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Volo’s Notes on Sentient Beings

A collection of feats for the various peoples of 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons

Creator: Jake Miller | For use with Volo’s Guide to Monsters (5 th Edition)

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All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Jake Miller and published under the Community Content
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Volo’s Stolen Notes NPC Feats and Player Characters
Some of the feat options presented here are intended primarily
for a Dungeon Master building a NPC using the same systems
that players use to create their characters. This allows for a NPC
CAN YOU BELIEVE HE'D JUST LEAVE THIS STUFF LYING made in this fashion to inherit some traits from the statblocks
given for creatures like them in the Monster Manual or other
around? And "stolen" is a bit misleading, really. I did-
n't steal anything. He's the one who left it on the table For more on building NPCs using these feats, see the section
after all. I just found it and cleaned it up a bit. on NPC Feats below. Additionally, some players may want to use
these feats for their own characters. The ultimate decision is up
But then again, "decipherer of terrible handwriting
to the Dungeon Master, but keep in mind that many of these
and ignorer of ale stains" doesn't exactly roll off the NPC Feats come with drawbacks or difficult requirements and
tongue. And it doesn't sound nearly as enjoyable as restrictions, and so may not be feasible for a player character to
being the Scholar Thief.
—The Scholar Thief
For NPCs
When researching for his hit publication, Volo's Guide to Of course, the player characters' party should never be the
Monsters, Volo noted down quite a lot of other, miscellaneous only ones to have unique traits. Just like adventurers, NPCs
information as well. But ultimately, much of this knowledge come from many different backgrounds. Many NPCs do not
was deemed too scattered to include. Who actually wants to even need full statblocks, but characters such as antagonists or
know of the omen-reading methods of the orcs? Or the companions, those who are likely to see combat, may need
wrestling habits of the firbolg? more nuance than a monster's statblock normally affords.
Obviously someone, seeing as the discarded notes vanished When designing a NPC in this way, the following feat
almost as soon as they were thrown away. options can help by strengthening that character's connection
with their people.

For Adventurers NPC Feats

Creatures all have different traits, reflecting their unique place
in the world. In turn, adventurers come from a variety of The options presented here differ from normal feats in that
different origins. some of them have active drawbacks in addition to beneficial
When making an adventurer, the following feat options can effects. These drawbacks are intended to bring a character's
help reinforce the character's identity as a member of their ability scores and other qualities more in line with their
people. Whether that is as a shadar-kai harvesting memories monstrous counterparts.
for the dread Raven Queen, or a tabaxi with their shifting When giving one of the following feat options to a NPC,
fascinations, each character is their own person. remember that certain restrictions or drawbacks can be
ignored at your option. As the Dungeon Master, the final
Race Feat decision comes down to you. If the character already has
ability scores close to an existing statblock, there is no need to
Aasimar Virtuous Heritage
lower those scores even more; likewise if the character is
Bugbear Speak with Head intended to be a special or unique example of their kind, they
Firbolg Evergreen Lore might have higher ability scores than those given in the
Firbolg Giantkin Wrestler general statblock that they were inspired by.
Goblin Wild Booyahg For more on building NPCs using the same rules as player
Goliath Deadweight Toss characters, see the NPC Feats section below.
Goliath Giantkin Wrestler
Hobgoblin Legionnaire’s Command Race Feat
Kenku Dictionary of Sounds Bugbear Blessing of Skiggaret
Kobold Trap Tinkerer Goblin Nascent Fiend
Lizardfolk Swamp Masterwork Hobgoblin Devastator Graduate
Lizardfolk Venomous Bite Hobgoblin Shadow of Tyranny
Orc Orcish Omens Kobold Dragonheart
Tabaxi Feline Obsession Kobold Urd Wings
Triton Deep-Sea Explorer Orc Fury of the Demonborn
Triton Purifying Constitution Yuan-Ti Pureblood Acolyte of Dendar
Yuan-Ti Pureblood Bond with Serpent Yuan-Ti Pureblood Acolyte of Merrshaulk


Player Feats •
Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Your range with thrown weapons without the Finesse
property increases by +10/+20.
• When grappling a target at least one size smaller than
WHETHER RECLUSIVE LIKE THE FIRBOLG, OR OUTGOING you, you can throw them up to 15 feet as an action,
like the tabaxi, everyone is unique. Besides the gener- knocking them prone when they land.
alities listed elsewhere, many groups have small things
Deep-Sea Explorer
that differentiate one member from another.
Prerequisite: Triton
Not every yuan-ti is gifted with the ability to summon
Your original home was much further down in the depths, and
a fiendish serpent, nor are all lizardfolk poisonous. But
your people had to adapt to the crushing darkness. You gain
some are, and so we have our topic. the following benefits:
— Volo, first draft of Guide to Monsters
• Gain darkvision out to 60 feet, if you do not already have
The main focus of Volo's Guide to Monsters is cataloguing • Your body is bioluminescent, and you can cast light
rare or unusual creatures and giving insight to the thought targeting yourself without requiring components.
processes and cultures of beings called "monsters" by most; • You can cast faerie fire without expending a spell slot.
beholders, illithid, and similar creatures. Despite that, Volo Constitution is your spellcasting modifier for this spell.
also researched into the many differing variations present in You cannot cast it again until after you finish a long rest.
less monstrous beings.
Below are the results of those findings, ultimately cut from
the final guide. From bugbears to tritons, the following feats
Dictionary of Sounds
represent many subtle differences among members of the Prerequisite: Kenku
same species. By using your knack for memorization and your ability to
mimic voices, you can recite entire lectures verbatim. Choose

Feats one of the following skills; Arcana, History, Medicine,

Nature, or Religion.
The following optional feats are available for the listed races. When you take the Help action with the selected check, or
You must meet all a feat's requirements in order to take that another of the listed skills that you have proficiency in, the
creature can reroll one of its dice one time. You also gain this
benefit and can reroll once whenever you make an applicable
Bond with Serpent skill check. A creature can only benefit from this ability once
Prerequisite: Yuan-ti pureblood
per turn.
The snake gods' blessing allows you to cast the find You may add additional skills to those you can use this
familiar spell as a ritual and summon a snake familiar with ability with at your DM's option. Doing so would require
the fiend typing. effort similar to attending a class on the topic for several
When you choose to use the familiar's senses, you gain
months and would require a knowledgeable speaker to
direct control over the familiar and it regains its ability to take
the Attack action. memorize.
Additionally, if you drop to 0 hit points you can choose to
merge with your snake if it is in your space. If you do so your
body and anything it is wearing meld into the snake, and you
gain direct control of it. You can remain this way for 10
minutes and can revert to your own body with a bonus action.
You also revert if your familiar is reduced to 0 hit points.
When you change back you reappear in the snake's space,
unconscious and stabilized at 0 hit points. You must finish a
long rest before you can use this ability again.

Deadweight Toss
Prerequisite: Goliath
Years of wrestling with your kin in your youth have taught
you a few tricks when it comes to grappling. You gain the
following benefits:

Evergreen Lore Feline Obsession
Prerequisite: Firbolg Prerequisite: Tabaxi
Your deep connection to nature grants powers usually only Your obsessions are as fickle as the weather. Whenever you
known by the druids. You can now cast the detect magic spell finish a long rest, roll 1d12 on the following table. Until you
from your Firbolg Magic racial trait as a ritual. finish another long rest, any time you or a creature you assist
Additionally, choose two other 1st or 2nd level druid spells with the Help action makes the corresponding skill check, add
with the ritual tag. You can cast those spells as rituals as well. 2d4 as a bonus to the roll.
In your adventures you may learn more, as determined by
d12 Obsession
your DM, but you can never know more than 1 plus your
1 Arcana
Wisdom modifier at a time, not counting detect magic. 2 History
3 Medicine
4 Nature
5 Religion
6 Survival
7 Herbalism Kit
8 Thieves' Tools
9 Tinker's Tools
10 any one set of artisan's tools
11 any one musical instrument
12 any one gaming set

Giantkin Wrestler
Prerequisites: Firbolg or Goliath, Strength of 13 or higher
Your naturally large stature and Giant-like physique allow
you to easily match creatures larger than yourself in wrestling
and contests. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You gain proficiency in Athletics. If already proficient,
you now add your proficiency bonus twice instead of
• When grappling, you count as one size category larger
than you are.
• When grappling a single target your size or smaller, you
can use your action to pin them. You become prone, and
your target becomes prone and restrained. They may still
make checks to escape. The condition ends if you stop
grappling the target or stand up.

Legionnaire’s Command
Prerequisite: Hobgoblin
You are accustomed to barking orders to improve the
performance of your followers. As a reaction when a creature
you can see within 30 feet makes an attack roll or saving
throw, you can allow them to add a Leadership die, which is a
d4, to the roll.
A creature can benefit from this effect only once per turn.
You may use this ability twice, with spent uses recharging
after a short or long rest.

Orcish Omens
Prerequisites: Orc, Wisdom of 13 or higher
You are skilled at discerning the signs and messages of the
Orcish gods. At the end of a rest, you can spend 10 minutes

searching for omens of the gods. Orcs on Other Worlds
When you do so, roll 1d6 on the table below. The omen The omens listed in the Orcish Omens feat are based off of the
lasts for 8 hours or until it is used. After the omen ends, you gods listed in Volo's Guide to Monsters. However, orcs are found
on many worlds and some may lack a connection to the orcish
cannot gain a new omen until you have finished a long rest.
pantheon used here.
d6 Omen of… One particular example of this is in the world of Eberron,
1 Shargaas. Add 1d8 to one skill check. where the violent Gruumsh and his allies are absent and the orcs
2 Yurtrus. Add 1d8 to one saving throw. developed differently as a result. When playing in an Eberron
campaign, you might replace the various names of orcish gods
3 Luthic. Roll 1d8 and gain as temporary hit points.
with aspects of nature. This would reflect the lore of the orcish
4 Bahgtru. Add 1d8 to one damage die roll. Gatekeepers and represent the natural omens that guide the
5 Ilneval. Add 1d8 to one attack roll. druids in their struggle against aberrations from Khyber.
6 Gruumsh. Add 1d10 to any one roll, check, or save.

Purifying Constitution
Prerequisite: Triton
Poisons and toxins are common below the waves, and some
areas are even more befouled. To counteract this, you gain the
following benefits:
• Resistance to acid and poison damage.
• Advantage on saving throws to avoid becoming poi-
• You can rehydrate with either fresh or sea water.
• You can safely drink and rehydrate with any liquid so
long as it is of a drinkable temperature and is at least
50% water (such as muddied or polluted water, alcohol,
and similar liquids).

Speak with Head

Prerequisite: Bugbear
Through dedication to your gods, you have the ability to
coerce information out the remains of your fallen enemies.
You can cast the speak with dead spell once per long rest
without expending a spell slot.
The corpse you target must be a decapitated head, and the
spell otherwise functions as normal.

Swamp Masterwork
Prerequisite: Lizardfolk
You have exceptional crafting skill compared to your kin.
When using your Cunning Artisan trait you can choose to
make a greatclub, shortbow, blowgun, spear, longbow, or 1d4
arrows in addition to the normal options.
To make a greatclub, spear, or longbow the corpse you
harvest from must be Medium or larger, or you must have
access to two or more Small corpses. If you craft ammunition
from a Medium or larger corpse, you increase the number of
darts, blowgun needles, or arrows by an amount equal to your
proficiency bonus.

Toxic Bite • Simple Spiked Pit. After setting up a Simple Pit, the
Prerequisite: Lizardfolk spikes take 1 hour to carve and a DC 12 Strength check,
or a DC 10 check with woodcarver's tools.
Your clan's fangs are poisonous, allowing you to debilitate
creatures you bite. Whenever you use your Hungry Jaws trait, The DC to detect these traps is 10, and the DC to disarm
on a hit the victim must make a Constitution saving throw or them is 10 plus your Dexterity modifier.
be poisoned for one minute. The DC for this saving throw is
equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier. Virtuous Heritage
Additionally, you may now use your Hungry Jaws trait Prerequisite: Aasimar
twice before needing to take a short or long rest.
The divine energy in your soul burns brightly and allows you
Trap Tinkerer to harness divine magic with ease. You gain the following
Prerequisites: Kobold, proficiency in thieves' tools benefits, using Charisma as your spellcasting ability:

Time spent in your people's warrens has given you a great • You increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
appreciation for traps and great skill with trapmaking. • You can cast lesser restoration and one other spell once
Using these skills, you can rig certain tripwires, pressure each without expending a spell slot. Your other spell is
determined by your subrace; protector aasimar cast day-
plates, and similar mechanisms to be inactive, and then be
light, scourge aasimar cast silence, and fallen aasimar
easily activated again once you pass. The DC to do so is equal
cast darkness. You regain the ability to cast these spells
to the normal DC to disarm the trap plus 3. You can also set after you finish a long rest.
up the traps listed below (see Dungeon Master's Guide pages
120 to 123 for info on traps). Wild Booyahg
• Tripwire. Setting up the trap takes 10 minutes. The first Prerequisite: Goblin
to pass without spotting it must make a DC 10 Dexterity A spark of wild magic burns within your soul, not that you
save or fall prone. ever learned how to use it. As an action, you can unleash this
• Collapsing Roof. Destabilizing a roof requires 1 hour
spit of magic by rolling 1d20, then adding 1 + your level.
and a DC 15 check with mason's tools, setting up the trap
You immediately cause the rolled effect from the Wild
takes 10 minutes.
• Falling Net. Setting up the trap takes 10 minutes and Surge table of the Player's Handbook (pg. 104). You cannot
requires a net. use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
• Simple Pit. Digging a 10-foot-deep pit requires 1 hour
with digging implements, or 2 hours without. Setting up
the trap takes 10 minutes and a section of cloth.

NPC Feats Recommendations, not Requirements
As feats meant for DM use, you can loosen the restrictions on
them if it matches your narrative.
Perhaps a human villain serves as a loyal follower of the
BE YE NOT DECEIVED; SOME CREATURES ARE FAR MORE yuan-ti, and so has the Acolyte of Merrshaulk feat. They might
one day become a yuan-ti themselves, if their mission goes well.
terrifying and powerful than you have seen, lad.
Or, if they fail, they might be made into a yuan-ti broodguard
— Elminster, note on first draft of Volo's Guide (pg. 203, Volo's Guide) instead. The sky is the limit!
If you allow players to use these feats, however, it is strongly
While Volo's draft compiles many common oddities and suggested that you maintain the listed requirements and limits,
special abilities, some even rarer variations also exist. The as without them many of these feats would be far too powerful
sage Elminster noted the basics of some on the early draft of for a player character.
Volo's Guide.
Though cut from the final product like their counterparts Some of the feats below allow a NPC to mimic an existing
above, these feats can turn even the most unimpressive beings monster, such as with the Fury of the Demonborn feat and the
into formidable foes or powerful allies. tanarukk (pg. 186, Volo's Guide) or Nascent Fiend feat and
the barghest (pg. 123, Volo's Guide). In cases where altering
the original statblock would be too tedious, this can help
Using these Feats achieve a similar effect.
The feats presented below are best used with major, recurring
antagonists or party companions. A hobgoblin mage who is
going to reappear at 3rd, 7th, and 15th level will need to keep
pace with the party, and grow in power accordingly.
By using these feats in place of ones available to normal
player characters, you can strengthen the NPC's bonds to their
culture and simultaneously differentiate them from the player
characters themselves.

Adding Feats to Monsters

There are several ways to use the feats listed below. The first
is to include them as additions to existing monster statblocks.
When adding a feat to an existing statblock, most can be
considered to increase the creature's Challenge Rating by 1. If
the creature normally has a CR below 1, adding a feat instead
doubles the original CR value.
As an example, the Acolyte of Dendar feat can be used to
modify the yuan-ti pureblood (pg. 310, Monster Manual),
reflecting that creature's affinity for one of their gods over
others. In this case, the yuan-ti pureblood would simply add
the effects of the feat to its statblock and increase its CR to 2.
Such a pureblood would make an ideal follower for a yuan-ti
nightmare speaker (pg. 205, Volo's Guide) and might even
become one themselves later in your campaign.
Feats from the Player's Handbook or Xanathar's Guide to
Everything, as well as those listed above, can also be used in
this way. Some noncombat feats can even be added without
any change in CR at all.

Other Methods
In addition to adding these feats to existing creatures, you can
also use them when building a NPC manually, without using a
This method has merits when used for a recurring character
who grows in power alongside the player characters. By using
the same systems as the player characters, the NPC can more
easily keep pace with the player characters.

Feats You may use this ability once, regaining the ability to do so
The following optional feats are available for the listed races. when you finish a long rest. If you have spell slots, you may
You must meet all of a feat's requirements in order to take also expend one of 3rd level or higher to use this effect.
that feat.
Acolyte of Merrshaulk
Acolyte of Dendar Prerequisites: Yuan-ti pureblood, Charisma of 15 or higher,
Prerequisites: Yuan-ti pureblood, Charisma of 15 or higher, neutral evil
neutral evil
You revere Merrshaulk, Master of the Pit, even in his current
You revere Dendar the Night Serpent, one of the yuan-ti gods
comatose and dormant state.
with dominion over sleep, dreams, and nightmares.
As an action, you can choose up to three creatures you can
As an action you can target a creature you can see within 30
see within 30 feet. Each creature must make a Constitution
feet, creating an intangible apparition of their greatest fear.
saving throw with a DC equal to 10 plus your Charisma
The target must make an Intelligence saving throw with a DC
modifier. Creatures immune to the charmed condition are
equal to 10 plus your Charisma modifier.
On a failure the target takes 2d4 psychic damage and is
On a failure, the target falls into a deep slumber and is
frightened of the apparition, believing it to be real. The target
unconscious for 10 minutes. A sleeping creature awakens if it
may re-attempt the saving throw at the end of each of its
takes damage or if someone uses an action to wake it.
turns, taking another 2d4 psychic damage if they fail the
You may use this ability once, regaining the ability to do so
saving throw, or ending the effect on a success. Otherwise,
when you finish a long rest. If you have spell slots, you may
this effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose concentration
also expend one of 3rd level or higher to use this effect.
(as if concentrating on a spell).

Blessing of Skiggaret Dragonheart
Prerequisite: Bugbear Prerequisites: Kobold, lawful evil, allegiance to a chromatic
dragon of CR 13 or higher
When faced with danger, your resolve sometimes suddenly
abandons you. No matter your bravery, in that moment you Your draconic master has gifted you with power that reflects
become a coward willing to do anything to survive. their own. You gain the following benefits:
As a reaction to taking damage that reduces you to any
• You increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of
amount less than half your maximum hit points, you can 20.
become possessed by the spirit of Skiggaret. Once you use • You gain resistance to the damage type dealt by your
this reaction, you must finish a short or long rest before you draconic master's breath weapon.
may do so again. • Whenever you are frightened or paralyzed, you can re-
The grim god's "blessing" grants you increased survival make the saving throw for that effect at the beginning of
skills. For 1 minute, you change in the following ways: your turn. If you succeed, you end the effect on yourself
and any ally within 30 feet of you. Once you succeed on
• As a reaction to taking damage, you can halve the one of these attempts you cannot do so again until you
amount of damage you take from that source. finish a short or long rest.
• You can take the Dash, Disengage, and Hide actions as
bonus actions on your turn. Special Drawback. Due to gaining this power from your
• You gain proficiency in the Stealth and Survival skills. If draconic master, they can revoke these benefits at any time.
you are already proficient, you instead add your profi- When the dragon orders you to perform a task, you are
ciency bonus twice to any Stealth or Survival checks. expected to do so quickly and without complaint.
• You are frightened of all creatures you can see and must
use your turn to flee or hide from them. Fury of the Demonborn
Prerequisites: Orc, Constitution of 15 or higher, chaotic evil
Devastator Graduate
Long ago, one of your ancestors was tainted by demonic
Prerequisites: Hobgoblin, Intelligence or Charisma of 15 or
influence, likely from the demon lord Baphomet. That taint
higher, at least one Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard spell
slot of 3rd level or higher has returned in you, causing you to change in the following
You were trained in the Academy of Devastation, learning the
techniques of hobgoblin devastators. You gain the following • You can increase your Strength and Constitution by a
benefits: combined 4 points. This increase may not bring a score
above 20.
• Once per turn you can deal an extra 2d6 damage to a • Your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma all decrease
creature you hit with a damaging spell attack, provided by 4 each, to a minimum of 8.
the target is within 5 feet of one of your allies who is not • You have advantage on saving throws against spells and
incapacitated. other magical effects.
• You learn one of the following spells, provided you have • You gain resistance to fire and poison damage.
a spell slot capable of casting it: fog cloud, magic mis- • As a reaction to being hit by a melee attack, you can
sile, thunderwave, gust of wind, Melf's acid arrow, or immediately make one melee weapon attack with ad-
scorching ray. The spell counts as a spell of your highest vantage against your attacker.
level spellcasting class but does not count against any
maximum spells known limit. Special Drawback. You gain the fiend typing with the
demon tag. You no longer count as native to the Material
Plane, and instead treat the Abyss as your native plane.

Nascent Fiend
Prerequisites: Goblin, neutral evil
Rather than a true goblin, you are actually a dread barghest in
disguise. Though your shapeshifting has yet to fully manifest,
you can still assume a terrible fiendish form. You change in
the following ways:
• You increase your Strength by 2, to a maximum of 20.
• You gain resistance to cold, fire, and lightning damage.
• You can use your action to transform into a barghest
(pg. 123 of Volo's Guide). You remain in this state for 1
hour, and do not transform back if you die. While trans-

formed, you can take 1 minute to consume the body of a Urd Wings
goblinoid you killed within the last 10 minutes, consum- Prerequisite: Kobold
ing its soul as well. You may shapeshift in this way once
Rather suddenly, you have grown a pair of urd wings. Besides
per short rest.
being disorientating and quite painful, the wings have allowed
• You gain a special weakness to fire; whenever you begin
you to take to the skies with a fly speed of 30 feet.
your turn inside a fire at least 10 feet high or wide, you
Any armor or clothing you wear must be accommodated to
must make a DC 15 Charisma check or be instantly ban-
fit your wings. You can still wear a backpack but cannot wear
ished to Gehenna.
any other unmodified clothing or armor.
Special Drawback. If you devour 17 goblinoid souls, you
Finally, your new status as a winged kobold has made other
are summoned back to Gehenna during your next long rest. kobolds dislike you for no apparent reason. They will not
The General of Gehenna might order you to stay at his side or attack, but you have disadvantage on Charisma checks with
with a lieutenant, or he might gift you additional power and them.
release you back onto the Material Plane.
You may take this feat again if you already have it. When
you do so, you replace your statistics with that of a barghest.
You retain any class features and can use them all in goblin
form but may or may not be able to do so in your fiend form.
Shadow of Tyranny These feats are original creations based on monsters and player
Prerequisites: Hobgoblin, Dexterity of 15 or higher character options presented in Volo's Guide to Monsters and are
intended to be similar to the feats presented in Xanathar's Guide
You were trained by the Iron Shadows, the secret police of to Everything.
Maglubiyet. You gain the following benefits: Further Reading. For more on the lore behind the mentioned
creatures, check out Volo's Guide to Monsters, which also has
• You can cast the expeditious retreat and silent image
game statistics for various monsters along with racial traits for
spells once each without expending a spell slot. You re-
each option. It is available at many bookstores and some online
gain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
platforms, including
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability score for these About the Author. The author is a staunch 2nd Edition
spells. enthusiast who loves complaining about the removal of Level
• As an action you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to Drain just to freak his players out, and yet is simultaneously
an unoccupied space you can see. Both your starting relieved that 5th Edition was designed the way it was. Check out
space and your destination must be in dim light or dark- for more creations and adaptations!
ness. Once you do this you must finish a short rest before
you may do so again.

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