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Maitreya-Buddha King Chamber located at the

center to 1/3rd the height of the
Pyramid: The Pyramid, with Pyramid. Its spiral and vibrant
a capacity of about 5000 people, is King’s chamber, the most ener-
the world’s largest Pyramid built on gic spot of the pyramid, stands
lines of Pyramid of Giza solely for at 34ft. tall and accomodates
practising mediation. It has a base 40-people for meditation at a
area of 160ft X 160ft and is 102ft in time. the pyramid is designed ap-
height . plying golden angle of inclination
INTRODUCTION: of 52° 51’.
Pyramid Valley is setup with a core objective of providing a COMMON
PLATFORM for all world spiritual masters, to collaborate for a peaceful
and love filled planet Earth in the shortest possible time.

It is a single platform where spiritual masters and leaders from across

the globe can converge and collaborate for the betterment of all the so-
cieties. The Pyramid Valley is run by the Pyramid Spiritual Trust, which
organizes several events on the large campus dedicated to the field of
spiritual science. One of the events includes the Global Congress which
attracts new age spiritual masters from across the country and interna-
tionally too.
This Pyramid is constructed using
location: Space frames, covered with thin
ferro cement concrete slab. This
is covered with light weight ce-
ment tiles with carving. Each side
of the pyramid depicts Earth, wa-
ter, fire and air.


The lumbini garden is a zen gar-
INDIA KARNATAKA Bangalore den designed for meditation
purposes,a zen garden gives a
Pyramid valley is located 35km from Bangalore at calming effect on the users.
Kebbedoddi Village, Harohalli Hobli, Kanakapura Road,
Bengaluru – 562112, Karnataka, India.
climate: tropical savanna climate, with distinct wet and dry seasons. CAFETARIA:

Due to its high elevation.

The cafeteria block is
TOPOGRAPHY:undualating terrain,because of its location in platue pleasantly located overlook-
region. ing the lake and the gigantic
VEGETATION: dry deciduous forest-type. Pyramid. This block can be
SITE AREA: 28 acres accessed through a small
bridge over the rain water
FACILITIES: channel built with clay ‘Jaali’
• MAITREYA BUDDHA • RESEARCH CENTRE AND blocks. The site dictated the
PYRAMID LIBRARY semicircular shape of the
• HOLISTIC HEALTH CENTRE cafeteris. The tensile fabric
structures accomodate semi

architects: The centre is a team-effort by artist Chandra Nagi

and sculptor B N Mishra, with architects and interior designers Neelesh
Chopda of Pune and Bangalore’s Bharati Prem, besides landscaping
artiste Veni Madhavi.

Thematic architecture Every element of the architecture, interiors and
landscape is carefully chosen to be thematic. So, even the gardens
around and the colours used for the landscaping are all specially cho-
sen for their spiritual compatibility and for enhancing inner harmony and
peace, we are informed.

planning principles: PAGODA COTTAGES:

The pyramid is oriented along the north south axis, the planning is influ-
The cottages are designed
enced by the functions incorporated in the campus, hierarchy is applied
such that they dictate sheer
for the pyramid to stand out from rest of the environment,which is the
simplicity and the architec-
most important space of the campus.
OAT: ture treads very lightly on the
The open air amphitheatre is zoned ground on which these cot-
site zoning: along the banks of the lake present tages sit, bringing into focus
The pyramid,office, parking,research institutes, and amenities are zoned in the site. OPEN AIR AMPHITHEATRE COTTAGES teh minimalism of the struc-
within the reach of visitors to use them without hassle, where as units like tures, while also being com-
cottages,tents,holistic health centre , spiritual theme park,tree of life,and fortable and aesthetically
other spaces which need calmness are zoned in a isolated location free pleasing. The structure esta-
from visitors intrusion . bilishes a dialogue with the
surrounding land and nature
without imposing on them.
exposed brickwork and unplastered concrete celings. The architecture VIEW OF PYRAMID FROM COTTAGES
with this pallete of materials treads very lightly on the ground, bringing
into focus the minimalism of the structures establishing a dialogue with KABHIR BHAVAN:The
the surrounding land and nature without imposing on them. The deliber- Kabhir Bhavan is a Pyramid
ate raw and rustic feel of the structure is a conscious effort in an attempt shaped mediation centre.
to express the materials in the truest forms. The bare brick structure with
aluminium windows dictates
simplicity and minimalism.
ACTIVITY: The same architectural lan-
Apart from visiting pyramid,major activities at the Pyramid Valley include guage extends to the exteri-
seminars, workshops and annual conferences. Meditational classes and or with an exposed concrete
spiritual talks dot the events calendar at Pyramid Valley. desk. The design is inspired
from pyramid mediation cen-
The features of the site and surroundings are used very well, The struc-
tures at Pyramid valley International are simple, plain, what stands out is dormitories:
the aesthetic value of this simplicity. The dormitories are as sim-
ple and as basic as it can
NOTABLE DESIGN ELEMENTS be. The design is simplistic,
reflecting the ambience of
the building and the phi-
losophy of the institution.
The design being simple,
was cost effective and eco-
friendly sue to the use of
exposed brick and concrete


OSHO Auditorium: OSHO teerth:
The vast soundproof pyramid, The Osho Teerth, also known as Nulla Park,
with space for five thousand has a garden expanding five hectares. It is
people to sit together, may designed as the elegant style of Japanese Zen
well be the only one of its size garden. The park has a landscape architecture
in the whole world which is that comprises swimming lagoon, rock gar-
used for meditation. To go in- dens, decorated wooden pathways and artifi-
side you need to walk over a cial waterfalls that enhance the spiritual envi-
bridge, and it seems as if the ronment.
INTRODUCTION: structure itself is emerging out
The Osho International Meditation Centre (OIMC) located in the city of of the water; this is to remind
Pune in India is a campus described as a high class life with thousands you to “drop your mind” be-
of visitors annually. The centre has become a prime attraction for visitors fore entering.
who are interested in the preaching and ideologies of Osho. It is one of
the largest growing spiritual centres in the world with an attraction of two The Area of the meditation
hundred thousand visitors per annum.The resort for meditation and yoga block: 1400 sq. m
offers various techniques to be free of stress and strain of worldly life. Area of central hall: 950 sq. m
OSHO Multiversity:
the largest center in the world
for personal growth process-
es. Guests can also learn new
life-skills; tools to take home
that will help remain relaxed
even in the busiest of worka-
day environments. There is a
stunning selection of individ-
ual sessions and classes to
INDIA MAHARASHTRA PUNE nourish your body, mind and
The Osho International campus is located in the exclusive and exotically soul as well as longer work-
green koregoan park, Pune,Maharashtra,india. shops, courses and profes-
sional trainings.
climate: Pune has a hot semi-arid climate bordering with tropical
wet and dry with average temperatures ranging between 20 and 28 °C buddha grove:
TOPOGRAPHY:undualating terrain,because of its location in platue The big open-air expanse of
region. marble, known as Buddha
VEGETATION: Scrub Jungles and Deciduous forests. Grove and surrounded by tall
SITE AREA: 32 acres bamboo trees, provides the
space for a number of classes night life:
architects: like Tai Chi. restaurants and discos are
Architect Hafeez Contractor
FACILITIES: The cafeteria block is pleas-
• OSHO Auditorium • Osho Teeth - Nala Park antly located overlooking the
• Visitor centre • Multiverisity plaza swimming pool and teerth
• Osho Guesthouse park,which serves veg cui-
• Welcome centre sines of various countries.
• Club - sundry , sports facilities • Residential units
and therapies • Buddha Grove night life:
• Artists Studio- • Cafeteria restaurants and discos are
music,painting&sculpture the main night life in the cen-
tre itself. Spirituality does not
CONCEPT: restrict enjoyment at all, but
One of the major teachings of Osho is silence that can be achieved instead allows man to become
through meditation. Man’s speech, actions and dialogues are related to aware when performing activi-
observe that silence. The building was designed to express this principle ties.
of silence.

The foyer is a beautifully the priority has been
Vejle proportioned room with high
ceilings and an informal at-
to use quality materi-
als that interact well
Psychiatric mosphere. The organically with one another. Pale
Hospital shaped walls and informa-
tion desk are clad with pale
brick, untreated wood
strips, grey Troldtekt
wooden strips. From the ceil- acoustic panels and
ing hangs a large and modern red linoleum floors
INTRODUCTION: chandelier. create a delightful
In February 2017 a new psychiatric hospital opened in the Danish city of cocktail of impres-
Vejle. Since opening, the hospital has registered a 50 percent decrease COURTYARDS: sions that appeals to
in physical restraint and it is widely acknowledged for its healing architec- At every point there are views
the senses.
ture. This was underlined in mid-June when the hospital won the Mental of the inner courtyard, which
is perfect for taking time out LIGHTING:
Health Design category at the European Healthcare Design Awards 2018 To ensure lights heal-
in competition with mental health buildings from all over the world. in secure surroundings. The
strong connection between ing effect on patients
the inside and outside also the architects have
location: climate: Vejle has designed with a spe-
means there is a good and
a moderate maritime cial focus on both
interesting play of daylight.
climate influenced by natural and artificial
All six wards overlook glass-
the sea light. Glass panels
walled, enclosed courtyards.
TOPOGRAPHY: and interior courtyards
Denmark is not LANDSCAPE: bring ample daylight
known for its moun- Surrounded by green, “the into the building. With-
tain landscape, and landscape is drawn complete- drawn ceilings and
for good reason. With ly between the buildings and interior glass help light
an average height of into the attractive courtyards extend even further
about 31 meters or through the building.
101 feet above sea TRANSITIONS:
level. the The architecture is char- inference:
The building is located in the beautiful Vejle
acterised by smooth transi- The architect stress the importance of offering psychiatric patients the right
Ådal and the picturesque landscape is an im- BUILT UP AREA:
tions between the private and balance between peace and quiet, a sense of community and freedom.
portant element in the architectural design. 17,400 m2
the communal spheres. The idea behind the transparent architecture and the tranquil spatial layout
architects: Arkitema Architects,The color scheme and art SPORTS HALL: is to minimise the use of physical restraint.
direction are directed by artist Signe Guttormsen. A very beautiful sports hall is The patients can walk out into the courtyards without being accompanied
just one of many outstanding by a member of staff. This gives them a greater sense of freedom and
FACILITIES: Awards: facilities control over their own lives.
• children’s ambulatory
The Psychiatric Hospital in Vejle PLANNING
was praised as Highly Commended
• psychiatric ER (2nd place) in the Healthcare cat- PRINCIPLES:
• psychiatric ECT egory at the WAN Awards 2018. The psychiatric hospital comprises a clus-
ter of eight buildings based on a circular
• play area
European Healthcare Design 2018 flow that includes the administrative and
• central courtyards Award in the category Mental staff functions. This ingenious combina-
• dinning Health Design tion of hospital buildings and the function-
al and administrative unit form a closed
CONCEPT: ring that ensures an open and transpar-
The A primary design focus has been on a visionary healthcare design ent psychiatric hospital. In the layout ex-
which encourages physical activity and minimalizes forceful interven- troverted functions such as ER reception
tion. the focus was to create the best possible surroundings for patients and children’s psychiatry are located as
as well as employees.This is done by transparency, the intelligent use of inviting units upon arrival, while wards are
light and easy access to safe courtyards. withdrawn within the building. The en-
CLOSED RING: closed First-floor links administration and
The “closed ring” concept brings together all the functions of the hospital, discreet patient transport in a ring struc-
ensuring an open and transparent building. From the foyer, the visitors ture which expresses a spatial division
can head off in multiple directions. and forms a clear hierarchical façade. SITE-PLAN GROUND FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN
Dr. Frank Xavier Noronha
NIMHANS: became the first superinten-
NATIONAL INSTITUTE dent of the Mental Hospital.
At this time (in 1936), Sir
OF MENTAL HEALTH Mirza Ismail held the cov-
AND NEURO SCIENCE eted position of the Dewan
of Mysore.Both Sir Ismail
and Dr. Noronha were keen
INTRODUCTION: gardeners and avid horticul-
The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) turists. Their common pas-
is a multidisciplinary institute for patient care and academic pursuit in the sion for well-designed public
field of mental health and neurosciences. spaces led to the formation
The Department of Psychiatry of National Institute of Mental Health And of a new structure for the
Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, which formally began in the Mental Hospital encompass-
mid-1950,’s, owes its origins to a historical process that began more than ing vibrant gardens replete
a century and a half ago. in the 1930’s a new campus was built to house with lush landscapes and
the mentally ill in salubrious surroundings away from the din and bustle open spaces. The duo per-
of the city. The open atmosphere, lack of restraint and the excellent help sonally planted many of the
provided by the staff soon became well known The buildings themselves exotic tree species that can
are in marked contrast to most Asylums in India. still be seen on the campus.



National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences

Hosur Road, Near Bangalore Milk Dairy,
Bengluru, Karnataka - 5600029

climate: tropical savanna climate, with distinct wet and dry seasons.
Due to its high elevation.
TOPOGRAPHY:undualating terrain,because of its location in platue
VEGETATION: dry deciduous forest-type.
SITE AREA: 11.2 acres approx (psychiatry dept)


architects: It was constructed by the civil engineering

firm, the Mysore Engineering Company (MEC), Maharaja of Mysore,
KrishnarajaWodeyar laid the foundation stone for constructing the hospi-
tal in May, 1936.

It was considered essential that the spaces in an asylum provide an envi-
ronment conducive for recovery, and this principle lay at the root of asy-
lum design, where “where one could be both mad and safe”.

planning principles:
The new building itself was loosely based on the plans of the Institute of
Psychiatry building, which was then housed at the Bethlem hospital site
in Moorfields (United Kingdom). this building was designed with the ex-
plicit purpose of providing a healing environment, and with all the neces-
sary modern attributes.

site zoning: MASTER PLAN

The pyramid,office, parking,research institutes, and amenities are zoned
within the reach of visitors to use them without hassle, where as units like
cottages,tents,holistic health centre , spiritual theme park,tree of life,and
other spaces which need calmness are zoned in a isolated location free
from visitors intrusion .

The older strutctures are built using stone masonry and wood, the newer
structures are made of brick masonry,

Apart from visiting pyramid,major activities at the Pyramid Valley include
seminars, workshops and annual conferences. Meditational classes and
spiritual talks dot the events calendar at Pyramid Valley.

The features of the site and surroundings are used very well, The struc-
tures at Pyramid valley International are simple, plain, what stands out is
the aesthetic value of this simplicity.

open courtyard


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