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Name: Maryrose Jumao-as Date: 12-22-2021

Section: BSAeE-2B Class Schedule: THF | 9:45-11:45

Philippines is truly a melting pot including Southeast Asian, Chinese, Spanish, and
American influences to create a unique culture of its own. Arnis comes from the
Filipinos. It was developed there over hundreds of years to meet new arrivals at their
island. Where all the styles in arsenal start with empty hands and move to weapons.
I remembered when I got to trained in taekwondo in my high school days, in our school
gym there was a big tarpaulin with a picture of all of the Martial Arts Sports and my eyes
glued to the corner where the Arnis was located, I got curious of it because the weapon
is a stick and it brought to my mind about the stick where my mother used to hit me
every time when I disobeyed her orders. I become more proud as a Filipino when I
discovered that it comes from the Philippines and the founder is a Filipino. I witnessed
my schoolmates trained Arnis and it amazed me on how they handle the stick very well.
I thought it is very easy because you just need to handle the stick in both of your hands
but I was totally wrong, like in different martial arts, Arnis also have a various trainings
and techniques. One of the advantages of Arnis is that you can use its techniques with
the empty hands or with weapons for self defense. You will be predisposed to recognize
objects that can be used as weapons where others don’t and you will sense danger
sooner than the untrained and will position yourself close to a means of escape. You will
feel confident that if the need arises you have something to fall back on - and perhaps
buy the time to escape or to get help. Above all that, training develops better
coordination between the mind and the body. I trained for about 3 years in taekwondo
when I was in high school and same as Arnis, you should bear in mind that in engaging
physical activity, it will test your body and mind endurance that somehow in the near
future, you are ready to face your problems and to endure things .Your experiences and
trainings will make you realized that you are being prepared for your battle not just in
the ring, arena and court but in the sudden misfortune of your life.
Arnis can thought us discipline and self-control. Like other martial arts, Arnis can be
used to make us learn self-control and disciple. It also gives us ability to think fast and
make our body stronger as we will move a lot, above all it helps you prepare for
dangerous and unforeseen circumstances.

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