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Determining the damping coefficient of a simple pendulum oscillating in air

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2017 Phys. Educ. 52 033007


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Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033007 (5pp)

Determining the damping

coefficient of a simple pendulum
oscillating in air
Luis A Ladino and Hermilda S Rondón
Departmento de Ciencias Naturales, Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería, Bogotá, Colombia

E-mail: and

A systematic method to measure the damping coefficient of a simple pendulum
carrying out small oscillations using the resonance phenomena is considered.
The method only requires a standard function generator, a simple pendulum
and a loudspeaker. The results obtained from this experiment show that the
damping coefficient is very small, which is confirmed by the observed beats.

1. Introduction damping coefficient and x denotes the horizontal

Traditionally, in introductory physics lab position of the mass.
courses, when students study simple harmonic By applying Newton’s second law of motion
motion using a simple pendulum for small oscil- to the pendulum bob in the x direction we get
lations, the first assumption that is usually made dx d2x
is that the damping force on the pendulum bob is −T sin θ − b
(1) =m 2
dt dt
so small that it can be neglected. But a question
that rises is: how small is this force that it can be For small oscilations, cos θ ≈ 1, and therefore
neglected? It is the intent of this paper to give T ≈ mg. Also please notice that sin θ = L .
an answer to this interesting and often ignored Taking these considerations into account, the equa-
question. tion (1) becomes

d2x dx
2.  Description of the method (2)
+ 2λ + ω 2x = ω 2η0 cos γt
dt dt
Let us consider the schematic diagram in figure 1,
which consists of a simple pendulum of mass m b
hanging from a string of length L, whose top end where we have defined ω = g and λ = 2m . The
is attached to point p and is forced to vibrate har- steady state solution [1–3] to equation (2) is:
monically around point o with amplitude η0 and x (t ) = A(γ ) cos(ωt − φ )
angular frequency γ, i.e. its displacement at time
t is η (t ) = η0 cos γt. The forces acting on the pen- where the amplitude A and phase φ are respec-
dulum bob are shown in figure  2. The force of tively given by
gravity mg, the tension T and the damping force
ω 2η0
f that is usually assumed to be proportional to the A(γ ) =
bob’s speed, i.e. f = −bv = b dt , where b is the (ω 2 − γ 2 )2 + (2λγ )2

1361-6552/17/033007+5$33.00 1 © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd

L A Ladino and H S Rondón
Moreover, equation (6) can be rewritten as
g 1 b2
f r2 = ( 2 ) − 2 2
4π L 8π m
Thus, f r2 against L
is a straight line with gradient
g b2
L n = 4π 2 and intercept b1 = − 8π 2m2 ; consequently,
the value of the gravitational acceleration g and
m the damping coefficient b can be determined if the
values of n and b1 are known
g = 4π 2n
Figure 1.  Simple pendulum whose suspension point p
vibrates harmonically around fixed point o with angular
frequency γ and amplitude η0. b = 2πm 2| b1|
Finally, given that the friction upon the pendulum
bob was assumed to take the form f = −b dt , the
o p maximum value of this force is
-h0 +h0 fm = ∣ bvm∣
h dx
where vm is the maximum of dt
3.  Experimental apparatus
A schematic diagram and photograph of the
x experimental apparatus are depicted in figure 3. A
mg 20 V p–p sinusoidal signal coming from a RIGOL
DG1022, 200 MHz, 100 Ma s−1 function genera-
Figure 2.  Forces acting on the pendulum bob. tor is applied to a 8Ω, 120 W R.M.S, 240 W MAX
modified speaker. Figure  4 shows a diagram of
the modified speaker. The original diaphragm was
replaced for a more flexible one with a few trian-
2λγ gular apertures, and a light aluminum pin passing
tan φ = 2
ω − γ2 tightly through a washer was glued to the dia-
phragm. The low frequency voltage signal feeds
Not only A but also φ depend on the the loudspeaker coil causing the pin and conse-
value of γ. It can be proven that when quently the pendulum to oscillate.
g b2
γ= ω 2 − 2λ2 = L
− 2m2
, the amplitude A
gets the maximum value. The frequency value, in 4.  Results and discussion
hertz, for which this occurs is Figure 5 shows a typical plot of the resonance
frequency squared for the pendulum as a function
γ 1 g b2
fr =
(6) = − of the reciprocal of its length. The way the mea-
2π 2π L 2m2 surements were made is as follows: the function
and is called the resonant frequency. Furthermore, generator was set to produce a 20 V p–p, almost
from equation (6) it is clear that the smaller the 0 Hz sine wave but with its output switched off.
value of the damping coefficient, the higher the For each pendulum length the pendulum bob was
value of the resonant frequency. In particular, initially at rest. Then, the function generator out-
when the damping coefficient is very small, then put was turned on and the frequency was increased
1 L gradually until the pendulum oscillation amplitude
fr ≈ 2π , that corresponds to the natural fre-
g got a maximum value. To measure this amplitude,
quency of the system. it sufficed to put a graduate ruler behind the plane

May 2017 2 Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033007

Determining the damping coefficient of a simple pendulum oscillating in air


Pendulum generator
Function generator
Mod Store/

1.50 mHz
Sweep Utility

Burst Help

View 7 8 9

4 5 6

1 2 3

0 . +/-

String Light aluminum bar

Support rod

Figure 3.  Experimental apparatus.

Light aluminum pin

Diaphragm aperture New diaphragm
Dust cup
Dust cup
Plastic washer
Voice coil
Voice coil

Suspension +

Basket Magnet –
Spider Basket Magnet

Figure 4.  Left: original loudspeaker and right: modified loudspeaker.

of oscillation of the pendulum and look closely for

the greatest value of its horizontal displacement.
The dotted line is a linear fit obtained using the 2
least-squares method with an Excel worksheet.
The slope n of the fitting curve is 0.2461 Hz 2 ⋅ 1.5
f r2(Hz2)

m and the intercept value b1  =  −0.0548 Hz2. 1 y = 0.2461x – 0.0548

Plugging these values into equations  (8) and R2 = 0.9985
(9) we get g = 9.74 m s−2 and b = 1.9 × 10−4
kg s−1, respectively. The pendulum mass used was 0
2.62 g. Notice that our exper­imental data support 0 2 4 6 8 10
the model reasonably well, as the square of the 1 (m–1)
Pearson correlation coefficient is 0.998.
During the experiment, for each pendulum
length the oscillation amplitude x changed in Figure 5.  Plot of f r2 versus L .

May 2017 3 Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033007

L A Ladino and H S Rondón


Figure 6.  Oscillation amplitude variations as a function of time for a pendulum length L equal 20 cm and a driving
frequency equal 1078 mHz.

time. A typical plot of these time variations is Based on this quantitative result, we can now
shown in figure 6, which was measured using the undoubtedly claim that the friction force is small
free video analysis and modeling tool Tracker compared to the other forces acting upon the
[4] for windows. These surprising beats are also driven pendulum. However, it has a strong influ-
observed in mass-spring systems [5]. Using the ence on the pendulum bob motion.
Tracker slope option, it was found from the Finally, the beats can be accounted for
position–time graph that the maximum bob by considering the general solution of equa-
speed was 3 × 10 2 mm s−1 = 0.3 m s−1. This speed tion  (2) with λ ≈ 0 and γ ≠ ω. In this case, the
corresponds to the lowest bob posi- steady solution [7] is given by x (t ) = A sin
tion. Thus, from equation  (11), the maxi- η ω2
(ωt + φ ) + (ω 2 0− γ 2) sin γt, where the values for
mum friction force on the pendulum bob is
A and φ are determined by the initial conditions,
fm = bvm = 1.9 × 10−4 kg s−1 × 0.3 m s−1 ≈ 6 × i.e. x(t  =  0)  =  x0 and v(t  =  0)  =  v0. Thus, taking
10−5 N. This force is 500 times smaller than x(0)  =  0 and v(0)  =  0 the solution for x becomes
the pendulum bob weight, mg = 2.62 × 10−3
×9.8 m s−2 ≈ 3 × 10−2 N. x (t ) = 2 0 2 (ω sin γt + γ sin ωt )
Now to give an idea of the influence of this (ω − γ )
force on the pendulum bob motion, let us sup- Notice that when we are close to the resonance
pose that our pendulum is oscillating freely. Its frequency γ ≈ ω the equation (11) can be written
initial total energy is just gravitational poten- as
tial energy, mgh, where h  =  3 cm is the initial
η ω2
height of the pendulum bob measured respect x (t )  2 0 2 (sin γt + sin ωt )
to its lowest position. The rate P at which this (ω − γ )
pendulum looses energy is given by P  =  −bv2 The expression in parenthesis corresponds
[6], where v is the bob speed. This speed is of to the sum of two sinusoidal signals of equal
course not constant, but let us assume that it is ampl­itude and very close frequencies; conse-
and its value is 2m , which is reasonable enough. quently, the beat phenomena emerges and its
frequency is given by
Thus, |P |= ∆E = bv 2 = 1.9 × 10−4 kg s−1 ×
∆t 1
(0.15 m s−1) 2= 4.3 × 10−6 W. The time it takes fbeat =
(13) | γ − ω|

for the bob to stop is given by ∆t = ∆Et =
P From the plot shown in figure 6, the beats period
mgh 2.62 × 10−3 kg ⋅ 9.8 m s−2 ⋅ 3 × 10−2 m is 27.5 s on one hand, and on the other one, from
= ≈ 179 s ≈ 3
4.3 × 10−6 W equation  (13) the beats period Tbeats = 1/fbeats is
min. This time should be smaller than the real one
27.7 s. This last period comes as a result of tak-
due to our assumption, but the order of magnitude
is in good agreement with the real one that was ing ω = g with L  =  20 cm. So, our results are
approximately 2 min. in reasonably good agreement with the theory.

May 2017 4 Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033007

Determining the damping coefficient of a simple pendulum oscillating in air
5. Conclusions [2] Allum J and Talbot C 2014 Physics for the IB
Diploma (London: Hodder Education)
We have presented a systematic method to deter- [3] Homer D and Bowen-Jones M 2014 Physics
mine the value of the damping coefficient for a (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
simple pendulum oscillating in air and estimated [4] Brown D 2017 Tracker video analysis and
the order of magnitude of the maximum force modeling tool. Version 4.9 (
due to friction on the pendulum bob. The value of
[5] Gaffney C A and Kagan D 2002 Beats in an
this force turned out to be very small compared oscillator near resonance The Physics Teacher
to the other forces acting upon the driven pendu- 40 405
lum. However, this force plays an important role [6] Tipler P and Mosca G 2007 Physics for Scientists
in the dynamic of the pendulum. Furthermore, and Engineers 7th edn (New York: W.H.
the value of the local acceleration of gravity was
[7] Lee S 2014 An Introduction to Mathematics for
found and the period of the beats was computed; Engineers (London: Hodder Education)
the obtained values are in reasonably good agree-
ment with the theory. Finally, now our students Luis A Ladino holds a BSc in physics
have knowledge of the order of magnitude of from the Universidad Nacional,
the damping force appearing in an oscillating Colombia and an MSc and PhD in
physics from the University of Kentucky
in the US. He is a full-time physics
instructor at the Escuela Colombiana
de Ingeniería, Julio Garavito, Bogotá,
Acknowledgments Colombia. His primary physics interests are low-dimensional
materials for thermoelectric applications, and the automatization
The authors wish to thank to the lab assistants of experiments using microcontrollers, PCs and tablets. He is
Yuri Angel, Juan C González, and Francisco A also engaged in developing resources for teaching physics.
Díaz for their help in the development of this
Hermilda S Rondón holds a BSc in
experiment. mathematics and physics from the
Universidad del Tolima, Colombia,
an MSc in statistics from Universidad
Received 21 February 2017, in final form 27 February 2017 Nacional, Colombia, and an MSc
Accepted for publication 2 March 2017
in technology in education from the
Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey,
México. Since 2005, she has been
working at the Departamento de Matematicas of the Escuela
References Colombiana de Ingeniería, Julio Garavito, Bogotá, Colombia,
[1] Kleppner D and Kolenkow R 1973 An and is involved in teaching probability and statistics for
Introduction to Mechanics (New York: engineers. She is also engaged in developing resources for
McGraw Hill) teaching physics.

May 2017 5 Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033007

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