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Name: Hetty Joy Andoloy

Grade and Section: 12 ICT - 6

Date: February 20, 2022


10. TRUE

1. What is communication? A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through
a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior the function of pheromones in insect communication
also : exchange of information.
2. What is media? Media are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver
information or data.
3. List down all available media and information resources at home and explain why you need them.
3.1 Books - Books cover virtually any topic, fact or fiction. For research purposes, you will probably be
looking for books that synthesize all the information on one topic to support a particular argument or
3.2 Encyclopedia - Encyclopedias are collections of short, factual entries often written by different
contributors who are knowledgeable about the topic.
3.3 Journal - A journal is a collection of articles usually written by scholars in an academic or
professional field.
3.4 Newspaper - A newspaper is a collection of articles about current events usually published daily.
Since there is at least one in every city, it is a great source for local information.
3.5 Website/Chrome - The Web allows you to access most types of information on the Internet
through a browser.
4. How do media influence our decisions, values and beliefs? Give some examples. The media
influence us in a negative and sometimes good way, for example you got into trouble in media
because of how you look that some people who is perfectionist of themselves bullies and commented
in your post that you’re ugly but you know you’re not and days passed and you remembered that
person comment will definitely stock in your head when your at your worst so you believe it. When
elections right now, some people defend their candidate and keep on giving resources to stop voting
to those people who have a record of crime in the past and some people are ignorant to listen but
few listened to you and those few people were affected of your resources to stop following those
who should not be followed, and that’s a good influence of decision to those few who listened.
5. How do media affect the way people communicate in the “new normal? Give some examples. The
media in this pandemic is very essential to communicate tho friends, teachers, internet friend and as
well as online classes,although if we keep on communicating only in media and not in real life I think
we will have a trouble if we can’t communicate with them on face-to-face because its very different
when communicating in personal compared to media only.

A. The world is becoming smaller in this pandemic because of two things, first is COVID-19, this virus
limited us to go on public and to enjoy nature and it made us stay home for almost a year. Second is
the smartphone, wearable AR/VR lens, app, etc., we got addicted and spent to much time in these
gadgets that we never view the real world as real, we only see them on screen and not appreciate
them in real that it became smaller world to us instead of bigger world to appreciate.
B. Yes the media makes the communication convenient for those friend we have online, and those
parents and siblings we have in abroad.
C. Some people also believe some fake new in media that their own belief and thinking are changing
that their spreading false information in public on media.
1. Medium
2. Communication
3. Communis
4. Media
5. Media

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