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Theme :

To the board of judges, guests, visitors, parents, students, ladies and

gentlements. Good Morning !

My name is Nique. Today, I’d like to discuss the ways for The Future
Generations to make Indonesia cleaner and greener.

As we all know, our country is facing two main problems. The first
problem is the pollution. This pollution is caused by the transportation
that we use everyday. And researches had shown that if we can’t prevent
this problem, then by the year 2030, temperature will increase around 20%
up and it can be quite dangerous for all of us. And the second problem is
the trash that easily found everywhere. As we know, if we see all around
the road, we could see that there are a lot of kinds of trash. These are
resulted from our consumptive behaviours by using disposable items
such as bottles and plastics; and will impact to increase pollutant level
and decrease cleanlines level to our environment.

Therefore, to counter those problems, I propose 3 solutions that we could

effort to do. The 1st thing that we can do is using 3R. Does anybody
here familiar with 3R means? 3R are stands for reuse, recycle, and
reduce. It’s important to do the 3R to conserves the natural resources and
it helps us to cut down the amount of waste that we throw away. We can
make good habits by avoiding to use disposable plastic items. Change
those items with things that can use several times. The 2nd is to reduce
using private transportation, like cars and motorcycles that will
impact to increase the air pollution. Instead of using that, just walk to the
place that is near to us or we can use bicycle or public transportations.
Walking will make us more healthier, save the money and the environment,
too. The third one is plant more trees. If we plant more trees, then our
environment can be greener and the air will be fresher. More trees mean
fresher oxygen!

Please remember, our country is having two problems such as the pollution
and the cleanliness. If we want to change the environment to be better,
then let’s do it and make Indonesia proud. Let us note a quote from
Leonardo DiCaprio : Our planet’s alarm is going off, and it is
time to wake up and take action!
And that’s all for my speech. Thank you for listening and have a nice day!

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