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Objectives/Intended Learning Outcomes(CAP)

a. to learn about the procedures on how to make a business proposal (knowledge)

b. to know on how to deal in rejection of the business proposal (affective)
c. to make a business proposal (ugwang product na outcome)

II. Subject
A. Topic
Business Proposal
B. Reference
Anatomy of Business Plan by: Linda Pinson
page 36-40
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory
the teacher will conduct the prayer attendance and the recap of the lesson
B. Lesson proper
1. Motivation
the teacher will ask the students one by one if what business they want to put
up some day
2. Pre-Activities
the teacher will ask the students to group themselves and share their respective
plans about their planned business
3. Activity
the teacher will let the students choose their desired business among the
students who shared in their group and make a plan on it
4. Post Activity
the teacher will discuss on how to learn the procedures in making a business
5. Conceptualization
the teacher will ask the students if what would be the possible effects in dealing
some rejections in making a business plan
6. Application
the teacher will let the students make a business proposal

IV. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

the teacher will check the business proposal that the students made earlier
V. Assignment
1. bring some materials that is connected to your business proposal for the physical
demonstration of the product
Prepared by:

Instructional materials:
The teacher will use laptop, projector and business proposal discussion

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