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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

Self-Learning Module in

Quarter II: Week 1

MELC: Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion
Quarter II | Week 1
Expressing Opinions or Assertions

Message to the Learner

It’s a brand new quarter! Congratulations for making it
this far! You are about to start a new grading period in
English 10. Continue your learning journey with
positivity and enthusiasm in order for you to hone your
skills in communication. Good luck! Do your best in all
of the learning tasks in this module.

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion

Enabling Competencies
 Share viewpoints based on the ideas presented in
the materials viewed
 Use words and expressions that affirm or negate

Take a look at the following infographic from Social
Weather Station (SWS.) This presents the results of a
survey regarding the frequency of practice of various
health protocols among Filipinos. On the space
provided, write whether you agree or disagree with
the result of the survey basing from what you see in
your community.





Motive Questions:
1. How do you express your opinions or assertion regarding an idea?
2. What words do you use to agree or disagree with a concept presented?

For so many times in your studies, you have been asked
the questions: “What can you say about the picture?” “Do
you agree with the statement of the speaker?” and What
would you want the reader to realize after reading this?”
Answering these questions is a practical example of
making opinions or assertions. Find out in this lesson how to
formulate statements of opinion or assertion.

Statements of Opinion or Assertion

An assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or to express
strong belief on a particular topic, often without evidence. An assertion is best
formulated after reading or viewing a material in order to give logical
assumptions about it and not mere guess and assumptions.
The purpose of writing an assertion is to convey directly an idea or feeling
towards a topic and to convince the reader to accept and believe in it. In other
words, making an assertion is just like indirectly persuading people to believe on
the intended premise.
Types of Assertions
1. Basic Assertion is a simple and straightforward statement for expressing
feelings, opinions, and beliefs. This type of assertion is usually done in writing
formal papers like research, thesis, and dissertation. This consists of a simple
declaration and some supporting evidences.
Example: I consider the new normal in education as a blessing
in disguise because along with bad things, many blessings still

2. Emphatic Assertion is used to express empathy or to understand the feelings
and emotions of another person. It is usually composed of two parts: a
statement that recognizes the situation or even the feelings of a person and a
statement of stand about the situation.
Example: Although many were forced to change their lifestyle SITUATION

abruptly, many also realized the value of the things are were taken for STATEMENT ABOUT THE
granted back then. SITUATION

3. I-Language Assertion is used to express the personal feeling and preference

of the speaker/writer towards and topic. The pronoun, “I” is used as a sign of
personal perspective. It is composed of three parts: the information about the
topic, the feeling of the writer towards it, and the preference or
recommendation of the writer about the situation.

Example: Malls, cinemas, and fast food chains were closed FEELING/IMPRESSION
and their closure suddenly overwhelmed us. But we should look at
the brighter side where homes were rebuilt and families bonded THE SITUATION

together again.
In making a statement of assertion, you may consider following these
recommended steps.

1. Read or watch the material carefully.
2. Highlight the key message or point of the material.
3. Describe your feelings and opinions towards the message of the material
4. Look for evidences to support your opinion or assertion.
5. Think of doable action or a relevant thought about the matter.
One helpful way in making your statement of assertion or opinion powerful is
to use words that affirm or negate ideas. These words are called adverbs of
affirmation and negation. These words are used to declare that something is true or
some equivalent expression or negative statement, judgment, doctrine, or a logical
Adverbs of Affirmation
These are adverbs used to affirm statements as true. They positively reinforce
the ideas and show agreement and/or support to an idea.
Adverbs of Negation
Adverbs of negation contradicts something that is believed not to be true.
They are used to construct negative sentences and responses to questions.

Affirmation Negation
absolutely, affirmatively, avowedly, almost, contradictorily, hardly, invalidly,
certainly, clearly, definitely, doubtlessly, never, no, no longer, not, nothing,
exactly, indeed, obviously, positively, nowhere, not at all, rarely, scarcely
probably, really, surely, truly,
undoubtedly, verily, yes.

In using adverbs of affirmation and negation, bear in mind the following:

1. These adverbs go before the verb unless the verb is a be-verb.
Notetaking surely helps in retaining information
Procrastination is not an ideal study habit.
2. Write the adverbs between the auxiliary and main verb.
Time management will certainly help you in your studies.
3. When using adverbs at the beginning of the sentence, use a comma (,) to
separate it from the main clause.
Indeed, you can do better this semester because of what you
learned from the past lessons.

Have you understood your lesson? Let us see. Try
the following exercises to recall the key points of
the lesson. Good luck!

A. Identify in which type of assertion do the following sentences fall. Write B

if they are basic assertion, E for emphatic assertion and L for I-language
assertion. Place your answers on your answer sheets.

1. Dragon fruit is a new food that drives many health enthusiasts crazy.

2. This fruit is very healthy as it contains an array of vitamins and minerals

such as iron, magnesium and minerals.

3. Because of its sweet taste and high-nutrition content, we may consider

this fruit as a super fruit closing to that of pineapples and bananas.

4. Dragon fruit only found its spot light in the later years. Though many
people have thought that it will not make its way to the market, more
people now consider it as the new wonder fruit of the millennia .

5. Philippines puts high regard in education no matter what circumstance

comes. Even in the midst of pandemic, the Education department still
finds alternative ways to pursue free education.

6. Rather than attending face-to-face classes, there are other means of

learning such as online and modular distance learning, homeschooling,
TV and radio-based learning. This alone proves that education can
continue even in the absence of face-to-face learning.

7. Many individuals are fighting for academic freeze for the school year. I
personally do not agree with this because I can see that our education
leaders and even our teachers are working hard to make all the ends
meet. Who am I not help? As I see it, we do not need academic freeze
if we will have academic resiliency as our marching mantra.

8. I prefer to get low scores in tests rather to score high out of cheating
and plagiarism.

9. While many students enjoy instant test scores out of copying from
other’s work, I would rather endure the hard way to make myself better.

10. With the current distance learning that I am in, I find it hard to adjust.
But I have to try my best not to waste this chance to study in the midst
of pandemic.

B. Complete the following sentences with appropriate adverb of affirmation or
negation. Consider the type of adverb indicated in the parenthesis. Rewrite the
sentences on your answer sheets.

1.Family is ___________ a group of persons united by blood, marriage, or law.


2.A family is ___________ necessarily the same as household sharing the same
residence. (Negative)

3.Fathers are ___________ considered the provider for the family. (Affirmative)

4.Mothers ___________ serve as the keeper of the family. (Affirmative)

5.However, these roles are ___________ fixed. (Negative)

6.These stereotypes are ___________ seen uniformly. (Negative)

7.Anyone among the members of the family can ___________ be its bread winners.

8.Even children, if given a chance, can ___________ provide for the family.

9.Gender or age do ___________ dictate one’s role in the family. (Negative)

10.Because at the end of the day, raising a family is ___________ each one’s share
responsibility. (Affirmative)

Great! You are doing fine. This time, let’s deepen your
understanding about the lesson with these following
activities. Do as you are instructed in the following tasks.

A. Read the article below entitled, “4 Causes of Family Conflict.” Accomplish the
succeeding tasks.
4 Causes of Family Conflict
by K.Lee Banks
Family harmony provides a sense of belonging and a feeling of security unlike many
other types of relationships. When conflict arises, it threatens that security. Whether the
disharmony initiates from within the family unit or from external sources, individual family
members and the family as a whole can experience a range of negative emotions and
consequences. Unresolved conflict may irreparably damage a marriage and the entire
family if family members do not seek help.

One major source of family conflict is within the area of finances--specifically, the
lack of enough money to pay bills, maintain the mortgage or rent, buy sufficient food and
other necessities and have any remaining money for recreation. Job or career may
contribute to conflict within a family. If a parent’s job keeps him away from home most of

the time, the spouse at home with the children often feels neglected or
overwhelmed. Conversely, if the parent becomes unemployed, this causes its own form of
stress and conflict, as finances dwindle and uncertainty sets in about the future.

Another cause of family conflict is the inevitable rivalry that occurs between siblings.
Children typically seek their parents’ attention and approval, even if this requires tattling on,
or sometimes causing harm to, a sibling. Whether a child expresses jealousy of her sibling,
competes with him or teases him non-stop, it is destined to cause conflict. Each child
deserves an equal amount of parental love and acceptance, yet sometimes a parent may
favor one child over another. This merely intensifies the conflict.

While mutual agreement on the subject of child discipline is crucial, the lack of
consensus opens up another potential area for family conflict. If one parent acts as the
“disciplinarian,” the other parent typically becomes the “consoler” to whom the children
turn -- this often pits one parent against the other.

Jokes and movies abound regarding conflict with in-laws (especially mothers-in-
law); however, when you actually become involved in disagreements with your in-laws or
extended family, it is no laughing matter. While it is preferable to respect your elders--
parents and grandparents on both sides equally--this can prove to be challenging. If
relatives routinely interfere in your family’s decisions and lifestyle, conflict frequently results.

B. Answer the following questions briefly. Write your on your answer sheets.

1. What are the four causes of family conflicts mentioned in ten text?



2. According to the text, how can conflicts break a family?



3. Do you personally agree with what the text say? Defend your answer.



4. Aside from those mentioned in the text, what other things cause family conflicts?
Explain your answer.



C. Write your assertions about the main idea of the article. Complete the following
sentences to state your assertions in three types. Place your answers on your
answer sheets.
1. Basic Assertion
Family conflicts happen because … _____________________________________________
2. Emphatic Assertion
I am certain that conflicts arise in the family because family members fail to _____
With this, all members of the family should ______________________________________
3. I-Language Assertion
Indeed, family conflicts cannot be avoided because ____________________________
Although upon facing them, we may feel _______________________________________,
We should bear in mind that ____________________________________________________

This is your culminating task in this module. This will test your
skills in both formulating statement of assertion and using
expressions that affirm and negate. Accomplish the
succeeding tasks patiently.

A. Read the article bellow. Do the activities that follow.

Pain in Exchange of Acceptance?

by Jhazmyn Fallorina
We, humans, naturally seek a sense of belonging—may it be from our own family or
group of friends. Consequently, some of us, maybe those who never really had it easy,
desperately go to extreme measures just to feel this “belongingness”. And sometimes—they
find it in fraternities, sororities, street gangs, and other secret societies. That’s quite beautiful,
I must admit. Belonging, I mean—being a part of something. In this case, however, it’s more
twisted than ever.

To join these organizations, the person should undergo an initiation through hazing,
which could be a physical or psychological abuse—and as if that’s not scary enough, most
of the time, a combination of both. Paddling, they call it—the most common form of abuse
in hazing—is much more than the use of a paddle. It has become a generic word for

anything that could inflict pain. Paddle boards, baseball bats—anything. This undeniably
leaves a mark to every person who has already tried it. And while I love watching artists as
they work, I don’t think I’ll be able to stomach the sadistic nature of anyone fine with
carving lines and painting blacks and blues on someone else’s skin.

However, contrary to the common belief, not all members are violently inclined, but
peer pressure somehow force them to contribute small doses of violence during hazing.
Perhaps, most often than not, maybe a two or three is actually amused and happy about
hurting others. A sociopath could be in the group, throwing kicks and punches as a form of

Sadly, the Republic Act No. 8049, also known as the Anti-Hazing Act of 1995, does
not really penalizes the actual act of initiation rites—only when the person suffers any injury
or dies. But then, being physically unscathed doesn’t mean that the person is not left with
psychological scars. Since 1995, this law never actually stopped hazing. In fact, it has been
described as “no teeth” and as long as it remains, hazing is most likely to continue.

Although fraternities and other organizations offer a wide variety of benefits—

brotherhood, friendship, a place to forge trust—hazing remains as its murderous thorn. It is
an unnecessary ritual that only leads to senseless death. No matter what the reason is,
violence should never be an option. Remember that fraternities, sororities and other
organizations are like family to some. And what’s more beautiful than a home built with a
foundation of love and trust rather than a history of abuse?

B. Formulate 5 opinion statements related to the key ideas of the article. Use the
following adverbs of affirmation and negation in your sentences. Write your
answers on your answer sheets.
1. Indeed
2. Absolutely
3. Really
4. Never
5. Contradictorily

C. Write your own assertions about the article presented. Some sentences are
started for you. Rewrite the sentences on or answer sheets.
Basic Assertion
1. Hazing is a dangerous practice because _____________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________________________________


Emphatic Assertion

3. Many students who have personal challenges join fraternities due to __________

_____________________________________________. The schools should therefore _____


4. _____________________________________________________________________________


I-Language Assertion

5. Too much physical pain in hazing can cause _________________________________

_____________________________________________. This scene surely makes anyone

feel ________________________________________________. Students who intend to join
fraternities should __________________________________________________________


—-End of Module—-

You’re in the rhythm! Excellent work of finishing this module! Continue working
on your next learning tasks.


 Celebrating Diversity through World Literature English 10 LM

 The Leader School Publication-Bayambang NHS

 Ramones, Vanessa. (ND). “Formulating Assertions” Accessed at https://
Accessed on 30 Novemeber 2020.

 Literary Devices Editor (2014) “Assertion” Accessed at

assertion/ Accessed on 30 November 2020.

 Social Weather Station (2020) “SWS September 17-20, 2020 National Mobile
Phone Survey – Report No. 4: Large majorities still practice the Covid-19
safety measures: Accessed at
artcldisppage/?artcsyscode=ART-20200929205756. Accessed on November
30, 2020.

 Canva for Education Free Graphic Design


Key to Correction



9. NOT
2. NOT
10. L
9. E
8. B
7. L
6. E
5. B
4. L
3. E
2. B
1. B


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