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Order Management:

Only as Good as Your Inventory Visibility

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Order Management: Only as Good as Your Inventory Visibility
Sponsored by Kibo

Inventory management in an omnichannel e-commerce environment is anything but simple. As inventory is segmented
among multiple channels and locations, it becomes harder to track an item’s availability status and use that data to set
pricing, offer promotions, manage scarcity and build trust with customers. Yet that same segmentation is critical to the
personalized user experience that online shoppers demand, and has become a fact of life during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unlike linear order management — of confidence in overall tracking pickup, ship-from-store or vendor
typically a single order relayed to a accuracy — above 95%. dropship, all with the help of accu-
single fulfillment center for a single rate, up-to-date information.
customer — omnichannel order man- Today’s supply chains, however, are
agement tracks multiple orders with far more complex and by no means Of course, inventory management
several different systems across the linear. The rise of omnichannel is never 100% accurate when one
supply chain, keeping track of prod- e-commerce fulfillment has been takes into account factors like
uct in physical stores, offsite dark a retail game-changer, with many shrinkage, damage, misplaced items
stores, third-party logistics (3PL) products shipping in smaller quanti- in a store and so on. But by collecting,
warehouses and even direct-to-con- ties to many locations, such as phys- integrating and continuously updat-
sumer fulfillment centers. At any of ical stores, fulfillment centers, dark ing inventory data across channels
these locations, inventory may be on stores or dropship points. Order and in a single, 360-degree dashboard
hand, on reserve or out of stock. delivery complexity, time sensitivity, view, an order management system
cost and heightened customer expec- can match product in near real-time
Tracking inventory at this level can tations all converge to compress mar- with online and in-store searches,
be daunting, but failure to do so gins. Inventory visibility, in turn, be- minimizing misinformation about
leaves money on the table. It’s bad comes critical to this more distributed inventory levels.
enough when an online customer order management and fulfillment.
finds just what they’re looking for Reaping the Benefits
and it’s out of stock. It’s even worse Upon its launch in 2016 by private of a Single Solution
when it’s shown as in stock and the equity group Vista Equity Partners, “A foundational element of retail is
customer only learns after ordering Kibo’s strategy was to provide end- getting inventory right,” Nelson says.
that it’s not. to-end unified commerce. A key ele- “If I see 10 of something in the phys-
ment of this strategy was improving ical inventory but the system says I
A Unified Solution to inventory visibility by combining have 15, once I get down to that gap
Omnichannel Order Management inventory reporting across channels it’s an exception process from there,
There’s a better way to streamline with continuous platform updates, finding where the other five went or
these complex moving parts. “In a a powerful order-routing engine, a writing them off in my financials. If
traditional, linear system, the fulfill- microservices-based architecture I promise you X and I don’t totally
ment location would mainly consist and an intuitive user interface. Com- fulfill, everything from there is an
of a warehouse and a WMS [ware- bining these modern order manage- exception — I have to rectify that or
house management system],” says ment capabilities with a headless give you a refund, I have to offer you
Tim Nelson, senior principal for e-commerce solution and AI-pow- an appeasement to get you back, so
unified commerce at Kibo, a unified ered personalization solution re- now I’ve added to my customer re-
commerce software provider. Ac- sulted in a comprehensive unified tention cost.”
cording to Nelson, the sophistication commerce solution. In doing so,
of a standard WMS, combined with companies would be able to draw Conversely, near real-time inventory
the relative simplicity of linear order on better inventory data to deploy data across channels yields cor-
management, enables a high degree omnichannel programs like in-store responding benefits for retailers.
“First, you’re better able to fulfill retailers and their customers. Plat- and generating Excel spreadsheets,
your orders,” Nelson says, “and now form modules can be bolted onto typically delivered daily updates.
you can start to execute against the an e-commerce site, WMS, a POS, an Many cloud platforms today refresh
customer experience by setting the enterprise resource planning system inventory data hourly for slow-mov-
right expectations up front.” Know- (ERP), or even built into a propri- ing inventory, every 15 minutes for
ing more precisely what’s in avail- etary integrated system, capturing faster-moving items, and every few
able stock is key to managing pric- continuously updated inventory data minutes in urgent supply situations
ing and promotions — for example, from store, warehouse and vendor such as those seen too often in the
special offers to move merchandise locations as it’s entered and plugged past 20 months.
or targeted notifications for items into a distributed order manage-
in short supply, which drive engage- ment solution. Life After COVID
ment and conversion rates. Despite such gains, many compa-
nies have been surprisingly cautious
To achieve this level of visibility, in embracing digitization to im-
companies have several tools at prove inventory visibility during the
their disposal. Mobile point-of-sale COVID-19 pandemic. Many that made
(POS) data helps fill in potential the leap failed to follow through on
inventory gaps. An API-first, micro-
Many cloud utilizing the technology to its fullest.
services-based architecture approach platforms today
to software enables customization “The reason I think that hasn’t hap-
to meet unique customer needs. refresh inventory pened has to do with the abrupt-
“Headless commerce,” which de- ness with which organizations had
couples the user interface software data hourly for to adapt early on,” says Nelson. The
from more limiting business and initial bullwhip effect of shutdown,
supply chain functions, allows great-
slow-moving remote work, hoarding, a shift from
er cross-channel personalization of inventory, B2B to B2C and a V-shaped spike in
the user interface, while retaining demand all left businesses scram-
a unified digital experience across every 15 minutes bling to adapt. Overnight they had
devices and touchpoints. to transact business digitally, cob-
for faster-moving bling together customizations of
Using these and related AI-powered existing software and homegrown
personalization solutions, Kibo cli-
items, and every few solutions on the fly. “Because of
ents have seen measurable results: minutes in urgent that, they had to do it fast rather
• Travelodge was able to run 30 than do it right,” he says.
server-side tests over 12 months supply situations
that together helped boost ROI at Business conditions are widely ex-
least fifteenfold. such as those seen pected to stabilize in coming months
• Hall Wines increased its add-to- as vaccines are more widely distrib-
cart rate by 55% with scarcity
too often in the past uted and uncertainty recedes. Over
marketing. 20 months. time, with the necessary research
• Reebok increased sales with per- and strategies in place, companies
sonalized, holiday and repeat will turn their attention to lon-
visitor experiences generated by ger-term transformation of their
machine learning using customer business models and supply chains,
and third-party data. including inventory management
Near real-time inventory data needs and order fulfillment. Expect au-
Digital Platforms Connect vary among customers, Nelson says, tomated inventory visibility and
the Critical Dots and delivery depends on the ability personalization to take center stage
Platform technologies with auto- of multiple systems to update one as distributed order management
mated reporting are central to near another on the platform. Legacy ERP matures. q
real-time inventory visibility for systems, running on old hardware

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