Manual Construction+Safety

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Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
February, 1993

The purpose of the Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual (CSM) is to prevent injury,
loss of life, and damage to assets. This is the fourth revision of the CSM. Since its 1974
introduction, the Construction Safety Manual has provided safety criteria for all construction
work performed by Saudi Aramco and its contractors.

Many of the requirements in this manual detail the need for Saudi Aramco services or
equipment. Where references indicate that certain equipment (fall protection, safety shoes,
etc.) should be provided or services rendered (bio-monitoring, etc.), the intent is that
contractors must provide equivalent equipment or services (as approved by Saudi Aramco)
from their own resources.

The construction industry functions in a dynamically changing work environment in which

updating of equipment and standards is a continuous process resulting from changes in
operating variables, regulatory requirements, and safety practices. Although this manual has
been updated to reflect the latest Saudi Aramco and construction industry practices, as time
goes on there may be a need to consider new procedures, standards, or operating conditions.
Such new developments, including potential conflicts with existing provisions, should be
referred to the Loss Prevention Department for resolution. The Loss Prevention Department
will issue interim revisions or updates where appropriate.

Good loss prevention is an integral part of good project management. For our projects and
maintenance programs to proceed safely, all Saudi Aramco and contractor personnel involved
in construction activities, whether management or line employees, need to understand and
follow the provisions in this Manual. Only with the active commitment of everyone can we
ensure that Saudi Aramco maintains the safest possible work environment.

Senior Vice President,

Engineering and Project Management

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Table of Contents Page 1

I. Administration.................................................................................30
1.0 SAUDI ARAMCO LOSS PREVENTION POLICY AND PROGRAM......................................31
1.1 Loss Prevention Policy Implementation.................................................................31
1.1.1 Compliance With Construction Requirements .......................................31
1.1.2 Operating Standards and Instructions.....................................................31
1.1.3 Personal Protection.....................................................................................31
1.1.4 Inspection ....................................................................................................31
1.1.5 Education and Training..............................................................................32
1.1.6 Motivation and Recognition .....................................................................32
1.1.7 Job Placement ..............................................................................................32
1.1.8 Response to Accidental Occurrences......................................................32
1.1.9 Contractor Safety ........................................................................................32
1.1.10 Off-The-Job Safety......................................................................................32
1.1.11 Traffic Safety................................................................................................32
1.1.12 Accountability.............................................................................................33
1.1.13 Compliance Reviews ...................................................................................33
1.2 Saudi Aramco Loss Preve ntion Requirements For Contractors.......................33
1.2.1 Non-Compliance..........................................................................................33
1.2.2 Assistance....................................................................................................33
1.2.3 Standards and Instructions .......................................................................34
1.3 Contractor's Loss Prevention Program.................................................................34
1.3.1 Written Program..........................................................................................34
1.3.2 Hazard Identification Plan..........................................................................35
1.3.3 Safety Supervisor........................................................................................35
1.3.4 Safety Discussion .......................................................................................35

2.0 SAUDI ARAMCO LOSS PREVENTION DEPARTMENT SERVICES ....................................36

2.1 Loss Prevention Program.........................................................................................36
2.2 Program Management Services ..............................................................................37
2.3 Program Maintenance Services ..............................................................................38

3.0 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, ANALYSIS AND REPORTING..............................................39

3.1 Reports Required by Saudi Aramco........................................................................39
3.2 Accident Investigation ...............................................................................................40
3.2.1 Responsibilities for Investigation.............................................................40 Supervisor/Safety Representative............................................40 Project Manager..........................................................................40
3.3 Cases to be Investigated.............................................................................................41
3.4 Accident Investigation Guidelines...........................................................................41
3.5 Accident Analysis ....................................................................................................41
3.5.1 Classification................................................................................................41

4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SAFETY...............................................................................................45

4.1 Contractor Senior Management..............................................................................45
4.2 Design Engineer.........................................................................................................45
4.3 Contractor's Safety Officer......................................................................................45
4.4 Construction Manager/Superintendent.................................................................46
4.5 Site Safety Supervisor ...............................................................................................47
4.6 Equipment Manager/Supervisor ..............................................................................47
4.7 Engineer/Supervisor..................................................................................................47

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 2

4.8 Foreman........................................................................................................................47
4.9 Worker.........................................................................................................................48

5.0 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES .........................................................................................................49

5.1 Action to be Taken......................................................................................................49
5.2 Contact After Office Hours ......................................................................................49
5.3 Help in an Emergency................................................................................................49

6.0 SAFETY TRAINING...........................................................................................................................51

6.1 Safety Training for Supervisors..............................................................................51
6.2 Safety Training for Workmen.................................................................................51
6.2.1 Integrated Practices ....................................................................................51
6.2.2 Specialized Training....................................................................................52
6.2.3 Use of Persuasion .......................................................................................52
6.2.4 Course Requirements..................................................................................52
6.3 Scope of Training .......................................................................................................53
6.3.1 Safety Training Topics For Supervisors..................................................54
6.3.2 Induction Safety Topics For Workmen ...................................................55

7.0 SITE PLANNING AND HOUSEKEEPING.....................................................................................57

7.1 Initial Planning ...........................................................................................................57
7.1.1 Hazard Identification Plan..........................................................................57
7.1.2 Loss Prevention Program...........................................................................58
7.1.3 Protection of Employees and Equipment.................................................58
7.1.4 Transportation.............................................................................................58
7.1.5 Lifting Equipment........................................................................................58
7.1.6 Demolition ....................................................................................................58
7.1.7 Excavations ..................................................................................................58
7.1.8 Scaffolding ...................................................................................................58
7.2 Site Layout...................................................................................................................59
7.2.1 Site Accommodation...................................................................................59
7.2.2 Adequate Access Roads ...........................................................................59
7.2.3 Project Sign ..................................................................................................59
7.2.4 Safe Means of Access and Egress ...........................................................60
7.2.5 Parking Facilities..........................................................................................60
7.2.6 Drainage........................................................................................................60
7.2.7 Vehicle / Heavy Equipment Paths On Site Vs Pedestrian
7.2.8 Sand...............................................................................................................60
7.2.9 Fire Prevention.............................................................................................60
7.2.10 Site Illumination...........................................................................................60
7.3 Storage Areas .............................................................................................................60
7.4 Welfare Facilities.......................................................................................................61
7.5 Good Housekeeping....................................................................................................61
7.6 Construction Sites and Materials Storage Yards ................................................62

8.0 FIRST AID ...........................................................................................................................................65

8.1 Provision of First Aid Facilities...............................................................................65
8.2 First Aid Attendants...................................................................................................66
8.3 First Aid Facilities At Work Site............................................................................67
8.4 Labor And Workmen Law.........................................................................................69

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 3

9.0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT.....................................................................................71
9.1 Head Protection...........................................................................................................72
9.2 Eye and Face Protection.............................................................................................72
9.2.1 Eye Protection from Impact........................................................................73
9.2.2 Eye Protection from Radiant Energies......................................................73
9.2.3 Face Protection............................................................................................73
9.3 Hand Protection ..........................................................................................................73
9.4 Foot Protection............................................................................................................73
9.5 Hearing Protection.....................................................................................................74
9.5.1 Ear Plugs.......................................................................................................74
9.5.2 Ear Muffs ......................................................................................................74
9.6 Fall Restraining/Arresting Devices .......................................................................74

10.0 BREATHING APPARATUS .........................................................................................................81

10.1 Selection of Equipment ..............................................................................................81
10.1.1 Requirements For Use................................................................................82
10.1.2 Misuse ..........................................................................................................82
10.1.3 Hazardous Substances ...............................................................................83
10.1.4 Contaminants ...............................................................................................83
10.2 Respiratory Protective Devices................................................................................83
10.2.1 Air Purifying Respirators ...........................................................................83 Gas Masks ....................................................................................83 Chemical Cartridge Respirators .................................................84 Particulate Filter Respirators (Dust Respirators)....................84
10.2.2 Supplied Air Respirators ............................................................................84 Air Line Respirators ....................................................................84 Abrasive Blasting Respirators ..................................................85 Air Supplied Suits .......................................................................85
10.2.3 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).........................................85
10.3 Training .......................................................................................................................86
10.4 Safety Precautions .....................................................................................................86
10.4.1 Air Compressors..........................................................................................86

11.0 FIRE PREVENTION.......................................................................................................................89

11.1 Before the Job Starts .................................................................................................89
11.2 Layout ...........................................................................................................................90
11.3 Equipment Protection.................................................................................................90
11.4 Control of Ignition Sources ......................................................................................91
11.5 Flammable Liquids 91
11.5.1 Storage..........................................................................................................91
11.5.2 Handling of Flammable Liquids.................................................................92
11.5.3 Ventilation ....................................................................................................92
11.6 Combustible Materials ..............................................................................................92
11.7 Housekeeping..............................................................................................................92
11.8 Emergency Equipment ...............................................................................................92
11.8.1 Water-Type Fire Extinguisher...................................................................93
11.8.2 Carbon Dioxide Type Extinguisher...........................................................93
11.8.3 Dry Chemical Type Extinguisher...............................................................93
11.8.4 Pressurized Water.......................................................................................93
11.9 Reporting a Fire..........................................................................................................94
11.10 End-of-Shift Checks...................................................................................................94

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 4

12.0 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS .....................................................................................................96
12.1 Equipment.....................................................................................................................97
12.1.1 Remote Control Unit ...................................................................................97
12.2 Safe Operation ............................................................................................................97
12.3 Radio Phrases .............................................................................................................97
12.4 Phonetic Alphabet.......................................................................................................98
12.5 International Communications Union Agreement ...............................................99
12.5.1 Monitoring of Circuits ................................................................................100
12.5.2 Secrecy Act..................................................................................................100
12.5.3 Penalties........................................................................................................100
12.6 Message Priorities for Company Operations .......................................................100
12.7 Distress Messages .....................................................................................................102
12.7.1 MAYDAY.....................................................................................................102
12.7.2 Urgency Signal............................................................................................103
12.7.3 Priority Traffic ..............................................................................................104

13.0 TRANSPORTATION ......................................................................................................................105

13.1 Driver Requirements .................................................................................................105
13.2 Driver's Responsibilities ..........................................................................................105
13.3 Motor Vehicle Regulations: Saudi Arab Government and Saudi
13.4 Vehicle Condition.......................................................................................................107
13.5 Driver Training ..........................................................................................................109
13.6 Enforcement of Safe Driving Practices ..................................................................109
13.7 Action Taken After a Saudi Aramco Motor Vehicle Accident...........................110
13.7.1 Emergencies .................................................................................................110
13.7.2 Remain at Scene...........................................................................................110
13.8 Passenger Seating and Seat Belts ..........................................................................111
13.9 Desert Driving ............................................................................................................111
13.9.1 Stay With Vehicle........................................................................................111
13.9.2 Sand Tires.....................................................................................................111
13.10 Vehicle Admittance to Restricted Areas................................................................112
13.11 Operation of Motor Vehicles Within Saudi Aramco Communities ..................112
13.11.1 Seat Belts ......................................................................................................112
13.11.2 Traffic Regulations......................................................................................112

14.0 AIRCRAFT OPERATION...............................................................................................................113

14.1 General Operating Responsibilities .......................................................................113
14.1.1 Captain/Pilot.................................................................................................113
14.1.2 Camp Supervisors .......................................................................................113
14.2 Passenger Briefing/Instructions, General (All Aircraft Types)......................114
14.3 Transportation of Dangerous Goods .......................................................................115
14.4 Hours of Operation for Single-Engine Helicopters .............................................115
14.5 General Precautions for Helicopters......................................................................115
14.5.1 Life Vests ......................................................................................................115

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 5

II. General And Civil...........................................................................116
1.0 WORK PERMIT SYSTEM................................................................................................................117
1.1 Definitions ...................................................................................................................117
1.1.1 Restricted Areas ..........................................................................................117
1.1.2 Issuer (Operation Supervisors).................................................................118
1.1.3 Receiver (Authorized Craftsmen)..............................................................118
1.1.4 Work Permit..................................................................................................118
1.2 Issuance and Approval ...............................................................................................118
1.2.1 Power Distribution Department Clearances ............................................119
1.3 Precautions..................................................................................................................119
1.3.1 Checklist.......................................................................................................119
1.3.2 Clear Area.....................................................................................................119
1.3.3 Work Stoppage............................................................................................110
1.4 Handling of Issued Work Permit............................................................................119
1.5 Closing Out and Filing the Permit..........................................................................120
1.6 Certification ................................................................................................................120
1.7 12 Rules on Work Permit Procedure ....................................................................120
1.8 Hold Tags and Multiple Lockouts............................................................................120

2.0 EXCAVATIONS, TRENCHING AND SHORING.........................................................................125

2.1 Before Work Starts ...................................................................................................128
2.2 Work Permit...............................................................................................................128
2.2.1 Excavation near Saudi Telephone Cables................................................128
2.3 Underground Obstructions.......................................................................................129
2.4 General Precautions ..................................................................................................129
2.4.1 Shoring Protective Systems .......................................................................129
2.4.2 Personnel Protection...................................................................................129
2.4.3 Inspection.....................................................................................................130
2.4.4 Clearance ......................................................................................................130
2.4.5 Mechanical Excavator.................................................................................130
2.4.6 Walkways.....................................................................................................130
2.5 Access and Egress......................................................................................................130
2.6 Hazardous Atmospheres and Materials .................................................................130
2.6.1 Ventilation 101 Hazardous Atmospheres............................................................131 Emergency Rescue Equipment..................................................131
2.6.2 Exhaust Gases ..............................................................................................131
2.6.3 Organic Lead................................................................................................131
2.7 Edge Protection, Markers and Fixed Lighting......................................................132
2.8 Roads, Streets, and Sidewalks .................................................................................132
2.9 Backfilling...................................................................................................................132
2.10 Borrow Pits..................................................................................................................133

3.0 DEMOLITION .....................................................................................................................................153

3.1 Before Work Starts ...................................................................................................154
3.1.1 Responsible Supervisor.............................................................................154
3.1.2 Original Drawings........................................................................................154
3.1.3 Disconnections............................................................................................154
3.1.4 Adjacent Structures and Public Areas.....................................................154
3.1.5 Barricades/Signs..........................................................................................154

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 6

3.2 Method of Demolition.................................................................................................154
3.2.1 Demolition of Equipment Containing PCB: Polychlorinated
Biphenyl (ASKAREL).................................................................................155
3.2.2 Demolition Of Buildings With Asbestos / Insulation
Materials .......................................................................................................155
3.3 Stability During Demolition.....................................................................................155
3.4 Working Place Clearance........................................................................................155
3.4.1 Access ..........................................................................................................155
3.4.2 Glass Removal..............................................................................................155
3.5 Structural Steel Removal..........................................................................................155
3.6 Tanks, Vessels and Pipe Work (Explosion Prevention)......................................156
3.6.1 Welding and Hot Cutting...........................................................................156
3.6.2 Cold Cutting.................................................................................................156
3.6.3 Steaming and Ventilation ...........................................................................156
3.6.4 Residue Cleaning.........................................................................................166
3.7 Protective Clothing and Equipment.........................................................................156
3.8 Mechanical Equipment Guards ................................................................................157

4.0 ASBESTOS AND OTHER FIBERS.................................................................................................158

4.1 Types of Asbestos .......................................................................................................158
4.2 Health Risks................................................................................................................158
4.3 Before Work Starts ...................................................................................................159
4.3.1 Air Sampling.................................................................................................159
4.3.2 Job Details ....................................................................................................159
4.3.3 Chest X-rays ................................................................................................159
4.4 Storage and Transportation......................................................................................159
4.5 Work Area...................................................................................................................160
4.6 Handling and Use........................................................................................................160
4.6.1 Wetting/Ventilation ....................................................................................160
4.6.2 Cutting ..........................................................................................................160
4.6.3 Protective Equipment..................................................................................160
4.7 Protective Clothing ....................................................................................................160
4.7.1 Types ............................................................................................................160
4.7.2 Contamination..............................................................................................161
4.7.3 Review...........................................................................................................161
4.8 Respiratory Equipment..............................................................................................161
4.8.1 Type ..............................................................................................................161
4.8.2 Use.................................................................................................................161
4.8.3 Care................................................................................................................161
4.9 Washing and Changing Facilities...........................................................................161
4.10 Disposal of Waste Asbestos Materials/Clothing..................................................162
4.11 Cleanliness of Work Areas and Equipment ..........................................................162

5.0 WELDING, CUTTING, AND BRAZING.........................................................................................163

5.1 Gas Welding: Oxy-Acetylene Equipment and Use...............................................163
5.1.1 Gases .............................................................................................................163
5.1.2 Color Coding of Cylinders .........................................................................164
5.1.3 Storage Of Cylinders..................................................................................164
5.1.4 Handling of Cylinders.................................................................................165
5.1.5 Inspecting Equipment.................................................................................166
5.1.6 Faults.............................................................................................................167
5.1.7 Fuel Gas and Oxygen Manifolds...............................................................169

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 7

5.2 Electric Arc Welding.................................................................................................169
5.2.1 Voltage..........................................................................................................169
5.2.2 Welding Connections.................................................................................169
5.3 Protective Measures ..................................................................................................171
5.4 Welding and Cutting: Tanks, Vessels and Drums .............................................173
5.5 Confined Spaces..........................................................................................................173
5.6 Personnel Protection.................................................................................................173
5.7 Health Hazards ............................................................................................................174
5.7.1 Radiant Energy ............................................................................................174
5.7.2 Respiratory Effects......................................................................................174

6.0 EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS ...............................................................................................................176

7.0 PILING OPERATIONS......................................................................................................................177

7.1 Before Work Starts ...................................................................................................177
7.1.1 Cranes ...........................................................................................................178
7.1.2 Pile Gates ......................................................................................................178
7.1.3 Inspection.....................................................................................................178
7.1.4 Wedges .........................................................................................................178
7.1.5 Timber Block................................................................................................178
7.1.6 Ground Support ...........................................................................................179
7.2 Driving Piles ...............................................................................................................179
7.2.1 Pitching.........................................................................................................179
7.2.2 Driving ..........................................................................................................179
7.3 Pile Extraction.............................................................................................................179
7.4 General Precautions ..................................................................................................180

8.0 ROADWORKS ...................................................................................................................................181

8.1 General .........................................................................................................................181
8.2 Street and Road Construction, Excavations, and Maintenance Traffic

9.0 WORKING PLACES, LADDERS, AND SCAFFOLDING..........................................................183

9.1 Working Places, General .........................................................................................184
9.1.1 Falls ...............................................................................................................184
9.1.2 Access and Egress......................................................................................184
9.1.3 Lighting.........................................................................................................184
9.1.4 Prevention of Falls ......................................................................................184
9.1.5 Ramps............................................................................................................184
9.1.6 Falling Material............................................................................................185
9.1.7 Hot Surfaces.................................................................................................185
9.1.8 Slipping and Tripping.................................................................................185
9.1.9 Roof Work....................................................................................................185
9.1.10 Insecure Structures .....................................................................................185
9.1.11 Work Over Water........................................................................................186
9.2 Ladders and Stepladders ...........................................................................................186
9.2.1 Selection .......................................................................................................186
9.2.2 Condition......................................................................................................187
9.2.3 Position.........................................................................................................187
9.2.4 Use.................................................................................................................188
9.2.5 Stepladders...................................................................................................190
9.2.6 General..........................................................................................................190

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 8

9.3 Scaffolding Components............................................................................................191
9.4 Requirements Common to All Scaffoldi ng ............................................................195
9.4.1 Foundations .................................................................................................195
9.4.2 Posts ..............................................................................................................195
9.4.3 Runners.........................................................................................................197
9.4.4 Bearers ..........................................................................................................197
9.4.5 Board Bearers...............................................................................................197
9.4.6 Bracing..........................................................................................................198
9.4.7 Ties ................................................................................................................198
9.4.8 Platform Units ..............................................................................................199
9.4.9 Guardrail Systems and Toeboards............................................................200
9.4.10 Access ..........................................................................................................200
9.4.11 Scaffold Ladders..........................................................................................200 Portable Straight and Extension Ladders.................................200 Vertical Ladder.............................................................................200
9.4.12 Workmanship...............................................................................................202
9.4.13 Inspections...................................................................................................202
9.5 Fabricated Tubular Frame and System Scaffolding .............................................202
9.6 Tube and Coupler Scaffolds ......................................................................................204
9.6.1 Independent Tied Scaffold ........................................................................204
9.6.2 Light Duty Tube and Coupler Scaffolds..................................................204 Design, Loading and Dimensions.............................................204 Platform.........................................................................................204 Limitations....................................................................................205
9.6.3. Medium Duty Tube and Coupler Scaffold ..............................................205 Design, Loading, and Dimensions............................................205 Platform.........................................................................................205 Limitations....................................................................................205 Bearers ..........................................................................................206
9.6.4 Heavy Duty Tube and Coupler Scaffolds ...............................................206 Design, Loading and Dimensions.............................................206 Platform.........................................................................................206 Limitations....................................................................................206 Bearers ..........................................................................................206
9.7 Free-Standing Tower Scaffolds ................................................................................207
9.7.1 General Requirements .................................................................................207
9.7.2 Design, Loading and Dimensions.............................................................207
9.7.3 Runners and Bearers...................................................................................207
9.7.4 Bracing..........................................................................................................207
9.7.5 Ties ................................................................................................................207
9.7.6 Platform.........................................................................................................208
9.7.7 Access ..........................................................................................................208
9.7.8 Limitations....................................................................................................208
9.8 Mobile Tower Scaffolds .............................................................................................208
9.8.1 Foundations .................................................................................................208
9.8.2 Operation......................................................................................................208
9.8.3 Limitations....................................................................................................209
9.9 Scaffolds for Tanks and Vessels .............................................................................209
9.9.1 Bracket Scaffolds.........................................................................................209
9.10 Special Scaffolds .........................................................................................................210
9.11 Scaffold Terminology.................................................................................................210

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 9

10.0 HAND TOOLS AND POWER TOOLS........................................................................................221
10.1 Hand Tools, General...................................................................................................222
10.1.1 Quality...........................................................................................................222
10.1.2 Cleanliness ...................................................................................................222
10.1.3 Repair and Storage......................................................................................222
10.1.4 Selection .......................................................................................................222
10.1.5 Electrical Risks .............................................................................................222
10.2 Individual Hand Tools, Precautions.........................................................................222
10.2.1 Screwdrivers.................................................................................................222
10.2.2 Hammer.........................................................................................................223
10.2.3 Chisels ...........................................................................................................223
10.2.4 Picks and Shovels .......................................................................................223
10.2.5 Spanners and Wrenches ............................................................................223
10.2.6 Pipe Wrenches.............................................................................................223
10.2.7 Pliers ..............................................................................................................224
10.2.8 Jacks ..............................................................................................................224
10.2.9 Hacksaws......................................................................................................224
10.2.10 Hand saws ....................................................................................................224
10.3 Power Tools, General.................................................................................................224
10.3.1 Quality...........................................................................................................224
10.3.2 Repair and Storage......................................................................................225
10.4 Pneumatic Tools .........................................................................................................225
10.4.1 General..........................................................................................................225
10.4.2 Individual Tools, Precautions ...................................................................225 Jack Hammer and Concrete Breakers........................................225 Rock Drill ......................................................................................226 Grinding Machine........................................................................226
10.5 Cartridge Operated Tools .........................................................................................231
10.5.1 General..........................................................................................................231
10.5.2 Storage..........................................................................................................231
10.5.3 Selection and Training of Personnel........................................................231
10.5.4 Personal Protective Equipment .................................................................232
10.5.5 Issue and Returns .......................................................................................232
10.5.6 Work Permits................................................................................................232
10.5.7 Use.................................................................................................................232
10.5.8 Maintenance and Repair ............................................................................234
10.6 Electrically Operated Tools ......................................................................................235
10.6.1 General..........................................................................................................235
10.6.2 Maintenance and Storage..........................................................................236
10.6.3 Personal Protective Equipment .................................................................236
10.6.4 Individual Tools, Precautions ...................................................................236 Grinders.........................................................................................236 Drills ..............................................................................................237 Saws ..............................................................................................237 Radial Saws ..................................................................................237

11.0 PAINTS AND COATINGS .............................................................................................................250

11.1 Flammability Hazards of Coating Materials..........................................................250
11.1.1 Flammable Materials ...................................................................................250
11.1.2 Flash Point (Definition)..............................................................................250
11.1.3 Flammable (Explosive) Limits (Definition)...............................................250
11.1.4 Fire Precautions...........................................................................................251

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 10

11.2 Health Hazards Associated With Paints ................................................................251
11.2.1 Toxic Materials ............................................................................................251
11.2.2 Dermatitic Materials ....................................................................................252
11.2.3 Prevention of Health Hazards....................................................................252
11.3 Ventilation in Confined Spaces................................................................................252
11.4 Surface Preparation...................................................................................................253
11.4.1 Abrasive Blast Cleaning.............................................................................254
11.4.2 Hydroblast and Steam Cleaning................................................................254
11.4.3 Hand and Power Tool Cleaning ................................................................254
11.4.4 Chemical Cleaning.......................................................................................255
11.4.5 General Safety in Surface Preparation......................................................255
11.5 Personal Protective Equipment................................................................................256
11.6 Paint Application ........................................................................................................258
11.6.1 Paint Materials .............................................................................................258
11.6.2 General Safety In Paint Application .........................................................258
11.7 Scaffolding and Ladders ............................................................................................259
11.8 Tarring Operations....................................................................................................259
11.9 General Safety for Paints and Coatings.................................................................259

12.0 CONCRETE, CONCRETE FORMS, AND SHORING...............................................................259

12.1 General .........................................................................................................................262
12.2 Reinforcing Steel .......................................................................................................262
12.3 Bulk Concrete Handling ...........................................................................................262
12.4 Concrete Placement...................................................................................................262
12.4.1 Concrete Mixers...........................................................................................262
12.4.2 Guardrails ......................................................................................................262
12.4.3 Bull Floats.....................................................................................................262
12.4.4 Powered Concrete Trowels ........................................................................263
12.4.5 Concrete Buggies ........................................................................................263
12.4.6 Pumpcrete Systems .....................................................................................263
12.4.7 Concrete Buckets ........................................................................................263
12.4.8 Discharging on Slope .................................................................................263
12.4.9 Back-Up Man, Truck Spotter.....................................................................263
12.4.10 Pneumatic Hose...........................................................................................263
12.5 Vertical Shoring.........................................................................................................263
12.5.1 General Requirements .................................................................................263
12.5.2 Tubular Welded Frame Shoring................................................................264
12.6 Forms and Shoring.....................................................................................................264
12.6.1 General Provisions ......................................................................................264
12.6.2 Vertical Slip Forms .......................................................................................265
12.6.3 Tube and Coupler Shoring.........................................................................265
12.6.4 Single Post Shores ......................................................................................266

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 11

III. Mechanical Equipment And Materials.........................................267
1.0 CRANES AND LIFTING EQUIPMENT...........................................................................................268
1.1 Competent Person ......................................................................................................269
1.2 Saudi Aramco Crane Operations (General Requirements)...............................269
1.3 Saudi Aramco Crane Operator Qualifications .....................................................270
1.4 Special Crane Operating Procedures ....................................................................270
1.5 Effect of Wind Speeds on Crane Operations .........................................................270
1.6 Overhead Power Lines...............................................................................................270

2.0 SLINGS AND LIFTING GEAR (RIGGING)....................................................................................275

2.1. Safe Working Load (SWL).......................................................................................275
2.2. Chain Slings................................................................................................................276
2.2.1 Grades ...........................................................................................................276
2.2.2 Repairs ..........................................................................................................276
2.3 Wire Rope Slings.......................................................................................................276
2.4 Synthetic Webbing Slings........................................................................................277
2.4.1 Removal from Service .................................................................................277
2.4.2 Repaired Slings............................................................................................277
2.5 Synthetic and Natural Fiber Rope Slings ..............................................................278
2.6 Care of Slings .............................................................................................................279
2.7 Hooks............................................................................................................................279
2.8 Spreader Bars .............................................................................................................280
2.9 Eyebolts And Safety Hoist Rings .............................................................................280
2.10 Shackles.......................................................................................................................281
2.11 Rigger...........................................................................................................................281

3.0 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT...........................................................................................................287

3.1 Operators .....................................................................................................................288
3.1.1 Qualifications...............................................................................................288
3.1.2 Licensing Requirements .............................................................................288
3.2 Machinery Guards ......................................................................................................289
3.2.1 Multi-Piece Tire Rims and Locking Rings ...............................................289
3.3 General Requirements ..............................................................................................289
3.4 Compressors ...............................................................................................................290
3.5 Concrete Mixers and Batching Plants ...................................................................291
3.6 Dumpers and Dump Trucks .....................................................................................292
3.7 Excavators ....................................................................................................................293
3.8 Fork Lift Trucks ........................................................................................................294
3.9 Generators ...................................................................................................................295
3.10 Graders, Dozers, Scrapers, Loaders And Miniloaders .......................................296
3.11 Woodworking Machinery.........................................................................................296

4.0 MATERIALS HANDLING.................................................................................................................298

4.1 Planning .......................................................................................................................298
4.2 Machine Transport.....................................................................................................299
4.2.1 Dumpers........................................................................................................299
4.2.2 Tractors and Trailers...................................................................................300
4.2.3 Conveyor Belts and Monorails .................................................................300
4.2.4 Concrete Pumps...........................................................................................300
4.3 Site Stores ...................................................................................................................300

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 12

4.4 Manual Handling ........................................................................................................301

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 13

IV. Electrical And Radiation ..............................................................305
1.0 ELECTRICITY.....................................................................................................................................306
1.1 Voltage..........................................................................................................................307
1.2 Temporary Installations ............................................................................................307
1.3 Hand Tools and Lighting ...........................................................................................308
1.4 Work on Live Equipment...........................................................................................309
1.5 Overhead and Underground Cables.........................................................................310
1.6 Overhead Power Transmission and Distribution.................................................311
1.6.1 Initial Inspections, Tests, or Determinations..........................................311
1.6.2 De-energizing Lines and Equipment.........................................................312
1.6.3 Emergency Procedures and First Aid.......................................................312
1.6.4 Night Work...................................................................................................312
1.6.5 Work Near/Over Water..............................................................................312
1.6.6 Hydraulic Fluids ..........................................................................................313
1.6.7 Live-Line Tools (Hot Sticks)......................................................................313
1.6.8 Material Handling........................................................................................313 Unloading.....................................................................................313 Pole Hauling.................................................................................313 Storage..........................................................................................313 Framing .........................................................................................313 Attaching the Load.....................................................................314
1.6.9 Grounding for Protection of Workers ......................................................314 Isolation and Voltage Testing...................................................314 Applying and Removing Grounds............................................314 Grounding Distance....................................................................314 Removal of Grounds for Testing Purposes .............................314 Grounding Electrode...................................................................314 Grounding Cables And Clamps.................................................314
1.6.10 Overhead Lines............................................................................................315 Metal Tower Construction.........................................................315 Stringing/Remo ving De-energized Conductors......................317 Stringing Adjacent to Energized Lines ....................................318
1.6.11 Underground Lines .....................................................................................319 Work in Manholes ......................................................................320 Trenching and Excavating .........................................................320
1.6.12 Construction in Energized Substations ...................................................321 Barricades and Barriers...............................................................321 Control Panels ..............................................................................321 Mechanized Equipment..............................................................321 Substation Fences.......................................................................321
1.7 Electric Shock.............................................................................................................322

2.0 IONIZING RADIATION ....................................................................................................................325

2.1 Methods of Protection Against Radiation ..............................................................325
2.1.1 Distance........................................................................................................325
2.1.2 Time...............................................................................................................325
2.1.3 Shielding.......................................................................................................326
2.2 Classification of Personnel and Exposure Limits ................................................326
2.2.1 Radiation Workers ......................................................................................326
2.2.2 Non-Radiation Workers .............................................................................326

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 14

2.2.3 Exposure Limits............................................................................................326
2.3 Responsibilities for Safe Handling .........................................................................327
2.3.1 Contractor.....................................................................................................327
2.3.2 Competent Person.......................................................................................327
2.3.3. Radiographer................................................................................................327
2.4 Shipping and Transportation....................................................................................328
2.5 Storage Areas .............................................................................................................328

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 15

V. Chemicals And Operations ............................................................330
1.0 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GASES..................................................................................................331
1.1 General .........................................................................................................................331
1.2 Storage .........................................................................................................................332
1.3 Handling of Cylinders................................................................................................332
1.4 Leakage........................................................................................................................333
1.5 Transportation ............................................................................................................334
1.6 Operation .....................................................................................................................334
1.7 Action in Case of Fire................................................................................................335
1.8 Bulk Installations.......................................................................................................336
1.9 First Aid.......................................................................................................................336

2.0 PLANT OPERATIONS......................................................................................................................337

2.1 Additional Information On Saudi Aramco Instructions and
Standards .....................................................................................................................337
2.1.1 General Instruction Manual.......................................................................338
2.1.2 Producing Instruction Manual..................................................................338
2.1.3 Refinery Instruction Manual.....................................................................338
2.1.4 Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards .....................................................338
2.2 Work Permit System.................................................................................................338
2.3 Operation of Plant Equipment ..................................................................................338
2.4 Shutdown and Maintenance in Plant Operations..................................................339
2.5 Commissioning ...........................................................................................................339
2.6 Emergency Procedures: Saudi Aramco Disaster Plan ......................................339
2.6.1 Gas Release Emergency Procedures.........................................................340

3.0 PRESSURE TESTING........................................................................................................................341

3.1 Preparation..................................................................................................................342
3.1.1 SAES-A-004 (Pressure Testing)................................................................342
3.1.2 Supports .......................................................................................................342
3.1.3 Vents and Drains.........................................................................................343
3.1.4 Valves............................................................................................................343
3.1.5 Pipings And Joints ......................................................................................343
3.1.6 Vacuums .......................................................................................................343
3.2 General Requirements ..............................................................................................343
3.3 Test Liquid...................................................................................................................344

4.0 CHEMICALS .......................................................................................................................................346

4.1 Hazard Identification System...................................................................................347
4.2 Health Hazards ............................................................................................................348
4.2.1 Inhalation Pathway Hazard ........................................................................348
4.2.2 Skin Hazards.................................................................................................349
4.2.3 Hazards of Swallowing Chemicals ............................................................349
4.3 Emergency Treatment ...............................................................................................349
4.3.1 Artificial Respiration...................................................................................349
4.3.2 First Aid ........................................................................................................349
4.3.3 Showers and Eyewash Fountains.............................................................349
4.4 Fire Hazards ................................................................................................................351
4.5 Reactivity Hazards ......................................................................................................351
4.6 Transportation, Storage and Disposal ....................................................................351

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 16

4.6.1 Transportation.............................................................................................351
4.6.2 Storage..........................................................................................................352
4.6.3 Containers ....................................................................................................352
4.6.4 Disposal........................................................................................................352
4.7 Work on Equipment Which Has Contained Tetraethyl Lead
(Organic Lead Compounds)......................................................................................354
4.7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................354
4.7.2 Precautions...................................................................................................355

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 17

VI. Marine...........................................................................................359
1.0 COFFERDAMS ...................................................................................................................................360
1.1 Design...........................................................................................................................360
1.2 Before Work Starts ...................................................................................................360
1.3 Construction................................................................................................................360
1.4 Potential Hazards .......................................................................................................361
1.4.1 Structural Collapse......................................................................................361
1.4.2 Overhead Loads ..........................................................................................361
1.4.3 Dis lodgment of Struts and Wales.............................................................361
1.5 Inspection.....................................................................................................................361
1.6 Leaks ............................................................................................................................362

2.0 MARINE OPERATIONS ...................................................................................................................363

2.1 Other Publications .....................................................................................................363
2.2 General .........................................................................................................................364
2.3 Behavior on Floating Craft .......................................................................................364
2.4 Preparation for Transportation by Sea...................................................................364
2.5 Tide and Sea Effects ...................................................................................................365
2.6 Care of Tools and Equipment....................................................................................365
2.7 Housekeeping..............................................................................................................365

3.0 DIVING OPERATIONS ....................................................................................................................367

3.1 Employment of Qualified Divers ..............................................................................367
3.2 Diving Equipment........................................................................................................368
3.2.1 Compressors ................................................................................................368
3.2.2 Reserve Air Supply .....................................................................................369
3.2.3 Bail-Out Equipment.....................................................................................369
3.2.4 Maintenance ................................................................................................369
3.3 Safeguards ...................................................................................................................370
3.4 Physical Fitness..........................................................................................................374
3.5 Medical Diving Emergencies: Procedures and Responsibilities......................375
3.5.1 Sports Divers ...............................................................................................375
3.5.2 Commercial Divers.......................................................................................375
3.5.3 Coordinator, Diving Emergencies .............................................................375
3.5.4 Diving Medical Team..................................................................................375
3.5.5 Marine Department .....................................................................................376
3.6 Personnel Transfer at Sea........................................................................................376

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 18

Appendix A...........................................................................................379
INDEX TO APPENDIX A..........................................................................................................................380


SITE REGISTRATION FORM.................................................................................................................381


A.3 Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements ..............................................387

1. Compliance With Safety Rules - Schedule 'D' ....................................................387
2. Deviations From Safety Rules ..................................................................................387
3. Failure To Comply......................................................................................................387
4. Saudi Aramco Assistance.........................................................................................387
5. Loss Prevention Program.........................................................................................388
6. Work Permits .............................................................................................................388
7. Welding And Cutting Equipment.............................................................................388
8. Personal Protective Equipment................................................................................388
9. Tools And Portable Power Tools..............................................................................388
10. Cartridge Operated Tools .........................................................................................379
11. Ladders .........................................................................................................................389
12. Scaffolding ...................................................................................................................389
13. Electrical Installations And Equipment..................................................................389
14. Cranes And Rigging Equipment..............................................................................389
15. Mechanical Equipment...............................................................................................389
16. Saudi Aramco Plant Operations ..............................................................................390
17. Transportation ............................................................................................................390
18. Injury And Damage Reporting .................................................................................390
19. Excavations...................................................................................................................391
20. Work Over Or Adjacent To Water.........................................................................391
21. Fire Prevention ...........................................................................................................391
22. Formwork.....................................................................................................................391
23. Ionizing Radiation ......................................................................................................391
24. First-Aid Facilities .....................................................................................................391
25. Handling, Transportation And Disposal Of Hazardous Materials And
Waste ............................................................................................................................392
26. Explosives .....................................................................................................................393
27. Sandblasting ................................................................................................................393

A.4 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION PLAN (HIP) ....................................................................................394

HAZARD IDENTIFICATION PLAN:......................................................................................395
I. Conduct Hazards Identification Review. .................................................395
II. List Potential Hazards.................................................................................395
III. Hazard Classification ..................................................................................395
IV. Corrective Action........................................................................................396

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 19

Appendix B: Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response ...............398
B.1 SEARCH AND RESCUE PROCEDURES.......................................................................................399

B.2 EMERGENCY/DISASTER PLANNING AND RESPONSE.........................................................400

B.2.1 General Provisions.....................................................................................................401
B.2.2 Definitions ...................................................................................................................401
B.2.3 Plan Development Action Items ...............................................................................407

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 20

Appendix C: Fire Safety Checklist For Evaluating
Construction Materials Store Yard.....................................................427
C.1 Fire Safety Checklist For Evaluating Construction Materials Store Yard.............................428

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 21

Appendix D: Saudi Aramco Crane Safety Handbook ........................432
D.1 Crane Safety Handbook .....................................................................................................................433

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 22

Appendix E: Suggestion Form ............................................................434

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 23

Appendix F: Distribution Form...........................................................436

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 24

Appendix G: Sanitary Code ................................................................438
Implementing The Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code - GI 151.006..........................................................439

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 25

Appendix H: General Instructions Master Index ...............................440
General Instructions (GI) Master Index.................................................................................................441

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 26

Appendix I: List Of Figures ................................................................445
List Of Figures ...........................................................................................................................................446

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 27

Appendix J: List Of Tables .................................................................449
List Of Tables..............................................................................................................................................450

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 28

Appendix K: Forms .............................................................................451
Preliminary Accident Report...................................................................................................................453

Contractor Monthly Safety Report..........................................................................................................454

Injury Summary..........................................................................................................................................455

Lift Plan For Cranes ..................................................................................................................................456

Wire Rope Sling Inspection Log .............................................................................................................457

Cartridge/Tool Issuance Control ............................................................................................................458

Emergency Reporting Instructions.........................................................................................................459

Project Management And Contractor's Safety Competition Site Registration Form...................460

February 1993 - Table Of Contents Page 29

I. Administration

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: I. Administration Page 30

Saudi Aramco is committed to prevention of accidents to minimize loss of life or bodily injury to its
employees and damage to its physical assets.

In fulfilling this commitment, which is as essential and equally important as production objectives, Saudi
Aramco will provide and maintain a safe and healthful work environment and protect the public against
foreseeable hazards resulting from operations.

Loss in production and property resulting from accidental occurrences can be minimized through good
management. Loss prevention is one aspect of this loss control philosophy and is the direct
responsibility of line management.

All management functions, including business line and associated management, will comply with Saudi
Arab Government and Company loss prevention requirements applicable to the design, operation,
maintenance and construction of facilities and/or equipment. When conformity with any of these
requirements is not practicable or cost effective, an amendment to such a requirement will be considered.
Reviews for compliance with this policy will be performed on a selective basis.

1.1 Loss Prevention Policy Implementation

1.1.1 Compliance With Construction Requirements

The application of the best petroleum industry loss control practices minimizes risk
to personnel and property. The design, construction, modification, operation and
maintenance of facilities and equipment and construction as practiced by Saudi
Aramco and/or contractors, will meet Saudi Arab Government and Saudi Aramco
safety requirements as covered in this manual and in relevant General Instructions,
including the Company's Engineering Standards. When conformity with any of
these requirements is impractical or not cost effective, a waiver will be sought from
the Chief Engineer.

1.1.2 Operating Standards and Instructions

Risks that cannot be eliminated through design are controlled by operating

standards and instructions. Compliance with safety standards and instructions will
be consistently enforced for both Saudi Aramco operations personnel and
contractors alike.

1.1.3 Personal Protection

Personal protective equipment, periodic environmental monitoring and bio-

surveillance will be used to help to protect all employees against exposure to safety
and health hazards (e.g., radiation, H2S, etc.) which cannot be eliminated.

1.1.4 Inspection

Inspections to detect and correct unsafe practices and conditions will be

conducted periodically by Saudi Aramco and/or contractor.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Policy And Program Page 31
1.1.5 Education and Training

All employees shall be provided with ongoing safety education and training as well
as helping to develop those skills that are required to perform, supervise and
manage assigned tasks without mishap.

1.1.6 Motivation and Recognition

Good communications, a viable suggestion system and the recognition of good

safety performance, encourages employee participation in loss prevention

1.1.7 Job Placement

Employees must only be assigned tasks that are consistent with their physical
capacities and job skills; this enable employees to work without endangering
themselves or others.

1.1.8 Response to Accidental Occurrences

Site specific effective emergency response plans must be established as per the
guidelines of Appendix B.2 of this manual. These should include measures to
contain or control an emergency or disaster when an accident occurs to minimize
the loss of resources, a reporting and investigation system to determine the cause
of the accident, and the adoption of corrective actions to avoid a recurrence.

1.1.9 Contractor Safety

Saudi Aramco proponent departments will monitor all construction activity to

ensure that services are performed in conformity with Saudi Aramco loss
prevention policies, principles and practices and do not imperil any person or
property. Proponents will register each contractor employing 50 or more persons in
the Saudi Aramco Contractor Safety Competition. (See Appendix A - Figures A.1,
A.2 and A.3.)

1.1.10 Off-The-Job Safety

Off-the-job safety training (e.g. seat belt use) shall be vigorously practiced to
provide the means for all employees to protect themselves and their families from
harm during off-duty hours.

1.1.11 Traffic Safety

Operators of Company vehicles must receive defensive driving training and driver
evaluations and be in possession of a current Saudi Arab government driver's
license. A vehicle operator will be held accountable for the vehicle assigned to him
and he must ensure that it is always operated in a safe and lawful manner.

February 1993 - 1.0 Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Policy And Program Page 32
1.1.12 Accountability

All employees shall be held accountable for personal and functional safety
performance. An important factor in an employee's overall job performance
evaluation will be how well the employee meets his safety responsibilities.

1.1.13 Compliance Reviews

On a selective basis, compliance reviews will be conducted by teams that include

people with related expertise to determine compliance with this policy. In order to
ensure the credibility and effectiveness of the review, the team members must be
detached from the operation being reviewed.

1.2 Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Requirements For Contractors

Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention requirements for contractors are contained in Schedule 'D' of
contracts (See Appendix A - Figure A.4). The safe practices specified in Schedule 'D' shall be
followed by all contractors during the performance of all work under each contract with Saudi

The requirements in Schedule 'D' are the minimum acceptable to Saudi Aramco. Any
deviation from the requirements of Schedule 'D' must be signed in writing by the Company
representative. The contractor shall also take any additional measures which the Company
representative may determine to be reasonable and necessary to protect against the injury (or
death) of any person, or damage (or loss) of any property during the contractor's performance
of the work under the contract.

1.2.1 Non-Compliance

The Company representative will notify the contractor, in writing, of any violation
of the requirements of Schedule 'D' and provide corrective action to rectify the
situation. After receipt of such notice, the contractor shall immediately take
corrective action. Such notices when delivered to the contractor's representative at
the site of the work shall be deemed sufficient notice to the contractor under
Schedule 'D'. If the contractor fails to take corrective action promptly, the
company representative may issue an order stopping all or part of the work until
satisfactory corrective action has been taken. The contractor will not be eligible to
use any part of the lost time incurred as a result of such stop orders as the subject
of a claim for extension of time, additional costs or damages. Compliance with the
provisions of Schedule 'D' by subcontractors shall be the responsibility of the

1.2.2 Assistance

The contractor may request advice on establishing feasible and effective safety
practices for the job. The company representative will assist the contractor's
representative by providing guidance on good safety practices, pointing out
unsafe conditions, and applying his experience and judgment in helping to improve
the contractor's overall job safety.

February 1993 - 1.0 Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Policy And Program Page 33
1.2.3 Standards and Instructions

All work and equipment must conform to Saudi Aramco Standards and General
Instructions. Where no standard or instruction is available to cover a particular
item, the contractor shall request that Saudi Aramco specify the standard of work
or equipment required. The term, "Approved Standards" in Schedule 'D' refers to
standards which are approved by Saudi Aramco.

1.3 Contractor's Loss Prevention Program

The contractor shall develop and implement a loss prevention program that will conform with
Saudi Aramco loss prevention policies and procedures.

1.3.1 Written Program

Prior to the commencement of contractual activity, the contractor shall submit a

written job-specific loss prevention program to the Saudi Aramco company
representative. The latter is required to forward a copy of the program to the Loss
Prevention Department. The Contractor's written loss prevention program shall
address the following:

1. Title page (B.I./J.O.)

2. Project title and brief scope of work
3. Organization chart
4. Vicinity map and key plan
5. Hazard identification plan
6. Traffic plan
7. Safety polity and assignment of responsibilities
• Prime and sub contractors
8. Desert driving
• Search and rescue procedures
9. Safety inspections
10. Safety reports and records
11. Contractor camp sanitation and safety
12. Work permit
13. Welding and cutting equipment
14. Personal protective equipment
15. Tools and portable power tools
16. Ladders
17. Cartridge operated tools
18. Electrical installation and equipment
19. Scaffolding
20. Cranes and rigging equipment
21. Mechanical equipment
22. Transportation
23. Saudi Aramco plant operations
24. Injury and damage reporting
25. Excavation
26. Fire prevention
27. Form work
28. First-aid facilities
• Medical evacuation procedures

February 1993 - 1.0 Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Policy And Program Page 34
29. Dust control
30. Job site inspections
31. General safety rules
32. Emergency evacuation procedures
33. Hazardous material and waste management
34. Security procedures
35. Ionizing radiation
36. Demobilization plan
37. Work over or adjacent to water
38. Explosives
39. Abrasive blasting & painting/coating
40. Lock out and tag system

1.3.2 Hazard Identification Plan

As part of the Contractor Loss Prevention Program, the contractor shall develop a
detailed Hazard Identification Plan based on the initial hazard identification data
supplied by Saudi Aramco Project Management Team.

Prior to the start of construction, the contractor shall conduct a hazard

identification tour with the Company representative and the Saudi Aramco Loss
Prevention representative. Once this has been completed, the contractor will
prepare and submit a Hazard Identification Plan. (See Appendix A - Figures A.3
and A.4.)

1.3.3 Safety Supervisor

The contractor shall designate one or more full-time safety supervisor(s) to

coordinate and monitor the loss prevention program. The names and addresses of
the Saudi Aramco approved safety supervisors shall be included with the written

1.3.4 Safety Discussion

The contractor shall ensure that every craft and crew supervisor holds a weekly
ten-minute safety meeting with his men to discuss hazards on the job, and review
and update procedures to prevent accidents. These weekly meetings shall be
documented and such documentation shall be maintained and made available for
review at the Contractor's on-site office.

February 1993 - 1.0 Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Policy And Program Page 35
A full complement of loss prevention services is provided by the area Loss Prevention divisions.

The area divisions are in turn provided support from the central Planning and Technical Services Division
consisting of Technical Services Unit, Support Services Unit and a Planning and Program Group.

2.1 Loss Prevention Program

Loss Prevention superintendents ensure that a range of loss prevention engineering services
are provided to organizations within their assigned areas through such activities as:


Directing the review of new plant design in the assigned area of operation to
ensure conformity of facilities to loss prevention engineering standards.


Providing input to the Board of Engineers in the development of Saudi Aramco

Engineering Standards.


Managing major safety reviews and incident investigations with Saudi Arab
Government officials, US. Companies, and local area management.


Administering safety-related training programs for local area operations

management and personnel in an effort to enhance the safety awareness of
operations personnel and proper acceptance of responsibilities.


Serving on special committees and task forces such as the Radiation Protection
Committee, and providing personnel to develop or assist in the development of
General Instructions, position papers and standards.


Directing in-depth program reviews of area operations involving procedures and

facilities with follow-up on implementation of recommendations resulting from
these reviews.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Department Services Page 36

Interfacing with Government Affairs to provide input on safety related is sues to

non-Saudi Aramco projects and providing monitoring of these projects to assure

2.2 Program Management Services

Superintendents and their subordinates provide department heads with program management
services such as:


Assisting with the development of formal loss prevention programs; ensuring

consistency with Company and business line policies, principles and practices; and
providing consultative services in their implementation.


Monitoring and evaluating loss prevention systems through the Compliance

Review Program.


Providing project review, waiver and other technical consulting services;

recommending revisions to Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards; and developing
new hazard control standards as required.


Analyzing, interpreting and reporting accident statistical data.


Initiating and administering safety management training.


Coordinating response to government concerns about fire and safety issues.


Serving on special accident investigation committees.

February 1993 - 2.0 Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Department Services Page 37
2.3 Program Maintenance Services

Superintendents and their subordinates provide program maintenance services such as:


Providing technical interpretation of standards, procedures, principles and

practices; and consulting services in their application from a loss prevention


Conducting loss prevention policy, program and procedural surveys and



Identifying and assessing processes, operations and other risks (or hazards) and
recommending solutions.


Initiating and administering supervisory and highly specialized safety training

beyond the capability of operating management or training specialists.


Administering work permit and certain other safe work procedures.


Acting as Saudi Aramco's representative to the Saudi Arab Government on local

safety issues.


Advising on proper selection and use of personal protective equipment and

evaluating its effectiveness.


Monitoring and providing input on other activities as required to ensure proper

response to accidental occurrences, including the development of containment and
mitigation methods for liquid chemical spills or vapor releases, conducting accident
investigations and recommending corrective measures.

February 1993 - 2.0 Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Department Services Page 38
Much is learned through experience. A thorough investigation and analysis of an accident can help to
prevent future accidents. To learn by experience, however, means that a system for the retrieval of
information must be set up and statistical records must be kept of injury, death and property damage.
With such a system operational, information can be collated and analyzed to show accident patterns. The
contractor can then emphasize those areas in which safety education and training is needed most.

The contractor is responsible for reporting accidents to Saudi Aramco and in some cases to the Saudi
Arab Government as required. This section covers these reporting requirements and the principles
behind accident investigation and analysis.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 6.001 Notification Requirements for Incidents (Including Fires)

GI 6.003 Guide for Committees Investigating Major Incidents or Engineering Reviews of Other

GI 6.029 Reporting and Recording Of Motor Vehicle Accidents

GI 7.026 Lifting/Elevating and Mobile Equipment Accident Reporting Procedures

3.1 Reports Required by Saudi Aramco

Reports are required by Saudi Aramco as per Schedule 'D' of the contract.

Contractor shall ensure that an immediate report is made to the Company Representative in
the case of all:

• Fatal injuries
• Injuries requiring medical attention which result in lost time
• Damage over SR 10,000 to contractor's plant or equipment
• Damage, in any amount, to Saudi Aramco's equipment or property
• Fires
• Damage and near misses to cranes and heavy equipment (GI 7.026)

For accidents involving Contractor employee fatalities, serious injury to two or more
Contractor employees, or damage to Saudi Aramco equipment or property, a preliminary
written report shall be submitted within 24 hours followed by a detailed written report
submitted within three days to the Company Representative. In addition, Saudi Aramco may
convene an engineering review or investigation committee in accordance with the
requirements of GI 6.001 and GI 6.003 (see Figure I.1).

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Accident Investigation, Analysis And Reporting Page 39
Contractor shall maintain, in a format approved by the Company Representative, a current
record showing all:

• Work injuries
• Fires
• Incidents of property damage over SR 10,000
• Motor vehicle accident
• Incidents involving damage to Saudi Aramco equipment and property
• Damage and near misses to cranes and heavy equipment (GI 7.026)

The record shall be available for inspection at all times and shall be submitted to Saudi
Aramco on request. (See Figure I.2.)

A final written report shall be prepared and submitted to the Company as per the provisions
of GI 6.003. In the case of serious accidents, however, a detailed account of the
circumstances, witnesses' statements and descriptive photographs are required.

In addition to the reports required above, the contractor must keep a record of all injuries and
damages on a form approved by the Company (Figure I.2). A copy of this record shall be
sent to the proponent department and to the contractor's project management. Monthly
summary reports are required in addition to the individual reports.

3.2 Accident Investigation

The point of an accident investigation is to prevent recurrence of similar accidents; to

determine facts rather than to find faults.

The main reasons for conducting an accident investigation are:

1. To find the causes so that similar accidents may be prevented;

2. To determine the point at which "unplanned" events took over from the "planned"
sequence of events;
3. To recommend what corrective action should be taken.

3.2.1 Responsibilities for Investigation Supervisor/Safety Representative

The supervisor and/or safety representative shall carry out an

immediate investigation of any accident which occurs within his area
of responsibility. The preliminary accident report must be completed
and submitted within 24 hours to the Saudi Aramco Company
representative with a copy to the Loss Prevention Department. A final
report on the incident shall be submitted within three days detailing
any additional information and corrective action needed. Project Manager

The project manager shall review all accident reports to ensure that all
the necessary corrective action has been taken and that he has
addressed any items that may require action on his part.

February 1993 - 3.0 Accident Investigation, Analysis And Reporting Page 40

3.3 Cases to be Investigated

Incidents that result in property damage or serious injuries to personnel and hospitalization
of two or more employees must be fully investigated and reported. Unless the real cause is
known, the hazard cannot be controlled in the future. The near-miss incident is equally
important from the point of view of prevention and should also be thoroughly investigated.

3.4 Accident Investigation Guidelines

The scene of an accident must be left undisturbed until Government Affairs, Industrial
Security, the Loss Prevention Department and the safety supervisor have conducted their
investigation. In some cases the accident site must be rendered safe so as not to contribute
to further accidents. However precautions shall be taken to keep the accident scene intact as
much as is possible, to assist local police in their investigation. The investigation should
include, but not be limited to the following:

1. Questioning the man in charge and finding out what was planned.
2. Finding out the injured man's job or the normal configuration and function of the
damaged equipment or plant.
3. Questioning the injured man as soon as possible.
4. Questioning the witnesses separately as to what they actually saw, not what they think
5. Studying the equipment or plant layout and noting any signs of misuse.
6. Finding the explanation of any irregularities.
7. From the information obtained, establishing the reason why the "unplanned" events
took over from those that were "planned".
8. Recommending items of corrective action and methods of implementing them to prevent
the recurrence of the incident.
9. Making a scaled drawing of the accident scene and supplement that with supporting

3.5 Accident Analysis

3.5.1 Classification

Contractors can use nine main classifications to analyze industrial accidents. Every
contractor should go through the following classifications and their breakdowns to
determine which of these (if any) apply to the incidents in which they were
involved. These records help to illustrate accident trends. In turn, this helps the
Loss Prevention Department (Saudi Aramco) evaluate their safety program and
modify or upgrade it as needed. This information is supplemental to the findings
and reporting requirements of the preceding "Accident Investigation" sections.

February 1993 - 3.0 Accident Investigation, Analysis And Reporting Page 41

The nine classifications with their individual breakdowns are:

1. Falls (Of Persons from Heights) 5. Equipment

To the ground or another level Moving Parts
From scaffolding Equipment in motion
From ladders Hot surfaces
Into holes, trenches, etc.
Into water

1a. Falls (Of Persons on the Level) 6. Hand Tools

To the ground Cartridge hammers
Against objects Power tools
Non-power tools

2. Handling Objects 7. Transportation

From lifting Road
From pulling or pushing Site
Handling materials
Electric shock

3. Striking Against Objects 8. Lifting Appliances

Protruding nails Cranes
Scaffold tubes and fittings Hoists and winches
Stepping or kneeling on objects Pull-lifts, pulleys, wheels, etc.
Piling frames

4. Struck by Objects 9. Hazardous Atmospheres

Falling objects Hydrogen Sulfide
Foreign bodies in eyes Others
Flying objects

February 1993 - 3.0 Accident Investigation, Analysis And Reporting Page 42


Detailed Report Required Within 3 Days Control No_________________

Accident Location: Date Of Accident: Time Of Accident:

Company: Personnel Injured: Badge Number:

Type Of Injuries: Property Damage And Estimated Cost Damage:

Description Of Accident:

Witness Statement(s)

What Caused The Accident:

What Corrective Action Has Been Taken

Signed:_______________________________________________________Badge No:________________________

Date Of Report:________________________________________________

Name (Printed):_____________________________________________________________________

Company:__________________________________________ Job Title:_________________________________

February 1993 - 3.0 Accident Investigation, Analysis And Reporting Page 43


PROJECT TITLE:________________________________ LOCATION:_________________________________


BUDGET ITEM No:._________________________________ CONTRACT No.:________________JOB No:_______

1. Work Injuries:

2. Fires:

3. Incidents Or Property Damage (Over SR 10,000):

4. Motor Vehicle Accidents:

5. Incidents Involving Damage To Saudi Aramco Equipment:

6. Crane, Heavy Equipment & Manlift Accidents:

7. Safety Meeting:

(A) Topics Discussed:

(B) Attendance:

(C) Instructor(s):

Prepared By:_____________________________ Contractor Safety Officer:________________________________

Signed By:__________________________________ Saudi Aramco Representative:____________________________


February 1993 - 3.0 Accident Investigation, Analysis And Reporting Page 44

The Saudi Aramco proponent must ensure the company's safety and accident prevention policies are
clearly understood by all employees and contractor personnel. The duties and responsibilities of
employees, supervisors, and management must be stated in writing by the company's management. All
employees should satisfactorily discharge the responsibilities of their job, and be aware that their safety
record will be taken into account during performance appraisals.

The main responsibilities of various members of a construction team are cited in the following:

4.1 Contractor Senior Management

1. Initiate the company's policy for the control of injury, damage and fire.
2. Administer the policy himself or appoint a senior member of staff to do so.
3. Know the requirements of Schedule 'D' and the relevant parts of Saudi Arab
Government Workmen's Regulations, and ensure they are observed by his company.
4. Ensure that all supervisors are qualified and that they receive adequate and appropriate
5. Make sure that in tendering, at planning stages and throughout the contract, allowance
is made for suitable and sufficient equipment to enable the jobs to be done with
minimum risk.
6. Coordinate safety activities between Saudi Aramco, subcontractors and any other
individual contractors who may be working on the same site.
7. Institute proper system for investigation, reporting and estimating the cost of injury,
property damage and fire loss. Initiate analysis to discover accident trends and
promote action to prevent recurrence.
8. Reprimand any supervisor for failing to discharge satisfactorily the responsibility
allocated to him.
9. Set a personal example.
10. Ensure that a formal Hazard Identification Plan is prepared in order to identify and
correct hazards which may be encountered during construction. (See Appendix A.4.)

4.2 Design Engineer

Design for safety, taking into consideration those risks that might arise during construction
or in the operation of plant or equipment. Follow established process hazard analysis
techniques to evaluate and correct hazards during the design process.

4.3 Contractor's Safety Officer

1. Advise management on the following:

• Ways to prevent injury to personnel, damage to plant and/or equipment and

• Ways to improve existing work methods.
• Legal and contractual requirements affecting safety, health and welfare.
• Provision and use of protective clothing and equipment.
• Potential hazards on site before work starts and on the safety organization
and fire precautions required.
• Changes in safety requirements.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Responsibilities For Safety Page 45

2. Carry out site surveys to see that only safe work methods are in operation, that health
and safety requirements are being observed, and welfare and first aid facilities are
adequate and properly maintained.
3. Determine the cause of any accident (or dangerous occurrence), and recommend means
of preventing recurrence of such an incident.
4. Supervise the recording and analysis of information on injuries, damage and production
loss. Assess accident trends and review overall safety performance.
5. Assist with training employees at all levels.
6. Take part in discussions on injury, damage and loss control.
7. Keep up-to-date with recommended codes of practice and safety literature. Circulate
information applicable to each level of employees.
8. Foster within the company an understanding that injury prevention and damage control
are an integral part of business and operational efficiency.
9. Attend job progress meetings where safety is an item on the agenda. Report on job
safety performance.

4.4 Construction Manager/Superintende nt

1. Understand the company's safety policy and the responsibility allocated to each grade
of supervision.
2. Know the requirements of Schedule 'D' and relevant Saudi Arab Government
Workmen's Regulations, and ensure that they are observed.
3. Ensure that tenders adequately allow for sound working methods and reasonable
welfare facilities.
4. Determine the following at the planning stage:

• The most appropriate order and method of performing the job.

• Allocation of responsibilities for Saudi Aramco, sub-contractors, and other
• Storage areas, access, etc.
• Any hazards identified under the hazard identification procedure described in
Appendix A.4.
• Facilities for welfare, first aid and sanitation.
• Work permit procedures and requirements.
• Basic precautions for dealing with fire hazards.

5. Provide written instructions to establish work methods, explain the sequence of

operations, outline potential hazards at each stage, and indicate precautions to be
6. Check over work methods and precautions with supervision before work starts.
7. Create safety awareness by promoting safety meetings, presentations, open forum
discussions and by implementing safety training.
8. Set a personal example on site by wearing appropriate protective clothing and
equipment at all times.
9. Ensure that all accidents are reported to Saudi Aramco in accordance with Section 3.

February 1993 - 4.0 Responsibilities For Safety Page 46

4.5 Site Safety Supervisor
(If different from contractor's safety officer)

1. Understand the requirements of Schedule 'D' and the company's loss prevention policy.
2. Inspect the work site daily to report and correct unsafe methods and conditions.
3. Keep a permanent record of all injuries, fires, motor vehicle accidents (MVAs), property
damage and crane/heavy equipment accidents which have occurred at the site.
4. Keep a record of every weekly safety meeting on site complete with subject discussed
and a list of attendees.
5. Set a personal example.

4.6 Equipment Manager/Supervisor

1. Ensure that all equipment purchased or hired is safe, is guarded and equipped with
safety devices and has been subjected to all necessary tests.
2. Make certain that operators and attendants are employed only on equipment for which
they have been thoroughly trained.
3. Check that periodic tests, inspections and maintenance are carried out when due.
4. Attend promptly to all equipment defects and advise site management of the need for
any dangerous equipment to be taken out of service until properly repaired.

4.7 Engineer/Supervisor

1. Organize sites so that work is carried out to the required standard with minimum risk to
men, equipment and materials.
2. Know the requirements of Schedule 'D'.
3. Be familiar with work permit procedures.
4. Give precise instructions on responsibilities for correct work methods.
5. Plan and provide for good housekeeping.
6. Coordinate with sub-contractors and other contractors on site to avoid any confusion
about areas of responsibility.
7 Position equipment effectively and ensure that electricity supply is installed, used and
maintained correctly.
8. Check that equipment and tools (both power and hand tools) are maintained in good
operating condition.
9. Make sure that all men know how to obtain and administer first aid properly and
efficiently to all injured persons. They should also know how to summon assistance in
case of emergency and nominate others to act in your absence.
11. Make sure that suitable personal protective equipment is available and that it is used.
12. Release supervisors and men when necessary for safety and fire training.
13. Cooperate with the safety engineer and the fire department, by acting on their
14. Set a personal example.

4.8 Foreman

1. Be familiar with those parts of Schedule 'D' applicable to the work on which subordinate
workers are engaged.
2. Incorporate safety procedures in routine tasks and see that they are obeyed.
3. Conduct weekly safety meetings with subordinates.

February 1993 - 4.0 Responsibilities For Safety Page 47

4. Conduct daily work site inspections to identify and correct any existing unsafe
conditions. Document and coordinate the safety inspection activities and findings with
the job site safety supervisor.
5. Correct unsafe acts, such as horseplay or the taking of unnecessary risks.
6. Ensure that new employees are properly instructed in precautions to be taken before
they are allowed to start work.
7. Commend men who, by action or initiative, eliminate hazards.
8. Report accidents, unsafe conditions and defects in equipment to immediate superiors.
9. Set a personal example.

4.9 Worker

1. Use the correct tools and equipment for the job. Use protective clothing and equipment
2. Do nothing to endanger self or work mates.
3. Keep tools in good condition.
4. Refrain from horseplay and abuse of safety devices, equipment and welfare facilities.
5. Report any accidents, near misses or hazardous conditions to immediate supervisor.
6. Read the Company safety rules and take note of special safety precautions in restricted
7. Obey all posted warning signs.

February 1993 - 4.0 Responsibilities For Safety Page 48

Saudi Aramco departments and organizations have established disaster and emergency response plans
that are documented in general instructions (GIs), department operating instruction manuals (OIMs),
terminal instruction manuals (TIMs), and refinery instruction manuals (RIMs), etc. All managers and
supervisors are exp ected to become familiar with the emergency procedures of the plants and areas in
which any of their staff are working. Construction site-specific written emergency procedures shall be
prepared by the Contractor and submitted as part of the Contractor's loss prevention program plan.
Details of the written procedures may be obtained from the Saudi Aramco representative, operating
supervisor, or loss prevention engineer.

General guidelines for preparing emergency response plans can be found in the following Saudi Aramco
Loss Prevention Department publication:

Guidelines For Preparing Emergency Response Plans, October 1989

5.1 Action to be Taken

In an emergency, or on hearing the "Stop Work Alarm", every supervisor shall ensure the

1. All work is stopped at once.

2. All equipment is shut down.
3. All men are evacuated to a pre-determined assembly point.
4. A roll call is taken and every man is accounted for.
5. No one is permitted to return to work until notification has been received from
operations or from the company representative that it is safe to do so.

Refer to the specific procedures established in each Company operating area.

5.2 Contact After Office Hours

The contractor's supervisor shall give his home address and telephone number (and that of
his replacement) to the company representative so that he may be contacted after hours in
case of emergency involving the contractor's job or equipment. These telephone numbers are
to be kept current and posted at the job-site.

5.3 Help in an Emergency


In the event of an emergency situation (serious personal injury, fire, critical damage
to operating equipment, etc.) help may be obtained by contacting the nearest Saudi
Aramco Main Gate or Security Control Center. This may be done:

1. By telephone: Dial the emergency telephone number 110.

2. By radio: Radio an operations group that has a telephone in the Saudi
Aramco system and ask them to dial 110 when the Main Gate or Security
Control Center cannot be contacted directly.

February 1993 - Construction Safety - Emergency Procedures Page 49

3. By messenger: Send a messenger to the nearest telephone, radio, or Saudi
Aramco Main Gate or Security Control Center.


When transmitting a message by telephone, radio, or messenger, ensure that you

clearly identify yourself by giving:

• Your exact location

• Nature of emergency
• Service required and repeat the message
• Your name
• Your badge number

Stay on the telephone until you are told to hang up. If possible, post a lookout to
direct the ambulance, fire truck or helicopter to the right location.

February 1993 - 5.0 Emergency Procedures Page 50

Good safety training is important to employees who are learning a new trade but it is also necessary to
keep supervisors and skilled operators up-to-date with current safety technology and practices. Safe
working practices are learned when employees understand how an accident was caused. Measures can
then be taken to prevent a recurrence. People who are trained to do their jobs correctly can also be
expected to do them safely.


Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Loss Prevention Program

6.1 Safety Training for Supervisors


The immediate job of preventing accidents falls upon the supervisor not because it
has been arbitrarily assigned to him, but because accident prevention and
production control are closely associated supervisory functions.

The most direct way to develop the desired attitudes and to impart the necessary
information about safety to supervisors is to give them safety training.


The course for supervisors should include legal requirements, company and
administrative policies and safety aspects of the work likely to be undertaken by
the supervisors. An outline of such a course is given in 6.3.1 of this section.

6.2 Safety Training for Workmen

Accident prevention training for workmen should incorporate the items listed in 6.3.2.

6.2.1 Integrated Practices

Safe working practices must be integrated into training for specific skills.

It is expected that those who have attended recognized training establishments will
have received the necessary safety instructions.

6.2.2 Specialized Training

Before their training is complete, new employees and new entrants to industry are
more susceptible to accidents. Contractor's must provide safety orientation and
training for new employees.

Induction training should teach new workers to identify common on-site hazards
and how to guard against them. It should also cover the main requirements of the

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Safety Training Page 51

company's accident prevention policy and instruct newcomers specifically in those
areas which affect them personally (e.g., if it is company policy that safety helmets
and protective footwear should always be worn, then this should be made clear and
they should be told how and where to obtain them).

Suitable induction courses together with job training containing an integrated

safety content will go a long way towards achieving safe working conditions. Site
supervision, however, must ensure that correct job methods are being utilized and
workmen are periodically reminded to be aware of hazards in the work place.

6.2.3 Use of Persuasion

The training providing skill and information should be supplemented by the

techniques of persuasion. Persuasion has an important function and should not be
overlooked in any comprehensive program. It is commonly applied by the use of
posters which graphically indicate bad habits, pin-point the advantages of a safe
working environment and give detailed information, advice, or instruction on
special safety points to remember.

Posters can be useful provided that:

• They are designed with due regard for the industry and its type of operation.
• They are displayed where workmen spend some time when not working and
specific posters are displayed where most appropriate (e.g., ladder hazards in
ladder storeroom).
• They are mounted on properly designed and maintained bulletin boards.
• They are changed at frequent intervals.
• Only a few posters are displayed simultaneously.

Posters can stimulate thought on accident prevention, but they are no substitute
for organized training. The most effective posters are those that help to reinforce
safety training.

6.2.4 Course Requirements

An induction safety course for workmen should be aimed at specific hazards which
they could encounter at a specific job site. A suggested outline of such a course is
given in 6.3.2.

February 1993 - 6.0 Safety Training Page 52

6.3 Scope of Training

Safety training needs to be ongoing if it is to accomplish optimum results. The program

material and presentation should cover the safety subject and be interesting enough to hold
the trainee's attention. A limited training effort, such as an occasional safety meeting, may
prompt supervisors to do a better job for a short time, but interest starts to lag unless an
effective safety training program is in place.

Good job safety instruction not only produces more skilled workers, but also impresses upon
them the high value that the employer places on job safety. Frequent follow-ups and
attention by the supervisor to correct work practices also help to create understanding and to
eliminate resentment, which is a source of some undesirable work attitudes. (See 6.3.1.)

February 1993 - 6.0 Safety Training Page 53

6.3.1 Safety Training Topics For Supervisors

1. The Law and Safety 2. Policy and Administration

Statutory requirement Effect of incentive on accident prevention
Appropriate regulations
Duties of employer and employee Human relations
Schedule 'D' (Contractual Safety Requirements) Consultation
Safety Officer: duties, aims, objectives

3. Safety and the Supervisor 4. Principles of Accident Prevention

Safety and efficient production go together Attitudes of management, supervision and
Accidents affect morale and public relations Methods of achieving safe operations
Accident and injury causes

5. Site Inspection 6. Human Behavior

The role of management Motivating agencies
Hazard Identification Procedure Individual behavior
Records results Environmental effects
Follow-up procedures Techniques of persuasion

7. Site Tidiness 8. Health

Site organization Medical examination
Relationship of site housekeeping to accident Hazard to health on site
Site access Sanitation and welfare
Equipment storage Protective clothing
Material stacking First Aid/CPR
Materials handling

9. Personal Protective Equipment 10. Electricity

Eye, face, hands, feet and legs Appreciation of electrical hazards
Respiratory protective equipment Power tools
Protection against ionizing radiation Arc welding
Low voltage system
Lighting and power system on sites
Grounding/Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs)

11. Oxygen and Acetylene Equipment 12. Equipment

Cylinder storage and maintenance Accidents related to moving parts of machinery
Condition and maintenance of valves, regulators, Appreciation of principles of guarding
and gauges
Condition and maintenance of hoses and fittings Importance of regular maintenance

February 1993 - 6.0 Safety Training Page 54

13. Transportation 14. Excavations
Transport to and from site Method of shoring
Hazard connected with site transport Precautions while shoring
Competent drivers Precautions at edge of excavations
Dumpers Removal of shoring
Tipping trucks Sheet steel piling
Movement near excavations

15. Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding 16. Cranes and other Lifting Machines
Hazards connected with the use of ladders Licensing, certification and training required for
operation of cranes
Maintenance and inspection Slinging methods
Type of scaffold Signaling
Overloading Access to crane(s)
Work on roofs Maintenance and examination
Fragile material Ground conditions
Openings in walls and floors Hazards and accident prevention methods
connected with the use of different types of
cranes/heavy equipment
Use of safety belts and nets Crane Lift Plan for all lifts

17. Lifting Tackle 18. Fire Prevention and Control

Slings - single and multi-legged Principle causes determining fire
Safe working loads (SWLs) Understanding fire chemistry
Safety hooks and eyebolts Fire fighting equipment
Cause of failure Fire fighting training
Maintenance and examination

19. Communications
Effective methods of communication (particular interest to non-English speaking workers)
Method and preparation of reports
Safety committees
Safety meeting

February 1993 - 6.0 Safety Training Page 55

6.3.2 Induction Safety Topics For Workmen

1. Hazard Identification Procedure

Hazards on site:
• Machinery
• Transport
• Flammables on site (hydrocarbon)
• Fire
• Falls
• Electricity
• Site housekeeping
• Handling materials

2. Precautions Against the Above Hazards

• Simple precautions that can be taken by workmen on site.

3. Personal Protective Equipment

• What is available
• How to obtain it
• Correct use and care

4. Health

• Site welfare facilities

• Potential health hazards
• First Aid/CPR

5. Duties of the Company

• Brief outline of the responsibilities of the Company by law

• Details of Company's accident prevention policy
• Saudi Aramco Safety and Loss Prevention Requirements For
Contractors (Schedule 'D')
• Saudi Arab Labor Law

6. Employee's Duties

• Brief outline of responsibilities of employee under law

• Explanation of how new employees fit into the Company's plan for
accident prevention.

February 1993 - 6.0 Safety Training Page 56

This section outlines the procedure to be followed prior to and during a contract. It cannot claim to cover
every type of contract that is likely to occur, but it does provide a detailed logical process to serve as a
guide in deciding upon a plan of action.


Saudi Aramco Standards:

GI 1021.000 Street And Road Closure And Excavations, Reinstatement And Traffic Controls

SAES -P-123 Lighting; Illumination Requirements

SAES -B-007C Portable, Mobile and Auxiliary Fire-Fighting Equipment

Appendix C: Typical Construction Materials Store Yard.

Fire Safety Checklist for Evaluating Construction Materials Store Yard

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements (See Appendix A)

National Fire Protection Association:

NFPA 80-A Protection of Buildings from Exterior Fire Exposures

NFPA 231 - Appendix 'C'

Protection of Outdoor Storage

7.1 Initial Planning

Prior to the start of any contract, an analysis is made by the contractor to ensure that
construction will be conducted in a safe manner. Similarly, accident prevention is analyzed,
both at the planning stage and throughout the contract, so that the contractor will be able to
eliminate or reduce accidents. Accident prevention is a real factor in the economic success of
all contracts.

Among other factors that must be considered at the initial planning stage are: results of a
Hazard Identification Plan, loss prevention program, protection of employees and equipment,
transportation, lifting equipment, excavation, scaffolding and work in restricted areas
requiring work permits.

7.1.1 Hazard Identification Plan

The contractor shall conduct a Hazard Identification tour with the Company and
Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention representatives to identify potential hazards prior to
construction start-up.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Site Planning And Housekeeping Page 57
7.1.2 Loss Prevention Program

A loss prevention program required in Schedule 'D' for specific job-related activities
part of proposed construction work will be developed and coordinated by the
contractor's safety supervisor. Part of this program will be a ten-minute safety
discussion with the workmen, at least once a week, on the hazards at the site and
the procedures to be followed to prevent personal injury and minimize property

7.1.3 Protection of Employees and Equipment

Schedule 'D' details the requirements to be followed by the contractor to reduce

losses. It places the responsibility for the protection of men and equipment on the
contractor and outlines general minimum acceptable standards.

7.1.4 Transportation

The contractor must provide transportation to and from the site for his employees.

Saudi Aramco requires that employees must be transported only in the passenger
compartment of vehicles. (See Section I.13.) The provision of buses for larger sites
will have to be considered. Inspection and maintenance of vehicles and the
selection and training of drivers are other major considerations.

7.1.5 Lifting Equipment

Cranes, hoists and lifting equipment should be considered well ahead of actual
requirements both from the point of view of economical use and the safety of
personnel and equipment. Lift plans shall be submitted as required. (See Section
III.1 and III.2.)

7.1.6 Demolition

Some contracts in existing plant areas may require demolition before new work can
begin. Only minor demolition should be done by construction personnel. Specialist
contractors should be employed for the demolition of larger structures. (See
Section II.3.)

7.1.7 Excavations

Timber for shoring, steel sheet piles, etc. should be present on site prior to starting
excavation work. All excavation work will be closely supervised by experienced
staff. (See Section II.2.)

7.1.8 Scaffolding
For all work carried out above ground level where no permanent work place is
available, temporary work places in the form of scaffolding must be provided. An
adequate supply of scaffold material must be on site. There must be sufficient
experienced men capable of erecting and dismantling the scaffolding properly.
Ladders, built to an acceptable standard, must be supplied and readily available for
access to elevated work areas. (See Section II.9.)

February 1993 - 7.0 Site Planning And Housekeeping Page 58

7.2 Site Layout

The site layout must be planned before any work is started. This will assist in making the job
easier and more efficient, thus increasing productivity and profit.

Items to be considered under site layout include the following:

7.2.1 Site Accommodation

This includes shacks, storage huts, compounds, racking areas, lock-up boxes,
office buildings, etc.

7.2.2 Adequate Access Roads

To be kept clear and unobstructed at all times.

7.2.3 Project Sign

Erect project sign at the main entrance to the construction site and other sites, i.e.,
office, laydown yard, fabrication yard, etc., as designated by the Company

The sign shall be a minimum of four feet in height, and eight feet in width. The
printing on the sign shall be black and white and shall be in both Arabic and
English. The Arabic text will be above, or to the right of the English text.

The sign shall list:



The sign shall be erected within two weeks after the contractor has started work on
site. Contractor shall also erect and maintain sufficient signs on or near the site to
direct delivery vehicles and visitors to the work site.

Example of Job Site Sign:



February 1993 - 7.0 Site Planning And Housekeeping Page 59

7.2.4 Safe Means of Access and Egress

To be provided on site wherever employees are likely to go; these must be kept
clear and unobstructed at all times.

7.2.5 Parking Facilities

To be provided in clearly defined areas on site.

7.2.6 Drainage

The site should have good drainage and be graded in such a way that water does
not pool up during construction.

7.2.7 Vehicle / Heavy Equipment Paths On Site Vs Pedestrian Paths

Pathways for workmen must be clearly marked and distinct from vehicular travel
routes on site.

7.2.8 Sand

In sand dune areas that might lie adjacent to or around a construction site,
consideration should be given to the movement or build up of sand.

7.2.9 Fire Prevention

Suitable fire extinguishers must be readily available on site. The area around fire
extinguishers or hydrants must be kept clear so that they are readily accessible in
case of emergency. They must be regularly inspected and maintained. Site
personnel must be trained in the use of fire fighting equipment. (See Section I.11).

7.2.10 Site Illumination

Adequate lighting must be provided in all areas of the job site in accordance with

The National Electric Code and National Fire Protection Association standards
should be consulted for specific areas. Grounding requirements will be per NFPA.
In hazardous areas (e.g., tank farms and indoor fuel areas), NFPA 30, 37, 58 and 70
will be enforced.

7.3 Storage Areas

Note: See Appendix C. Fire Protection Checklist for Evaluating Construction Materials Store
Yard; and Figure III.13 (Typical Construction Materials Store Yard).


Storage areas must be adequate for all material and equipment to be stored.

February 1993 - 7.0 Site Planning And Housekeeping Page 60


They should not be within 15 meters (50 feet) of permanent or temporary structures.


Storage areas should be clearly marked.


They should have directional signs to facilitate speedy delivery.

7.4 Welfare Facilities

Adequate welfare facilities must be provided. The following are minimum requirements:


Canteen or eating area adequate for total work force must be provided. This area
shall be clean of refuse and meet Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code requirements.


Rest area must be provided.


Adequate toilet and washing facilities must be provided. Toilets shall be provided
in places where they may be easily accessible at the rate of one toilet for every
fifteen workmen or less. These shall be maintained in a sanitary condition.


An adequate supply of drinking water must be available. Common drinking cups or

dips are prohibited.


First aid facilities must be supplied and arrangements made for medical care and for
emergency situations.


Where necessary, safe smoking areas must be provided, with the concurrence of
the responsible area Loss Prevention office.

7.5 Good Housekeeping

The required standard of housekeeping must be established on site and all personnel
informed of this standard. Trash, debris and refuse should be collected daily. All employees
shall clean their respective work areas daily before quitting.

February 1993 - 7.0 Site Planning And Housekeeping Page 61

Covered containers, drums, etc., should be provided at various, clearly marked locations
throughout the work site. The containers should be emptied daily at approved rubbish

7.6 Construction Sites and Materials Storage Yards

(See Appendix C)


The contractor's engineer shall establish the perimeter of the site by agreement with
the proponent department. He may consult the Loss Prevention Department for


The perimeter fence for construction sites and materials storage yards shall be
properly grounded and of sound construction and design appropriate for the
intended protection of the area. The Saudi Aramco Industrial Security organization
should be consulted for details.


The fence shall be frequently inspected by a representative of the contractor's



Any access paths through the proposed site shall be rerouted outside the
perimeter. Loss Prevention Department is to be consulted on any such rerouting.


Where a fence crosses existing roads, red and white, blue and white, or black and
reflective yellow (or white) flags shall be fastened to the fence. If access is
blocked, a dead-end sign will be erected on the approach to the fence with the
distance of the obstruction marked below the sign. However, if there is a temporary
by-pass, a "DIVERSION AHEAD" sign shall be erected on the approach to the
fence and diversion arrows showing the route shall be displayed on the fence in
black and yellow (or white) reflective material.


A suitable number of soundly constructed access gates shall be provided. The

number of access gates will be kept to a minimum on main thoroughfares (See
NFPA 231 Appendix 'C'). A minimum of two fifteen-foot wide gates are required.


Standard Saudi Arab Government stop signs will be fixed to the inside of the
vehicle access gates.

February 1993 - 7.0 Site Planning And Housekeeping Page 62


Temporary signs should be erected to route traffic in the safest manner to, from,
and within the site. Temporary signs shall not be placed on public highways and
roads (reference Saudi Arab Government traffic regulations).


While not in use all power driven construction equipment must have the ignition
locked and key removed. If there is no lock for the cab and access can be readily
made into the engine compartment, then the machine must be made immobile by
disconnecting the battery or by any other means especially if the equipment is left
outside the perimeter. This must be carried out before leaving the equipment


Crane booms, bulldozer blades, and front end loader buckets on all construction
equipment should be lowered when the equipment is left overnight. For a crane
boom where this is not possible, the boom will be locked off in such a manner that
it cannot be dropped or blown over by the wind.


Job site electrical power must be de-energized at night unless required for specific
lighting facilities or used by a night watchman.


The project will provide its own barricades. Barricades will only be supplied by the
area Industrial Security Departments on a short term emergency basis.


Any excavation or obstruction of any kind likely to create a hazard to vehicular

traffic at night will be adequately lit and a sign posted. (See GI 1021.000.)


If large pools of water are formed which cannot be adequately drained, these shall
be separately fenced or barricaded if they constitute a safety hazard.

February 1993 - 7.0 Site Planning And Housekeeping Page 63


There shall be no indiscriminate dumping of excavation spoil or building materials.

Fire hydrants, manholes and electrical conduits will be kept clear at all times. The
contractor's engineer shall designate sites for dumping.


All manhole covers will be replaced or the manhole properly barricaded.


Guy ropes will be clearly marked day and night as will any rope used as a barricade.


Refuse must be disposed of at a job site approved for such purposes and the
contractor must have permission to use the site. Approved disposal sites can be
those of Saudi Aramco or local municipalities. It is forbidden for contractors to
dump refuse in any unauthorized area.


Clock stations can be requested from Industrial Security provided sufficient notice
is given to ensure their availability.


The Saudi Aramco Project Representative shall notify the Loss Prevention
Department representative and also the area Industrial Security Department about
the time and place for the pre-construction meeting and also the first weekly site
meeting which these departments should plan to attend.


It is the responsibility of the Company representative to initiate road closure

requirements on work activity to ensure that all construction/maintenance adheres
to the conditions of GI 1021.000 (See Appendix D) and that a notice of intent is
placed in the company "Highlights and Notices" publication before work start-up.

February 1993 - 7.0 Site Planning And Housekeeping Page 64

First aid is the immediate help that is provided at the site to an injured or seriously ill person before
professional medical help can be obtained.

It is the responsibility of all contractors to ensure that proper first aid is available to their employees on all
job sites.

Provisions shall be made prior to start-up of the project for prompt medical attention in case of medical


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 1321.015 Request for Air Medical Evacuation

GI 150.002 First Aid / CPR Training and First Aid Kits - Remote Areas

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements -

Injury and Damage Reporting

First Aid Facilities

8.1 Provision of First Aid Facilities

Every contractor shall provide first aid facilities on all sites for his employees. The first aid
facility shall be kept in a sanitary condition at all times. Minimum requirements shall include
the following: a telephone; desk; hot and cold water; wash basin; examining table; air
conditioning; adequate lighting; and dust tight medical supply cabinet.


First aid supplies shall be kept readily available in a cabinet designated for those
supplies only. (See 8.3 for a recommended list of cabinet contents.)


This cabinet shall be placed under the charge of a first aid attendant, who shall
ensure the cabinet is well stocked at all times.


A suitable type of stretcher must be available on all sites.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - First Aid Page 65


Contractors shall post notices indicating the following:

1. The name of the person who is in charge of the first aid cabinet.
2. The hospital to which any injured person who requires hospital treatment is
to be sent.
3. The telephone number of the doctor or first aid attendant employed by the
4. The emergency telephone number to be called for assistance.


Contractors on pipeline and power line work or who are working in remote areas
shall ensure that one vehicle is equipped with a well-stocked first aid kit for each
crew, and that at least one man in every crew is trained in first aid. The vehicle
shall be marked to indicate that it carries a first aid kit. (See GI 150.002. First Aid
Training and First Aid Kits - Remote Areas.)


A site register shall be maintained by all contractors listing all injuries treated. (See
Figure I.3 Example.)

8.2 First Aid Attendants


When more than 50 persons are emp loyed within a radius of 15 kilometers, first aid
facilities run by a nurse familiar with first aid cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
requirements and exclusively assigned to medical duties.


Those persons in charge of first aid supplies on smaller sites with less than 50
workers should be trained in first aid procedures.


The contractor shall provide, or make arrangements to provide, a dedicated

emergency vehicle (ambulance), properly supplied and marked, to transport injured
personnel to the nearest designated health care facility.

Each ambulance shall be equipped, as a minimum, with the following supplies:

• Stretcher and blankets

• Portable oxygen
• Splints for bone fractures
• Bandages/rubber tourniquet
• Sterile wash water

February 1993 - 8.0 First Aid Page 66

8.2.4 Medical Evacuation Capabilities

Saudi Aramco has the ability to provide air medical evacuations (Medevac) for
both onshore and offshore medical emergencies with helicopters or fixed wing
aircraft. The procedures to initiate a Medevac are covered in GI 1321.015 and
shall be incorporated in the Contractor's Loss Prevention Program plan.

8.3 First Aid Facilities At Work Site

(Originally Published in Umm al-Qura, No. 2534 July 26, 1974)
Decision No. 404 Based on Articles 245 of Labor Law

Article I

An employer who employs less than fifty workmen shall provide at the work site a first aid
cabinet containing bandages, medicines, and disinfectants as follows:

1. A sufficient number of not less than 12 sterile, small-size finger dressings.

2. A sufficient number of not less than 6 sterile medium-size hand dressings.
3. A sufficient number of not less than 6 sterile large-size hand dressings.
4. A sufficient supply of absorbent cotton wool for packing and firming up
splints. Such supply shall not be less than 200 grams of cotton wool in small
25-gram packages and two 500-gram packages.
5. A sufficient number of not less than 12 gauze bandages 7 cm. in width.
6. A sufficient number of not less than 12 gauze bandages 11 cm. in width.
7. Not less than 4 yards of adhesive tape in rolls, 1 cm. in width.
8. Not less than 100 grams of Mercurochrome in aqueous solution.
9. Two 10-gram shakers of sulfa powder for sterilization of wounds.
10. 100 grams of aromatic ammonia solution in a glass bottle with a glass
11. A medium-sized Thomas' thigh splint, a wooden posterior leg splint, a
wooden elbow splint, a wooden Carr splint for the forearm, a wooden palm
splint, and other types of ready-to-use splints.
12. A minimum of 6 triangle bandages.
13. A minimum of safety pins.
14. Ointment for burns containing a disinfectant and an analgesic.
15. A minimum of ten 70 x 70 bandages for burns.
16. A pair of scissors with blunt ends.
17. A sufficient number of stretchers for moving injured persons.

If work is carried out in scattered locations which are more than 300 meters apart, a separate
cabinet shall be provided for every group consisting of more than ten workmen.

Article II

The employer shall assign one or more persons to be responsible for administering first aid to
the injured at all times during working hours, provided that the person-in-charge shall be one
of the establishment's employees who will either be trained in first-aid procedures in
accordance with a program to be agreed upon with the Saudi Red Crescent Society, or who
holds a certificate from a hospital attesting that he has practiced first-aid and is qualified to
administer it.

February 1993 - 8.0 First Aid Page 67

Article III

An employer who employs 50 or more laborers shall provide at the work site a first aid room
which meets the following standards:

(a) It shall meet all sanitary specifications.

(b) It shall be conveniently located and readily accessible to injured persons
and stretcher-bearers.
(c) Where quick means of transporting for the injured are not available, the said
room shall not be more than 300 meters from the farthest work site.
(d) An adequate number of stretchers shall be available for moving the injured
to the first aid room.
(e) First aid materials and supplies shall be no less than those specified under
Article I, provided that they are in proportion to the number of workmen.
(f) A licensed nurse shall be on duty at all times during working hours under
the supervision of a physician.

Article IV

Supplies of any item in the first aid cabinets and rooms shall be replenished whenever they
fall below the levels specified herein.

Article V

The first aid cabinet shall be of hard wood or sheet metal, measuring 85 cm. in length, 45 cm.
in width, and 30 cm. in depth. They shall be painted white and shall be provided with one
lock and more than one key. The cabinets shall bear the Red Crescent insignia and the words
"First Aid Cabinet". All first aid cabinets shall be conveniently located in clean place above
floor level and shall always be ready for use and easily accessible at all times. Signs shall be
posted in conspicuous places at the various work sites to indicate the location of the cabinet
and the name of the workmen in charge of first aid.

Article VI

An employer who employs less than fifty workmen shall assign an appropriate number of his
workmen to receive first aid training in accordance with Article II.

Article VII

The Director General of the Department of Labor Inspection shall be charged with
implementing this decision. He is authorized to increase the contents of the first aid cabinets
or rooms in those industries and trades requiring such an increase, to stipulate special first
aid procedures to implement the above articles, to determine the placing (if he deems it
necessary) of first aid cabinets for any group comprising less than ten workmen, and to fix the
number of stretchers and the number of workmen to be trained.

February 1993 - 8.0 First Aid Page 68

8.4 Labor And Workmen Law

Saudi Labor And Workmen Law

Chapter 7
Protection An Social Services
Labor And Workmen Law
Articles 134-6

Article 134

The employer shall provide first-aid services for the workmen in accordance with the
standards to be determined by the Minister of Labor in collaboration with the Minister of
Health. If the number of his workmen in a single location or town, or within a radius of fifteen
kilometers, exceeds fifty, he shall employ a nurse who shall be familiar with first-aid services
and shall be exclusively assigned to rendering such services; the employer shall assign a
physician to examine and treat the workmen at the place to be provided by the employer for
this purpose, and the employer shall provide them with the medicines necessary for their
treatment. The aforementioned services shall be free of charge whether during work hours or
otherwise. If in the cases mentioned above, the number of workmen exceeds a hundred, the
employer shall, in addition, provide them with all other means of treatment in cases requiring
treatment by specialists, or performance of surgical other operations. In case operations are
performed, as well as in cases of incurable diseases, the expenses shall be taken from the
Social Insurance Funds. The costs of treatment, medicines and hospitalizations in
government or charitable hospitals, as well as the party who will assume such costs, shall be
determined pursuant to the decision to be made by the Minister of Labor in agreement with
the Minister of Health, or to the rules laid down in the Social Insurance Law.

However, if the number of workmen is less than fifty, the employer must provide the workmen
with a medical aid cabinet which shall be maintained in a good condition and shall contain the
bandages, medicines, and antiseptics to be determined by the Minister of Labor in agreement
with the Minister of Health, in order to provide the workmen with first aid.

Article 135

Every employer who employs more than fifty workmen shall inform the appropriate Labor
Office of the name of the physician who he has selected to treat his workmen. In case he
employs more than an hundred workmen, he shall inform the Office of the names of the
physicians and specialists whom he has selected to treat his workmen, and of the names of
the hospitals which he has designated for that purpose. In both cases, he must notify the
appropriate Labor Office of the minimum number of days fixed for the examination of
workmen, provided that this minimum shall not be less than three times a week.

Article 136

Every employer shall prepare for each workman a medical file showing the result of the
medical examination performed on the workman upon his employment, a description of the
cases of his illness, the stages of his treatment, and the periods of his absence from work,
provided that mention shall be made in the file of the kinds of ordinary and occupational
diseases and labor injuries.

February 1993 - 8.0 First Aid Page 69


Injury Summary (Page ___of___)

Project:__________________________________Proje ct No.:________________________Month & Year:____________________
Contractor:__________________________________File No.:_________________________

Injury Name Of Badge Craft Date Of Carry Over Days Nature O f Injury And Brief Description Of Accident State What,
No. Injured Numbe Accident Yes/No Lost Part Of Body Affected Where, How, Why
r This

Total Lost Time Injuries Total Days Total Man-hours Worked This
This Month: Lost: Month:

Report Prepared By:________________________________

Title And Telephone:__________________________________________________________________

February 1993 - First Aid Page 70

When a hazardous situation is recognized, steps should be taken to eliminate the hazard by engineering
controls. Should it prove impractical to eliminate the hazard, then personal protective equipment must be
used that meets the requirements of ANSI or equivalent standards. When it has been decided that
personal protective equipment is required, steps must be taken to select the proper type of equipment and
ensure that the supervisor instructs his employees in the use and care of that equipment, in accordance
with the instructions provided by the manufacturer and Saudi Aramco. (See Table I.1.)


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 6.020 Personal Flotation Devices For Work Over, On Or Near Water

GI 7.027 Personnel Work Platform Operations

GI 8.002 Prescription Safety Glasses

GI 8.003 Breathing Apparatus

GI 8.005 Protective (Safety) Footwear

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards:

SAES -A-105 Noise

SAES -H-102 Safety Requirements For Painting

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements


Code Of Federal Regulations 1910, 1915 and 1926

ASTM D120.E1 -87

Standard Specifications For Rubber Insulating Gloves

ANSI Z 41-83 Personnel Protection - Protective Footwear

ANSI Z 87.1-89 Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection

ANSI Z 89.1-86 Personnel Protection - Protective Headgear For Industrial Workers - Requirements

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Fire Prevention Page 71

9.1 Head Protection

Safety hats or helmets are rigid headgear made of materials designed to protect the head from
impact, flying particles, electric shock, etc. Each helmet consists of a shell, a suspension
cradle, and a chin strap.


Employees working in areas where there is danger of head injury from impact; from
falling or flying objects; or from electrical shock and burns, shall be protected by
protective helmets as per ANSI referenced standards or equivalent.


The suspension cradle gives a helmet its impact distribution qualities. It is

therefore essential that it be properly adjusted to the wearer's head so there is a gap
of at least one and a half inches between the top of the suspension cradle and the
helmet shell.


Ancillary equipment such as ear muffs, welders shields, etc. can be obtained to fit
on helmet shells. Holes should not be drilled into helmet to facilitate use of such
equipment as this can seriously impair both the mechanical strength and the
electrical resistance of the helmet.


Safety hats or helmets shall not be painted.


The complete helmet should be cleaned regularly with soap and water. Helmets
should be scrapped following any penetration, high impact, or subjection to
extreme heat.


A safety helmet should be worn by all persons at all times when on a construction
job site; in an operating plant area; or whenever there are overhead hazards. Metal
hard hats do not afford proper impact or electrical protection and, therefore, are
prohibited from all Saudi Aramco work areas.

9.2 Eye and Face Protection

Protection of the eyes and face from injury by physical or chemical agents or light radiation,
is of prime importance in an industrial environment. The type of protection selected will
depend on the hazard, but it should be borne in mind that all eye protection and most face
protection devices must be considered as optical instruments. They must be selected,
fitted, and used with regard to both the type of hazard and the optical condition of

February 1993 - 11.0 Fire Prevention Page 72

the user. (See Figures I.9 and I.9A.) The wearing of contact lenses is not recommended in
areas where eye protection is required.

9.2.1 Eye Protection from Impact

Factors to be considered in selecting impact resistant eye protection include the

degree of protection required and the comfort provided as required by ANSI or
equivalent requirements. Four basic types of protection are:

1. Spectacles used for protection against frontal impact. When fitted with side
shields, they afford limited protection against side impact and should not be
worn while driving if they interfere with peripheral vision.
2. Flexible fitting goggles. A flexible frame surrounding the lens gives
protection against flying objects.
3. Cushion fitting goggles. A rigid plastic frame surrounding the lens and a
separate cushioned fitting surface on the facing contact area gives
protection against flying objects.
4. Chipping goggles. Separate rigid plastic eyecups with lens. Designed in
two shapes, one for individuals who do not wear spectacles and one to fit
over prescription spectacles.
5. Chemical goggles.

9.2.2 Eye Protection from Radiant Energies

In addition to damage from physical and chemical agents, the eyes are vulnerable
to the effects of radiant energy such as that produced during welding. Visible and
non-visible bands of the light spectrum can produce harmful effects upon the eyes
and special attention must be paid to the selection of eye protection from these

9.2.3 Face Protection

Face shields protect the face and neck from flying particles, sprays of hazardous
liquids, splashes of molten metal, and hot solutions. Where required, safety
spectacles and chemical goggles shall be worn under the face shield.

9.3 Hand Protection

The kind of gloves used depends primarily upon the material or equipment being handled and
can be resistant against one or more of the following: heat, acid, caustic, slipping, wear, fire,
oil, sharp edges, general wear and tear, cold, etc. (See Figure I.5.). Gloves should not be used
near moving machinery as they can be caught and trap the hand before it can be withdrawn
from the glove.

9.4 Foot Protection

Foot protection used must be manufactured to the referenced ANSI standard Z41-83 (or its
equivalent). Safety footwear is available in many styles, with special soles to resist oil,
abrasion, heat, and other abuses to which the footwear may be subjected. Comfort is
particularly important for the wearer, so safety footwear must fit properly.

February 1993 - 11.0 Fire Prevention Page 73

Approved safety footwear are sturdy work shoes with leather uppers and/or leather
composition with steel toe caps. Soles and heels are "non"-slip type. Fashion type safety
"toe" shoes with canvas, nylon and/or other soft composition uppers or soles are not
considered safety shoes and are not approved by Saudi Aramco.

9.5 Hearing Protection

Increasing attention is being paid to the problem of excessive noise in industry. Noise can be
defined as "any unwanted sound". The intensity of noise is commonly expressed in terms of
decibels (dBA) and measured by a sound level meter. Medical authorities state that continual
exposure to noise levels above 90 dBA for an eight hour day, five day work week may
endanger a person's hearing. The safe period of exposure to a noise level is inversely
proportional to the level of the noise. (See reference SAES -A-105, Noise.)

Hearing loss will result from over-exposure to excessive noise levels. Only after engineering
and mechanical methods of reducing noise levels have been explored, should consideration
be given to providing hearing protection to individual workmen.

Exposure to impulsive or impact noise shall not exceed the requirements of SAES -A-105,

Whenever it is infeasible to reduce the noise levels or duration of exposure to within the
limits of SAES -A-105, hearing protection devices shall be provided and used. There are two
types of hearing protection available, the plug type and the cup (or muff) type. The proper
individual fitting of both types of hearing protection is critical as any sound leakage can
seriously impair efficiency of these devices.

9.5.1 Ear Plugs

Ear plugs are placed into the canal of the outer ear. Materials used for these plugs
are rubber, plastic, wax, foam or Swedish wool. Disposable types are preferred as
they give good protection and are very sanitary.

9.5.2 Ear Muffs

Ear muffs cover the external ear to provide an acoustic barrier. The effectiveness of
ear muffs varies considerably due to differences in manufacturer, size, shape, seal
material, shell mass, and type of suspension. Head size and shape can also affect
their performance. Liquid or grease filled cushions between the shell and the head
are more effective than plastic or foam-filled types, but they would present material
leakage problems.

The use of hearing protection devices shall be properly evaluated to ensure that
the selected devices give the necessary noise attenuation and protection.

9.6 Fall Restraining/Arresting Devices

There are several types of fall restraining devices used throughout the construction industry.
The two most commonly used ones are the full body safety harness and the safety belt.
Harnesses are used for above ground work, where fall restraining and arresting protection is

February 1993 - 11.0 Fire Prevention Page 74

required. Safety belts are used to restrain the wearer at his place of work. Safety belts should
not be used as part of the fall arrest system. (See Figure I.6.)


Full body harnesses are required when working in areas with no guard rails at
heights above 1.82 meters (6 feet) or for potential falls of six feet or greater.
Exceptions shall require the review and concurrence of the Loss Prevention


Special attention should be given to achieve a snug fit of the safety harness as it is
easy for a man to slip through sound but badly adjusted equipment and fall.


No fall restraining or arresting device is any stronger than the point of attachment.
Therefore, all users should be carefully instructed in the importance of a firm


Fall restraining/arresting devices must be stored in clean and dry conditions away
from sunlight, and must be thoroughly inspected both on issue and at the start of
each shift.


Fall protection devices shall be capable of supporting a minimum dead weight of

2450 kilograms (5400 pounds). (Refer to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.66, Appendix C -

The maximum length of standard lanyards shall be limited to provide for a fall of no
greater than 1.82 meters (6 feet) except in the case of mechanical fall arresting
devices which have been reviewed and received concurrence by the Loss
Prevention Department. The lanyard shall have a minimum breaking strength of
2,450 kilograms (5,400 pounds).

All fall arresting/restraining devices and hardware shall be manufactured to ANSI

or equivalent standards and fully described in the Hazard Identification Plan (HIP),
including type, model and manufacturer.


During all operations conducted from a personnel platform (man basket) at any
height above ground level, fall protection devices (lanyards) shall be secured to an
anchorage point or a structural member located on the basket which can support a
minimum dead weight of 2,450 kilograms (5,400 pounds).

February 1993 - 11.0 Fire Prevention Page 75


The table below is a list of basic personal protective equipment. Many job classifications may require
additional personal protective equipment depending on the work location, type of job, local hazards,
conditions, etc. The Loss Prevention or Industrial Hygiene office in your area should be contacted for
further details.

Typical Job Classifications Basic Personal Protective Equipment To

Be Worn (see key below)
Abrasive blast cleaner See Section II.11, Table II.7
Boiler maker 1, 8, 9, 10D, 15B
Carpenter 1, 8, 9, 10C, 15A
Electrician 1, 2, 8, 9, 10B, 15A, or B
Iron worker - structural 1, 8, 9, 10D, 12/13, & 14 A/B, 15A
Lineman 1, 8, 9, 10C, 12/13 & 14 A/B, 15A
Mason 1, 8, 9, 10C/A, 15A
Material Control Man 1, 8, 9, 10C, 15A
Mechanic/Machinist 1, 8, 9, 10C/A, 15A
Painter See Section II.11, Table II.7
Pipe fitter 1, 8, 9, 10 C/D, 15A
Plumber 1, 8, 9, 10C, 15A
Rigger 1, 8, 9, 10C, 15A
Roof worker 1, 8, 9, 10C, 12/13 & 14 A/B, 15A
Scaffold erector 1, 8, 9, 10C, 13 & 14 A/B, 15A
Sheet metal worker 1, 8, 9, 10 C/D, 15A
Welder 1A &B, 4, 8, 9, 10D,/E, 15B

Key To Personal Protective Equipment

1. Safety glasses with side shields (1A=Clear, 1B=Shaded)

2. Face shield
3. Goggles, safety impact (3A=Clear, 3B=Shaded)
4. Welding hood and skull guard (Lens shaded to suit work)
5. Respirable air fed hood with filter
6. Respirator, chemical cartridge
7. Respirator dust
8. Safety hat helmet
9. Safety foot wear (9A=shoes, 9B=boots)
10. Gloves. (10A= Rubber coated, 10B= Rubber molded, 10C = General purpose, 10D= Leather, 10E=Heat resistant)
11. Ear protection (11A=Ear plugs, 11B=Ear muffs)
12. Standard safety belt
13. Full body harness
14. Lanyard 1.82m (6FD). (14A=Standard, 14B=Shock Absorbing)
15. One piece coverall (15A=Standard, 15B=Fire Resistant)

Notes: All personal protective equipment shall meet ANSI/OSHA or their equivalent requirements. Any
worker 1.82 m above ground without the protection of a guard rail system, or in a confined space, shall
wear a full body harness and standard lanyard. Respiratory protection shall be used anytime workers
could inhale air contaminants exceeding permissible exposure limits (PEL), and when an oxygen deficient
atmosphere could be encountered. Breathing quality air shall be supplied to the worker through the use
of an air fed hood or self contained breathing apparatus.

February 1993 - 11.0 Fire Prevention Page 76



Operation Hazards Protection

Acetylene-welding, Sparks, molten metal, harmful D, E, F
cutting burning rays, flying particles
Electric arc welding Sparks, molten metal, intense I
rays, flying particles
Chemical handling Splash, acid burns, fumes G, H (Severe +C)
Chipping Flying particles A, B, C, E, F, G
Furnace operations Glare, heat, molten metal D, E, F
Grinding (light) Flying particles A, B, C, G
Grinding (heavy) Flying particles C, D, E, G
Laboratory Chemical splash, glass breakage G, H (A or B +C)
Machining Flying particles A, B, C, G
Molten metals Heat, glare, sparks, splash D, E (A or B tinted + C)
Spot welding Flying particles, sparks A, B, C, G

February 1993 - 11.0 Fire Prevention Page 77


Protection against radiant energy requires the selection and use of the proper shades of
welding filter lens or plate.

The table below shall be used as a guide for the selection of the proper shade numbers of
filter lenses or plates used in welding. Shades more dense than those listed may be used to
suit the individual's needs.


Welding Operation Comfort Shade number

Shielded metal-arc welding 1/16-, 3/32-, 1/8-, 5/32- 10

inch diameter electrodes
Gas-tungsten arc welding and gas-metal arc 11
welding (nonferrous) 1/16-, 3/32-, 1/8-, 5/32-inch
diameter electrodes
Gas-tungsten arc welding and gas-metal arc 12
welding (ferrous) 1/16-, 3/32-, 1/8-, 5/32-inch
diameter electrodes
Shielded metal-arc welding 3/16-, 7/32-, 1/4-inch 12
diameter electrodes
Shielded metal-arc welding 5/16-, 3/8-inch diameter 14
Atomic hydrogen welding 10-14
Carbon-arc welding 14
Soldering 2
Torch brazing 3 or 4
Light oxy fuel gas cutting, up to 1 inch 3 or 4
Medium oxy fuel gas cutting, 1 inch to 6 inches 4 or 5
Heavy oxy fuel gas cutting, over 6 inches 5 or 6
Gas welding (light), up to 1/8-inch 4 or 5
Gas welding (medium), 1/8-inch to 1/2 inch 5 or 6
Gas welding (heavy), over 1/2-inch 6 or 8
Air-carbon arc cutting 12

February 1993 - 11.0 Fire Prevention Page 78


February 1993 - 11.0 Fire Prevention Page 79


February 1993 - 11.0 Fire Prevention Page 80

Where industrial processes create hazardous atmospheric contaminants, the first consideration should
always be the application of engineering measures to control the contaminants. In those cases where
engineering control measures are not possible, affected personnel must be supplied with personal
respiratory protective equipment.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 6.021 Safety Requirements For Abrasive Blast Cleaning

GI 8.003 Air Supplied Breathing Apparatus

TM-3 Technical Memorandum And Attachment - Oil By-Products Protection Program (Saudi
Aramco Medical Services Organization, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Personal Protective


American National Standards:

ANSI Z88.2. - 1980

Practices for Respiratory Protection

US. Bureau of Mines:

Respiratory Protection (See 30 CFR Part II)

10.1 Selection of Equipment

A wide variety of respiratory protective equipment is available. As each type is suitable for
certain applications, it is necessary to develop an orderly method for determining the
appropriate device to be employed.

Persons should not be assigned tasks requiring the use of respirators unless it has been
predetermined by medical examination that the worker is physically able to perform the work
and use the breathing apparatus properly.

Each user must receive instructions on the proper use and limitations of the device, as well as
demonstrations and practice in how to fit and wear it. Personnel shall not be placed in a
hazardous environment for which the respirator is not designed, such as a location where
there is a lack of sufficient oxygen.

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Consider the following factors when selecting a suitable respiratory protective device:

1 The nature of the hazardous operation or process.

2 The type of air contaminant, including its physical properties, chemical properties,
physiological effects on the body, and its concentration.
3 The period of time for which respiratory protection must be provided.
4 The location of the hazard with respect to a source of uncontaminated respirable air.
5 The state of health of the personnel or users involved.
6 The functional and physical characteristics of the respiratory protective devices.
7 The use of approved respirators only.

The contractor must know the specific hazards for which a given type of respiratory
equipment is approved. He should not permit respiratory equipment to be used for protection
against hazards for which it was not designed.

10.1.1 Requirements For Use

As with all personal protective equipment, respirators only work if you use them
correctly. For face mask respirators, always make sure that the mask fits properly,
that there is a tight seal and no air leakage. Proper fit is important to prevent
contaminants from leaking in. Beards, dentures and facial bone structure can affect
the fit of the respirator. Be sure to wear the right respirator for the hazard. Always
keep the respirator clean and well-maintained. Never alter or modify the respiratory
equipment. Finally, follow manufacturer's specifications for proper cartridge use
and established safety procedures. Do not hesitate to consult your supervisor if
there are any questions concerning your personal respiratory protection.

10.1.2 Misuse

Workers sometimes consider respiratory equipment a nuisance, not realizing that

failure to wear it may endanger their lives. This attitude can be changed by
education and training. However, as the risk of injury or death is very real when
safety precautions are ignored, any worker refusing to wear the necessary
respiratory equipment will not be allowed to work without it.

Common misuses of respiratory protection equipment include:

a. Using air-purifying (chemical cartridge type) respirators when toxic levels are
above the respirator-rated capacity.
b. Using air-purifying (chemical cartridge type) respirators in oxygen deficient
c. Using incorrect cartridges or filters for the type contaminant and the
concentration encountered.
d. Using defective or improperly inspected equipment.
e. Using equipment without having received adequate on training on it.

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10.1.3 Hazardous Substances

Protection is required against those hazardous substances which can be inhaled

into the respiratory system, ingested via the digestive tract and absorbed into the
skin causing systemic injury to the human body. Hazardous substances which can
enter the body through the respiratory system, the digestive tract and the skin
include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Asbestos
• Creosol (cresylic acid)
• Hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid)
• Tetraethyl lead and its compounds
• Mercury and its compounds
• Nitroglycerine
• Organic phosphate insecticides
• Solvents

10.1.4 Contaminants

Air supplied to respiratory equipment must be free from contaminants. (See GI

8.003.) Respirable air shall be controlled to the following conditions at all times:

1 Oxygen, not less than 19-23% vol.

2 Carbon monoxide, not more than 10 parts per million (ppm)
3 Carbon dioxide, not more than 0.10% vol.
4 Oil mist, not more than 5 mg/m3 @ NTP
5 Water vapor, not more than 0.76 mg/l
6 Particulates, none

The above standards are based on Compressed Air Gas Association (Table No. 1)
and referred to as Grade 'D' breathing air. Respirable air quality must meet this
standard, at a minimum.

The air delivered to the user must be less than 100o F (38o C) and supplied at 6
standard cubic feet per minute (6 SCFM). Air cooling devices (e.g. vortex tubes)
may be necessary.

10.2 Respiratory Protective Devices

Respiratory protective devices can be classified as follows:

1 Air purifying respirators

2 Supplied air respirators
3 Self-contained breathing devices

10.2.1 Air Purifying Respirators Gas Masks

The gas mask type of respirator consists of a face piece and filter. No
one chemical agent has been found that will remove all gaseous
contaminants, so the canister must be carefully chosen to fit the

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specific need. A canister designed for a specific gas will give longer
protection than a canister designed for a multitude of gases and
vapors. Canister gas masks with full face pieces are effective against
higher concentrations of contaminants. However, they do not provide
protection against oxygen deficiency. Chemical Cartridge Respirators

Chemical cartridge respirators consist of a face piece (usually half
mask) connected directly to one or two small containers of
filters/chemicals. The chemicals used are similar to those found in gas
mask canisters, but cartridge respirators are for use only in
atmospheres not immediately dangerous to life or health. An area
where the chemical cartridge respirator works very well is in spray
painting. It is critical that the cartridge be matched to the specific
application. Particulate Filter Respirators (Dust Respirators)

A particulate filter respirator protects against the inhalation of

nonvolatile particles. The major items to be considered are:

1 The resistance to breathing offered by the filtering element;

2 the adaptation of the face piece to faces of various sizes and
3 the fineness of the particles to be filtered out, and their toxicity.

10.2.2 Supplied Air Respirators

A supplied air respirator permits the user to breathe respirable air while working in a
hazardous atmosphere. Important advantages are simplicity of design, usage under
diverse conditions, and good protection (when properly selected, adequately
supplied with respirable air, and used for the purposes for which they were
designed and approved). Air Line Respirators

The air line respirator (see Figure I.8) is suitable for respiratory
protection in atmospheres not immediately hazardous to life.
Equipping the respirator with a small cylinder of compressed air to
provide an emergency air supply qualifies the respirator for use in
immediately hazardous atmospheres. It is particularly suited to some
types of jobs because it is light and may be worn for long periods of
time without appreciable discomfort. For example, it is often used for
spray painting, insecticide spraying, welding, metalizing and prolonged
production work in hazardous areas.

There are two basic types of air line respirators:

1 the continuous flow,

2 the pressure demand flow.

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The continuous flow respirator may be assembled to a half mask, full
face piece, or hood, whereas the demand flow type must always be
used with a tight-fitting face piece.

1 In the continuous air line respirator, a set amount of air is

continuously fed to the face piece. The amount is regulated by an
air control valve of special inlet design which is not susceptible to
accidental changes of the setting even when jarred. A slight
positive pressure on the inside of the mask is always maintained
to prevent inward leakage of the contaminated outside
atmospheric air.

2 The pressure demand flow air line respirators are normally used
when air must be conserved, as may be the case when the supply
is from a cylinder of compressed air. They contain a regulator at
the lower end of the breathing tube. This permits air to flow under
slight preset positive pressure to the face piece only when the
wearer breathes. Abrasive Blasting Respirators

Abrasive blasting respirators are used to protect personnel engaged in

sand or other abrasive blasting operations.

The requirements for this type of respirator are the same as those for
an air line respirator of the continuous flow type with the addition that
mechanical protection from abrasive particles is needed for the head
and neck. Air Supplied Suits

The most extreme condition requiring respiratory equipment is rescue

or emergency repair work done in atmospheres which are extremely
corrosive to the skin and mucus membranes, in addition to being
acutely poisonous and immediately hazardous to life.

For these conditions, full suits of impervious clothing with respirable

air supplies are available. This equipment must be used only by well-
trained and qualified personnel. Consideration must be given for the
clearance of safety equipment through manholes and other
accessways. (See Figure I.9.)

10.2.3 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

When entry into a hazardous atmosphere is necessary, self contained breathing

apparatus shall be used. This equipment typically consists of a high pressure
cylinder of air, a cylinder valve, a regulator, a face piece and tube with an exhalation
valve. The need to have the mask properly fitted before use is important. A person
who wears glasses or who has a beard cannot wear this type of breathing
apparatus as a proper seal cannot be obtained between the mask and face.

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SCBAs must be used in lieu of airline respirators when the distance from the source
of fresh air supplied via the air line hose is greater than 91 meters (300 ft) per ANSI
Z88.2-1980. However, an exception from this requirement is made in an emergency
situation where use of such equipment is necessary to escape from a hazardous

10.3 Training

In many cases, respirators are used in emergency situations where there is heightened
physical demands on the body, due to stress and excitement. Under such conditions, it is
essential that the potential users have been thoroughly trained and are medically fit (per TM -
3 or equivalent) to cope with the increased level of physical activity and stress. The local
Loss Prevention Division and the Industrial Hygiene Unit will assist contractors in the
selection and use of respiratory protective equipment.

10.4 Safety Precautions

When air supplied respirators are used, the following safety precautions are required:

1 Breathing air compressors shall have:

• Pressure Relief Valve
• High temperature alarm
• Periodic carbon monoxide (CO) testing to ensure it meets the CGA Grade 'D' limit
• Breathing air tested to meet requirements. (See section 10.1.4.)
2 Proper training of employees in the use of this equipment.
3 Fit testing of mask/hood prior to each use.
4 Employees determined by a medical evaluation to be physically fit to use equipment.
5 Proper cleaning and inspection program for equipment.
6 Written standard operating procedures for using the equipment.
7 A rescue man with a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCAB) is required when
equipment is used in immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) atmospheres.
8 Life lines shall always be attached to the safety belt worn by employees using a

10.4.1 Air Compressors

• Air compressors shall operate at 245o F and 150 psig maximum. (See
manufacturers' specifications.)
• Intake air filters to compressors and outlet filters to operator mask/hood are
• Air supplied respirator's maximum intake temperature and pressure are 140o F
(60o C) and 125 psig respectively. Filter outlet temperature to operator's
mask/hood is 100o F maximum. The rate is 6 CFM for hoods
without vortex tube and 25 CFM for hoods with vortex tube.

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This section covers measures to prevent fires and protect against all their possible harmful effects, in
order to avoid injury to personnel and loss of time and materials.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

GI 2.711 Fire and Safety Watch

GI 1781.001-1 Inspection/Maintenance - Fire Protection Equipment

GI 1787.000-1 Fire Reports

Abqaiq Plants Operations Instruction Manual:

No. 2.102 Fire Fighting Dispatching Procedure

Refinery Instruction Manual:

No. 1.806 Fire Watch

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards:

SAES -B-7A Fire Water System and Design

SAES -B-7C Portable, Mobile, and Auxiliary Fire Fighting Equipment

Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Fire Extinguishers

National Safety Council Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations

National Fire Codes
NFPA 231-Appendix C, Protection of Outdoor Storage.
"Fire Safety Checklist for Evaluating Construction Materials Store Yard"

11.1 Before the Job Starts

Construction within a petroleum industry complex requires careful planning since plants and
support facilities being constructed are frequently next to those already in operation. An
accident at a construction site can have serious effects on a nearby oil or gas facility and
vice-versa, because of a large amount of fuel present at both locations. The factors which
must be considered before the job starts include site preparation, work permit schedules,
types of work permits required and type/quantity of equipment required on-site.

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As part of this process, the contractor must take into account the potential hazards that can
be encountered on site; protection of machinery and equipment; control of ignition sources;
storage of flammable and combustible materials; housekeeping; staff training; and end-of-
shift checks. These subjects are addressed in the Hazards Identification Procedure prior to
construction start-up in Appendix A of this manual. This section focuses on means of
avoiding and controlling fires.

11.2 Layout

Good layout helps ensure the project can be carried out efficiently. Overall requirements for
site planning are in Section 7. (See Appendix C attachment). The following principles of
project layout and organization can help minimize fire risks:


Avoid congestion around machinery and equipment where there is a high level of
activity and traffic.


Operations having a high fire risk, such as welding and spray painting, should be
isolated from flammable and explosive materials or specially protected.


Be sure to provide adequate emergency access and egress.


Storage of flammable and explosive materials in the plant site should be restricted
to minimum quantities necessary for an uninterrupted cycle of operations; use a
larger, secondary storage site outside the plant area where possible.

11.3 Equipment Protection

Some items of plant equipment need special handling and care after they arrive on site and
until they are commissioned. Examples are computer (and other electronic instrumentation
and control gear) and large pumps and compressors. Such equipment should be covered and
protected against possible damage that could result from its exposure to normal construction
activity, dust, paint spray, etc. Consideration should also be given to protecting it against
fire, which could be caused by storing it near combustible material and against water or other
fire fighting agents that might be used to put out a fire.

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11.4 Control of Ignition Sources

Compliance with work permit procedures and conditions protects against possible ignition of
oil or gas from process operations. The contractor must also take steps to prevent ignition of
construction materials, lubricants, and fuels used in the job itself.


Electrical equipment should be checked regularly for defects.


Smoking is permitted only in designated areas.


Welding equipment, asphalt kettles, heating appliances and other open flames or
hot surfaces s hould be segregated from combustible materials.


Beware of indirect sources of ignition: hot welding slag dropped from a height for
example, or sparks from a fire under an asphalt kettle are familiar examples of this.


Open fires and/or open burning of materials are strictly prohibited. Authorization
must be obtained from Saudi Aramco Fire Protection Department.


Proper bonding and grounding techniques shall be used for any operation where
static electricity could become an ignition source.

11.5 Flammable Liquids

Flammable liquids are those that can produce a flammable mixture in air at ambient
temperature. In Saudi Aramco, this is defined as a fluid (liquid or gas) having a flash point of
55o C (130o F) or lower. Care in handling flammable fluids is of prime importance.

11.5.1 Storage

All flammable liquids must be kept in securely capped metal containers or steel
drums on which the contents are clearly marked. Gasoline, acetone, spirits and
other volatile liquids with flash points below 32o C (90o F) should be kept in strong
metal lockers located in well-ventilated, non-combustible huts or sheds. Drums
containing flammable fluids shall be provided with proper bung vents. Flammable
storage areas must be securely locked (or fenced), posted with a warning sign
"Danger: Flammable Area" and must be located at least 15 meters (50 feet) away
from the nearest building or storage area for combustibles. No other materials
should be stored with flammable liquids.

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Flammable gases in cylinders (acetylene, propane, etc.) shall be segregated from
other materials, preferably under an open, well-ventilated sun shade. Oxidizing
gases (oxygen, chlorine, nitrous oxide, etc.) shall be stored separately.

11.5.2 Handling of Flammable Liquids

(Reference NFPA 30)

In handling, the following precautions should be observed:

1 Transportation must always be in (closed) metal containers. (Plastic

containers are prohibited.)
2 Transfer operations should be carried out with funnels and there should be
no open flames within 15 meters (50 feet) of the operation unless conditions
warrant greater clearance.
3 Containers are to be grounded and bonded during transfer operations.
4 Screw tops and stoppers should be replaced immediately.
5 Any metal container holding flammable liquid must be a FM (or UL)
approved type of safety container.

11.5.3 Ventilation

Gasoline and diesel powered equipment should only be used in well-ventilated

areas. Exhaust pipes should be kept away from combustible materials. Engines
must be stopped before refueling takes place.

11.6 Combustible Materials

Although the main material used in the construction of plants for the petroleum industry is
non-combustible steel or concrete, on a construction site many materials are potential fuel for
a fire: packing material, scaffold planks, form lumber, electrical insulation, tires and other
rubber goods, lubricating oil and grease, and diesel fuel, in addition to the flammable liquids
(fuels, paints, solvents) mentioned above. Therefore, daily site clean up of combustible
materials is required to reduce fire hazards.

11.7 Housekeeping

Rubbish, accumulated at a job site, provides a good starting point for a fire. Waste should be
removed at regular intervals and always at the end of a working day. Metal bins with close-
fitting lids should be provided for oily rags, wood shavings, and other highly combustible
wastes. Use non-combustible absorbents to remove spills or leaks of oil. Contents of ash
trays should not be mixed with other waste. Good housekeeping on the site can eliminate
many of the situations where a fire can start.

11.8 Emergency Equipment

The Fire Protection Department area offices can assist in training Saudi Aramco employees in
the proper use of fire fighting equipment. (See GI 1781.001. Inspection and Maintenance of
Fire Protection Equipment.)

Each contractor has a contractual obligation to provide and maintain adequate, easily
accessible fire extinguishers on the job site (Schedule 'D'). The contractor should consult

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with the local Fire Protection Unit for advice on selection of such equipment. There are three
types of fire extinguishers normally found on construction sites: water, carbon dioxide and
dry chemical types. Contractor personnel should be aware of the fire fighting equipment
available on site and be familiar with its use.

11.8.1 Water-Type Fire Extinguisher

Water extinguishers should be available around sites where there will be Class "A"
material, such as wood, paper, waste material, or packing crates. The typical
portable water extinguisher comes in a 9.5 liters (2-1/2 gallon) size. On construction
sites within Saudi Aramco facilities a pressurized system of fire water hydrants and
hoses will normally be available, so this type of extinguisher will have limited use.

11.8.2 Carbon Dioxide Type Extinguisher

The carbon dioxide (CO2) type extinguisher is normally used for controlling
electrical fires. These fires take place in motors, switch-gear, and so forth and are
usually very easily controlled by de-energizing the circuits that supply the power.
The advantage of using CO2 in this particular instance is that it leaves no residue
in the mechanisms of the electrical equipment and, therefore, does not further
contribute to the damage. CAUTION

A CO2 extinguisher should never be used in enclosed areas where

people are present, because the gas displaces oxygen from the
immediate environment. When the oxygen level in the environment is
reduced sufficiently to put out a fire, the oxygen level is also incapable
of supporting human life.

11.8.3 Dry Chemical Type Extinguisher

A dry chemical type extinguisher is normally used in controlling Class "B" fires in
flammable liquids. A dry chemical extinguisher normally comes in portable 9
kilograms (20 pounds) and 13.6 kilograms (30 pounds) sizes. A larger wheeled
extinguisher of 68 kilograms (150 pounds) and above is available, but is usually
found only within petroleum operating areas. Some dry chemical extinguishers
today have a powder which is good in controlling Class "A", "B", and "C" fires.
This multipurpose ABC powder gives this particular fire extinguisher a good
chance of controlling any type of fire involving a wood, a petroleum liquid, or
electrical equipment.

11.8.4 Pressurized Water

Where a pressurized water system is available on site, the contractor is responsible

for supplying hoses and nozzles. Since most fires at construction sites involve
Class "A" materials, they can be fought with water. Charged water hoses, ready for
use, are a necessity. If there is no permanent system installed at a particular
location, a water tanker and portable water extinguishers will have to be supplied in
order to take care of any Class "A" fires.

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11.9 Reporting a Fire

Every fire, including those extinguished by contractor personnel, should be reported to the
Saudi Aramco representative. The Fire Protection Unit will inspect the area, to offer
suggestions for preventing a recurrence, and to ensure the contractor has re-established his
fire fighting capability by recharging extinguishers or replacing equipment.

The emergency telephone number used for reporting a fire or any emergency that requires
Saudi Aramco assistance is 110. The contractor must ensure that this number is posted at all
telephones and that instructions are placed indicating how to report the emergency correctly.

11.10 End-of-Shift Checks

A routine inspection shall be made at the end of the working day to see that everything is left
in a safe condition. The following itemized checklist shall be followed:

• Clean-up and removal of rubbish and waste materials.

• Switch off electrical equipment at the mains. Separate circuits should be
provided for security lights and other equipment that has to be left turned
• Cover valuable equipment to protect it against dirt and against the effects of
water that might be used in an emergency.
• Make a special check of smoking areas, hot equipment, welding areas, etc. to
be sure there is no possibility of delayed ignition resulting in a fire.
• Return flammable liquids and gas cylinders to designated storage areas.

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Maintenance should comprise of a monthly check by proponent organization - Check extinguisher is in correct location, access is unobstructed and extinguisher is
clearly visible. Check contents gauges, where fitted, indicate extinguisher is serviceable. Check for signs of leakage, corrosion, or physical damage. Check seals are
unbroken and up to date inspection tag is fitted. If in doubt, contact your local fire control unit.

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In a widespread area such as that covered by Saudi Aramco operations, it is not cost effective to lay
down telephone lines and establish subsidiary installations for communication. It is more feasible to
develop a radio communications network instead. The continuous development of the Saudi Aramco
radio communications system has enabled us to convey messages to the most remote corner of the
Company's operational area.

This section is mainly concerned with the two-way radio network which is installed in vehicles, offices,
outlying plants and allied facilities. This network is extensively used by many employees in their day-to-
day business. Standard procedures must be followed in these radio operations.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 70.500 Disaster Contingency Plan - Dhahran Area

GI 80.500 Disaster Control - Refinery and Terminal - Ras Tanura

GI 1600.003 Destruction Of Obsolete/Damaged, Unneeded Communication Equipment

GI 1601.002 Radio Asset Control And Accountability Program (RACAP)

GI 1602.001 Residential Telephone Service

GI 1602.002 Business Telephone Service Inside Aramco Communities And Facilities

GI 1602.003 Business Telephone Service Outside Aramco Communities And Facilities

GI 1603.001 Data Circuits, Message Switch And Facsimile Terminals

See also OIMs, RIMs, and TIMs.

No. 525.001 Disaster Control Plan - Plants and Pipelines Department - Abqaiq Producing and
Udhailiyah Producing Divisions (also in Saudi Aramco GI Manual)

No. 85.001 Disaster Control Plan - Safaniya (also in Saudi Aramco GI Manual)

No. 554.001 Disaster Control Plan - Udhailiyah Area

No. 554.002 Disaster Control Plan - Qurayyah Seawater Treatment Plant

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Radio Communications Page 96

Radio Telephone Procedure Guide:

Communications Department - Dhahran

12.1 Equipment

There are a minimum of three types of radio sets used in the Saudi Aramco network today:
the mobile radio set, the stationary radio set with remote control, and the portable hand radio

12.1.1 Remote Control Unit

The remote control units located in offices are used to control radio equipment at
some other location. The unit controls used by operating personnel are the volume
control, hand set switch, and the frequency switch. All other controls must be set
by technical personnel.

12.2 Safe Operation

Adjustment of equipment must always be carried out by authorized personnel. Unauthorized

tampering with equipment can result in electric shock or equipment malfunction leading to
circuit interference.

Under certain circumstances, radio waves can cause ignition of electric blasting caps. Radio
equipment must be shut down within 91 meters (100 yards) of any blasting operations or
where electric detonators are used or stored.

Water Damaged Equipment:

Vehicle drivers and maintenance personnel are requested to exercise great caution when
washing vehicles containing radio equipment.

12.3 Radio Phrases

AFFIRMATIVE: This means Yes

BREAK: The work BREAK means the message will continue, but due to the length of the
message the operator will break the circuit to allow the reception of EMERGENCY messages.

CORRECTION: This means that An error has been made; the correct message is ...

DISASTER: When used on Company communications systems, DISASTER warns all

operators that a sudden misfortune has occurred, causing either loss of life, property, fire, or
a combination of the three. All operators must stop transmitting unless involved in the
disaster and should standby unless told to transmit by Disaster Control or the Disaster
Control Post.

DISASTER DRILL: This is an exercise for training personnel to handle disaster situations.

HOW DO YOU READ?: This means that the operator is trying to determine if the message is
being received well.

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MAYDAY: This is an international radio distress signal which is primarily intended for ships
and aircraft requiring assistance to save human lives or property.

NEGATIVE: This means No.

OUT: An operator using the word OUT at the end of a transmission indicates that he is
finished with the communications circuit and any other station may begin its call.

OVER: This means that the transmission of a message has ended, but one station is waiting
for the other to transmit.

OVER AND OUT: Do not use this phrase.

PRIORITY TRAFFIC: This is a message having preferential rating over the routine. The
expression "I have priority traffic" means the operator has listened to the messages being
transmitted and has determined that his message is of greater urgency.

READ BACK: This means that the operator wants to make sure that his message has been
correctly understood.

RESUME TRAFFIC: All stations are free to transmit routine messages.

ROGER: This means that the operator has received and understood the message and accepts
responsibility to carry out any instructions therein.

SAY AGAIN: Do not use the word "repeat". If a message is to be repeated, the operator
shall instruct the station to "say again your message".

SAY EVERY WORD TWICE: This phrase is used when the operator is having trouble
understanding, and wants each word said twice.

SPEAK SLOWLY: This phrase is used mostly in cases where technical difficulties are
causing the circuit to cut in and out.

STANDBY: Any or all operators told to STANDBY shall cease further use of the
communications circuit until further notice.

TRAFFIC: The information or signals transmitted over a communications systems.

URGENT TRAFFIC: A message requiring the attention of all operators.

VERIFY: Check with originator and make certain the message is correct.

12.4 Phonetic Alphabet

In a radio message, some letters of the alphabet are likely to be confused with others: as "B"
with "P" and "D" with "T". A standardized international phonetic alphabet for radio
operators is in use to clear up such ambiguities. Whenever a word is not properly
understood by the receiver, it is advantageous to utilize the Phonetic Alphabet. For example,
an operator intends to make clear "ABQAIQ". He will spell it out like this: "A" as in
"ALPHA"; "B" as in "BRAVO"; "Q" as in "QUEBEC"; "I" as in "INDIA"; and, so on. Use
the phonetic alphabet which is listed which follows:

February 1993 - 12.0 Radio Communications Page 98


Letter Word Pronunciation

I INDIA IN dee ah
U UNIFORM YOU nee form

12.5 International Communications Union Agreement

All Company communications systems and networks come under the regulations of the
International Communications Union Agreement. The Saudi Arab government is a signatory
of the Communications Agreement and a member of the International Telecommunications
Union (ITU). Regulations which shall be binding on all members include the operating of
telegraph, telephone and radio. Any violation or infringement of any communication system
or network shall be reported to the violator's administration by the control organization,
stations, or inspectors detecting them.

All stations must be established and operated in such a manner as not to result in harmful
interference to associated members or members of recognized private operating organizations.

NOTE: All stations are forbidden to carry out the following: unnecessary transmissions; the
transmissions of superfluous signals; or false (or deceptive) distress, safety, or identification

Use of profane or obscene language is a violation of the International Agreement.

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Tampering with equipment is highly dangerous because of the high voltage involved.
Adjustments to equipment are only to be made by competent and authorized personnel.
Tampering can also cause off frequency operation and other technical problems which are
violations of the ITU Agreement.

12.5.1 Monitoring of Circuits

Most voice transmissions are transmitted by radio waves and can easily be
monitored by outside agencies. It is forbidden to disclose or divulge any
information intercepted over the Company communications systems.

12.5.2 Secrecy Act

All member nations of the ITU bind themselves to the Secrecy Act which states:
"They will take the necessary measures to prohibit and prevent:

* The unauthorized interception of radio communications not intended for

public use.

* The divulgence of the contents, simple disclosure of the existence,

publication, or any use whatever, without authorization, of information of
any nature obtained by the interception of radio or telephone

Supervisors should be especially alert for violations of this kind and use maximum
disciplinary action toward violators.

12.5.3 Penalties

All persons operating the communications systems will be held responsible for any
improper operation and will be held subject to disciplinary action.

12.6 Message Priorities for Company Operations




4 SAFETY SIGNAL (Number 3 Priority - International Frequencies)



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12.6.1 MAYDAY

(Broadcast to all stations)

When MAYDAY is spoken three times and followed by the words: "this is (the
call station, station identification, or other identification of the mobile station)",
indicates that a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle is threatened by grave and imminent
danger and requires immediate assistance to save human life or property.

The message has absolute priority over all other messages. When the message is
heard, all stations shall stop transmitting and listen to the message. The nature of
distress may be such that the operator may not be able to complete the message or

International Search and Rescue Monitor Stations shall 'fix' the bearings of the
signal and alert ships and aircraft in the area to assist with the rescue.

All persons operating radio equipment must be thoroughly acquainted with this
type of priority message.


(International PAN; Company DISASTER)

This message is usually directed to a particular station. PAN/DISASTER, when

spoken three times and followed by the words: "This is (the call sign or station
identification)", indicates that the station has a critical emergency concerning
injury, oil operations or other extreme operating situation.

Messages of this nature carry priority over all messages except MAYDAY.
Company operators use the word DISASTER. Within Company operations
DISASTER has the same priority as the word PAN for those operating on
international circuits or frequencies.


At various times the Company conducts training exercises which are associated
with familiarization and indoctrination programs. At the beginning of such a drill,
radio stations will announce "A DISASTER DRILL is being conducted", followed
by the name of the area. When a DISASTER DRILL is in progress, all stations
whether mobile or fixed must standby, except those having MAYDAY, URGENCY,
or DISASTER messages. The difference between DISASTER and DISASTER
DRILL must be thoroughly understood.


No. 3 Priority - International Frequencies

This need only be understood by those operating on international circuits or

frequencies. The French pronunciation of SECURITE will be spoken three times
and followed by the station identification. The SAFETY SIGNAL is used

February 1993 - 12.0 Radio Communications Page 101

when a station is going to broadcast a message concerning the safety of
navigation or giving important meteorological warnings.


Repairs to facilities involved in disasters should be classified as PRIORITY


12.6.6 ROUTINE

All messages except those classified above should be ROUTINE.

12.7 Distress Messages

(Forms and Examples)

12.7.1 MAYDAY

1 Distress Signal

The distress signal is MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY followed by

the name of station or station call letters repeated three times.

Give location, first.

Give the nature of the distress, second.

Give the kind of assistance required.

Complete message with any other information which can be of

assistance to rescue operations.

2 Stations Receiving Message

From the location given, the receiving stations can determine if they
are in the immediate vicinity. All stations shall cease transmission.
The station in the immediate vicinity shall acknowledge receipt by
transmitting the following message: "(Give name of station in distress;
repeat three times) - This is the (name of station), Roger, your Mayday

This station assumes the full responsibility of a control station for all
further radio transmissions and all other stations remain off the air
unless directed to transmit by the control station.

By virtue of acknowledging the MAYDAY message, the receiving

station assumes control and becomes fully responsible. It may use
any means at its disposal to carry out the rescue operation.

February 1993 - 12.0 Radio Communications Page 102

3 End of Mayday Distress

When the distress traffic has ceased or when silence is no longer

necessary on a circuit or frequency which has been used for distress
traffic, the control station shall transmit the following message:

"To all stations, to all stations, to all stations - This is (control station
identification, repeated three times) distress traffic has ended with
(station in distress identification). All stations resume normal traffic."

The message should be repeated at intervals in order to assure that all

stations standing by receive the message.

IMPORTANT: The transmission of MAYDAY messages for the

purpose of training is not permitted under any circumstances.

12.7.2 Urgency Signal

This signal indicates that the calling station has a very urgent message to transmit
concerning the safety of a person, ship, or aircraft.

1 Signal

Radio operators, operating on international circuits or frequencies,

shall be alert for the urgency signal which is PAN, repeated three times
followed by the station call letter or identification. The Company
equivalent to urgency signal is DISASTER.

2 Response

All stations shall cease transmitting and listen to the message that
follows. If the stations receiving the message can be of any
assistance, they shall acknowledge and render all assistance possible;
otherwise, they shall cease transmission until the urgency traffic has
been cleared.

3 Procedures

All persons operating Company communications equipment shall be

familiar with the word DISASTER. When it is heard, they shall cease
transmitting until the DISASTER is over. The procedures are outlined
in the General Instruction Manual, under Disaster Procedure, Abqaiq,
Dhahran, Ras Tanura.

4 Return to Normal

When the disaster has ended, the responsible parties outlined in the
General Instruction shall clear the radio circuits for normal traffic.

February 1993 - 12.0 Radio Communications Page 103

12.7.3 Priority Traffic

Repairs to facilities involved in disasters would be classified as priority traffic and

the priority would depend on the situation.

February 1993 - 12.0 Radio Communications Page 104

This section outlines the procedures and responsibilities for preventing motor vehicle accidents in Saudi
Aramco's jurisdiction. In addition, it sets the standards for driver performance, responsibility, and vehicle
maintenance expected of all contractor, service organization and Saudi Aramco drivers. All drivers are
expected to drive in a defensive manner and maintain control of their vehicles at all times.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 1183.215 Transporting Explosives in Company Owned/Leased/Rented Motor Transport Vehicles

GI 150.002 First Aid / CPR Training and First Aid Kits - Remote Areas

GI 6.025 Control of Remote Area Travel and Search/Rescue Procedures

GI 6.029 Reporting and Recording Of Motor Vehicle Accidents

GI 6.030 Traffic and Vehicle Safety

GI 1321.015 Request for Air Medical Evacuation

Driving in Saudi Arabia: A Saudi Aramco guide to safer driving and desert travel.

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Transportation.

13.1 Driver Requirements

All contractors must employ only qualified personnel as drivers of motor vehicles. It is the
responsibility of the driver's supervisor, foreman, or superintendent to verify the driver's
credentials prior to his employment. It is Saudi Arab Government law and a Company rule,
that each person driving a motor vehicle must possess and have on his person a valid Saudi
Arab Government driver's license.

13.2 Driver's Responsibilities


It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that his vehicle is safe to operate.


It is the responsibility of each driver to take his vehicle to the proper facility for
servicing and repairs when they are required or scheduled.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Transportation Page 105


The driver of the vehicle is fully responsible and accountable for the mechanical
and physical condition of the vehicle. He must report any damage, beyond normal
wear and tear, immediately.


The driver is responsible for transporting materials properly and ensuring that a
load does not exceed the manufacturer's design load capacity. All loads must be
properly secured and tied down. Materials should not extend over the sides of the
truck. Loads extending beyond the front or rear shall be marked with a red flag.
Also such loads must be equipped with visible brake and tail lights at their rear end


Tires which have breaks in the casing, or with exposed fabric, shall not be used.


Sand tires present a hazard if used on vehicles which are operated at excessive
speed especially when they are not properly inflated. It is the driver's
responsibility to ensure that Saudi Aramco Transportation Department tire inflation
standards are maintained. Proper inflation pressures are posted at the Department's
tire shops.


Drivers shall not transport unauthorized persons in Company vehicles. The

driver's supervisor shall authorize all passengers in the vehicle.


The driver and all passengers of a Company vehicle shall wear seat belts at all times
while the vehicle is in motion.


Drivers have full authority to refuse to transport any passenger who refuses to use
seat belts. Conversely, passengers may refuse to ride with a driver who refuses to
wear his seat belt.


Passengers shall not be transported in the rear of pickups or on truck beds.


Drivers should not transport more passengers than the number of seat belts
provided in the vehicle.

February 1993 - 13.0 Transportation Page 106


All drivers shall be familiar with what the Company considers unsafe driving
practices and avoid them at all times.

The driver must not exceed the posted speed limit. This is the maximum speed
allowed in a certain area.. Every driver is expected to reduce his vehicle's speed
under hazardous weather or road conditions. (See GI 6.030.)

13.3 Motor Vehicle Regulations: Saudi Arab Government and Saudi Aramco

Each driver shall become familiar with, and abide by, the Saudi Arab Government Traffic
Regulations. An English translation of these regulations is available from the Loss
Prevention Department.


Where there is no sign post indicating the maximum speed limit, no vehicle may be
driven at a speed greater than the following:

1. 100 kilometers per hour for light motor vehicles outside city limits. (See GI

2. 70 km/hr for vehicles with sand tires.

To drive safely, speed must be reduced below the allowable speed limit at night, or
during fog, rain or sand storm.


Drivers shall comply with all Saudi Arab Government and Saudi Aramco traffic


All vehicles shall be parked correctly and/or in designated parking areas. Parked
vehicles shall not obstruct other vehicles, roadways, accessways or fire

13.4 Vehicle Condition

It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure his vehicle is safe to operate. It is the
responsibility of the driver to bring the vehicle in for scheduled maintenance. The driver is
responsible for inspecting a vehicle before operating it to determine if the following items
have been provided and are in satisfactory condition:

Vehicle Inspection Checklist:

1. The vehicle number, company name, current inspection stickers and license plate (front
and back) must be in place.

February 1993 - 13.0 Transportation Page 107

2. Seat belts are mandatory for all vehicle occupants.

3. Two reflective warning triangles should be in each vehicle.

4. Windows and windshield must be clean and free of cracks or damage. The glass must
be in good condition. The windows must open and close properly.

5. All lights (high and low beam headlights, tail lights, dash lights, stop lights, turn signal
lights, and the rear license plate light) must be in working order. When fog lights (front
& rear) and clearance lights have been provided, they must be also be in good working

6. All brakes (foot and hand brakes) must be in good working order. Check the foot and
hand brake mechanism for correct operation.

7. The automatic transmission must be in good operating condition and should shift into
the parking position correctly.

8. Springs and shock absorbers must be in good condition with no alignment or control

9. There should be no excessive movement of the steering wheel and no signs of damage.
Steering knobs and loose coverings are prohibited.

10. Tires should have no breaks in the tire casing or exposed fabric and must be inflated to
correct air pressure as specified by the Transportation Department.

If the treads show any signs of wear like bare patches, this could indicate defective
steering, springs and/or shock absorbers.

11. Check the wheels for rim damage. Make sure the wheels are not buckled or out of
alignment and wheel lug nuts are in place and secure on the rim.

12. If the vehicle is fitted with a trailer, the coupling must be intact and working correctly.
The trailer should have safety coupling chains, rear brake lights, turn signals, tail lights
and rear license plate lights.

13. Make sure that the inside and outside rear view mirrors are clean, adjusted, secured and

14. Check that the windshield wiper blades are in good condition, and operate properly.
Inspect the rear window wiper, if fitted.

The windshield washer should work properly and there should be water in the washer

15. The speedometer should be in good working order.

16. Test the exhaust system by starting up the engine of the vehicle, listening for sounds
and spotting any leaks associated with it. Check to see if the tail pipe extends at least
three inches from the body of the vehicle. The tail pipe emissions should be released

February 1993 - 13.0 Transportation Page 108

from a point where they do not directly come into contact with the driver of the vehicle
or its occupants, thereby causing any adverse health affects to any of them.

17. A properly inflated spare tire with a jack and tire wrench must be provided. The tire
wrench should be the correct size to fit the wheel nuts of the vehicle.

18. Check the following fluids for leaks and proper levels, especially in hot weather.

• Radiator coolant
• Oil
• Brake fluid
• Transmission oil (checked with engine running)
• Distilled water for the battery

NOTE: The driver should check the radiator coolant level only when the engine is cool.
Fluid should be added to the level mark on the overflow expansion tank only if

19. The vehicle's horn must be operational.

20. Note all damage on the vehicle, process the proper reports and have the damage
repaired. You could be charged with a hit and run accident unless you have a police
vehicle release for major damage, and back up reports for minor parking lot "dings and

Each driver must conduct a vehicle inspection whenever taking charge of a vehicle and
periodically thereafter (at least once a month) to ensure that all systems are operating
properly and there is no damage.

Passengers will be carried only in the passenger compartment of a vehicle. All vehicle
occupants must wear seat belts. Drivers shall insist that all passengers wear seat belts
before starting the vehicle. Drivers can receive a moving violation for not adhering to
this regulation.

Loose materials are to be kept out of the driving compartment. Do not place materials
(hard hats, etc.) on rear window shelf.

13.5 Driver Training

The Company conducts driver training courses for Saudi Aramco employees. Details about
the courses are available from the On-the-Job Training Unit.

13.6 Enforcement of Safe Driving Practices

The Industrial Security Organization issues "Unsafe Driving Practice Warning" notices.


Saudi Aramco drivers who commit traffic offenses are given penalty points. Repeat
offenders may receive disciplinary action. (See GI 6.030.)

February 1993 - 13.0 Transportation Page 109


Contractors driving on Saudi Aramco facilities or in the communities are required to

abide by all Saudi Aramco and Saudi Arab Government traffic regulations.
Offenders will be referred to proponent organizations for appropriate action,
including counseling and revocation of driving privileges within Saudi Aramco.
For repeat offenders, contract may be reviewed for cancellation.

13.7 Action Taken After a Saudi Aramco Motor Vehicle Accident

All motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) shall be reported to the closest main gate or security
control center. This must be done by telephone, radio, or by sending a message with a
passing driver. Other procedures in GI 6.029 must then be followed.

The Main Gate/Security Control Center telephone numbers are:

Dhahran: 874-2055
Ras Tanura: 673-5231
Abqaiq: 572-5291
Udhailiyah: 577-8114
Yanbu: 321-4284
Mubarraz: 577-2344
Abu Ali: 678-2228
Berri: 678-7226

Other procedures as detailed in GI 6.029 must then be followed.

13.7.1 Emergencies

In the event of serious injury, fire or hazardous road block caused by an accident
on Saudi Aramco facilities, the emergency telephone number 110 should be used.
For emergencies occurring off Saudi Aramco facilities, a Main Gate/Security
Control Center telephone number can be used (see above). This will allow both the
Main Gate/Security Control Center and Medical Controller to be informed and they
will ensure that the proper unit will respond to assist. When reporting any
accident, make sure the message is understood before hanging up.

13.7.2 Remain at Scene

A driver shall not leave the scene of an accident or move his vehicle after an
accident unless he needs to take an injured person to a hospital. This is a Saudi
Arab Government law and the Traffic Department investigating officer is the only
one delegated the authority to release vehicles involved. The Saudi Aramco
Government Affairs Representative will advise you of this release. If a damaged
vehicle is blocking traffic or is stopped on the highway, reflective triangles must be
used to warn approaching traffic of the vehicle's presence.

February 1993 - 13.0 Transportation Page 110

13.8 Passenger Seating and Seat Belts

Passengers shall be transported only in passenger compartments of cars, trucks and buses.
The number of passengers being transported in the passenger compartment of a vehicle must
not exceed the manufacturer's specifications.

Seat belts shall be worn by the driver and passengers in all vehicles except buses with more
than 14 seats, where seat belts are only required for drivers.

13.9 Desert Driving

All persons who drive in the desert should study "Driving In Saudi Arabia," the Saudi
Aramco guide on safe driving tips and desert travel. It is recommended that the driver have a
copy with him in the vehicle. Copies may be obtained from any Loss Prevention area office.

In particular, any person who drives in the desert shall ensure that:

1. His immediate supervisor knows his destination and route.

2. His vehicle is in good condition with adequate fuel, oil, and water.
3. His vehicle has tools, equipment, and spares for emergency use.
4. He has sufficient food and drinking water to sustain him until rescue, should he be
5. He is familiar with survival and rescue techniques and procedures.
6. Driver shall pass the off-the-road vehicle test conducted by Saudi Aramco Driver
Training Unit before being permitted the use of 4-wheel drive vehicles.

13.9.1 Stay With Vehicle

A person lost or stranded in the desert must stay with the vehicle as it provides
shelter and to make it easier for searchers to locate him.

13.9.2 Sand Tires

Sand tires are hazardous to use when they are not properly inflated, when they are
driven at high speeds or when the roads are wet. It is the driver's responsibility to
ensure the following requirements are met for sand tires:


Carryall, 4x4 9.00x16 15 35
Pickup, 4x4,1/2 Ton 9.00x15 15 35
Pickup, 4x4,3/4 Ton 9.00x16 15 35
Pickup, Crewcab, 4x4, 1 Ton 11.00x16 15 35
Utility, 4x4,3/4 Ton 9.00x16 15 35
Utility, Crewcab, 4x4, 1 Ton 11.00x16 15 35
Stake Truck, 4x4, 1 Ton 11.00x16 15 35
Welder's Truck, 4x4, 1 Ton 11.00x16 15 35

February 1993 - 13.0 Transportation Page 111

Maximum speed for sand tires (on hard dry road):

• 70 KPH at maximum sand tire pressure

• 20 KPH at minimum sand tire pressure

Since sand tires have a larger diameter than standard tires, speedometer readings
will not be accurate. Unless the vehicle speedometer has been corrected to
account for the oversize tires, the driver should remember that he is traveling
approximately 10-15% faster than the speedometer reading.

13.10 Vehicle Admittance to Restricted Areas

Vehicles requiring admittance to a restricted area (e.g. hydrocarbon facilities, refinery and
terminal areas) shall be inspected by the Saudi Aramco Transportation Department. Upon
successful completion of the inspection, a window sticker is issued for the vehicle. This
sticker is valid for three months after which the vehicle must be inspected again. If the
vehicle fails inspection, it will not be permitted entry into any restricted area until all
deficiencies have been corrected. File form 7575 (Restricted Area Access Sticker Request).

13.11 Operation of Motor Vehicles Within Saudi Aramco Communities

All contractor, service organization and company operated vehicles must be constructed to
comply with the Saudi Arabian Traffic Regulations, Saudi Arabian Standards Organization
(SASO) and Saudi Aramco rules for the safe operation of motor vehicles while driving within
any Saudi Aramco community.

13.11.1 Seat Belts

All vehicles shall be equipped with seat belts for each passenger seat in
accordance with Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO).

13.11.2 Traffic Regulations

All posted speed limits shall never be exceeded and all local traffic signs shall be

February 1993 - 13.0 Transportation Page 112

This section will deal with both passenger and cargo transportation for which Saudi Aramco aircraft are

Although some of the safety standards imposed will seem to restrict use, these regulations were designed
not only with the safety of the passengers and aircraft cargo in mind, but also for the safety of the aircraft
and the crew.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 1310.00 Transportation of Dangerous Articles Onboard Saudi Aramco Aircraft

Aircraft Guidelines For Crew Managers And Aviation Remote Airfield Operations Personnel (February

IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (33Rd Edition, 1992)

US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 49 Part 175 - "Carriage By Aircraft"

14.1 General Operating Responsibilities

14.1.1 Captain/Pilot

The Captain/Pilot is in command of the aircraft at all times and is responsible for the
safety of his passengers and cargo. He is the sole judge and will make all decisions
in determining if the weather is acceptable for flight or if landing and take off
conditions are within Company minimum standards.

No one is allowed to "pressure" the pilot into carrying more weight than the pilot
states is acceptable.

The Captain/Pilot is authorized to follow any course of action which he judges

requires immediate decision or action in the interests of safety.

14.1.2 Camp Supervisors

All camp supervisors in remote areas will familiarize themselves with all the relevant
instructions on the movement of aircraft to and from their areas as detailed in the
"Saudi Aramco Aviation Department Policy and Guidelines for Camp Managers".

It is to the mutual advantage of the user department and the pilots of the Aviation
Department that rules of Aviation Safety be reviewed and applied to all operations
in remote areas. Complete cooperation and understanding between pilots and
camp supervisors is essential for the safe and efficient operation of all inbound and
outbound aircraft.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Aircraft Operation Page 113

14.2 Passenger Briefing/Instructions, General (All Aircraft Types)


The pilot shall either orally brief his passengers or direct their attention to the
aircraft safety instructions.


Passengers should never approach fixed-wing aircraft for boarding from the front,
and they must keep well clear of props and engines at all times.


A flight crew member or designated safety observer should monitor passenger

movement while they are boarding or leaving an aircraft.


Smoking is prohibited on all Saudi Aramco aircraft and on all ramp and apron areas.


Seat belts must be fastened during all flights. Do not unfasten the seat belt until
the aircraft has come to a complete stop and you are instructed to do so.


Passengers will comply with all flight crew or flight attendant instructions.


Ear protection is supplied by Saudi Aramco where appropriate.


All Saudi Aramco aircraft carry US registration. The Company complies with US
DOT, FAA, ICAO and KSA President of Civil Aviation (PCA) regulations. Failure
to comply with these regulations and instructions could endanger the lives and
property of others and could be refused future use of the Saudi Aramco aircraft,
termination of service, or prosecution.


Other areas of briefing may include the use and handling of special material or
equipment which must be declared and will be shipped only at the Captain's

February 1993 - 14.0 Aircraft Operation Page 114


In the event of forced landing, the pilot and passengers will stay with the aircraft.
The Captain will direct rescue/survival activities. The Aviation Department will
conduct a day and night search for the disabled aircraft.

14.3 Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Saudi Aramco complies with the provisions of ICAO regulations as published in the IATA
Dangerous Goods Regulations. All shippers and passengers intending to transport
dangerous goods on Saudi Aramco aircraft are required to be familiar with and comply with
the IATA Regulations. Further requirements are contained in GI 1310.00.

Any questions on Dangerous Goods Transport should be addressed to Central Area Loss
Prevention Department, Aviation Safety Officers, or the Terminal Supervisor of the nearest
Saudi Aramco airfield terminal.

14.4 Hours of Operation for Single-Engine Helicopters

Normal hours of single-engine helicopter operations are from sunrise to 30 minutes before
sunset. A helicopter is required to be at its final destination no later than 30 minutes before

By permission from the area supervisor, a helicopter may fly overland up to 30 minutes after
sunset if warranted by extenuating circumstances. Operations may also authorize short
flights to continue until sunset if rescue facilities are immediately available.

14.5 General Precautions for Helicopters

No loose clothing should be worn which may entangle on any aircraft surface or impede
egress or flotation in any way.

All persons shall approach the helicopter from the front in full view of the pilot. Never walk
around the rear of the helicopter. Hold onto your headgear when approaching aircraft. Carry
long objects below waist level.

When visibility is reduced by dust or other conditions, personnel shall exercise special
caution to keep clear of the main and stabilizing rotors.

14.5.1 Life Vests

In the event of a forced landing at sea, the float gear is capable of supporting the
helicopter. Life vest must be worn on all over-water flights. Only the vests
provided in the helicopter should be used.

February 1993 - 14.0 Aircraft Operation Page 115

II. General And Civil

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: II. General And Civil Page 116
The Work Permit System incorporates procedures commonly used in industrial facilities to ensure that
necessary communication takes place and hazards are controlled.

Saudi Aramco's restricted areas are potentially hazardous. However, knowledgeable people using proper
procedures can perform work tasks efficiently and safely. The Saudi Aramco work permit procedure is
important in maintaining a safe work environment and is a requirement for all Saudi Aramco jobs in
restricted areas.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

GI 2.708 Gas Testing Procedures

GI 2.711 Fire & Safety Watch

GI 6.012 Isolation, Lockout And Use Of Hold Tags

Power Distribution Instruction:

No. 3.0 Definitions of Terms and Approved Abbreviations

No. 10.0 Power Distribution Operations

No. 11.0 Hold Orders, Clearances and Permission to Test

1.1 Definitions

1.1.1 Restricted Areas

Restricted areas are those areas or activities which have been designated by
department managers as requiring the work permit system. These include (but are
not limited to) all areas where hydrocarbons, flammable liquids or gases, or
oxidizing agents are handled, stored, piped, or processed in significant quantities;
and critical non-hydrocarbon operations.

The following are examples of restricted areas: petroleum processing plants; pump
stations; tank farms; loading piers; hydrocarbon pipelines; oil wells; gas plants;
specified locations on marine vessels; gasoline service stations; areas where
explosives and industrial X-ray or radioactive materials are used or stored; work
areas under or near power lines; confined space entry; and material supply storage

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Work Permit System Page 117
1.1.2 Issuer (Operation Supervisors)

Operation supervisors are those supervisors who are certified by their division or
department head to issue and approve work permits in restricted areas under their

1.1.3 Receiver (Authorized Craftsmen)

Authorized craftsmen are the craft supervisors, craftsmen, or others who have been
certified by their division or department head to sign and receive work permits in
the case of Company employees and by sponsoring organization heads in the case
of contractors.

1.1.4 Work Permit

There are four work permits:

1 Release of Hazardous Liquids or Gases, Form 924-1 (yellow) -

This form is required when opening lines or vessels that may release
hazardous or toxic materials.

2 Hot Work, Form 924-2 (red) -

This form is required when using spark or flame producing equipment and
for vehicle entry into a restricted area.

3 Cold Work, Form 924-3 (blue) -

This form is for work that will not produce sufficient energy to ignite
flammable atmospheres/materials.

4 Confined Space Entry, Form 924-4 (green) -

This form is required for tank cleaning, tank inspection, work in sewers or
excavations of 4 feet or deeper.

All work in restricted areas must have at least one of the listed work permits. Work
must be performed according to the instructions and precautions specified in the
work permit.

1.2 Issuance and Approval

The authorized receiver (authorized craftsman) must request a work permit from a certified
issuer (operation supervisor) before doing any work in a restricted area.

The issuer will grant the work permit after he has visited the site with the receiver, reviewed
the hazards applicable to the particular job, and is satisfied that the work can be done safely.
If the work contemplated involves any change, addition, or deletion in the facility, the work
should be reviewed by an engineer and appropriate authorization is necessary.

February 1993 - 1.0 Work Permit System Page 118

Both the issuer and the receiver must hold valid work permit certificates issued by Saudi

1.2.1 Power Distribution Department Clearances

Power Distribution Department (PDD), issues clearances to enable work to be
accomplished on high voltage electrical apparatus that has been de-energized and
isolated from the power system in an approved manner. These clearances are
issued by PDD dispatchers in addition to any work permits that are required.

Usually clearance receivers are PDD employees. Non-PDD employees and

contractors should request PDD Electric System operators for assistance.

The following instructions apply to PDD clearances:

PDD 3.0: Definitions of Terms and Approved Abbreviations

PDD 10.0: Power Distribution Operations
PDD 11.0: Hold Orders, Clearances and Permission to Test

1.3 Precautions

1.3.1 Checklist

Each permit contains a checklist of precautions against common hazards. Such a

list cannot include precautions against all hazards. It is the duty of both the issuer
and the receiver to review the job, anticipate what hazards might arise, check for
flammable gases in the area and see that proper precautions have been specified on
the permit before it is signed.

1.3.2 Clear Area

One specific precaution applying to all work is to clear the area of people not
required for the job to avoid their being exposed to unnecessary hazards. If people
enter an area where they could be exposed to undue danger, the work should be
stopped until they are cleared from the area.

1.3.3 Work Stoppage

If conditions change or become unsafe during the course of work, the issuer or
local supervisor may stop the work and cancel the permit.

The receiver has the responsibility to stop the work and advise the issuer or
supervisor any time he feels the safety of the job does not meet the conditions of
the work permit.

1.4 Handling of Issued Work Permit

A work permit is valid for only one shift, but it may be extended for one additional shift with
proper approval. Exceptions in excess of 16 hours may be granted in special cases, provided
certain precautions are taken. (See GI 2.100 for details.)

The receiver of the work permit must keep the permit posted at the job location at all times.

February 1993 - 1.0 Work Permit System Page 119

The receiver of a work permit must keep a copy in his possession or within view of the job
site for the duration of the job, so that it may be presented upon request. If the receiver
leaves the job site, he shall give the permit to a responsible senior crew member to keep until
he returns. The issuer, receiver and the senior crew member must sign the work permit
transferring the work permit to the senior crew member.

1.5 Closing Out and Filing the Permit

When the job is completed or at the end of the shift, each work permit must be closed out by
both issuer and receiver. The only exception shall be when the distance and remoteness
make signing impractical, and it is so stated when the work permit is issued. The work permit
will be filed and kept by the issuing department for three months.

1.6 Certification

In order for a person to be a certified receiver of work permits, he must attend the work permit
Receivers Course conducted by the Loss Prevention Department and pass a test on work
permit System (GI 2.100) given at the end of the course.

The superintendent of the construction organization will assure Saudi Aramco by his
signature that his employee knows both the general instruction and his job. Contact the local
Loss Prevention office for work permit certification information.

Records of current certificate holders, with their names and the dates issued, must be kept by
each superintendent or organization head.

1.7 12 Rules on Work Permit Procedure

(See below)

1.8 Hold Tags and Multiple Lockouts

1.8.1 Instructions contained in GI 6.012 outline the use of tagging and lockout for
controllers which are to be held inoperative or for work clearance.

1.8.2 The purpose for the Lockout System is to render controllers inoperative, i.e., circuit
breakers, disconnect switches, valves, etc. on any systems (electrical, steam,
hydrocarbon, water, acid, etc.), where the operation of the control device could be
hazardous to personnel working on the system.

1.8.3 Hold tags and locks are primarily intended to protect the individual doing the work
from being injured by an inadvertent start-up.

1.8.4 Work permit issuers and operations supervisors shall ensure that hold tags and lock
outs are used and so noted on the work permit. The use of hold tags/lock outs shall
be strictly enforced.

February 1993 - 1.0 Work Permit System Page 120


1) Issuer and receiver must inspect job site together before signing the work permit.

2) Issue the correct permits for the job - hot, cold, vessel or confined space entry, and/or gas
release. Two or more permits may be required for the job.

3) Issuer and receiver must both have in their possession a valid work permit certification card
(issuer and receiver respectively).

4) J-W Sniffer gas test and/or H2S gas test and/or oxygen analysis test must be made before
issuing work permit.

5) Job description and equipment used must be clearly stated on the work permit. Be specific, issue
permits for a single pump, drum, etc.

6) All tick boxes must be correctly filled in and gas readings indicated.

7) Proper lockouts, hold tags, and blinds must be used where applicable (multiple clips with lock,
and/or chains with padlocks).

8) Work permits should be issued for the specific period of time required to complete the job.

9) To extend time work permit beyond one shift, the oncoming shift issuer must inspect job site,
write in extended time and sign permit.

10) Special precautions such as requirements for fire watch, Scott air packs, life lines, barricades, etc.
must be written on the permit.

11) The work permit must remain on the job site in a conspicuously visible place while work is going
on. If an emergency develops, the permit must be withdrawn immediately and all work stopped
without questions.

12) The work permit must be closed out after a job is completed. Issuer and receiver must inspect
the job site and sign off the work permit.

February 1993 - 1.0 Work Permit System Page 121


Workers may be injured while working on equipment when the controls have not been locked and tagged
in the off position. People do make mistakes and start equipment on which maintenance men are working;
vibrations and ineffective mechanisms can cause controls to move or valves to open. Protection is
simple: lock the control in the off position and prevent an accident.

Saudi Aramco has special rules requiring the use of locks on switches and controls when it would be
unsafe to work on an energized or operating system. Each supervisor of operations and maintenance
should know the rules in GI 6.012 - Isolation, Lock Out and Use of Hold Tags.

When more than one man is going to work on a system or on a number of pieces of equipment within the
system, the multiple lockout clip enables each man to lock out the circuit or machine control. If your man
can't get his lock on the clip, work should not proceed until a suitable clip is found. Clips may be ordered
under stock number 21-350-487; locks under stock number 08-323-261; tags under stock number 39-378-
419. Locks belonging to contractor personnel must have one key only and should be compatible with the
Saudi Aramco system. Contractors will establish their own lock issuing procedure complete with logging
and a numbering system.

Note: Contractors are required to establish a lock out and TAG system compatible with the Saudi
Aramco system as part of the contractor Loss Prevention Program plan requirements of Schedule

Tags are useful to tell who is working on the equipment and who authorized the shutdown. Teach your
men the lockout procedure and insist they follow it.

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Accidents due to cave-in can occur for excavations which are not shored or otherwise supported. Even
rock that looks solid from a cursory inspection can collapse without warning. The sides of an excavation
may need to be suitably shored, benched or sloped back to a safe angle of repose, depth, and soil

Other types of excavation accidents are caused by contact with underground pipes and cables, by falls of
equipment and persons, by persons being struck by excavating equipment, and by hazardous


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 1021.000 Street and Road Closure, Excavation Reinstatement and Traffic Controls
(See Appendix D)

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard:

SAES -A-111 Borrow Pit Requirements

OSHA Safety And Health Standards:

29 CFR 1926
Subpart P Excavations


1. Excavation

Any man-made cavity or depression in the earth's surface, including its sides,
walls, or faces, formed by earth removal and producing unsupported earth
conditions by reason of the excavation.

2. Trench Excavation

A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground. In general, the depth
is greater than the width, but the width of a trench is not greater than 4.5 meters (15

3. Accepted Engineering and Construction Practices

Plans for excavations and protective system methods shall be submitted to Loss
Prevention before work start up.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Excavations, Trenching And Shoring Page 125
4. Protective Systems

Methods used to protect employees from cave-ins, from materials that could fall or
roll into the excavation onto the workers or from collapse of adjacent structures.
Protective systems include supports, sloping and benching, shields and other
means to protect workers.

5. Shoring

Hydraulic, timber or mechanical systems that support the sides of an excavation,

designed to prevent cave-ins.

6. Hydraulic Shoring

A pre-engineered support system of aluminum hydraulic cylinders (cross-braces)

used with vertical rods (uprights) or horizontal rods designed specifically to
support side walls of an excavation to prevent cave-in.

7. Benching

A method of protecting employees from cave-ins by excavating the sides of an

excavation to form one or a series of horizontal steps, with a vertical rise between

8. Sloping

A method of excavating in which the sides of an excavation are laid back to a safe
angle to prevent cave-ins. (The safe angle required varies with different types of
soil, exposure to the elements and superimposed loads. There is no single angle of
repose. Soil classification must be identified to select safe sloping and benching

9. Soil Classification System

A method of categorizing soil and rock deposits as types A, B, and C in decreasing

order of stability. Soil type is determined by analysis of the soil's properties and
how it performs under exposure to the elements and superimposed loads.

Type A:

Cohesive soils with an unconfined compressive strength of 1.5 ton per square foot
(tc) (144kPa) or greater are classified as Type A. Examples of cohesive soils are:
clay, silty clay, sandy clay, clay loam and in some cases, silty clay loam and sandy
clay loam. Cemented soils such as caliche and hardpan are also considered Type
A. However, no soil is Type A if one or more of the following conditions are true:

(i) The soil is fissured.

(ii) The soil is subject to vibration from heavy traffic, pile driving, or similar
(iii) The soil has been previously disturbed.
(iv) The soil is part of a sloped, layered system where the layers dip into the
excavation on a slope of four horizontal to one vertical (4H:1V) or greater.

February 1993 - 2.0 Excavations, Trenching And Shoring Page 126

(v) The material is subject to other factors that would require it to be classified
as a less stable material.

Type B:

Soils classified as Type B are:

(i) Cohesive soils with an unconfined compressive strength greater than 0.5 tsf
(48 kPa) but less than 1.5 tsf (144 kPa).
(ii) Granular cohesionless soils including angular gravel (similar to crushed
rock), silt, silt loam, sandy loam and, in some cases, silty clay loam and
sandy loam clay.
(iii) Previously disturbed soils except those which would otherwise be classed
as Type C soil.
(iv) Soil that meets the unconfined compressive strength or cementation
requirements for Type A, but is fissured or subject to vibration.
(v) Dry rock that is not stable.
(vi) Material that is part of a sloped, layered system where the layers dip into the
excavation on a slope less steep than four horizontal to one vertical (4H:1V)
but only if the material would otherwise be classified as Type B.

Type C:

Soils classified as Type C are:

(i) Cohesive soils with an unconfined compressive strength of 0.5 tsf (48 kPa)
or less.
(ii) Granular soils including gravel, and loamy sand.
(iii) Submerged soil or soil from which water is freely seeping.
(iv) Submerged rock that is not stable.
(v) Material in a sloped layered system where the layers dip into the excavation
or a slope of four horizontal to one vertical (4H:1V).

10. Trench Boxes:

A structure that is able to withstand the forces imposed on it by cave-ins, and in

the process, protects employees inside the structure. (Plans for trench boxes are to
be submitted to Loss Prevention.)

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2.1 Before Work Starts

In order to begin excavation work with minimum risk to men, plant and equipment and to
enable the work to proceed without interruption, the following factors must be considered
well before the job starts:

1.) Size and purpose of the excavation.

2.) Nature of the ground including the proximity of made-up ground.
3.) Stability of adjacent structures.
4.) Position of underground obstructions such as pipes, electric cables, and other utilities.
5.) Weather and soil moisture conditions, especially high water table.
6.) Sources of soil vibrations (highway traffic, railroads, machinery, etc.).
7.) Adjacent roads and footpaths.
8.) Method of excavation.
9.) Excavation plan submitted to Loss Prevention.

Consideration of these factors will indicate the safety measures which must be implemented
to proceed with the job and whether the sides of the excavation can be sloped and benched
to a safe angle or whether other protective systems will be required. It is important to provide
adequate and suitable protective systems for use whenever excavation work is to be carried
out to a depth of 1.5 meters (5 feet) or more. Excavation work to a depth of less than 1.5
meters (5 feet) may also require protective systems.

2.2 Work Permit

Work permits must be obtained from the appropriate operations supervisor before excavation
work is started in any Saudi Aramco facility, including residential areas and roadways, and in
any place where the presence of underground/utility obstructions is known or suspected.
Outside of clearly defined responsibility areas, work permits shall be obtained from the
Superintendent, Utilities and the Communications Foreman, Oil and Gas Dispatch Unit or their
delegated representatives. A Confined Space Entry Work Permit is a second work permit and
is required for trenches deeper than 1.2 meters (4 feet). (See GI 2.100 for work permit

All protective shoring systems and configurations, such as timber shoring, hydraulic and
pneumatic systems, sloping, benching, shielding, sheet piling and freezing must be designed
in accordance with Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention requirements. Excavation plans must be
submitted to Loss Prevention before work start up.

2.2.1 Excavation near Saudi Telephone Cables

To avoid disruptions of service and unnecessary costs which result from the
accidental cutting of Government telephone cables by contractors working on
Saudi Aramco projects, proponents should urge their contractors to inquire about
the location of such cables prior to excavation. Contractors may contact the
Saudi Telephone Cable Locator Division on telephone no. 843-3247 during normal
Government working hours or telephone no. 906 at any hour. Subsequently, they
may be required to submit a written application to the Saudi Telephone Cable
Locator Division providing a site plan of the proposed excavation and stating when
it will be done. Contractor letters may be addressed to the Director, Dammam Area
Communications, Ministry of Telegraph Post and Telephone, Dammam.

February 1993 - 2.0 Excavations, Trenching And Shoring Page 128

Saudi Aramco proponent inquiries may be addressed to the Contractor Liaison
Division of Government Affairs, telephone 874-1461 (Corporate Advisor,
Contractor Liaison/GAO).

2.3 Underground Obstructions

Whenever the presence of underground pipes, cables, vessels, or structures is known or

suspected, mechanical excavators shall not be used until all such obstructions have been
exposed by hand digging. Mechanical excavators shall not be used within 3 meters (10 feet)
of any such obstruction. Pneumatic breakers shall only be used where necessary to break
concrete or other hard surfaces.

2.4 General Precautions

2.4.1 Shoring Protective Systems

As soon as an excavation reaches a depth of 1.2 meters (4 feet) or soil banks are
greater than 1.5 meters (5 feet), suitable shoring shall be installed or the sides
sloped back to a safe angle. Shoring may be of timber or any other suitable
material, such as steel sheet piling.

The determination of the angle of slopes, benches, (See Figure II.3) or the choice
and design of other protective systems shall be based on evaluation of pertinent
factors such as: type of soil (Type A, B, or C), depth of cut; possible variations in
water content of the material while the excavation is open; anticipated changes in
materials from exposure to air, sun, or water; loading imposed by structures,
equipment, overlying material, or stored material; and vibrations from equipment,
blasting, traffic, or other sources.

Excavations shall not be sloped at an angle greater than one and one-half
horizontal to one vertical (340 measured from the horizontal). Plans for sloping and
benching systems shall be sent to Loss Prevention for review. (See Figures II.3,
II.4, II.5.)

Shoring systems shall be designed by a qualified person and meet accepted

engineering requirements. Materials used shall be in good serviceable condition,
and timbers shall be sound, free from large or loose knots, and of proper

2.4.2 Personnel Protection

Portable trench boxes or sliding trench shields may be used for the protection of
personnel in lieu of a shoring system or sloping. Where such trench boxes are
used, the design shall be approved by Saudi Aramco Consulting Services

Trench boxes shall be designed, constructed and maintained to provide protection

equal to or greater than the sheeting or shoring required.

Shields shall be installed in a manner to restrict lateral or other movement of the

shield and be capable of withstanding any sudden application of lateral loads.

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Shields shall be extended above the excavation to protect employees working
inside the shields and when entering or exiting the areas protected by shields.

Employees shall not be allowed inside the shielded areas whenever shields are
being installed, removed or moved (see Figure II.7).

2.4.3 Inspection

All parts of an excavation, including the shoring, shall be inspected every day by a
competent person to ensure that there is no danger of collapse and all observations
shall be noted in the site safety log book.

2.4.4 Clearance

In order to provide a safe footing at the edge, and to prevent spoil falling into an
excavation, a clear space at least 0.6 meter (2 feet) wide shall be maintained on all
sides. (See Figure II.8: Guide to Safe Distance Back From Top Of Slope For Storage
of Materials / Equipment Placing.)

2.4.5 Mechanical Excavator

Men shall not be permitted to work underneath loads or in places where they could
be struck by any part of a mechanical excavator.

2.4.6 Walkways

Where employees, equipment, or members of the public are required or permitted to

cross over an excavation, a close planked bridge or walkway with standard guard
rails shall be provided and kept clear of excavated materials or other tripping
hazards. No sidewalk shall be undermined unless properly shored.

2.5 Access and Egress

Safe means of getting into and out of an excavation shall be provided at intervals not
exceeding 7.5 meters (25 feet). Ladders shall conform to the requirements set out in Section
9.2, be placed at an angle of 75o , and extend at least 0.9 meter (3 feet) above the stepping-off
point. Ladders shall be securely fixed.

2.6 Hazardous Atmospheres and Materials

2.6.1 Ventilation

Where there is reason to suspect oxygen deficiency or the presence of a hazardous

atmosphere in an excavation, gas tests must be carried out by a qualified person.
Where necessary, mechanical ventilation shall be used, or other appropriate
precautions shall be taken before men enter.

Note: Toxic, oxygen and flammable gas tests are to be conducted before entering
hazardous excavations in Restricted Areas (as mentioned in GI 2.100).

February 1993 - 2.0 Excavations, Trenching And Shoring Page 130 Hazardous Atmospheres

Prior to entry into excavations greater than four feet deep, or confined
spaces, a work permit shall be issued. Gas tests shall verify that the
oxygen level is 20-21%, combustible gases 0.0 LEL, and H2S is 0 ppm.
For elevated levels of gases tested follow requirements of GI 2.100.
Corrective measurers may include use of air movers, identification and
isolation of sources from fuel lines, sewers, open tanks or other
measures to return the breathing atmosphere to normal readings.
Subsequent testing is required to monitor the area during the work so
appropriate precautions can be taken as necessary.

• Precautions shall be taken to prevent employee exposure to an

atmosphere containing a concentration of any flammable gas
above its lower explosive limit (LEL).

• For an atmosphere with a concentration of any flammable gas

below its lower explosive limit (LEL), use the guidelines given in
GI 2.100 (Work Permit System) as shown below:

• Above 0.0 LEL - No hot work permitted

• 0.05 LEL to 0.5 LEL - Breathing apparatus must be used
• Above 0.5 LEL - No entry permitted

• When controls are used that are intended to reduce the level of
atmospheric contaminants to acceptable levels, testing shall be
conducted as often as necessary to ensure that the atmosphere
remains safe. Emergency Rescue Equipment

(i) Emergency rescue equipment, such as breathing apparatus, a

safety harness and line, or a basket stretcher, shall be readily available
where hazardous atmospheric conditions exist or may develop during
work in an excavation. This equipment shall be attended by a standby
man outside the trench when in use.

(ii) Employees entering bell-bottom pier holes, or other similar deep

and confined footing excavations, shall wear a harness with a lifeline
attached to it. The lifeline shall be separate from any line used to
handle materials, and shall be individually attended at all times while
the employee wearing the lifeline is in the excavation. Mechanical
devices shall be available to lift incapacitated employees from

2.6.2 Exhaust Gases

Where an internal combustion engine is used in an excavation, special precautions

must be taken to ensure that exhaust gases are discharged so as not to be a hazard
to men working in the excavation.

February 1993 - 2.0 Excavations, Trenching And Shoring Page 131

2.6.3 Organic Lead

Where the presence of buried organic lead (TEL) sludge, asbestos or any other
hazardous chemical is known or suspected, whether in a Restricted Area or not,
excavation work shall not be started (or continued) until the Industrial Hygiene
Service and Loss Prevention Departments have identified the hazard and specified
the precautions to be taken and a new work permit has been issued.

2.7 Edge Protection, Markers and Fixed Lighting

Whenever it is necessary to place or operate power shovels, derricks, trucks, materials, soil
banks or other heavy objects on a level above and near an excavation, the side of the
excavation shall be sheet-piled, shored, and braced as necessary to resist the extra pressure
due to such superimposed loads. When mobile equipment is utilized or allowed adjacent to
excavations, substantial stop logs or barricades shall be installed. If possible, the grade
should be away from the excavation. If men or vehicles are in the vicinity after dark, fixed
warning lights shall be used to mark the limits of the work.

2.8 Roads, Streets, and Sidewalks

Excavation work in roads, streets, and sidewalks shall not be undertaken without the prior
approval of the relevant authorities (See Section II.1, Work Permit System). Excavation work
on public highways will have to be cleared in advance with Government Affairs and any
special measures that they might specify must be implemented (See Section II.8, Roadworks).

2.9 Backfilling

Backfilling and removal of trench supports shall be accomplished first by backfilling up to a

level allowing for the removal of the lower braces. Another layer of backfill shall be
positioned in the trench to the next layer of braces to be removed. Removal of trench
supports shall progress together with the backfill from the bottom of the trench. In unstable
soil, ropes shall be used to pull out the jacks or braces from above after employees have
cleared the trench. All excavations shall be backfilled and consolidated, and the surface shall
be left in good condition as soon as is practicable.

2.10 Borrow Pits

Location of borrow pit boundaries (i.e., residential, industrial plants, sub-stations, highways,
etc.) shall be located at the distance noted in SAES -A-111.

2.10.1 A separate traffic flow plan is required to keep pedestrian traffic away from vehicle
traffic areas. Traffic is strictly prohibited in borrow pit areas. Signs in Arabic and
English shall be posted in roped-off areas, warning personnel to stay out of
borrow pits.

2.10.2 Dust concentration, noise levels, and security fencing associated with borrow pit
operations shall be in accordance with Saudi Aramco Safe Operating Procedures.

February 1993 - 2.0 Excavations, Trenching And Shoring Page 132

2.10.3 Hydraulic Shoring For Trenches

Hydraulic shoring is provided as a method of protection against cave-ins in

trenches that do not exceed 20 feet (6.1 m) in depth. Trench depths exceeding 20
feet (6.1 m) require Loss Prevention review.

It is not intended that the aluminum hydraulic specifications apply to every

situation that may be experienced in the field. These data were developed to apply
to the situations that are most commonly experienced in current trenching practice.
Situations that are not covered require specific designs for specific applications
and will be subject to Loss Prevention review. (See Figures II.9, II.10, II.11, and

2.10.4 Timber Shoring For Trenches

Timber shoring is provided as a method of protection from cave-ins in trenches that

do not exceed 20 feet (6.1m) in depth. Loss Prevention requirements must be used
when timber shoring protective systems are designed. (See Figures II.13, II.14, II.15
and II.16.)

February 1993 - 2.0 Excavations, Trenching And Shoring Page 133



DEEP [3]


TYPE A [2] 3/4 : 1 (53O)
TYPE B 1:1 (45O)
TYPE C 1-1/2 : 1 (34O)


1. Numbers shown in parentheses next to maximum allowable

slopes are angles expressed in degrees from the horizontal.
Angles have been rounded off.

2. A short term maximum allowable slope of 1/2H : 1V (63O) is

allowed in excavations in Type A soil that are 12 feet (3.67 m) or
less in depth. Short-term maximum allowable slopes for
excavations greater than 12 feet (3.67 m) in depth shall be 3/4 H :
1V (53O).

3. Sloping or benching for excavations greater than 20 feet deep

shall be reviewed by Loss Prevention.

Slope Configurations

(All slopes stated below are in the horizontal to vertical ratio)

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Vertical Shores for Soil Type A

Hydraulic Cylinders
Width Of Trench

Depth of Maximum Maximum Up to 8 Over 8 up to Over 12 up to

Trench Feet Horizontal Vertical 12 15
Spacing Spacing
Over 5 8 4 2 inch diameter 2 inch diameter 3 inch diameter
up to 10
Over 10 8 4 2 inch 2 inch diameter 3 inch diameter
up to 15 diameter
Over 15 7 4 2 inch diameter 2 inch diameter 3 inch diameter
up to 20

Over 20 Loss Prevention Review

Vertical Shores for Soil Type B

Hydraulic Cylinders
Width Of Trench

Depth of Maximum Maximum Up to 8 Over 8 up to Over 12 up to

Trench Feet Horizontal Vertical 12 15
Spacing Spacing
Over 5 8 4 2 inch diameter 2 inch diameter 3 inch diameter
up to 10
Over 10 6.5 4 2 inch 2 inch diameter 3 inch diameter
up to 15 diameter
Over 15 5.5 4 2 inch diameter 2 inch diameter 3 inch diameter
up to 20

Over 20 Loss Prevention Review

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Numerous factors must be taken into account before the method of demolition is decided. Of prime
importance are the age of the structure, the method of construction, the state of preservation, its previous
use, and the surrounding environment. These factors must be known before any planning can begin.

Many problems are peculiar to the demolition of tanks, vessels, and ancillary pipe work associated with
the oil industry. For instance, many serious accidents have resulted when due consideration was not
given to the cleaning and gas-freeing of this equipment before work began.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

GI 2.711 Fire and Safety Watch

GI 6.012 Isolation, Lockout And Use Of Hold Tags

GI 8.001 Safety Requirements For Scaffolds

GI 150.001 Asbestos Regulation

GI 402.001 Operational Chemical Cleaning of Boilers

Refinery Instruction Manual:

No. 10.185 Precautions for Working in Leaded Product Tanks

American National Standards Institute:

ANSI A 10.6-83

Safety Requirements for Demolition

ANSI Z 88.2-80

Standard Practice for Respiratory Protection

ANSI Z 117.1-89

Safety Requirements for Working in Tanks and Confined Spaces

American Petroleum Institute:

API 2217-84 Guidelines for Confined Space Work in Petroleum Industry

API 2015-91 Safe Entry And Cleaning Of Petroleum Storage Tanks

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Demolition Page 153

3.1 Before Work Starts

The contractor shall submit a Hazard Identification Plan as a part of his loss prevention
program to the Company Representative. All such programs must be reviewed and concurred
with by the Loss Prevention Department before start-up. (See Chapter I, Section 1.3.2.)

3.1.1 Responsible Supervisor

Before any demolition work is started, a competent supervisor must be appointed in

writing as the person responsible for all work on site. The man appointed should
be experienced in demolition operations. His duties will include the direct
supervision of the work force, ensuring that work permit requirements are met, and
liaison with other contractors working in the general area and with operators and
construction or maintenance engineers.

3.1.2 Original Drawings

The original drawings of the structure to be demolished should be obtained. An

examination of them should be made to ascertain whether any major changes from
the original construction have been made and where utility connections may be

3.1.3 Disconnections

All utility services such as electricity, gas, and water must be shut off and the main
supplies disconnected outside the line of the demolition work. Tanks, vessels, and
paperwork must be completely disconnected from inlet, outlet, and overflow points.

3.1.4 Adjacent Structures and Publ ic Areas

Adjacent structures, public buildings, pedestrian walkways, parking lots, etc. shall
be protected from demolition debris that can likely cause hazards to the general
public. Also, bracing must be installed to insure stability of adjacent structures.

3.1.5 Barricades/Signs

Barricades must be erected around the work area. Signs bearing the words "Danger
- Demolition in Progress" in Arabic and English must be erected at each approach
to the barricade.

3.2 Method of Demolition

The method of demolition to be used should be decided upon in consultation with the Saudi
Aramco representative, Loss Prevention and all contractors involved. The re-use of salvage
materials should be considered prior to this decision. It should be remembered that the safest
and most efficient method is to start at the top and dismantle in the reverse order of
construction. There are, however, cases where such a method is impractical or uneconomical
and where other methods have to be considered. Any portion of the job which contains
asbestos insulation should be cleared under the general procedures (See Section II.4), and
Industrial Hygiene Services, Preventive Medicine Services Division, shall be contacted.

February 1993 - 3.0 Demolition Page 154

3.2.1 Demolition of Equipment Containing PCB: Polychlorinated Biphenyl (ASKAREL)

Before equipment containing or suspected of containing PCB(s) is removed in

demolition work, the Loss Prevention Department and the Industrial Hygiene Unit
shall be notified to ensure safe procedures are used. Proper personnel protection
equipment and disposal systems must be utilized. (See GI 355.004.)

3.2.2 Demolition Of Buildings With Asbestos / Insulation Materials

Before demolition of buildings with asbestos and insulation, notify Loss

Prevention and Industrial Hygiene Services to ensure safe procedures are followed.
Proper personnel protective equipment and disposal systems must be utilized. (See
Chapter 4 and GI 150.001.)

3.3 Stability During Demolition

As work progresses, continuing inspections must be made to detect hazards arising through
weakened or overloaded floors, unsupported walls, or loose material. Immediate steps shall
be taken by bracing or by other means to prevent the premature collapse of the whole or any
part of the structure.


Lateral support should not be removed from more than one story of wall at any time
before starting to demolish it. When a wall from which support has been removed
must be left standing at anytime, including overnight and off-shift work hours,
adequate bracing (guying) must be provided to prevent collapse and to guard
against wind pressures.

3.4 Working Place Clearance

3.4.1 Access

A safe means of access to and egress from all working places must be provided.
Work places and the areas around ladders and stairways must be kept clear of
material and debris.

3.4.2 Glass Removal

Nails in timber must be removed or bent over, or the timber must be stacked where
it will not be a source of danger. All glass in windows, doors, partitions, etc.
should be completely removed prior to structural demo lition.

3.5 Structural Steel Removal

All steel construction should be demolished column length by column length and tier by tier.
A structural member being removed must not be under any stress other than its own weight.
Members being cut or dismantled should be chained or lashed in place to prevent
uncontrolled swinging or dropping.

February 1993 - 3.0 Demolition Page 155

3.6 Tanks, Vessels and Pipe Work (Explosion Prevention)

3.6.1 Welding and Hot Cutting

No tank, vessel, or pipe work which has contained explosive or flammable material
shall be subjected to welding or hot cutting operation until all steps have been
taken to remove the substance and any vapors. When hot cutting is planned, the
advice of the area Fire Chief and the Loss Prevention Department should be

3.6.2 Cold Cutting

The use of cold cutting techniques for the dismantling of tanks, vessels, and pipe
work, can substantially reduce the risk of explosion. Although this is often more
costly and laborious, there are times when it is the only safe method which can be

3.6.3 Steaming and Ventilation

In the case of vessels and tanks up to about 22,712 liters (6000 gallons) capacity,
both vapors and residues can usually be removed by steaming out; however, with
larger tanks the problems are somewhat different. Because of the high capacity of a
large tank, steaming cannot be relied on to volatilize all residues unless very large
quantities of steam are available. It is, however, relatively easy to eliminate
explosive concentrations of vapor within the tank by forced ventilation using a
blower or eductor system approved for hazardous locations.

3.6.4 Residue Cleaning

With volatile materials, use of such methods as in 3.6.3 above will rapidly reduce
vapor concentrations. With materials less volatile, the main danger lies in the hot
cutting setting fire to any residues in the tank. It is, therefore, essential that any
residues are removed before work starts.

3.7 Protective Clothing and Equipment

All demolition workers should be provided with and make use of the following protective

1 Safety helmet
2 Goggles
3 Heavy duty gloves
4 Appropriate respiratory equipment (whenever necessary to prevent inhalation of dust
and fumes)
5 Safety boots with steel toe caps and preferably with penetrant resistant soles.

Safety belts or harnesses (with lifelines where required) shall be used by men working in
isolated or dangerous locations where there is the possibility of them falling and where other
preventive measures are impractical.

February 1993 - 3.0 Demolition Page 156

3.8 Mechanical Equipment Guards

Mechanical equipment such as cranes and bulldozers should be equipped with wire mesh
guards over windows and with solid protection over the driving position so that there is no
danger of the operator being struck by flying debris.

February 1993 - 3.0 Demolition Page 157

Asbestos is the generic name given to a number of naturally occurring inorganic fibrous silicate minerals.
Asbestos materials have been widely used in the construction industry and may be present in a number
of manufactured products such as cement sheeting, molded insulation, gaskets, ropes, blocks, fire
resistant boards, etc. For the purpose of these regulations, asbestos is defined as any of the minerals
crocidolite, amosite, chrysotile, fibrous anthophyllite or any mixture containing any of these minerals.

The use of asbestos is restricted. At present, the Saudi Aramco Industrial Hygiene Unit must approve the
use of asbestos materials, under GI 150.001.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

GI 8.003 Breathing Apparatus

GI 150.001 Asbestos Regulations

American National Standards:

ASTM C460-88

Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to Asbestos - Cement

4.1 Types of Asbestos

These exist in two main rock-forming mineral groups: 1) Serpentine group, which includes
chrysotile (white asbestos); and, 2) Amphibole group, which includes crocidolite (blue
asbestos) and amosite (brown asbestos). These two main groups were the most widely used
asbestos minerals. However, fibrous anthophyllite has also been used in industry in a few
applications. Chrysotile was commonly used as the reinforcing material in asbestos-cement
products. Because crocidolite has high resistance to acids, it has been extensively used in
chemical plants. Due to the superior heat resistance of amosite it has been used principally
for the manufacture of fire-resistant insulation boards. The majority of asbestos products has
been made of white asbestos, but some products contain blue asbestos (crocidolite). Of the
asbestos products manufactured blue asbestos has the higher health risk. Blue asbestos can
usually be recognized by its dark lavender blue color; however, its presence could be masked
by other materials. Since prolonged exposure to heat, as would be the case with boiler or hot-
pipe lagging, may change the characteristic blue color of crocidolite to a white or fawn color.

4.2 Health Risks

Over a period of time, breathing asbestos dust can cause asbestosis (scarring of the lung),
which may go undetected for years after exposure. All forms of asbestos are capable of
causing asbestosis. The most important factors in the development of the disease are the
amount of dust to which the individual is exposed, duration of exposure, and the personal
susceptibility of the individual to the asbestos fiber. In addition, asbestos fibers can

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Asbestos And Other Fibers Page 158
penetrate the skin, causing small tumors, warts, or corns. These asbestos tumors are usually
found on the palms or fingers. They may not be cured unless every minute fiber is removed.

The maximum allowable concentration of airborne asbestos dust shall not exceed 0.2 asbestos
fibers longer than five microns in length per cc of air on a time-weighted average (TWA)
exposure for an eight-hour work day.

4.3 Before Work Starts

The contractor shall submit a Hazard Identification Plan to Loss Prevention Department and
to the Industrial Hygiene Service, Preventive Medicine Services Division for review and
concurrence prior to job start-up, when removing or using asbestos materials. (See
Administration I, Section 1.3.4.) Unless approved of in advance by the Industrial Hygiene
Unit, asbestos products shall not be used in new construction.

4.3.1 Air Sampling

Where the contractor knows that some part of an operation requires the use or
removal of asbestos materials, he must notify, in writing, the Industrial Hygiene
Services, Preventive Medicine Services Division. When informed, the Industrial
Hygiene Services will take random samples of air at the point of operation during
the working period. Bulk samples may be sent for the analysis and identification of
asbestos to either Industrial Hygiene Services or to the Laboratories Department.

4.3.2 Job Details

The contractor shall then inform the Industrial Hygiene Services of details of the
work involved, the number of persons employed, the anticipated duration of the
operation, the type of asbestos being used, and the type of equipment being used
to work the asbestos material.

4.3.3 Chest X-rays

It is the contractor's duty to ensure that each man employed on asbestos work be
given a chest X-ray prior to commencement of the job and thereafter at two-year
intervals. Detailed records shall be kept by the contractor of all persons employed
in the process. These records shall be available to Saudi Aramco upon request.

4.4 Storage and Transportation

All asbestos materials removed from or used on a job shall be stored in an approved
container at all times. For new construction, only that amount of asbestos material that is
immediately required for the operation shall be moved to the work area.

Approved containers shall be used during the transportation of asbestos materials. All such
containers that contain asbestos shall be clearly marked in English and Arabic: "Caution:
Health Hazard - Contains Asbestos".

February 1993 - 4.0 Asbestos And Other Fibers Page 159

4.5 Work Area

The work area shall be clearly defined and where feasible roped off and notices displayed
warning persons of the presence of asbestos dust. Signs shall be posted at all approaches to
the work area. These signs shall be posted at readily visible locations near work areas and
these notices shall read in both English and Arabic:

Respirator and protective overalls must be worn when entering this area.

Only persons directly concerned with the operation shall be permitted inside the area.

4.6 Handling and Use

4.6.1 Wetting/Ventilation

The handling, mixing, applying, removing, cutting, and spraying of asbestos

materials shall be done in a wet state so as to prevent the emission of harmful fibers
in excess of allowable concentration.

Before removing asbestos cement mortar, coating, grouting, plaster, or similar

material containing asbestos from bags, cartons, or shipping containers, the
material shall be wetted or enclosed, or the operation shall be carried out under
total exhaust ventilation.

Work practices for using or removing asbestos are given in Section 4, GI 150.001.

4.6.2 Cutting

Shearing or punching shall be used in preference to sawing or drilling of asbestos.

Where it is necessary to cut or saw materials containing asbestos using hand or
power tools, it shall be done in a separate cordoned off area with an approved
exhaust and dust collection system.

4.6.3 Protective Equipment

Protective equipment shall be required for all instances where asbestos is used
regardless of ventilation, wetting, etc.

4.7 Protective Clothing

4.7.1 Types

The contractor shall provide approved disposable overalls, head covering, foot
protection, and gloves to prevent any airborne asbestos fibers from coming into
contact with the body.

February 1993 - 4.0 Asbestos And Other Fibers Page 160

The contractor shall provide a sufficient amount of clothing to each employee
working with asbestos to ensure that a complete change of clean protective
clothing is available for the start of each shift.

4.7.2 Contamination

At the end of each shift, contaminated personal protective equipment shall be

collected and disposed of in accordance to GI 150.001. Under no conditions shall
contaminated clothing be worn from the work site. Employees shall be careful to
prevent contamination of street clothes from work clothes.

Asbestos-contaminated clothes shall be packed and carried in sealed impermeable

bags or containers and disposed of in accordance to Section 6, GI 150.001.

4.7.3 Review

The Loss Prevention Department and Industrial Hygiene Services shall review the
types and applications of contractor's protective clothing for its' acceptability to
Saudi Aramco.

4.8 Respiratory Equipment

Where there is an unavoidable emission of asbestos dust, the contractor shall supply a
respirator approved by Industrial Hygiene Services and Loss Prevention Department to each

4.8.1 Type

In normal circumstances, an approved filter type dust respirator will be adequate

protection; however, dusty jobs (e.g. stripping, delogging, demolition, etc.)
involving asbestos materials require air-supplied positive pressure respiratory

4.8.2 Use

All employees shall be properly trained in the use of respiratory equipment before
being engaged in any work with asbestos. Also, it is the contractor's responsibility
to make sure that each worker be supplied with equipment that provides the level of
protection required and of the proper fit.

4.8.3 Care

All respiratory equipment shall be thoroughly checked, cleaned, disinfected and

stored at the end of each work period and before use by other persons.

4.9 Washing and Changing Facilities

The contractor shall provide showering/washing facilities for all employees engaged in
asbestos work.

February 1993 - 4.0 Asbestos And Other Fibers Page 161

The contractor must ensure that employees use these facilities before leaving the job site at
the end of each shift.

The contractor shall provide suitable changing accommodations, disposal facilities for
protective clothing worn during asbestos work and separate accommodations for street
clothing not worn during working hours.

4.10 Disposal of Waste Asbestos Materials/Clothing

All waste asbestos materials and disposal clothing shall be disposed of in sealed impermeable
bags or containers.

All bags and containers shall be marked in both English and Arabic: "Caution: Health Hazard
- Contains Asbestos". The bags and containers shall be handled and disposed of in
accordance to Section 6, GI 150.001.

4.11 Cleanliness of Work Areas and Equipment

The contractor shall ensure that all machinery, equipment, work areas, and adjacent areas are
kept free from asbestos dust and waste as provided in Section 5, GI 150.001.

February 1993 - 4.0 Asbestos And Other Fibers Page 162

This section outlines the principles involved and the precautions to be taken in gas welding, cutting, and
brazing and electric arc welding operations.

Welding/cutting are safe operations if carried out in the correct manner. Where equipment is defective or
there is no well-arranged, well-lit, or properly ventilated working place, hazards can arise.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

GI 355.020 Control of Compressed Gas Cylinders

GI 401.081 Performance Qualifying Tests Of Welders And Welding Operations

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards:

SAES W-4 Welding Alloy Steels

SAES W-5 Field Stress Relieving

Saudi Aramco Bottled Gas Manual:

Section 6 Safe Handling of Compressed Gases

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Oxygen and Acetylene
Equipment and Electric Arc Welding Equipment

American National Standards:

ANSI Z49.1 Safety In Welding and Cutting

ANSI Z87.1 Practice For Occupational And Educational Eye And Face Protection

NFPA 70 National Electrical Code

5.1 Gas Welding: Oxy-Acetylene Equipment and Use

Personnel working with welding equipment shall be trained, competent, and provided with
personal protection equipment. Welding goggles, helmets, screens, forced ventilation and
similar equipment shall be provided to all workers and to trainees in the immediate area.

5.1.1 Gases

Oxygen (O2) is odorless. It can promote rapid combustion, therefore, grease and oil
must never be used near oxygen as this could cause fire.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 163
Oxygen cylinders or apparatus shall not be handled with oily hands or gloves. A
jet of oxygen must never be permitted to strike an oily surface, greasy clothes or
enter fuel, oil or other storage tanks.

Acetylene (C2H2) has a distinct odor often likened to that of garlic or sour apples.
It is combustible when mixed with air over a wide range (2.5% - 81%). Acetylene
burned with oxygen can produce a higher flame temperature than any other
commercial gas.

Acetylene becomes unstable at pressures above 103 kPa (15 psig) which means it
may explode. Under no conditions shall acetylene be generated, piped (except in
approved cylinder manifolds) or utilized at a pressure in excess of 15 psi gauge
pressure. Inside the cylinder, acetylene is dissolved in acetone to prevent internal
explosion; therefore, it is essential that acetylene cylinders be stored, handled, and
used in the vertical position to prevent the liquid acetone from escaping and
damaging the valves and other equipment.

Warning: Regulated Acetylene pressures must never be allowed to exceed 103 kPa
(15 psig) or it may explode.

5.1.2 Color Coding of Cylinders

Color coding can be of great help but also a potential source of danger as there is
no internationally recognized standard color code. Refer to GI 355.020-4, Control
of Compressed Gas Cylinders, for Saudi Aramco color coding requirements.

5.1.3 Storage Of Cylinders

Cylinders should be stored in a safe, dry, well-ventilated place

prepared and reserved for that purpose. Flammable substances such
as oil and volatile liquids or corrosive substances should not be stored
in the same area. Oxygen cylinders and flammable gas cylinders shall
be stored separately, at least 6.6 meters (20 feet) apart or separated by
a fire proof, 1.6 meters (5 feet) high partition.

All storage areas shall have Arabic and English "No Smoking
Permitted" signs prominently displayed.

All cylinders should be chained or otherwise secured in an upright

position. To prevent rusting, cylinders stored in the open should be
protected from ground contact, extremes of weather, or contact with
water. Valve caps shall be kept in place when cylinders are not in use.
Flammable substances shall not be stored within 50 feet of cylinder
storage areas. (See GI 355.020.)

Cylinders shall not be stored at temperatures exceeding 54o C (130o F).

Accordingly, they should not be stored near sources of heat such as
radiators, furnaces, or near highly flammable substances like gasoline.

February 1993 - 5.0 Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 164

Cylinders shall be stored out of the direct rays of the sun, in protective
enclosures or sun shelters.

Cylinder storage should be planned so that cylinders will be used in

the order in which they are received from the supplier. Empty and full
cylinders must be stored separately with empty cylinders plainly
marked as such, to avoid confusion. Empty cylinders should be
segregated according to the type of gas they have held.

All cylinder storage rooms shall be ventilated sufficiently so that

explosive concentrations of gas cannot accumulate. Smoking or any
other source of ignition shall be prohibited near storage areas, and
appropriately marked "No Smoking" as in Section above. All
wiring shall be in conduit and electric switches shall be located outside
the room. All electrical installations shall meet the National Electrical
Code (NFPA 70) for hazardous areas.

5.1.4 Handling of Cylinders

Serious accidents may result from the misuse, abuse, or mishandling of cylinders.

Cylinders should never be lifted by their valves since the valves are
not designed to take such stress. When the cylinder is not in use, the
valve shall be protected with the valve cap.

All valves must be fully closed before a cylinder is moved. Unless a

trolley or special carrier is used, regulators and hoses should be
detached from the cylinders, for moving.

February 1993 - 5.0 Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 165

If cylinders are to be lifted by a crane, specially designed bottle

holders with lifting eyes should be used. Chain and wire rope slings
can allow cylinders to slip. Where a trolley is to be used for slinging,
its base should be strong enough to take the weight of the cylinders.
Do not lift a cylinder with an electromagnet.

Cylinders in transit on vehicles shall have valve caps in place and be

firmly secured to prevent movement. Cylinders shall be secured to
avoid any violent contact. Loading and unloading shall take place
carefully. Cylinders shall not be dropped, thrown, dragged, used as
rollers, or as a support. No damaged or defective cylinder shall be

When in doubt as to the proper handling of a compressed gas cylinder

or its contents, the supplier of the gas, the Bottled Gas Coordinator
(Central Area Storehouse Department), or Loss Prevention Department
should be consulted. Depleted cylinders shall be returned to the
supplier with the valves closed and the valve protection caps in place.
Cylinders, even those marked empty, should be treated as a possible
hazard and handled with great care as they still contain some gas.

5.1.5 Inspecting Equipment

All equipment should be examined immediately before use and regularly

maintained. All welding operations shall be conducted in well ventilated areas.

Only soapy water should be used to check for leaks. Presence of a

leak is often indicated by a hissing sound or unusual changes in the
torch flame. Cylinders and valves should be kept clean. Valve sockets
shall be kept free of grit, dirt, grease or oil.

February 1993 - 5.0 Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 166

Hoses should be used for one type of gas only and color coded for
identification. They should be examined before use for any signs of
splitting which might give rise to leakage. All connections should be
made by clips or crimps. The hoses used for acetylene and for oxy gen
shall not be interchangeable.

Connections and check valves should be regularly examined.

Equipment should be fitted with the correct pressure regulators and a
regular check should be made to ensure that the regulator is working
properly. The torch nozzle should be kept closed.

An acetylene cylinder valve wrench shall be available at all times for

the cylinder in use.

Means of torch ignition should be readily available. A friction lighter

shall be used for this purpose.

Acetylene can form explosive compounds in contact with certain

metals or alloys, particularly unalloyed copper or silver. Joint fittings
or lines made of copper should not be used and acetylene should not
be allowed to come into contact with copper pipe work or tubing. Only
approved materials shall be used for acetylene systems.

It is dangerous to let the torch flame come into contact with gas
cylinders or for the lighted torch itself to be left unattended. Torches
shall never be sat down while lit. It is equally dangerous to rest
blowpipes, even extinguished ones, on old drums. "Empty" drums
which have contained low flash point liquids are known to have
become lethal bombs when a hot welding torch was laid down on them.

Cylinders in use should be kept upright on a custom-built stand fitted

with a bracket to accommodate the hoses and equipment or otherwise
secured. The metal cap should be kept in place to protect the valve
when the cylinder is not connected for use.

5.1.6 Faults

It is not uncommon for minor "explosions" to occur during welding or cutting.

Most are more frightening than harmful, but some can lead to very dangerous

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There are four general groupings of these faults:

1 Snapout can occur during use when:

• Both regulators are set at an incorrect pressure

• Torch nozzle obstructed
• Nozzle held too close to the work

Corrective action:

• Completely shut both torch valves

• Check regulator setting
• Check cylinder pressures
• Check nozzles
• Re-light
• Ensure adequate gas flow

2 Backfire can occur on lighting up when:

• Regulators not set to correct pressure

• Light applied before flow of gas mixture properly established

Corrective action:

• Close both torch valves, oxygen first

• Check cylinder pressures
• Check and adjust regulator settings
• Cool torch and check nozzle orifice for obstruction
• Re-light

3 A flashback is very dangerous. Flashback is caused by gases being mixed

in the hose(s). Usually this mixing of gases occurs when the hoses have
been disconnected from regulators or torches or when a new hose is being
used for the first time. Sometimes it is due to loose connections. Usually
one of the hoses will have burst and possibly ignited.

Preventive action:

• Use flashback flame arrestors for regulator and torch

• Ensure all connections are tight
• Ensure cylinder valves are open and torch valves closed
• Set regulators to the required pressures
• Purge each hose separately and consecutively by opening the
torch valve and allowing gas to flow for sufficient time to ensure
only pure gas remains in the hoses
• Close the valve for each gas as the purge is completed
• This purge should be carried out only in the open or in extremely
well-ventilated areas

Corrective action:

• Close both torch valves

February 1993 - 5.0 Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 168

• Close both cylinder valves
• Extinguish hose if alight
• Repair equipment and hoses

5.1.7 Fuel Gas and Oxygen Manifolds

Fuel gas and oxygen manifolds shall bear the name of the substance they contain
in English and Arabic letters at least 1-inch high which shall be either painted on
the manifold or on a sign permanently attached to it.

Fuel gas and oxygen manifolds shall be placed in safe, well ventilated, and
accessible locations. They shall not be located within enclosed spaces.

Manifold hose connections, including both ends of the supply hose that lead to
the manifold, shall be such that the hose cannot be interchanged between fuel gas
and oxygen manifolds and supply header connections. Adapters shall not be used
to permit the interchange of hose. Hose connections shall be kept free of grease
and oil.

When not in use, manifold and header hose connections shall be capped.

Nothing shall be placed on top of a manifold, when in use, which will damage the
manifold or interfere with the quick closing of the valves.

5.2 Electric Arc Welding

Arc welding is a process for joining metals by heating with an electric arc. For arc welding,
two welding leads, the electrode lead and the work lead, are required.

5.2.1 Voltage

The voltage across the welding arc is normally within the range 20-40V. The
voltage supplied, however, needs to be somewhat higher so that means of
stabilizing and regulating the arc current can be introduced into the circuit. Using
DC, a 60-80V supply will usually suffice. Using AC, an 80-85V supply will suffice
although some of the latest techniques need an open circuit voltage of up to 100V
between electrode and work. It should be remembered that a nominal 100V supply
has, in fact, a peak voltage of 141V.

For these reasons, DC should be used for welding operations in any situation
where the effect of electric shock is likely to be extreme, such as in damp and
confined spaces (tanks, boilers, etc.).

5.2.2 Weldi ng Connections

In each welding circuit there are three main connections:

1) the welding lead;

2) the welding return;
3) the welding ground.

February 1993 - 5.0 Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 169

The welding lead is the conductor carrying the welding current from
the point of supply to the electrode holder.

The welding return is the conductor carrying the current back from the
work to the point of supply. Its conductivity should at least equal that
of the welding lead. The welding return should be used to ground the
metal case of the welding machine. This high current capacity is
essential, because all the current fed to the arc has to be conducted
back to the supply point. The current involved could be as high as 300
amperes on a hand welding operation.

A continuous welding ground is essential and indispensable for

conductors since electric currents as low as 50 milliamperes can be
fatal. The ground should be of low impedance so that there can be no
rise in the potential of the work and so that sufficient fault current
passes quickly enough to cut off the supply if necessary. It is
recommended that the welding ground be bonded to the ground of the
main supply system by a separate substantial conductor.

The frames of all fixed arc welding and cutting machines shall be
grounded either through a third wire in the cable containing the circuit
conductor or through a separate wire which is grounded at the source
of the current.

Welding grounds and returns should be securely attached to the work

by cable lugs, by clamps in the case of stranded conductors, or by
bolts for strip conductors. Bolts are unsatisfactory for stranded
conductors, since the strands can loosen under the bolt head and
become detached (see Manufacturers Grounding Specifications for
Electrically Powered Equipment and Engine Powered Equipment).

Welding cable insulation needs to be abrasion resistant to withstand

normal treatment over rough ground and the wear inflicted by foot and
vehicular traffic. Where feasible, cables should be additionally
protected by stringing overhead or by using cable covers. They
should be regularly examined for cuts or abrasions to the insulation;
damaged cable shall not be used. If joints become necessary, standard
plug and socket coupling shall be used. Holders should be unplugged
when not in use. If joints become necessary, standard plug and socket
couplings shall be used. Splices are not allowed in welding cables.

Electrode holders shall be constructed to accommodate all sizes of

electrodes and with an ejector for hot, spent stubs.

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A shield should be fitted between electrode holder and handle to

prevent live elements from being touched. The handle itself shall be
made of non-flammable insulating material and be free from joints or
holes. Auxiliary Power Outlets

Most welding machines are furnished with an alternator which

produces 3 KVA of 115 and 230 volts. As a safety factor, all power
hand tools which are not double insulated should be grounded to the
welder frame. Ground Fault Interrupters are required, where power
output exceeds 5 KV. Placards must be placed on the welding

5.3 Protective Measures


The need for the operator to take safety precautions and preventive measures
during the operation of welding machines to ensure that no safety-related incident
occurs cannot be overemphasized. The following is a list of precautions and
operating considerations to take into account when operating a 400 amp arc
welding machine, for example. All users are strongly encouraged to read the
equipment's operating manual to ensure reliable and safe operation.

1. Keep all doors, covers and panels in place when operating the machine: the
arc welding machine is designed to operate with all its doors, covers and
panels in place. They ensure the optimum flow of cooling air, and removal of
these covers and panels will reduce the cooling of the engine and generator,
resulting in overheating and premature failure of the unit.

2. Ensure that the engine protection push button 'pops out' when the engine is
switched off. Under normal circumstances, this button will 'pop out' once
the engine is switched off. However, if the unit becomes clogged with dirt,
dust or sand, it may not return to its 'off' position without assistance. If the
button remains depressed, it will quickly drain the unit's battery. The
resulting failure to start will delay your work while a new battery is fitted, a
'jump start' arranged, or a recharge cycle is completed.

3. Maintain welding and ground cables and connections in good condition. A

major source of safety hazards, poor and inconsistent welding performance,
and loss of point-of-use welder capacity is a set of welder leads in poor
condition, or of the wrong size for the length of cable being run. Other
sources of safety hazards related to cables and connections are:

• cracked insulation is an obvious source of hazard producing shorts to

ground eventually leading to increase of conductor resistance. With no-
load voltages approaching 100+ volts, significant hazard of electrocution to
personnel exists, especially in wet areas or when working on metal

February 1993 - 5.0 Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 171

• combining sets of low capacity cables to reach a distant welding site can
greatly reduce the effective welding power available to the welding machine.
Larger-capacity cables must be used to reach distant sites, because of the
buildup of resistance from the extra length of the leads. Inadequate or weak
cable connections can also introduce sparking hazards, potential shorts to
ground, and extra resistance which reduces effective welding machine
capacity. Cable sizes and lengths must be as recommended by the
manufacturer, as follows (for 400 amp machine):

Combined length of electrode and Minimum Cable Size

work cable
up to 150 feet 2/0
150-200 feet 3/0
200-250 feet 4/0

4. When welding is in progress, the full length of cable must be stretched out
on the ground. Leaving the cable coiled on the machine alters the current
flow and disrupts the welding process.

5. Do not adjust the 'current control' while welding is in progress. This can
damage the control.


Sparks and molten or hot metal coming from the work area can easily set fire to
combustible materials near or below the working area. Wherever possible, all
combustible material should be removed from the work area. If it cannot be
removed, it should be covered with fireproof material. Gas cylinders should be
protected from falling sparks.


Operators of arc welding equipment must always switch off the current to the
electrode holder and remove the electrode whenever it is to be set down and is not
actually in use.


When welding or cutting material that is supported by a crane, a shield or an

effective screen should be provided to protect the suspension ropes or chains.
Grounding cables shall only be connected to the work, not to the crane or rigging.


Forced ventilation shall be arranged wherever work is to be carried out in a

confined area. Suitable metal bins shall be provided for spent electrode stubs as
they are usually hot when discarded and can easily cause a fire. Dry chemical fire
extinguishers should be kept available while work is in progress. All completed
work should be marked "HOT".

February 1993 - 5.0 Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 172

5.4 Welding and Cutting: Tanks, Vessels and Drums

Careful tests should be made to establish that the tank, vessel or drum is free from explosive
flammable vapors or substances. The responsible supervisor should make a check before
permitting any work to begin. It is essential that past contents of the tank, vessel or drum be
identified. If there is any doubt or if the tank is known to have had any kind of flammable or
explosive content, it should be cleaned and purged thoroughly prior to welding or cutting.
Extreme care should be taken in considering methods of tank welding and cutting as these
jobs are hazardous operations unless correct safety measures are taken. (See General And
Civil II.1, Work Permit System.) Welding and cutting on drums is strictly controlled and, in
most cases, prohibited. Contact area Loss Prevention for guidance and information.

Note: The use of oxygen for blowing out containers and small tanks is forbidden.

5.5 Confined Spaces

It is vital that forced ventilation be maintained in confined spaces at all times. Air line
respirators may be needed for men working inside such places. No gas cylinders should ever
be allowed into such an area. The hoses and equipment used inside must be in excellent

Where work in confined spaces has to take place over several days, the hoses and equipment
shall be taken outside overnight in case of any leakage that could occur, resulting in a build
up of gas. (See General And Civil II.1, Work Permit System. )

5.6 Personnel Protection


Helmets, welding hoods, and goggles are necessary to protect eyes and face
against heat and the effect of the intense light emitted by welding operations.


Goggles are required to protect the eyes of the welder from pieces of flying slag
chips during electric arc welding. They should be fitted with opaque side pieces.
These goggles should also be worn under the regular welding hoods.


Electric welding operations must be effectively screened to prevent nearby

personnel from being affected by harmful radiation. Screens should be made from
fire resistant materials or should be suitably treated with a fire resistant compound.
Screens should be designed and placed so as not to restrict the flow of air for
ventilation purposes.


February 1993 - 5.0 Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 173

Gloves are necessary protection to the hands against heat, sparks, molten metal,
and radiation. Leather, suitably reinforced at points of maximum wear, is the
material most generally worn. Gloves should be long enough to protect wrists and
forearms. When gloves are not long enough, protective sleeves of similar materials
should be worn.


Safety boots and leggings are essential to provide effective protection against
heat, flying sparks, and falling metal. Pant cuffs shall never be worn inside of the
safety boot.

5.7 Health Hazards

Apart from the obvious hazards of physical burns, health hazards in welding operations fall
into two classes: hazards from radiant energy and hazards from dusts and fumes.

5.7.1 Radiant Energy

The process of welding produces radiant energy in the form of visible light, ultra-
violet rays, and infrared rays. The risk of this energy harming the operator or other
personnel can be minimized by the proper use of protective clothing and shielding.
Exposure of the skin to infrared and ultraviolet rays can result in irritation and
burning. The risk of exposure is lessened by wearing protective clothing,
shielding, and distance.

Arc-eye or flash burn is a well known condition in welding operations and is due to
the eyes being exposed to ultraviolet rays. This condition is a superficial burn on
the outer layer of the eye.

The effects normally wear off within two days, and generally no permanent damage
is caused. The condition is, however, extremely painful and can easily be avoided
by the use of eye protective lens or shields.

Welding protective lens shall be tempered glass. Lens shall be distinctively marked
to identify approved lens shade.

Lens Shade Guide:

1. Arc Welding- 10 to 14
2. Torch Brazing- 3 to 6
3. Gas Welding- 4 to 8

5.7.2 Respiratory Effects

The risk of being gassed in normal welding operations is slight; however, when
working in confined areas, a forced ventilation system should be in operation to
remove any build up of hazardous gases.

Oxy-acetylene welding operations can cause the oxygen and nitrogen

of the air to unite to form nitrogen oxides. In well ventilated areas this

February 1993 - 5.0 Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 174

does not cause any problems; however, in confined areas or where the
welder is working very close to the job, the amount of nitrogen oxides
breathed can rapidly reach toxic levels. The main problem with this gas
is that the welder does not appear to be affected at the time; the real
effects take place some 6 to 24 hours after exposure.

All welding operations produce quantities of ozone, a highly toxic gas.

In oxy -acetylene and electric arc welding, the amount produced is small
and providing adequate ventilation is used, the risk is negligible.
Significant and sometimes dangerous amounts of ozone can be formed
when inert gas shielded welding is being carried out.

There are many other dangers which can arise when welding or cutting
under specific conditions or on particular metals. Hazardous
operations include: welding on manganese steel, galvanized material,
material which has been degreased or on material which has been
painted with lead, copper-bearing, or chromate-containing paint.
These problems must be recognized before the job starts, and safe
practices for dealing with them must be established.

Although welding cannot be regarded in general as an extremely

hazardous occupation, exposure to concentrated fumes may be
irritating and in some cases dangerous. It is essential that each
operation be analyzed before work starts and that the control measures
are correctly applied.

February 1993 - 5.0 Welding, Cutting, And Brazing Page 175

The use of explosive materials within construction is extensive and, whether large or small quantities are
handled, the responsibilities falling upon supervisory staff are considerable. Those responsible must
consider the acquisition, storage, transporting, handling and use of explosive materials, as well as the
emergency procedures to be adopted in the case of misfire, accident, fire, etc. The acquisition and use of
explosive materials in Saudi Arabia are strictly controlled by the Saudi Arab Government, whose
requirements must be adhered to at all times. All blasting operations in Saudi Aramco are strictly
controlled and the use of explosive materials by contractors is prohibited without prior written approval
by Company representatives. For contractor In-Kingdom blasting operations, contact the Resources
Planning Department, Project Support Services Division, Blasting Services Unit for all blasting


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

GI 355.015 Requisitioning, Receiving, Storing and Issuing Explosives

GI 475.001 Blasting Near Existing Facilities

GI 475.002 Use Of Explosives In Construction

GI 610.001 Special Regulations for the Use of Explosives in Seismic Operations

GI 1183.215 Transporting Explosives on Company Owned/Leased/Rented Motor Transport Vehicles

GI 1310.00 Transportation Of Dangerous Articles Aboard Saudi Aramco Aircraft

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements

American National Standards:

ANSI A10.7-89 Safety Requirements for Transportation, Storage, Handling, and Use of Commercial
Explosives and Blasting Agents in Construction and Demolition

NFPA 495-90 Explosive Materials Code

National Safety Council Industrial Data Sheets:

I-644-90 Treatment Of Extraneous Electricity In Electric Blasting

I-730-86 Ammonium Nitrate / Fuel Oil Mixtures As Blasting Agents

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Explosive Materials Page 176

Piling operations attract many of the problems associated with other types of construction work: access,
unguarded machinery, housekeeping, etc. Heavy equipment and the stress and vibration imposed upon
that equipment give rise to hazards peculiar to piling operations. The standard of supervision should be
high, as well as the standard and maintenance of equipment.

Piling operations fall into two categories: driving load-bearing piles, which may be driven vertically or
raked; and, driving sheet piles. Piles may be of steel, concrete, timber or any combination of the three.
Piling equipment can vary from a simp le air-operated hand-held hammer to a large complex rig.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100. Work Permit System

GI 7.025. Mobile Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

GI 7.026. Crane and Heavy Equipment Accident Reporting Procedures

GI 7.029. Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Wire Rope Slings

GI 7.030. Inspection And Testing Requirements Of Elevating / Lifting Equipment

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Excavations

Crane Safety Handbook (Page 99)

National Safety Council Data Sheet:

Special Hazard Bulletin X128. Property Damage from Blasting, Pile Driving, and Similar

ASME Standard:

Section I Power Boilers

Section VII Pressure Vessels

7.1 Before Work Starts

In order that piling operations may be undertaken with the minimum risk to men and
equipment, the following factors should be considered before work starts.

• The nature and purpose of the operation.

• Soil investigation reports of the area.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Piling Operations Page 177

• Location and nature of any underground services in the area, which should be checked
with the various departments through the Saudi Aramco Construction Engineer; then,
precisely located by careful hand digging, under competent supervision.

Where piling operations are within a restricted area, the proper Work Permits should be
obtained before any work is undertaken.

Competent supervision, experienced in piling operations, is essential for piling work.

Equipment of adequate capacity to perform the operation should be assembled. All

equipment must be carefully inspected before being used with particular attention to the
following. (See GI 7.030.)

7.1.1 Cranes

Cranes used for both lifting and piling operations should be of an adequate size
and capacity to perform the work safely. Where cranes are to be used for driving
raking piles with a drop hammer or driving piles below the level of the crane using
extended leaders, the hammer will be suspended from the crane at a greater radius
than the boom angle indicator will show. In all such cases, the distance of the
hammer from the center point of the crane must be calculated and this distance
used to ascertain the safe working load.

Outriggers, counterbalances, etc., shall be provided to maintain stability of the pile

driver rig.

7.1.2 Pile Gates

Sufficient timber or steel must be available for the construction of pile gates.
Proper ladder access must be provided to the pile gates, and where they are over
1.8 meters (6 feet) high, handrails or rigger's belts must be provided.

7.1.3 Inspection

Air compressors or steam boilers must be carefully examined and all hoses and
couplings checked both for leaks and general condition. All steam and air hoses
should be fitted with a regulator valve and a quick acting shut-off valve for

7.1.4 Wedges

An adequate supply of hardwood wedges should be obtained for adjusting piles

while pitching. Softwood wedges are likely to split and must not be used.

7.1.5 Timber Block

Stop blocks shall be provided for the leads to prevent the hammer from being raised
against the head block.

Guards shall be provided across the top of the head block to prevent the cable from
jumping out of the sheaves.

February 1993 - 7.0 Piliing Operations Page 178

Fixed leads shall be provided with ladder and adequate attachment points so that
the loft worker may engage his safety belt lanyard to the leads. If loft platforms are
provided, they shall be protected with standard guardrails.

Steam/air hose leading to the hammer or jet pipe and all hoses shall be securely
attached with 1/4" chain or cable to prevent whip lash.

7.1.6 Ground Support

The ground upon which the crane or rig will stand should be firm and level. Digger
mats or a hard-core standing should be provided if the ground is likely to subside
under the high ground loading imposed by driving or extracting piles.

7.2 Driving Piles

7.2.1 Pitching

Piles should only be lifted and positioned in the pile gate or onto the leaders or rig
with sound lifting gear adequate for the purpose. Quick release shackles should be
examined before each use. Where hollow section or concrete piles are lifted with
chains or wire slings, timber or burlap packing should be placed between the lifting
gear and the pile. Adequate access, such as a cradle or a properly secured ladder,
must be provided for the topman when pitching sheet piles. The topman must wear
stout gloves when pitching.

7.2.2 Driving

Workmen should stand clear of the operation while driving is in progress. The
emergency shut-off valve and the crane or winch controls must be manned at all
times during driving. The foreman must be present and so positioned that he can
be seen by the crane or winch operator and the man standing by the valve. When
driving raking piles, the pile, leaders, and machine must all be in the same line.
Under no circumstances should any man touch the hammer until all valves are
closed. A system of signals must be arranged between the foreman, the winch or
crane operator, and the valve operator, so that the emergency shutdown does not
depend on verbal communication. Where the head of a pile becomes distorted
through driving, no attempt should be made to clear it from the leaders by lifting or
booming up. The pile head should be cut off and the debris cleared from the

7.3 Pile Extraction

No attempt should be made to extract piles which have been hammer-driven by lifting or
booming up with a crane. A steam, air, or electric operated extractor should be used.
Particular attention should be paid to the extractor wedges and the condition of the gripping
faces, which should not be smooth. Workmen must not walk under piles that are suspended
from extractors.

February 1993 - 7.0 Piliing Operations Page 179

7.4 General Precautions


Men handling piles or working on piling operations should always wear safety
helmets, safety shoes, safety glasses, stout gloves, and be equipped with ear
protection, preferably of the muff type.


At the start of each shift, hammers and extractors should be carefully checked for
loose bolts, etc.


All other equipment should be inspected daily for defects.


Piling operations should never be undertaken except under competent supervision

and with a crew experienced in this class of work. Crane operators shall have a
valid Saudi Arab Government heavy equipment license and a valid Saudi Aramco
certificate (See GI 7.030).


Piling operations are a construction process with special hazards. In addition to

these special hazards, men are exposed to the hazards commonly associated with all
types of construction work, and precautions against these general hazards must
not be neglected.

February 1993 - 7.0 Piliing Operations Page 180

A contractor engaged in roadwork is not only responsible for the safety of his own men, he also has an
obligation to protect the public from potential construction hazards, during the day, at night and in all
weather conditions. Consequently, the marking of construction sites and the safe and efficient diversion
and control of traffic must be properly planned and executed. Road closure plans must be submitted to
Loss Prevention before roads are closed.

Failure to do this can have disastrous results.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 1021.000 Street and Road Construction, Excavation, and Maintenance of Traffic Controls
(Appendix D)

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

8.1 General


Saudi Aramco organizations can obtain barriers, lights, etc. from the Maintenance
Department during normal working hours. Contractors shall provide their own
barriers, lights, etc..


To avoid creating a traffic hazard, warning devices must not be put in place until
they are needed. They must be promptly removed when work is complete.


Activities which produce dust shall be kept to a minimum.


Permanent road signs and striping shall be restored before the roadway is returned
to service.


The surface of any highway, street, or sidewalk shall be level and in good condition
before any barriers and markers are removed.


Should there be any doubt as to the type of marking and protection required for
roadwork in any location, the Loss Prevention engineer for the area should be

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Roadworks Page 181


A flagman, equipped with a safety vest and a red flag, shall be posted at least 50
meters (165 feet) from the work site at the entrance barricade and another flagman at
the exit barricade. It shall be the duty of the flagmen to control the flow of traffic in
a safe manner. Both flagmen shall be in sight of each other. If conditions do not
permit this, then a third man shall be positioned where he can see and be seen by
the other two men in order to signal them to start or stop traffic. Traffic control
signals shall be in accordance with GI 1021.000. At night, flagmen shall wear
light-reflecting vests and gloves, and use reflective signs or flags. Flagmen shall
be stationed in an illuminated area.


During darkness, the work area will be marked by lights spaced 10 meters (30 feet)
apart. Warning lights used in oil operations, industrial, or company housing areas
shall be weather proof and positioned 0.6 meter (2 feet) and 0.9 meter (3 feet) above


In addition to the foregoing, excavation work in residential areas shall be entirely

enclosed, covered over, or roped-off.


Excavations in sidewalks or areas of expected pedestrian traffic shall be provided

with close-planked walkways or bridges 0.9 meters (3 feet) wide and equipped with
standard guardrails.
8.2 Street and Road Construction, Excavations, and Maintenance Traffic

See Appendix D (GI 1021.000).

February 1993 - 8.0 Roadworks Page 182

Every contractor and every employer of workmen has a legal and contractual responsibility to ensure
that each place at which his men work is safe and that it remains safe so long as men work there.
Similarly, each supervisor is responsible for ensuring that every man working under his direction or
control has a safe working place and a safe means of getting to and from every working place.

Where work cannot safely be done on the ground or from part of a building or permanent structure,
scaffolds, ladders, or other means of support shall be provided and properly maintained.


The Standards used for guidance in this section of the Construction Safety Manual are those of the
American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) and US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.28.
Where scaffold manufacturers products meet other scaffold standards that are equivalent to or higher
than ANSI requirements, then those products can be used. Scaffold products from different
manufacturers shall not be mixed on a scaffold, unless they are specifically designed to be used together.

Saudi Aramco Instructions and Standards:

GI 2.100. Work Permit System

GI 6.020. Personal Flotation Devices for Work Over, On or Near Water

GI 8.001. Safety Requirements For Scaffolding (formerly 1009.006)

SAES -P-123. Lighting Utilization

Schedule 'D':
Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Ladders; Scaffolding;
Personal Flotation Devices for Work Over, On or Near Water.

American National Standards Institute:

Uniform Building Code

ANSI A10.8 - 1988

Scaffolding-Safety Requirements

ANSI A14.1 - 1982./ANSI A14.1a- 1985

Ladders - Portable Wood Safety Requirements

ANSI A14.2 - 1990

Portable Metal Ladders

ANSI A14.3 - 1984

Ladders - Fixed-Safety Requirements

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 183
ANSI A92.2 - 1990
Vehicle - Mounted Elevating and Rotating Aerial Devices

US. Code of Federal Regulations, 29. CFR Part 1910.28, Safety Requirements for Scaffolding

National Safety Council Data Sheets:

Data Sheet 568. Job-Made Ladders

NFPA 70 - 90 National Electrical Code (NEC)

9.1 Working Places, General

9.1.1 Falls

Within Saudi Aramco, every working place shall be safe and of adequate
dimensions. Where men, tools, or materials could fall 1.8 meters (6 feet) or more, a
guardrail system (consisting of toprails and midrails) and toeboards shall be
provided. Should the provision of these safeguards be impracticable, other means
of preventing falls, such as safety belts, etc. shall be used. For further
information, see Personal Protective Equipment, Section I.9, (9.6.5 and 9.6.6) of this

9.1.2 Access and Egress

A safe means of getting to and from a working place shall be provided and used.
Ladders shall conform to the requirements set out in 9.2.

9.1.3 Lighting

Every working place and every means of getting to and from a working place shall
be provided with adequate lighting which shall be properly maintained. (See
SAES -P-123)

9.1.4 Prevention of Falls

Permanent decking, parts of a structure, walkways, footbridges, etc., which men

use in the course of their work or for a permanent or temporary access, shall be
provided with a guardrail system and toeboards (permanent or temporary) at all
edges from which men, tools, or materials could fall 1.8 meters (6 feet) or more.
Holes and gaps shall be guarded or securely covered. Stairs (permanent or
temporary) shall have all treads properly secured and shall be fitted with handrails
throughout their length and conform to the Uniform Building Code.

9.1.5 Ramps

Where the slope of a ramp exceeds 1 vertical to 4 horizontal, the ramp shall be
fitted with stepping cleats at 0.3 meter (1 foot) intervals. When a ramp is to be
used by the general public, its slope shall not exceed 1 vertical to 4 horizontal.
Handrails shall be provided.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 184
9.1.6 Falling Material

Where there is danger of men being struck by falling material, protective

coverings shall be erected or No. 18 gauge wire, 1/2 inch mesh or equivalent, shall
be securely fixed between the toeboard and midrail to prevent falling objects.

9.1.7 Hot Surfaces

Suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent men coming into contact with any
hot surface.

9.1.8 Slipping and Tripping

Contractors are responsible for maintaining good housekeeping to prevent

slipping, tripping, and falling. Oil spills, mud, scrap, and other debris must be
cleared up immediately. Men shall not be permitted to walk or work on steel work
or other surfaces on which paint or cement wash is still wet.

9.1.9 Roof Work

Where work is done on or from the roof of a building or structure, or where men
have to cross, work on, or work from fragile roofs or surfaces, adequate protection
in the form of crawling boards, roof ladders, or other suitable covering must be
provided to prevent men and materials falling from or through the roof.
Temporary guardrails shall be placed to prevent workers from falling. If roof work
is accomplished on pitched roofs with a slope greater than 1:4, workers shall be
equipped with safety belts that are securely anchored to the structure. During
storms or high winds, workers shall not be working on a roof or scaffold that is
exposed to the weather.

9.1.10 Insecure Structures

Unstable or weak structures shall be supported by guys, stays, supports, or other

fixings where necessary. If work being done is likely to reduce the stability of an
existing structure or building, bracing or other means of support shall be used.
Unstable structures shall not be left unsupported over night.

No wall sector which is more than one story in height, shall be permitted to stand
alone without lateral bracing, unless such wall was originally designed to do so
and is in a safe condition to be self-supporting. All walls shall be left in a stable
condition at the end of each shift by bracing support jacks, timbers and/or guy-
wired, taking wind force and storm conditions into consideration.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 185
9.1.11 Work Over Water

Where men work on, over or near water, a guardrail system and
toeboards, fencing or other suitable barriers shall be provided for the
protection of the worker.

Wherever the provision of a guardrail system and toeboards, fencing

or other suitable barriers is impracticable, or if for any reason men are
outside the protection of these safeguards, suitable life vests shall be
worn and a safety belt or harness securely fixed to a dropline.

Approved rescue equipment that meets the requirements of GI 6.020

in the form of life rings with life lines, etc.; where necessary, a suitably
equipped rescue boat shall be readily available, and properly
maintained. Men shall be thoroughly trained in the use of all
protective and rescue equipment, first aid and cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR).

9.2 Ladders and Stepladders

The safety of a ladder depends on four important factors: selection, condition, position and
use. Ladders shall comply with the referenced ANSI or equivalent codes.

9.2.1 Selection

A ladder must be of the proper length for the job to be done. If it is to

be used for access or as a working place, it shall ris e to a height of 36
inches to 42 inches above the landing place or above the highest rung
to be reached by the feet of the man using the ladder.

Metal ladders, ladders with metal reinforced side rails, and ladders
which are wet shall not be used near electrical equipment with exposed
live conductors. Such ladders shall have a warning notice attached to
guard against use near electrical equipment.

Aluminum ladders shall not be used where there is a likelihood of

contact with materials harmful to aluminum, such as caustic liquids,
damp lime, wet cement, etc.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 186
9.2.2 Condition

Each ladder shall be examined before use. Those with split or broken
side rails, missing, broken, loose, decayed or damaged rungs or cleats,
or with other faulty equipment shall be tagged and removed from

Rungs shall be properly mortised into side rails. Cleats shall be inset
by 2.25 centimeters (7/8 inch), or filler blocks used on the side rails
between the cleats. Cleats shall be uniformly spaced 30.5 centimeters
(1 foot) between centers.

9.2.3 Position

The side rails of a ladder shall be equally supported on a firm level

surface. Boxes, blocks, barrels, etc. shall not be used as a means of
support. The area at the base of a ladder must be kept clear. Ladders
shall not be used in a horizontal position as platforms, runways or

Ladders shall not be supported on their rungs or cleats. Rungs or

cleats shall not be used to support planks.

Whenever possible, ladders shall be set at an angle of 75o to

horizontal ground (i.e., one meter out to four meters up).

Metal reinforcing shall be on the underside of the rungs and where

reinforcing is on only one side of the side rails, that too shall be on the

Both side rails of a ladder shall be evenly supported at the upper

resting place. Side rails must be securely tied off to prevent movement.
Where secure fixing is impracticable, other measures must be taken to
prevent movement by securing at the base, using side guys, or
stationing a man at the base. It must be understood, however, that a
man stationed at the base will be unable to control a ladder more than 6
meters (20 feet) in length.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 187

Where there is a possibility of a ladder being struck by moving

vehicles or equipment, a man should be placed on guard or a space at
the base should be securely fenced off. If a ladder is erected close to a
doorway, the door should either be locked, shut, or be secured in the
open position with a man on guard or properly barricaded.

Ladder landing places shall be provided at least every 9 meters (30

feet) of height and shall be fitted with a guardrail system and
toeboards. Holes in decking through which ladders pass shall only be
enough to permit passage of the man using the ladder.

A ladder should always be placed so that there is space behind each

rung or cleat for a proper foothold. There should be no obstruction in
the way of a man's foot, particularly at the landing platform. Here the
rung or cleat should be level with the platform.

Where ladders have to be suspended, both side rails shall be lashed

top and bottom so as to provide equal support. Where long ladders
are used, they shall also be lashed at the center to prevent lateral

9.2.4 Use

Where an extension ladder is used fully extended, the minimum overlap

depends on the extension ladder length, and overlap should be as
follows (examples):

9.75 to 10.97 meters (32 to 36 feet) = 1.22 meters (4 feet) overlap

10.97 to 14.63 meters (36 to 48 feet) = 1.52 meters (5 feet) overlap

Splicing or lashing ladders together shall not be permitted.

Before mounting a ladder, personnel shall check their shoes for

freedom from grease, oil or mud. They shall always step through, not
around, the rail extensions at the top of the ladder.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 188

Single rung and single cleat ladder should be used by only one man at
a time. When ascending or descending personnel shall face the ladder
and keep both hands on the ladder. Personnel shall not run up or
down or slide down a ladder at any time. The width of single cleat
ladders shall be at least 38.1 centimeters (15 inches) but not more than
50.8 centimeters (20 inches) between rails at the top.

Men ascending or descending ladders shall not carry tools and

materials in their hands. Tools may be carried in pockets or on special
belts provided there is no risk of injury and movement is not impaired.
Materials shall be raised or lowered using a handline after being
securely tied or placed in a basket.

A man working on or from a ladder must always have a secured

handhold and both feet on the same rung or cleat. If the work to be
done requires the use of both hands, a safety belt is required, securely
fixed to a dropline (life line). Only one person shall be on a ladder at a

Job-made ladders shall be constructed for intended use. If a ladder is

to provide the only means of access or exit from a working area for 25
or more employees, or if simu ltaneous two-way traffic is expected, a
double cleat ladder shall be installed.

Double cleat ladders on Saudi Aramco construction sites shall not

exceed 4.5 meters (15 feet) in length.

Single cleat ladders shall not exceed 4.5 meters (15 feet) in length
between supports (base and top landing). If ladders are to connect
different landings, or if the length required exceeds this maximum
length, two or more separate ladders shall be used, offset with a
platform between each ladder. A guardrail system and toeboards shall
be erected on the exposed sides of the platforms.

5.08 by 10.16 centimeters (2 by 4 inches) lumber shall be used for side

rails of single cleat ladders up to 4.5 meters (15 feet) long.

5.08 by 10.16 centimeters (2 by 4 inches) lumber shall be used for side

and middle rails of double cleat ladders up to 3.6 meters (12 feet) in
length; 5.08 by 15.24 centimeters (2 by 6 inches) lumber for double
cleat ladders from 3.6 by 4.5 meters (12 to 15 feet) in length.

Wood cleats shall have the following minimum dimensions when made
of woods that meet ANSI requirements for ladders:

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 189
Up to and including 1.9 cm (.75 in) 7.62 cm (3 in)
50.8 cm (20 inches)
Over 50.8 cm (20 in.) and up to 1.9 cm (.75 in.) 9.52 cm (3.75 in.)
and including 76.20 cm (30 in.)

Cleats may be made of species of any other group of wood provided

equal or greater strength is maintained.

Cleats shall be inset into the edges of the side rails one-half inch, or
filler blocks shall be used on the rails between the cleats. The cleats
shall be secured to each rail with three 10d common wire nails or other
fasteners of equivalent strength. Cleats shall be uniformly spaced,
30.48 centimeters (12 inches) between centers.

Metal ladders shall not be used for work on electrical systems unless
the ladders are specifically designed for that application.

9.2.5 Stepladders

Generally, the foregoing remarks on selection, condition and use of ladders apply
equally to stepladders. The following requirements also apply:

To ensure stability, stepladders shall be spread to their fullest extent

limited by manufacturer's braces when in use. Whenever possible,
they should be placed at right angles to the work with either the front
or back facing the work.

Do not stand, climb or sit on the stepladder top, pail shelf, braces or
back section.

9.2.6 General

Ladders and stepladders shall be maintained in good condition at all

times. Joints shall be tight, all hardware and fittings shall be securely
attached, and movable parts shall operate freely without binding or
undue play.

Ladders and stepladders must not be painted.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 190

Where a ladder is carried by one man, the front end should be kept
high enough to clear men's heads and special care shall be taken at
corners and blind spots.

9.3 Scaffolding Components


All scaffold structures shall be erected with metal components approved per ANSI
requirements or equivalent. Scaffolds shall be stored to prevent damage and to
permit easy access for use. Scaffold erection plans (drawings) shall be submitted
to Loss Prevention Department for review prior to men being allowed to work on
the scaffold.

9.3.2 Tubing

Ordinary scaffold tubing is 4.8 centimeters (1-29/32 inches) in diameter and

nominal wall thickness 0.4 centimeter (5/32 inch) and is referred to as two-inch
nominal diameter tubing. It is mild steel and normally supplied in lengths of 6.4
meters (21 feet). Tubes must meet ANSI or equivalent requirements and must be
free from cracks and surface flaws, laminations, excessive rust and other defects.
The ends shall be cut square and cleanly. A tube shall not deviate from a straight
line by more than 1/600 of its length measured at the center of the tube length.

9.3.3 Aluminum Tubing

Although the aluminum tubing is dimensionally interchangeable with

steel tubing, it must not be used in the same structure; the difference in
the elastic modulus of the two materials results in greater deflection in
aluminum tubing for the same loading conditions.

Aluminum tubing shall not be used where there is likelihood of contact

with materials harmful to aluminum such as caustic liquids, damp lime,
wet cement and sea water.

9.3.4 Fittings

All fittings (couplers, clamps, etc.) shall be of a metal type approved to ANSI or
equivalent requirements. They shall be examined regularly and care must be taken
to ensure that moving parts are sound and well lubricated and that threads are not

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 191
9.3.5 Typical Scaffold Fittings

(Figures II.17 - II.22)

Base Plate: A 15 centimeter (6 inch) by 15 centimeter (6 inch) steel plate greater

than 0.64 centimeters (1/4 inch) thick providing a flat bearing surface for load
distribution from posts. It has an integral spigot and fixing holes for use with sills.

Screwjacks: Used for compensating variations in ground levels.

Standard Coupler: Also known as a Right Angle or 90o Coupler. A load bearing
coupler used for connecting two tubes together at right angles.

Adjustable Coupler: Used for connecting two tubes together at any angle
through 360o . Not to be used where a load bearing standard coupler is required.

End-to-End Coupler: Also known as a Sleeve Coupler. Used for connecting two
tubes end-to-end.

Reveal Pin: Inserted into the end of a tube and adjusted to form a rigid horizontal
or vertical member between two opposing surfaces. It forms a solid anchorage to
which a scaffold can be tied.

9.3.6 Planks

Planks shall be of rough timber and graded as scaffold planks without

defects (2" x 9"), 5 centimeters (2 inches) thick by 23 centimeters (9
inches) wide, and shall conform to the following specifications:

1 All planking shall be Scaffold Grade to ANSI requirements.

2 On the face of the plank, the ends shall not be split up more than
30.5 centimeters (1 foot), without fixed banding or the end bolted

3 On the face of the plank, not more than one third the width in any
one place shall be knot wood.

4 On the edge of the plank, not more than half the depth shall be
knot wood.

5 On the edge of the plank, the grain shall not cross from face-to-
face within a distance of less than 30.5 centimeters (1 foot).

6 From end-to-end, the plank must not be twisted by more than 1.3
centimeters (1/2 inch).

7 Scaffold planks shall meet the loading requirements of Table II.2.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 192
Planks shall not be painted or treated in any way that would conceal

Planks which are split, decayed or warped shall not be used, but the
parts affected may be cut off to produce shorter planks with the ends
banded or bolted through.

Planks should be stacked on a suitable foundation. Where the height

of a stack exceeds 20 planks, measures should be taken to tie or bond
succeeding layers.

Planks should not be stood on end unattended.

Scaffold planks shall not be used for shuttering for concrete, shoring
for trenches, or as sills for scaffolding. Planks shall be inspected for
defects, including decay, prior to each use.

The design working load of each platform unit (i.e., plank) shall be
capable of supporting without failure one or more 91 kg (200 lb) person
with 22.7 kg (50 lb.) of equipment.

Platform units rated for one person capacity shall be designed and
constructed to carry 113.6 kg (250 lb.) at the center of the span.

Platform units rated for two persons shall be designed and constructed
to carry a working load of 227 kg (500 lb.) : 113.6 kg (250 lb.) placed at
0.46 meters (18 inches) to the left and right of the center of the span.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 193

Platform units rated for three persons shall designed and constructed
to carry a working load of 341 kg (750 lb.) : 113.6 kg (250 lb.) placed at
0.46 meters (18 inches) to the left and right of the center of the span,
and at the center of the span.

The design loads in sections to are not to be added to

uniformly distributed loads for light, medium and heavy duty scaffold
(i.e., 25, 50 and 75 lb./ft 2 respectively), but are shown as alternates.

Each platform, where applicable, shall be designed and constructed to

carry a uniformly distributed load as an alternate to the person loading
of to Uniformly distributed loads and person loading
are not cumulative and the most restrictive loading shall be used for
platform design.

Light, medium and heavy duty uniformly distributed load requirements

shall be 25, 50 and 75 pounds per square foot respectively. Greater
uniformly distributed loads shall be specially designed.


Permissible Span (ft)

Douglas Fir or Spruce
Southern Pine Rough Sawn

2 in x 10 in 1-7/8 in x 9-7/8 in

Nominal or or

Loading Condition 1-1/2 in x 9-1/4 in Actual 2 in x 9 in

One worker or medium-duty 10 ft 8 ft

Two workers or heavy-duty 8 ft 7 ft

Three workers 5 ft 5 ft


February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 194

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 195
9.4 Requirements Common to All Scaffolding

9.4.1 Foundations

A sound base is essential; therefore, the ground or floor on which a

scaffold is going to stand must be carefully examined. Sand or made-
up ground may need compacting to ensure there are no cavities. Such
bases as floors, roofs, etc. may need shoring from underneath.

Scaffolds, including components, shall be capable of supporting

without failure at least 4 times the maximum intended load.

Timber sills at least 23 centimeters (9 inches) wide by 3.8 centimeters

(1-1/2 inches) thick (not scaffold planks) will be required to spread the
load on sand, made up ground, asphalt pavement, wooden floors, and
slippery surfaces. A sill shall extend under at least two posts.

Where scaffolding is erected on a solid bearing such as rock or

concrete, small timber pads may be used in place of sills and nailed to
prevent the base plates sliding off.

Concrete blocks, barrels, and other loose or unsuitable material shall

not be used for the construction or support of scaffolding.

If used to compensate for variations in ground level, the screwjack

shall not be adjusted to more than two-thirds of the total length of the
thread. The base plate shall be of a type approved for supporting
scaffolding posts. (See manufacturer's specifications.)

9.4.2 Posts

Posts shall be pitched on 15 centimeters (6 inches) by 15 centimeters

(6 inch) steel base plates and at least 0.64 centimeter (1/4 inch) thick.
Joints in posts should be staggered, i.e., joints in adjacent posts
should not occur in the same lift. All posts shall be vertical.

The inner row of posts shall be placed as close as possible to the face
of the building or structure. To avoid projections, the posts may be up

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 196
to 41 centimeters (16 inches) away from the wall or structure as
necessary, provided that, where there is room to do so, the gap
between the wall or structure and the inner posts shall be closed with
planks on extended board bearers. The outer row of posts shall be
positioned from the inner row of posts depending on the load
requirements of the scaffold, and the working platform shall be fully
decked out.

9.4.3 Runners

Runners shall be securely fixed to posts with standard couplers and

shall be horizontal. Joints in runners should be staggered, i.e., joints in
adjacent runners should not occur in the same bay. Runners should
be secured end-to-end by sleeve couplers, not by joint pins.

Runners shall be vertically spaced no more than 2.0 meters (6 feet, 6

inches) to give adequate headroom along the platforms.

9.4.4 Bearers

Bearers should be installed between posts and securely fixed to the posts bearing
on the runner coupler and secured with standard couplers. When coupled
directly to the runners, the coupler must be kept as close to the posts as possible.
These bearers must remain in position as they are a structural part of the scaffold.

9.4.5 Board Bearers

Board bearers shall be installed between bearers to accommodate differences in

plank lengths.

Board bearers shall be secured to the runners between bearers where necessary to
support platform units (planks). These may be removed when no longer required
to support platform units.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 197
9.4.6 Bracing

Cross bracing shall be installed across the width of the scaffold at least
every third set of posts horizontally and every fourth runner vertically.
Such bracing shall extend diagonally from the inner and outer runners
upward to the next outer and inner runners. These braces should be
fixed to the runners with standard couplers as close to the posts as
possible. Where such a fixing is impracticable, adjustable couplers
may be used to fix the braces to the posts. (See Figures II.23 and II.24.)

Longitudinal diagonal bracing shall be installed at approximately 45-

degree angle from near the base of the first outer post upward to the
extreme top of the scaffold. Where possible, such bracing shall be
duplicated at every fifth post. On short but high runs, diagonal
bracing shall be installed at an angle of 45 degrees from the base of the
first outer post to the last outer post and shall alternate directions to
the top of the scaffold. When bracing cannot be attached to the posts,
this bracing may be attached to the runners, as close as possible to the
posts. Only standard couplers or adjustable couplers may be used.
Joints in braces shall be made with end-to-end or parallel couplers.

Temporary rakers (inclined load-bearing tube supports) brace the

scaffold against the ground when setting out. These rakers are
replaced by permanent braces when the scaffold has been plumbed,
leveled and tied. Rakers must be secured with proper couplers at the
scaffold and coupled to a ground stake.

9.4.7 Ties

It is essential that all scaffolds, with the exception of certain tower and
mobile scaffolds (See 9.7 and 9.8), be securely tied to the building or
structure throughout their length and height to prevent movement of
the scaffold either towards or away from the building or structure.
This should be done by connecting a tie tube to both runners or posts
and coupling this to a two-way tie or column box tie assembly. (See
Figures II.25 and II.26.)

Where the foregoing is impracticable, tubes may be securely wedged

between opposing surfaces on the building or structure by the use of
reveal pins and coupled to the tie tubes (Figure II.27). Where reveal
ties are used, they shall not exceed 50% of the total number of ties.
Two-way ties or column box ties shall be evenly distributed over the

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 198
scaffold area. To ensure the security of reveal ties, it is necessary to
check frequently for tightness.

Ties shall occur at the top of the scaffold and at least every 7.9 meters
(26 feet) vertically and 9.1 meters (30 feet) horizontally and at each end
of the scaffold. All tie assembly connections shall be made with
standard couplers.

9.4.8 Platform Units

All platform units (i.e., planks, fabricated decks, etc.) shall be closed
planked with, whenever practicable, each plank resting on at least three
supports. Planks shall extend over their end supports by not less than
15 centimeters (6 inches) and not more than 30.5 centimeters (12

Supports for scaffold planks shall be spaced with due regard to the
nature of the platform and the load it will bear. (See Table II.2.)

Except on platform units adjacent to the surface of a cylindrical or

spherical structure, planks shall be laid flush.

Planks shall be secured in position to prevent displacement by high


Adequate space for men to pass in safety shall be provided and

maintained wherever materials are placed on platform units or if any
higher platform is erected thereon.

Platform units shall be kept free of unnecessary obstructions,

materials, and projecting nails.

Platform units which have become slippery with oil or any other
substance shall be cleaned, or otherwise removed and replaced.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 199

Slopes in platform units shall not exceed 1 vertical to 4 horizontal and

stepping cleats at 0.3 meter (1 foot) intervals shall be provided.

All platform units shall be closed planked for the full width of the
scaffold structure.

9.4.9 Guardrail Systems and Toeboards

Guardrail systems (consisting of toprails and midrails) and toeboards

shall be installed at all open sides and ends of all scaffolds and
supports on no more than 3-meter (10-foot) centers from which men or
materials could fall a distance of more than 1.8 meters (6 feet). Toprails
shall be no less than 0.91 meter (36 inches) and no more than 1.14
meters (45 inches) above the working surface; midrails shall be
installed equidistant between the working surface and the toprail.
Toeboards shall not be less than 10 centimeters (4 inches) in height by
2.5 centimeters (1 inch) thick. Guardrail systems and toeboards shall
be securely fixed to the inside of posts to withstand a lateral thrust of
200 pounds.

Landings: Safe landings shall be provided at the top of all ladders.

Rings shall be eliminated above the landing level, and side rails shall
extend 36 to 42 inches above the landing for mounting and
dismounting. Where multiple ladders are required, solidly decked
platforms shall be provided. Guardrails, intermediate rails and
toeboards shall be erected on the outside edges and exposed sides of
the platform.

9.4.10 Access

Access to a working platform is best achieved by providing a separate ladder

tower or a cantilevered access platform so as not to obstruct the working platform
and to minimize the risk of persons falling through gaps in the guardrail system or
platform units. Access must be provided to working platforms.

9.4.11 Scaffold Ladders

Scaffold ladders provide the means of access and egress for scaffolds. They can
generally be classified as follows:

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 200 Portable Straight and Extension Ladders
(Figure II.24)

A straight ladder is a portable ladder that only consists of one section

which determines its overall length. It cannot support itself or be
adjusted in length.

An extension ladder is a portable ladder that cannot support itself but

can be adjusted in length. It consists of two or more sections which
are arranged to permit length adjustment. Its overall length is the sum
of the length of all its sections measured along the side rails.

Portable straight and extension ladders shall have a firm base and be
positioned with a slope of 1:4. Vertical Ladder

A vertical ladder is a type of fixed ladder which is permanently

attached to the horizontal or vertical components of a scaffolding.

The main criteria to consider in the use of a vertical ladder is clearance.

The following clearance guidelines shall be used.

• General:

Safe clearances shall be maintained to prevent workers from

bumping into, or snagging onto, projecting objects while
ascending or descending the ladder.

• Climbing Side:

Ladders shall have a minimum clear perpendicular distance of 30

inches from the rungs to the nearest projecting object on the
climbing side. When unavoidable obstructions are encountered,
the minimum clearance distance may be reduced to 24 inches if
deflector plates are provided.

• Back Side Of Ladder:

The perpendicular distance from the face of the rung on the

climbing side to the nearest fixed object on the back side of the
ladder shall not be less than 10 inches. When unavoidable,
horizontal obstructions (e.g. beams, pipes, etc.) are encountered,
the vertical toe clearances specified in the following sections, shall

• Side Clearance:

The minimum clear distance to the nearest fixed object shall be 15

inches on each side of the centerline of single rung ladders.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 201
• Vertical Clearance:

The minimum vertical toe clearance from horizontal obstructions

shall be 1 1/2 inches below and 4 1/2 inches above the top edge of
the rung.

• Multiple Ladders:

When two or more separate ladders are used with a landing

platform, the side-step distance shall be a minimum of 15 inches
from the centerline of the upper ladder to the near side of the lower

9.4.12 Workmanship

Scaffolding shall be erected, altered, and dismantled by experienced

men working under the direction of a competent supervisor.

Posts shall be set accurately in place and checked vertically by using a

spirit level or by using vertical lines on the building or structure.

Scaffolding couplers should be tightened with proper scaffolding

spanners. The use of an ordinary spanner or tool giving greater
leverage could damage the screw threads and render the coupler

Scaffolding materials shall not be thrown or dropped from heights.

9.4.13 Inspections

All scaffolds shall be inspected regularly by a competent Supervisor and after

adjustments, modifications, adverse weather conditions, etc. Erected scaffolds
and platforms should also be inspected continuously, by those using the scaffold,
to insure that the scaffold has not been altered and is in a safe working condition.

9.5 Fabricated Tubular Frame and System Scaffolding

Fabricated tubular frame and system scaffolding are composed wholly or partly of
prefabricated sections. There are many types of fabricated tubular frame and system
scaffolding available which vary in design and methods of erection; however, the same
basic principles set out in 9.4 apply and the following matters warrant particular attention.
All scaffolds must be erected as per manufacturer's direction and limitations. A scaffold
plan needs to be submitted to Loss Prevention Department for review. (See Figures II.28 to

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 202

To be erected, altered and dismantled by experienced men, under the direction of a

competent Supervisor.


Periodic inspections shall be made of all parts and accessories. Broken, bent,
altered, excessively rusted or otherwise structurally damaged frames or accessories
shall not be used.


All fabricated tubular frame and system scaffolding shall be constructed and
erected to support four times the maximum intended loads.


Scaffold posts shall be pitched on steel base plates and on timber sills or pads as
necessary. Screwjacks shall be used to compensate for variations in ground level.


Scaffolds shall be properly braced by cross braces and longitudinal diagonal

braces for securing vertical members together. The cross braces shall be of such
length as will automatically square and align vertical members so that the erected
scaffold is always plumb, square, and rigid. All brace connections shall be made


The frames or posts shall be placed one on top of the other with coupling or
stacking pins to ensure proper vertical alignment of the legs.


The frames and posts shall be locked together vertically by pins or other equivalent
suitable means.


Fabricated tubular frame and system scaffolding over 38 meters (125 feet) in height
shall be specially designed by a Professional Engineer. In Saudi Aramco, scaffold
heights are limited to a maximum height of 12.2 meters (40 feet), unless a scaffold
plan has been reviewed by the Area Loss Prevention Division representative prior
to construction. Scaffolds above 12.2 meters (40 feet) should be constructed using
scaffold contractors; however no scaffolds shall exceed 38.1 meters (125 feet)
unless the design has been reviewed by an Area Loss Prevention Division
representative, Consulting Services Department and approved by a qualified
engineer. (See also GI 8.001, section 6.1.1.)

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 203
9.6 Tube and Coupler Scaffolds
(Tube and Coupler Construction - Figure II.23)

9.6.1 Independent Tied Scaffold

An independent tied scaffold (also commonly known as a double pole scaffold)

consists of a double row of posts connected together longitudinally with runners
and with bearers at right angles to the runners. Braces and ties are essential for
stability. Independent tied scaffold is the most common form of tube and coupler
scaffolding and is divided into three groups.

In Saudi Aramco the height limitation of the tube and coupler scaffold shall not
exceed 12.2 meters (40 feet) unless a scaffold plan proposing to use such a scaffold
at a greater height has been reviewed by the Loss Prevention Department per the
provisions of Section 9.5.8.

1 Light Duty: for painting, cleaning, etc.

2 Medium Duty: when materials are deposited on the platforms.
3 Heavy Duty: where the deposited material is of a more substantial nature.

9.6.2 Light Duty Tube and Coupler Scaffolds

(For general requirements, see 9.4 and 9.5) Design, Loading and Dimensions

A light duty tube and coupler scaffold can have up to three working
platforms in use at any one time, and the maximum distributed load on
the platform shall be 1.2 kPa (25 lb./sq. ft) with posts 3.05 meters (10
feet) apart longitudinally and 1.83 meters (6 feet) transversely.

Uniformly distributed load Not to exceed 25 p.s.f.

Post Spacing (longitudinal) 10 ft. 0 in.
Post Spacing (transverse) 6 ft. 0 in.

Working Levels Additional Planked Levels Maximum Height

1 8 125 ft.
2 4 125 ft.
3 0 91 ft. 0 in.

Reference: CFR 1910.28 Platform

The platform between posts should be decked out with 23 centimeters

(9 inches) wide by 5.1 centimeters (2 inches) thick planks. Bearers may

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 204
be cantilevered for use as brackets to carry not more than two planks
between the building and inner post. Limitations

Light duty tube and coupler scaffolds erected in accordance with these
directions may be used up to a maximum height of 38.1 meters (125
feet) and limited to a uniformly distributed load of 25 lb./ft 2. Light duty
tube and coupler scaffolds departing from these directions shall be
specially designed or designed to a higher rating such as medium or
heavy duty.

9.6.3. Medium Duty Tube and Coupler Scaffold

(For general requirements, see 9.4) Design, Loading, and Dimensions

A medium duty tube and coupler scaffold may have up to two working
platforms in use at any one time. The maximum distributed load on
each platform shall not exceed 2.39 kPa (50 lb./sq. ft) with posts not
more than 2.4 meters (8 feet) apart longitudinally and 1.83 meters (6
feet) transversely.

Uniformly distributed load Not to exceed 50 p.s.f.

Post Spacing (longitudinal) 8 ft. 0 in.
Post Spacing (transverse) 6 ft. 0 in.

Working Levels Additional Planked Levels Maximum Height

1 6 125 ft
2 0 78 ft. 0 in.

Reference: CFR 1910.28 Platform

The platform between posts should be decked out with 23 centimeters

(9 inches) wide by 5.1 centimeters (2 inches) thick planks. Bearers may
be cantilevered for use as brackets to carry not more than two planks
between the building and inner post. Limitations

Medium duty tube and coupler scaffolds erected in accordance with

these directions may be used up to a maximum height of 38.1 meters
(125 feet) and limited to a uniformly distributed load of 50 lb./ft 2.
Medium duty tube and coupler scaffolds departing from these

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 205
directions shall be specially designed or designed to a higher rating
such as heavy duty. Bearers

Bearers on medium duty tube and coupler scaffolds shall be 6.35

centimeters (2.5 inches) outside diameter steel tube and of nominal wall
thickness of 0.4 centimeter (5/32 inch).

9.6.4 Heavy Duty Tube and Coupler Scaffolds

(For general requirements, see 9.5) Design, Loading and Dimensions

A heavy duty tube and coupler scaffold has one working platform with
a maximum distributed load of 3.6 kPa (75 lb./sq ft) on the platform.
The posts shall be no more than 2.0 meters (6 feet, 6 inches) apart
longitudinally and 1.8 meters (6 feet transversely).

Uniformly distributed load Not to exceed 75 p.s.f.

Post Spacing (longitudinal) 6 ft. 6 in.
Post Spacing (transverse) 6 ft. 0 in.

Working Levels Additional Planked Levels Maximum Height

1 6 125 ft.

Reference: CFR 1910.28 Platform

The platform between the posts shall be decked out with 23

centimeters (9 inches) wide by 5.1 centimeters (2 inches) thick planks. Limitations

Heavy duty tube and coupler scaffolds erected in accordance with

these directions may be used up to a maximum height of 38.1 meters
(125 feet). Heavy duty tube and coupler scaffolds departing from
these directions shall be specially designed. Bearers

Bearers on heavy duty tube and coupler scaffolds shall be 6.35

centimeters (2.5 inches) outside diameter steel tube and be of nominal
wall thickness 0.4 centimeter (5/32 inch).

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 206
9.7 Free-Standing Tower Scaffolds

A free-standing tower scaffold consists of four or more posts connected together

longitudinally with runners and bearers at right angles to the runners, forming a square or
rectangular tower (see Figure II.32). Alternatively, a free-standing tower scaffold may be
constructed of a fabricated tubular frame or system scaffolding (see 9.5). A free-standing
tower scaffold has a single working platform and is a common form of access scaffolding for
painters and others who do work of a light nature and of short duration.

9.7.1 General Requirements

For general requirements, see 9.4 and where a fabricated tubular frame or system
scaffolding is to be used, see 9.5.

9.7.2 Design, Loading and Dimensions

A free-standing tower scaffold shall have only one working platform and the
maximum distributed load shall not exceed the load rating which is determined by
the platform unit type and the scaffold duty.

The height from the base to working platform of a free-standing tower scaffold
shall not exceed four times the minimum base dimension. In no case shall the
minimum base dimension be less than 1.2 meters (4 feet).

9.7.3 Runners and Bearers

The vertical spacing of runners and bearers shall be 2.0 meters (6 feet, 6 inches).
The lowest runners and bearers shall be as near to the base as possible. Runners
and bearers shall be secured to the posts with standard couplers.

9.7.4 Bracing

Sway bracing is necessary on all four elevations to the full height of the scaffold.
Plan bracing is also required at the base, at the top, and at every third lift to
prevent racking.

9.7.5 Ties

Free-standing tower scaffolds more than 9.8 meters (32 feet) in height shall be
adequately tied to a building or structure. Where tying to a building or structure
is impracticable, one of the following methods of ensuring stability shall be used
(see Figures II.33 to II.35):

1 Guy wires at a slope of approximately 45o connected to the working

platform level of the tower.
2 Bottom corners of the tower securely anchored.
3 Outriggers extending to the ground.

The strength of the guy wires or of the anchorage used shall be calculated, having
due regard to the horizontal wind forces and other known forces which may be
applied to the tower. These calculations shall be reviewed by Loss Prevention

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 207
9.7.6 Platform

The single working platform of a free-standing tower scaffold shall not project
beyond the base area and the platform unit(s) shall be securely fixed in position.

9.7.7 Access

Where the means of access to the working platform is outside the tower structure,
due consideration must be given to the effect of such means of access on the
stability of the scaffold. Where a sloping ladder would cause instability, a
securely fixed vertical ladder may be used.

9.7.8 Limitations

Free-standing tower scaffolds erected and used in accordance with these directions
and with one working platform may be used up to a maximum height of 12 meters
(40 feet) to the work platform. Free-standing tower scaffolds departing from these
directions shall be specially designed.

9.8 Mobile Tower Scaffolds

(Figure II.31)

The requirements for free-standing tower scaffolds in 9.7 also apply to mobile tower
scaffolds with the exception that wheels are used in place of base plates and sills.

9.8.1 Foundations

Wheels or casters, not less than 12.7 centimeters (5 inches) in diameter, and fitted
with brakes, which cannot be released accidentally, shall be securely fixed to the
bases of the posts by lock pins or dowels.

A mobile tower scaffold shall only be used and moved on surfaces sufficiently
firm and level to ensure stability. Where the scaffold is to be used on a
suspended floor, it shall be designed to apply loads no greater than the bearing
capacity of the floor.

Temporary foundations or track laid on soft or uneven ground to facilitate the

erection and movement of the tower shall be constructed and anchored so that its
bearing capacity is not exceeded due to imposed loading from the tower. The
track shall be level and properly secured.

9.8.2 Operation

A mobile tower scaffold shall be moved only by pushing or pulling at the base.
Force must not be applied at a height greater than 1.4 meters (4 feet, 6 inches)
above the base. No men, equipment or materials shall be on the working platform
or elsewhere on the structure while it is in motion. Wheel brakes shall be applied
at all times when men are on the stationary mobile tower scaffold.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 208
9.8.3 Limitations

Mobile tower scaffolds, erected and used in accordance with these directions,
supported on four wheels and with one working platform, may be used up to a
maximum height of 12 meters (40 feet). Mobile tower scaffolds departing from
these directions shall be specially designed and properly secured (See 9.7.5).

9.9 Scaffolds for Tanks and Vessels

Tube and coupler scaffolds for tanks and vessels shall be erected in accordance with 9.6.
Secure tying to the structure is essential for stability.

9.9.1 Bracket Scaffolds

Brackets and bracket straps shall be constructed, fixed and erected in

accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

It is essential that the brackets, straps and welds are of sufficient

strength to support the weight of the scaffold, men, tools and

The bracket straps shall be welded to the wall of the tank by a certified
welder. The weld shall be a full 5 millimeters (3/16 inch) fillet. Prior to
welding on any tank, approval is required from Saudi Aramco
Consulting Services Department.

The weld shall be made with the same type of electrode as used for the
main tank weld joints. Before the bracket is attached to the strap, the
weld shall be inspected by a competent welding inspector or welding
supervisor who will approve and accept the weld.

Brackets shall be inspected prior to each use and damaged or defective

brackets shall be removed from service. Brackets shall be vertical and
horizontal spacing shall not exceed 2.5 meters (8 feet) on centers.

A rigid guardrail system and toeboards shall be securely fixed to the

uprights of the brackets (see Section 9.4.9). Alternatively, 3/8 inch
diameter wire ropes may be used in place of toprails and midrails
providing that they are securely fixed and kept taut by the use of turn

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 209

Whenever men are working, the platform shall be fully decked.

Excessive storage or accumulation of materials or platform units

(planks) shall not be permitted.

The scaffold shall be designed to support a minimum load of 1.2 kPa

(25 lb./sq. ft). No more than two persons shall occupy any given 2.5
meters (8 feet) of bracket scaffold at any one time. Tools and materials
shall not exceed 34 kg (75 lb.) in addition to person(s) occupying the

9.10 Special Scaffolds

Scaffolds to suit special applications and those required for unusual heights or for use in
abnormal circumstances shall be of a special design, which has been reviewed by the Loss
Prevention Department as per the provisions of section 9.5.8.

Vehicle-mounted elevating and rotating aerial devices shall comply with ANSI A92.2-1990.

9.11 Scaffold Terminology

Where possible, the scaffold terminology used in this document is based on ANSI A10.8-
1988: Scaffolding - Safety Requirements. A list of common ANSI scaffold terms is
included, and in brackets are equivalent British Standard (BS 5973: 1990 scaffold terms,
where an equivalent term exists.

(1) Base Plate. A metal plate with a spigot or screwjack for distributing the load from a
post or other load bearing tube.

(2) Bearer (Transom). A horizontal tube across runners to form the support for a platform
or to connect the outer posts to the inner posts.

(3) Brace. A tube placed diagonally with respect to the vertical and horizontal members of
a scaffold and fixed to them to give stability.

(4) Coupler. A device for locking together component parts of tube and coupler scaffold.

(5) Design Load. The maximum intended load; that is, the total of all loads including the
worker(s), material and the equipment placed on the unit.

(6) Dropline. A vertical line from a fixed anchorage, which is independent of the work
platform and its rigging, and to which the lanyard is affixed.

(7) Fabricated Tubular Frame Scaffold. A system of tubular frames (panels) field erected
with bracing members.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 210
(8) Guardrail System. A rail system erected along open sides and ends of platforms. The
rail system consists of a toprail and midrail and their supports.

(9) Lanyard. A flexible line to secure the wearer of a body belt or harness to a dropline or
a fixed anchor.

(10) Load Ratings. Maximum loading for the following categories:

(a) Heavy Duty: Scaffolding constructed to carry a working load of 75 lb./ft 2

such as for masonry work, with storage of materials on the platform.
(b) Medium Duty: Scaffolding constructed to carry a working load of 50 lb./ft 2
such as for bricklayers with the weight of materials in addition to workers.
(c) Light Duty: Scaffolding constructed to carry a working load of 25 lb./ft 2
and is intended for workers only, with no material storage other than the
weight of tools.
(d) Special Duty: Scaffold designed and constructed to carry specific types of

(11) Mobile Scaffold. A scaffold assembly supported by casters and moved along

(12) Midrail. A horizontal rail approximately midway between the toprail and platform of a
guardrail system.

(13) Plank. A wood board or fabricated component that is a flooring member.

(14) Platform. An elevated work surface composed of one or more platform units.

(15) Platform Unit. Individual wood planks, fabricated planks, fabricated decks, and
fabricated platforms.

(16) Post (Standard). Vertical scaffold tube that bears the weight of the structure.

(17) Putlog (Truss). A fabricated tube upon which the platform rests, the putlog has a
flattened end, to rest in or on part of the brickwork.

(18) Rated Load. The manufacturer's recommended maximum load.

(19) Runner (Ledger). A horizontal scaffold tube that extends from post to post, that
supports putlogs or bearers and that forms a tie between the posts.

(20) Scaffold. A temporary elevated or suspended work unit and its supporting structure
used for supporting worker(s) or materials, or both.

(21) Scaffold Access. A separate, attachable or built-in means of access to and from a
scaffold or work unit.

(22) Scaffold Deck 'Fabricated'. A work unit equipped with end hooks that engage the
scaffold bearer.

(23) Sill (Sole Plate). A timber, concrete or metal spreader used to distribute the load from a
post or base plate to the ground.

February 1993 - 9.0 Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding Page 211
(24) Tie. A device used between scaffold components and the building or structure to
enhance lateral stability.

(25) Toeboard. A barrier secured along the sides and the ends of a platform unit to guard
against the falling of material, tools and other loose objects.

(26) Toprail. The uppermost horizontal rail of a guardrail system.

(27) Tube and Coupler Scaffold. A scaffold system consisting of tubing that serves as
posts , bearers, braces, ties and runners; a base supporting the posts; and special
couplers that serve to connect the uprights and join the various members.

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Hand tools are those tools for which the hand provides the motive force, e.g., picks, shovels, axes,
crowbars, wrenches, saws, chisels, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. It is the contractor's duty to ensure that
his workmen are properly instructed in the selection and use of the correct tool for the job. Tools
constructed of good quality materials should always be used. Poor quality tools increase the risk of
accidents and also reduce the efficiency of work.

Power tools, however, allow many jobs to be carried out more efficiently and with greater speed and
accuracy. The correct use of power tools can only be achieved by the proper training of workmen, by
proper maintenance, and by adequate site supervision. Many accidents have occurred because unskilled
and untrained labor have been allowed to operate power tools in an incorrect manner.


Saudi Aramco Instructions And Standards:

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Cartridge Operated


United States Code of Federal Regulations 29, Part 1910, Subpart "0", Machinery And Machine Guarding

American National Standards Institute:

ANSI A10.3-1985

Safety Requirements For Powder Actuated Fastening Systems

ANSI A10.9-1983

Safety Requirements For Concrete Construction and Masonry Work

ANSI B7.1-1988

Safety Code For The Use, Care, And Protection Of Abrasive Wheels

ANSI B15.1-1984

Safety Code For Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus

NFPA - 70-90

National Electrical Code (NEC)

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 221
10.1 Hand Tools, General

10.1.1 Quality

The contractor shall ensure that the finest quality tools shall be provided for all
jobs where hand tools are used.

10.1.2 Cleanliness

The contractor shall ensure that hand tools are regularly cleaned and, where
necessary, lightly oiled as a protection against corrosion.

10.1.3 Repair and Storage

All hand tools shall be regularly inspected before and after use, and before storage.
If wear or damage is observed, the tool should be withdrawn from use for repair or
disposal. The contractor shall ensure that the storekeeper maintains a record of all
tools issued, repaired, and withdrawn from use. Proper racks and boxes shall be
provided for the storage of hand tools.

10.1.4 Selection

The majority of accidents are caused by using an incorrect tool for the job. It is
essential that the correct type, size, and weight of tool should be decided upon
before any work is carried out.

10.1.5 Electrical Risks

All uninsulated metal tools are conductors of electricity. Where work takes place
on or near electrical operations, only properly insulated and non-conductive tools
should be used. Insulation should be checked at regular intervals by a competent

10.2 Individual Hand Tools, Precautions

10.2.1 Screwdrivers

It is essential that a screwdriver has the correct size of tip to fit the slot of the
screw. If the screwdriver fits the screw correctly, the screw will be drawn into the
correct position without unnecessary force being applied. Over-tightening of
screws can lead to possible hand injury if the screwdriver slips.

Screwdriver shanks are not designed to withstand the twisting strain applied by a
pair of pliers or more grips in order to obtain additional leverage. On no account
should screwdriver handles be subjected to blows from a hammer or similar

Screwdrivers should never be carried in the pockets of coveralls or other clothing.

A screwdriver can produce a serious wound.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 222
10.2.2 Hammer

It is essential that the right kind of hammer be selected for the job. Hammer handles
should be made from smooth timber or be made of an integral head and shaft of
steel. Hammer heads should be secured to wooden handles with proper wedges.

10.2.3 Chisels

Cutting edges should be kept sharp at all times, and the original shape and angle
should be maintained. Re-sharpened cold chis els should be suitably hardened and
tempered to maintain them in a safe working condition. The chisel heads will
mushroom in use. As soon as mushrooming is observed, the head should be
reground with a slight taper around the edge to prevent chipping and reduce the
tendency to re-mushroom. Eye protection should be worn at all times when a cold
chisel is used.

On jobs where it is necessary to use a sledge hammer for striking the chisel, the
chisel should be held by a second person using a pair of tongs.

Wood chisels should also be maintained in a sharp condition so that minimum

pressure is exerted when making a cut. If the chisel is to be struck, only a wooden
or soft mallet should be used.

10.2.4 Picks and Shovels

Picks and shovels shall be maintained in a serviceable condition at all times.

Shovel blades should not be allowed to become blunt, turned, split, or jagged. Pick
head points should be kept sharp and heat-treated so that the metal wears down in
use and does not splinter or chip off. Shafts of picks and shovels should be kept
free from cracks and splinters.

10.2.5 Spanners and Wrenches

Only spanners and adjustable wrenches of the right size should be used. When
possible, use box-end rather than adjustable wrenches. The jaw should first be
checked for any sign of opening out or splitting. Spanner and wrench lengths are
graded to provide sufficient leverage on the nuts for which they are designed.
Improvised extension to these tools is an unsafe practice and may cause the bolt
tread to strip or cause shearing of the bolt. On no account should ordinary
wrenches be struck by a hammer when tightening nuts. For heavy work of this
nature, a properly designed slugging wrench should be used.

10.2.6 Pipe Wrenches

Pipe wrenches must be large enough for the job, the jaw teeth must be kept clean
and sharp, and the knurl, pin, and spring should be kept free from damage. Pipe
wrenches should never be struck with a hammer, nor should they be used as a

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 223
10.2.7 Pliers

Pliers should only be used when there are no other tools for the job. They are
meant only for gripping around objects and should not be used as a wrench.

Care should be taken when cutting soft metal with pliers to ensure the scrap
portion does not fly off and cause injury. If wire is cut under tension, then long
handled pliers should be used. Where pliers are used for electrical work, they must
be fitted with insulated handles. All pliers should be kept free from dirt and grit,
and the movable parts should be lightly lubricated.

10.2.8 Jacks

Jacks should be marked with rated capacity and must be heavy enough and strong
enough to raise and maintain the load. They should be placed on a firm and solid
support, and the load should be positioned on the center line of the jack.

Once a load has been raised, it must be shored or blocked. The jack should never
be relied upon to hold the raised load in position by itself. Extreme care should be
taken when working under or near a raised load.

10.2.9 Hacksaws

The correct type of blade should be selected to suit the material to be cut. The
blade should be set in a hacksaw frame so that the teeth are pointing in the forward
direction, and sufficient tension should be applied to ensure blade is maintained

10.2.10 Hand saws

Many kinds of woodworking hand saws are available, and care should be taken to
select the correct saw. All hand saws shall be regularly examined to ensure that the
saw teeth are properly set so as to avoid binding in the timber which can cause the
blade to buckle. The teeth should be kept sharp, clean, and lightly oiled. When the
saw is not in use, the blade should be protected by a slotted piece of timber or a

Two-man saws should be operated by pulling only. The cut should be kept
straight to avoid the blade buckling. The cut should be wedged open to prevent
the timber from pinching the blade.

10.3 Power Tools, General

10.3.1 Quality

The contractor shall ensure that all portable power tools do not exceed 125 volts
rating, are manufactured of sound materials, and are free from defects and properly

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 224
10.3.2 Repair and Storage

All portable power tools shall be stored in clean, dry conditions. The contractor
shall provide a schedule of systematic inspection and maintenance for all power
tools. All tools shall be returned to the storekeeper at the completion of each
individual job. Power tools must not be left lying around the job site where they
could be damaged.

Rotating tools should be switched off and held until rotation has completely
stopped before they are set down. Tools must be disconnected before changing
bits, blades, cutters, or wheels.

Power for tools can be supplied by compressed air, explosive cartridge, or

electricity. All portable power tools must be equipped with properly functioning
"dead man" switches.

10.4 Pneumatic Tools

10.4.1 General

An air compressor shall always be under the supervision of a

competent person. It should always be sited in such a place so as to
have adequate ventilation. Compressors shall not be permitted to
operate in confined spaces without the provision of adequate exhaust

All compressed air hoses shall be of the correct size to fit the tool
being used. Any joint in the hoses shall be made with a proper coupler
and secured by safety wire. The hose length shall be kept as short as
possible and placed so as not to be subjected to damage.

Pneumatic tools require clean air to operate efficiently. In every line

feeding a power tool, there shall be an adequate filter and lubricator.

During operation all air tools should be held firmly to prevent them
spinning and jumping. This pressure should be maintained during the
stopping process to prevent injury to the operator's feet and hands.

10.4.2 Individual Tools, Precautions Jack Hammer and Concrete Breakers

The tool bit retaining spring shall always be securely in position to

prevent the bit from dropping out. The bit must be kept sharp.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 225
Ear, eye and foot protection shall be required when working with this
type of equipment. See I.9 for other personal protective equipment
requirements. Rock Drill

It is extremely important that the operator maintains a firm grip with

both hands and stands in a balanced position. Any other method of
using the tool can cause serious bodily injury. Grinding Machine

This tool is probably the most misused of all the power tools. Care
should always be taken to ensure that the grinding wheel is free from
defect before mounting. Any defect may cause the wheel to
disintegrate as it gains momentum.

Only persons who have been instructed in the proper selection and
fitting of grinding wheels should be allowed to install wheels on tools.

The proper size and type of wheel should be fitted to the tool so that
the maximum permissible running speed of the spindle does not exceed
the maximum periphery speed displayed on the grinding wheel. No
grinding machine shall be used unless the maximum speed is clearly
marked on the case. All wheels shall be fitted with adequate guards in
conformance with ANSI B7-1-1988. (See Figure II.36.)

Floor stand and bench mounted abrasive wheels, used for external
grinding, shall be provided with safety guards (protection hoods). The
maximum angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery and sides
shall be not more than 90o , except that when work requires contact
with the wheel below the horizontal plane of the spindle, the angular
exposure shall not exceed 125o . In either case, the exposure shall
begin not more than 65o above the horizontal plane of the spindle.
Safety guards shall be strong enough to withstand the effect of a
bursting wheel. (See Figures II.37 and II.38.)

Floor and bench-mounted grinders shall be provided with work rests

which are rigidly supported and readily adjustable. Such work rests
shall be kept at a distance not to exceed one-eighth inch from the
surface of the wheel. (See Figure II.37.)

Cut type wheels used for external grinding shall be protected by either
a revolving cup guard or a band type guard in accordance with the
provisions of the American National Standards Institute, B7.1-1988
Safety Code for the Use, Care, and Protection of Abrasive Wheels. All
other portable abrasive wheels used for external grinding, shall be
provided with safety guards (protection hoods) meeting the
requirements of this paragraph, except as follows:

• When the work location makes it possible, a wheel equipped with

safety flanges shall be used.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 226
• When wheels 2 inches or less in diameter which are securely
mounted on the end of a steel mandrel are used.

Portable abrasive wheels used for internal grinding shall be provided

with safety flanges (protection flanges) except as follows:

• If the wheels are entirely within the work being ground while in

• When wheels 2 inches or less in diameter which are securely

mounted on the end of a steel mandrel are used.

When safety guards are required, they shall be so mounted as to

maintain proper alignment with the wheel, and the guard and its
fastenings shall be of sufficient strength to retain fragments of the
wheel in case of accidental breakage. The maximum angular exposure
of the grinding wheel periphery and sides shall not exceed 180o .

When safety flanges are required, they shall be used only with wheels
designed to fit the flanges. Only safety flanges of a type and design
and properly assembled so as to ensure that the pieces of the wheel
will be retained in case of accidental breakage, shall be used.

All abrasive wheels shall be closely inspected and ring-tested before

mounting to ensure that they are free from cracks or defects. (See
Figure II.39.)

Grinding wheels shall fit freely on the spindle and shall not be forced
on. The spindle nut shall be tightened only enough to hold the wheel
in place. (See Figure II.40.)

All employees using abrasive wheels shall be protected by eye

protection equipment.

Materials that require grinding shall be placed on the tool rest with
moderate head-on pressure applied. Materials should not be forced or
jammed into the wheel. Grinding the materials on the sides of the
wheel is an unsafe practice which can damage the wheel. A grooved
or damaged wheel must be replaced.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 227

1 Dimensions

2 Nature of the Abrasive

3 Abrasive Grain Size

4 Grade

5 Structure

6 Bond

7 Maximum Speed

8 Color Stripe = Speed

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 228

1. Work rests shall be kept adjusted to the wheel with a maximum gap of 1/8 inch.

2. Tongue guards shall be kept adjusted closely to the wheel with a maximum opening of
1/4 inch.

3. The maximum angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery should not exceed 90o.
This exposure shall begin at a point not more than 65o above the horizontal plane.

4. Whenever the nature of the work requires contact with the wheel below the horizontal
plane, the exposure shall not exceed 125o .

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 229

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10.5 Cartridge Operated Tools

10.5.1 General

Cartridge operated tools have a great advantage in that they can be used in almost
any situation without the inconvenience of trailing leads or hoses. However, it is
essential that these tools be operated only by properly trained personnel who are
over 18 years of age. The contractor shall ensure that each man required to operate
such a tool will undergo a thorough training period and be certified by the tool
vendor. Use of cartridge operated tools will be in accordance with Saudi Aramco
GI 2.100, ANSI A10.3-1985 and the manufacturer's specifications and shall be
subject to review and concurrence by the Loss Prevention Department.

10.5.2 Storage

Safe and secure storage for cartridges and tools must be provided on the job site.
Storage must be fire proof, dry, must be capable of being locked and should be
sited in a clear, but easily accessible location where constant supervision can be

Cartridges and tools must not be stored together. A storage unit providing
positive physical separation of cartridges and tools (i.e., a wall or partition) is

Warning to be posted where cartridges are stored: "DANGER - NO SMOKING

Cartridge Storage".

Ventilation must be provided in the store. Cartons of cartridges must not be

stacked against the wall and ventilation spaces must be left around the cartons.
Only one carton of each strength cartridge shall be open at any one time. All
empty cartons, and intermediate packing, must be removed at once.

Tools must be stored in their carrying cases. No loose cartridges must be in the
carrying cases; all cartridges must be in their color coded boxes.

Only authorized personnel must be allowed access to the store.

10.5.3 Selection and Training of Personnel

No person may operate, clean, maintain, or repair any cartridge tool without
possessing a certificate of competency, issued by an accredited tool vendor or
manufacturer's representative, which identifies the particular model that the person
is qualified to handle.

Personnel for training must be selected with the following points in mind:

1 Must be over 18 years of age.

2 Must be physically fit and have full use of both hands and both eyes.
3 Should ideally be a tradesman, e.g. plumber, mason, electrician,
joiner/carpenter, etc.
4 Storemen may also need to be trained if they are required to clean and
maintain the tools.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 231
Training, both theoretical and practical, must be given by a competent instructor.

The training must follow the manufacturer's instructions as contained in the

handbook of each particular model.

10.5.4 Personal Protective Equipment

Eye Protection shall be worn by the operator and his assistant whenever using the
tools. Goggles must be of a satisfactory standard designed to withstand high
speed impacts and/or, penetrations.

Ear muffs will be available for use at any time and shall be used in confined spaces.

Safety belts may be required in certain situations where the recoil from the tool
could cause an operator to loose his balance.

10.5.5 Issue and Returns

Contractors will ensure that a full register of the serial numbers of each tool is made
and kept up to date.

A log inventory system of issuing and returning cartridges and tools against
signatures must be initiated and maintained. See Figure II.47: Cartridge/Tool
Issuance Control.

Only personnel in possession of a user certificate will be allowed to withdraw tools

or cartridges from the store.

Only the minimum number of cartridges required for that particular shift's operation
should be issued at any one time.

Cartridges and tools must not be left on the job site at lunch break or at end of shift
but must be returned to the store for safekeeping.

Any loss, either of tools or cartridges, must be reported, at once, to Saudi Aramco
project proponent.

10.5.6 Work Permits

Work Permits will not normally be required for use on job sites.

Where tools will be used in restricted areas (as defined in GI 2.100 Work Permits),
a Hot Work Permit must be obtained before work commences.

10.5.7 Use

No person may operate, clean, maintain or repair any cartridge tool without
possessing a certificate of competency which identifies the particular model that
person is qualified to handle.

The manufacturer's operating instructions must be followed at all times.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 232
Cartridges are manufactured in different calibers and strengths. There are three
sizes: .25 short, .27 short, and .27 long; and, four strengths, as follows:


Low 3 Green L
Low/Medium 4 Yellow LM
Medium/High 5 Red MH
Extra High 6 Purple/Black EX

It is, therefore, imperative that the correct size and strength of cartridge required for
the tool, the fixing, and the material to be fixed onto be properly determined. A
wrongly sized cartridge will cause a stoppage or misfire.

Using a cartridge which is too powerful could cause a ricochet or a spalling or

fracture of the material.

The following General Safety and Operating Rules are common to all types of tools:

1 As soon as the tool is removed from its carrying case, check to make sure
that a cartridge is NOT LOADED.

2 Inspect the tool before use each day to ensure that it is complete, in good
condition (e.g., clean), and that the safety devices are in proper working

3 Any tool that is not in proper working order or that develops a defect during
use, shall be immediately withdrawn from service and not used until properly

4 Tools shall not be loaded with a cartridge until just prior to the intended
firing time. When loading a tool, point it away from you and anyone else.
Never walk around with a loaded tool; load it where you are working. Never
leave the tool loaded when not in use. Loaded tools shall not be left

5 Never try to operate the tool without the end of the barrel hard against the
fixing surface.

6 All tools shall be used with the correct shield, guard, or attachment
recommended by the manufacturer.

7 Fasteners shall not be driven into very hard or brittle materials including, but
not limited to, cast iron, glazed tile, surface hardened steel, glass blocks,
hollow tile, terra cotta, marble, granite, slate, etc.

8 Driving into soft or easily penetrable materials shall be avoided unless

materials are backed by another material that will prevent the pin from
passing completely through and creating a flying missile hazard on the other
side. Careful inspection of all materials should be made before deciding on
the use of a cartridge tool.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 233
9 No pins shall be driven into a spalled area caused by an unsatisfactory shot,
or into any existing hole in the material. Care should be taken to ensure that
the new fixing is at least two inches away from any previous hole, and a
similar distance from any welded joint.

10 Pins must not be fired into corner bricks, mortar joints, and must be at least
four (4) inches (100 mm) away from the edge of concrete or brick work and
one-half inch (12 mm) from the edge of steel.

11 Ensure that the correct strength cartridge is used for the pin, fixing and
material involved. For the first, or test firing use the weakest cartridge. Too
strong a cartridge may result in over penetration, or the fastener may
rebound or ricochet.

12 The tool must be held at right angles to the job when firing.

13 In the event of a misfire, the tool should be re-triggered without moving the
tool from the work face. If the shot again fails, then the tool must be held
firmly in the firing position for at least 30 seconds to allow for a possible
"Hang Fire" in the cartridge. The removal of the misfired cartridge must be
as per the manufacturer's instructions. Do not use nails, knives, etc., to pry
the cartridge loose.

14 Recoil from firing can throw an operator off balance, especially when
working from ladders or scaffolds. Care must be taken to ensure that the
operator has a secure and safe work area. Safety belts should be used if

15 Do not leave cartridges loose on the job site or in the carrying case or carry
them in your pockets. Cartridges are of the 'Rim Fire' type and could explode
accidentally if in receipt of a knock from a pin, fixing, or even a bunch of

16 Before returning the tool to the stores, ensure that it is clean and complete
and that all cartridges are in their correct color coded box.

10.5.8 Maintenance and Repair

Before any repair/maintenance work is carried out, check to make sure that the tool
is NOT LOADED with a cartridge.

No person may operate, clean, maintain or repair any cartridge tool without
possessing a certificate of competency which identifies the particular model that
the person is qualified to handle.

Tools must be dismantled, as far as the manufacturer's instructions indicate, at least

once every week and checked for defects and excessive wear before being cleaned
and oiled. If any defect is found, the tool must be made serviceable before being
issued for use.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 234
Only manufacturer's authorized spare parts are to be used for repair/replacement.

NO CARTRIDGES must be allowed in the repair/maintenance area. Test firing of

repaired tools must be done in a safe location away from work and store or office

10.6 Electrically Operated Tools

10.6.1 General

All electrically operated hand tools shall be rated and used at a voltage
not exceeding 125V to ground.

Before any electrical tool is used, a careful check shall be made by the
supervisor to ensure that the supply voltage is within the range
marked on the information plate on the tool. Ground Fault Circuit
Interrupters (GFCIs) are required for all 120 volt, single phase, 15 and
20 ampere receptacle outlets on construction sites which are not a part
of the permanent wiring system.

All electrical power hand tools shall be of the double insulated type or
properly grounded.

External metal parts of double insulated tools (drill chucks, saw blades,
etc.) are insulated from the electrified parts inside the tool and, under
normal conditions, contact with electrified parts of the tool does not
take place. However, under wet conditions, rain, condensation, high
humidity, damp locations, etc., the hazards are as great as with faulty
grounded tools. All electrical tools are hazardous when used damp or
wet, but with double insulated tools the moisture coupled with metal
dust, carbon dust, etc. can form a conductive path from inside the tool
to the surface through the ventilation holes or cracks. Since there is
no ground wire to carry this current away, the user can receive an
electric shock. Double insulated tools, like all electric tools, must be
kept dry and should not be used without a ground fault circuit

All tools shall be used with extension cords which are as short as
possible. All extension cords shall be fitted with grounding pin and
blades to fit the socket outlet on the distribution board. Extension
cords shall be of the three-wire conductor type. Plugs and sockets
must meet the National Electrical Code requirement with respect to
grounding and polarity.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 235
Overcurrent protection shall be provided to extension cords in
accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code
Article 240. Factors to be considered for adequate overcurrent
protection are: type of conductors, size, and length of run.

Example: Consider electrical equipment being used on a construction

site that may require 15 or 18 ampere (amp.) capacity. Construction
plans call for three No. 12 AWG (wire size) copper conductors which
run to a 20 amp. receptacle (120 v) 40 feet from the electrical panel box.
This circuit is protected by a 20 amp. circuit breaker. Is this a problem?
Yes - There may be three problems: (1) the size of the conductors, (2)
the length of cable run and, (3) the circuit breaker size.

In order to prevent an employee from receiving an electric shock, the

breaker size and receptacle should be reduced to 15 amp. or the
conductors changed to a No. 10 AWG so that the breaker can function
at 20 amp. when required. Leaving the circuit the way it is would allow
considerable electrical leakage without tripping the circuit breaker.
Also conductor insulation would be subject to heat damage causing
electrical leakage and fire. Heavy duty construction type extension
cords are required for 20 ampere circuits, No. 14 AWG or larger size for
100 feet of run length. (See Figure II.41.)

Where it is necessary to make electrical splices, these shall be made

with proper connector blocks or by plug and socket connectors.
Taped joints shall not be permitted.

10.6.2 Maintenance and Storage

A proper inspection and maintenance routine shall be established by the contractor

for all electrical tools. The inspection and maintenance of all tools shall be carried
out at least once in every working week by a competent electrician.

All tools shall be stored in a clean, dry place, and a record of issue and receipt shall
be maintained by the storekeeper.

10.6.3 Personal Protective Equipment

The contractor shall ensure that all operators are provided with eye, head, and ear
protection. If there is any likelihood of harmful dust being emitted, dust respirators
should be used.

10.6.4 Individual Tools, Precautions Grinders

All grinders shall be equipped with a protective guard which allows

only the working part of the wheel to be exposed. This guard must not
be removed.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 236
Grinders shall be clearly marked with their maximum running speed.
The maximum running speed of the spindle must not exceed the
maximum periphery speed marked on the grinding wheel. Wheels
should be checked for defects before mounting. All defective wheels
must be destroyed. (See Figure II.40.) Drills

Care should be taken not to drill too large a hole at one time. Drilling
of large holes should be done in stages by using small bore drills and
gradually increasing the size as necessary. If this is not done, the drill
may bind on breakthrough, and the torque set up could twist the tool
against the user's wrist. Saws

Hand operated circular saws shall be fitted with spring loaded guards
which allow only the working part of the blade to be exposed. (See
Figure II.42.)

Portable table saws shall be provided with adjustable guards, anti-

kick-back devices, and push-type start/stop buttons within easy
reach of the operator. (See Figures II.43 and II.44.) Fixed table saws
shall be hard wired to an emergency electrical disconnect switch that
has the capability of locking out in addition to having start/stop
buttons at the operator's location, etc. Portable table saws must be
unplugged for repair, maintenance, or when not in use.

Where a provision is made for a table saw riving knife to be fitted, it

shall be kept clean and properly adjusted to the work at all times.
Push sticks must be provided and used when necessary on all bench

The work area shall be cleaned to prevent excessive build-up of

sawdust and scrap wood.

Operators shall wear eye and hearing protection. Radial Saws

(Figure II.45)

Radial saws must be provided with:

• An upper hood to enclose the top portion of the blade down

to a point that includes the end of the saw arbor. The sides
of the lower, exposed portion of the blade must be guarded
to the full diameter of the blade by a device that
automatically adjusts to the thickness of the stock being cut.

• Anti-kickback dogs (on both sides of saw) designed to

provide adequate holding power for all thicknesses of
ripping stock.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 237
• An adjustable stop limiting the forward travel of the blade
beyond the distance necessary to complete the cut in
repetitive operations.

• A saw housing which automatically returns to the starting


• A marking on the hood showing the direction of the saw

rotation. In addition, a permanent label must be affixed to
the rear of the guard, reading: "DANGER. DO NOT RIP OR

• Start/stop buttons at the operator's position. Additionally,

in the case of fixed saws, each saw must be wired to an
emergency electrical disconnect isolation switch capable of
locking out the saw.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 238

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 239

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 240

* Middle Ring American Wire Gauge * Outer Ring Allowance

Ampacities Of Insulated
Conductors Rate 0-2000 Volts,
60o To 90o ("THWN" 75o C Cable
Temperature Ratings)

* Inter Ring Metric or MM2

Note: Ambient Temperature Corrections Factors Must Be Applied As Per SAES -P-104

CMills = MM2 Example 500 mcm AWS 500000 = 250MM2 (Reference N.E.C. Table 310-60)
19735 19735

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 241

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 242

• Table saws must be provided with a hood that covers the saw at all times.
• Table saws used for ripping must be equipped with an anti-kickback device and
• The exposed part of the saw underneath the table must be guarded.
• Table must be secured in position.
• Guarded start/stop buttons shall be provided at the operator's position.
• All fixed table saws shall be hard wired to an emergency electrical disconnect switch
capable of locking out the saw.

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 243

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 244

Radial Saws must be provided with:

• An upper hood to enclose the top portion of the blade down to a point that includes the
end of the saw arbor. The sides of the lower, exposed portion of the blade must be
guarded to the full diameter of the blade by a device that automatically adjusts to the
thickness of the stock being cut.

• Anti-kickback dogs (on both sides of the saw) designed to provide adequate holding
power for all thicknesses of ripping stock.

• An adjustable stop limiting the forward travel of the blade beyond the distance
necessary to complete the cut in repetitive operations.

• A saw housing which automatically returns to the starting position.

• A marking on the hood showing the direction of the saw rotation. In addition, a
permanent label must be affixed to the rear of the guard, reading: "DANGER. DO NOT

• Guarded start/stop buttons shall be located at the operators position.

• Saw stand shall be secured in position.

• All fixed radial saws shall be hard wired to an emergency electrical disconnect switch
capable of locking out the saw.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 245

Circular saws are included under types specified as woodworking machines.

• No person should be employed on a woodworking machine who has not been trained and instructed
in its operation.

Duties Of Employed Persons:

• Employees using woodworking machines must use and keep properly adjusted guards and other
safety devices and use push sticks, jigs, holders and backstops provided.

Working Environment:
• Sufficient space to be provided around machine to allow work without risk of injury.
• Floors to be level, in good condition, free of loose material, and not slippery.

• Cutters to be guarded to the greatest practicable extent.
• Guards to be of substantial construction, properly secured and adjusted, and constantly in position
while cutters are in motion.

Top Guard:
• Guard to be strong and easily adjustable.
• Adjusted to extend from top of riving knife to a point as close as practicable to the surface of the
material being cut; or to a point not more than 12 mm above the material being cut where squared
stock is being hand held.

Bottom Guard:
• Blade below table to be guarded to the greatest extent practicable.

Push Sticks:
• Must be available for use on every hand-fed circular saw, and used to feed material-
a) throughout any cut of 300 mm or less
b) during the last 300 mm of any cut more than 300 mm in length
Push sticks should also be used to remove cut material from between the saw blade and the

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 246
February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 247

Cartridge Quantity Received By

Date Issued Returned Returned Returned Tool Cert No. Name/ Issued By Remarks
Used Unused Un- Issued Signature
exploded (Type/MDL)

Warning: Above items can only be issued to workers with valid training certificate Storekeeper:

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 248
Safety Officer:

February 1993 - 10.0 Hand Tools And Power Tools Page 249
In addition to the usual hazards associated with construction activities, workmen engaged in surface
preparation and paint application can be exposed to the dangers of fire, explosion, chemical burns, toxic
fumes, dust, and insufficient air. This section of the manual discusses these hazards and how to minimize


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

GI 6.021 Safety Requirements For Abrasive Blast Cleaning

GI 8.003 Breathing Apparatus

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards:

SAES -A-105 Noise

SAES -B-067 Safety Identification and Color Coding

SAES -H-102 Safety Requirements for Painting

Steel Structures Painting Council. Steel Structures Painting Manual, Volumes 1 and 2.

United States of America Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR 1910.1000 Air Contaminants.

11.1 Flammability Hazards of Coating Materials

11.1.1 Flammable Materials

In paint systems, it is normally the organic solvent vapor that is flammable. In the
Saudi Aramco paint system, all the solvents (except for the water based paints)
present a fire hazard.

11.1.2 Flash Point (Definition)

The flash point is defined as the lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off
sufficient vapor to ignite when exposed to an open flame. For most paint solvents
in the Saudi Aramco system, the flash point is less than the normal ambient
temperatures in Saudi Arabia. The danger of fire exists virtually always when
solvents are in use.

11.1.3 Flammable (Explosive) Limits (Definition)

The lower and upper flammable (explosive) limits define the range of vapor/air
concentrations that are potentially explosive. The lower flammable (explosive) limit
(LEL) is typically on the order of 1% to 2% by volume, a level readily obtained in

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Paints And Coatings Page 250
the area near opened solvent containers and near the nozzle of a spray painting
gun in operation.

11.1.4 Fire Precautions

Solvents in paints constitute a significant fire and explosion hazard when in the
presence of ignition sources. No painting should be carried out within 75 feet of
potential ignition sources, e.g., welding, flame-cutting, smoking areas, or sparking
tools, unless conditions warrant greater clearance.

Ventilation equipment should be used to maintain a maximum level of solvent

concentration, typically below 10% of the LEL.

All electrical lighting and equipment shall be explosion-proof when required in

areas where solvent vapors are likely to be present.

All electrical equipment such as switches, panel boards, electrical motors and
associated equipment must be de-energized before spray painting to eliminate
explosion hazards.

Solvents and solvent based paints shall not be applied to surfaces exceeding Saudi
Arabia summer ambient temperatures.

The use and storage of flammable paints and solvents shall be kept to restricted
areas and these areas should be suitably marked with the appropriate warning
signs. Flammable paints should be kept in a special building or in a sun shelter.

Fire extinguishers should be located at the work area and the area Loss Prevention
representative/Fire Chief shall agree upon their suitability.

Work areas should be kept as clean as practicably possible.

11.2 Health Hazards Associated With Paints

Many paint ingredients are harmful to humans; most people can withstand these materials
over a short time and in small quantities. However, some people are immediately sensitive to
some ingredients and almost everyone will be affected to some degree if exposed for
sufficient time.

There are two major groups of irritants: toxic materials and dermatitic or skin irritating

11.2.1 Toxic Materials

The most abundant toxic materials found in paints and coatings are solvents.
Other toxic materials in paints include pigments (lead), binders (epoxies, polyesters)
and additives (organotin). Also, dust from cleaning operations or application of
the paint can generate toxic materials. These toxic materials can enter the body
through breathing, ingestion or skin absorption. Most solvents are toxic to some
degree depending on exposure. The degree of toxicity can be measured by the
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) expressed as parts per

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 251

million (ppm) or milligrams of particulate per cubic meter (mg/M3) of solvent in air
over an exposure of 8 hours a day five days a week with no ill effects.

11.2.2 Dermatitic Materials

Dermatitic materials irritate the skin which, if left untreated, can cause infections or

Solvents have a tendency to dissolve and remove natural oils and fats from skin.
Certain binders such as epoxy resins may also irritate the skin.

Other chemicals used in paint related work should be handled with care (e.g. paint
removers, acid and alkaline cleaners).

11.2.3 Prevention of Health Hazards

Many solvents and coatings contain hazardous ingredients. A copy of the

appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) should be obtained for all materials
used, studied carefully, and the required safety precautions implemented.

The following precautions should minimize health hazards:

• Identify and seal all toxic and dermatitic materials when not in use.

• Adequately ventilate all painting areas and provide National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA)-approved or equivalent respiratory protection
where necessary. All workmen spray painting shall wear chemical cartridge
respirators or airline hoods depending upon the hazards of the paint.

• Minimize dust during surface preparation, and dispose of coating residue in

accordance with the recommendations of the Environmental Engineering
Division, Process and Control Services Department.

• Wear the appropriate personnel protective equipment for the work being
carried out.

• Avoid touching any part of the body and wear protective equipment (e.g.
gloves, Tywag suits, etc.) when handling dermatitic materials. Personnel
involved in painting shall wash thoroughly before eating and at the end of
the day.

• Use ventilation control or respirators when working with paint removers

containing toxic solvents.

11.3 Ventilation in Confined Spaces

A supply of clean air is a necessity for all operations involving the application of coating
materials, and the paint curing/drying process. A high quality air supply is also required for
life support (refer to GI 8.003 - Breathing Apparatus).

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 252

Ventilation is a necessity when painting in confined areas because solvents tend to be
heavier than air and migrate to lower levels. The fresh air inlet of the ventilation system
should be located near the top of the confined space, and the discharge should be located
near the bottom, positioned to eliminate dead air spaces. Supplementary fans may be
necessary to ensure good air circulation.

Natural ventilation through open man ways, etc. is rarely sufficient to keep local vapor
concentrations to a safe level in terms of PELs or LELs. As a general rule, forced ventilation
shall be used, especially in small enclosures and always during spray painting.

Ventilation requirements are proportionally greater for vessels with a capacity smaller than
1580 m3 (10,000 BBL's or 56,000 cu ft). The recommended ventilation requirements for various
vessel capacities are shown in Table II.6; ref. SAES -H-102.

Ventilating to 10% of the LEL considerably reduces the likelihood of fire or explosion;
however, this level will no doubt exceed the Permissible Exposure Limits for toxic materials.
Hence, supplied air respiratory protection is required in confined spaces.

The preparation of air used for life support involves the following factors: PEL's of nuisance
and toxic dusts; fume, gas and vapor content; air temperature. Air required for breathing
apparatus shall meet the requirements of GI 8.003, Breathing Apparatus.


Volume of Confined Area Required Air Mover

m3 BBL L/s cfm
16 100 472 1000
80 500 1180 2500
160 1000 2360 5000
800 5000 4720 10000
1600 10000 7080 15000
4000 + 25000 + 9440 20000

11.4 Surface Preparation

Equipment and materials that are used in surface preparation for paints and coatings can be
hazardous if used carelessly. There are several methods for preparing surfaces and these

• Blast cleaning where abrasives in the form of sand, iron shot, grit, slag, etc. are used.
Other types of blast cleaning use high pressure water or steam.

• Hand or power tool cleaning includes grinders, sanders, rotary wire brushes, impact
tools, chisels, hammers.

• Chemical cleaning using paint removers, or solvents, alkali, acids or detergents.

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 253

11.4.1 Abrasive Blast Cleaning

This section covers blast cleaning using abrasives in the form of sand, iron shot,
grit, slag or similar materials.

Abrasive blast cleaning operators shall have pre-placement physical examinations,

including chest X-ray and pulmonary function tests with repeat tests at least every
two years.

The abrasive blast cleaning operator shall wear an air supplied protective hood
approved (NIOSH/MSHA or equivalent) for the type of abrasive material being
used and any other toxic contaminants (lead, zinc, etc.) that are present. Where
blast cleaning assistants could be exposed to silica sand dust or toxic
contaminants, then self-contained or air supplied breathing apparatus shall be worn
by the assistant. The breathing apparatus and air quality specification shall meet
the standards referenced in GI 8.003, Breathing Apparatus. Personnel (e.g.
maintenance, workers handling abrasive supplies or clean up crews) within the
range of rebound abrasive contaminants shall wear approved (NIOSH/MSHA or
equivalent) dust-filter respirators for the specific airborne hazards.

A bonding system that bonds nozzle, hose, blasting equipment and the material
being cleaned shall be provided, and this bonding system shall be grounded to
prevent a build up of static charges. Ground continuity tests shall be conducted
periodically to ensure proper grounding.

To prevent ignition of hydrocarbons in classified areas, the appropriate

precautions listed in GI 2.100, Work Permit System, must be followed.

11.4.2 Hydroblast and Steam Cleaning

Hydroblast cleaning uses a high pressure ambient temperature water jet and steam
cleaning uses a high pressure and high temperature steam jet. Extra caution should
be exercised when using such equipment. These types of equipment are used for
removing dirt or rust scales and the personal protective equipment requirements are
shown in Table II.7.

11.4.3 Hand and Power Tool Cleaning

This section briefly covers the safety aspects of hand and power tools used for
surface preparation.

Particular attention should be paid to eye protection to guard against flying

particles, and where necessary, ear protection should be provided to prevent long
term hearing loss per SAES -A-105, Noise.

Tools should be correctly selected for the purpose, and also operated and
maintained to the manufacturer's instructions.

Suitable respirators should be used if contaminant levels exceed Permissible

Exposure Limits.

Extreme care should be used if tools have the ability to create sparks.

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 254

11.4.4 Chemical Cleaning

This section is concerned with four types of chemical cleaners (organic solvents,
alkalines, acids and detergents) used to assist in the removal of surface
contaminants such as light oils, greases and rust.

Solvents such as kerosene, mineral spirits, and turpentine are used to dissolve and
remove oil contaminants. Hazards associated with solvents include their
flammable, toxic and dermatitic characteristics. Safety precautions regarding these
solvents are included in sections 11.1 and 11.2.

Alkaline cleaners are composed of highly alkaline salts with wetting agents and/or
soaps. They function by wetting, emulsifying, dispersing and solubilizing surface
contaminants, and are generally used at elevated temperatures.

Acid cleaners are generally composed of strong acids. They remove contaminants
by chemical attack and are primarily used to remove metal scales such as rust.

Detergent cleaners are comparable to alkaline cleaners except they are generally
used at low temperatures (60 to 100 degrees Celsius).

For all of the above chemical cleaners, personal safety precautions must be taken to
protect personnel from materials and conditions that present fire hazards or cause
personnel to experience dermatitic or toxic effects (such as inhalation effects, skin
burns, or eye irritants).

When using chemical cleaners, appropriate eye and body wash facilities shall be
available in the immediate area to minimize the effects of chemical burns in the
event of an accident.

Chemical cleaning agents such as solvents shall not be used for cleaning

The following solvents shall not be used for cleaning purposes due to the very
toxic nature: benzene, gasoline, carbon tetrachloride, and chlorinated

11.4.5 General Safety in Surface Preparation

Instruction and training of operators about correct use of the cleaning agents and
equipment are essential.

Surfaces other than those receiving preparation should be protected from damage
due to cleaning operations.

Where operators are using equipment such as blast cleaners or power tools, they
must have safe footing. Extra caution should be taken on scaffoldings.

Never point a cleaning gun or nozzle at anyone or any part of your body.

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 255

Equipment such as blast guns and power tools must have automatic controls that
shut off the flow of abrasive and propellant if for any reason the operator releases
the control switch.

Power tools should be properly grounded to prevent electric shock.

All manufacturers recommendations on protective guards shall be implemented.

Fire and explosion hazards always exist when using solvents, especially in confined
areas. Adequate ventilation must be provided.

11.5 Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment is required for the majority of operations that involve surface
preparation or paint application. The amount and type of personal protection depends on the
work being carried out and the location. Table II.7 gives a summary of essential personal
protective equipment that must be worn by personnel carrying out specific duties. In
addition, all personnel on Saudi Aramco industrial facilities and potentially hazardous areas
must wear safety shoes, a hard safety hat and safety spectacles. Other protective details
such as gloves, face shields, overalls and hearing protections should be addressed to either
the area Loss Prevention or Industrial Hygiene offices.

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 256



TO BE WORN (Confined space) See key
(Outside) See key
Surface preparation
Hand or power tool operations 3,4,5,9,10,11 3,4,9,10,11
Abrasive blast cleaning
Operator 1,9,10,11 1,8,9,10,11
Other workmen in the vicinity 3,4,5,9,10,11 1,8,9,10,11
Hydroblast and steam cleaning 3,4,5,9,10,11 3,4,5,8,9,10,11
Chemical cleaning 4,7,10,11 1,4,7,10,11
Paint application (spray)
Epoxy and coal tar epoxy 2,4,6,10,11 1,6,10,11
(SAPCS - 1,2 and 3)
Alkyd (SAPCS - 4 and 6) 2,5,6,10,11 1,5,6,10,11
Inorganic zinc 2,5,6,10,11 1,5,6,10,11
(SAPCS -1A, 11A and 17)
Chlorinated rubber 2,5,6,10,11 1,5,6,10,11
(SAPCS - 9)
Bituminous (SAPCS - 10) 2,5,6,10,11 1,5,6,10,11
Polyurethane (SAPCS - 25) 2,5,6,10,11 1,5,6,10,11
Paint application (brush)
Epoxy and coal tar epoxy 4,6,10,11 2,4,6,10,11
(SAPCS - 1,2 and 3)
Alkyd (SAPCS - 4 and 6) 6,10,11 2,6,10,11
Inorganic zinc 6,10,11 4,6,10,11
(SAPCS -1A, 11A and 17)
Chlorinated rubber 6,10,11 2,6,10,11
(SAPCS - 9)
Bituminous (SAPCS - 10) 6,10,11 2,6,10,11
Polyurethane (SAPCS - 25) 6,10,11 6,10,11

Note: Safety belts / harnesses shall be used when these operations are performed above ground levels
(1.82 m - 6 ft or more) if a guard rail system is not in place, and / or in confined spaces.
The workman should always refer to the MSDS for complete details.

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 257

Key to Table II.7:

1. OSHA-approved, respirable air fed hood and filter, SAMS No. 21-444-934
2. Respirator; chemical cartridge, SAMS No. 21-370-800/810/820
3. Dust respirator, SAMS No. 21-370-500
4. Face shield (1), SAMS No. 21-426-121
5. Goggles, safety impact, SAMS No. 21-434-249
6. Gloves, SAMS No. 21-432-XXX
7. Gloves; rubber, SAMS No. 21-432-630
8. Ear protection, SAMS No. 21-327-110
9. Gloves (leather and fabric), SAMS No. 21-432-353
10. Helmets (hard hats), SAMS No. 21-441-055 (MSA) / SAMS No. 21-441-050 (American
11. Safety Shoes, SAMS Nos. 21-472-200 / 21-472-221 / 21-472-300 / 21-472-350

11.6 Paint Application

There are numerous hazards associated with paint application and this section is concerned
with air and airless spraying, together with brush and roller painting.

11.6.1 Paint Materials

The majority of paint solvents, many pigments and some binders are toxic in
addition to having potential dermatitic hazards. Refer to the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) for information concerning the hazards associated with their use.

In that, solvent based painting materials also present a fire and explosion hazards,
painting shall not be carried out near an ignition source. Also, additional care
should be taken to provide adequate ventilation in confined spaces.

Spraying paint using air or airless systems can be very hazardous and should only
be used by trained operators.

11.6.2 General Safety In Paint Application

All personnel involved with the application of paint to surfaces should wear the
appropriate personal protective equipment for the work being carried out at a given
location. For some paint jobs personal protective equipment may have to exceed
the requirements specified in Table II.7 due to the nature of the work being
performed. Some examples of these jobs are above ground and water operations,
use of special paints, etc.

All pressurized equipment should be handled carefully. Operators and their

assistants should know how to operate and de-energize the equipment in
accordance to manufacturer's recommendations.

No spray gun should be pointed at anyone or part of the user's body.

The spray painting operation should be conducted from the upwind side of the
object being coated, wherever practicable.

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 258

Before using airless spray equipment, all guards recommended by the manufacturer
shall be in place and the system shall be in good order and correctly grounded to
prevent static build-up.

Prompt professional medical aid shall be available to any person receiving paint

The area around spray painting activity should be enclosed by hardboard fence or
equivalent to protect outside personnel from paint over spray.

11.7 Scaffolding and Ladders

Details concerning the use and hazards associated with scaffolding and ladders are included
in Section II.9 of the Construction Safety Manual.

Only good condition, correctly erected equipment shall be used that meets industry
standards (ANSI) or equivalent. Users and erectors of such equipment should be trained
about its use and limitations.

11.8 Tarring Operations

Tarring operations are commonly used in roof work, and hazards associated with this type of
work include body burns, fire and toxicity. Precautions that are required for tar operations

• The heating of tar shall not be carried out on roof tops or in similar potentially
hazardous locations.

• Tar heating operations shall be carried out using approved fuel gas in the correct
cylinders. The heating operations shall be at ground level and at a minimum distance of
4.5 m (15 feet) away from fuel gas cylinders, buildings or similar structures.

• The transferring of hot tar to its required location shall be carried out using the safest
mode of transport available (preferably pumped). Lifting of hot asphalt in buckets is not

• The temperature of the asphalt shall be monitored with a temperature gauge and must
not exceed 4500F at any time during the tarring operations.

In addition to personal protective equipment (safety shoes, safety glasses and hard hats), the
following shall be provided for all personnel directly involved in tar operations: face shields,
leather gloves, cotton overalls, and heat resistant aprons. Also, respiration protection may
be required in confined spaces.

11.9 General Safety for Paints and Coatings

Safety precautions concerning various stages of paints and coatings are mentioned under
their respective sub-headings of Section 11. This section is provided to highlight areas of
paints and coating operations not covered under an individual sub-heading.

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 259

* Colors - All color coding shall conform to the requirements in SAES -B-067: Safety
Identification and Color-Coding. Colors reserved for safety use within Saudi Aramco
are red, green, yellow and black, orange and blue. Some equipment identified by color
coding that may be required by painters include:

Fire protection: red.

Emergency stops: red.
Danger signs: red.
Emergency safety equipment and instructions (eye wash, showers, first aid): green.
Hazards (physical and radioactive): yellow/black.
Potable water: blue.

* Breathing Air - Before breathing air used for respiration purposes, it must be checked to
ensure it meets the quality requirements referenced in GI 8.003. Once compressors
providing breathing air have conformed to the requirements of GI 8.003, they shall be
re-tested every quarter to ensure that air quality remains satisfactory.

* Personal Protective Equipment - Depending on the work being carried out and its
location, appropriate personal protective equipment must be worn that meets both the
manufacturers requirements and those of Saudi Aramco. Personal protective equipment
shall be in good condition.

* Blast Cleaning - Abrasive blast cleaning equipment and abrasive materials shall be
suitable for the work to be carried out; substandard products will be removed from
Saudi Aramco facilities.

* Signs and Barricades - Areas where hazardous work is being carried out (such as
abrasive blast cleaning and airless spraying) shall be suitably barricaded to keep
personnel out of the hazardous area, or the timing of the work shall be such that only
the work crew doing the job is present at the site, or a lookout is posted around the site.
Warning signs shall be posted in hazardous areas with suitable warnings of the
potential dangers (i.e., "No entry, sand blasting in progress").

* Paints and Solvents - The amount of paints and solvents stored at the site shall be
restricted to a day's requirements. Bulk storage of paints and solvents shall be in a
designated, well marked safe area away from the work area and protected from the sun's

* Work Permits - The Saudi Aramco work permit system shall always be used where
necessary for all aspects of paints and coatings (reference GI 2.100).

* Equipment - Before any equipment is used, operators and assistants shall be trained on
the equipment's use and operation. Also, the equipment shall be in good working order,
have an automatic shut-off system and all safety guards installed.

* Personal Health - Personnel involved with using paints, solvents and cleaning
equipment (i.e., sand blasting) shall be in good health and have medical examinations by
professional medical staff at least every two years.

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 260

* Assistants - No one shall work alone in hazardous areas. An assistant shall always be
available or the "buddy" system used.

February 1993 - 11.0 Paints And Coatings Page 261


12.1 General

All equipment and materials used in concrete construction and masonry work shall meet the
applicable requirements for design, construction, inspection, testing, maintenance, and

12.2 Reinforcing Steel

Employees working more than 1.8 meters (6 feet) above any adjacent working surfaces,
placing and tying reinforcing steel in walls, piers, columns, etc., shall be provided with proper
work platforms with a guardrail system. When work is to be accomplished outside a work
platform, a safety belt shall be worn that is securely fixed to a dropline or anchor.

Employees shall not be permitted to work above vertically protruding reinforcing steel unless
it has been bent over or capped.

Guying: Reinforcing steel for walls, piers, columns, and similar vertical form work structures
shall be guyed and supported to prevent collapse and to guard against possible wind

Wire mesh rolls: Wire mesh rolls shall be secured at each end to prevent dangerous
recoiling action.

12.3 Bulk Concrete Handling

Bulk storage bins, containers, or silos shall have conical or tapered bottoms with mechanical
or pneumatic means of starting the flow of material.

12.4 Concrete Placement

12.4.1 Concrete Mixers

Concrete mixers equipped with 0.75 cubic meter (1 cubic yard) or larger loading
skips shall be equipped with a mechanical device to clear the skip of concrete.

12.4.2 Guardrails

Mixers of 0.75 cubic meter (1 cubic yard) capacity or greater shall be equipped with
protective guardrails installed on each side of the skip.

12.4.3 Bull Floats

Handles on bull floats, used where they may contact energized electrical
conductors, shall be constructed of non-conductive material, or insulated with a
non-conductive sheath whose electrical and mechanical characteristics provide the
equivalent protection to a handle constructed of non-conductive material.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Concrete, Concrete Forms And Shoring Page 262
12.4.4 Powered Concrete Trowels

Powered and rotating-type concrete troweling machines that are manually guided
shall be equipped with a control switch that will automatically shut off the power
whenever the operator removes his hands from the equipment handles. The
rotating blades shall be guarded at the top and outer perimeter.

12.4.5 Concrete Buggies

Handles of buggies shall not extend beyond the wheels on either side of the
buggy. Installation of knuckle guards on buggy handles is recommended to
protect the hands.

12.4.6 Pumpcrete Systems

Pumpcrete or similar systems using discharge pipes shall be provided with pipe
supports designed for 100 percent overload. Compressed air hose in such systems
shall be provided with positive fail-safe joint connectors to prevent separation of
sections when pressurized.

12.4.7 Concrete Buckets

Concrete buckets equipped with hydraulic or pneumatically operated gates shall

have positive safety latches or similar safety devices installed. Prevent aggregate
and loose material from accumulating on the top and sides of the bucket.

Riding of concrete buckets for any purpose shall be prohibited, and vibrator crews
shall be kept out from under concrete buckets suspended from cranes or cable

12.4.8 Discharging on Slope

When discharging on a slope, the wheels of ready-mix trucks shall be blocked and
the brakes set to prevent movement.

12.4.9 Back-Up Man, Truck Spotter

Back-up man, ready-mix truck spotter shall be used to back ready-mix trucks.

12.4.10 Pneumatic Hose

Nozzleman applying a cement, sand, and water mixture through a pneumatic hose
shall be required to wear protective head and face equipment.

12.5 Vertical Shoring

12.5.1 General Requirements

When temporary storage of reinforcing rods, material, or equipment on top of form

work becomes necessary, these areas shall be strengthened, shored to meet the
intended loads.

February 1993 - 12.0 Concrete, Concrete Forms, And Shoring Page 263
The sills for shoring shall be sound, rigid, and capable of carrying the maximum
intended load.

All shoring equipment shall be inspected prior to erection to determine that it is as

specified in the shoring layout. Any equipment found to be damaged shall not be
used for shoring.

Erected shoring equipment shall be inspected immediately prior to and immediately

after the placement of concrete. Any shoring equipment that is found to be
damaged or weakened shall be immediately reinforced or re-shored.

Re-shoring shall be provided when necessary to safely support slabs and beams
after stripping, or where such members are subjected to superimposed loads due to
construction work done.

12.5.2 Tubular Welded Frame Shoring

Metal tubular frames used for shoring shall not be loaded beyond the safe working
load recommended by the manufacturer.

All locking devices on frames and braces shall be in good working order; coupling
pins shall align the frame or panel legs; pivoted cross braces shall have their center
pivot in place; and all components shall be in a condition similar to that of original

When checking the erected shoring frames with the shoring layout, the spacing
between towers and cross brace spacing shall not exceed that shown on the layout,
and all locking devices shall be in the closed position.

Devices for attaching the external lateral stability bracing shall be securely fastened
to the legs of the shoring frames.

All base plates, shore heads, ext ension devices, or adjustment screws shall be in
firm contact with the footing sill and the form.

12.6 Forms and Shoring

12.6.1 General Provisions

Form work and shoring shall be designed, erected, supported, braced, and
maintained so that it will safely support all vertical and lateral loads that may be
imposed upon it during placement of concrete.

Personnel shall not be allowed under or in close proximity of the form work during
pour operations.

Personnel not engaged in the pour operation shall stay clear of the pour area. A
clear area shall be maintained at 1-1/2 times the highest point of the form work.

Drawings or plans showing the jack layout, form work, shoring, working decks, and
scaffolding, shall be available at the job site.

February 1993 - 12.0 Concrete, Concrete Forms, And Shoring Page 264
Stripped forms and shoring shall be removed and stockpiled promptly after
stripping, in all areas in which persons are required to work or pass. Protruding
nails, wire ties, and other form accessories not necessary to subsequent work shall
be pulled, cut, or other means taken to eliminate the hazard.

Imposition of any construction loads on the partially completed structure shall not
be permitted unless such loading has been considered in the design and approved
by the engineer-architect.

12.6.2 Vertical Slip Forms

The steel rods or pipe on which the jacks climb or by which the forms are lifted
shall be specifically designed for the purpose. Such rods shall be adequately
braced where not encased in concrete.

Jacks and vertical supports shall be positioned in such a manner that the vertical
loads are distributed equally and do not exceed the capacity of the jacks.

The jacks or other lifting devices shall be provided with mechanical dogs or other
automatic holding devices to provide protection in case of failure of the power
supply of the lifting mechanism.

Lifting shall proceed steadily and uniformly and shall not exceed the predetermined
safe rate of lift or concrete cure.

Lateral and diagonal bracing of the forms shall be provided to prevent excessive
distortion of the structure during the jacking operation.

During jacking operations, the form structure shall be maintained in line and plumb.

All vertical lift forms shall be provided with scaffolding or work platforms
completely encircling the area of placement with intermittent tie breaks to ensure
that superimposed loads on the scaffold/work platforms cannot pull down the
entire scaffold works.

12.6.3 Tube and Coupler Shoring

Couplers (clamps) shall not be used if they are deformed, broken, or have defective
or missing threads on bolts, or other defects.

The material used for the couplers (clamps) shall be of a structural type such as
drop-forged steel, malleable iron, or structural grade aluminum. Gray cast iron shall
not be used.

When checking the erected shoring towers with the shoring layout, the spacing
between posts shall not exceed that shown on the layout, and all interlocking of
tubular members and tightness of couplers shall be checked.

All base plates, shore heads, extension devices, or adjustment screws shall be in
firm contact with the footing sill and the form material and shall be snug against the

February 1993 - 12.0 Concrete, Concrete Forms, And Shoring Page 265
12.6.4 Single Post Shores

For stability, single post shores shall be horizontally braced in both the
longitudinal and transverse directions, and diagonal bracing shall also be installed.
Such bracing shall be installed as the shores are being erected.

All base plates or shore heads of single post shores shall be in firm contact with
the footing sill and the form materials.

Whenever single post shores are used in more than one tier, the layout shall be
designed and inspected by a structural engineer. Lay-out to be submitted to Saudi
Aramco for approval.

When form work is at an angle, or sloping, or when the surface shored is sloping,
the shoring shall be designed for such loading.

Adjustment of single post shores to raise form work shall not be made after
concrete is in place

Fabricated single post shores shall not be used if heavily rusted, bent, dented, re-
welded, or having broken weldments or other defects. If they contain timber, they
shall not be used if timber is split, cut, has sections removed, is rotted, or otherwise
structurally damaged.

All timber and adjusting devices to be used for adjustable timber single post shores
shall be inspected before erection.

Timber shall not be used if it is split, cut, has sections removed, is rotted, or is
otherwise structurally damaged.

Adjusting devices shall not be used if heavily rusted, bent, dented, re-welded, or
having broken weldments or other defects.

All nails used to secure bracing or adjustable timber single post shores shall be
driven home and the point of the nail bent over if possible.

February 1993 - 12.0 Concrete, Concrete Forms, And Shoring Page 266
III. Mechanical Equipment And

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - III. Mechanical Equipm ent And Materials Page 267


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100. Work Permit System

GI 2.702. Electrical Safety for Boom or Derrick Type Hoisting Equipment

GI 6.029. Reporting and Recording Of Motor Vehicle Accidents

GI 7.024. Marine and Offshore Cranes and Rigging

GI 7.025. Mobile Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

GI 7.026. Cranes and Heavy Equipment Accident Reporting

GI 7.027. Personnel Work Platform Operations

GI 7.028. Crane Lifts: Types and Procedures

GI 7.029. Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Wire Rope Slings

GI 7.030. Inspection and Testing of Cranes, Elevators, Powered Platforms, and Mobile Aerial

Refinery Instruction Manual:

1.087. Precautions to be taken for Operating Cranes near Overhead Power Lines

1.808. Operating Cranes

Heavy Equipment Operator Licensing Information, Attachment No. III.1

Schedule 'D':
Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Cranes and Rigging

Saudi Aramco Crane Safety Handbook

Riggers Handbook

American Petroleum Institute:

API SPEC 2C Specification for Offshore Cranes

API SPEC 2D Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Cranes And Lifting Equipment Page 268
Contractor Liaison Notice No. 5.

Procedure for Obtaining Crane and Heavy Equipment Operator's Licenses for
Expatriate Employees (See Appendix F)


ANSI A10.4. Safety Requirements

ANSI 30.2. Overhead and Gantry Cranes

ANSI B30.3. Hammerhead Tower Cranes

ANSI B30.4. Portal, Tower and Pillar Cranes

ANSI B30.5. Mobile and Locomotive Cranes

ASME B30.6. Derricks

ASME B30.8. Floating Cranes and Floating Derricks

ASME B30.14. Side Boom Tractors

ANSI B30.16. Overhead Hoists

ANSI B30.22. Articulating Boom Cranes

1.1 Competent Person

A competent person is a person who, by possession of a recognized pertinent degree or

certificate of professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience
has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to safe crane
operations and procedures (e.g. Rigger Technician, Crane and Rigging Specialist, etc.). A
competent person shall supervise all lifts.

1.2 Saudi Aramco Crane Operations (General Requirements)

Before beginning any crane operation, the supervisor and operator should complete the pre-
operation checklist (Figure III.1). A lift plan required as a part of this procedure must provide
the following information:

1. Crane radius
2. Boom length
3. Safe working limits of the crane (load chart)
4. Weight of the load
5. Ground and site conditions
6. Placement of the crane
7. Swing and tail clearances
8. Necessary communication to be used

February 1993 - 1.0 Cranes and Lifting Equpment Page 269

9. Explanation of hand signals
10. Rigging hardware

11. Rigging sketch for critical or hazardous lifts

12. Rated capacity of rigging components
13. Sling angles
14. Strain calculations
15. Wind velocity
16. Load moment indicator
17. Other

One competent person shall be placed in charge of the lift with the responsibility of
explaining in detail, the duties of all involved in the lift before the actual lift commences. The
outriggers must be fully extended prior to the lift, and the rubber tires must be off the ground
(see Figure III.2, Crane Lift Plan).

Cranes shall have a valid Crane Safety inspection sticker issued by the Saudi Aramco Crane,
Communication, and Facilities Inspection Unit. (See GI 7.030.)

1.3 Saudi Aramco Crane Operator Qualifications

A valid SAG heavy equipment license and Saudi Aramco Crane Operator Certificate are
required for all contractor mobile crane operators. Contact the Vehicle & Heavy Equipment
Training and Testing Unit (Tel. Nos. 875-4347/874-1857) to operate specific mobile heavy
equipment. (See GI 7.025.)

1.4 Special Crane Operating Procedures

Heavy lifts, critical lifts, and crane personnel work platform operations require special
procedures outlined in the Saudi Aramco General Instructions. The Heavy Haul Unit,
Transportation Dept., Abqaiq should be contacted and lift plans/work permits submitted.
(See GI's 7.027, and 7.028.)

1.5 Effect of Wind Speeds on Crane Ope rations

When wind velocities are above 32 km/h (20 mph), the rated load and boom lengths shall be
reduced according to manufacturer specifications. Wind forces are greater at height by as
much as 35% or more. All lifts above ground level, must account for wind force, i.e., side
loads, down drafts, etc. as applied to the load and boom. (See TABLES III.1 and III.2.)

1.6 Overhead Power Lines

There is an area surrounding every power line that is referred to as the absolute limit of
approach. It is strictly forbidden to move any crane boom or load line or load into this are
unless the line has been de-energized or insulated. There are no exceptions. The absolute
limit of approach varies according to the following table:

Line Voltage Absolute Limit Of Approach

Up to 250,000 volts 20 feet (6 meters)
Over 250,000 25 feet (7.5 meters)

February 1993 - 1.0 Cranes and Lifting Equpment Page 270









- WIND, ABOVE 20 m/h (32 km/h), NO GO




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February 1993 - 1.0 Cranes and Lifting Equpment Page 272


1. Contractor:__________________________________________________ J.0. No.:_____________________________________________

2. Crane Inspection Sticker valid: Yes:o No:o Date of expiry:________________________________________________________________
3. Operator Saudi Aramco certified: Yes:o No:o 4. Description of load:___________________________________________________
5. •Type of crane to be used ______________________ Stowed Erected N/A (lbs/kgs)
•Boom length (total) _______________________ft/m Jib: o o o _______
•Jib length ______________________________ft/m Extension: o o o _______
Hookblock (Main): ______ _____ _____ _______
Aux. Boom Head: ______ o o _______
Headache Ball: ______ o o _______
Slings, Shackles, etc.: ______ ______ ______ _______
Others: __________________________________ _______
__________________________________ _______
Total (Gross Load Weight): _______

6. • Weight of load _______lbs/kgs • Effective weight of jib _____ lbs/kgs (see jib chart)
• Effective weight of jib headache ball ______ lbs/kgs • Weight of load block _____ lbs/kgs
• Weight of hoist rope below boom tip______ lbs/kgs • Weight of spreader bar _____ lbs/kgs
• Weight of other rigging ______ lbs/kgs
Total load weight _____ lbs/kgs
7. Hoisting clearance ________ft/m. 8. Lift quadrant zone ___________________ . 9. Operating radius ___________ft/m.
10. Crane capacity at operating radius __________ (Note: Do not make lift if total load is greater than crane capacity shown in Item 10. Refer to GI 7.028 for
appropriate derating based on type of lift.)
11. Crane capacity for jib configuration:____________ 12. Ground and site conditions:______________________________________________
13. Wind speed:__________mph (Maximum 20 mph)
14. Work permit required: Yeso No:o
15. Load moment indicator: Yes:o No:o Type:_________________________________________
16. Sketch and supplementary information for crane lift is required to be attached to this plan. (Note: The sketch of the crane should include the following
rigging information: size of each component; safe working load (SWL) capacity; length of slings; type of component; component diameter; weight of
component and sling angles).
Contractor:______________________ Date:__________________ Crane Operator:_______________________ Date:__________________________
Approved:_______________________ Date:__________________ Reviewed by:_____________________ Date:_____________________________
(Competent Person) (Saudi Aramco Site Representative)
Approved:_______________________ Date:__________________
(Heavy Haul/Rig Move Unit, Transportation Dept., Abqaiq)
Footnote: This form is to be filled out for the following lifts: 1. At all construction sites and operating plants; 2. Associated with offshore and marine
sites and operations; 3. Within safety zones of power lines; 4. Involving personnel platforms (as per GI 7.027, 7.028 and 7.030).

February 1993- Cranes And Lifting Equipment Page 273



1 .004
2 .014
3 .036
4 .064
5 .1
10 .4
15 .9
20 1.6

The following table lists speed, in the major units, relative to Beaufortwind Scale Numbers, the
internationally accepted reference for wind force:

Beaufort Description Knots M/Sec KM/H Miles/H

0 Calm 0-1 0-0.51 0-1.84 0-1.15
1 Light Air 1-3 0.51-1.53 1.84-5.52 1.15-3.45
2 Light Breeze 4-6 2.04-3.07 7.36-11.04 4.6-6.9
3 Gentle Breeze 7-10 3.58-5.11 12.88-18.4 8.05-11.5
4 Moderate 11-16 5.62-8.18 20.24-29.44 12.65-18.4
5 Fresh Breeze 17-21 8.69-10.73 31.28-38.64 19.55-24.15
6 Strong Breeze 22-27 11.24-13.80 40.48-49.68 25.3-31.05
7 Near Gale 28-33 14.31-16.87 51.52-60.72 32.2-37.95
8 Gale 34.40 17.38-20.44 62.56-73.6 39.1-46
9 Strong Gale 41-47 20.96-24.02 75.44-86.48 47.15-54.05
10 Storm 48-55 24.53-28.11 88.32-101.2 55.2-63.25
11 Violent Storm 56-63 28.62-32.20 103.04-115.92 64.4-72.45
12 Hurricane 64+ 32.71+ 117.76+ 73.6


February 1993 - 1.0 Cranes And Lifting Equipment Page 274

Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 7.027. Personnel Work Platform Operations

GI 7.029. Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Wire Rope Slings

American National Standards:

ANSI B30.5. Mobile and Locomotive Cranes

ANSI B30.9. Slings

ANSI B30.10. Hooks

ANSI B30.20. Below the Hook Lifting Devices

ANSI B30.21. Manually Lever Operated Hoists

Saudi Aramco Crane Safety Handbook (See Appendix E)

Saudi Aramco Riggers Handbook

Saudi Aramco Inspection Procedures

07-AIP-0I-P Inspection of Steel Wire Rope Slings

2.1. Safe Working Load (SWL)

Slings and other rigging equipment must be constructed according to a recognized standard.

The safe working load of rigging equipment is the maximum load which the equipment should
be subjected to; this load should never be exceeded.

Before use, all new equipment should be subjected to a proof load test by the manufacturer
and certified. The safe working load and serial number shall be clearly marked on the sling
and the lifting gear, either by tagging, stamping, engraving, or embossing. Riggers shall not
use lifting gear unless the safe working load is clearly visible (see Figures III.3 and III.6).

Slings shall not be tagged with an safe working load in the field. Approval by the Inspection
Department and subsequent review by the Loss Prevention Department is required.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Slings And Lifting Gear Page 275
2.2. Chain Slings

2.2.1 Grades

Only alloy steel chain complying with ASTM A391 shall be used. Other grades are
subject to approval by the Saudi Aramco Crane, Communications and Facilities
Inspection Unit [CCFIU] (see Figure III.5).

Each grade of chain should be clearly tagged by the manufacturer, and riggers
should be trained to look for the safe working load marked on each sling. They
shall be forbidden to use any equipment unless the safe working load is clearly

All attached fittings (hooks, rings, etc.,) shall be as prescribed by the manufacturer.
Hooks, shackles, and eyebolts shall be equal to or exceed the safe working load of
the chain.

2.2.2 Repairs

Modern chains are produced under closely controlled factory conditions using
proper heat treatment and testing procedures. On-site welding repairs cannot
provide the necessary controlled conditions to safely repair a damaged chain.
Damaged chains must be returned to the manufacturer for repair or destroyed. In
particular, watch for bent links, cracked welds, and excessive wear.


Logger chains or chains used to secure truck loads shall not be used for rigging.

2.3 Wire Rope Slings


Wire rope is the most common type of sling in use on construction sites. It is
essential that each wire rope sling is properly constructed and used. All wire rope
slings shall be manufactured, inspected, and load tested by a recognized
manufacturer. Homemade wire rope slings shall not be allowed at Saudi Aramco
unless they meet all standards and pass inspection by CCFIU.

2.3.2 Damaged slings shall be destroyed if there are:

* 10 random broken wires in one lay.

* 4 broken wires in one strand of a rope lay.
* One broken wire at the fitting.

* Severe localized abrasion or scraping.

February 1993 - 2.0 Slings And Lifting Gear Page 276

* Kinking, crushing, birdcaging, or any other damage causing


* Evidence of heat damage.

* End attachments are cracked, deformed, or excessively worn.

* Bent or opened hooks.

* Severe corrosion.


Each sling shall bear a permanent manufacturer's identification stating the safe
working load (SWL) in tons and serial number. Proof load test and documentation
of testing is required from the manufacturer (see Figures III.3 and III.6).


Wire rope clips (bulldog clips or crosby clips) shall not be used to make slings.

2.4 Synthetic Webbing Slings

These are manufactured from woven man-made fiber. Their strength lies in the width of their
bearing surface. These slings must not be subjected to point loading, sharp edged objects,
and non-vertical lifting (see Figure III.7). Synthetic web slings shall be marked with a stitched
in label to show:

(a) Name or trademark of manufacturer

(b) Rated capacity for each type of hitch
(c) Type of material

2.4.1 Removal from Service

Slings which have been damaged or are defective in any way shall be immediately
removed from service, cut up and destroyed.

2.4.2 Repaired Slings

The use of repaired slings is prohibited.

February 1993 - 2.0 Slings And Lifting Gear Page 277

2.5 Synthetic and Natural Fiber Rope Slings


Each synthetic and natural fiber rope sling shall be permanently marked to show: Name or trademark of manufacturer Manufacturer's code or stock number Rated loads for the types of hitches used Type of natural or synthetic material Date of manufacture


All associated rigging hardware shall equal or exceed the safe working load rating
of the rope sling.


Slings shall be removed from service and destroyed when:

* The fibers are cut, badly abraded or seriously worn.

* There is considerable filament or fiber breakage (a light fuzzing is

acceptable) on the surface.

* There are particles of broken filament or fibers inside the rope

between strands.

* There is other damage visible such as: melting or charring, kinks or

hackles, knots, damaged fittings.

February 1993 - 2.0 Slings And Lifting Gear Page 278

2.6 Care of Slings

The following points must be considered in the storage and handling of slings:


Slings will undergo shock loading when a load is suddenly lifted or when the
hoisting is abruptly stopped. This can be caused by the sudden application of the
crane brake, the jerking of the load by poor operation, or the sling slipping on the
load. A shock load can increase the normal working load by as much as five times
its value.


As the angle between the legs of a multiple sling increases, the safe working load
decreases. The included angle should be no more than 900 and must never exceed
120o under any circumstances (see Figure III.9).


Before storage, chain and wire rope slings should be cleaned, lightly lubricated,
and inspected. Slings must be stored in a location where they are not liable to
suffer mechanical damage, away from extremes of heat, cold, and especially


Contractors shall maintain a job site log of slings containing the following
information: ID. number; date in service; safe working load as stated in proof load
certificate; full details of periodic inspections (see Figure III.13).


All rigging shall be inspected at least every six months per ANSI B30.9, and a Sling
Inspection Report shall be completed and filed for review by the Crane Inspector to
comply with GI 7.029.

2.7 Hooks


Hooks should be fitted with a safety catch on the hook opening, or should be
moused with wire and a shackle used or the hook should be designed so that the
slings cannot be displaced (Figure III.11).


Loads should be applied on the hook only in the part designed to take them (i.e. the
bend [bow] of the hook). Point loading can result in over stressing the hook
causing it to open or break. Therefore, point loading shall not be permitted.

February 1993 - 2.0 Slings And Lifting Gear Page 279


Hooks should be regularly inspected for signs of damage.


The hook shall be removed from service for the following reasons:

1. If there are visible cracks

2. If it is twisted 10o out of place
3. If there is a 15% throat opening beyond the manufacturer's specification

A thorough examination shall be carried out each year by a qualified inspector.

2.8 Spreader Bars


All spreader bars shall be manufactured, tested, and inspected to ANSI B30.20.


Spreader bars shall be permanently identified with the safe working load,
manufacturer's name and serial number.


Spreader bars shall be stored away from moisture, and protected from physical

2.9 Eyebolts And Safety Hoist Rings

Sometimes machinery or other equipment is delivered to the site with eyebolts

attached as lifting points. For such situations, the design and function of each of
the three basic types of eyebolts should be known (see Figure III.10.).


Standard eyebolts are the weakest and are dependable only for vertical lifts.


Shouldered eyebolts can be used at slight angles, but are unsafe at less than 45
degrees with the horizontal.


Safety hoist rings (swivel eyes) are bolted in place with a calibrated torque wrench
and maintain maximum capacity at all angles.

February 1993 - 2.0 Slings And Lifting Gear Page 280

2.10 Shackles

Shackles (clevis) are used for making connections in rigging. They should be
tested by the manufacturer and marked with the safe working load.

The pins are separate but matched parts of the shackles, so care must be taken to
use the correct pin for each shackle. Rebar, mild steel bolts or similar items are not
acceptable replacements for shackle pins (see Figure III.12.).

2.11 Rigger

The job of rigger requires thorough training. The man assigned must be well-
acquainted with the capabilities of the crane being used, hand signals, the different
functions of lifting gear, and the various methods of loading.

February 1993 - 2.0 Slings And Lifting Gear Page 281


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February 1993 - 2.0 Slings And Lifting Gear Page 285


Contractor:______________________________________ Location: __________________________

BI/JO Number: ___________________________________ Project Title: ______________________

Sling# Diameter Length SWL Date-In Date-Out- Inspector Signature (Date)

Service Service

February 1993 - 2.0 Slings And Lifting Gear Page

The widespread use of mechanical equipment in the construction industry improves the quality and
efficiency of the work but it can lead to situations which are potentially hazardous.

This section cannot cover all the situations which could arise, but it outlines some of the hazards likely to
be encountered from specific items of equipment and their use.

The only safe way of using mechanical equipment is to have properly trained operators, running
equipment that is well maintained and carrying out the work for which it was designed.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 7.025 Mobile Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

GI 7.026 Cranes and Heavy Equipment Accident Reporting Procedures

GI 7.030 Inspection, and Testing Requirements Of Elevating / Lifting Equipment

GI 8.003 Breathing Apparatus

GI 447.002 Pressure Relief Valves - New Installation, Change in Set Pressure, Replacement or
Retirement from Service

GI 447.003 Pressure Relief Valves - Routine Test, Inspection, Quality Assurance and Regulation

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards:

Inspection Procedures

17-SAIP-6.01 Diesel Electric Generating Set

20-SAIP-3.01 Welding Generator

31-SAIP-1.01 Pumps

31-SAIP-1.02 Compressor

31-SAIP-8.05 Vibrating Roller

31-SAIP-8.10 CAT Motor Grader

31-SAIP-8.15 Road Rollers

31-SAIP-8.16 Scraper

31-SAIP-10.01 Concrete Mixers

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Mechanical Equipment Page 287

31-SAIP-12.04 Diesel Fork Lift Truck

31-SAIP-12.05 Electric Fork Lift Truck

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Mechanical Equipment


ANSI-A 10.4-81

Safety Requirements For Personnel Hoists

ANSI-B 15.1-84

Safety Code for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus

ANSI-B 30.1-86

Safety Code for Jacks

ANSI B30.5. Mobile and Locomotive Cranes

ANSI-B 56.1-88

Safety Standard for Low and High Lift Trucks

3.1 Operators

3.1.1 Qualifications

Only trained personnel shall operate any mechanical equipment. Operators shall be
trained in the procedures and functions relevant to a specific piece of equipment;
they must be fully aware of the capabilities and limitations of the machine and have
a knowledge of the day-to-day maintenance that it requires.

It is recommended that contractors train and test all equipment operators and issue
them with written authorization specifying the equipment which they are competent
to operate.

3.1.2 Licensing Requirements

Operators of mobile heavy equipment must be in possession of a Saudi Arab

Government (SAG) license for that particular class of machinery and a Saudi
Aramco certificate issued by the Saudi Aramco Heavy Equipment Operator Testing
and Training Unit (see GI 7.025).

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 288

3.2 Machinery Guards

All moving parts of machinery must be shielded by guards. This is particularly true with
gears, pulleys, V-belt drives, fans, and revolving shafts. All of these are present on most of
the static equipment used on or around construction sites. Other examples of equipment
which must be guarded include cooling fans on compressors and generators, the main drive
shafts on pumps and dumpers, and the cable drum on winches and concrete mixers.

Guards must be installed on equipment before it arrives on site and maintained in position at
all times while the equipment is operating. Guards removed for routine maintenance or for
repair must be replaced before the equipment is returned to service.

3.2.1 Multi-Piece Tire Rims and Locking Rings

As safety equipment like tire cages, restraining bars, racks and clips during tire
check-out cannot fully protect employees working on or near the tire repair area,
always deflate the tire first before making repairs. Inflate tires inside a strong
restraining device (tire cage) by increasing the tire pressure very slowly.

3.3 General Requirements


Before any mechanical equipment is used in a Saudi Aramco restricted area, all
required work permits must be obtained.


All machinery should be inspected before being placed in service and at regular
intervals thereafter.


Maintenance schedules should be established for each piece of equipment and

strictly followed.


No repair, adjustment, or replacement of parts on moving machinery is permitted.

Before making any repairs, all equipment must be stopped and deactivated so that
it cannot be unintentionally started.


At the start of each shift, the operator must check oil, water, fuel, and hydraulic
levels, that all gauges are operating and that the machine is functioning smoothly.
Safety equipment (e.g., guards, limit switches, governors) must be checked daily.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 289


Equipment traveling or working on the highway must have lights and reflectors.
Park equipment clear of the roadway. If this is not possible, use flashing lights,
cones, or other warning devices to alert approaching traffic.


When vehicles are left unattended (even overnight), engines must be stopped,
parking brakes applied and the wheels chocked. Blades, scraper bowls, and other
hydraulic equipment must be lowered to the ground before the operator leaves the
machine. The ignition key should be removed and/or battery cables disconnected
to avoid start-up by unauthorized personnel.


Unless otherwise instructed, operators must dismount from machines while

maintenance or repair work is being carried out.


Cabs fitted to equipment must give 360o visibility. Cabs must be kept clean and
clear of such items as rubbish and loose tools. Windows must be kept clean at all
times and should be replaced if the glass becomes pitted, cracked or broken.


Where the operator of a mobile machine cannot see the area all around his machine,
an attendant must be in a position to direct and assist the operator.


All equipment must be located so that exhaust fumes will not affect workers in the
area. Gasoline-driven equipment shall not be used inside a building or other
confined space.

3.4 Compressors

Compressors are one of the most common pieces of equipment used in construction work.
They can be used to supply air for portable power tools or to supply air to sustain men
working with breathing apparatus in extremely hazardous atmospheres. There is a
considerable difference in the quality of the air used for these two functions.


All employees on site must know the dangers of compressed air. Never use
compressed air to dust off clothing or machinery. Horseplay with compressed air
must be strictly forbidden. When compressed air is used in special
cleaning/purging tasks, goggles and full face shield must be worn.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 290


Compressors must be properly designed, inspected, tested and maintained. Relief

valves shall be installed in accordance with GI 447.002/3, and the air receiver must
be periodically inspected.


Before start up, a daily check should be made of the compressor's pressure relief
valve, fuel, oil and water levels and the air reservoir should be drained of trapped
water. The operating manual for the particular type of compressor used should be
strictly followed.


When compressors supply air for breathing:

1.) The air intake must be located so that it does not draw in exhaust gas.
2.) There must be a filter to remove oil mist.
3.) They must be equipped with an automatic high temperature alarm.
4.) The air must be tested periodically to be certain it is safe to breathe (see
Administration, I.10., 1.3.)

3.5 Concrete Mixers and Batching Plants

A concrete mixer of some type will be used on almost every construction site. The principles
of good maintenance and properly trained operators apply equally whether it is only a small
mixer for masonry work or a full batching plant with a large capacity cement silo, sand and
aggregate bins, and a power shovel.


All chains, gears, and revolving shafts must be guarded.


Safety chains and catches must be operative, and the lifting mechanism must be in
good order.


Men must not be allowed to work under or near the loading skip unless it is held in
position by a safety chain or catch or positively blocked.


The mixer drum and the area around the machine must be thoroughly cleaned at the
end of each day's operation.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 291


Cement bags must not be allowed to accumulate in the mixer area; they should be
collected and disposed of at regular intervals during the day.


A hooped access ladder must be firmly attached to silos for access to the top
manhole. Men must not be allowed to work inside the silo unless they are wearing
a safety belt with a lifeline and an attendant is posted outside ready to assist in
case of emergency.


The approach to the sand and aggregate bins should be barricaded, and the
barricades should only be removed to allow access for vehicles delivering material.


Personal protective equipment such as respirators, ear muffs, and goggles shall be
worn. Loose fitting clothes shall not be worn around moving machinery.


Lockout and tag system is required in batching plants to ensure the safety of repair
and/or maintenance personnel. This is a means to disable process/mechanical
electrical 'control' equipment during repairs and maintenance. Lockout and tag
system rules must be posted in a conspicuous location throughout the plant and
workers must be thoroughly trained in the lockout/tag procedures.

3.6 Dumpers and Dump Trucks

Dumpers and dump trucks, commonly used for construction work, often travel on the public
highway. Therefore it is essential that they be properly maintained.


The latch on dumper skips must be in good working order, and the release
mechanism should function smoothly.


Dumpers are not designed to carry passengers. It must be strictly forbidden for
employees to ride in the skip or on the engine cover.


When repairs or maintenance are being carried out on a hydraulically operated

dump truck, the dump body should be fully lowered. If it is necessary to have it

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 292

in the raised position, it must be blocked. Do not rely on the hydraulic ram to
support the raised body for an extended period.


All vehicles with cabs shall be equipped with windshields and powered wipers.
Cracked or broken windshields or windows shall be replaced. All cab glass shall be
safety glass or equivalent.

3.7 Excavators

Excavations are carried out using very specialized equipment which roughly falls into two
categories: 1) fixed position machines, and 2) moving machines.

The choice of equipment to be used is determined by the size of the project, topography,
volume of earth to be hauled out and many other factors. Fixed position machines include,
but are not limited to, face shovels, backhoes, draglines and grabs. The "fixed" excavator
loosens the soil and loads from a stationary position. They are useful to perform specific
excavation tasks at a single location. Their loss of mobility is compensated by the fact that
greater force can be applied at the excavation face. "Moving" machines include, but are not
limited to, bulldozers, loaders, scrapers, graders and trenching machines. They remove,
transport and deposit excavated material all in one cycle of operation. They are used in
applications where large volumes of earth need to be moved over uneven ground. In this
process, they also help to level the ground over which they operate. (Also see General And
Civil, II.2 of this manual.)


The excavation work permit may require that underground pipelines or cables be
located by manual digging. The permit must be counter-signed by the Power
Distribution Department (PDD) and the area Utilities Services Department.


Operators of excavators must possess a valid Saudi Arab Government license for
the machine and a valid Saudi Aramco certificate issued by the Saudi Aramco
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing Unit.


Outriggers must be fully extended when operating a mechanical excavator so fitted.


An attendant must be appointed and be available at all times during excavation to

assist and guide the operator.


Excavators with a swinging motion must have a clearance of at least 0.6 meter (2
feet) from any fixed object.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 293


Booms on excavators must be latched before travel.


Do not excavate closer than 10 feet to the nearest pipeline or other equipment in

3.8 Fork Lift Trucks

Fork lift trucks are designed to operate on firm, level ground. This type of equipment has a
limited use in construction operations. They are, however, sometimes used in materials
handling yards and for placing loads where there are firm ground conditions. Operators of
fork lift trucks must have a valid Saudi Arab Government heavy equipment license and a valid
Saudi Aramco certificate.


It is essential that drivers be fully trained and experienced. They must be able to
manipulate loads smoothly and efficiently.


A specific course of instruction should be established for fork lift drivers. They
should not be allowed to use the vehicles on site until they have taken the course.


Special equipment fitted to the truck, in addition to or in place of the forks, must be
designed for the specific machine.


The truck shall be equipped with overhead protection.


When traveling with a load on the forks, the forks should be as low as possible to
maintain stability.


If the load being carried obstructs the operator's forward view, he should travel in

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 294


Operators, loaders, helpers and other workers should never place any part of their
bodies between the mast uprights, cross members, or other moving parts of the fork
lift truck. Stay well within limits of the truck body or cab.

3.9 Generators

A competent electrician shall be available to ensure that electrical connections are

properly made. The operator should be responsible only for the mechanical
function of the machine.


All pulleys, belts, and fans must be totally enclosed or otherwise guarded.


The side panels to the engine cover are designed to give access to the machinery
for maintenance or repair. They must be closed at all times when the engine is


The machine must be properly grounded before each use.

3.9.4 Fire Prevention Guide for Portable Generators

The following is a typical check list of the major items to look for. There may be
other potential fire hazards not listed, therefore a thorough inspection must be

• Repair all fuel leaks.

• Check hose and pipe connections for wear and cracks.
• Clean up all combustible trash around the generator.
• Clean up all fuel spills and place clean sand around area when required.
• Sheds constructed of combustible materials placed around generators and
wooden base frames are prohibited.
• Exhaust piping system shall be kept away from work areas and combustible
• Generator sets shall be located at least 50 feet from buildings or materials
that may catch fire.
• Inspect all wiring for damage or improper splices/repairs.
• Electrically ground all generator sets (system and frame ground).
• Fire extinguishers must be readily accessible. One CO2 extinguisher for the
generator and a dry chemical extinguisher for the engine drive is
• Conduct daily inspections of all generator sets using this guide.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 295

3.10 Graders, Dozers, Scrapers, Loaders And Miniloaders

Heavy earth moving equipment only allows the operator a limited view of the immediate area.
It is, therefore, essential that a banksman be appointed to warn the operator of hazards that
cannot be seen from the operator's position.

This equipment shall be equipped with rollover protection. A valid Saudi Arab Government
heavy equipment license and a valid Saudi Aramco certificate issued by the Saudi Aramco
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing Unit are required for each operator of such equipment.


Before moving his machine, the driver must walk around it to see that the area is


Men must not be allowed to sit or lie in the area around the machine.


The engine shall not be left running when the driver is not at the controls. Before
leaving his machine, a driver must shut off the engine and remove the ignition key.


Blades, scraper bowls, etc. must be lowered to the ground before the driver leaves
his unit. The wheels should be properly chocked.


If there is work to be done underneath such hydraulic equipment, the equipment

must be blocked in position.

3.11 Woodworking Machinery

Only fully trained operators may be allowed to use woodworking machinery. This machinery
is inherently dangerous since the hazardous parts, knives, blades, etc., cannot be fully
enclosed. Only that part of the blade necessary to carry out the work shall be exposed at any
one time.


The area around saws, planers, and routers must be barricaded and only authorized
and trained personnel allowed within the barricaded area.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 296


The ground around such machinery must be kept clear of off-cuts and other
tripping hazards.


Machinery should be securely anchored to prevent movement during use. (See

General And Civil, II of this manual.)

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 297

Materials handling forms a large part of construction work. How construction materials are handled can
have a considerable effect on the efficiency of production and on the safety record of the site. Because of
the temporary nature of site work and the frequent change of the work place, it is not possible to
mechanize material handling to the same extent as it would be in a more stable operation. However, there
are many areas in which labor intensive, inefficient, costly, and frequently dangerous, manual material
handling work can be replaced by the use of machines.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 355.001 Identifying, Ordering, Receiving, Storing, Issuing And Disposing Of Hazardous


GI 1130.013 Vehicle Loading

GI 1131.165 Use of Trailer Brakes

GI 1131.921 Use of Trailer Safety Chains

4.1 Planning

Successful mechanization of material handling requires that the correct machines be available
and properly used. The storage and movement of the various materials must be carefully
arranged to make optimum use of the machines so that efficient service can be provided and
ensure that all vehicle, crane and heavy equipment operators hold current Saudi Arab
Government License and Saudi Aramco Certification where required.

Planning for materials handling operations begins as the production schedule is being drawn.
Ensure that the layout of storage areas provides for adequate access for necessary
mechanical equipment.


Selection of the storage area should be made with due consideration for drainage
and protection from rain and sandstorms (see Figure III.13 Typical Construction
Materials Store Yard).


Open storage areas should be planned to minimize the reversing and maneuvering
of trucks especially into and out of confined areas.


Access ways must be wide enough to allow for the passage of fire trucks. Fire
fighting equipment should be located throughout the area. Contact the Fire
Prevention Group of Loss Prevention for information (see Figure III.13 Typical
Construction Materials Store Yard).

February 1993 - 4.0 Materials Handling Page 298


Cribbing timber, racks, or pallets should be used to ensure that all materials are
stored off the ground.


Protection should be provided for materials such as cement, insulation, and other
bulk material which could be damaged by moisture.


All machinery, equipment, and valves should be maintained fully assembled and
securely closed. All machined surfaces must be covered and fully protected from
exposure to the weather.


The quantity of material on site at any one time must be restricted to a minimum
stock. Flammable stores shall be kept separated. Such a policy should greatly
reduce losses due to pilferage or damage (see Figure III.13 Typical Construction
Materials Store Yard).

Once these factors have been established, the staffing of the storage areas can
then be considered.


On larger projects, the movement of materials could justify the employment of a

loading and unloading gang, whereas small jobs would probably need only one
man assigned to this responsibility.


Routinely, on most sites, there should be a man appointed as a materials controller

responsible for materials from the planning stage through to the final unloading,
storage, and distribution stage.

4.2 Machine Transport

A wide variety of mechanical equipment is available for transporting and distributing

materials on and around a job site. They range from simple equipment such as a dumper or a
tractor and trailer to more sophisticated equipment such as a concrete pump or a large crane.

4.2.1 Dumpers

Dumpers are one of the most commonly used pieces of construction equipment and
have proved very useful in transporting concrete and other small loads around site.
Unfortunately they are also a common source of injuries and damage.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 299

Dumper drivers must be properly trained and experienced and must hold a current
Saudi Arab Government license. The equipment is designed for the movement of
material only. Passengers must not be allowed to travel in the skip or anywhere
else on the machine. Dumpers must be regularly maintained with particular
attention to brakes, steering, and skip release mechanism. If they are to be used for
towing, a proper towing eye with a shackle or pin must be provided.

4.2.2 Tractors and Trailers

Tractors and trailers are useful for moving larger loads around the site. In addition
to the normal precaution of good maintenance, it is essential that safety chains or
wire ropes be fitted between the tractor and trailer so that if the towing connection
should break or become separated for some reason, the trailer can still be brought
to a controlled stop by the tractor. Trailer and its load shall not exceed the towing
capacity of the tractor and shall be fitted with an independent braking system if it is
designed to carry more than 9,072 kilograms (20,000 pounds). Trailers used for
carrying pipes should be fitted with side stops, and loads must be securely tied
down before being transported.

4.2.3 Conveyor Belts and Monorails

Conveyor belts and monorails are occasionally used for transporting concrete,
sand, or aggregate on site. They require a complete maintenance program. Because
of the many problems associated with them, thorough consideration must be given
to their use. All pulleys, rollers, gears and pinch points shall be guarded. On/off
switches shall be clearly marked and readily accessible.

4.2.4 Concrete Pumps

Concrete pumps are used for the placement of concrete in difficult situations. They
have the advantage of being able to move large amounts of concrete very speedily
to the area where it is required. The operation of this equipment demands
specialized knowledge of concrete technology; however, placing concrete by this
method can significantly reduce the number of dumpers employed or the crane
usage time expended on a civil engineering contract.

4.3 Site Stores

For small or valuable materials which cannot be conveniently stored in outside areas, it is
essential that an indoor stores shed, under the control of a responsible person, be
established on site. Because of the nature of the materials stored in such an area, the main
considerations must be security and fire prevention.

The issuing and receiving of stores must be under the control of a responsible person.
Adequate fire fighting equipment must be readily available in the area. Materials should be
stored on shelving or with small items such as nuts and bolts, etc. in bins suitably marked
with the contents. The safe loads allowed on racks and the maximu m stack heights should be
established. All hazardous material, such as paints, fuels, chemicals, etc., should be
separated and stored in an isolated flammable storage area (see Appendix C). Notices
warning of the dangers associated with these materials should be posted in the hazard area.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 300

4.4 Manual Handling

There are many areas of construction work where mechanization cannot take the place of
sheer muscle, and it is in such areas that the majority of injuries occur. The inevitable results
of lifting incorrectly are strained backs, slipped discs, sprains and strains, and a complexity of
internal injuries.

It is, therefore, essential that workers be trained in the correct methods of manual handling.
Safe lifting can only be carried out by the proper use of the right muscles. Back and
abdominal muscles are weak, while the leg and thigh muscles are strong. The spine has a
natural and comfortable shape when a man is standing upright; however, if he bends, the
spine arches and becomes weaker. If the spine can be kept in a straight position when lifting,
the strain of the lift goes to the strong muscles of the leg and thigh and loads can be lifted
safely, with much less physical effort. This is the basic principle of manual handling.


There are four significant points in a proper lift:

1. Grip: A good grip makes maximum use of the palm of the hand, the ball of
the thumb, and base of the fingers.
2. Back: The back must be kept straight to maintain its most natural and
strongest position. This means that the knees and ankles must be bent and
the chin kept well into the chest. The body must be positioned as close to
the load as possible so as to act as a counterweight.
3. Feet: The feet should be apart the width of the hips with one foot slightly in
front of the other so that a natural lead off is obtained.
4. Arms: The arms must be kept as close as possible to the body.


The important factor in manual handling is that a man should know his capabilities
and ask for assistance with loads beyond his capabilities. In dual lifting, partners
should be approximately the same height and weight so that the load does not
become unevenly distributed.


Loads, even when properly lifted, can slip. The man lifting must be prepared for
such a possibility and wear the proper protective equipment. Safety footwear is
mandatory to protect feet and gloves should be worn to protect hands from
laceration or splinters and to give some protection if the fingers are trapped
between the load and the other surfaces.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 301


February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 302



All crane and other heavy equipment operators working on Saudi Aramco projects are required to have a
valid heavy equipment operator Saudi Arab Government (SAG) license and a Saudi Aramco Heavy
Equipment Operator Certificate. This applies to Saudi Aramco employees as well as contractor

Saudi Arabs and non-Saudi citizens employed by Saudi Aramco or contractors working on Saudi Aramco
projects may obtain their SAG license by following the established procedure.



Application forms for SAG Heavy Equipment License are completed and processed
at the Saudi Aramco License Unit, Building # 510, Dhahran. (Saudi Aramco
employees in all other areas apply to local Saudi Aramco License Unit). After
completion of an eye examination and blood test, the applicant is scheduled for an
operator competency test by the Heavy Equipment Operator Training/Testing Unit,
Dhahran (Tel. 874-1857). Upon successful completion of the test, application forms
are returned to the Saudi Aramco License Unit for processing through the SAG
Traffic Department, Dammam, for SAG License issue.



Employees with valid home country licenses need only apply through the Saudi
Aramco License Unit, Building # 510, Dhahran (Saudi Aramco employees in all
other areas apply to their local Saudi Aramco License Unit). After completion of an
eye examination and blood test, application forms are forwarded by the Saudi
Aramco License Unit for processing to the SAG Traffic Department, Dammam, for
SAG License issue. A company test is not required.



Application for SAG Heavy Equipment License is made directly to the SAG Traffic
Department, Dammam.

Upon completion of the eye examination and blood test, the contractor company
representative contacts the Saudi Aramco Heavy Equipment Operator
Training/Testing Unit (Tel. 874-1857) for scheduling of the competency test.
(Application form is to accompany contractor employee to the test site).

After the successful completion of the competency test, the test sheet is attached
to the application form. The application form is then taken to the SAG Traffic
Department, Dammam, for processing and license issue.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 303


Contractor employee with a valid home country license need only apply for SAG
license to the SAG Traffic Department, Dammam, for processing and license issue.
A competency test is not required for SAG license.

On receipt of the SAG license, the contractor company representative contacts the
Saudi Aramco Heavy Equipment Operator Training and Testing Unit (Tel. 874-1857)
for scheduling of the Saudi Aramco certification test.

February 1993 - 3.0 Mechanical Equipment Page 304

IV. Electrical And Radiation

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: IV. Electrical And Radiation Page 305
The human senses (smell, taste, hearing, etc.) do not provide a warning of an electrical hazard. The great
majority of electrical accidents result in burns. Fire and explosion from sparks in flammable atmospheres
can and does lead to loss of life and serious damage to property. All electrical installations, no matter
what voltages are used, should always be treated with great caution.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

GI 6.012. Isolation, Lockout And Use of Hold Tags

Power Distribution Instruction:

No. 10.0. Power Distribution System Operations

No. 11.0. Hold Orders, Clearances and Permission to Test

No. 50.0. Safety Grounding

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards:

Electrical Power Manual (SAES-P series)

SAES -B-064 Onshore And Near Shore Pipeline Safety

Operations Instructions Manual:

No. 1.111. Electrical Connections

NFPA 70: National Electrical Code


National Electrical Safety Code

ANSI B30.5. Mobile and Locomotive Cranes

29 CFR 1926 Subpart N - Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators And Conveyors

US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety And Health Administration (OSHA)

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Electricity Page 306

1.1 Voltage

The severity of electric shock is not entirely dependent upon the voltage of the power
source. The ratio of the voltage to resistance determines the current that will flow through
the body and the resulting injury.

In terms of a formula this ratio is:

Current through the body = Voltage applied across the body

Resistance of the body + contact resistance

The hazard is greater if working conditions are wet or if the worker perspires freely. This
produces a combination of wet skin and body salt which provides low resistance to current

1.2 Temporary Installations

Distribution of electricity on a construction site is different from a permanent installation. As

construction work proceeds, the type of equipment in use changes. From excavation to
completion, there is a constant need for convenient means of connecting equipment. This
requires a variety of voltages, phases, and current in different places at different times. Load
requirements will vary considerably. All temporary electrical systems shall conform to the
National Electrical Code.


The contractor is responsible for the temporary electric supply system on a

construction site and the safety measures associated with the National Electrical


Cables on site are subject to rough treatment. Special care should be taken to
ensure that the grounding conductor remains intact. If the conducting wire breaks,
the supply will not be interrupted under a ground fault condition and the system
will no longer be safe. Only UL, FM or other recognized testing lab approved
extension cords bearing appropriate lab trademarks shall be used. Damaged or
spliced cords are not acceptable to Saudi Aramco.


Special care shall be taken to ensure that the correct fuse or breaker ratings are
strictly enforced and that the Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) are installed
properly on all circuits.


All installation work must be carried out by qualified, experienced electricians.

Before connecting temporary electrical installations to existing installations, prior
approval must be obtained from the Saudi Aramco proponent department.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 307

This is to ensure that no overloading of electrical devices will occur and system
protection will not be compromised.


A competent person must be made directly responsible for the overall safety of the
installation. Its general usage, its maintenance, and any alterations and extensions
to the system should be under his control. He must be at the site whenever work is
being done. Before any part of a newly installed electrical system or its equipment
is energized, it must be thoroughly tested. Safety can be ensured by regular
inspection and maintenance.

1.3 Hand Tools and Lighting


Many injuries, fires, and explosions have resulted when extension lights with
defective cords or fittings have been used or when bulbs have been broken,
exposing the live filament wire to an explosive atmosphere. All electrically operated
tools shall be rated and used at a voltage not exceeding 125V. The use of 220V is


Defective extension lights and electric hand tools shall be repaired or replaced. A
defective electrical tool or cord can cause burns, falls as a result of sudden shocks,
or even fatalities.


Portable electric tools, extension lights and cords should be inspected each time
they are issued and returned. This should be part of a tool store procedure.
Frequent random checks should be made where those tools, lights and plugs are
being used on site.

Portable hand lamps shall comply with the following:

(1) Metal shell, paper-lined lamp holders shall not be used.

(2) Hand lamps shall be equipped with insulated handle.

(3) Substantial lamp guard shall be attached to the handle or holder. Metallic
lamp guards shall be grounded. Three-wire power cords with grounding
conductor shall be used.


Failure of electrical equipment, because of misuse, is a frequent cause of shock.

Workers are prone to abuse extension cords by pulling them over sharp metal
objects, hanging them across equipment, kicking them, or letting them be run over

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 308

by industrial equipment. They often strain the cords during use, causing the plug
and fixture to part and expose live wires.


Many accidents occur when lower volt equipment is plugged into higher volt
systems. Before any portable tool or extension light is plugged in, the voltage
required for the tool or light must be the same as the power source, and the plugs
must be checked for damage.


The importance of grounding all portable tools and lights cannot be emphasized
too strongly. All non-current carrying metal parts of any electrical equipment must
be properly grounded. This will reduce the electrical shock hazard.


In hazardous areas, more stringent rules apply as to the type of equipment which
may be used. Explosion proof light fittings for extension lights is one example. As
with all work carried out on Saudi Aramco installations, Work Permits must be
obtained and the type of equipment to be used discussed and agreed upon before
the permit is issued.

1.3.8 General Precautions:

Only qualified electricians should make repairs and carry out maintenance checks.
All extension lights must be fitted with protective guards, so if accidentally
dropped, the lamp remains intact. Up to a 120 volt maximum rated AC portable
lighting system may be used for illuminating inside confined spaces and vessels,
provided it is protected by an externally located ground fault circuit interrupter and
also meets the provisions of GI 520.001 Section and 520.001-4 (Supplement
4) - "Confined Space Entry Procedure" (Abqaiq Plants).


Ground fault circuit interrupters shall be used on all electrical circuits including
portable power electrical supplies (see NFPA Handbook of the National Electric
Safety Code, Section 305-b for GFCIs) on temporary wiring.


The National Electric Safety Code defines requirements for the construction and
use of portable extension and electric cords in industrial service. This code shall be
followed by construction groups.

1.4 Work on Live Equipment


Whenever workmen are required to work on energized equipment, the job must be
planned thoroughly and the workmen should proceed with caution.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 309

Before any work on live equipment starts, there must be a thorough knowledge of
the work involved, personal protective equipment must be available, and all
necessary work permits must be obtained.


Employees must never work alone on live equipment. In addition to the man doing
the job, there must be another electrician standing by. A foreman or supervisor
should also be in attendance while this work is being carried out, and he must know
how to isolate the equipment.


Before starting a job, the exact voltages should be known. This is important as it
determines the type of personal protection required for the work and the
procedures established in the work permit. If there is any doubt about voltages, a
check must be made before the work is started.


Work platforms and equipment used near energized equipment shall be properly


Work on live equipment can be as safe as work on isolated equipment if the

following are observed:

1 There must be a thorough knowledge of the equipment and the job to be

2 If there is any doubt, the advice of the supervisor or responsible person
should be sought.
3 The work must be correctly planned before starting.
4 Protective equipment must be used correctly.

1.5 Overhead and Underground Cables

On any construction site, power supplies may have already been installed below ground or

Contact should be made with the appropriate Saudi Aramco department at the planning stage
of the job to determine the work permit requirements, route and depth of any underground
cables and the recommended safe clearances. If re-routing existing cables is necessary, this
should be done before the main contract starts.

1.5.1 Overhead Lines

(Figure IV.1)

High voltage or overhead lines are usually uninsulated. Therefore, any kind of
metallic object coming near or in contact with them can cause a hazardous
situation. High voltage can easily arc across a considerable distance. (See OSHA
29 CFR 1926 Subpart N.)

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 310

1.5.2 The Contractor Should Arrange for Power Lines to be:

1 Re-routed clear of all construction work or placed underground if possible.

2 Made "dead", grounded, and certified as such by Saudi Aramco.
3 Protected by barriers and timber or wire "goal-posts", so that no part of any
mobile crane, earth moving equipment, etc. can approach the live cable.
Clearance distances should be agreed upon with Saudi Aramco. Access
below the powerlines shall be restricted by barriers to where the "goal-
posts" are located (see Figure IV.1).

The need for caution in working with overhead lines cannot be over-emphasized.
High voltage overhead lines have been mistaken for telephone cables.

It should never be assumed that there is enough clearance; it should always be

proved. It should never be assumed that a cable or line is "dead"; it should always
be checked. Spacing Between Powerlines and Pipelines

Special precautions are required during installation, operation or

maintenance of above grade or below grade onshore pipelines. (See
SAES -B-064.)

1.5.3 Underground Cables

Normal depth of underground cables varies between 46 centimeters (18 inches) and
0.9 meter (3 feet). (Changes in ground level, due to the work, can mean that the "as
built" depth is no longer correct). No mechanical excavations should be started
before test trenches have been dug by hand and cable locations established.
Unless cables have been laid very deep, heavy vehicles should not be allowed to
pass over them.

Underground cables, exposed during excavation work should be assumed to be

energized and not repositioned or moved until certified to be de-energized.
Exposed buried cables in open trenches should be properly supported and the area

Accidental damage to any cable exposed during excavation shall be immediately

reported to Saudi Aramco. The area must be barricaded until the damaged cable
has been made safe.

1.6 Overhead Power Transmission and Distribution

The standards given in this section provide minimum requirements for safety and health
during construction.

1.6.1 Initial Inspections, Tests, or Determinations

Existing conditions shall be determined before starting work, by an inspection or a

test. Such conditions shall include, but not be limited to, energized lines and

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 311

equipment, condition of poles, and the location of circuits and equipment,
including power and communication lines.

Electrical equipment and lines shall be considered energized until determined to be

de-energized by testing and grounding.

Operating voltage of equipment and lines shall be determined before working on or

near energized parts.

1.6.2 De-energizing Lines and Equipment

The procedures outlined in GI 2.100 and GI 6.012 shall be followed, and all circuits
will be identified, tagged, locked, and tested.

Equipment shall be checked for potential and protective grounds shall be applied.

Guards or barriers shall be erected as necessary near to adjacent energized lines.

When more than one independent crew needs to work on the same line or
equipment at the same time, a separate "clearance" shall be given to each crew by
the Saudi Aramco Power Dispatcher, and a prominent tag and lock for each such
independent crew shall be placed on the line or equipment by the designated crew

Upon completion of work on de-energized lines or equipment, the crew leader shall
determine that all members in his crew are clear and that protective grounds
installed by his crew have been removed. He shall release his clearance to Saudi

1.6.3 Emergency Procedures and First Aid

The Contractor shall provide training or require that his employees are
knowledgeable and proficient in the following:

1 Procedures involving emergency situations;

2 First-aid fundamentals including cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and
3 Remote field crews shall have an employee certified in First-Aid.

1.6.4 Night Work

When working at night, spotlights or portable lights for emergency lighting shall be
provided as needed to perform the work safely.

1.6.5 Work Near/Over Water

When crews are engaged in work over or near water and when danger of drowning
exists, suitable protection such as buoyant work vests shall be worn. Life rings,
ropes and at least one skiff shall be provided.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 312

1.6.6 Hydraulic Fluids

All hydraulic fluids used for the insulated sections of derrick trucks, aerial lifts, and
hydraulic tools which are used on or around energized lines and equipment shall be
of the insulating type.

1.6.7 Live-Line Tools (Hot Sticks)

Only live-line tool poles having a manufacturer's certification meeting the following
requirements shall be used:

1 100,000 volts per foot of length for 5 minutes when the tool is made of
fiberglass, or
2 75,000 volts per foot of length for 3 minutes when the tool is made of wood;

All live-line tools shall be visually inspected and wiped clean before use each day.
Tools with any hazardous defect shall be removed from service.

1.6.8 Material Handling Unloading

Prior to unloading steel, poles, cross arms, and similar material, the load
shall be thoroughly examined to ascertain if the load has shifted,
binders or stakes have broken, or the load is otherwise hazardous to
employees. Pole Hauling

During pole hauling operations, all loads shall be secured to prevent

displacement and a red flag shall be displayed at the trailing end of the
longest pole.

Precautions shall be exercised to prevent blocking of roadways or

endangering other traffic.

When hauling poles during the hours of darkness, illuminated warning

devices shall be attached to the trailing end of the longest pole and
haul truck brake lights shall not be obscured. Storage

No materials or equipment shall be stored under energized bus,

energized lines, or near energized equipment. Framing

During framing operations, employees shall not work under a pole or a

structure suspended by a crane, A-frame, or similar equipment unless
the pole or structure is adequately supported.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 313 Attaching the Load

The hoist rope shall not be wrapped around the load. This provis ion
shall not apply to electric construction crews when setting or removing

Non-conductive tag lines or other suitable devices shall be used to

control loads being handled by hoisting equipment.

1.6.9 Grounding for Protection of Workers Isolation and Voltage Testing

Equipment to be worked on when it is deenergized shall be isolated

from the system and tested for voltage using test equipment rated for
the system, and be grounded. Applying and Removing Grounds

(See Figure IV.2)

Grounding cables shall be connected to ground first, and then the

equipment. Grounding cables shall be installed and removed using hot
sticks or insulating gloves and protective apparel.

Grounding cables shall first be disconnected from the line or

equipment and then be disconnected from ground.

Grounding cables shall be at, or as close as practicable to, the work


Protective grounds shall be installed so that it is not possible for

workers to come in contact with a grounded component and an
ungrounded component simultaneously. Grounding Distance

If the work is to be performed at more than one location in a line

section, the line section must be grounded and short circuited at each
end of the line section and the conductor to be worked on shall be
grounded at each work location. Removal of Grounds for Testing Purposes

Grounds may be temporarily removed with the permission of the Power

Dispatcher. Extreme caution shall be exercised while the
equipment/line is not grounded. Groundi ng Electrode

When grounding electrodes are utilized, such electrodes shall exhibit

low resistance to ground; thereby, rapidly diminishing the electrical

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 314

hazard to personnel. Otherwise, insulated tools (or other operating
equipment) must be used by personnel. Grounding Cables And Clamps

Grounding cables and clamps shall be capable of conducting the

anticipated fault current and shall have a minimum size of No. 2 AWG
standard copper.

1.6.10 Overhead Lines

Prior to climbing poles, ladders, scaffolds, or other elevated structures, an

inspection shall be made to determine that the structures are capable of sustaining
the additional or unbalanced stresses to which they will be subjected.

Where poles or structures may be unsafe for climbing, they shall not be climbed
until made safe by guying, bracing, or other adequate means.

Before installing or removing wire or cable, strains to which poles and structures
will be subjected shall be considered and necessary action taken to prevent failure
of supporting structures.

When setting, moving, or removing poles using cranes, derricks, gin poles, A-
frames, or other mechanized equipment near energized lines or equipment,
precautions shall be taken to avoid contact with energized lines or equipment.

Unless using protective equipment suitable for the voltage involved, employees
standing on the ground shall avoid contacting equipment or machinery working
adjacent to energized lines or equipment.

Lifting equipment shall be bonded to an effective ground or it shall be considered

energized and barricaded when utilized near energized equipment or lines.

Pole holes shall not be left unattended or unguarded. Even in desert areas,
unguarded pole holes are a hazard.

Tag lines shall be of a non-conductive type when used near energized lines. Metal Tower Construction

When working in unstable material, the excavation for pad or pile-type

footings in excess of 1.52 meters (5 feet) deep shall be either sloped to
the angle of repose as required or shored if entry is required. Ladders
shall be provided for access to pad or pile-type footing excavations in
excess of 1.2 meters (4 feet). (See Section II, 2.4, Excavations,
Trenching, And Shoring for depth and slope criteria.)

When working in unstable material, provision shall be made for

cleaning out auger-type footings without requiring an employee to
enter the footing unless shoring is used to protect the employee.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 315

A designated employee shall be used in directing mobile equipment
adjacent to footing excavations.

No one shall be permitted to remain in the footing while equipment is

being spotted for placement.

Where necessary to assure the stability of mobile equipment, the

location of use for such equipment shall be graded and leveled.

Tower assembly shall be carried out with a minimum exposure of

employees to falling objects when working at two or more levels on a

Guy lines shall be used as necessary to maintain sections or parts of

sections in position and to reduce the possibility of tipping.

Members and sections being assembled shall be adequately


No one shall be permitted under a tower which is in the process of

erection or assembly, except as may be required to guide and secure
the section being set.

When erecting towers using hoisting equipment adjacent to energized

transmission lines, the lines shall be de-energized when practical. If
the lines are not de-energized, extraordinary caution shall be exercised
to maintain the minimum clearance distances required.

Erection shall be set on firm level foundations and when the cranes are
so equipped, outriggers shall be used.

Tag lines shall be utilized to maintain control of tower sections being

raised and positioned, except where the use of such lines would create
a greater hazard.

The loadline shall not be detached from a tower section until the
section is adequately secured.

Except during emergency restoration procedures, erection shall be

discontinued in the event of high wind or other adverse weather
conditions which would make the work hazardous.

Equipment and rigging shall be regularly inspected and maintained in

safe operating condition.

Adequate traffic control shall be maintained when crossing highways

and railways with equipment.

An employee shall be utilized to determine that required clearance is

maintained in moving equipment under or near energized lines.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 316 Stringing/Removing De-energized Conductors

When stringing or removing de-energized conductors, the provisions

of the following paragraphs shall be complied with.

Prior to stringing operations, a briefing shall be held setting forth the

plan of operation and specifying the type of equipment to be used,
grounding devices and procedures to be followed, crossover methods
to be employed, and the clearance authorization required.

Where there is a possibility of the conductor accidentally contacting

an energized circuit or receiving a dangerous induced voltage buildup,
to further protect the employee from the hazards of the conductor, the
conductor being installed or removed shall be grounded.

When the existing line has been de-energized, proper clearance

authorization shall be secured and the line grounded on both sides of
the crossover, or the line being strung or removed shall be worked on
as if energized.

When crossing over energized conductors in excess of 600 volts, rope

nets or guard structures shall be installed unless provision is made to
isolate or insulate the workman or the energized conductor. Where
practical the automatic re-closing feature of the circuit interrupting
device shall be made inoperative. In addition, the line being strung
shall be grounded on either side of the crossover or and worked on as
if energized.

Conductors being strung in or removed shall be kept under positive

control by the use of adequate tension reels, guard structures, tielines,
or other means to prevent accidental contact with energized circuits.

Guard structure members shall be sound and of adequate dimension

and strength, and adequately supported.

Anchors, riggings, and hoists shall be of ample capacity to prevent

loss of the lines.

The manufacturer's load rating shall not be exceeded for stringing

lines, pulling lines, sock connections, and all load-bearing hardware
and accessories.

Pulling lines and accessories shall be inspected regularly and replaced

or repaired when damaged or when dependability is doubtful.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 317

Conductor grips shall not be used on wire rope unless designed for
this application.

While the conductor or pulling line is being pulled (in motion)

employees shall not be permitted directly under overhead operations,
nor shall any employee be permitted on the crossarm.

A transmission clipping crew shall have a minimum of two structures

clipped in between the crew and the conductor being sagged. When
working on bare conductors, clipping and tying crews shall work
between grounds at all times. The grounds shall remain intact until the
conductors are clipped in, except on dead end structures.

Except during emergency restoration procedures, work from structures

shall be discontinued when adverse weather (such as high wind or ice
on structures) makes the work hazardous.

Stringing and clipping operations shall be discontinued during

electrical storms.

Reel handling equipment, including pulling and braking machines, shall

have ample capacity, operate smo othly, and be leveled and aligned in
accordance with the manufacturer's operating instructions.

Reliable communications between the reel tender and pulling rig

operator shall be provided.

Each pull shall be snubbed or dead ended at both ends before

subsequent pulls. Stringing Adjacent to Energized Lines

Prior to stringing parallel to an existing energized transmission line, it

shall be determined whether dangerous induced voltage buildups will
occur in the system, particularly during switching and ground fault

When stringing adjacent to energized lines, the tension stringing

method or other methods which preclude unintentional contact
between the lines being pulled and any employee shall be used.

All pulling and tensioning equipment shall be isolated, insulated, or

effectively grounded.

A ground shall be installed between the tensioning reel setup and the
first structure in order to ground each bare conductor, sub-conductor,
and overhead ground conductor during stringing operations.

During stringing operations, each bare conductor, sub-conductor, and

overhead ground conductor shall be grounded at the first tower
adjacent to both the tensioning and pulling setup and in increments

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 318

so that no point is more than 3.218 kilometers (two miles) from a

• The grounds shall be left in place until conductor installation is


• Such grounds shall be removed at the last phase of aerial cleanup.

• Except for moving type grounds, the grounds shall be placed and
removed with a hot stick.

• Conductors, sub-conductors, and overhead ground conductors

shall be grounded at all dead-end or catch-off points.

A ground shall be located at each side and within 3.2 meters (10 feet)
of working areas where conductors, or overhead ground conductors
are being spliced at ground level. The two ends to be spliced shall be
bonded to each other. It is recommended that splicing be carried out
on either an insulated platform or on a conductive metallic grounding
mat bonded to both grounds. When a grounding mat is used, it is
recommended that the grounding mat be roped off and an insulated
walkway provided for access to the mat. (See Power Distribution
Instruction No. 50.)

All conductors, sub-conductors, and overhead ground conductors

shall be bonded to the tower at any isolated tower where it may be
necessary to complete work on the transmission line.

• Work on dead-end towers shall require grounding on all de-

energized lines.

• Grounds may be removed as soon as the work is completed,

provided that the line is not left open circuited at the isolated
tower at which work is being completed.

When performing work from the structures, clipping crews and all
others working on conductors, sub-conductors, or overhead ground
conductors shall be protected by individual grounds installed at every
work location.

1.6.11 Underground Lines

Warning signs shall be promptly placed when covers of manholes, hand holes, or
vaults are removed.

Before an employee enters a street opening, such as a manhole or an unvented

vault, it shall be promptly protected with a barrier, temporary cover, or other
suitable guard.

When work is to be performed in a manhole or unvented vault, GI 2.100, Work

Permit System, shall be enforced.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 319

• No entry shall be permitted unless forced ventilation is provided or the
atmosphere is found to be safe by testing for oxygen deficiency and the
presence of explosive gases or fumes.

• Where unsafe conditions are detected, by testing or other means, the work
shall be ventilated and otherwise made safe before entry.

• Provisions shall be made for an adequate continuous supply of air. Work in Manholes

While work is being performed in manholes, an employee shall be

available in the immediate vicinity to render emergency assistance as
required. This shall not preclude the employee in the immediate
vicinity from occasionally entering a manhole to provide assistance,
other than for emergencies. This requirement does not preclude a
qualified employee, working alone, from entering for brief periods of
time, a manhole where energized cables or equipment are in service, for
the purpose of inspection, housekeeping, taking readings, or similar
work if such work can be performed safely. However, someone on the
surface must be aware of this type of entry and know the expected
duration of the task.

Before entering or using open flames in a manhole excavation in an

area where combustible gases or liquids may be present, such as near a
gasoline service station, GOSP, refinery, etc., the atmosphere of the
manhole or excavation shall be tested and found safe or cleared of the
combustible gases or liquids (See GI 2.100). Trenching and Excavating

During excavation or trenching, in order to prevent the exposure of

employees to the hazards created by damage to dangerous
underground facilities, efforts shall be made to determine the location
of such facilities and work in accordance with GI 2.100, Work Permit

When underground facilities are exposed (electric, gas, water,

telephone, etc.) they shall be protected as necessary to avoid damage.

When multiple cables exist in an excavation, the cable to be worked on

shall be identified by electrical means unless its identity is obvious by
reason of distinctive appearance.

Before cutting into a cable or opening a splice, the cable shall be

identified and verified by the proponent department.

When working on buried cable or on cable in manholes, metallic sheath

continuity shall be maintained by bonding across the opening or by
equivalent means.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 320

1.6.12 Construction in Energized Substations

When construction work is performed in an energized substation, authorization

shall be obtained from the local power service dispatcher and a work permit shall be
issued. (See GI 2.100)

When work is to be done in an energized substation, safety precautions shall be

detailed in the work permit (See GI 2.100).

Extreme caution shall be exercised in the handling of busbars, tower steel, materials,
and equipment in the vicinity of energized facilities. Barricades and Barriers

Barricades or barriers shall be installed to prevent accidental contact

with energized lines or equipment.

Signs indicating the hazard shall be posted near the barricade or

barrier. Control Panels

Work on or adjacent to energized control panels shall be performed by

designated employees.

Precaution shall be taken to prevent accidental operation of relays or

other protective devices due to jarring, vibration, or improper wiring. Mechanized Equipment

Use of vehicles, gin poles, cranes, and other equipment in restricted or

hazardous areas shall at all times be controlled by designated

All mobile cranes and derricks shall be effectively grounded when

being moved or operated in close proximity to energized lines or
equipment, or the equipment shall be considered energized. (See
OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart N.)

Fenders shall not be required for low-boys used for transporting large
electrical equipment, transformers or breakers. Substation Fences

When a substation fence must be expanded or removed for

construction purposes, a temporary fence affording similar protection,
when the site is unattended, shall be provided. Adequate bonding and
grounding interconnections shall be maintained between temporary
fence and permanent fence.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 321

All gates to all unattended substations shall be locked, except when
work is in progress.

1.7 Electric Shock

Speed is essential in dealing with any electrical accident. A copy of "The Treatment for
Electric Shock" placard in Arabic and English should be prominently displayed so that
everyone knows what to do in an emergency. Employees will be trained in First Aid and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

In brief, the sequence for dealing with an electrical accident is:

1 If at all possible, switch off the power supply. If this is not instantly possible, release
the victim from contact with the conductor by using dry gloves, dry blanket, dry wood,
dry clothing, rubber sheets, or properly insulated equipment.
2 If breathing has stopped, begin CPR and continue as necessary.
3 Call for first aid assistance, a doctor, and an ambulance. The Saudi Aramco emergency
number is 110.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 322


Overhead power lines are usually uninsulated and any kind of

metallic object coming near or in contact with them can cause a
hazardous situation. High voltage can easily arc across
considerable distance. Overhead lines should therefore be re-
routed, "made dead" or protected by timber "goal posts" and
barriers. Clearance distances should be agreed upon with Saudi
Aramco before work starts.

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 323


Note: Grounding Cables Shall Be Isolated And Removed Using Insulating Tools And Protective Apparel

February 1993 - 1.0 Electricity Page 324

Ionizing industrial radiation, such as x-rays generated by equipment or gamma rays emitted
spontaneously by radioactive materials, are widely used in industry for non-destructive testing, e.g.,
testing of welds in pipes and pressure vessels, without damaging the material. The material tested does
not retain any radioactivity when testing is completed.

For all practical purposes, the radiation produced by x-ray equipment or emitted by radioactive sources
are the same. X-rays and gamma rays both have properties which should be understood. Even though
they penetrate the body, they cannot be perceived by any of our five senses; they can be absorbed and
scattered by matter; they travel in straight lines at the speed of light; they ionize gases; they affect
photographic emulsions; and by far the most important, they can be harmful to the living cells of the


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

150.003 Ionizing Radiation Protection

00-AID-08 Radiation Safety Manual

Saudi Aramco Forms:

Saudi Aramco 2654 Personal Radiation Exposure

Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings:

AB-36895 Radiation Warning Sign

2.1 Methods of Protection Against Radiation

Distance, time, and shielding are the usual methods of reducing radiation exposure.

2.1.1 Distance

Distance is an effective method of protection because gamma and x-rays obey the
inverse square law, that is, the radiation intensity decreases with the inverse square
of the distance. Conversely, dose rates at close distances can be extremely high,
even for low activity sources. It is essential, therefore, that unshielded sources are
kept at a sufficient distance from personnel so as not to pose a health hazard to

2.1.2 Time

Time is a useful method of protection because high dose rates can be accepted
over very short periods of time. However, the cumulative dose must remain at
acceptable limits given in GI 150.003-2.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Ionizing Radiation Page 325

2.1.3 Shielding

To lessen harmful radiation, materials of high density, such as lead, depleted

uranium, or tungsten, are used to absorb emitted radiation.

In the use of x-ray equipment, precautions against emitted radiation are necessary
until the electric power is turned off and locked out. On the other hand, radioactive
materials constantly emit radiation and cannot be switched off. Consequently, to
absorb unwanted radiation and facilitate handling, sealed sources are housed in
shielded containers or bunkers.

2.2 Classification of Personnel and Exposure Limits

In order to control human exposure to industrial radiation, all employees and contractors are
classified as either radiation workers or non-radiation workers according to their training and
need to use radiation sources. Classification does not guarantee safety; safety procedures
and adequate equipment must be used at all times.

2.2.1 Radiation Workers

A radiation worker is an occupationally exposed person or employee whose job

involves routine use of ionizing radiation and who has reasonable chance of being
exposed to radiation from a radioactive source.

Radiation workers are further categorized as Competent Persons or Radiographers.

Competent Persons do not normally use radiation sources, but by training and
experience are capable of supervising both routine operations and emergency
situations involving radiation. Radiographers are expected to safely use radiation
sources in the course of their work and must be in possession of a valid "Saudi
Aramco Permit to Use Material/Equipment Producing Ionizing Radiation" before
they can work with a radioactive source.

Radiographers must wear two personal dosimeters when working with radiation, a
direct-reading pocket dosimeter and an integrating permanent dosimeter (film badge
or thermoluminiscent dosimeter [TLD]).

2.2.2 Non-Radiation Workers

Non-radiation workers should not receive more than those dose limits given in GI

2.2.3 Exposure Limits

Radiation doses to workers should always be kept as low as reasonably achievable

(ALARA). Under no circumstances shall the doses exceed those limits given in GI
150.003-2 for occupational or non-occupational people.

Special controls (see GI 150.003-2) are imposed on persons who are, or are capable
of being, pregnant. No occupational exposure is allowed for persons less than 18
years of age.

February 1993 - 2.0 Ionizing Radiation Page 326

Over exposure shall be reported to the Saudi Aramco proponent, the Occupational
Medicine Services Unit, and the Loss Prevention Department.

2.3 Responsibilities for Safe Handling

The Radiation Protection Committee (see GI 150.003) has full responsibility in all matters
concerning the safe use, storage, and transportation of industrial sealed sources and x-ray
machines used on Saudi Aramco property.

2.3.1 Contractor

The contractor appoints competent persons to be responsible for the immediate

supervision and the enforcement of instructions and standards. Personnel
involved in performing non-destructive testing must be certified and hold a valid
"Permit to Use Material/Equipment Producing Ionizing Radiation".

2.3.2 Competent Person

Each radiographer will check at the beginning of each shift on the zeroing and
recharging of dosimeters and on the condition of the equipment. A competent
person familiar with all of Saudi Aramco radiation use requirements will make field
audits to ensure compliance with Company instructions and standards. He must
report the results of these audits to the applicable department responsible for the
operation. Also he must be familiar with all equipment and procedures so that the
proper corrective action can be taken in any emergency situation involving
radioactive equipment.

2.3.3. Radiographer

At the start of each shift, radiographers must ensure that all equipment is in safe
working order. All malfunctions must be reported to the supervisor or Competent
Person immediately. The radiographer must also make sure that he is wearing a
valid TLD or film badge and a direct-reading pocket dosimeter which has been
charged and zeroed. One radiation monitoring instrument must be available for
each source in use. Equipment must be transported to the work site with safety
locks in place. Under no circumstance is equipment to be transported in an
unassembled or open condition.

Upon arrival at the job site and prior to operating with any sealed source, the
radiographer must ensure that non-radiation workers are not subject to radiation
levels that would exceed that which is permitted. Radiation areas must contain
radiation warning signs (see Figure IV.3) and be clearly displayed around the
circumference of the radiation area. In addition, in populated work areas, a rope or
tape barrier shall be erected around the radiation area. The area will be monitored
with approved survey meter to ensure safe area for non-radiation workers is
maintained. Further guidance on industrial radiography is provided in GI 150.003-
4 and 00.AIP-08.

A weekly report on the condition of all equipment should be passed to the


February 1993 - 2.0 Ionizing Radiation Page 327

2.4 Shipping and Transportation

Government Permits are required for shipping radioactive materials into and out of Saudi
Arabia. Additional information is available from Purchasing Services Division.

Transporting radiation sources to work locations requires a locked container located out of
the passenger compartment. The vehicle shall have radiation signs on the front and rear.

2.5 Storage Areas

Upon completion of work or at the end of each work period, every sealed source must be
returned to a storage area approved by the Saudi Aramco Radiation Protection Committee.
Storage is usually within fenced area. All permanent or temporary storage areas (bunkers)
must be approved of by the Saudi Aramco Radiation Protection Committee. Sources may not
be stored in the back of a truck whether or not they are under lock and key. Radiation
readings must be taken at the perimeter of the storage area and the radiation level must be
within the acceptable limits given in GI 150.003. Radiation signs must be fixed to the barriers
of all storage areas. (See Figure IV.3.)

• A log shall be maintained of radiation sources in storage, logged in or out, by source

and responsible competent person in charge of source.

February 1993 - 2.0 Ionizing Radiation Page 328


February 1993 - 2.0 Ionizing Radiation Page 329

V. Chemicals And Operations

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: V. Chemicals And Operations Page 330
Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) are now being widely used ni the construction industry. The
precautions covered in this section are directed to those industrial operators who handle these gases, i.e.,
stores personnel and the actual operators using the gases. LPG is a term applied to combinations of
hydrocarbons known under various trade names and also widely known as propane and butane.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 355.020 Control of Compressed Gas Cylinders

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards:

SAES -D-5 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Equipment, Installation

SAES -B.057 Safety Requirements: Refrigerated and Pressure Storage Vessels

Saudi Aramco Bottled Gas Manual:

Part 1.7 Liquid Petroleum Gas

American National Standards:

NFPA 54-88 Fuel Gas Code

ANSI A10.10-81

Safety Requirements for Temporary and Portable Space Heating Devices & Equipment
Used in the Construction Industry

NFPA 58-89 Liquefied Petroleum Gases, Storage and Handling

1.1 General

These gases are colorless, heavier than air, and normally odorless, but for commercial usage,
an odorizing agent is added for the obvious reason of facilitating detection in the event of
accidental escape of the gas.

At normal temperatures, they are gaseous and can be changed into a liquid by the application
of moderate pressure. In the liquid form, relatively large quantities of LPG can be safely
transported and stored in suitably designed containers. The approximate ratios of gas
volume to liquid volume are 275:1 for propane and 240:1 for butane.

Both gases are heavier than air at normal temperatures. Any leakage will form a gas cloud
which will settle at the lowest possible level. It may ignite if a flame or sparks are present.
This could happen at some considerable distance from the source of leakage. The gases form
an explosive mixture with air, and they react vigorously with oxidizing materials. These gases
can be highly dangerous; if the container is exposed to heat or flame, there is a high risk of

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Liquefied Petroleum Gases Page 331
explosion. To reduce the risk of explosion, the cylinders must be equipped with relief valves
or fusible plugs.

1.2 Storage


Cylinders, whether empty or full, should be stored under cover for protection
against the elements. The storage place should be detached from any other
buildings and constructed of non-combustible material. It should preferably be a
well-ventilated one-story building with all doors leading directly to the outside.

LPG cylinders must be stored at least 6.1 meters (20 feet) away from oxygen or
oxidizers or must be separated from them by a fire wall rated at 30 minutes.


The building should be fenced-off and signs should be displayed both in Arabic
and English: "No Smoking".

Water and dry chemical fire extinguishers shall be available.


Natural ventilation points should be positioned at both high and low levels.


All electrical fixtures should be of an explosion-proof type.


All gas valves, fittings, connections, and piping shall be made of stainless steel,
brass or copper; rubber/plastic hoses are prohibited.

1.3 Handling of Cylinders


Cylinders must not be dropped or allowed to come into violent contact with each


They must be stored and used in an upright position, thus preventing the liquid
from passing through the relief valve regulator and into the equipment.

February 1993 - 1.0 Liquefied Petroleum Gases Page 332


They must not be placed in or near excavations or any low level area.


They must be placed on level ground and secured to prevent accidental tipping


Care should be taken that the valve assemblies are not damaged. The main valve
should be closed and the valve cap in position when the cylinder is not in use.


Smoking is not permitted when handling cylinders.

1.4 Leakage


Cylinders, valves, connections, hoses, and pipings should be regularly inspected

for damage or leakage. Detection can be carried out by the following methods, if
flammable gas meter is unavailable:

1 Smelling
2 Touching: Leaking cylinder may be colder than those around it.
3 Listening: Sound of escaping gas.
4 Looking: Localized condensation or frosting.


Small leaks may be confirmed by using soapy water.


A leaking cylinder must be immediately removed to an open space, clear of all

buildings and people or any potential source of ignition.


The cylinder must be placed with the leak uppermost.

February 1993 - 1.0 Liquefied Petroleum Gases Page 333


The supplier must be notified immediately.

1.5 Transportation


Full or empty cylinders which are loaded on vehicles must be placed in an upright
position, be adequately secured to prevent movement, and have valve caps in


The vehicle should have fire fighting and first aid equipment.


The vehicle must also display all the necessary warning notices.

1.6 Operation


In permanent or semi-permanent installations, the cylinder must be placed outside

the building out of direct sunlight and the gas piped to appliances inside.


The cylinder must be secured in an upright position, away from excavation, pits,
and other low lying areas.


The regulator and other equipment is to be connected and a test made to ensure
that all joints are gas tight.


The regulator capacity must be suitable for the equipment being used.


Before lighting, a check is to be made to ensure that there is sufficient ventilation

for the burner and that all combustible materials are removed from the work area.


Once the burner has been lit, it should burn with a steady blue flame with blue-
green base cones.

February 1993 - 1.0 Liquefied Petroleum Gases Page 334


A dry chemical fire extinguisher must be readily available at the work area.


Shut off valves shall be installed at the main tank supply and at the operating
source. (See Loss Prevention Booklet, "Hazards of Gas Cylinders")

1.7 Action in Case of Fire


When cylinders are exposed to severe fire conditions and are engulfed in flames,
no attempt should be made to extinguish the fire. In such condition, cylinders are
likely to explode immediately.


The action to be taken in such an instance is to evacuate the area immediately and
call the Fire Protection Department.


Cylinders which have been exposed to fire conditions must be adequately cooled
with water before any attempt is made to remove them.


If cylinders are equipped with automatic relief valves and the fire exposure is
severe, ignited jets of gas from these valves can extend as far as 6 meters (20 feet).


In the case of a small fire arising from gas leakage, it is possible to extinguish the
fire by immediately turning off the cylinder valve. The cylinder should be
approached from the opposite direction to the source of fire.


If a fire does not directly involve other cylinders in the vicinity, water hoses played
on those cylinders will prevent increased internal pressure and minimize the risk of


All cylinders which have been involved in a fire must be returned immediately to
the supplier, alerting the supplier that the cylinder was involved in a fire.

February 1993 - 1.0 Liquefied Petroleum Gases Page 335

1.8 Bulk Installations

Before any bulk storage installation is undertaken, the LPG supplier should be consulted on
the size of the tank required and the most suitable fittings for that particular installation,
including relief capacity.


Temporary tanks are to be installed above ground on a dry, hard foundation away
from drains, culverts, or hollows where it would be possible for any leaking gas to


Tanks should not be exposed to heat or direct rays of the sun and they must be
adequately protected against accidental or unauthorized interference.


Only trained personnel are to install bulk tanks and equipment. All items used must
be of approved design and comply with the appropriate standards.


All pipeline systems must be tested to a safe working pressure after completion of
the assembly.


Fire water protection shall be provided.

1.9 First Aid

If LPG has been inhaled, the affected person must be removed from the area, kept warm and
rested, and not allowed to move about. If the affected person is not breathing, mouth-to-
mouth resuscitation should be applied. No attempt should be made to give an unconscious
person anything to drink. If the person is breathing, oxygen must be administered by a
competent person. If liquid has gone to the eyes, they must be thoroughly washed out with

Medical aid must be obtained as soon as possible.

February 1993 - 1.0 Liquefied Petroleum Gases Page 336

The safe processing and movement of oil from underground to ship or transmission pipeline is the primary
Saudi Aramco objective. Any construction operation which could affect the safety of oil processing and
movement must be planned and performed in accordance with the operating procedures of the area in
which the job is located.

Every plant area in Saudi Aramco operations has a specific set of operating instructions and the operating
supervisor for that area has full responsibility for safety precautions. With this responsibility, he also has
authority to issue work permits and stop any work if it is not in accordance with proper procedures.

It is therefore necessary for anyone expecting to work in an area where oil or gas is handled to know the
rules and regulations and obey them.

Failure to follow the operating rules can result in not only destruction of Saudi Aramco property but also
death of construction and operating personnel. This type of disaster must be prevented.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100 Work Permit System

GI 2.710 Mechanical Completion & Performance Acceptance of Plant/Unit

GI 441.014 Repair Procedures on Hydrocarbon Pipelines

SAES -A-005 Safety Instruction Sheet

Schedule 'D':

Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements - Plant Operations

2.1 Additional Information On Saudi Aramco Instructions and Standards

There are a number of additional instructions and standards which apply to construction
operations, either inside or outside Restricted Areas. The contractor must determine which of
these apply to him and ensure that his supervisory staff is familiar with them. This can be
accomplished through discussions with operations management for the area and with the
construction engineer. A meeting of all concerned prior to starting a job shall be conducted
and a Hazard Identification Plan shall be prepared for review by Saudi Aramco Loss
Prevention Department.

Because of the large number of instructions which might be applicable to a specific job, it is
not practical to list all of them. The following, however, will be helpful in locating applicable
instructions and standards.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Plant Operations Page 337

2.1.1 General Instruction Manual

This manual is one which provides general instructions applicable to all Saudi
Aramco areas and operations. The contractor will find most of the instructions
applying to him in this manual.

2.1.2 Producing Instruction Manual

This manual is designed to provide producing operating personnel with

instructions on operating practices and procedures for specific operations. The
contractor would find it useful to know in advance what these procedures are and
how they affect him.

2.1.3 Refinery Instruction Manual

This manual is designed for use in refinery operations. Its design and use is similar
to the Producing Instruction Manual except that it applies to refinery operations.

2.1.4 Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

These provide detailed instructions on how to do specific jobs and establish

minimum standards to follow. The contractor must use all applicable engineering
standards in the performance of his job. Failure to do so will result in immediate
shutdown, a delay for which the contractor will be responsible. The Saudi Aramco
construction engineer is familiar with the Engineering Standards and will assist the
contractor. Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention personnel will advise and provide
guidance on fire and safety problems.

2.2 Work Permit System

Any contractor planning to do work in a restricted area must obtain a work permit from the
operations supervisor for the area.

To obtain this permit, the contractor must have personnel with a valid certificate to receive
work permits. GI. 2.100, Work Permit System, provides the information needed to obtain
such certificates and explains how to use them.

The work permit is a written permission to proceed with the work in accordance with the plans
and the restrictions written on the form. Without a proper permit, work will not be allowed in
the area. (See Work Permit System, Section II.1 of this Manual.)

2.3 Operation of Plant Equipment

It is expressly forbidden for any construction personnel to operate any valves, switches,
push buttons, or other devices in an operating area. If the work dictates such action, the
contractor personnel must call the operations supervisor to perform the service.

If the job involves work on equipment which is in service, a specific set of written procedures
will have to be prepared and approved in advance by Operating and Safety personnel. The
contractor must strictly follow these procedures. No deviations will be

February 1993 - 2.0 Plant Operations Page 338

permitted without the prior approval of the operation supervisor. Close contractor
supervision will be required in these types of jobs.

2.4 Shutdown and Maintenance in Plant Operations

Shutting down a plant is the sole responsibility of operating personnel. Construction

personnel should not, under any circumstances, be involved in any operational activity.

In certain emergency situations, it may be necessary for the contractor to shut down the job
and even move his equipment to permit access for operating and maintenance personnel.
This emergency activity must be done as requested.

2.5 Commissioning

GI 2.710, Mechanical Completion and Performance Acceptance of Plant/Unit, outlines the

procedures and requirements for accepting new plants or additions to plants after they have
been completed by the contractor. This is to assure that the plant is safe to operate in every
respect. The contractor should familiarize himself with this instruction before he starts work.

If there is any question on the fire and safety aspects of this instruction, the contractor
should contact the Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Department for clarification and

2.6 Emergency Procedures: Saudi Aramco Disaster Plan

It is necessary for all contractors to familiarize themselves with the Disaster Control Plan for
the plant and area in which the job is located. Each person working for the contractor must
know exactly what to do when the emergency evacuation or stop work alarms are sounded
and do it without delay.

The Disaster Control Plan does not normally require the assistance of any construction
personnel. Saudi Aramco personnel are trained to handle the emergency.

If the emergency is the result of a construction operation, construction personnel will notify
operating personnel immediately. The operating personnel will initiate alarm procedures and
direct activities in controlling the emergency.

When the emergency alarm is sounded for any reason, all contractor personnel will
immediately shut down their job, make it safe, and proceed in an orderly manner to the
designated assembly point. They will be checked out by Security and should assemble at a
point outside the area and await further instructions from the Saudi Aramco Disaster

Periodically, Saudi Aramco holds Disaster Drills to ensure the smooth functioning of its
Disaster Plan. The contractor is required to participate in these drills just as if it were an
actual emergency.

February 1993 - 2.0 Plant Operations Page 339

2.6.1 Gas Release Emergency Procedures

If there is a reason to suspect a gas release in the area through which you are

1. Immediately shut off the vehicle engine and do not try to restart it.
2. Check the wind direction by looking at the windsock.
3. Get out of the vehicle and walk to a safe location generally in a crosswind
direction away from the point of release.
4. Inform plant operation employees of the situation.
5. Do not go and investigate, leave this to operations.

February 1993 - 2.0 Plant Operations Page 340

It is essential that safe practices be observed during pressure testing, due to the potential hazards
associated with high pressure liquids and gases.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 2.100. Work Permit System

GI 2.102. Pressure Testing Safely

GI 2.710 Mechanical Completion And Performance Acceptance Of Plant/Unit

GI 432.00 Pipeline Hydrotest Water Disposal

GI 434.000 Pipeline Repair and Maintenance

GI 447.002 Pressure Relief Valves - New Installation, Change in Set Pressure, or Retirement from

GI 447.003. Pressure Relief Valves - Routine Test, Inspection, Quality Assurance And Regulation

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards:

SAES -K-001 Refrigerant Piping

SAES -A-004 Pressure Testing

SAES -A-005 Safety Instruction Sheet

SAES -A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids And Lay-Up Procedures

SAES -B-55 Plant Layout

Construction Specification Manuals:

Form Saudi Aramco 2642

Engineering (Pressure Test Report - 11/90)

Form Saudi Aramco 2642-1

Engineering (Pressure Test Information Sheet - 11/90)

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Pressure Testing Page 341

American Petroleum Institute Standards:


Steel Gate Valves - Flanged And Butt-Welding Ends, Ninth Edition


Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low Pressure Storage Tanks, Eighth

American National Standards Institute:

ANSI B 16.5-88

Steel Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings

ANSI B 31.3-90

Chemical Plant And Petroleum Refinery Piping

ANSI B 31.4-89

Liquid Transportation Systems For Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous

Ammonia, And Alcohols

ANSI B 31.8-89

Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping System

American Society of Mechanical Engineers Standards:

Section VIII. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

3.1 Preparation

3.1.1 SAES -A-004 (Pressure Testing)

The person in charge of hydrostatic testing should have read SAES -A-004 and GI
2.102, and fully understand the safety requirements and procedures involved with
pressure testing. All persons who will work on the pressure test must be informed
of the potential hazards and the necessary safety precautions. A work permit shall
be issued prior to commencement of hydrostatic test operations.

3.1.2 Supports

Piping, vessels, supports and foundations designed for gas service shall not be
overloaded by the extra weight of the test liquid. Temporary supports and braces
may be required.

February 1993 - 3.0 Pressure Testing Page 342

3.1.3 Vents and Drains

Vents of adequate capacity shall be installed at high points, to vent air / gas from
the item while it is being filled with the test liquid. Hazardous gases or vapors must
be vented clear of any area where personnel are working or where there is any
possible source of ignition. Drains must be installed at a suitable location to allow
removal of the test liquid.

3.1.4 Valves

Where isolation valves are used to contain test pressures, they must be of
adequate rating for the pressure to be encountered. If isolation valves are used in
lieu of blinds, provisions shall be made to ensure that no over-pressurizing can
occur in equipment that is not being tested, due to possible valve leak.

3.1.5 Pipings And Joints

Prior to testing, investigations shall be carried out to verify whether or not

temporary restraints are required to restrict the movement of pipings and joints
during testing; when necessary, adequate restraints shall be provided.

3.1.6 Vacuums

On vessels or tanks which could collapse if subjected to a vacuum, there must be

sufficient vent relief capacity to assure that the vessel cannot be subjected to a
vacuum by draining the test fluid or by sudden cooling.

3.2 General Requirements


Do not approach system never previously tested, corroded piping or vessels, or

vessels with welds never previously tested during the stepwise increase in
pressure to the strength test pressure. After the strength test pressure has been
reached and held for a specified interval, in accordance with SAES -A-004, the
equipment may be approached. The actual pressure at which the system under test
will be approached for close inspection shall be specified in the test procedure.


Pressure relief valve(s) shall be used to prevent over pressuring of the equipment.


Any ancillary equipment not under test must be isolated by valves (subject to part
3.1.4) or blind flanged and vented or disconnected.

February 1993 - 3.0 Pressure Testing Page 343


Only calibrated test gauges shall be used and they should be mounted in the
upright position. Pump discharge gauges must be visible to the pump operator for
the duration of the test.


The equipment / vessel shall have adequate vacuum relief capacity to avoid
damage or collapse, when draining the test liquid.


Lines should be drained and dried mechanically when the test liquid is corrosive or
otherwise hazardous.


The pressure rise during a pressure test should be gradual and under control to
allow time for material to strain, and time for personnel to check for leaks, see
SAES -A-004 and GI 2.102.


A system under test shall be depressurized (with the exception of pressure due to a
liquid head) before any work is done to stop leaks or repair weakness, including the
tightening of bolts. In tightness tests, bolts may be tightened without
depressurizing, if specifically approved in the written test procedure.


A block valve is required on the line from the test pump to the equipment under


Air shall not be used to displace test fluid from underwater equipment unless it has
been determined that the equipment will not float.

3.3 Test Liquid


Water is a normally the preferred test liquid. Alternatives must be approved by a

deviation from standard or they may be used if they are specifically permitted by
SAES -4-004.


Salt water must not be used for testing any material subject to stress corrosion
cracking in the presence of chloride ions (such as stainless steel type 304 or 18.8 -

February 1993 - 3.0 Pressure Testing Page 344


Pneumatic (gas) testing may be required as per SAES -A-004. Pneumatic testing
other than as specified in SAES -A-004 may be done only with the explicit
permission of the Consulting Services Department. Testing with air or other gases
under pressure can be hazardous due to the explosion potential.


Possible changes in pressure due to thermal expansion, contraction or hydrostatic

heads must be taken into account.


Written procedures approved prior to testing shall be followed for the disposal of
test mediums containing chemical additives for control of corrosion or bacteria, as
per the requirements of GI 432.000.

February 1993 - 3.0 Pressure Testing Page 345

There are thousands of chemicals in existence and hundreds of new ones are being developed for
commercial use every year. While almost all of these chemicals are beneficial in some way, they can be
dangerous too. In fact, of the thousands of chemicals in existence, it is difficult to find any that are
absolutely harmless.

When dealing with an unfamiliar chemical, it is always wise to assume that it is hazardous. The exposure
to hazards associated with a material depends largely on its proper identification, handling, usage,
transport, storage and disposal. In addition, materials which may be completely harmless in one
application may be deadly in another.

There are too many chemicals and too many possible combinations to deal with them individually here. In
the references listed, there are many sources of information on the identification, storage, transportation,
use, and disposal of hundreds of chemicals. In the literature there are tables of hazardous chemical
reactions. If the name of the chemical is known, the names of others with which it is likely to react
dangerously can be found. The proper identification and labeling of chemicals is a very important safety

When dealing with a potentially harmful chemical, precautions should be taken to ensure that employees
do not swallow it, inhale it, or allow it to contact their skin. The chemical must not be allowed to
accidentally mix with other substances in transportation, storage, or use. It must not be subjected to
undue shock, pressure, or heat. When the chemical is no longer needed, it must be safely disposed of or


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 150.001. Asbestos Regulation

GI 330.87. Bulk Deliveries of Oil Field Treatment Chemicals from Local Vendors

GI 355.001. Identifying, Cataloging, Ordering And Tracking Of Hazardous Materials

GI 355.002 Receiving, Storing, And Issuing Hazardous Material

GI 355.003 Disposing Of Hazardous Materials

GI 355.004 Handling And Storing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) For disposal

GI 355.015. Requisitioning, Receiving, Storing and Issuing Explosives

GI 355.015-1 Deterioration And Disposal Of Explosives

Refinery Instruction Manual:

No. 5.001. Caustic And A Dip Diluting Plant 20 - Safety Regulations

No. 10.740. LPG Plant, Salt Water Chlorination

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Chemicals Page 346

No. 13.850. Sulfuric Acid Safety Regulations - Air And Water Unit

Operating Instruction Manual:

No. 5.244. Inhibitor, Handling Procedure

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards:

Saudi Aramco Bottled Gas Manual

Saudi Aramco Chemical Hazard Bulletins (CHBs)

American National Standards:

ANSI 288.2. Standard Practice for Respiratory Protection

American Petroleum Institute:

API 2202-91

Dismantling And Disposing Of Steel From Tanks Which Have Contained Leaded

National Fire Protection Association Standards:

NFPA 321. Basic Classification of Flammable and Combustible Liquids

NFPA 325M. Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Gases, Liquids, and Volatile Solids

NFPA 49. Hazardous Chemical Data

NFPA 491M. Manual of Hazardous Chemical Reactions

NFPA 704. Standard System For The Identification of Fire Hazards of Materials

Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Work Environment -
American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - Manufacturer's literature on chemicals approved by US.
Department of Labor

Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials - Dr. N. Irving Sax

4.1 Hazard Identification System

The hazardous nature of a material is related to the manner in which it is transported, stored
or used; the materials with which it may come in contact; and how it is disposed of or
recycled. There is no single identification system which can briefly indicate the hazards for
all these conditions. Saudi Aramco uses NFPA 704 Identification of Fire Hazard Materials,

February 1993 - 4.0 Chemicals Page 347

which indicates the fire hazards associated with any chemical and also describes the hazards
which might be encountered in storage, transportation, use or disposal of the chemical.

Many of the materials in the Chemical Section, Class 26, of the Saudi Aramco Material System
Catalog are marked by the use of hazard identification labels. The container may not be so
marked, but it is indicated in the catalog description of the chemical. The system is based on
four different symbols or numbers arranged in a diamond pattern (see Figure V.1).

The degree of possible injurious health effects, susceptibility of the materials to burning and
to release of energy are rated by numbers (see Figures V.2 and V.2.A.). A zero (0) rating
indicates little or no hazard and a four (4) indicates a high degree of hazard. It should be
remembered that although a zero health hazard rating indicates that the material offers no
hazards to fire fighters beyond that of ordinary combustible material subjected to fire, it does
not mean that the material is harmless if inhaled or swallowed.

4.2 Health Hazards

Hazards to health arise from inhaling, swallowing, or skin contact. The severity of the hazard
ranges from nuisance chemicals that produce no injury, to chemicals that on short exposure
can cause severe injury or death. For industrial workers, the most prominent means of entry
of a hazardous chemical into the human body is through the respiratory tract by inhalation.
The next most important means of entry is through skin absorption. The least hazardous
pathway is through swallowing the chemical, as this seldom occurs in industry. (Reference:
Chemical Hazard Bulletins.)

4.2.1 Inhalation Pathway Hazard

Chemicals may be in the form of gases, vapors, dusts, or a mixture of these. The
senses of sight or smell cannot be depended upon to warn of chemical hazards.
Some gases are harmful in concentrations which cannot be detected by their odor.
Furthermore, some gases paralyze the sense of smell. Hydrogen sulfide, at low
concentrations, can very quickly paralyze the olfactory nerves so that harmful
concentrations cannot be detected through smell. Ordinary automotive gasoline,
to some extent, does the same thing.

When handling a volatile liquid, the maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of

the vapor should be known and not exceeded. Where exhaust ventilation is not
available, good mechanical ventilation must be provided or the work must be done

In the case of a chemical spill, it may not be possible to control the maximum
allowable concentration. Therefore it is necessary to keep the worker from
breathing the vapor by limiting the amount of vapor through careful handling or
through the use of local exhaust ventilation. If the concentration of the chemical in
the air exceeds the threshold limit value (TLV) or MAC, then respiratory protective
devices are needed. It is important that the right kind of device for the particular
hazard be obtained. (See Breathing Apparatus, Section I.10 of this Manual.)

Dust is a common hazard. Whenever dusty material is handled, a respiratory

hazard may exist. Exhaust ventilation, fans, blowers, and proper handling
procedures must be used to keep the dust from entering the worker's breathing
zone. If these methods fail, dust masks must be provided and their use enforced.

February 1993 - 4.0 Chemicals Page 348

Fine droplets of liquid form whenever liquids are sprayed or splashed so suitable
precautions must be taken to prevent the fine droplets of liquid from entering the
worker's breathing zone. Ventilation is also recommended. If such methods are not
adequate, suitable respiratory protection must be provided.

4.2.2 Skin Hazards

Skin contact/exposure hazard may not be as dangerous to life as respiratory

hazards, but they are far more common. Dermatitis resulting from contact with
harmful chemicals is a common work injury. Proper handling methods are the first
step in protection. The second step, in the case of materials which act rapidly on
the human body, such as corrosive chemicals (i.e. acids and caustics) is to provide
a physical barrier in the form of goggles, face shields, hoods, gloves, aprons, suits,
etc. The third step is to provide eyewash fountains and safety showers, which
flush the material from the eyes or skin.

The type of personal protective equipment required depends on the hazardous

characteristics of the chemical and the way it is used. Personal cleanliness is
important. Thorough washing of the hands and face before meals, daily bathing,
and a regular change of clothing will reduce harmful contact with chemicals.

4.2.3 Hazards of Swallowing Chemicals

In industry, swallowing chemicals does not occur frequently. The main precaution
is to ensure that employees know that the material is hazardous if swallowed, and
that they must wash their hands free of harmful chemicals before smoking, drinking
or eating. Never store harmful chemicals in food containers or handle chemicals
near food.

4.3 Emergency Treatment

4.3.1 Artificial Respiration

Persons overcome by harmful gases and vapors must be taken out into the fresh air
and, if they have stopped breathing, given artificial respiration; if there is no
heartbeat, commence cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Call emergency
assistance immediately by telephoning 110.

4.3.2 First Aid

In case of accidental swallowing of chemicals, it is not wise to induce the patient to

vomit. The hospital must be informed of the chemical injury or chemical swallowed
and the person should be moved to the hospital immediately for medical treatment.
In the case of caustics or corrosives, drinking a large amount of water, followed by
medical treatment, is recommended. Telephone 877-8056, Saudi Aramco Emergency
Medical Services, for poison information.

4.3.3 Showers and Eyewash Fountains

For skin hazards, the best treatment is thorough water washing under the
emergency shower or eyewash fountain. Field treatment should only consist of

February 1993 - 4.0 Chemicals Page 349

flushing away the chemical. The patient should then be taken to the hospital for

These water flushing devices are required, because working procedures and
personal protective equipment may fail. In the case of materials that are
immediately harmful to the eyes or skin, safety showers or eyewash fountains
should be provided. They should be within 6 meters (20 feet) of the exposure site
and accessible in an unobstructed straight line from the work location. Emergency
showers shall be properly identified with signs and color background in
accordance with SAES -B-55. A person who is blinded by a chemical must
immediately be taken to the shower or eyewash fountain. Some emergency
showers or eyewash fountains are designed so that standing under or near them
activates the water supply. Others have hinged gates which are pushed to activate
the shower, but all should be easily activated.

If the water piping to the shower or fountain is exposed to the sun, the water will
become so hot during summer that it could scald the user. The piping must be
buried, insulated or shaded from the sun or the line must be only a very short
branch from a main water line that is used frequently enough to keep the water from
overheating in the sun. Emergency showers and eyewash fountains should be
checked daily.


There are two important points that workers must be taught about the correct use
of emergency fountains and shower:

1 Before removing goggles, face shields, or other personal protective

equipment, the user must get under the shower or use the eyewash fountain
to wash off as much of the chemical as possible.

2 It is a mistake to start for the hospital without first doing everything possible
to flush out the harmful chemical. The eyes or skin must be washed for quite
a long time to remove the chemical. It is necessary to wash the eyes holding
the eyelids open with the fingers for at least fifteen minutes to free the eyes
of bases or caustics. This will be painful, but it is absolutely necessary. In
the case of acids, water will remove the acid quickly, but it is necessary to
hold the eyelids open with the fingers, painful as this may be, and roll the
eyes around under the shower or in the eye fountain to make sure that all
acid is removed. At least fifteen minutes of thorough washing are required
in the case of acid contact to skin or eyes.

Caustic alkalis such as sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are much more
difficult to wash from the skin or eyes. Strong alkalis of this type mixed with water
feel slippery to the touch. The skin should be washed until the slippery feeling has
gone and washing should be continued for at least 15 minutes.

February 1993 - 4.0 Chemicals Page 350

4.4 Fire Hazards


Only the necessary amount of hazardous materials should be brought into the work
place, usually not more than one day's supply. Hazardous materials must not be
allowed to accumulate, and any extra amounts should be cleared from the work
area. Slop liquids or trash should be cleared away immediately. All flammable
materials should be stored according to the specifications of their Chemical Hazard
Bulletins, (CHBs) or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).


Smoking and the use of sparking devices near flammable liquids or finely divided
combustible solids must be prohibited.


Blocking off air to a burning object is often possible in acid dip tanks or rubbish
containers where a cover can be provided and dropped down on the container to
smother the flames.


The use of fire fighting equipment, such as fire extinguishers or water streams, must
be available in case all effective fire prevention measures fail to prevent a fire. (See
Fire Prevention, Section I.11 of this Manual). Ordinary sand is a good
extinguishing agent for smothering small fires. The fire hazards of most common
materials can be found in the references given in this section. The proper fire
extinguisher should be at the job site and readily available at all locations where a
fire hazard is possible.

4.5 Reactivity Hazards

The manual of Hazardous Chemical Reactions, NFPA 491M, lists many of the chemicals
which are likely to have dangerous reactions with other chemicals. As a general precaution,
rough handling and shock should be avoided. Chemicals should not be allowed to mix with
other chemicals unless it is known that no harmful reaction will occur.

4.6 Transportation, Storage and Disposal

4.6.1 Transportation

During transportation, hazardous materials must be protected against shock,

accidental mixing with other materials, damage to containers, undue heat from the
sun or other sources, and theft, which could allow the hazardous materials to come
into contact with people who are unaware of the dangers. Specific
recommendations for the particular material may be obtained from the Area Loss
Prevention Office. The Saudi Aramco Chemical Engineering Response Team or Fire
Protection Department also handles spills which occur during

February 1993 - 4.0 Chemicals Page 351

transportation. A vehicle transporting hazardous chemicals must be suitably

4.6.2 Storage

The NFPA fire codes contain recommendations for safe storage of flammable
liquids, compressed gases, and typical highly combustible or explosive solids.
Precautions must be taken to avoid shock, undue heat, or unplanned mixing. There
are some cases where separating walls or specified distances are required.

Specific storage recommendations for hazardous materials contained in the Saudi

Aramco Chemical Hazard Bulletins (CHBs) and manufacturer-provided Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be followed. Incompatible chemicals should
not be stored together.

A list of hazardous materials shall be kept by the contractor indicating type and
quantity of materials used in each case, its hazardous classification rating and the
quantity disposed of.

4.6.3 Containers

Hazardous materials must be stored in containers that are safe for the
transportation and use of the material. Containers must be labeled with the
appropriate hazardous materials label to indicate the actual contents. All safety
factors must be observed when transferring material from one container to another
and the receiving container must be labeled to correctly describe the contents.
Empty containers previously used to hold hazardous material must be washed free
of the material or destroyed.

4.6.4 Disposal
(See GI 355.003 and 355.004)

Hazardous/toxic waste is liquid, solid and semi-solid material, which, because of the
quantity involved, the concentration, and/or the biological, physical, chemical or
infectious characteristics, pose a hazard to human health and/or the environment if
it is improperly managed.

The following are some examples of waste materials which are considered
hazardous/toxic, and are to be disposed of in accordance with established Saudi
Aramco procedure.

• Waste paints and related products

• Asbestos
• Resins
• Wood preservative products
• Insecticides and pesticides
• Flushing fluids / chemicals
• Compressed gases (acetylene, oxygen, chlorine)
• Flammable / combustible liquids (gasoline, diesel oil)
• Corrosive liquids (acid)
• Cleaning fluids
• Explosives

February 1993 - 4.0 Chemicals Page 352

• Flammable solids
• Poisons and infectious chemicals
• Radioactive materials
• Magnetized materials
• Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB (electrical transformer oil)

The disposal of hazardous material must be conducted by the contractor/user (c/u).

The latter is obligated to perform the following:

Step 1:

The hazardous material must be identified by composition or content. If this is not

possible, prior to arranging for disposal of the material the contractor/user should
notify the AM&RD (Al Midra and Reclamation Division). The material will be
provided to AM & RD in containers clearly marked "Hazardous Material" only,
with no other conflicting or confusing words.

Step 2:

The c/u must follow manufacturers or literature safety guidelines (Material Safety
Data Sheets, MSDS, Chemical Hazard Bulletins, CHBs, etc.) in addition to the Saudi
Aramco procedures contained here. In cases where procedures overlap, the c/u
should use the more conservative methods of disposal. Hazard rating codes
assigned to SAMS material indicate the degree of hazard. (See Figure V.2A.)
Obtain advice as needed from the Hazardous Materials Advisor, MHED (Materials
Handling Engineering Division) at telephone number 872-7419 or from individual
specialist units listed below:

Specialist Unit Telephone Number

Central Area Storehouse Dept. (CASD) 872-7419
Laboratories Dept. (LP) 876-6725
Loss Prevention Dept. (LPD) 873-8779
Process And Control Systems Dept. (P&CSD) 875-3131
District Medical And Support Services (DM&SS) 877-8425
Industrial And Environmental Affairs Dept. 874-1402
Fire Protection Dept. (FPD) 874-3345

Step 3:

The hazardous waste material must be adequately sealed up in containers to

prevent leakage and labeled to denote composition or content.

Step 4:

Request a safety inspection of the material by the Hazardous Material Advisor.

February 1993 - 4.0 Chemicals Page 353

Step 5:

When a large quantity of hazardous material needs to be disposed of, inform the:

a). Chemical Storage Segment, Material Disposal Unit, Reclamation Operations

Section, AM&RD.
b). Hazardous Materials Advisor, MHED.

Step 6:

Follow the directives of the Hazardous Materials Advisor. (See GI 355.003.)

Step 7:

Transport the hazardous material to Dhahran Reclamation Yard using own truck or
request suitable vehicle from the Transportation Department by following their
established procedure.

Step 8:

Contact Assistant Superintendent, Reclamation Operations Section (ROS), AM &

RD before a large volume of hazardous waste material is to be delivered. This
person may request that the material be delivered directly to Delivery Point Code
(DPC), 280 Reclamation Chemicals Storage And Handling Facility located near
Abqaiq GOSP 3.


See GI 355.004 for any deviation from this established procedure for the handling,
storage and disposal of Polychlorinated Biyphenyls (PCBs).

4.7 Work on Equipment Which Has Contained Tetraethyl Lead (Organic Lead

4.7.1 Introduction

Tetraethyl lead (TEL) is an organic compound of metallic lead which is used to

improve the octane rating of gasoline. This compound is highly poisonous. The
hazard with tetraethyl lead is that, being a liquid it gives off vapors which can come
into contact with the body by breathing or skin contact. Tetraethyl lead is very
hazardous as its vapors can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or ingested
through contaminated food or cigarettes. The best protection is to avoid any

To make it easier to detect spills of tetraethyl lead, it has been dyed a bright orange

February 1993 - 4.0 Chemicals Page 354

Tetraethyl lead, or sludges containing organic lead compounds, are likely to be
found in the following places:

1. Wherever drums of the compound are transported, stored, or used. Leaking

drums can contaminate ships' holds, trucks, and storage areas.

2. Wherever leaded gasoline is blended, handled, or stored.

3. In controlled disposal sites designated to receive organic-lead-containing

materials. The sludge removed from leaded gasoline tanks is
decontaminated by spreading and weathering prior to mixing with inert
solids to reduce the total lead concentration to no more than 0.5% and
transfer to a final burial site. Since tetraethyl lead is delivered dissolved in
organic solvents, it also presents a fire hazard.

4.7.2 Precautions

Tanks that have once contained leaded gasoline (TEL) are considered dangerous
thereafter even though they may have been used in other service for years. Such
tanks should be permanently marked on the manholes with a sign warning that the
tank has contained leaded gasoline and must not be entered without special
precautions. Sludge pits where lead-bearing sludge from the leaded gasoline tanks
has been buried must be marked with permanent warning signs.

Before entering any tank, an inquiry should be made as to the tank's previous
service and a work permit obtained. Likewise, before marking excavations in or
around refineries or gasoline storage depots, it is wise to determine whether leaded
gasoline (TEL) sludge may be encountered. Work in cleaning, repairing, or
dismantling tanks which have contained leaded gasoline requires special training
and special precautions.

The workers must be medically certified and periodically examined before and
during the course of the work. Using regular monitoring of TEL workers, any over-
exposure to TEL should be reported to the Saudi Aramco proponent department,
the Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Department and the Industrial Hygiene

The Saudi Aramco Industrial Hygiene Services and the Loss Prevention
Department should be notified when work is to be done in TEL tanks or in areas
with TEL contaminated equipment.

February 1993 - 4.0 Chemicals Page 355


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February 1993 - 4.0 Chemicals Page 358

VI. Marine

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: VI. Marine Page 359

A cofferdam is an enclosure constructed to exclude water from a work area during construction.
Cofferdam construction ranges from simple dikes to complicated timber or steel structures. Cofferdams
must satisfy two basic requirements:

1. They must be strong enough to withstand the forces caused by water, soil conditions,
and floating debris.

2. They should be as watertight as practicable, although some leakage, requiring pumping,

must always be expected.

The most common type of cofferdam encountered in Saudi Aramco is constructed from steel sheet piling.
The piles must be driven to design and penetration specifications and must encounter the pre-specified
driving resistance. The steel piling is generally braced by a system of horizontal wales and struts which
are designed to resist external forces.


Saudi Aramco Instructions and Standards:

Schedule 'D': Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements

Part 19 Excavations

Part 20 Work Over Water

1.1 Design

All cofferdams in excess of 1.2 meters (4 feet) in depth must be designed by a qualified
engineer. Any deviations from the design encountered in the actual construction of the
cofferdam must have the approval of a qualified engineer.

1.2 Before Work Starts

Any cofferdam which is to be constructed in a navigable waterway or which would constitute

an obstruction or hazard to the operation of small boats or pleasure crafts must be approved
in advance by the Manager, Saudi Aramco Marine Department. The latter will be responsible
for coordinating its approval with the approval of required Government agencies.

1.3 Construction

All cofferdam construction work must be performed in strict compliance with the design
drawings and specifications. All work must be accomplished by qualified craftsmen in
accordance with accepted trade practices. Any unexpected soil or hydrographic conditions
encountered during the construction must be reported immediately to the design engineer for
evaluation and a possible mo dification of the structure.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Cofferdams Page 360


If overtopping of the cofferdam by high waters is possible, means shall be provided

for controlled flooding of the work area.


Emergency evacuation warning signals shall be provided and procedures

developed. Notices shall be posted at the entrance to the job site, and throughout
the area.


Walkways, ramps or bridges on cofferdams shall have at least two exit points.
These shall be provided with standard guardrails.

1.4 Potential Hazards

The construction and the use of cofferdams have three primary hazards which merit special

1.4.1 Structural Collapse

Cofferdam structures may collapse as a result of the imposition of unexpected

structural loads or the failure of the soil inside the cofferdam structures as
evidenced by an upward heave or "blow-out" of the bottom. Such failures often
occur with little or no warning, therefore a means of rapid exit from the enclosed
cofferdam structures must be provided for all workmen engaged in work inside the

1.4.2 Overhead Loads

Sump pumps, equipment, and machinery shall be mounted on a cantilevered

platform outside of a cofferdam. This will eliminate overhead obstructions, which
could present a hazard to the workmen engaged in construction within the confines
of the cofferdam.

1.4.3 Dislodgment of Struts and Wales

All internal supporting structures must be secured against accidental dislodgment.

The use of locking devices on wedges will prevent their accidental removal and the
resulting collapse of the structure.

1.5 Inspection


General inspection should be carried out daily or after any weather condition or
incident which might affect the safety of the cofferdam.

February 1993 - 1.0 Cofferdams Page 361


The security of all wedges should be carefully checked at the start of each shift.


Leaks can indicate a movement of the piles. Serious leaks should be reported at
once to the engineer in charge of operations.


Pump intake fastenings and the pumping sump should be carefully checked at the
start of each shift.

1.6 Leaks


Small leaks can be sealed by lead caulking in the clutches from the inside of the
cofferdam. Minor leaks over a large area can be sealed by dropping light granular
material into the water surrounding the cofferdam. The material will be sucked into
the gap between the piles where it will form a seal.


Where large leaks are encountered which cannot be sealed as described above or
there is an indication that the piling has moved, the cofferdam area shall be
immediately evacuated of all personnel and the problem brought to the attention of
the design engineer for correction.

February 1993 - 1.0 Cofferdams Page 362

This section, Marine Operations, is only concerned with the transportation of material, equipment, and
personnel to off-shore job sites. This is carried out through the Saudi Aramco Marine Department by
using company-owned and/or contractors' crafts.


Saudi Aramco General Instructions :

GI 6.020. Personal Flotation Devices for Work Over, On or Near Water

GI 1185.003. Death or Injury Aboard Seagoing Vessels

GI 1186.502. Marine Craft Fueling, Tanajib or West Pier

GI 1186.504. SAG Regulations and Practice as Applied to All Types of Marine Craft at the Port of
Ras Tanura

GI 1187.001. Collision & Damage By or To Marine Equipment or Craft

GI 1192.001. Operating Practices for Harbor Tugs, Offshore Vessels and Launches, Including Safety

GI 1192.002. Operating Procedures for Barges Including Safety Rules

GI 1192.502. Operating Procedures for Marine Oil Recovery and Storage Barge/Vessel, Including
Safety Rules

GI 1193.001. Marine Port Information and Regulations

GI 1193.002. Navigation Warnings

GI 1194.001. Requesting, Assigning and Dispatching Pollution Control Vessels, Tugs, Launches and

GI 1196.001. Whistle Signals for Use Between Tugs and Barges or Tugs and Self-Propelled Vessels
When Berthing

GI 1198.001. Rig/Barge Moving

GI 1199.001. Safe Operation of Self-Propelled Jack-Up Barges

2.1 Other Publications

US. Coast Guard - 257

International Maritime Organization - Safety of Life at Sea

International Labor Office - Accident Prevention on Board Ship, at Sea, and in Port.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Marine Operations Page 363

2.2 General

All safety precautions that are applicable onshore apply and must be enforced while offshore,
including the wearing of personal safety equipment. In addition, life vests must be worn
while working on, over or near the water. Work over water may be either offshore or on a site
connected to the shore. The hazards and the precautions for both situations are similar.

2.3 Behavior on Floating Craft

Personnel embarked on floating craft must obey the instructions of the person in charge of
the vessel. In particular they must not obstruct his view or movements. They must travel in
the passenger designated areas. They should not enter or climb on top of the pilot house
and machinery space are similarly out of bounds. Personnel are expected to act in a
responsible manner at all times.


Unexpected movements of the vessel even in good weather must be anticipated

and guarded against. Personnel should keep away from the ship's side and make
use of handrails at all times.


Life vests must be available for all personnel. Each person shall wear and know
how to inflate a life vest (see Figure VI.1).

2.4 Preparation for Transportation by Sea


Loose and movable parts of material and equipment must be properly secured
against movement. Such material and equipment must always be prepared as if for
very rough weather. Sea conditions can change rapidly. Even with no wind, a
swell can produce violent movement. Lashing must be adequate. Tank
compartments being transported should be either empty or completely full.
Tarpaulins or plastic coverings must be of adequate strength and well secured.


The Marine Department must be informed in advance so that they may prepare for
the transportation of any hazardous cargo (acids, explosives gases, etc.) or cargoes
with special characteristics (e.g., sensitive to water, delicate, or pilferage).
Information on weights and measurements must be included for any shipment that
requires a manifest (Saudi Aramco Form 9063).


Although the actual loading may be performed by another department, the Marine
Department carries the ultimate responsibility for the safe loading and distribution
of cargo on the floating craft under its jurisdiction.

February 1993 - 2.0 Marine Operations Page 364

2.5 Tide and Sea Effects

During pile driving and general offshore work, allowance must be made for wave action and
the rise and fall of the tide, especially when erecting stages and platforms. Tidal predictions
and weather forecasts are not completely accurate so a generous safety margin must be

2.6 Care of Tools and Equipment


Protective coatings reduce the corrosive effects of salt water and salt-laden air on
tools and equipment. Nuts, bolts, and threads should be covered with grease or a
similar protective coating.


Electrical and radio equipment must not be left exposed. When not in use, they
should be protected by being returned to their boxes or being covered.


Objects that are dropped from any height can cause injury or damage, and they
may be impossible to recover. For this reason, small hand tools should be secured
by lanyards when working over or near water.

2.7 Housekeeping

Because of the confined space frequently encountered in Marine Operations, housekeeping

is even more important offshore than onshore.


Tools must not be scattered around. Any spilled grease or oil must be cleaned up.
Fire hose and rope must be coiled or flaked down clear of passageways. Doors and
drawers should be kept closed.


Rags, papers, cigarette butts, and scrap must be properly disposed of. Proper
disposal does not mean throwing the unwanted items overboard, thus polluting the
environment. Trash cans and ashtrays should be used.

February 1993 - 2.0 Marine Operations Page 365


February 1993 - 2.0 Marine Operations Page 366

Accidents involving divers and their equipment are generally serious, because diving operations are
undertaken in an element unnatural to man. What would be considered to be a minor incident on land
could cause crippling injury or even death in a diving operation.

Due to the extreme hazards of this occupation, divers must rely on their training, experience, and initiative
to avoid accidents. For this reason, the strictest compliance with regulations, standards, and instructions
must be observed at all times in order that everything possible is done to minimize the possibility of an


Saudi Aramco General Instructions:

GI 1197.001 Procedures and Safety Rules for Diving Operations (See Appendix G)

The US. Navy Diving Manual is to be used as the standard for all Saudi Aramco diving operations.

US. Navy Diving Manual:

NAVSHIPS 0994-001, March 1970

British Admiralty Diving Manual:

B.R. 181, 1972

United Kingdom Statutory Instruments

S.I. NO. 1229 Offshore Installations (Diving Operations) Regulations, 1981

Saudi Aramco Instructions and Standards

Saudi Aramco Bottled Gas Manual

TM 6.1 Medical Diving Emergencies (Technical Memorandum - Saudi Aramco Medical

Services Organization {SAMSO})

3.1 Employment of Qualified Divers

All divers shall be at least twenty-one (21) years old.


Divers must be qualified and experienced in all aspects of underwater inspection,

construction, repairs, and salvage works, including oxy-arc cutting, thermal lancing,
and the use of pneumatic and hydraulic tools.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Diving Operations Page 367


Divers shall be fully conversant with the use and operation of US. Navy
Decompression Tables, recompression chambers, and therapeutic decompression


Familiarity with the use of SCUBA, Hookah, and surface supplied helmets (Swindel,
Aquadyne, Kirby-Morgan, etc.) and knowledge of their maintenance and repair is


Divers will be required to show evidence of their training and experience by

providing certificates from a competent authority.


All divers must be fluent in both reading and writing the English language and be
able to depict the results of an underwater inspection by the use of sketches.


Evidence of medical fitness in accordance with 3.4 must be produced at the

prescribed intervals.

3.2 Diving Equipment

All equipment used in connection with diving and submarine operations shall be produced
by a reputable manufacturer. They must be of good quality and constructed of sound
material, in accordance with appropriate and accepted standards. Equipment should be able
to operate efficiently in the prevailing high temperatures of the Arabian Gulf.

3.2.1 Compressors

Compressors for supplying breathing air must be fitted with adequate filtration and
purification devices. They must be able to provide the air at a rated pressure and
capacity to cover the maximum depth required during the operation.

The air intake of compressors shall be remotely located with reference

to any exhaust system in the area to prevent contaminants from
entering the compressor intake.

All the safety devices and relief valves on high pressure compressors
must be operating properly.

February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 368

Detergent lubricating oils or oils with viscosity less than SAE 30 must
not be used. Care must be taken not to overfill.

Compressed air supplied for breathing shall be certified Compressed

Gas Association grade D or better.

3.2.2 Reserve Air Supply

A reserve supply of air must be provided, maintained, and immediately available in

the event of a primary air supply failure, whether in the form of a standby
compressor or high pressure cylinders (or volume tanks) on the surface. If the
reserve is in the form of high pressure cylinders (or volume tanks), it should be of
sufficient capacity to enable the diver or divers to reach the surface safely while
carrying out any necessary decompression step on the way. Reserve supply for
recompression chambers should be sufficient to allow required surface
decompression to be carried out.

3.2.3 Bail-Out Equipment

In case there might be a ruptured, cut, or irretrievably fouled hose, each diver
should be equipped with "bail-out" equipment, either in the form of a "bail-out"
cylinder, a diver's life vest, or a pneumo hose.

3.2.4 Maintenance

All plant (including safety) and diving equipment must be regularly maintained.
Correct records must be kept of this maintenance.

All SCUBA tanks, recompression chambers, volume tanks, high

pressure cylinders, and storage vessels must be regularly checked and
tested at the prescribed intervals in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions and Saudi Aramco regulations.

As indicated in the Saudi Aramco Bottled Gas Manual, air cylinders

not in sea water use are to be inspected internally and hydrostatically
tested, at intervals not to exceed five years. They should be
appropriately stamped to denote this inspection.

Each item of plant and diving equipment should be regularly inspected

by a competent person at periodic intervals, and after the equipment
has been modified. The maximum period between inspections should
be three months.

February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 369

All hoses used for carrying compressed air or other gases must be
checked for wear and abrasion and subjected to test pressures at least
once every three months.

Hose, fittings and connections should be of the screw thread type and
properly fitted to the hoses. Hoses used in oxygen breathing systems
must be grease and oil free.

Any pressure gauge showin g an error of more than two and one half
percent (2.5%) must be adjusted or replaced.

Communication systems must be checked for correct operation. Every

wire must be checked for continuity and, if they are combined with the
life line, for wear.

A supply of suitable protective clothing such as diving suits,

coveralls, gloves, and hoods must be available at all times. Insulated
gloves shall be provided to divers performing welding and burning

Gas cylinders taken under water shall be hydrostatically tested,

inspected and stamped every two years.

3.3 Safeguards

When divers are preparing to enter or leave the water, or are in the water, or diving operations
are underway, the International Code Flag "A" ("I have a diver down, keep well clear of area
and maintain a low speed.") must be flown. (See Figures VI.2 and VI.3.)

Communications - A two-way voice communication system shall be used between:

1. Each surface-supplied air or mixed-gas diver and a dive team member at the dive

2. Two-way communication system shall be available at the dive location to obtain

emergency assistance.

In addition, special lights and day marks for "vessels engaged in surveying or underwater
operations" should be shown in accordance with Maritime Regulations (Figure VI.3).

February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 370


Any person involved in an activity which could be a hazard to divers in the

vicinity, such as those in charge of submarine blasting or masters of vessels about
to move, start propulsion engines, or operate pumps, must be forewarned.


Adequate arrangements must be made to provide a safe means of access to and

egress from the water. It must be kept in mind that a diver may be unconscious as a
result of an accident.


Proper surface support and other facilities for the safe conduct of diving operations
must be provided.


In all cases of emergency, the diving supervisor, the foreman diver, or the person in
charge of a diver or divers must be the sole arbiter as to action to be taken. All
personnel, whether connected with the diving operation or not, should take
instructions from him.

3.3.5 Safe Operation of Divers

Bottom time and decompression time will be controlled by the diving

supervisor or person in charge of diving.

On all work requiring four divers or more, a diving supervisor shall be

present to facilitate coordination between divers and the surface.

All diving operations requiring more than two divers (using air for
breathing) in water of a depth greater than 30 meters (100 feet), require
the presence of a diving supervisor.


At all times when a diver is in the water, a stand-by diver must be on deck with a
stand-by rig, fully dressed and ready to dive.


No diver working in water 9 meters (30 feet) or less shall be required to work longer
than a twelve (12) hour shift without having a proper rest except for emergencies.

February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 371


Repetitive diving should not be done as a routine. If the task necessitates the use
of "repeats", efforts should be made to obtain additional divers. When this is
impracticable, the tables must be strictly adhered to in order to avoid
decompression sickness, which could require therapeutic treatment and could
endanger the health of divers and delay operations.


Therapeutic decomp ression must take precedence over all other operational

Divers must remain in the vicinity of a recompression chamber for a

period of twelve (12) hours after the last dive.

In the case of therapeutic decompression the period in shall be

extended to twenty-four (24) hours.

In mild cases of decompression sickness which have been treated

under Tables 1, 1A, 2, 2A and 5 (US. Navy Diving Manual), a diver can
be returned to work at the discretion of the diving supervisor.

After treatment for a case of "bends" under Tables 3, 4, 6 and 6A, a

diver will not be permitted to dive again until he has been examined
and passed as fit by a physician.

Each diver will maintain a personal logbook. Entries shall include but
are not limited to the following:

• Diver's name.
• Name and address of the employer of divers.
• Date.
• Name of the Diving Supervisor.
• Name of the vessel, barge, or installation from which the diving
operation is carried out.
• Maximum depth reached on each occasion.
• Time he spent under water on each occasion.
• Type of equipment used by the diver.
• Work carried out by him on each occasion.
• Details of decompression sickness or other illness/injury suffered
by the diver.
• Any other factor relevant to health.

February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 372

• Each daily entry will be signed by the diver and also by the diving
• Divers must retain their logbooks for a period of not less than two
years from the date of the last entry in the logbook.

3.3.10 Recompression Chamber

A recompression chamber must be on site during all diving operations in excess of

18.5 meters (60 feet). Whenever a recompression chamber is not available, only "no
decompression" dives are permitted.

The maximum rate of ascent is 18.5 meters (60 feet) per minute in the
case of air decompression and 7.6 meters (25 feet) per minute in the
case of oxygen decompression.

Only necessary articles are allowed in the recompression chamber. No

tobacco or any ignition source, including electrical shall be allowed in
the chamber. Smoking shall never be permitted in the chamber whether
under pressure or not.

The chamber shall be kept clean and dry.

Personnel in a chamber under pressure shall ensure that both they and
all loose materials are kept clear of all atmosphere inlet and exhaust
openings. The exhaust, which is under pressure, is especially
dangerous because it subjects anything near it to a high suction pull
capable of causing extreme bodily harm .

3.3.11 SCUBA Special Care

The use of SCUBA equipment in water over 18 meters (60 feet) in depth should be

SCUBA equipment shall not be used to depths greater than 45 meters

(150 feet).

SCUBA equipment should never be used for dives requiring


February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 373

In open water, SCUBA divers shall always be attached to a clearly

visible float by a life line. In no case shall SCUBA divers be allowed to
swim free.

In enclosed or restricted water such as beneath structures, either a

lifeline or the "buddy" system must be used. There will be no
untethered solo diving.

When using SCUBA equipment, divers will always wear an inflatable

life jacket of the approved type.

No SCUBA diving should be carried out during darkness.

3.4 Physical Fitness

All divers must be physically fit for diving and have a certificate to this effect issued by a
qualified medical practitioner: one who has experience and knowledge of the medical
requirements for diving.


The medical certificate should state "Fit for Diving" and be not more than twelve
months old.


Doctors carrying out medicals for divers should be aware of the importance of the
condition of heart, lungs, chest, ears, nose, throat, and teeth. An EKG and chest X-
ray are mandatory on an annual basis, while a long bone X-ray should be
performed every three years.


For British divers, a current British Diving Fitness Register is acceptable and,
likewise, any recognized fitness register for other nationalities.


All divers should be trained in First Aid/CPR, and on all diving operations, there
should be an approved First Aid Kit suitable for use under hyperbaric conditions
on site as recommended in the US. Navy Diving Manual.

February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 374

3.5 Medical Diving Emergencies: Procedures and Responsibilities

Every incident/accident involving diving personnel shall be reported on Saudi Aramco Form
3208 with the responsible supervisor submitting a follow-up report on Saudi Aramco Form
681. Offshore emergency response procedures are given in Appendix B. Specific
responsibilities are as follows:

3.5.1 Sports Divers

All divers must have an experienced person in charge with good knowledge of
decompression sickness. He has to know the following two diving emergencies
numbers to call if requiring help: 678-1248 from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. 7 days per week;
and 378-3691 from 6 p.m. until 6 a.m. 7 days per week. He should state his exact
location and follow the instructions given to him by the coordinator answering the

3.5.2 Commercial Divers

The diving supervisor will immediately arrange recompression according to the

appropriate table and report the incident to the coordinator manning the diving
emergencies numbers.

3.5.3 Coordinator, Diving Emergencies

The coordinator, on call at either of the above numbers, will receive the information
on diving medical emergencies. In the case of sports divers, he will direct them to
the nearest available recompression chamber and alert its operator. He shall also
inform the duty diving medical consultant who can be at the Saudi Aramco
Preventive Medicine Services Division on 877-8916 (after work hours on 878-1697
or 878-0890).

In commercial diving incidents, the coordinator may elect to proceed with treatment
using the appropriate table without notifying the diving medical team in cases of
minor decompression sickness. In all type II bends and possible gas embolism
cases, the duty diving medical consultant shall be notified immediately.

He shall send a monthly report of all incidents involving therapeutic

decompression to the senior Occupational Medicine specialist.

3.5.4 Diving Medical Team

This will come under the jurisdiction of the director of Preventive Medicine
Services and will be a multi-disciplinary group headed by the senior Occupational
Medicine specialist. It will be comprised of a group of physicians with an interest
and training in hyperbaric medicine who shall rotate as duty diving medical
consultants. Nurses with special training will also be integrated in this group
which shall constantly keep abreast with current practices. The diving medical
team will provide this service to the Marine Department.

February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 375

3.5.5 Marine Department

The Marine Department is responsible for the provision, maintenance, and manning
of the recompression chambers.

3.6 Personnel Transfer at Sea

The following is to be used as guidelines for the transfer of persons at sea from vessel to
vessel or from vessel to platform (or structure).

A. Personal Flotation Devices. These references are pertinent items from Loss Prevention
Department GI 6.020 - Personal Flotation Devices for Work Over, On or Near Water.

3. Requirements.

3.1. Wearing of personal flotation devices are required as follows:


When working or riding on the deck of a marine vessel or craft during

rough seas at the discretion of the person in charge of the vessel or


When transferring to or from any water craft or to or from one water

craft to another.


At any time when deemed necessary by the boat skipper, ship captain,
supervisor, or the person in charge of the marine vessel, installation or


Marine craft skippers, ship captains and aircraft pilots shall enforce the
wearing of personal flotation devices in their vessels or aircraft.
Failure of an employee to heed the instructions given by the person in
charge of the marine craft or aircraft shall require the passenger to be
removed from the craft with disciplinary action to follow by the
employee's department.


Supervisors or persons in charge of personnel in facilities,

installations, or work activities shall be responsible for having their
personnel follow the requirements regarding the wearing of personal
flotation devices.

February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 376


Contractors shall provide (fully functional, no defect) personal

flotation devices for each of their personnel. They shall also provide
their personnel with the necessary instructions or training on the
proper way of wearing personal flotation devices. The proponent
Saudi Aramco organization shall be responsible for ensuring that
contractors comply with the applicable requirements of this GI 6.020.

B. Saudi Arab and contractor vessel crews shall also be issued with proper working
uniforms and personal protective equipment such as shoes, gloves, glasses and hard
hats. The Marine Department expects all Saudi Aramco and contractor personnel
working around marine facilities to strictly adhere to Company safety rules and

February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 377


February 1993 - 3.0 Diving Operations Page 378

Appendix A

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Appendix A Page 379

This Appendix contains the following information:

* Project Management And Contractor's Safety Competition Site Registration Form;

* Contractor Safety Competition, Rules Of Competition;
* Contractor's Competition Job Safety Evaluation;
* Saudi Aramco Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements;
* Hazard Identification Plan (H.I.P.).

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Index to Appendix A Page 380

To: Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Department Date: ____________________________

Name Of Contractor: Contractor's Address: Contractor's Phone Number:

Job Description: Job Number: Starting Date:

Estimated Completion Date:

B.I. Number: Peak Number Of Employees:

Contractor Site Representative: Saudi Aramco Site (PMT) Project Mgmt. Department:

Telephone Number: Telephone Number: Org. Code:

Name Of Contractor's Safety Contractor's Site Phone Number: Site Location:


Signed:____________________________________________________(Contractor's Representative)

Job Title:__________________________________________________



Saudi Aramco Proponent


This form is to be completed and sent to the local Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Office with a copy to the
designated senior Project Engineer, who is a member of the proponent Project Management Team (PMT).

Saudi Aramco Project Manager

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Safety Competition Site Registration Form Page 381



1. The competition shall be run over a six-month period (January to June and July to
December) and shall be assessed according to the requirements of Schedule 'D' of the
contract documents.

2. A contractor on a Budget Item (BI) who meets the following criteria shall be registered
in the competition by the responsible Proponent (PMT).

a. Contractor and related sub-contractor exceed 50 for the entire six month
b. Estimated completion time exceeds the competition time period.

3. An unscheduled site inspection will be carried out by the Loss Prevention Department
once before the 25th day of every even month. A contractor shall have a minimum of
three ratings within the six month period. The Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention
representative will report to the site office before he starts his inspection.
Representatives of Project Management and the contractor shall be invited to
accompany the Loss Prevention representative during the inspection. If it is
inconvenient for a member of the Project Management Team or contractor's personnel
to accompany the Loss Prevention representative during the inspection, the Loss
Prevention representative will conduct the inspection alone - awarding appropriate
scores. These scores shall be final. If during the inspection there is a difference of
opinion over the points awarded, then the Loss Prevention representative will make the
final decision.

4. The Saudi Aramco Project Management Team shall receive a copy of the inspection
sheet, and they should distribute it to the appropriate contractor. Remedial steps shall
be taken to rectify faults and improve the score rating. At the end of the competition, a
copy of the six-month summary sheet will be provided to any contractor.

a. A contractor working on one BI at one location shall be evaluated, scored
and ranked separately.
b. A contractor working on more than one BI shall have an entry in the
competition for each BI.
c. A contractor working on the same BI at separate sites shall be evaluated by
site but the final score will be averaged.
d. Multiple contractors working on the same BI shall be entered, evaluated,
scored and ranked separately. (This also applies to consortium partners -
provided they meet requirements in 2 above.)

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Contractor Safety Competition Rules Page 382
e. For those rare cases where there are multiple sites and multiple contractors
on a BI, each site under the BI will be scored separately but averaged with all
sites for that BI by contractor.

Exceptions to the above guidelines shall be reviewed by Project Management Team and
Loss Prevention during initial registrations.

6. Following each inspection by the Loss Prevention representative, the original copy of
the form SA-6710 shall be submitted to the superintendent, Central Area Loss
Prevention Division, Building 3121, Room 113, Dhahran, not later than the 25th day of
each even month. In cases of holidays or rescheduled days off, the first work day after
the 25th is acceptable.

7. Any contractor who experiences a job related fatality, or serious incident that results in
the hospitalization of five or more employees, and fire resulting in SR 10,000 worth of
damage on any one of their sites within the competition period, will cease to be eligible
for an award.

8. Should a registered contractor not retain an average of 50 or more employees for the
entire competition period, they will be dropped from the competition.

9. Any item of concern not specifically covered on the Evaluation Form A-6710, shall be
reflected in column #18 under Special Items.

10. Should any contractor find he has completed the project before the end of the
competition period due to meritorious performance or reasons beyond his control, then
he will still be eligible to compete in the final assessment.

11. Should it be found that the contractor has not entered into the required logs details
which at a later date are determined to have occurred, e.g. restricted duty, lost work day
cases, accidents, fires, etc., then he would be deemed to have broken the rules and
forfeit the right to be included in the awards for the duration of that competition for
which he was eligible.

12. Every hazard report Saudi Aramco Form 3744 issued and not corrected within 24 hours,
a penalty of 500 points shall be deducted from the total score.

13. Should a contractor incur a second hazard report, disqualification for the rest of the
competition period shall result.

14. Violations noted during an initial inspection which have not been corrected by the next
general and/or follow-up inspection shall be deemed a repeat violation and a "0" score
will be given for the entire section under consideration.


Where a section is inapplicable to a particular site, e.g. no scaffolding, cranes, etc., then that
section will OK from the possible percentage score.

February 1993 - A.2 Contractor Safety Competition Rules Page 383


Points will be assessed based on the gravity/severity of violations encountered and will
range from 0 to 100. Points can be given from 0 to 100, depending on the judgment of the
Loss Prevention Department representative.


Unsatisfactory= 0 - 65
Fair= 66 - 80
Good= 81 - 95
Excellent= 96 - 100

Overall percentage performance will be calculated as follows:

Points Scored x 100 = Contractor Rating: ___________
Points Possible

Every endeavor will be made to provide an accurate assessment at each inspection.

Any questions that may arise concerning this job safety evaluation may be
submitted to the proponent department for resolution. Any contractor who
persistently returns poor scores or violates the competition rules may be subject to
corrective action by the proponent department.

Please Note:
For more information on the Contractor Safety Competition, and for the current
competition rules, please contact your Area Loss Prevention Office.

February 1993 - A.2 Contractor Safety Competition Rules Page 384


February 1993 - A.2 Contractor Safety Competition Rules Page 385


February 1993 - A.2 Contractor Safety Competition Rules Page 386


1. Compliance With Safety Rules - Schedule 'D'

CONTRACTOR shall at all times comply with, and ensure that its employees, agents and
subcontractors comply with, applicable Saudi Arab Government Safety Regulations and all
SAUDI ARAMCO Safety and Loss Prevention rules and regulations. Specifically,
CONTRACTOR shall comply with the provisions of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction
Safety Manual and SAUDI ARAMCO's publication entitled "Loss Prevention Requirements
for Contractors", Paragraphs 5 through 27 of this Schedule (which supplement but do not
limit the requirements of the Construction Safety Manual), and such other related
requirements; specifications and standards as are made known to CONTRACTOR by SAUDI
ARAMCO. CONTRACTOR may request copies of all applicable rules and regulations from
SAUDI ARAMCO's Loss Prevention Department. CONTRACTOR shall also take, or cause
to be taken, any additional measures which Company Representative may direct to protect
against injury to or death of any person or damage to or loss of any property during
CONTRACTOR's performance of the work. CONTRACTOR shall maintain the SAUDI
ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual and applicable SAUDI ARAMCO GIs at the WORK

2. Deviations From Safety Rules

Any deviation by CONTRACTOR from SAUDI ARAMCO's Loss Prevention rules and
regulations must be approved in writing in advance by Company Representative.

3. Failure To Comply

Should CONTRACTOR fail to comply with the requirements of this Schedule 'D', SAUDI
ARAMCO shall notify CONTRACTOR in writing. CONTRACTOR shall, upon being advised
of its noncompliance, immediately take all corrective action required to comply. Such
corrective action shall, unless provided otherwise in this Contract, be taken at
CONTRACTOR's expense. If CONTRACTOR fails to take such corrective action promptly,
Company Representative may direct CONTRACTOR to suspend all or part of the WORK
pursuant to Schedule "A" until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. Costs incurred
by CONTRACTOR as a result of such WORK suspension shall be for CONTRACTOR's
account and any resultant CONTRACTOR performance delays shall not be deemed excusable

4. Saudi Aramco Assistance

CONTRACTOR may request assistance from SAUDI ARAMCO with respect to the
implementation of its Loss Prevention requirements. Company Representative, or such party
or parties designated by him, will assist CONTRACTOR by explaining good safety practices,
pointing out unsafe WORK Site conditions, and by applying his/their experience and
judgment in order to assist CONTRACTOR in improving WORK safety. It is understood,
however, that rendition of such assistance by SAUDI ARAMCO will in no way relieve
CONTRACTOR of its responsibilities as set forth in this Schedule 'D'.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Contractor Safety And Loss Prevention Requirements Page 387
5. Loss Prevention Program

CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a Loss PREVENTION Program to Company

Representative, for SAUDI ARAMCO's approval, not later than fifteen (15) working days
following the execution of this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall ensure full implementation of
the Program. CONTRACTOR shall appoint a qualified full-time Safety Supervisor approved
by SAUDI ARAMCO, to coordinate the Program. The name and address of the Safety
Supervisor shall be submitted to Company Representative no later than the Program's

The Program shall outline specific essential measures to be taken by CONTRACTOR to

prevent injuries to persons and damage to property and to ensure compliance with this
Schedule 'D'. The Program shall be organized and implemented by each craft or crew
supervisor. It shall include a specific plan to hold a ten minute safety discussion organized
and implemented by each craft or crew supervisor on at least one day in each working week.

6. Work Permits

CONTRACTOR shall obtain a work permit (SAUDI ARAMCO Form 924) each shift for any
WORK to be carried out during such shift in any SAUDI ARAMCO specified "Restricted
Area". It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to ascertain, in advance, whether the
WORK area is designated a Restricted Area. Company Representative shall give guidance
on Restricted Area locations. All work permit procedures shall be carried out by
CONTRACTOR in accordance with SAUDI ARAMCO GI 2.100 (Work Permits) and GI 6.012
(Isolation, Lockout and Use of Hold Tags), which by this reference is made part of this

7. Welding And Cutting Equipment

All welding and cutting equipment shall be of a SAUDI ARAMCO approved type and
maintained in good condition.

8. Personal Protective Equipment

CONTRACTOR shall, as a minimum, provide, maintain and enforce the use of the items of
personal protective equipment listed in SAUDI ARAMCO's Construction Safety Manual,
other applicable GIs and Operator Instruction Manuals (OIMs).

9. Tools And Portable Power Tools

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all tools provided by CONTRACTOR are of the best quality
with proper safeguards and are suitable for the use intended. Electrical hand tools shall be
properly grounded or be of the double insulated type. All tools shall be free from defects and
maintained in good condition. Saudi Aramco will reject tools which are found to be defective.

February 1993 - A.3 Contractor Safety And Loss Prevention Requirements Page 388
10. Cartridge Operated Tools

Cartridge operated tools shall be used only with the prior written approval of Company
Representative. Furthermore, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that only SAUDI ARAMCO
approved tools shall be used and that they shall be maintained in good condition in
compliance with the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual.

11. Ladders

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that only metal or timber ladders of SAUDI ARAMCO approved
type are provided and used for ingress to and egress from WORK places where other means
of ingress and egress are not available.

12. Scaffolding

CONTRACTOR shall provide and cause to be used scaffolding, platforms or temporary floors
for all WORK which cannot be done safely from the ground, from a ladder or from a
boatswain's chair. All scaffolding shall be constructed of SAUDI ARAMCO approved metal
components and erected to comply with the requirements of the SAUDI ARAMCO
Construction Safety Manual.

13. Electrical Installations And Equipment

All material and equipment used in temporary electrical installations shall be of SAUDI
ARAMCO approved type and maintained in good condition.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all 120 volt single phase 15 and 20 ampere receptacle outlets
which are not a part of the permanent wiring of any building or structure shall have ground
fault circuit interrupters for personal protection.

14. Cranes And Rigging Equipment

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all lifting appliances and every part thereof, including all
working gear, and all other plant or equipment for anchoring or fixing such appliances shall be
of good mechanical construction, sound material, adequate strength and free from defect and
are properly inspected and maintained. All chains, hooks, slings, shackles and other
equipment used for raising or lowering on a lifting appliance shall be of a SAUDI ARAMCO
approved type and maintained in good condition. All mobile heavy equipment and crane
operators must possess a valid Kingdom of Saudi Arabia heavy equipment operator's license
and be certified by SAUDI ARAMCO to operate such equipment (GI 7.025). All cranes and
lifting equipment must be inspected and certified by SAUDI ARAMCO before being
permitted to operate on SAUDI ARAMCO property (GI. 7.030). Certified riggers shall be
provided (GI. 7.030).

15. Mechanical Equipment

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all mechanical equipment provided is of a SAUDI

ARAMCO approved type and maintained in good condition.

February 1993 - A.3 Contractor Safety And Loss Prevention Requirements Page 389
All moving parts of any equipment shall be securely guarded so as to prevent access to the
moving parts by persons working on or passing through the WORK Site.

16. Saudi Aramco Plant Operations

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that CONTRACTOR's personnel and the personnel of its
subcontractors do not open or close any valves or electrical switches, or operate any other
piece of SAUDI ARAMCO plant without the prior approval of SAUDI ARAMCO and then
only under the direct supervision of the supervising operator or plant foreman.

17. Transportation

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that passengers shall travel only in vehicles that are provided
with SAUDI ARAMCO approved passenger seats. This requirement shall apply while
traveling to and from the WORK Site and during travel on the WORK Site. Seat belts shall be
installed and used in all vehicles carrying personnel (except in the case of buses where seat
belts are mandatory only for the driver).

18. Injury And Damage Reporting

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that an immediate oral report is made to Company

Representative in the case of all:

• Fatal injuries;
• Injuries requiring medical attention which result in lost time;
• Damage over SR 10,000 to CONTRACTOR's plant or equipment;
• Damage, in any amount, to SAUDI ARAMCO's equipment or property;
• Fire;
• Damage and near misses to cranes and heavy equipment (GI. 7.026).

For accidents involving CONTRACTOR employee fatalities, serious injury to five or more
CONTRACTOR employees, or damage to SAUDI ARAMCO equipment or property, a written
report shall be submitted promptly to Company Representative. In addition, SAUDI
ARAMCO may convene an engineering review or investigation committee in accordance with
the requirements of GI 6.001 and GI 6.003..

CONTRACTOR shall maintain, in a format approved by Company Representative, a current

record showing all:

• WORK injuries
• Fires
• Incidents of property damage over SR10,000
• Motor vehicle collisions
• Incidents involving damage to SAUDI ARAMCO equipment and property
• Damage and near misses to cranes and heavy equipment (GI 7.026)

This record shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times and shall be submitted to
SAUDI ARAMCO on request.

February 1993 - A.3 Contractor Safety And Loss Prevention Requirements Page 390
19. Excavations

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that any excavation work carried out during the course of the
WORK is done according to the requirements of SAUDI ARAMCO GI 1021.010 and OIM.
1.108 which are by this reference made part of this Contract.

20. Work Over Or Adjacent To Water

Adequate lifesaving and rescue equipment shall be provided by CONTRACTOR on every

seagoing vessel, and at every work station where WORK is being carried out over or adjacent
to water. Life vests shall be worn by CONTRACTOR's personnel when working over water
as prescribed in SAUDI ARAMCO GI 6.020, which by this reference is made part of this

21. Fire Prevention

CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain in good working order adequate fire fighting
equipment. All CONTRACTOR's personnel shall be properly trained in the use of such
equipment. Store yards shall be laid out in accordance with SAUDI ARAMCO Standards
(SAES -B-7A, SAES -B-7C) and NFPA 231 A with respect to spacing of rows, fire lanes and
compatibility of materials.

22. Formwork

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all formwork supports are constructed to SAUDI ARAMCO
approved standards. As far as practicable, steel units shall be used.

Where the WORK requires a timber supporting structure, the timber shall be of suitable
quality and of adequate strength. CONTRACTOR shall obtain prior written approval from
Comp any Representative before any timber supporting structure is erected.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that prior to any concrete being poured into any supported
formwork structure, approval is obtained from Company Representative.

23. Ionizing Radiation

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that radioactive sources shall be used in compliance with the
"General Rules and Regulations for the Use and Handling of Radioactivity and
Radioisotopes" as promulgated by the Saudi Arabian Atomic Energy Department and with
prior written approval of SAUDI ARAMCO. Where the WORK requires the use of ionizing
radiation either by the CONTRACTOR or by some other organization approved by SAUDI
ARAMCO, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all employees are made aware of the precautions
to be taken.

24. First-Aid Facilities

The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain first-aid facilities at the WORK Site in
accordance with Articles 134 and 135 of the Saudi Labor Laws. When a CONTRACTOR
employs 50 or more workmen at a WORK Site the CONTRACTOR shall provide a

February 1993 - A.3 Contractor Safety And Loss Prevention Requirements Page 391
qualified nurse and a dedicated emergency vehicle (ambulance), properly supplied and
marked, to transport injured personnel to the nearest health care facility.

25. Handling, Transportation And Disposal Of Hazardous Materials And Waste


When a CONTRACTOR, in the course of performing his obligations under the

Contract, handles hazardous materials, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the
handling of such materials is performed in accordance with currently accepted
industry practices for the handling of such material. CONTRACTOR shall ensure
that in handling of hazardous materials, especially liquids, such material is properly
containerized and labeled in accordance with SAUDI ARAMCO GI 355.001.


Subject to any specific requirements in Schedule "B", CONTRACTOR shall include

in its Loss Prevention Program its procedure for the disposal of solid and liquid
wastes. The procedure shall detail specific locations for the disposal of each type
of waste (construction, chemical, sludge, sanitary, scrap and sewage) and shall also
identify the steps to be taken to treat the wastes or otherwise prevent them from
polluting the ground water or the sea or from becoming a public nuisance. SAUDI
ARAMCO shall approve such procedure before disposal of any waste by


In addition to the requirements of sub-paragraph 25.2 above, where the

CONTRACTOR is required to dispose of wastes determined to be hazardous, the


Follow Saudi Arab Government regulations in disposing of hazardous

waste materials. CONTRACTOR must provide SAUDI ARAMCO
proof that the hazardous wastes have been properly disposed of at a
licensed hazardous waste disposal facility.


CONTRACTOR shall also provide SAUDI ARAMCO proof of an

established land treatment/disposal program which is designed to
ensure that hazardous constituents placed in or on the
treatment/disposal zone are degraded, transformed or immobilized
within the treatment zone to prevent migration to ground and/or
surface waters. The CONTRACTOR shall submit this program to
SAUDI ARAMCO for approval prior to the disposal of any hazardous
material by the CONTRACTOR.

February 1993 - A.3 Contractor Safety And Loss Prevention Requirements Page 392
26. Explosives

CONTRACTOR shall promptly advise Company Representative of any requirements for

explosives and only use such explosives after the written approval of Company
Representative. Contractor shall comply with the general rules and requirements for the
handling and use of explosives issued by the Ministry of the Interior and all Saudi Aramco
requirements per the Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual for the storage,
transportation and use of explosives.

27. Sandblasting

CONTRACTOR shall comply with SAUDI ARAMCO GI 6.021 and Construction Safety
Manual requirements on sandblasting.

February 1993 - A.3 Contractor Safety And Loss Prevention Requirements Page 393

In reviewing the safety requirements for our design and construction activities (i.e. new,
modified or rebuilt plants or facilities), it is difficult for even the most experienced engineer
and/or contractor to identify all the potential safety hazards that may be encountered unless a
systematic potential-hazard review is conducted as a part of a Hazard Identification Plan

The attached Hazard Identification Plan (HIP) provides the method for conducting such a
review. The hazards identified are classified as A, B or C according to their degree of
potential human impact considering severity and probability (i.e. from most severe and
probable to least severe and probable) during the initial design phase. This allows for a
change in the methodology or operating procedure in the direction of reducing the risk
associated with the hazard to an acceptable level, or eliminating it altogether.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Hazard Identification Plan Page 394

Brief description of work to be accomplished.

I. Conduct Hazards Identification Review.

(To include on-site tour)

Record hazards identified on location map.

II. List Potential Hazards

• Each hazard will be classified A, B, or C.

• Statement of corrective action to be taken.
• Hazard areas identified on a location map and color coded.
• Contractor will submit this list to Saudi Aramco representative.

Consideration will be given to the following potential hazards:

• Potential hazards to P.M.T. and contractor personnel.

• Potential hazards to the general public.
• Incompatible interface with existing plants, facilities, procedures,
regulations, engineering specifications, ground condition, etc.
• Potential hazards that may be encountered from outside sources.
• Hazardous materials identification/handling/storage.
• Potential fire / electrical hazards.

III. Hazard Classification

Once the hazards are identified, they are classified as Class A, B, or C.

• Class "A" Hazards:

A condition or practice likely to cause permanent disability, loss of life

or body part and/or extensive loss of structure, equipment or material.

• Class "B" Hazards:

A condition or practice likely to cause serious injury or illness

(resulting in temporary disability) or property damage that is
disruptive, but less severe than Class "A".

• Class "C" Hazards:

A condition or practice likely to cause minor (non-disabling) injury or

illness or non-disruptive property damage.

February 1993 - A.4 Hazard Identification Plan Page 395

IV. Corrective Action

List all hazards identified in the HIP outline, and determine what corrective action
should be taken.

Example: "A" Hazards

Overhead electrical power lines over building site

• Electrical power rating, (KV)

• Show power lines on location map.

Corrective Action

Example: "A" Hazard. "Overhead Power Lines"

Corrective Action:

• Obtain work permit before starting any work under or near

electrical power lines.
• No activity in area under power line until power lines have been
disconnected and/or relocated.

Following are examples of typical hazards that can be encountered:

1) Above Ground Potential Hazards

• Overhead power lines, list KV rating

• Bridges, by-passes
• Micro wave / communication towers
• Houses
• Traffic flow
• Facilities close-by
• Aircraft flight path
• Trees, poles
• High cliffs / dangerous overhangs
• Fuel / chemical / pressure vessels and systems

2) Ground Level Potential Hazards

• Electrical wires
• Roadways
• Ditches
• High water table
• Tie-downs
• Obstruction
• Unstable soil
• Fences/walls
• Traffic flow
• Guide wires
• Nearby buildings, schools, houses
• Possible flood or wash out areas

February 1993 - A.4 Hazard Identification Plan Page 396

• Adverse weather conditions
• Hazards from nearby plants or operations, etc.

3) Underground Potential Hazards

• Buried utilities
• High water table
• Building foundations
• Underground water waste
• Unstable soil
• Chemical / trash dump area
• Voids in the earth (caves)
• Underground fuel / chemical / pressure systems and vessels

4) Interface Potential Hazards

• Existing emergency evacuation plans

• Emergency communication system
• Traffic flow
• Special personnel
• Protective equipment requirements
• Hazardous waste disposal
• Hazards from other outside operations
• Escape routes
• Evacuation alarms
• Access control
• Flammable liquid / chemical / pressure vessel storage
• Gas release into proposed area

5) Off-Shore Potential Hazards

• High wind / sea conditions

• Night time operations
• Inclement weather conditions
• Fog
• Rain
• Lightning
• Marine vessels and materials adrift
• Electrical hazards

February 1993 - A.4 Hazard Identification Plan Page 397

Appendix B: Emergency/Disaster
Planning And Response

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Appendix B: Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 398
This Appendix outlines Saudi Aramco search and rescue procedures for on- and off-shore facilities.
Included in this appendix are the following:

• Control of Remote Area Travel And Search And Rescue Procedures (GI 6.025);

• Offshore Emergency Response;

• Fire and Other Serious Emergency Response Procedures (Supplement No. 1-503-1).

Any further questions on search and rescue procedures should be forwarded to your area Loss
Prevention Department office or the Saudi Aramco contract proponent.

Effective emergency planning requires that employees be familiar with emergency procedures before a
crisis. It is the responsibility of management to ensure that all employees are familiar with the proper
response to fire and other serious emergencies.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Search And Resuce Procedures Page 399
It is the responsibility of every contractor employee to become familiar with emergency response
procedures for both offshore and onshore operating facilities.

The following Operating Instructions Manuals (OIMs) give facility-specific emergency response

Saudi Aramco Operating Instruction Manual (OIM):

OI 1.501 Overall Disaster Control Procedure - Safaniya/Tanajib Area

OI 1.501-1 Tanajib Disaster Control Center Commander

OI 1.501-2 Safaniya Support Personnel Assignment

OI 1.501-3 Disaster Control Command Center - Tanajib Personnel Assignment

OI 1.502 Onshore Control Unit - Safaniya Producing

OI 1.503 Offshore Disaster Control Plan - Safaniya Producing

OI 1.503-1 Offshore Emergency Response

OI 1.503-2 Offshore Emergencies Only

OI 1.503-3 Safaniya Offshore Jack-Up Test Barge/Well Platform Disaster Control Plan

OI 1.503-4 Safaniya Offshore - Offshore Casualty Evacuation

OI 1.503-5 Personnel Accountability Offshore Facilities

OI 1.527 Safety Zones and Safety of Navigation Around Offshore Installation

OI 10.011 Work Around Offshore Producing Facilities

General guidelines for preparing emergency response plans can be found in the following Saudi Aramco
Loss Prevention Department publication:

GI 70.500 Disaster Contingency Plan, Dhahran Area

Guidelines for Preparing Emergency Response Plans, October 1989

Other references include:

Saudi Aramco Corporate Loss Prevention Manual (CLPM)

Mobil Oil Corporation - Guidelines for Emergency Response and Disaster Contingency Planning for Saudi
Aramco, May 1991

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - B.3: Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 400
The potential for emergencies and disasters exists at all construction sites and facilities and their
associated costs can be devastating in terms of employee casualties, business interruption, loss of capital
investment, etc. These events cannot be avoided but the contractor can reduce their frequency of
occurrence and severity of damage with effective preparation/planning. This can be accomplished by
developing emergency response plans that address immediate concerns within the contractor's operations
and which also interface, as required, with emergency response procedures developed by Saudi Aramco

The following guidelines (B 3.1 and B 3.3 and Figures) are extracted from the publication "Guidelines For
Preparing Emergency Response Plans". These are generally used by Saudi Aramco operations as a
framework for plan development. Contractors should refer to these guidelines for developing their own
plans as appropriate, paying particular attention to the need for interfacing with local Saudi Aramco
emergency planning procedures. Contractor's plans will need to be tailored to their specific operations
and resources and the nature of their work with Saudi Aramco.

B.2.1 General Provisions

1. The purpose of the emergency plan is to provide guidance on the following:

• A facility/site emergency response organization's structure and responsibilities

• Development of credible emergency/disaster scenarios and their consequences
• Establishment of emergency control resources (human, equipment, etc.) and
• Emergency response training and drills

2. Ensure that the emergency plan with the latest issue date is being used and it
incorporates all amendments to date. It must have provision for any future amendments
as addendum or reissues.
3. The emergency reporting instructions must be provided in the front of the plan.
4. The emergency telephone numbers must be provided in the front of the plan.
5. The disaster preparedness policy must be provided in the front of the plan.

B.2.2 Definitions

1. Emergency:

An emergency is an abnormal incident posing a threat to the safety of workers,

residents, the environment or property at a facility or site and which can be brought
under control using the resources and procedures for emergency response in place
for the facility or site.

2. Disaster:

A disaster is an emergency which poses a more serious threat to the safety of

workers, residents, the environment or property at a facility or site and which
cannot be brought under control using the resources and procedures for
emergency response in place for the facility or site. Whether an emergency
becomes a disaster depends on the following:

• the type of facility;

• the hazards of the facility operations;

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 401

• the proximity of neighboring communities or other facilities;
• the capabilities of emergency personnel; and
• mutual aid capabilities of outside agencies.

3. Emergency Planning:

This involves the development of a specific plan which details actions to be taken
by trained personnel during an emergency in an effort to efficiently control it and
minimize its net negative impact on workers, residents, the environment or property
at a facility or site. This type of planning also extends to developing emergency
control strategies and instituting training and drills for all facility personnel.

4. Disaster Command Center (DCC):

The location where the Emergency Manager and support staff assemble to respond
to an emergency. It is a centralized location for monitoring the facility response
and also serves as a command center for coordinating all communications,
including the allocation and distribution of information. (This will also remain an
onshore centralized location for an offshore emergency response episode.) During
an offshore search and rescue (SAR) operation, this will become the SAR control
center. A designated helicopter pilot will report to SAR control center to act as a
search coordinator. Staffing from pertinent technical and support groups assures
accessibility to all required resources for an overall effective emergency response.

5. Disaster Command Post (DCP):

A designated safe location near the emergency site from which the Incident
Commander directs emergency control efforts. He directs operations and
coordinates fire fighting, rescue and medical treatment activities during the
emergency episode.

At some onshore facilities, the DCP is a specially equipped vehicle outfitted with
facility maps, communication equipment and support information similar to a DCC.
This equipment provides the means for contact with the DCC and for field
coordination. At offshore facilities, the DCP would be a safe location designated
by the Incident Commander which should be equipped with a telephone, radio
communication and personal protective/identification equipment, at a minimum.

6. Table Top Exercise:

This is a disaster management simulation where key personnel face a hypothetical

disaster situation developed by a skilled moderator. Weaknesses are identified by
evaluating the results of the exercise and corrected by revising the plan.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 402

7. Planning Committee:

A planning committee is a body comprising of members from key functional groups

within the organization. This is set up to develop an emergency plan using the
broad expertise of its members.

8. Planning Coordinator:

An individual who is qualified to develop an emergency plan to direct its

development through a planning committee. This individual is required to process
great depth of knowledge of emergency response and disaster control practices
and procedures, and manpower organizational capabilities for his facility or site. He
can review and use Saudi Aramco approved emergency plans from other similar
facilities or sites in the development or modification of his facility/site plan.

9. Emergency/Disaster Response Organization:

The Emergency/Disaster Response Organization is a structured working group

whose function is to control an emergency or disaster. The structure of this group
is typified in Figure B.1. The organization is basically compris ed of the following
positions with their delegated responsibilities.

A. Key Positions

(a) Emergency Manager

The Emergency Manager is responsible for the overall organization

and strategy of the emergency response, coordinates logistical efforts
and has the authority for the final decision in any emergency action.
He is usually, but not always, the senior management person at the
facility. His specific responsibilities are to:

(1) assume control of the DCC

(2) implement the Emergency Plan
(3) receive updates on control measures taken by the Incident
(4) assess the situation and direct actions to minimize damage
and loss of life
(5) maintain contact with upper management
(6) declare the emergency "under control" and authorize the "all
clear" signal

(b) Incident Commander

The Incident Commander is responsible for suppression and control

tactics at the site. The Shift Superintendent usually fills this position
and provides direction to all personnel at the scene, including the
senior fire officer. His specific responsibilities are to:

(1.) establish the Disaster Control Post (DCP) at a safe location

near the emergency site

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 403

(2) develop and implement control tactics
(3) approve use of all emergency related resources
(4) keep the Emergency Manager informed
(5) evaluate mutual aid needs, and request assistance through
the Emergency Manager
(6) coordinate mutual aid personnel and equipment
(7) determine the need for evacuation

All normal plant functions and emergency support services report

directly to one of the above positions according to their reporting
relationships given in Figure B.1.

B. Emergency/Disaster Support Staff/Teams

(a) Fire Protection/Rescue

This function is usually performed by a combined team of facility/site

fire protection personnel. They take directions from the Incident
Commander through the appointed senior fire officer at the DCP. The
responsibilities of the senior fire officer are as follows:

• Fire-Fighting

(1) provide initial evaluation to the Incident Commander

(2) deploy fire fighting personnel and equipment
(3) advise Incident Commander of the need for outside
(4) keep Incident Commander current on fire control status
(5) direct outside fire fighting organizations
(6) clean-up and restore fire protection equipment and supplies

• Rescue

(1) locate and rescue missing persons

(2) render essential first aid and life support
(3) remove victims to designated safe locations for medical

(b) Process

This function is usually performed by an operations representative

who is responsible for advising the Emergency Manager in the
following areas:

(1) operations, hydrocarbon movement, unit isolation and

emergency shutdown activities
(2) special fire protection needs
(3) materials or process in the affected area
(4) actions taken affecting the process
(5) process equipment involved in the control of the incident

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 404

(c) Maintenance

This function is usually performed by a maintenance representative

who is responsible to:

(1) assemble maintenance manpower in the maintenance shops

(2) assist operators in isolating and shutting down units as
(3) repair of emergency equipment
(4) assist utilities personnel in bypassing or repairing critical
utility components
(5) provide fuel for emergency vehicles and firewater pump
(6) transport foam and other emergency supplies

(d) Engineering

This function is usually performed by an operations engineering

representative whose responsibilities are as follows:

(1) provide mechanical and process related information

(2) keep the Emergency Manager, Incident Commander, and
Process Coordinator advised of factors influencing
emergency activities.
(3) assign an engineer to serve as an emergency events recorder
(4) prepare damage assessment reports
(5) collect and preserve evidence for the incident investigators
(6) perform post-incident engineering for repair work

(e) Security

This function is usually performed by the facility Security Supervisor

whose responsibilities are as follows:

(1) ensure integrity of the plant perimeter

(2) provide necessary staffing to control use of emergency
(3) prevent entry of unauthorized personnel
(4) direct the flow of traffic away from the disaster scene
(5) direct emergency resources to the appropriate staging area
(6) provide escorts for emergency vehicles when requested
(7) advise Incident Commander on security matters
(8) act as liaison between the Frontier Force, the Incident
Commander and Government Affairs

(f) Loss Prevention

This function is usually performed by the Loss Prevention

Advisor/Engineer whose responsibilities are as follows:

(1) help evaluate hazardous situations and materials

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 405

(2) recommend actions and equipment necessary to protect

(3) direct Loss Prevention staff to perform gas testing or other

emergency/disaster services and interface as needed with
Industrial Hygiene
(4) assign Loss Prevention staff to record or log
emergency/disaster activities for future use
(5) coordinate with services as necessary regarding safety

(g) Services

This function is usually performed by a staff engineer who coordinates

support services and obtains a cost code from the area Finance
representative to account for all financial, purchasing, and cost
analysis aspects of the incident. His responsibilities are as follows:

(1) contact the on-call Area Representative who will provide

safe and sanitary food, potable water, and field sanitation
facilities on request of the Incident Commander
(2) purchasing and contracting requirements
(3) coordinating claims actions
(4) providing necessary accommodations for emergency
response personnel

(h) Medical

This function is usually performed by district medical personnel whose

responsibilities are as follows:

(1) establish a triage area at the scene

(2) provide on-site emergency medical care
(3) advise the Emergency Manager of the number of injured and
any need for additional medical assistance
(4) notify appropriate hospitals and clinics of the anticipated
number of casualties
(5) advise the Emergency Manager of special medical
transportation needs
(6) keep records of victims and their treatment

(i) External Relations

This function is usually performed by the area Government Affairs

representative whose responsibilities are as follows:

(1) establish and maintain communications with civil authorities

(2) communicate the incident status to government
organizations as appropriate
(3) request approval from the Emergency Manager for any
government inspections and/or investigations during the

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 406

(4) inform community leaders of incident status, potential
dangers which might require evacuation and recovery efforts

(j) Operations/Utilities

This function is usually filled by plant/site foremen who direct the

activities of plant operators. Their responsibilities are as follows:

(1) account for personnel by head count procedures

(2) report missing persons
(3) implement the facility emergency operating plan for a
specific situation (i.e. isolation and shutdown unit(s) as
instructed and stabilize units not involved)
(4) await further orders after the units have been shutdown and
(5) assign an operator to check firewater mains pressure and
start fire pumps
(6) control the plant air systems, steam systems, and other
utilities and advise the Incident Commander on their status
(7) inform the Incident Commander and Maintenance of system
(8) evacuate personnel if instructed by the Incident Commander

(k) Communications

This function is usually performed by an operations employee who

reports to the DCC to manage radio transmissions, telephone lines,
operate special equipment such as DVD, EARS, etc., and record all
message traffic.

(l) Environmental

This function is usually performed by an assigned environmental

specialist whose responsibilities include providing environmental
monitoring services and spill containment/recovery advice to the
Emergency Manager and Incident Commander.

B.2.3 Plan Development Action Items

Task 1: Assign (or Establish) Planning Coordinator (or Team)

1. A planning coordinator must be assigned; or

2. A planning committee/coordinator team must be established.

Task 2: Establish Scope and Objectives

3. A scope and written objectives must be developed for the site.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 407

Task 3: Identify Emergency/Disaster Scenarios

4. Develop emergency/disaster scenarios specific to the facility or site as

follows. (Use Figure B.2 for scenario development):

• Planning Coordinator/team to identify emergency/disaster situations.

• Group these situations into generic scenarios (e.g. tank fires, pump
fires, liquid releases, vapor releases, explosions, natural disasters,
• For each generic scenario, select the credible worst case
emergency/disaster situation to represent that scenario (e.g. the
largest tank fire) and fill out Part A (Description) and Part B (Possible
Causes) of the Scenario Analysis Sheet (Figure B.2). Similarly,
describe all scenarios on separate sheets and assign a rank order to
each in Part E (Evaluation) based on likelihood of occurrence. (The
"consequences" of Part E will be developed as part of Task 4,
"Assess the Consequences of Scenarios".)

The following information is useful in identifying emergency/disaster situations

(initiated on-site or off-site) within each generic scenario:

• Fire

Fires are generally caused as a result of ignition of a gas (or liquid)

hydrocarbon leak under pressure. Unburned liquid hydrocarbon pools in the
ground and fuel the fire to increase its intensity and spread. All situations
within this scenario can lead to disasters if fire spreads beyond the
capabilities of the fire fighting systems/personnel in place. Generally, this
occurs if the response is not quick to contain the fire to a manageable limit
before it approaches a disaster level. Some examples of potential
emergency/disaster situations for the fire scenario are:

• congested multiple process unit area fire

• flammable liquid tank storage area fire
• wharf loading and unloading area fire

• Explosion

Flammable vapor releases are one of the most significant sources of

explosions and the potential for casualties and property damage is high.
Some examples of potential emergency/disaster situations for the explosion
scenario are:

• boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) of storage, sphere,

bullet or process vessel
• runaway (exothermic) process chemical reaction
• gas explosion from a large volume release of refrigerated LPG
• unconfined vapor cloud explosion (UVCE) from a flammable vapor

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 408

• Flammable Vapor Release (FVR)

In the petroleum industry, the possibility of release of flammable vapor poses

a great risk. Some examples of potential emergency/disaster situations for the
FVR scenario are:

• failure of piping connection to pressurized storage sphere (or bullet),

or refrigerated tank
• tank overfill
• LPG tanker accident resulting in containment failure
• high pressure gas pipeline rupture

• Toxic Vapor Release (TVR)

Toxic materials may or may not be flammable but could be in a high enough
concentration to pose a health risk when released as a vapor. Some examples
of potential emergency/disaster situations for the TVR scenario are:

• rupture of pipeline or well blowout releasing H2S vapor

• rupture of storage container releasing chlorine/ammonia vapor
• rupture or leak of amine regenerator overhead accumulator
piping/flange to release H2S vapor
• failure of H2S compressor seal releasing the vapor

• Hazardous Materials Spill

Hazardous materials are used as solvents, reagents, and catalysts in various

processes. A likely situation for a hazardous material spill is from the tanker
vehicle transporting it to the facility or during its transfer from the tanker
vehicle to its process usage or storage point. Other examples of potential
emergency/disaster situations for the Hazardous Materials Release/spill
scenario are:

• TEL/TML gasoline antiknock compound liquid release

• rupture of storage container or associated piping releasing
chlorine/ammonia liquid
• rupture of storage container or associated piping releasing sulfuric
acid liquid

• Natural Disaster

Each facility or site is susceptible to natural disasters (e.g. high winds,

flooding, etc.). The impact of natural disasters to cause other related process
disasters should be recognized in the planning stage. Historical data on
disasters at similar facilities or sites coupled with weather data can help in
predicting the frequency of natural disasters for the area. Another source of
such information is the Saudi Aramco Risk Analysis Manual.

Task 4: Assess the Consequences

5. Complete each scenario analysis sheet started in Task 3 by describing the

incident size, duration and effect on operations.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 409

6. Enter an estimate of the magnitude of potential consequences in Part E
(Evacuation) of the Scenario Analysis Sheet (Figure B.2) after considering
the following factors for each scenario:

• Size (including explosive potential, maximum fire areas, maximum spill

volume and area, maximum vapor cloud volume).
• Growth spread of impact area resulting from the spread of a fire, toxic
vapor cloud, or other undesirable product of the emergency/disaster
• Amount of advance warning.
• Impact (including severity of potential damage, potential casualties,
effect on surrounding population, domino effect of sequential
explosions, and total duration).
• Controllability of incident based on level of emergency/disaster
training of personnel and adequacy of equipment available within a
facility or site.
• Reaction (or response) time and effectiveness of facility resources to
control incident.

After the Scenario Analysis sheets have been completed for each scenario,
assign a rank order in Part E based on consequences. The plan coordinator
selects the scenario which represents the most likely event with the
severest consequence(s) as the basis for developing the emergency
response plan. This choice should be approved by Contractor

Task 5: Review Emergency Control Needs

7. Use the Disaster Control Tasks Checklist to determine all tasks required
(see Figure B.3).

8. Assign a team member to develop the facility's response.

9. Develop and document the assigned response.

Task 6: Available/Needed Resources

10. The methods to identify, estimate, and establish available needed resources
are as follows:

(a) Develop an inventory list of critical supplies and equipment needed

to control the emergency disaster scenarios in Tasks 3 and 4.

(b) Ensure that these critical items are stored together at one easily
accessible location (or the critical items store itself if accessible).

(c) Display the list of critical items on the entrance to the critical items

11. Identify and list the entities responsible for supplying food, water, shelter,
transportation, emergency equipment, additional manpower, external mutual
aid, medical support and cost accounting.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 410

12. Determine that the resource needs in item number 10. (above) have been
met List contingencies to cover failure of any of those entities indicated in
item 11. to supply the needed items.

13. Survey alternate outside sources to determine their ability to supply

resources which may be in short supply.

14. If a mutual aid agreement has been established, develop an inventory of

equipment and supplies that any mutual aid entity is expected to bring with
them when they respond.

15. Establish a telephone and personnel list of 24-hour contacts at all mutual
aid entities.

16. Determine and document that the equipment and supplies provided
through mutual aid are compatible with emergency/fire protection
equipment at the site.

17. Measure the response/travel time needed by all mutual aid entities to
respond to an emergency/disaster at the site. Establish the needed time
range for all outside resources to reach the site.

18. List and detail all high cost items and their corresponding authorization

19. List emergency response skills required to control all scenarios selected in
Tasks 3 and 4.

20. Compare required skills with available skills of construction/site personnel.

21. Establish a Disaster Command Center (DCC).

22. Consider the need to provide an alternate location for the DCC in case the
original location is rendered unusable.

23. Supply the DCC (and alternate) with:

• telephone, fax, and other radio communication/alarm equipment

• emergency power and lighting
• reference materials (e.g. emergency response manuals, call out lists,
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), drawings, photographs, maps,
etc.) and emergency equipment (e.g. flashlights, spare batteries,
camera, battery powered megaphones, etc.
• office equipment (e.g. dictating machines, tapes, flip charts, stationery
items, etc.)

24. Establish a Disaster Command Post (DCP) vehicle/safe location near the
emergency site.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 411

25. Ensure that the DCP is set up with supplies similar to the DCC (except on
offshore facilities where the DCP may only have a telephone, radio
communication and personal protective/identification equipment).

26. Additionally, ensure that the DCP also has the following:

• self-contained breathing air

• megaphone
• binoculars
• safety/environmental monitoring equipment
• means of identification (vest, hat)

Task 7: Emergency Response Organization

27. Establish an emergency/disaster response organization.

28. Ensure there are sufficient personnel to fill all assigned positions and
alternates/substitutes identified and on standby to fill critical positions
should it become necessary.

29. Ensure that each assigned position has a documented detailed description
of its responsibilities. Such a description must include:

• duties of the position

• reporting relationship
• reporting location

30. Verify and document that all assigned individuals are aware of their

31. Develop a physical method to identify each individual in the organization

chart by position (ID. badges, vests).

Task 8: Develop Emergency Response Procedures

32. Ensure that the planned facility/site emergency response procedures are
structured according to the logical progression of action items given in
Figure B.4.

(a) Reporting Emergencies:

(1.) Report to senior operations person in control room using radios,

telephones, manual pull box alarms, or public address systems.
(Emergency telephone numbers or local 110 instructions should
be posted near or on all telephones.)

(2.) Determine how significant does an incident have to be to be


(3.) Suggested wording for reporting emergencies (or drills) is shown

in Figure B.5 (Emergency Reporting Instructions).

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 412

Also see section VII.A (Reporting Emergencies) of the plan (see Task
9: Write the Plan).

(4.) Details of the telephone and radio systems (i.e. different dialing
and radio frequencies) should be in the appendix of the plan.

(b.) Initiate The Alarm:

All emergency related signals (i.e. "stop-work", "evacuation", and "all

clear") and expected actions relating to each signal alarm must be
established and followed.

Authority and criteria for sounding the different alarms must be clearly
stated in the plan.

(c.) Assess The Situation:

The Incident Commander must follow-up on every emergency declared

by reporting to the incident site to assess:

• the emergency response actions taken or being taken

• additional actions and resources required to control the situation
• extent of damage to property and harm or negative impact to life.
• existing hazardous conditions and their likelihood to escalate.

(d.) Mobilization Of Resources:

1. Actions are taken by facility/site personnel to mobilize the

facility's internal resources (human, equipment, etc.) and, if
needed, contact external groups to mobilize their resources to the
scene as developed in Task 6 (Available/Needed Resources).

2. Plant personnel assigned to the emergency response

organization are to proceed to their preassigned locations and
await instructions from the Emergency Manager or Incident
Commander, as applicable.

3. Non-essential plant personnel are to be evacuated to

preassigned assembly areas at a safe distance from the incident
scene. Supervisory or assigned personnel are to take head count
and DCC is to organize search and rescue for any missing

4. Support groups such as Security, Medical and Fire Protection are

to report to their preassigned locations and must commence any
preauthorized emergency response related actions.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 413

5. At least two methods of in-plant communication should be
available (e.g. radio and telephone). One in-plant radio channel is
reserved as the main communication link between the Emergency
Manager and Incident Commander. At least two methods of
communication are necessary for external contacts (e.g.
telephone, radio, Direct Voice Dispatch - DVD, Emergency Alert
and Response System - EARS, etc.).

A telephone number with a pre-recorded message providing

essential up-to-date information on the incident (e.g. 113 in
Dhahran) will be established.

(e) Suppression/Control Of Incident:

A separate control procedure must be written for each generic

incident scenario developed in Task 3 (Identify Emergency
Scenarios). This procedure is based on facility operating
instructions detailing the rapid and safe sequential shut down of
process units/equipment involved or affected by the particular
incident scenarios.

(f) Post Incident Actions:

There are follow-up actions needed once an emergency is

declared under control by the Emergency Manager. These
actions are:

1. Stand Down And Fire Watch

The Emergency Manager gives the "stand down" order to

emergency response personnel. At this time, some personnel are
released from duty, some are assigned to gather evidence, on the
emergency episode and others are to maintain a fire watch if there
is danger of reignition. The fire watch is set up by Fire Protection
following consultation with the Emergency Manager.

2. Investigate And Report

Incident investigation of causes and reporting can be made

according to prescribed procedures. GI. 6.001 (Notification
Requirements For Incidents) and GI 6.003 (Guide For Committees
Investigating Major Incidents) are two sources which provide
guidance for developing such procedures.

3. Restore Operations

This covers all post-emergency control actions which must be

followed to restore normal operations at the facility. This
includes, but is not limited to:

• demands of caring for injured and homeless

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 414

• repairing damaged equipment to bring process equipment
• collecting evidence for the reporting requirement
• determining secondary hazards that may have developed

4. Revise The Plan

All new information gained as a result of the incident should be

analyzed to determine what improvements could be made to the
facility's Emergency Response Plan. These improvements should
be integrated into the Plan and all emergency response personnel
should be retrained and drilled to ensure that they are familiar
with and proficient in following upgraded procedures.

33. Develop procedures for the following emergencies/disasters

(onshore/offshore as applicable):

• emergency unit shutdown

• individual equipment isolation
• process unit fire
• tank farm fire
• marine dock fire
• off-site pipeline leak
• personnel rescue
• medical emergencies
• toxic/flammable/corrosive gas leak
• evacuation from units and buildings
• process upsets
• breaches of security (including terrorism or sabotage)
• For more information refer to the Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention
Department "Guidelines for Preparing Emergency Response Plans"

34. Complete the emergency reporting form given in Figure B.5 and follow the
instructions contained therein to report such event(s).

Task 9 - Write the Plan

35. Ensure that the plan has a Corporate Policy Statement on

emergency/disaster preparedness, and is prepared in conformance with the
format and instructions presented in the Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention
Department "Guidelines for Preparing Emergency Response Plans" manual.

A typical Emergency Response Plan will follow the outline given in Figure

36. The plan manual must be reviewed and signed off by all outside mutual aid
entities expected to respond to an emergency at this site.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 415

Task 10 - Emergency Response Training and Drills

37. Develop, document and follow the emergency response training/drill items
given below to ensure that all personnel expected to participate in
emergency response are proficient in its theory and practice.

• table top exercise

• classroom training of personnel
• simulation of DCC operations during an emergency
• field simulations/drills of credible scenarios

38. Ensure that alternates (or standby) personnel are also trained and drilled on
emergency response

39. Train and familiarize all personnel with the provisions of your emergency
response manual.

40. (a) develop a document and drill schedule in your manual

(b) ensure that these include full scale disaster simulations

41. Hold and document critique sessions following all drills, simulations and/or
actual incidents.

42. Establish a procedure to ensure that all suggestions from the critique
sessions are incorporated into your manual.

Task 11 - Review and Revise the Plan

43. Provide for regular reviews (e.g. documented tickler date) and update the
plan at least once a year through the plan coordinator.

44. Keep a record of all amendments and maintain it in the front of the plan
document manual.

45. Keep a current list of all document manual holders and periodically forward
them copies of any amendments.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 416


February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page


Unit/Equipment: ____________________________________ Scenario No.: _________

Type of Emergency:
• ______Fire
• ______Explosion
• ______Flammable Gas
• ______Toxic Gas
• ______Hazardous Materials Spill
• ______Natural Disaster

A. Description of the Scenario:


B. Possible Causes:

C. Expected Size or Duration:


D. Effect on Operations:

E. Evaluation and Ranking:


• Likelihood: (1 = most likely)

• No.____of____scenarios

• Consequences: (1 = most severe)

• No.____of____scenarios

F. Location/equipment-specific notes:

Reviewed by: _________________________________ Date: ____________

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page


1. Warning

• Alarm/communication systems to alert employees and local community of an


• "Alert", "Evacuation" and "All-Clear" signals must be recognized by all affected

population, and they must know how to proceed in each case.

2. Pre-impact Preparation

If time permits, facility personnel must do the following to minimize negative impact of an

• Notify emergency response organization.

• Call for all available material reserves and resources.

• Contact appropriate resource for weather data and other emergency/disaster information

• Evacuate all affected areas.

3. Evacuation

• Evacuation of persons from affected areas and non-essential workers from adjacent areas
lowers the risk of casualties.

• Evacuation system testing and training.

• Control of access and exit points.

• Dead count requirements.

4. Mobilization and Utilization of Human and Material Resources

The effectiveness of an emergency response depends on the quality and supply of human
and material resources. These resources must be:

• Known in advance.

• Available on demand.

• Compatible with each other.

• Used in an organized and controlled manner.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 419

5. Incident Suppression/Control

• Selective use of assembled resources.

• Training and experience of emergency response team (especially Incident Commander).

6. Search and Rescue

• Identify likely search and rescue situations from generic scenarios.

• Establish resources (qualified personnel and equipment) and procedures to locate

victims - and transport them to safety.

7. Care for Casualties

Factors to be addressed in the care, treatment and relocation of casualties are:

• Access of medical personnel to site.

• Temporary hospital facilities and equipment.

• Transportation to move casualties to such facilities.

8. Communications

Efficient and accurate communications are a necessary part of effective emergency response

• Communication equipment/system in place.

• Back-up communications equipment/system.

• Compatibility of facility communication equipment with that used by mutual aid


9. Continuing Assessment

• Continuing assessment of the situation by knowledgeable observers to redirect

emergency/disaster response actions as needed.

10. Coordination

• Coordination of call-out personnel and staging of resources to ensure proper level of

support is available where needed.

11. Control and Authority

• System of overall control and distribution of authority by chain of command.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 420

• Call-out list for management personnel.

• Personnel responsible to contact outside agencies and/or mutual aid organizations.

12. Security

Adequate security personnel/system be in place to:

• Control traffic.

• Control access to scene of emergency/disaster.

13. Continuity of Operations

• Plan to continue operations unaffected by emergency/disaster by manpower


• Ensure that sufficient manpower/equipment is on standby to handle escalation of

emergency/disaster to other units.

14. Outside Community Order

Request Government Affairs representative to contact appropriate law enforcement

authorities and community leaders to address the following:

• Evacuation, traffic and crowd control, guarding property and patrolling dangerous areas.

15. Secondary Hazards

• The plan should identify hazards created as a result of the emergency/disaster (e.g.
structural damage to buildings, isolated fires from explosions, downed electrical lines,

• Determine and plan to provide additional resources needed to control these hazards.

16. Restore Normal Operations

• Maintenance personnel should maintain a current status list of plant utilities and
services lost during the emergency/disaster and the estimated time to restore them.

17. Emergency Teams and Equipment Recovery

• System to check and replace emergency equipment damaged during or immediately after
the emergency/disaster.

• System to provide shift relief to emergency/fire fighting crews and replenishment of fire
fighting materials and other consumables.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 421

18. Personnel Needs

• Plan to provide emergency/disaster workers and other affected personnel with sanitary
food, water, clothing, shelter and financial assistance as needed.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 422









February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 423


TELEPHONE: XXX-XXXX (if busy see below)

I have an emergency to report:

I am calling from _____________________________________________________

My name is _________________________ My badge number is _______________

I see a _____________________________________at ________________________

(fire, gas leak, etc.) (north/south/east/west)

There are ___________(no.) of people hurt and requiring medical assistance.


1. If the number is busy or unavailable, try the following in the order listed:

2. telephone xxx-zzzz

3. radio frequency xxx.xx

4. (other for the facility)

After the message has been given successfully, the reporting individual, if an operator, should return
immediately to the emergency site to do whatever he can safely do to improve the emergency situation.

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 424


Suggested headings are shown below. Sections should be separated by dividers with extended tabs
naming each section.

I. Title Page
II. Reporting Emergencies
II. Emergency Response Personnel Roster
IV. Table Of Contents
V. Introduction
A. Scope
B. When To Implement
C. Definitions
VI. Emergency Response Organization
A. Chain Of Command
B. Functional Responsibilities
VII. Emergency Response Actions
A. Reporting Emergencies
B. Initiating The Alarm
C. Assess The Situation
D. Mobilization Of Resources
1. Internal Resources
a. Plant Personnel
b. Support Groups
c. Contractors
2. External Resources
a. Saudi Aramco
b. Non-Saudi Aramco
E. Suppression/Control of Incident
1. Vapor Release
2. Toxic Vapor Release
3. Fire
4. Explosion
5. Hazardous Materials Release
6. Natural Disaster
7. Other Site Specific Incidents
VIII. Post-Incident Actions
A. Stand Down And Fire Watch
B. Investigate And Report
C. Restore Operations
D. Revise The Plan
IX. Appendices
A. Materials And Equipment Inventory
1. Emergency Equipment
2. Fire Fighting Supplies
3. Facility Maps, Plans, Drawings
4. Communication Equipment
5. Mutual Aid

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 425

a. Saudi Aramco
b. Non-Saudi Aramco
B. Exceptions To Generic Scenarios
C. Operating Instruction Manuals (OIMs) And Other References

February 1993 - B.3 Emergency/Disaster Planning And Response Page 426

Appendix C: Fire Safety Checklist For
Evaluating Construction
Materials Store Yard

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Appendix C: Fire Safety Checklist Page 427
(Based on NFPA 231-APPENDIX C)


A. Adequate fire department protection.

1. Travel time to site, primary factor.

B. All-weather roads adequate to carry fire department apparatus.

1. Kept clear at all times.

C. Available water supply of sufficient pressure and quantity.

D. Sufficient clear space from combustible structures or other storage which could be an
exposure hazard.

E. No danger of flooding.

1. Run-off from fire fighting water should be considered.

2. Drainage from fuel spills should travel away from all storage.

F. Enough clearance from storage site to highways or major roads.


A. Entire site should be fenced to control access.

B. Two 15' gates, directly opposite each other (180o ) are required to permit ready access of
fire apparatus to any part of the storage area regardless of wind direction and location of fire.


A. LOW HEIGHT and SMALL AREA are the ideal conditions.

1. Reasons for this are -

(a) stability of the pile under normal and fire conditions (containers
maximum: 2 high).

(b) access to the seat of the fire with hose streams from the ground.

B. AISLES must be maintained between individual piles; between piles and buildings, and
between piles and the boundary line fence for the storage site, to allow access to all
sides of the piles.

February 1993 - C.1 Fire Safety Checklist Page 428

1. Aisles minimum of 10 feet wide.

C. DRIVEWAYS of minimum 15 feet width are required to permit travel of fire apparatus to
all parts of the storage area.

1. Driveway and aisle widths should be increased to at least equal the height
of piles of goods, since they also act as firebreaks to limit the spread of fire.

D. ARRANGEMENT OF MATERIALS is important to reduce the speed of the spread of


1. Generally less hazardous materials should be stored upwind and more

hazardous materials downwind.

2. Piles or "blocks" of small piles are arranged with combustibles and non-
combustibles in alternate locations -

(a) This technique tends to isolate a fire, allowing greater chance to

contain it within the pile or "block" of origin.

(b) This checker board pattern of materials also helps reduce reliance
on wind direction to control the spread of a fire.


A. Buildings within storage yards should be at least 50 feet from the nearest storage pile.

1. This space should remain clear and free of combustible materials, at all

B. ARRANGEMENT OF BUILDINGS should also consider the effects of wind on the

spread of fire.

1. One approach is to have less hazardous shops and sheltered activities

upwind, more hazardous ones downwind.

2. In addition to the above, leave plenty of clear fire- break space between
buildings (50 feet minimum), and alternate hazardous shops or stored
goods with those structures housing less hazardous goods or activities.
Again, this will help counteract unfavorable winds.


A. Communications -- a reliable means of communication with the Saudi Aramco Fire

Protection Department shall be provided. Normally this will be a Saudi Aramco system

WARNING: Prompt NOTIFICATION of the Fire Protection Department is mandatory

and absolutely necessary to prevent out-of-control fires.

February 1993 - C1 Fire Safety Checklist Page 429

B. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided throughout the storage area and the
buildings located as to be quickly available for use at any point.

C. Standard Live Hose Reels shall be provided throughout the storage areas to allow fast
application of firewater onto any location within the store yard. These hoses are easily
handled by one man and can deliver significant quantities of water. Full coverage of the
interiors of all buildings must also be provided.


1. The need to notify the Fire Protection Department and man these live hose
reels as fast as possible cannot be over-emphasized.

(a) Fire areas increase as an increasing multiple of time, not at a constant

rate. The longer you wait to apply water on a small fire, the more you
will be surprised at the size the fire has attained.

(b) These 1-1/4" diameter hoses allow one person to apply about 100
gallons/minute without difficulty.

2. Two inch steel (galvanized) lines shall be used to feed these hoses. Each
hose reel will have a valve at the tie-in to the 6" loop.

D. Standard Fire Hydrants - Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard B-7C requires type 509-G
hydrants for protection of outdoor storage. Depending on system pressure, the 2-1/2"
hoses used by the Fire Protection Department can require 4 to 5 trained men to handle.
It is for this reason that fire hydrants are not normally provided with hose or used by
construction yard personnel.

1. In areas where there is no Fire Protection Department within reasonable

distance, sufficient 2-1/2" hose, and other equipment such as nozzles,
hydrant wrenches, etc. shall be kept on the site, suitably located, housed,
and maintained ready for use.

2. Hydrants and all fire fighting equipment shall be accessible for use at all
times. No temporary storage will be allowed to obstruct access for fire

E. Details of Water Supply

Connect to main with gate valve.

Provide a looped system valved to feed hydrants from either direction.

(Block valve(s) to isolate either 50% of the piping and hydrants.)

Materials - carbon steel pipe, okay for temporary yards.

(Good mechanical strength, repairable.)

Size of loop piping, 6" diameter minimum.

February 1993 - C1 Fire Safety Checklist Page 430


A. Guards trained in the use of live fire hose reels, fire extinguishers and the fire warning
system shall be on site at all times when the yard is otherwise unoccupied.

1. Supervised rounds are suggested to verify the entire property is periodically

2. Means of communication necessary to summon assistance during
emergency situations shall be provided.


A. The site shall be kept free from accumulation of unnecessary combustible materials
such as empty cartons or other packing or packaging materials.

B. All electrical equipment and installations to comply with National Electrical Code.

C. Employees' smoking areas shall be clearly designated and no smoking strictly enforced
outside these "safe" areas.

D. Motor vehicles shall be garaged and repaired outside the yard area, in a non-
combustible structure or unsheltered. Fuel handling shall comply with NFPA 30,
Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, at a safe distance from the storage yard.

A site layout plan of the materials storage yards shall be submitted to the Loss Prevention
Department Area Fire Prevention Engineer for review. All essential features of this
"Checklist" shall be clearly illustrated on a site drawing of the proposed yard. Two copies of
this drawing (done accurately to scale) will be submitted and once approved, one signed
copy shall be kept at the site for periodic review. Changes to the original storage yard layout
must be reviewed and concurred by Loss Prevention Department.

February 1993 - C1 Fire Safety Checklist Page 431

Appendix D: Saudi Aramco Crane
Safety Handbook

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Appendix D: Crane Safety Handbook Page 432

For utility, the crane safety handbook is bound under separate cover. One copy will be
distributed to each holder of the Construction Safety Manual. Additional copies may be
acquired by contacting the Support Services Unit, Loss Prevention Department, E-1660,

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Appendix D: Crane Safety Handbook Page 433
Appendix E: Suggestion Form

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Appendix E: Suggestion Form Page 434

MANAGER, Loss Prevention Department

Saudi Arabian American Oil Company
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Please consider the following suggestion(s) relative to the Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual:




Contact Telephone Number

Contact FAX Number

February 1993 - Appendix E: Suggestion Form Page 435

Appendix F: Distribution Form

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Appendix F: Distribution Form Page 436
Address For Distribution
Construction Safety Manual

Loss Prevention Department
Saudi Arabian Oil Company
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Please continue to send me changes or additions to the Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual.

My present address is:






Contact Telephone Number

Contact FAX Number

February 1993 - Appendix F: Distribution Form Page 437

Appendix G: Sanitary Code

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Appendix G: Sanitary Code Page 438









February 1993 - Appendix G: Sanitary Code Page 439

Appendix H: General Instructions
Master Index

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Appendix H: GI Master Index Page 440

GI Number Title

2.100 Work Permit System

2.102 Pressure Testing Safely

2.702 Electrical Safety for Boom or Derrick Type Hoisting Equipment

2.708 Gas Testing Procedures

2.710 Mechanical Completion & Performance Acceptance of Plant/Unit

2.711 Fire and Safety Watch

2.718 Contractor Sites Allotment Procedure

5.002 Loss Prevention Policy Implementation

6.001 Notification Requirements for Incidents (Including Fires)

6.003 Guide for Committees Investigating Major Incidents or Engineering Reviews of

Other Incidents

6.012 Isolation, Lockout and Use of Hold Tags

6.020 Personal Flotation Devices for Work Over, On or Near Water

6.021 Safety Requirements for Abrasive Blast Cleaning

6.025 Control of Remote Area Travel and Search/Rescue Procedures

6.029 Reporting and Recording of Motor Vehicle Accidents

6.030 Traffic and Vehicle Safety

7.025 Mobile Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

7.026 Lifting/Elevating and Mobile Equipment Accident Reporting Procedures

7.027 Personnel Work Platform Operations

7.028 Heavy Crane Lift, Multiple/Tandem, Critical Crane Lifts

7.029 Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Wire Rope Slings

7.030 Inspection and Testing of Cranes, Elevators, Powered Platforms, and Mobile Aerial

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Appendix H: GI Master Index Page 441
8.001 Safety Requirements for Scaffolding

8.002 Prescription Safety Glasses

8.003 Air-Supplied Breathing Apparatus

8.005 Protective (Safety) Footwear

70.500 Disaster Contingency Plan - Dhahran Area

80.500 Disaster Control - Refinery and Terminal - Ras Tanura

150.001 Asbestos Regulations

150.002 First Aid/CPR Training and First Aid Kits - Remote Areas

150.003 Ionizing Radiation

151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco Sanitation Code

330.87 Bulk Deliveries of Oil Field Treatment Chemicals from Local Vendors

355.001 Identifying, Cataloging, Ordering and Tracking Hazardous Materials

355.002 Receiving, Storing and Issuing Hazardous Material

355.003 Disposing of Hazardous Material

355.004 Handling and Disposing of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

355.015 Requisitioning, Receiving, Storing and Issuing Explosives

355.015-01 Deterioration and Disposal of Explosives

355.020 Control of Compressed Gas Cylinders

401.081 Performance Qualifications For Welders and Welding Operators

402.001 Operational Chemical Cleaning of Boilers

432.00 Pipeline Hydrotest Water Disposal

434.00 Pipeline Repair and Maintenance

441.014 Repair Procedures on Hydrocarbon Pipelines

447.002 Pressure Relief Valves - New Installation, Change in Set Pressure, Replacement or
Retirement from Service

447.003 Pressure Relief Valves - Routine Tests, Inspection, Quality Assurance and

February 1993 - Appendix H: GI Master Index Page 442

475.001 Blasting Near Existing Facilities

475.002 Use of Explosives in Construction

520.001 Confined Space Entry Procedure

618.001 Special Regulations for the Use of Explosives in Seismic Operations

1021.000 Street and Road Closure, Excavation, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

1127.700 Transportation Engineering Procedures for Heavy-Lift/Over-Sized Equipment

1130.013 Vehicle Loading

1131.165 Use of Trailer Brakes

1131.921 Use of Trailer Safety Chains

1183.215 Transporting Explosives in Comp any Owned/Leased/Rented Motor Transport


1185.003 Death or Injury Aboard Seagoing Vessels

1186.502 Marine Craft Fueling, Tanajib or West Pier

1186.504 SAG Regulations and Practice as Applied to All Types of Marine Craft at the Port of
Ras Tanura

1187.001 Collision & Damage By or To Marine Equipment or Craft

1192.001 Operating Practices for Harbor Tugs, Offshore Vessels and Launches, Including
Safety Rules

1192.002 Operating Procedures for Barges Including Safety Rules

1192.502 Operating Procedures for Marine Oil Recovery and Storage Barge/Vessel, Including
Safety Rules

1193.001 Marine Port Information and Regulations

1193.002 Navigation Warnings

1194.001 Requesting, Assigning and Dispatching Pollution Control Vessels, Tugs, Launches
and Barges

1196.001 Whistle Signals for Use Between Tugs and Barges or Tugs and Self-Propelled
Vessels When Berthing

1197.001 Procedures and Safety Rules for Diving Operations

1198.001 Rig/Barge Moving

February 1993 - Appendix H: GI Master Index Page 443

1199.001 Safe Operation of Self-Propelled Jack-Up Barges

1310.000 Transportation of Dangerous Articles Onboard Saudi Aramco Aircraft

1321.015 Request for Air Medical Evacuation

1600.003 Destruction of Obsolete/Damaged, Unneeded Communication Equipment

1601.002 Radio Asset Control And Accountability Program (RACAP)

1602.001 Residential Telephone Service

1602.002 Business Telephone Service Inside Aramco Communities and Facilities

1602.003 Business Telephone Service Outside Aramco Communities and Facilities

1603.001 Data Circuits, Message Switch And Facsimile Terminals

1781.001-1 Inspection/Maintenance - Fire Protection Equipment

1787.00-1 Fire Reports

February 1993 - Appendix H: GI Master Index Page 444

Appendix I: List Of Figures

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual - Appendix I: List Of Figures Page 445

I. Administration:

Figure I.1 Preliminary Accident Report 43

Figure I.2 Contractor Monthly Safety Report 44
Figure I.3 Injury Summary 69
Figure I.4 Protective Goggle, Spectacles, Face Shields And Helmets 76
Figure I.4A Protection Against Radiant Energy 77
Figure I.5 Specialized Hand Protectors 78
Figure I.6 Typical Self-Powered Platform For Building Maintenance 79
Figure I.7 Respiratory Protection 86
Figure I.8 Clearance Considerations For Safety Equipment 87
Figure I.9 Know Your Fire Extinguisher 94

II. General And Civil:

Figure II.1 Hold Tag 121

Figure II.2 Lockout Clip (Typical) 122
Figure II.3 Excavations Made In Type A Soil 132
Figure II.3A Simple/Multiple Bench 133
Figure II.3B Unsupported Vertically Sided 134
Figure II.4 Excavations Made In Type B Soil 135
Figure II.4A Single/Multiple Bench 136
Figure II.5 Excavations Made In Type C Soils 137
Figure II.6 Excavations Made In Layered Soils 138
Figure II.6A Excavations Made In Layered Soils 139
Figure II.7 Examples Of Trench Shields 140
Figure II.8 Guide To Safe Distance Back From Top Of Slope For 141
Storage Of Materials Or Placing Equipment
Figure II.9 Examples Of Screw Trench Jacks 142
Figure II.10 Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring Typical Installations 143
Figure II.11 Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring 144
Figure II.12 Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring Waler Systems For Soil Type 145
Figure II.13 Example Of Timber Shoring Protective Systems 146
Figure II.14 Timber Trench Shoring - Minimum Timber Requirements 147
Figure II.15 Timber Trench Shoring - Minimum Timber Requirements 148
Figure II.16 Timber Trench Shoring - Minimum Timber Requirements 149
Figure II.17 Standard Coupler 192
Figure II.18 Adjustable Coupler 192
Figure II.19 Typical End To End Coupler 192
Figure II.20 Screwjack 192
Figure II.21 Typical Reveal Pin 192
Figure II.22 Typical Base Plate 192
Figure II.23 A Typical Independent Tied Scaffold Constructed Using 210
Tube And Coupler Scaffolding
Figure II.24 A Typical Tube And Coupler Scaffold 211
Figure II.25 Plan View Of Two-Way Tie 212
Figure II.26 Plan View Of Column Box Tie 212
Figure II.27 Plan View Of Reveal Tie 212

February 1993 - Appendix I: List Of Figures Page 446

Figure II.28 A Typical System Scaffold 213
Figure II.29 A Typical System Scaffold Being Assembled 214
Figure II.30 A Typical System Scaffold Base In The Process Of Being 214
Assembled And Leveled
Figure II.31 A Typical Fabricated Tubular Frame Manually Propelled 215
Mobile Scaffold
Figure II.32 A Typical Tube And Coupler Mobile Access Tower 216
Figure II.33 Cross Tube Anchor 217
Figure II.34 Outriggers In Use 217
Figure II.35 Driven Tube Anchor 217
Figure II.36 Abrasive/Grinding Wheel 225
Figure II.37 Grinder Guards 226
Figure II.38 Bench Grinder - Machine Guarding 227
Figure II.39 Ring Test 236
Figure II.40 Correctly Mounted Wheel 237
Figure II.41 Wire Conversion Chart 238
Figure II.42 Self Adjusted Guard 239
Figure II.43 Table Saws 240
Figure II.44 Table Saw - Machine Guarding 241
Figure II.45 Radial Saws 242
Figure II.46 The Woodworking Machine Regulations 243
Figure II.47 Cartridge/Tool Issuance Control 244

III. Mechanical Equipment And Materials:

Figure III.1 Pre-Lift Operation Checklist 266-267

Figure III.2 Lift Plan For Cranes 268
Figure III.3 Identification Tags 277
Figure III.4 Installing A Wedge Socket On A Rope 278
Figure III.5 Two-Legged Chain Sling: Major Components 278
Figure III.6 Sling Fixings 278
Figure III.7 Synthetic Webbing Slings 279
Figure III.8 Sling Loading 280
Figure III.9 Eyebolts 280
Figure III.10 Crane Hooks 280
Figure III.11 Shackles 280
Figure III.12 Wire Rope Sling Inspection Log 281
Figure III.13 Typical Construction Materials Store Yard 297

IV. Electrical And Radiation:

Figure IV.1 Temporary Crossing For Construction Equipment 318

Figure IV.2 Proper Use Of Insulating Tools And Protective Apparel 319
Figure IV.3 Standard Sign - Radiation 324

V. Chemicals And Operations:

Figure V.1 Identification Of Materials By Hazard Signal Dimensions 351

And Arrangement
Figure V.2 Explanation Of Hazard Rating Codes 352
Figure V.3 Identification Of Health Hazard, Flammability And 353

February 1993 - Appendix I: List Of Figures Page 447

VI. Marine:

Figure VI.1 If You Work Over, On Or Near Water 361

Figure VI.2 International Code Flag "A" 373
Figure VI.3 Signals 373

Appendix A:

Figure A.1 Contractor's Competition Job Safety 380-381


Appendix B:

Figure B.1 Typical Emergency Organization Chart 412

Figure B.2 Scenario Analysis Sheet For (Location) 413
Figure B.3 Emergency/Disaster Control Tasks Checklist 414
Figure B.4 Flow Diagram Of Typical Offshore Emergency Response 418
Figure B.5 Emergency Reporting Instructions 419
Figure B.6 Emergency Plan - Sample Table Of Contents 420-421

February 1993 - Appendix I: List Of Figures Page 448

Appendix J: List Of Tables

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Appendix J: List Of Tables Page 449

I. Administration:

Table I.1 Basic Personal Protective Equipment 75

II. General And Civil:

Table II.1 Maximum Allowable Slopes 131

Table II.2 Wood Scaffold Plank Loading 191
Table II.3 Tube And Coupler Scaffolds - Light Duty 201
Table II.4 Tube And Coupler Scaffolds - Medium Duty 202
Table II.5 Tube And Coupler Scaffolds - Heavy Duty 203
Table II.6 Ventilation Requirements For Confined Spaces 248
Table II.7 Personal Protective Equipment To Be Worn Or Used 252
During Surface Preparation And Paint Application

III. Mechanical Equipment And Materials

Table III.1 Wind Speed (Miles Per Hour) vs. Force Of Wind In 269
Pounds Per Square Foot
Table III.2 Wind Speed Definition 269

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Appendix J: List Of Tables Page 450
Appendix K: Forms

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Appendix K: Forms Page 451

• Appendix K contains originals of many of the forms which have appeared as figures throughout the
Manual. Please copy these for use in your safety program.

February 1993 - Construction Safety Manual: Appendix K: Forms Page 452


Detailed Report Required Within 3 Days Control No_________________

Accident Location: Date Of Accident: Time Of Accident:

Company: Personnel Injured: Badge Number:

Type Of Injuries: Property Damage And Estimated Cost Damage:

Description Of Accident:

Witness Statement(s)

What Caused The Accident:

What Corrective Action Has Been Taken


Date Of Report:________________________________________________

Name (Printed):_____________________________________________________________________

Company:___________________________________________________ Job
PROJECT TITLE:___________________________________ LOCATION:_________________________________


BUDGET ITEM No:._______________________________________ CONTRACT No.:________________JOB No:_______

1. Work Injuries:

2. Fires:

3. Incidents Or Property Damage (Over SR 10,000):

4. Motor Vehicle Accidents:

5. Incidents Involving Damage To Saudi Aramco Equipment:

6. Crane, Heavy Equipment & Manlift Accidents:

7. Safety Meeting:

(A) Topics Discussed:

(B) Attendance:

(C) Instructor(s):

Prepared By:_____________________________ Contractor Safety Officer:_____________________________________

Signed By:____________________________________ Saudi Aramco Representative:____________________________

Project:__________________________________Project No.:________________________Month & Ye ar:____________________
Contractor:__________________________________File No.:_________________________

Injury Name Of Badge Craft Date Of Carry Over Days Nature Of Injury And Brief Description Of Accident State What,
No. Injured Numbe Accident Yes/No Lost Part Of Body Affected Where, How, Why
r This

Total Lost Time Injuries Total Days Total Man-hours Worked This
This Month: Lost: Month:

Report Prepared By:________________________________

Title And Telephone:_______________
1. Contractor:__________________________________________________ J.0. No.:_____________________________________________
2. Crane Inspection Sticker valid: Yes:o No:o Date of expiry:________________________________________________________________
3. Operator Saudi Aramco certified: Yes:o No:o 4. Description of load:___________________________________________________
5. •Type of crane to be used ______________________ Stowed Erected N/A (lbs/kgs)
•Boom length (total) _______________________ft/m Jib: o o o _______
•Jib length ______________________________ft/m Extension: o o o _______
Hookblock (Main): ______ _____ _____ _______
Aux. Boom Head: ______ o o _______
Headache Ball: ______ o o _______
Slings, Shackles, etc.: ______ ______ ______ _______
Others: __________________________________ _______
__________________________________ _______
Total (Gross Load Weight): _______

6. • Weight of load _______lbs/kgs • Effective weight of jib _____ lbs/kgs (see jib chart)
• Effective weight of jib headache ball ______ lbs/kgs • Weight of load block _____ lbs/kgs
• Weight of hoist rope below boom tip______ lbs/kgs • Weight of spreader bar _____ lbs/kgs
• Weight of other rigging ______ lbs/kgs
Total load weight _____ lbs/kgs
7. Hoisting clearance ________ft/m. 8. Lift quadrant zone ___________________ . 9. Operating radius ___________ft/m.
10. Crane capacity at operating radius __________ (Note: Do not make lift if total load is greater than crane capacity shown in Item 10. Refer to GI 7.028 for
appropriate derating based on type of lift.)
11. Crane capacity for jib configuration:____________ 12. Ground and site conditions:______________________________________________
13. Wind speed:__________mph (Maximum 20 mph)
14. Work permit required: Yeso No:o
15. Load moment indicator: Yes:o No:o Type:_________________________________________
16. Sketch and supplementary information for crane lift is required to be attached to this plan. (Note: The sketch of the crane should include the following
rigging information: size of each component; safe working load (SWL) capacity; length of slings; type of component; component diameter; weight of
component and sling angles).
Contractor:______________________ Date:__________________ Crane Operator:_______________________ Date:__________________________
Approved:_______________________ Date:__________________ Reviewed by:_____________________ Date:_____________________________
(Competent Person) (Saudi Aramco Site Representative)
Approved:_______________________ Date:__________________
(Heavy Haul/Rig Move Unit, Transportation Dept., Abqaiq)
Footnote: This form is to be filled out for the following lifts: 1. At all construction sites and operating plants; 2. Associated with offshore and marine sites
and operations; 3. Within safety zones of power lines; 4. Involving personnel platforms (as per GI 7.027, 7.028 and 7.030).
Contractor:______________________________________ Location: __________________________

BI/JO Number: ___________________________________ Project Title: ______________________

Sling# Diameter Length SWL Date-In Date-Out- Inspector Signature (Date)

Service Service

Cartridge Quantity Received By

Date Issued Returned Returned Returned Tool Cert No. Name/ Issued By Remarks
Used Unused Un- Issued Signature
exploded (Type/MDL)

Warning: Above items can only be issued to workers with valid training certificate Storekeeper:
Safety Officer:
TELEPHONE: XXX-XXXX (if busy see below)

I have an emergency to report:

I am calling from _____________________________________________________

My name is _________________________ My badge number is _______________

I see a _____________________________________at ________________________

(fire, gas leak, etc.) (north/south/east/west)

There are ___________(no.) of people hurt and requiring medical assistance.


1. If the number is busy or unavailable, try the following in the order listed:

2. telephone xxx-zzzz

3. radio frequency xxx.xx

4. (other for the facility)

After the message has been given successfully, the reporting individual, if an operator, should return immediately to
the emergency site to do whatever he can safely do to improve the emergency situation.
To: Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Department Date: ____________________________

Name Of Contractor: Contractor's Address: Contractor's Phone Number:

Job Description: Job Number: Starting Date:

Estimated Completion Date:

B.I. Number: Peak Number Of Employees:

Contractor Site Representative: Saudi Aramco Site (PMT) Project Mgmt. Department:

Telephone Number: Telephone Number: Org. Code:

Name Of Contractor's Safety Contractor's Site Phone Site Location:

Representative: Number:

Signed:____________________________________________________(Contractor's Representative)

Job Title:__________________________________________________



Saudi Aramco Proponent Department:____________________________________________________

This form is to be completed and sent to the local Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Office with a copy to the designated
senior Project Engineer, who is a member of the proponent Project Management Team (PMT).

Saudi Aramco Project Manager

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