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• Identifies the right foods during adolescence
• Follows the appropriate nutritional guidelines for adolescents for
healthful eating
MOST ESSENTIAL • Explains the need to select food based on the nutritional needs during
LEARNING adolescence
COMPETENCIES • Follows the Food Pyramid guide for adolescents and nutritional
guidelines for Filipinos in choosing foods to eat
• Describes the characteristics, signs and symptoms of malnutrition and
micronutrient deficiencies


At the end of this module, you are expected to:

(1) Define Nutrients.

(2) Analyze the importance of proper nourishment for growth in adolescents.
(3) Explain why proper nourishment is important for adolescents.
(4) Follow the appropriate nutritional guidelines for adolescents for healthful
eating, explains the needs to select food based on the nutritional needs during
(5) Identify the right foods during adolescence
(6) Follow the food pyramid guide for adolescents and nutritional guidelines for
Filipinos in choosing foods to eat; and
(7) Explain the need to select food based on the nutritional needs during
(8) Identify the facts from fallacies about malnutrition and micronutrient
deficiencies; and
(9) Describe the characteristics, signs and symptoms of malnutrition and
micronutrient deficiencies (H7N-Iid-f-24).

Being a Grade 7 learner at the age of 11 to 13 years old is under the stage of life called
adolescence. This stage of growth occurs the most in an individual. It changes the lifestyle of
the person and it requires the proper amount of energy and nutrients to help the body grow
Nutrition refers to the intake of food concerning the body’s dietary needs. The body
needs nutrients to help it grow, repair itself, and acquire energy. Lifestyle changes make the
body more active so it means the body needs to do different activities and therefore use more
energy. A student that undergoes this active lifestyle must be careful not to miss the proper
amount of nutrients the body needs. Fatty foods and foods that are rich in sugar must be

The Food Guide Pyramid emphasized the importance of eating a balanced, varied diet be
depicting five main food groups: grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and other proteins,
including meat, fish, beans nuts, and eggs. It is a perfect tool for depicting total diet at a
glance. Done right with colorful, enticing images of real foods, food pyramids, show examples
of what to eat and the right proportion and recommendation servings per day of each group.
Pyramids show the combination of all our meals over days or week not just plate, demonstrating
a clear, long term path to better health and the idea that it’s healthy to eat a variety of foods
daily rather than to get most of your calories from just one or two of the groups.

Carbohydrates- food group that gives us energy such as grain products.

Proteins- food group that promotes growth and body building. We can get complete protein
from animal products, also in beans and nuts.
Fats- food that restores energy in our body. Vitamins and Minerals- food that helps us to fight
diseases, to build strong bones.

Malnutrition is a condition wherein a person does not get enough amount of right food.
A person can be either:
1. Undernourished – got low amount of nutrients than the recommended right healthful
food. Being undernourished is usually connected to being “Underweight”.
2. Over-nourished – got high amount of nutrients than the recommended right healthful
food. Being over-nourished is usually connected to being “Overweight”.

Obesity is a medical condition which a person has too much fat. It may lead to some serious
diseases like heart and intestinal problems.
Following the food guides like the food pyramid and the food plate, good and healthful
food selection is a lead on attaining wellness in your body.
Being classified under nourished, over nourished, or obese can lead to diseases and
Micronutrient Deficiencies are diseases caused by deficiency of micronutrients (like Vitamins
and Minerals) in their eating diet.
Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD), Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA), and Iodine Deficiency Disorder
(IDD) are the most common micronutrient deficiency in the whole world.

On the other hand, improper food selection and volume of food may lead you to
Malnutrition and Micronutrient deficiencies – which are harmful to the wellness of a person’s
In this module, you will be guided on how you describe their characteristics, signs
& symptoms.
Warm Up, Yesterday’s Food Worksheet

What did you eat yesterday?

Direction: Fill out the table with the foods you ate yesterday.





Guide Questions:

1. Based on what you ate yesterday, do you think you have eaten the proper type of foods
based on your nutritional needs as an adolescent?




2. What is the most nutritious food you have consumed yesterday? And what makes you
think so?




3. What is the least nutritious food you have consumed yesterday? And what makes you think



Pictures of food cards


1. Cut the picture of foods.

2. Arrange the following foods below that you think you will put on your plate for the
following meals for the day.
a. Breakfast
b. Lunch
c. Dinner
d. Snack

3. Draw a plate in a piece of paper then place the cut-outs you have selected that
belong to the specific meals.
Note One plate for one meal.

Guide Questions:

1. Do you experience difficulty in deciding which food would you choose for the meals of
the day?

2. Are you happy about the content of your plate for the whole day?


3. What benefits will these meals bring to your body if you can follow your plate content
every day?


Check Your Daily Food Diet

Direction: List down all the foods and drinks you had for breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner the
previous day. Study your list and check if you followed the nutritional guideline for a balanced diet.

Meals What foods How many How often Sources

have you servings do you
eaten? have you eat?

Guide Questions:

1. What did you notice about the food you eat?

2. Were you able to follow most of the nutritional guidelines for Filipino?

3. Which guideline you were not able to follow? Why?

4. What do you plan to do now? Will it help? How?

Check Your Nutritional Life Skills

Directions: Draw emoticon for Yes if the statement is something that you do and NO, if you do not
practice it. Be Honest with your responses.

My practices My
Yes NO
I follow the nutritional
guideline to keep me
I maintain a healthful
I eat a healthful diet
I eat the correct servings
for the groups in the Food
Guide Pyramid for my age
I exercise regularly.


1. Recall the nutritional needs of adolescents.

2. Complete the unfinished statements below.
• Upon learning the nutritional needs of adolescents, I discovered that my eating habit is
• Upon learning the nutritional needs of adolescents, I am aware that _______________.
• Upon learning the nutritional needs of adolescents, I need to eat _________________.
• Upon learning the nutritional needs of adolescents, I will encourage my family and friends
to eat ________________________.
• From now on I will ___________________

I. Answer the phrases below if the following is a Fact or a Bluff. Put a check mark (✓) to
the box on the side of the phrases in choosing your answer.

Fact Bluff
1. Eating healthful food in proper amount makes
a balanced diet.
2. A person eating healthful food cannot eat
junk foods and sweets.
3. Over weighted persons are not considered
4. You are more likely prone to disease when
you are malnourished.
5. Malnutrition only affects your physical health.
II. The following Acronyms are the most common type of Micronutrient Deficiency. Write
the letters that match the phrases.
VAD – for Vitamin A Deficiency
IDA – for Iron Deficiency Anemia
IDD – for Iodine Deficiency Disorder

________1. Xerophthalmia (Night Blindness) ________6. Low Resistance to Infections
________2. Mental Retardation ________7. Goiter
________3. Low Red Blood Cell Count ________8. RBC-WBC Count imbalance
________4. Rapid Fatigue ________9. Hypothyroidism
________5. Visual Impairment ________10. Deafness

`Adolescents like you need the proper amount of nutrients to support the changes and
growth in your body. The proper amount of nutrients will prevent your body to become weak
and develop chronic illness and heart problems.
Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of
the foods you love. To achieve your full growth potential, proper food selection and eating are very
essential. You must know your physical need for food and follow the dietary guideline appropriate for
your age.
Eating good food help us to be healthy.
There are different food group:
Carbohydrates- food group that gives us energy such as grain products.
Proteins- food group that promotes growth and body building. We can get complete protein from
animal products, also in beans and nuts.
Fats- food that restores energy in our body.

Vitamins and Minerals- food that helps us to fight diseases, to build strong bones,
Water- aside from the food group, we also need water because it makes up most of our body weight.
We need to stay hydrated because our body does a lot of work especially during hot weather.
In order to have good nutrition, we should eat the right amount of food from the different food groups.
The food pyramid and the food plate guide us in eating a balanced meal.
Malnutrition is a condition wherein a person does not get enough amount of right food. You
can be either “Over nourished” (too much nutrients than recommended) or “Undernourished”
(low in nutrients), which can lead to diseases and deficiencies.
Obesity is a medical condition where a person has too much fat. It may lead to some serious
diseases like heart and intestinal problems.
Micronutrient Deficiencies are diseases caused by deficiency of micronutrients (like Vitamins
and Minerals) in their eating diet.
Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD), Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA), and Iodine Deficiency Disorder
(IDD) are the most common Micronutrient Deficiencies in the world.

Before I move on to the next module, I will assure you that…

I understand…
I will apply for the lesson in…
I will practice…

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