 299
πu , 75 Reducing subspace, 107
Index 519

Regular representation, 299, 332 Spectral

Repd , 178 M-subspace, 382
Representation, 59 measure, 162
of Banach algebra with involution, 293 R-subspace, 382
of group, 382 radius, 2
Representing measure, 169 Spectrum, 2, 3
condition, 405
Rickart algebras, 85, 86
of C ∗ -algebra, 121
Square integrable field, 181
decomposition property, 18 Stable
interpolation property, 20 C ∗ -algebra, 8
Right rank one, 6
bounded, 300 Stably
centralizer, 98 finite C ∗ -algebra, 218
multiplier, 98 isomorphic C ∗ -algebras, 8
Borel space, 158
S measure, 177
S-measure, 170 subset, 175
S(A), 56 State, 56
SAW ∗ -algebra, 118 Strict topology, 105
Self-adjoint Strictly positive element, 87
element, 1 Strong
functional, 53 orbit equivalence, 379
Semi-discrete von Neumann algebra, 492 topology, 27
Semi-finite Strongly
von Neumann algebra, 211 clustering state, see Asymptotically
weight, 194 multiplicative state
continuous, 97
Semiprojective C ∗ -algebra, 51
continuous function, 33
mixing state, see Asymptotically
dynamical system, 312 multiplicative state
representation, 77 Subrepresentation, 59
Separating Supernatural number, 261
set, 74 Support of normal state, 485
vector, 44
σ -finite, 77 T
σ -normal, 194 T, 466
σ -unital C ∗ -algebra, 88 T-Borel structure, 161
σ -weak topology, 67 T (A), 232
T (B), 232
σ -weight, 194
T(H ), 66
σR , 479
θ (unit of  = Ĝ), 382
Simple C ∗ -algebra, 7 Topological
S(M), 485 Borel structure, 161
Smooth, see Type I Topologically
Sober topological space, 144 free C ∗ -dynamical system, 367
Sp(α), 385 nontrivial automorphism, 428
Spatially equivalent representations, 61 Tr, 66
520 Index

Trace, 66, 199 representation, 75, 293, 327

class operator, 66 Universally
Tracial state, 203 measurable element, 137
Type I weakly inner automorphism, 423
C ∗ -algebra, 243
von Neumann algebra, 218 V
Type In von Neumann algebra, 222 Vector
Type II von Neumann algebra, 221 field, 181
Type II1 von Neumann algebra, 222 state, 60
Type II∞ von Neumann algebra, 222 Von Neumann algebra, 31
Type III von Neumann algebra, 221
Type IIIλ von Neumann algebra, 490 W
Type I0 C ∗ -algebra, 243 W ∗ -dynamical system, 312
Weak topology, 27
U Weak∗ Borel structure, 232
U (A), 137 Weakly
UHF, see Glimm algebra asymptotically abelian system, 373
Ultra-weak topology, 67 continuous, 97
Uniformly continuous unitary inner automorphism, 423
representations, 293 outer automorphism, 428
Unitarily equivalent representations, 61 semi-continuous, 97
Unitary semiprojective C ∗ -algebra, 51
rank, 6 Weight, 193
representation, 292
Universal Z
C ∗ -algebra, 49 ZFC, 284
Hilbert space, 75 Z n , 358

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