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SONEJA, Manilen M.

/ 61901009 Task 1 - PRELIMS

Personal, Community, and Environmental Health

TASK 1A: Read the journal-article written by Debbie L. Stowen entitled ‘Dimensions of
Wellness: Change your habit, Change your life”. Accomplish the task below.

TASK INFORMATION: Please take note of the following in formulating your answer.
1. There are eight factors that made up holistic health. Fill out the chart below.

2. It was mentioned that health/wellness is the integration of all the dimensions stated
above and that attention must be given to all dimensions. Explain that statement in
your own words.
Each of the factors are important and has a role in our health. Each of it affects us
that’s why the integration of the 8 factors must be given attention. Each of the factors
play a pivotal role in our overall well-being and life satisfaction.

3. What is your view as a student, on the importance of health and wellbeing?

Mental health is more than the absence of mental illness. Mental health is a state of
wellbeing where people can meet their learning potential, cope with normal stresses,
and are connected to community and their friends. As well as increasing a person's
opportunity and choices in life, promoting mental health and wellbeing as a core role
in education helps students: Flourish in their education journey. Build resilience against
adversity. Develop protective factors from mental ill-health. Provide them with skills
and confidence to self-seek help for early intervention.
SONEJA, Manilen M. / 61901009 Task 1 - PRELIMS
Personal, Community, and Environmental Health

TASK INFORMATION: Please take note of the following in formulating your answer.
1. Your journal may be similar to this.

Physical I just started My cardio To constantly My jump rope
Dimension working out workout workout form
To keep my
Intellectual I started reading My attention phone away To continue
Dimension Atomic Habits span from me while reading
I am able to My Will share often Continue
express myself communication to my eldest communicating
more skills sister to everyone
To plan my
I started My
Social online hangout Hangout with
contacting my communication
Dimension with my friends my family
friends skills
every weekends
Will continue to
go to church
Spiritual Constantly Prayers before Composing my
every Sunday
Dimension going to church going to bed own prayer
and pray every
Will create my
Vocational Being always My time Will follow my
schedule for the
Dimension diligent management weekly schedule
entire week
allowance from
Financial Will try not to
my sister by My budgeting Will save money
Dimension order
helping my
Keeping the Clean the
Environmental Will also clean
house clean The backyard backyard as
Dimension our backyard
and sanitized well as the front

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