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Classroom Language Do You Remember? — vi Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 - Review 1 3 Unit 4 Unit S Unit 6 1s Review 2 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Bike s 33 37 Review 3 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 43 s1 Review 4 Songs and Chants My Picture Dictionary Checklists 1-4 Word List 37 67 Rael ents ‘Unit| Unit Title | Topic Conversation Time Word Time | Practice Time Phonics Time 1 | AtHome Family Haw old are your: mother Who'she? Jacket «| with Annie members | I'mten, Howald ore yal? | father He's ry father, fom Vim se. sister Jot brother who's she? Vy vet ‘grondooiiar | She's my mother. yogurt grondtashor verve 2 | tnthe Adilors. | Is totay Monday? vite \'merawing, Uta ‘Classroom No, \t's Tuesctay, valk Ven nat writing, jeg Yay My binhday'san | draw lemon Wednesday! 0d He's/She's droming, Rr rabbit ‘Coot! sissp ‘He/She tent welling. rar vot fun @ | Acrthday | Actions — | Thisis for you ov |Were/You're/Thayte | Ge ont Party Happy bith. sing singing. Qq que Thanks shout tk duck YYou'te weladme: Open. | fun WervouTtavxen' = |x box aah tying. y Hello? What's eshe/t ding? Window Holla. Mey I spt 16 ‘at broadest Ha's/Ste's N's vain ‘Sam, please? walk o-sehoot | walking Ye schoo, ‘ako ‘Sure. Hood on shudy Engi poy ‘No prablem, water TY ‘Whar are you “they doing? Paint Yoko 9 showar | We'reyThay'ce ake | wore to school, 5 | tthe Airport | Nummbars | Whine are you from? thirteen What tim st? Jong ® tise ondtine | Um romrratoe. fourteen Itsons o'clock, fee! Oi. You speck English teen Itstwotitioen sleen ‘ory wa sixteen meat ‘Thank you vory much. ‘seventeen read ‘igniter tea ninetesn Twenty twenty five ‘hiny: ory, itty: 6 | AilheFiower | Colors | Where do you ve? ‘00 This is Thot’'s red. longi pike ‘Sno | ive in Oasis, yellow ‘This That's ated five Oh, really? Me, 40, lus flower tite {ket 1's:6 ni2e place, iv Syllabus Topic Conversation Time | Word! Time | Practice Time Phonics Time Coming | What colorist? shoes What are theso/ihooe? long © deat It's blue. Blue is my 500k They'teshows. | snow, faverite color} shirts name Blue lsrice, put LiKE red, | shirts enh ears ‘widow shorts oie 8 | Hamessy Glossioom | Oh, na! Whota rresst ‘compte Where'sthe book? | tong u blue Gassraom ‘Ohjeris: | Yeoh, you're rat shel I’sin/env under” sue Los clean up. ‘cupboard ror tothe dash Sue ; | Okay, Get's gat the broom, | sable desk Where ore tte books? ho ‘They're n/n /under’ june hex! to the deh, Inthe Store Food nest candy WNourWeThey | shot a cap ‘Whe's wrong? ‘vio hove cand, ‘man We're le. Pease hury! | soda pop sad Oh. can't decid ‘person’ | 1/You/We/They Jong'a day popeote don't have juice gone chips | Arne Cini ‘Aiments | Hay! Thot's minal stomochoche | He/ She hos @ faver. | No. it ett. ffs mine, rash wie deck Qops! Sorry, sore throat | doesn") That's ony, fever rave rash snaies set 7 green — ‘see! “AtHorho‘win Ted | An Supplies. | Mi. Lee, may Tuneithe | fone Dees Haste hone | short 1 ply ‘bathroom? ie tco8? ‘sick i seh Nateese era ‘ir Wnero 81? a“ Sissel Seat me Me everthae Le He/She nesghe, |"°8! see i Thos. Lol right 2 On dPitnic Food Poss the coke. please. chicken ‘He/She! It lies: short © hop Which one? ‘cheno chicken, pot aes fa ‘Hie /SHe?1aéioen't ao Help youre 2711 d008n' ong 0 bow Thorles. treed he lod, ee = roas! syllabus v vi Classroom Language Classroom Language vil = Listen and point. (Rp | can ride a bike, 1 can climb a tree, wy ee — ae fh viii 5am = I can sing d song =" Bye-bye! See you on page 1) aX eo Ail = SQ Do You Remember? ‘\\ At Home with Annie ‘A. 531 Listen'and repeat. B. © Listen and find the speakers. = C.. Role-picy the conversation with a partner. How old are you? I'm ten. How old are you? | > gig? I'm six. | A. 5 Listen ond repeat, B. °° Listen and write Pp 9 the letter, 1. \gF mother 2. 2" father , C. Point and say the words. 3, UG sister 4. Q brother D. Bi Listen and point. | 5, $% grandmother 6. £2 grandfather | E. Write the words ' pa ° ! (See pages 63-66.) A. i Listen and repeat, ee he? He's my father. Who's ——_—___—_ she? She’s my mother, Who's = Whois | He’s= Hes | B.S Listen and repeat. Then practice with « partner. |. Who's she? ») 2. Who's he? She's my sister. He’s my father. : #1 . | 3. Who's she? 4 Who's he? i She's my grandmother. | He's my grandfather. UF “Who's he? He's my brother. teat B. = Does it begin “ or y? Listen ond write. = Ge || C. Read the words. ts 2. a 4, 6 jab | j jug yap | yam yen yet yum ee, 3 a J © a — oO g = D, Lookat ¢. Listen and point. E. - Doesit begin with g, h, J, ory? Listen and circle. ——— ‘A. % Listen and repeat. B® Ts today Monday? ©» No, it’s Tuesday. ep Yay! My birthday is on Wednesday! Cool! In the Classroom eed B. -%8) Listen and find the speakers. . Role-play the conversation with two other students. 8B Listen ond write repeat. B, - the letter. a = talk C, Point and say the words. Bs toad D. Listen and point. aw 6. 2 E. Write the words. (See pages 63-66.) A, Listen ond repeat, rm I'm not He’s drawing. He isn’t writing. She's She isn’t [Tim=Tom|/He's=Heis| She's = Sheis isn't = isnot B. -*= Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. |. “She's talking. 2. / He's sleeping. 3. Tm reading. She isn’t sleeping. He isn't talking. She's writing. She isn't drawing. 4° Pm eating. ’ | 5. T'm not reading. C. Look at page 6. Point fo the picture and practice with a D. fd Listen and chant. (See "He Isn't Reading’ on page 57.) I'm not eating. 6. “He's drawing. \ He isn’t writing. partner, Liddbeebib hh A. %i Listen ond repeat. I 2. 3. 4 &. lap led lip lot — lug | rap red rip rot | rug D. % Look at C. Listen and point. E. % Does it begin with j, |, r, or y? Listen and write. — 2, 3. 4 5. 6, Unit 2 %) At a Birthday Party A A. “J Listen and repeat. B. °2i Listen and find the speakers. €. Role-play the conversation with wo This is for you. PD & ; Happy birthday. a Thanks, You're welcome. A, ‘© Listen ond repeat. B. °° Listen ond write f *b the letter I Pa cry 2. Ge sing C.. Point ond say the words. 3. & shout 5 * laugh D. %i Listen ond point. E. Write the words. (See pages 63-66.) A. % Listen and repeat. We're We You're singing. You aren't — crying. They're They We're = We ore || You're= Vou are | aren't = are not | | They're = They are | B. @ Listen and repeat. Than practice with a partner. '. You're crying. ~ 2. “You're singing. You aren't singing. You aren't crying. 4. We're laughing. We aren't shouting. 5. They're running. Tey. aren’t walking. C. Look at page 10. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. D. im Listan and sing along, (See “We're Singing’ on page 58.) Unit 3 A. @ Listen ond repeat, HH C. Read the words. ; 2. Z 7 i cat cut ° lack " sick : tack quack quit lax six tax D. ©! Look at C. Listen ond point. E. i Does it end with -ck or -x? Listen and circle, a ik “oe “ck -x 12 Unit 3 To be continued... B. 23 Look at A. Listen ond point. C. Role-play these scenes, A. "32 Listen and find the picture. Write the number. B. @ Listen and circle. Vs jet yellow 2. fox duck 3. cat queen 4, leg red 5. yo-yo jam 6. rabbit ~~ lamb (C. @ Listen ond find the picture. Write the number. 14 Review 1 \\ At the Store Window =) Listen and repeat. b« “I Listen and find the speakers. oO ©. Role-play the conversation with a partner. Ae Hello? ih, 1@ Hello. May I speak to | oI Sam, please? | = = 4 4 Sure. Hold on. ay No problem. = —— ) A. © Listen and repeat. B. “i Listen ond write eM, the letter, 1. (SE getdressed 2. eat breakfast C.. Point and soy the wards. 3. ty walk to school 4, & study English | 1, 43 Listen and point. | 5, wily watch TV 6 No take a shower) E. Write the words. —_ (See pages 63-66.) A. i Listen and repeat. fF he He’s | What's | she | doing? She’s walking fo school, it It's What's = What is | He's =Heis |/She’s=Shee [Ti'e—tils iu We're What are teil oe fn i They're walking to school. We're = We ore || They're = They are B. 3 Listen and repeot. Then practice with a partner. 1. What's he doing? \ 2. " What are they doing? He's getting dressed. They're studying English. - / What's she doing? ‘4. What are they doing? She's taking a shower. They're eating breakfast. Q 5. / What's it doing? 6. / What are you doing? It's walking to school. We're watching TV. 3 AS™ C.. Look at page | 6. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. gs DD. 23%) Listen and sing along. (See ‘What's He Doing?” on page 58.) Unit 4 w7 A. % Listen and repeat. C, Read the words. Le 2. 3. 4. day laid fame date pay maid game gate ray paid name late say raid same rate D.. i Look at ©. Listen and peint, E. % Listen and circle. 1. 2. cope tape moin vain 2 bay lay “ bake make 18 Unit 4 At the Airport ae Conversation Time _ — “A. °) Listen and repeat. B.. -%= Listen and find the speakers. Br wnecocve . Role-play the conversation with o pariner: Where are you from? } ae T'm from France. 9° Oh. You speak English very well. es Thank you very much. A, 2 Listen and repeat. Ss WwW 6 ww WwW thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen 9 20 25 ge 46 §0 nineteen twenty twenty-five thirty forty fifty B. $i Listen and write the letter. | 20 17 50. 40 1S 13 25 (8 D. write the words, (See pages 63-66.) « ‘3 Listen and point. A. Listen and repeat. one o'clock. What time is it? It’s two fifteen. B.. -%3 Listen ond repeat. Then practice with a partner. 1. What time is it? \ 2. What time is it? It's ten fifteen It's eleven forty-five. e ZS | 3. What time is it? He What time is it? It’s twelve twenty-five. | It’s one thirty. 5.“ What time is it? 8. “ Wnat time is it? T It’s two o'clock. It’s three fifty-five. C, Look at page 20. Point to the clocks and practice with a partner. D. g Listen and sing along. (See “What Time Is It?” on page 59.) A, © Listen and repeat, B, Do they both have Jong e? Listen and write ¥ or X. Beas sia ag C. Read the words. "feed 2 deep % bean beat reed jeep dean heat seed keep Jean meat weed peep mean seat DB. -925 Look at C. Listen and point, E. -%! Listenand match, wees Unit 5 \\ At the Flower Shop \. i Listen ond repeat. B. © Listen and find the speakers. & Cc. Role-play the conversation with a partner. ey ae Where do you live? g. T live in Oakville. a @ Oh, really? Me, too. | | i g 1 like it. It's a nice place. | >. a Review. Listen and repeat. ) .. $2 Listen and repeat. B. 92 Listen and write the letter. ‘ a red : . BR blue C. Point and say the words. BD. “Listen and point. . BRE orange E. Write the words. (See pages 63-66.) A. 2 Listen and repeat. These | ee | yellow. - © 8 ow | ae orred . Those yellow flowers. | That's = B. 2 Listen and repeat. Then practice with o partner. '. - That's white. 7 2.” Those are orange. ‘That's a white flower. Those are orange flowers. | e a 3. “These ore yellow. \ 4. This is red. - These are yellow flowers. | This isared flower. | 5.” These are blue. as “| Those are green. | These are blue butterflies. | C. Look at page 24. Point to the picture and practice with a partner, D. = Listen and chant. (See “The Color Chant” on page 59.) Unit 6 2s A. -%S Listen and repeat. B. -% Does it have tong i? Listen and write ¥ or X. B79 : _ iF C. Read the words. hide =? fine > bike = fight ride line hike might side pine like right wide vine Mike sight 1D. i Look at C. Listen and point. E. “G8 Listen and match. bobbes Unit 6 Digger? This is Doc. What are you doing? To be continued... B. © Look at A. Listen and point. , Role-play these scenes. 27 B. -% Listen and write the time. Ine BH 6. 3 4. (C.- Listen and citele. he toil teal 2. tray tree 3. fight feet 6 main mine Review 2 In the Department Store . “2 Listen and repeat. B. °% Listen and find the speakers. C.. Role-play the conversation with a partner. What color is it? ) ~\ It's blue. Blue is my favorite color! A. $i Listen and repeat. 1, ES shoes 3. a shirts } al 5. Ww jeans Word Time Ss Z, = socks u, OFF skins 6. RR shorts B. © Listen ond write the letter. C. Point and say the words. D. %2 Listen and point. E. Write the words. (See pages 63-66.) ea A. Listen and repeat. these? What are They're | shoes. i those? er B.. Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. |. Whatare these? , 2- What are those? 3. What ore those? They’re socks. They're skirts. | They're shorts. L | | | 1 | q 4. What are these? >, 5. What are those? They're jeans. C. Look at page 30. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. DB. = Listen and sing along, (See “What Are These?” on page 60.) Unit 7 31 A. Listen ond repeat. coat gos wee? C. Read the words. goad a: bow * hole bone load low pole cone road row role tone toad tow | sole | zone D. “S Look ot ©. Listen and point. E. “$31 Listen and circle, |. ripe rape 2. Kate kite 3. need night 4, make Mike 32 Unit 7 In a Messy Classroom Chee ils ids = 5 Listen ond repeat. B. Listen and find the speakers. Reise — 7% C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. ! ae Oh, no! What a mess! | 6 Yeah, you're right. ea, «Let's clean up. B. -%) Listen ond write A. 2 Listen and repeat. 7 the letter. 12 computer 2. == shelf > ©. Point and soy the words. — D 3. CA cupboard T table D.. ° Listen and point 5. <== desk 6. Ed char E. Write the words. Re nal (See pages 63-66.) A. 3 Listen and repeat. Where's the book? It's | x — —— | onder the desk. Where are the books? They're riext' to’ Where's — Wheres W's = Ins || They're — They are | B, % Listen and repeat, Then practice with o partner. |. Where’s the guitar? ~\ 2.” Where are the bananas? "It's on the table. & re under the chair. | 3.” Where are the books? * Hee basketball? | They're under the shelf. re next to the desk. 5. Where'sthekite? “Where are the birds? It's in the cupboard. i They're on the computer. | C. Look at page 34. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. D. 5; 2 Listen and sing clong. (See “Where's the Pen?” on page 60.) Phonics Time A. %3 Listen and repeat. wes) /e él | \ C. Read the words. Ne 2: 3. due blue Sue clue DD. $21 Look at €. Listen and point. E. % Listen and circle. fs 2. 3. boat bow home cape sea day tight tube seed 36 dune tune rake bike June duke Luke mail mine note Unit 8 In the Store k. "5 Listen and repeat, B. 21 Listen and find the speakers. ee, — —— C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. Uh-oh. What's wrong? We're late. Please hurry! Oh...1 can't decide. D. \%@& Review. Listen and repect. ) A. % Listen and repeat. B, 5 Listen and write e ay the letter |. 3 candy 2. Wi juice _ a C. Point and say the words. soda pop 4, 5 Icecream | BD, 3 Listen and point. popcorn 6. => chips E. Write the words. i = (See pages 63-66.) i cS Sic % fae) Be. Z z i = ; — oS || = Raa So 6278 5 = 3) Cp SS | A. “i Listen and repeat. 4) I I -_—i \" aa jn | candy. yeu | don’t have Juice. Ee a don't = do not B. i Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. 2. “You have ice cream. You don’t have candy. '. “You nave popcorn. You don’t have chips.) 3. We have juice. ~~ 4s They have candy. We don't have soda pop. | E Seay 5. “Thave soda pop. \6 They have chips. I don't have ice cream. They don't have juice. | (22S i C. Look at poge 38. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. D. gs Listen and sing olong. (See ‘We Have Candy" on page 61.)

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