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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Career Plan
Section 1: Creating your BHAG
Following the information in the “Good to Great Connections” PowerPoint presentation and all
of the additional information provided under the content area, and taking your Personal Mission
Statement development efforts into consideration, carefully develop your own personal long term
BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world changing goal***). The timeframe for your
BHAG is 10-25 years out, however it will depend upon your age. For example, a 55 year old
person might be closer to the 10 year BHAG, whereas a 30 year old or younger person should be
considering a BHAG 25 years out. This BHAG may be related to your overall life/lifestyle
aspirations, or it could be related to some organizational, protean, or entrepreneurial vision you
have for the future. Dig deep and and go beyond the job. That is up to you. What it needs to be is

Answer the following:

1) What is your BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world changing goal***)?

My BHAG will be to experience true financial freedom. My goal is to afford a large

amount of property that is sufficient for my immediate and extended family. I plan to
create a self-sustainment community to live off the land. Our primary energy source will
be renewable energy like solar power panels and technology like Tesla Battery packs.

2) Why is this your BHAG?

As a father of three daughters, I feel that it is my duty and responsibility to provide my

children with the best opportunity to succeed. When you look at the real estate market or
the cost to rent, the prices have skyrocketed due to the pandemic. To provide more
context, whenever I purchased my first home in 2018, the property's square footage was
1820, and we bought it for 170k. That same property today is now worth 250k-280k. The
cost to rent a decent one-bedroom apartment here in Conroe goes from $1100 to $1400 a

The cost of living has skyrocketed here in Texas, and I believe it will continue to rise
over the following years.

Febuary 2022
3) How does your BHAG align with your vision statement from Module 4?

"Committed to being the best father and husband while being a servant and source of
wisdom to my community. Vowing always to extend my hand to help those who are in

My BHAG is spot on with my vision statement. Being a committed father and husband
creates a vision that benefits your family overall. Overall, accomplishing this provides
my children and extended family with a haven whenever life happens, or things don't go
as planned.

4) List your top five (5) obstacles in order from number 5 being least difficult and
number 1 being most difficult you need to overcome in order to obtain your BHAG
and explain the relevance of each one.

Paying off student loans: In 2020, a survey was conducted that 42.9 million Americans
struggle with student loans. Unfortunately, my wife and I fall into this category. Not having
the proper guidance and support during our college career led to many mistakes and bad
decisions. Overcoming this obstacle will bring us to 75% to accomplishing this BHAG! This
will be the most challenging obstacle we will have to face, but we must first plan to get there.
Paying off other debts: I have become a huge follower of Dave Ramsey and his teachings in
recent years. The snowball effect is when you find your smallest debts and shuttle your
monies to them until they're paid off and repeat the process on the next debt. 
Living frugally: This will be a challenging task for my wife and me. The goal is to find a
way to live off 50% of our income. We will invest the other 50% into stocks, crypto, or
savings for our children's future. 
Finding Land: The cost of land has skyrocketed and has become more scarce. Corporate
entities have moved in, purchasing homes and large acres of land in this area. Finding a
relatively close property to town and yet still has a country feel is critical for us. It seems to
be very challenging now.
Learning how to build: I have always been very good with my hands. I've naturally always
possessed the ability to problem solve and get things done. After graduating high school, I
considered becoming a carpenter or electrician due to my interest. It will be a learning curve,
but I welcome this part of the process with open arms. 

Section 2: Career Vision

Consider your long-term vision for your career. Respond to the following questions, and make
connections to your personal mission statement, your BHAG(s), the themes you developed in
Module 4, and the textbook/supplemental readings (as applicable).

Febuary 2022
Answer the following:

1) Analyze the type of career you want to have, in terms of an organizational career or
a protean career, make sure it is clear you understand the concepts as outlined in
the textbook. Why?

I prefer to have an Organizational career that offers flexibility and maintains a healthy
work-life balance. I recently left a company that provides a traditional workplace
structure (Corporate). Although the company was great and offered a lot of incentives,
my work-life balance was terrible, and I wouldn't see my children until 8 pm. I left the
company and went to a remote WFH position. This position gave me the flexibility to
spend more time with my children and be home whenever they were out of school. Since
being exposed to this new way of working, I can't see myself going back to the traditional
work environment.

2) Analyze your career with an explanation as one that moves you up the organization
or one you develop seeking alternative career paths. If you see yourself taking an
alternative career path, which one(s) sound the most likely? Why?

I am currently employed with AT&T in an outside sales position. The position is

excellent because it allows me to have the flexibility to take care of my personal needs
and still maintain a healthy work-life balance. I've been in for about ten years and have
been burnt out for quite some time. After graduating from ASU, I am considering picking
up a certification in either Project Management or CompTia A+. I believe career changes
are sometimes necessary, and I feel that I am at a crossroads in my life where something
needs to change. I've always had aspirations of becoming a software developer, but I just
needed to close out this chapter in my life.

3) Discuss and explain if you see yourself working an alternative or flexible work
schedule/arrangement? If so, which ones and why?
Last year I recently switched to a company by the name of Lytx. Although the role was a
tough gig, the work/life balance was phenomenal. The schedule was Monday-Friday 8-
430pm, remote work. The excellent pros of this role were there was no micromanaging,
and you were ultimately responsible for your performance. I never missed a doctor's
appointment or school event because of the flexibility it gave me. Having the opportunity
to experience this was very eye-opening and has changed my perspective on how I view
the modern workforce. I can see myself going back into this alternative way of working.

Febuary 2022
Section 3: Long-Term Strategy
Develop a strategy for moving toward your ideal future work/life situation and the realization of
your BHAG(s). Consider the timeframe for your BHAG(s). Provide a vivid description of life
“the way it will be” once your BHAG is realized.

1) Critically think about and then list out (not a narrative format) the interim steps or
milestones you have laid out for yourself that will aid you in reaching your BHAG
(you should have at least 10 to earn a rating of excellent and be referenced by time)

1) Graduate College-2022
2) Get certification in either Project management or CompTia A+-2022
3) Sell Home-2023
4) Buy land-2023 ( Varies, depending on market)
5) Purchase a mobile home or tiny home.-2024
6) Start Planning for building home-2024
7) Find renewable energy sources-2025
8) Find rain harvesting tanks-2025
9) Start Construction of New Home- 2026
10) Move into new home-2027

2) In addition to career-related roles, consider your other life roles in relation to your
career goals. What are the 3 most precious things you are willing to sacrifice,
besides time, to achieve your BHAG? Why?

(Lifestyle)-To achieve this goal, my wife and I are on the same page Regarding
understanding the sacrifices that come with obtaining this goal. Our home has four
bedrooms and is more than enough house for us. I will be willing to sacrifice space and
comfort to have my dream goal. Even if it means buying an RV or renting a two-bedroom
apartment to make it happen, so be it.

(Convenience)- Moving out to a rural land will require sacrifices to our daily commutes.
For example, my wife's job is only 5 minutes away, but when we move onto our rural
land, that commute may change to 30 minutes a day. This is something that we have
come to terms with and accept.

(Materialism)-One of the things I mentioned above is living a frugal lifestyle and how
important this step will matter to us achieving this goal. We understand this will not be
easy, especially when you have a society whose business model is to have consumers
spend their money. This will require a ton of discipline but is necessary for the sake of
the goal.

Febuary 2022
Section 4: The one to two year plan
Using a SMART goals-based approach, as well as project planning and management skill best
practices, create a detailed project plan for at least two specific goals. At least one must be
related to your long-term BHAG. The other may be related to some other aspect of your career
development or career-life integration. Both of these goals need to be things that you are
passionate about accomplishing.
Your selected goals and SMART plan (see SMART goal information provided in the module)
should be structured based on a one to two-year timeline. It should include specific milestones,
action items, sub-tasks as well as task-related interdependencies as applicable. With respect to
each goal, critically think about what specifically are the things you will do in the next one to
two years to achieve these goals.

Develop a clear and detailed SMART plan, with facilitating goals and steps/actions required
to accomplish your selected goals. It should be evident, by looking at the format and structure
of your plan, that you have developed some significant skills respect to project management.
Include Gantt charts (T) or other visual project representations as you see fit, and be sure to
address your approach to tracking/measuring your progress (M).

1) What is your #1 Goal? (at least one of the following must be related to your BHAG)

(Getting Certified In Project Management or CompTia A+).

a. Specific- If I am working to obtain this goal, I have graduated college, which is

excellent. Obtaining one of these certifications I feel it will help increase my
chances of landing a job.

b. Measurable- Google currently offers a Project management course on Coursera.

The certification is broken up into six different courses, similar to our canvas
modules. A progress percentage bar shows how much the user has completed and
how much they need to complete to finish the course.

c. Attainable- This goal is attainable because I am already familiar with online

classes. This is why I placed this goal right after I graduated because I knew I
would have the momentum to keep going and finishing. The reviews for this
course seem to have high ratings and are highly recommended.

d. Relevant- This goal is crucial because it will check off one of the goals of my
milestone timeline. It will also provide me with more knowledge on being a
Project manager, increasing my workforce value.

e. Time-Based- Once I graduate, I aim to enroll in the course immediately and give
myself six months to complete the course workload. This timeline should be more
than enough for me to achieve this goal. What is your #2 Goal? (at least one of
these must be related to your BHAG)

Febuary 2022
( Getting Fit) Not related to my BHAG but very important.

f. Specific- The pandemic caused many of us to live a sedenitary lifestyle. Due to

this I packed on several pounds and have found myself having a difficult time
getting rid of this excess waste.

g. Measurable- My wife and I just signed up for a pelaton membership which

provides workout routines one can follow. The one we selected provides us with a
12 week plan, which gradually increases the intensity of the workouts as we
progress. I will measure measure my progess my taken weekly measurments of
body and recording my results.

h. Attainable- My goal is to lose 20-30 pounds in that 12 week period. I personally

feel that this goal is attainable due to the fact that my body isn’t accustomed to
High interval training, and because of this the results will be remarkable. I am
aware that this wont come easy and understand that this is a very aggressive goal
to set, but I’ve done it before and I can do it again.

i. Relevant- This goal is important because health is wealth. Being a father of three
is not easy and If I don’t start prioritizing my health it will only continue to get
worse. Thus, is the reason why it is so important to me. I want to be able to see
my children grow old and live their lives. If I don’t make the necessary changes,
that may not be an option.

j. Time Based- As mentioned above the program is 12 weeks, which is the timeline
I am giving myself to lose the weight.

Febuary 2022

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