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Agile internal audit

Elevating Internal Audit’s performance

What is Agile internal audit? Traditional audit vs. Agile audit How is Agile IA different?
Agile Internal Audit is the mindset an Internal Audit function will
adopt to focus on stakeholder needs, accelerate audit cycles, Agile IA is not a significantly dramatic change in the way we do
drive timely insights, reduce wasted effort, and generate less Traditional things, but the methodology and ceremonies serve as guardrails
documentation. to achieve the optimal outcome. The Agile process continuously
Internal Planning Fieldwork Review Reporting
reinforces the following aspects, which may not be top of mind
for all throughout the entirety of projects:
Agile prompts internal auditors and stakeholders to determine
upfront, the value to be delivered by an audit or project. Agile 8 - ? weeks
also prioritises audits and projects based on both importance Inclusion and Addressing
and urgency as well as readiness to undertake the work. Finally, alignment with changes to
reporting doesn’t focus on documenting the work but on providing stakeholders business needs
insights. Point of Point of Point of
View View View
Prioritisation Asking why it
view view view
Agile at-a-glance Agile Re Re Re of objectives matters


Internal ld

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Fie Fie
Audit Planning Planning Planning

3 Weeks 3 Weeks 3 Weeks

for solution
Build & test
rapidly with
Learn Deploy Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 - 9 Our IA agile manifesto
Elevate internal audit
business real users
Refocused Elements Assure. Advise. Anticipate.
1. Outcome-driven | value-driven
Why bring agile to IA? 2. Just-in-time | proactive ‘right projects at the right depth/
The concepts of Agile Internal Audit are simple, but they have focus’
IA should Allows IA to respond quickly to shown to be more difficult to implement than one would think.
transform to changing business needs This is truly a change management concern. The mind-set 3. One size does not fit all – customised project focused on
deliver on a change is not easy, but the potential benefits are worth it from value and risk
broader set of Reduces the time between discovery reduced time from start to finish, more insightful observations 4. Collaborative approach — take the journey with our clients
expectations, and delivery of insights
and recommendations, collaboration with stakeholders, and an
providing 5. Mix it up a little bit, break some eggs — challenge “that’s the
assurance Builds the risk specific insights the effectively engaged Internal Audit team.
way we’ve always done it”
but also customer needs
advising and 6. Decisioning “as you go” with transparency and alignment
anticipating Avoids delivering insights without
quality problems 7. Continuous communication with all stakeholders
8. Be quick and iterative vs. Confined to a plan
Meets business commitments by
reprioritising scope 9. Impact over thoroughness — “good enough”(80/20 rule)
Agile Internal Audit in practice
Agile execution – Illustrative example

Planning Daily standup Sprint review

Agile team roles
Inputs from Market Leader, Chief Scrum Master • What I did yesterday Scrum Master • Review completed stories • Audit Champion
Audit Executive, Accountable • What I am going to do • Discuss point of view • Product Owner
Executive, Team, Stakeholders, Product today • Gather feedback / update • Scrum Master
Customers, Users Owner • My impediments backlog • Scrum Team Member

Scrum Team
Agile ceremonies
Scrum Team • Sprint Planning
Identify concludeable areas and Product Point of
• Daily Scrum
confirm stakeholder buy-in Backlog View
• Sprint Review
Impediment Kanban Product Owner
• Retrospective
List Board Accountable Executive /
Relevant Stakeholders
Audit Canvas Agile artifacts
• Audit Canvas
• Story Mapping
• Audit and Sprint Backlog
• Work Papers
Every Point of View • POVs
24 Hours (POV)
Product Owner
Sprint planning Sprint retrospective
Considering adopting an agile mindset? We should talk.
Scrum Master • Sprint Goals/ Objective/Scope Scrum Master • What I liked
• Definition/Clarity 1-4 Week • What I learned Beginning with their origins in software development, agile methods
• Risk/Controls Sprint • What lacked have been effective in countless initiatives in various business settings.
• Plan/Procedures • What I long for Building on the original agile approach, Agile Internal Audit uses
Audit Sprint • Results methods that change both the mindset of internal auditors and their
Backlog Backlog Scrum Team Scrum Team
business processes.

Actionable As discussed above, agile is a change methodology for the internal

Enhancements audit group and its stakeholders. This is crucial because internal
auditors’ work relates to every business and function that affects the
organisation’s performance and value and unilateral efforts to change
such a function generally fail.

Contact Consider the risks. Consider the benefits. Consider connecting with us.

Anthony Crasto Burzin Dubash

Partner, Deloitte India Partner, Deloitte India

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