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Module 3 evaluation
Teacher´s name:

Listening section

1.- Listen to the four conversation in a store, check the true statement for each conversation.

Conversation 1 Conversation 2
a) He´s buying a hat for his mother. a) Baseball caps are $ 12.95
b) He´s buying a present for his girlfriend b) Caps are $ 9.25
c) He´s looking for his scarf c) Gloves are $12.95
Conversation 3 Conversation 4

a) She´s looking for a dressy skirt a) She wants to buy something casual
b) She wants something comfortable b) She wants to buy a fun skirt
c) She´s looking for pants c) She needs to buy some jeans

2.- Listen to Kayo and Nick talk. Check true or false for each sentence.

1. There´s only one good Greek restaurant in the city T F

2. Nick can speak a little Greek T F
3. Nick can play the Bouzouki and the guitar T F
4. Nick plays the Bouzouki in a band T F
1.- Complete the phone message. Use the present continuous and contractions.

Hi Rick. This is Jennifer. I ______________ (call) from home. I hope you _______________ (not
work) today. My friend Alicia _____________ (visit) from Los Angeles. It _______________(rain)
and it´s cold, so we _______________ (not go out). Do you want to come over? Give me a call.

2.- Answer the questions.

1.- Are you getting enough sleep these days?

2.- How much is your brother/sister studying this semester?
3.- What are your parents doing these days?
4.- Are you spending a lot of time with your friends?
5.- Is your best friend playing any sport this year?
6.- what are you doing for exercise these days?
7.- Is your best friend playing a lot these days?
8.- Are you studying English hard?
9.- Are eating well?
10.- How is your English class going?

3.- Classify the sport into the correct category.

a) Swimming g) Skiing
b) Soccer h) Biking
c) Basketball i) Tennis
d) Karate j) Bowling
e) Aerobics k) Running
f) Yoga l) surfing


4.- Unscramble the following vocabulary.

a) irtshatswe _____________ h) ansje__________________
b) itsu __________________ i) ntspaeatsw_____________
c) pot __________________ j) dicargan_______________
d) ntspa_________________ k) -irttsh_________________
e) ressd _________________ l) eeasnrs_______________
f) elshe ghhi______________ m) cketja_________________
g) iet____________________ n) kirts__________________

5.- Classify the previous vocabulary into formal and informal clothes.

Formal clothes Informal clothes

6.- Complete the conversation. Use the words in parenthesis and use the correct6 form of the verb
1.- a) What kind of clothes _________________(you/like/wear) to work?
b) Actually, I _______________ (have/wear) a uniform.
2.- a) I need to go shopping today ____________(you/need/buy) anything at the mall?
b) yeah, I ________________(want/get) a couple of things. Let´s go after class.
3.- a) ________________ (your teacher/have/wear) a suit to work?
b) No, he doesn´t, but he _______________ (have/look) good.
7.- Circle the correct words to complete the questions and statements.

1. 2.-

a) How much are this/these shoes? a) How much is this/these tie?

b) It´s /They´re $29.95 b) It´s/They´re $25.99

3.- 4.-

a) How much is that/those sweater? a) How much are these/those jeans?

b) It´s /They´re $52.50 b) It´s /They´re $ 18.00

8.- Match the questions with the answers.

1. What can you see from the top of the Empire State a) Let´s go this afternoon
Building? _____
2. When can we a show? _____ b) You can see the Statue of Liberty
3. Where can you get a view of the city? ______ c) Yes. There are usually a lot of seats
4. Can we take the bus tour at 10:00 today? _____ d) well, you can get a good view from
the hotel.
9.- Write a short paragraph about the activities that a tourist can or can´t do.

10.- Complete the sentences with countries, nationalities or language.

1.- My father is from Turkey but he can´t speak _________________.

2.- My favorite ____________ Chocolate store is Mon Chocolate. Their chocolate is from France.
3.- My best friend is from Germany but she doesn´t like __________________music.
4.- I love Chinese silk, but this silk isn´t from ___________________.
5.- My best friend is Canadian, but she doesn´t live in ________________.

11.- Read and answer.


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