SUB: Computer Communication Network Lab

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Agnel Charities

Fr.C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg.

SUB: Computer Communication Network Lab ( ECC 602 /C3026 )

Troubleshoot the network by executing network administration commands (CO1)
AIM To trouble shoot and analyze the network with different networking commands.


THEORY Write on your own.
PROCEDURE Understand the following commands:
1. nslookup
2. ipconfig; ipconfig/all
3. tracert
4. hostname
5. ping
6. pathping
7. netstat
Interpretation Answer the following questions:
1. What’s your machine’s host name and IP address? How did you get this
2. What is the local DNS server’s IP address? What is default gateway for your
3. Find out the statics of your network according to protocols. How did you get
this information?
4. Find out the active connections of your PC and interface statics.
5. How many hops are required to reach from your terminal?
6. Find out the % of packet loss when packet travels from your pc to google and
from your pc to default gateway.
7. Find the option in ping which lets you change the packet size. Now ping a machine
with 10 byte packets and repeat for 10,000 byte packets and compare the round trip
8. Open a browser and connect to Now issue the same command as in
question netstat --tcp and find the TCP entry corresponding to your new http session.
Explain your findings.
9. Use the command: netstat --statistics to answer the following questions: a) How many
ICMP echo requests did your machine receive? b) How many ICMP echo replies did
your machine send? c) How many UDP packets to unknown ports did your machine

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