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Mi vida en otra lengua

Semana 4
Semana de integración

Proyecto integrador. My biography

Proyecto integrador:

a) Answer the questions about your past, present and future.Illustrate each section with a
photograph or image representing that stage of your life.
(Contesta las preguntas acerca de tu pasado, presente y futuro. Ilustra cada sección con una
fotografía o imagen que represente esa etapa de tu vida.)
My past

Paste a picture here.

Where were you born? I was born in Culiacan Sinaloa

Where did you live? I live in Culiacan, in the Lomas de San Isidro
neighborhood with my older sister.

What were you doing before What I was doing before starting Prepa en linea SEP, I
starting Prepa en Línea-SEP? had a job as a receptionist in an insurance company, and
there I decided to finish my studies to continue preparing.

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

My achievements Proyecto integrador:

Paste a picture here.

What were the three most One of my achievements was finishing a basic English
important achievements in your course.
life? Another of my achievements was working where I
wanted in a law firm.
I currently work in a clinic is another knowledge that I
wanted to acquire.

Write about an experience in An experience that I overcame was when I started

which you have overcome some working in the office, I was going to have a week to train,
difficulty. it was only one day and they left me alone with the
responsibility, it was a frustrating moment because the
lawyers depended on me, but I managed to get my work
as they expected.

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

My present and what I want to accomplish

Proyecto integrador:

Paste a picture here.

Describe your school and work (answer)


What do you do in your free (answer)


What new skills or challenges (answer)

are you trying to overcome?

Write about any difficulties in (answer)

this moment of your life.

Whatare you doing to overcome (answer)

those difficulties?

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

My future and my goals and plans Proyecto integrador:

Paste a picture here.

What are your plans after My plans after completing Prepa en Linea-SEP. is to
completing Prepa en Línea- keep improving myself

Would you like to study for a Yes I'd like to.

degree? Which one? Which I would like to study law.
university? Autonomous University of Sinaloa

What would you like to work on? Attorney General of the State, as a criminalist.

What is your greatest goal? Achieve my goal of finishing college.

What challenges will you have to My biggest challenge is to be constant and not stop what
face to achieve your goal? I start.

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

b) Write a half-page reflection on what you learned during the modules

Proyecto "Mi mundo en otra lengua"
and "Mi vida en otra lengua" and how they contributed to your formation.
(Redacta una reflexión de media cuartilla sobre lo que aprendiste durante los módulos “Mi
mundo en otra lengua” y “Mi vida en otra lengua” y cómo contribuyerona tu formación.)

What I learned in these two modules is, lose the fear of speaking in
another language and make a bad pronunciation, I had many doubts
about how they were written and pronounced, it was like the first time I
had English classes. I learned a lot, how the words were pronounced
again, it is a very nice experience, because it took me a lot to learn the
pronunciation; but little by little I was practicing and learning more to
control the nerves and the pronunciation of what I wrote, to be able to
expose it. Learning English is very important for my academic training,
since it willserve me in the future in my work, or on the street when a
tourist asks me for information. it will be the best way to communicate
with foreign people. I also thank my facilitator and tutor for the support
they gave me during this module.

c) Record the questions and answers of your biography (point a), as well as the reflection (point
b). Save your audio in a cloud and share the link in this space.Remember do not exceed over
than 2 minutes.
(Graba las preguntas y respuestas de tu biografía (inciso a), así como la reflexión (inciso b).
Guarda tu audio en una nube y comparte la liga en este espacio. Recuerda no exceder más de
2 minutos.)

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

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