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1. Choose the one best option – marked A, B, C, and D ti fill in the blank spaces so as to
make the test coherent.
Homework is an important part of the learning process in middle school. One reason is that
homework gives students additional practice of skills covered in class. Middle school classes are
too short to teach a new concept and practice it sufficiently for students to master. Students need
both guided ………in class and independent practice at home. Another reason for homework is
that it provides time to complete longer assignments. For example, the ideal composition process
allows time for students to think and to reflect on their ideas, as well as time to revise and to
proofread their writing. Also, reports and special projects often require research that cannot always
be done at school. In addition, since all students do not work at the same speed, (X)……..students
time at home to finish work keeps them from falling behind. Finally, the most important reason for
homework is that it ensures review. New material and old material are practiced in daily
assignments. Students who do their homework daily are prepared for tests and make better grades.
In conclusion, ……… to mastering new skills and maintaining previously learned skills, but it
also guarantees constant review and provides time for longer assignments, as well as additional
time for students who need it.
X = ………….
a. To give b. Gives c. Giving d. Given
2. Choose the best answer marked A, B, C, and D- to each question
Less than 24 hours after California ……… to same-sex couples, lawyers for the sponsors of the
state's gay marriage ban …………. On Saturday asking the U.S. Supreme Court to step in and
stop the weddings. Attorneys with the Arizona-based Alliance Defending Freedom claim in the
petition that the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (X) ………..on Friday when it allowed gay
marriage to resume by lifting a hold it had placed on same-sex unions while a lawsuit challenging
the ban made its way to and through the Supreme Court.
X = ……..
a. Actively, prematurely, and unfairly. c. Acted prematurely and unfairly
b. An unfair premature action d. Did unfairly premature actions.
3. Choose the one best option – marked A, B, C, and D to fill in the blank spaces so as to
make the test coherent.
Homework is an important part of the learning process in middle school. One reason is that
homework gives students additional practice of skills covered in class. Middle school classes are
too short to teach a new concept and practice it sufficiently for students to master. Students need
both guided ………in class and independent practice at home. Another reason for homework is
that it provides time to complete longer assignments. For example, the ideal composition process
allows time for students to think and to reflect on their ideas, as well as time to revise and to
proofread their writing. Also, reports and special projects often require research that cannot
always be done at school. In addition, since all students do not work at the same speed,
……..students time at home to finish work keeps them from falling behind. Finally, the most
important reason for homework is that it ensures review. New material and old material are
practiced in daily assignments. Students who do their homework daily are prepared for tests and
make better grades. In conclusion, (X) ……… to mastering new skills and maintaining
previously learned skills, but it also guarantees constant review and provides time for longer
assignments, as well as additional time for students who need it.
a. Only homework is not essential. c. Not only is homework essential
b. Not only homework is essential d. Homework is not only essential
4. SangduenChallert has elephants on her mind. She works tirelessly to keep the elephant
population in Thailand from Dwindling to drastic levels. “Thai elephants are under serious
threat. Unless they are promptly and appropriately protected, they might only exist in books
and photos in the near future” says Sangduen.
Sangduen was bom into a remote mountain community in northem Thailand 47 years ago. Her
love of the pachyderm began when she was very young. She was just a teenager when she first
saw elephants being used for commercial logging along the thai-Burmese border. The
experience changed her life.
In 1996, sangduen together with her family, founded the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai.
Today, the park is supported by Sangduen’s family tour business which runs educational and
environment trips as well as a travel website. The main objective of the park is to provide a
sanctuary for elephants to live peacefully in their natural environment. Thirty rescued elephants
of all ages are currently under the park’s care. The disabled, orphan or blind elephants are
mostly rescued from private owners, and fees are negotiated to enable them to join the park’s
Sangduen’s latest project is to remove elephants from urban cities and bring them back to the
natural environment. At present, thousands of elephants wander around big cities like Bangkok
with mahouts (elephant caretaker) seeking donations from tourist or the public.
Sangduen also plans to open an elephant center in Surin. Thailand’s northeastern province
considered to be the primary home of indigenous elephants. The new sanctuary will serve as
another alternative for mahouts to bring their elephants back home to nature.
“The Reader’s Digest recognition is a great honor for me. It shows that society cares about the
survival of the elephants,” she adds.
The following are sangduen’s in founding the elephant nature park Expect……….
a. To educate visitors coming to the site.
b. To provide a home for indigenous elephants
c. To facilitate to bring their elephants back to nature
d. To satisfy tourist hunger for information about pachyderms.
5. Erosion is regarded as the physical removal of soil by water and wind and the deterrioration of
all parts of the habitat in which man and his crop and livestock have to exist. Since there is no
conclusive evidence to any major climate change to explain this deterioration, we must
conclude that erosion has been due primarily to thoughtless destruction of the vegetative cover.
This has led to deterioration of the microclimate above and below the surface, generally in the
direction of a general drying out of the soil, and to the loss of organic matter in the soil, and to
the loss of organic matter in the soil thus reducing its capacity to resist erosion by conserving
the water that falls on the surface. If everything possible is done to conserve the vegetation, this
will also ensure optimal conservation of soil and water.
It is pointed out in the text that the loss of organic matter in the soil…….
a. Is an irreversible process.
b. Is a direct result of insufficient rain
c. Has made the soil more susceptible to erosion
d. Let to the destruction of the vegetative cover
6. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
By the time a child is six or seven she has all the essential avoidances well enough by heart to
be trusted with the care of a younger child. And she also develops a number of simple
techniques. She learns to weave firm square balls from palm leaves, to make pinwheels of palm
leaves, to climb a coconut tree by walking up the trunk on flexible little feet, to break open a
coconut with one firm well-directed blow of a knife, to play a number of group games and sing
the song, to tidy the house by picking up the litter on the story floor, to go to neighboring house
and bring back a lighted faggot for the cook-house fire. But in the case of the little girls all
these tasks are merely supplementary to the main business of baby-tending. Very small boys
also have some care of the younger children, but at eight or nine years of age they are usually
relieved of it. Whatever rough edges have not been smoothed off by this responsibility for
younger children are worm off by their contact with older boys.
Little boys are admitted to interesting and important activities only so long as long as their
behavior is circumspect and helpful. Where small girls are brusquely pushed aside, small boys
will be patiently tolerated and they become adept at making themselves useful. The four or five
little boys who all wish to assist at the business of helping a grown youth lasso reel eels,
organize themselves into a highly efficient working team; one boy holds the bait, another holds
an extra lasso, others poke eagerly about in holes in the reef looking for prey, while still
another tucks the captured eels into his lavalava. The small girls, burdened with heavy babies
or the care of little staggererswho are too small to adventure on the reef, discouraged by the
hostility of the small boys and the scorn of the older ones, have little opportunity for learning
the more adventurous forms of work and play. So while the little boys first undergo the
chastening effects of baby-tending and then have many opportunities to learn effective
cooperation under the supervision of older boys, the girls’ education is less comprehensive.
They have a high standard of individual responsibility, but the community provides them with
no lessons in cooperation with one another. This is particularly apparent in the activities of
young people: the boys organize quickly; the girl’s waste hours in bickering, innocent of any
technique for quick and efficient cooperation.
The primary purpose of the text with reference to the society under discussion is to:
a. Give a comprehensive account of a day in the life of an average young girls
b. Explain some differences in the upbringing of girls and boys.
c. Show that young girls are trained to be useful to adults.
d. Criticize the deficiencies in the education of girls
7. The expression innocent of the text is best mean….
a. Unskilled in b. Unsuited for c. Uninvolved in d. Uninterested in
8. Tana Toraja is located in the northern part of the South Sulawesi Province. Toraja is a name of .
. . of the mountainous regions of the northern part of the South Peninsula, which have remained
isolated until quite recently. Torajans are famous for (X) . . . Torajan houses are compound
buildings that consist of traditional houses (Tongkonan) and rice storage buildings (Lumbung).
The buildings are . . . The ornament is painted with traditional colors dominated with the black
and red colors. All of them create the aesthetic value of the buildings of Torajan houses. The
word “Tongkonan” is a name derived from the Toraja word for ‘to sit’. It literally means the
place where family members meet to discuss important affairs, to take part in ceremonies and .
. . of the house.
X = ……
a. Their massive peaked – roof houses c. Their peaked – roof massive houses
b. Their massively peaked – roof houses d. Their roof – peaked massive houses.
9. Customer : Can I....., please?
Shop assistant : Yes, madam, please come this way.
Customer : Have you got a bigger size.
Shop assistant : Yes, we’ve (X) ........
Customer : Is there a cheaper one?
Shop assistant : Well, there is, but it is not the same quality, of course.
Customer : I’d like a different color.
Shop assistant : ...... that’s the only color we’ve got.
X = ……………
a. Had a 20 size c. Got a size of 20
b. Had size 20 d. Had got a 20 size
10. Choose the best answer marked A, B, C, and D- to each question
Less than 24 hours after California ……… to same-sex couples, lawyers for the sponsors of the
state's gay marriage ban (X)…………. On Saturday asking the U.S. Supreme Court to step in
and stop the weddings. Attorneys with the Arizona-based Alliance Defending Freedom claim in
the petition that the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals………..on Friday when it allowed gay
marriage to resume by lifting a hold it had placed on same-sex unions while a lawsuit
challenging the ban made its way to and through the Supreme Court.
X = ………….
a. Moved an emergency file c. Emerged a moving file
b. Filed an emergency motion d. Moved a filed emergence
11. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.


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In what section of a newspaper will you find this text…

a. Entertainment b. Human interest c. Front page d. Classified ad
12. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
“A seller at Hay Market tried to put something over on me when I was buying the fruit she was
The Italicized phrase means …….
a. Lie to c. Discredit
b. Deceive d. Influence
13. You can experience the fun of canoeing and water-skiing at Poka-Rumahtiga Beach, just 21 km
from Ambon. Another places that is …….. is the Tanjung Marthafons Beach which is also
located 21 km from Ambon. There, facilities for canoeing, water-skiing and sail-boating are
available. To experience the beauty of coral reefs, you can go to Amuhusa Beach on Ambon
bay. (X)……. The fun and beauty that you’ll never forget at Ambon.
a. To experience b. Experience c. Experienced
d. Experiencing

14. A guy drives into a ditch, but luckily, a farmer is there to help. He hitches his horse, Buddy,
up to the car and yells, “Pull, Nellie, Pull!” Buddy doesn’t move. Pull, Buster, Pull!” Buddy
doesn’t budge. “Pull, Coco, Pull!” Nothing. Then the farmers says,”Pull, Buddy, Pull!” and
the horse drags the car out of the ditch. Curious, the motorist asks the farmer why he kept
calling his horse by the wrong name. “buddy’s blind.” Said the farmer. “and he thought he
was the only one pulling, he wouldn’t even try.”

How many names did the farmer have to call before the horse pulled the car out of the ditch?
a. 6 names c. 4 names
b. 5 names d. 3 names
Dark chocolate contains hefty amounts of disease-fighting flavonoids, anti-oxidants also
found in red wine and lots of different fruit and vegetables. In fact, it appears to have
more flavonoids than any other food. Studies find its anti-oxidants can significantly
improve blood pressure, prevent blood clots, slow the oxidation of LDL cholesterol
(making it less likely to stick to artery walls) and reduce inflammation. Some research
suggests that eating a few squares a day can cut heart attack risk by 10 per cent. Eating
dark chocolate can also lower insulin resistance, the main problem behind diabetes.

Where can flavonoids mostly be found?

a. In any species of chocolate c. In chocolate, wine, fruit, and vegetables
b. In wine, fruit, and vegetables d. In dark chocolate and beverages
16. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
“A lot of people are taken in by the bright and elegant appearance of the man.”
The italicized phrase means…………..
a. Underestimated b. Perceived c. Received d. Deceived
17. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
“ Although some jokes are funny in any language, many cannot be translated very well.”
This sentence can be rewritten as “…..”
a. Every language has some funny jokes
b. Jokes that are funny cannot be translated
c. When jokes are translated they are funny
d. Some jokes can be translated very well, but many cannot.
18. TanaToraja is located in the northern part of the South Sulawesi Province. Toraja is a name of .
. . of the mountainous regions of the northern part of the South Peninsula, which have remained
isolated until quite recently. Torajans are famous for . . . Torajan houses are compound
buildings that consist of traditional houses (Tongkonan) and rice storage buildings (Lumbung).
The buildings are . . . The ornament is painted with traditional colors dominated with the black
and red colors. All of them create the aesthetic value of the buildings of Torajan houses. The
word “Tongkonan” is a name derived from the Toraja word for ‘to sit’. It literally means the
place where family members meet to discuss important affairs, to take part in ceremonies and
(X) . . . . of the house.
X = ………….
a. To make arrangements for the c. Make arrangement to do to do
refurbishment refurbishing
b. To do arrangements for making the d. Do arrangements to make
refurbishment refurbishment
19. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
In the words of Thomas DeQuency. “It is notorious that the memory strengthens as you lay
burdens upon it. “ If, like most people, you have trouble recalling the names of those you have
just met, try this. The next time you are introduced, plan to remember the names.Say to
yourself.I’ll listen carefully. I’ll repeat each person’s name to be sure I’ve got it, and i will
remember.” You’ll discover how effective this technique is and probably recall those names for
the rest of your life.
The main idea of the passage is that the memory……
a. Improves if it is used often c. Breaks down under great strain
b. Becomes unreliable if it tires d. Always operates at peak efficiency
… the Jakarta Post’s English writing workshop for professionals
Writing in English has become an essential everyday task for business executives and (X)…….
Whether it is sending out e-mails and office memos, or preparing report.
Unfortunately, examples of poor or ineffective writing are all around. Don’t let the intimidation
factor of writing in English stop you (X) ….. of communication in today’s workplace.
Learn the skills to develop writing skills and the habit of writing in English with the Jakarta.

X = ………….
a. Other professions c. Another professional
b. Other professionals d. Another profession
21. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
Using starchy potatoes will give the soup a creamier texture. For a lovely green hue, process
the soup with some chopped fresh parsley.
1⁄4 cup (60 ml) olive oil
3 slice bread crusts removed, then cut into 1 cm cubes
1 brown onion chopped
2 leeks white part only, washed well and sliced
2 clove garlic crushed
4 large potatoes (750 g) peeled and cut into 2 cm cubes
4 cup (1 litre) chicken or vegetable stock ground white pepper, to taste
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
3. Pour half the olive oil into a bowl, add the bread cubes and toss until well coated.
4. Spread the bread cubes over the baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until the
croutons are light golden brown.
5. Leave to cool.Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.
6. Sauté the onion and leeks for 4-5 minutes, or until soft.
7. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute, then add the potatoes, stock and 2 cups (500 ml)
water and bring to the boil.
8. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 20-25 minutes, or until the vegetables are
soft.Using a hand-held blender or food processor, purée the soup until smooth.
9. Season with salt and ground white pepper, then ladle into warm bowls and top with the
croutons.Kitchen wisdom To prepare leeks, rinse well, then chop off the roots, green
outer leaves and tops, leaving only the white stalk.
10. Cut in half lengthwise, hold the root end firmly, then fan the layers open and rinse under
running water to release any sand or grit.Variations Add chopped bacon to the soup when
frying the onion and leek.
11. Alternatively, fry or grill thin slices of prosciutto until crisp, then shred and serve on top
of the soup.
12. You can also replace the potatoes with orange sweet potatoes.

The main reason to use starchy potatoes in preparing the soup is that …….
a. It is relatively easy to prepare c. It causes the soup looks lovely green
b. It will make the soup looks creamy d. It is easy to mix it with chopped parsley

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