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English Test

6th Year

Part 1 - Listening

A. Listen to the dialogue and tick (✔) the correct option.

1. Diana and Matt were on a school trip last
a) year. b) week. c) weekend.

2. Legoland Discovery Centre is in

a) Vancouver. b) Ottawa . c) Toronto.

3. Matt loved the… adventure.

a) NinjaGo city b) NinjaGo land c) NinjaGo town

4. Diana preferred the

a) Minibus. b) Minibuilding. c) Miniland.

5. There were banks, bridges and… in that place.

a) restaurants b) hospitals c) railway stations

B. Listen and tick (✔) all the city activities that you hear in the text.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.
Part 2- Reading
A - Read the text.
My city
My name is Charlotte and I’m from Brighton. It’s a
beautiful city in the south of England. It’s great to live
here! I’ve got lots of friends and I love my school. We
always do really interesting stuff. I am in the Eating for
Life school club and there was a fantastic school picnic
on the beach last Friday. There was a fire and lots of
delicious grilled fish. There were vegetarian sandwiches
and fruit juices. There wasn’t any fast food but there
was fruit salad and yoghurt for dessert.
There was a student, Josh, playing the guitar brilliantly. There were
students and teachers dancing and singing.
We were all very happy because the picnic was awesome.

B - Complete the table.

1. Name
2. Country
3. Nationality
4. City
5. School club

C - Complete the sentences.

1. Charlotte lives in the south of England in a ____________ ____________.
2. There was a fantastic ____________ ____________ on the beach.
3. There wasn’t any ____________ ____________.
4. There was ____________ ____________ playing the guitar brilliantly.
5. The picnic was awesome, so they were all ____________ ____________.

D - Answer the questions.

1. Were there any teachers singing and dancing?_____________________________
2. What was there for dessert? ___________________________________________
3. Why were they very happy? ___________________________________________
Part 3- Vocabulary
E. Label the places in the city.

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. _____________

F. Match the pictures with the activities in the city. Write the correct letter next to the pictures.
a) wash the car b) walk the dog c) visit a museum
d) try different food e) see a play f) go to the stadium

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Part 4 - Grammar
G - Complete the sentences with there to be in the Past Simple.
1. Yesterday ________________ a school visit to the museum.
2. ________________ lots of people at the Zoo.
3. ________________ any kids singing? Yes, ________________.
4. ________________ (not) any balloons at the restaurant but ________________ music.
5. ________________ a rock concert last Saturday? No, ________________.
6. Last Saturday ________________ (not) a birthday party but ________________ a pyjama

H - Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verb to be.
1. João ______________ in Porto with his schoolmates last week.
2. His parents ______________ (not) there. They ______________ in Lisbon.
3. When ______________ he born? He ______________ born on 7th April.
4. His schoolmates ______________ very happy because they were in the north.
5. My sister ___________ (not) at the library this morning. She ___________ at the bank.
I - Fill in the gaps with the correct past simple form of there + to be.
1. In the past _________________ a post office next to the bank but
_________________ (not) a shopping centre.
2. _________________ a railway station near the library? – No, _________________.
3. _________________ (not) any banks but ____________ two hospitals.
4. _________________ some parks but _________________ (not) a stadium.

J. Write the past simple of the verbs.

1. play ___________________ 5. arrive _________________
2. watch _________________ 6. try ___________________
3. stop __________________ 7. visit __________________
4. travel _________________ 8. walk __________________

K. Write a text about a city tour you did last year (35-50 words). (It doesn’t have to be real.)
Don’t forget to mention:
• the city you visited;
• who was with you;
• the places you visited there;
• what you did;
• your opinion about it.


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