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World culture/ Language summary

Unit Language focus Vocabulary Skills Pronunciation Task Language live and practice

01 Continuous verb forms

Introducing points in an
Reading: Urbanisation: is
there a solution?
Varieties of English Give tips on learning a
language well
Language live
Writing: A report
Language summary 01, page 112
Grammar practice 01, page 114
GLOBAL LIVING argument Listening: English in a Preparation: Listening Listening: Varieties of Vocabulary practice 01, page 152
page 06 changing world and reading English
Task: Speaking

02 Perfect verb forms

Cleft sentences
Advertising and emotions
Reading: Expressing
emotions across the world
Word stress Describe a story that
provokes strong emotions
World culture:
Luxury superbrands
Language summary 02, page 116
Grammar practice 02, page 119
STRONG EMOTION Wordspot: Idioms with Listening: Advertising and Preparation: Listening Vocabulary practice 02, page 153
page 16 laugh, cry and tears emotions and speaking
Task: Speaking
Follow up: Writing

03 Time and tense

Inversion with negative
Money and enterprise
Wordspot: worth
Reading: But are they
worth it?
Decide which project to
Language live
Speaking: Describing
Language summary 03, page 120
Grammar practice 03, page 122
IN THE MONEY adverbials Listening: The case of Preparation: Reading and quantities Vocabulary practice 03, page 154
page 26 Stella Liebeck vocabulary Writing:
Task: Speaking Summarising
Follow up: Writing statistics

04 Patterns with comparatives

and superlatives
Listening: Fitness
Reading: Dear Me …
Accuracy Decide who wins the
World culture:
Three minutes of
Language summary 04, page 124
Grammar practice 04, page 126
SELF-HELP Adjectives Wordspot: Body idioms Preparation: Listening exercise Vocabulary practice 04, page 155
page 36 Task: Speaking
Follow up: Writing

05 Modals and related verbs

Patterns with abstract
Polite social behaviour
Reading: Image
Listening: Communication
Intonation of phrases
for getting people to do
Deal with a problem
Language live
Writing: Asking
Language summary 05, page 128
Grammar practice 05, page 130
HOW YOU COME nouns and relative clauses Communication skills something Preparation: Reading and people to do things Vocabulary practice 05, page 156
ACROSS vocabulary by email
page 46 Task: Speaking Speaking: Getting
Follow up: Writing people to do things

Communication activities page 106, Language summary and grammar practice page 112,
Vocabulary practice page152, Audio scripts page 162

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World culture/ Study, Practice &
Unit Language focus Vocabulary Skills Pronunciation Task Remember
Language live

06 Use and non-use of the

Reading: Learning: fact or
Stress on particles Teach a practical skill
Preparation: Vocabulary
World culture:
Teaching happiness
Language summary 06, page 132
Grammar practice 06, page 134
LIVE AND LEARN Particles which modify Listening: Schooldays and listening Vocabulary practice 06, page 157
page 56 meaning Task: Speaking
Follow up: Writing

07 Adding emphasis with

auxiliaries and inversion
Descriptive adjectives
Listening: Fashion
Emphasis with auxiliaries
and inversion
Rant or rave
Preparation: Listening
Language live
Writing: An online
Language summary 07, page 136
Grammar practice 07, page 138
TASTE Adverbs Wordspot: look, sound and Reading: There’s no Task: Speaking review Vocabulary practice 07, page 158
page 66 feel accounting for taste – or is Follow up: Writing Speaking: Comment
there? adverbials

08 Describing typical habits

Infinitives and -ing forms
Characteristics and
Listening: Leaving home
Reading: A bluffer’s guide
Stress in compound
Choose celebrities for a
charity trek
World culture:
Running a large
Language summary 08, page 140
Grammar practice 08, page 142
LIVE AND LET LIVE Compound phrases Wordspot: just to men and women Preparation: Reading family Vocabulary practice 08, page 159
page 76 Task: Speaking
Follow up: Writing

09 Future forms
Describing current trends
Describing future
Listening: Living by
Present a fantasy invention
Preparation: Listening
Language live
Speaking: Explaining
Language summary 09, page 144
Grammar practice 09, page 146
THINGS TO COME Wordspot: way Reading: From fantasy to and speaking technical problems Vocabulary practice 09, page 160
page 86 reality: how science fiction Task: Speaking Writing: Demanding
has influenced technology Follow up: Writing urgent action

10 Phrases with as … as +
Truth and lies
Wordspot: well
Listening: Living a lie
Reading: How do you know
Detect the lies
Preparation: Listening
World culture:
Cyber crime
Language summary 10, page 148
Grammar practice 10, page 150
TRUTH AND LIES Ellipsis and substitution if someone is lying? Task: Speaking Vocabulary practice 10, page 161
page 96

Communication activities page 106, Language summary and grammar practice page 112,
Vocabulary practice page152, Audio scripts page 162

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