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Trading Routine Tutorial:

Introduction to this section:

Every professional trader has one thing in common; they have
all found the most efficient way to use the 24-hours they get
each day. A professional trader must find the best way to get
the needed amount of time for research, trading, review, sleep,
nutrition, and family.
Balance is the most important thing for everyone when it
comes to all business. If we do too much of something, not
enough of the other, we find ourselves failing to achieve our
long-term goals. Remember to keep balance in your personal
and professional life at all times, and resists the temptation to
over-load one side or the other.
The goal of a published daily routine is ensure that you are held
accountable to performing pre-defined tasks each day before,
during, and after you trade. A successful trader understands
hour day, and a daily routine seeks to make sure the trader is
successful at performing them.
Layout of this section:

Post-Market (Holistic Approach)

Tools you will need:

Trading Computer
Day Trading Plan (course materials)
Trade Worksheet (trade plan download)
NinjaTrader7 Software
Our Blog:
Economic News Calendar
Alarm Clock
Trading Journal

Turn off cell phone, all distractions

Turn on trading computer
Load Charts
Cup of Coffee / Tea (avoid sugar, caffeine ok)
Read Morning Prep on the Blog

o Anything big happening tomorrow?

Set up correct ATM-Strategy and Trade Account in Chart-
Review my trade plan
Prep my Cheat Sheet
Prep my trade worksheet
Anchor Chart Prep, anticipate the set-up
o Draw trend lines, etc
o Define the long-term trend
o Look for trend reversals
Entry Chart Prep, anticipate the set-up
o Review what happened overnight
o Review location compared to PHOD/PLOD x3 days
o Define the short-term trend
o Look for trend reversals
Make notes on potential set-ups
Make notes on market-personality you can see thus far

Stay Patient, Focused
Be aware of the time
Entry Chart
o Define the trading range you see easiest
o Looking for set-ups
o Watching market-personality
o Looking for breakouts
o Looking for failures
o Is anything out-of-place?
Look for a Trend, or change of trend


Save your work

Review your trades using the Trade Worksheet
Identify opportunities to improve
o Review stop-loss placement
o Review profit-target placement
o Review your trade plan, did you follow it?
o What did you do BEST today?
Write in your trading journal
Market Replay is great for practice!
5-minutes of reflection (balance confidence + humility)
Get out of the office for > 20 minutes of FUN + Fitness
Spend time with Family, they are most important

Supporting Information:

Economic News Calendar

Alarm Clock Download (free follow the link)
Trading Journal (see download below)

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