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Mammalian Orders lll

Manuel Madrid
Ungulates: Animals whose toes end in hoves
(enlarged thickened toenails).
• Artiodactyla • Perissodactyla
• Animals that have an even numbers
of functional toes. (cattle, buffalo,
antelope, deer, sheep, goats,
camels). There are 213 species of
Artiodactyla and all of them are
herbivorous. Artiodactyls are the
most numerous of the ungulates.
• Three families (horses, tapirs, and
rhinoceroses) they have an odd
number of functional toes.
Animals that “chew the cud” are called
Horns and Antlers
Horns: are hollow structures that are ussually Antlers: Are solid horn-like structures that are shed
Permanent and thus not shed. annually.
Bovids: this animals have been particularly valuables to mankind since ancient
Times as sources of food and clothing. All bovids are ruminants with unbranched
hollow horns.

Deers: Belong to the family of ruminants but are distinguished from the bovids
By the growth of antlers rather tan horns. There are 43 species of deer.

Camel: The camel is a creature designed to withstand extremes of hot, dry lands.
Camels survive temperaturas ranging -20F to over 100F. Camels eat a large variety
Of vegetation.
The Flesh Eaters (carnivora)
Dogs and Wolves
Weasels and Wolverines
Wealsel family is one of the most relentless hunters among the
carnivorous. The weasels Hunt at night, they eat rats, mice, voles,
frogs, birds, and sometimes even fish. The largest member of the
weasel family is the wolverine.
Aquatic Carnivores
Seals: Are aquatic carnivores. They have a webbed flippers instead of paws of feets.
Their bodies are covered with short, dense fur that serve as insolation. A thick layer
Of blubber and the constriction of blood vessels beneath the skin make deep dives
Possible. Seals inhabit almost all of the world's oceans, with the exception of
the Indian Ocean.

Walruses: A walrus has tusks, which are elongated upper incisor teeth. The tusks
Serve as ice axes when the animal hauls itself out of the wáter or when it chisels
Into the ice to open an air ehole to breathe. Walruses may be found in the polar
Extinct Mammals
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