UAS (Bahas Inggris) 2B Hotel

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2 B Perhotelan

1. NAME : Kadek Dwi Cahyani

NO : 01






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. Big ( number of room ) : The Ritz Hotel is bigger than The Star, but The Strand is the biggest.
2. Expensive ( price ) : The Ritz Hotel is more expensive than The Strand, but The Star is the
most expensive.
3. Good ( number of stars ) : The Ritz Hotel is more good than The Strand, but The Star is most
4. Close ( to the airport ) : The Strand Hotel is closer than The Ritz, but The Star is the closest.
5. Modern ( old/new ): The Star Hotel is more modern than The Ritz, but The Strand is most
6. Far ( to the town center ) : The Star Hotel is more far than The Ritz, but The Strand is most
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

R.S : Good Morning, Room Service, Cahyani’s speaking. How may I assist you ?

Guest : Hi Morning. I’m Goh from room number 307. I want to have 1 shrimp cocktail, 1
sirloin steak with medium, and 1 vanilla ice cream. Is it possible to get the menu at 8 AM ?

R.S :Yes, of course Mr.Goh, you can get your breakfast as your time request.

Guest : Thank you.

R.S : Alright Mr.Goh, I would like to repeat your request. So you already request for your
breakfast 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak with medium, and 1 vanilla ice cream. And your
room number is 307. Is that correct Mr.Goh ?

Guest : Perfect.

R.S : Alright Mr.Goh, thank you very much for your calling, we will process your breakfast
as your request as soon as possible. And have a nice day.

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
Answer : She doesn’t understand at the meaning of all the word.
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
Answer : If I had much money, I would buy this museum.
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Answer : Today never off till you put what can do tomorrow.
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
Answer : I visited London when I was twenty with my father.
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
Answer : One of my friends has bought a new expensive house.

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest

2. Asking for reservation

3. Seating the guest

4. Presenting breakfast menu

5. Taking order
6. Serving breakfast menu

7. Clearing up

8. Serving tea or coffee

9. Billing

10. Thanking the guest

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

A B 1. Bacon

ba__ __mb 2. Beef

be__ __ef 3. Chicken

chic__ __con 4. Duck

du__ __ose 5. Goose

go__ __ck 6. Hare

ha__ __re 7. Lamb

la__ __ken

A B 1. Mutton
mut__ __rk 2. Pheasant
phea__ __bit 3. Pigeon
pig__ __al 4. Pork
po__ __son 5. Rabbit
rab__ __sant 6. Veal
ve__ __eon 7. Venison
veni__ __ton
2. NAME : Kadek Mega Riska Arianti
NO : 02




I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. The ritz hotel is more expensive than the strand hotel.But the most expensive is the star hotel.
2. The Strand hotel is closer to the airpot than the ritz hotel.But the closest is the star hotel
3. The star hotel is farther to the town centre than the ritz hotel. But the strand hotel is the
4. The ritz hotel is better than strand hotel.But the The star hotel is the best
5. The Star hotel is more modern than the ritz hotel. But the most modern is the strand hotel.
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

OT: “ Good Morning,room service mega’s speaking,how may assist you?”

GUEST: “ Good morning,I want to order some breakfast”
OT:” sure sir,may would you tell me your name or your room number sir?”
GUEST:” I’m Goh from room 307”
OT:” alright MR. Goh what would you like to order sir?”
GUEST:” I want to order 1 shrimp cocktail,and sirloin steak and one vanilla ice cream for
OT: “ what type of sirloin steak do you want mr. Goh,small ,medium or large?”
GUEST:” the medium please”
OT:” alright mr.Goh may I repeat your order?”
GUEST:” sure”
OT:” alright mr.Goh your order are 1 shrimp cocktail,1 medium sirloin steak and for
dessert you want vanilla ice cream,is that correct sir?”
GUEST:” yes correct”
OT:” alright sir thank you for your order,your order will serve as soon as possible ,have a
nice stay mr.Goh”
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand the meaning of the word at all
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
I would buy this museum if I had much money
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Never put off what you can do today till tomorrow
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
I visited London when I was twenty with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
One of my friends has bought a new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest

2. Asking for reservation
3. Seating the guest
4. Presenting breakfast menu
5. Serving tea or coffee
6. Taking order
7. Serving the breakfast menu
8. Clear up
9. Billing
10. Thanking the guest
V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic
foods. The first one in the first section has been done as an example.
(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)
Bacon __mb
Beef __ef
Chicken __con
Duck __ose
Goose __ck
Hare __re
Lamb __ken

Mutton __rk
pheasant __bit
Pigeon __al
Pork __son
Rabit __sant
Veal __eon
Venison __ton

1. beef
2. chicken
3. duck
4. goose
5. hare
6. lamb
7. mutton
8. pheasant
9. pigeon
10. pork
11. rabit
12. veal
13. venison
3. NAME : Ni Luh Gede Cahaya Adnyani
NO : 03/1915823012






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest
1. The ritz hotel is more expensive than the strand hotel.But the most expensive is the star hotel.
2. The Strand hotel is closer to the airpot than the ritz hotel.But the closest is the star hotel
3. The star hotel is farther to the town centre than the ritz hotel. But the strand hotel is the
4. The ritz hotel is better than strand hotel.But the The star hotel is the best
5. The Star hotel is more modern than the ritz hotel. But the most modern is the strand hotel.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

OT: “ Good Morning,room service cahaya’s speaking,how may assist you?”

GUEST: “ Good morning,I want to order some breakfast”
OT:” sure sir,may would you tell me your name or your room number sir?”
GUEST:” I’m Goh from room 307”
OT:” alright Mr. Goh what would you like to order sir?”
GUEST:” I want to order 1 shrimp cocktail,and sirloin steak and one vanilla ice cream for
OT: “ what type of sirloin steak do you want Mr. Goh,small ,medium or large?”
GUEST:” the medium please”
OT:” alright Mr.Goh may I repeat your order?”
GUEST:” sure”
OT:” alright Mr.Goh your order are 1 shrimp cocktail,1 medium sirloin steak and for
dessert you want vanilla ice cream,is that correct sir?”
GUEST:” yes correct”
OT:” alright sir thank you for your order,your order will serve as soon as possible ,have a
nice stay Mr.Goh”
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand the meaning of the word at all
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
I would buy this museum if I had much money
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Never put off what you can do today till tomorrow
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
I visited London when I was twenty with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
One of my friends has bought a new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest

2. Asking for reservation
3. Seating the guest
4. Presenting breakfast menu
5. Serving tea or coffee
6. Taking order
7. Serving the breakfast menu
8. Clear up
9. Billing
10. Thanking the guest

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

Bacon __mb
Beef __ef
Chicken __con
Duck __ose
Goose __ck
Hare __re
Lamb __ken

Mutton __rk
Pheasant __bit
Pigeon __al
Pork __son
Rabit __sant
Veal __eon
Venison __ton
1. beef
2. chicken
3. duck
4. goose
5. hare
6. lamb
7. mutton
8. pheasant
9. pigeon
10. pork
11. rabit
12. veal
13. venison
4. NAME : Ni Luh Purwanti
NO : 04 (2B Hotel)






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. Good : The ritz hotel is better than. The strand hotel, but the star is the best

2. Big : the strand hotel is bigger than, the ritz and the strand hotel is the biggest hotel

3. expensive : the ritz hotel is more expensive that, the strand hotel, but the star hotel is the
most expensive hotel

4. close : the strand hotel is closer than, the ritz hotel from the airport , but the star is the
closest hotel from the airport

5. modern : the start hotel is more modern than, the ritz hotel, but the strand is the most
modern hotel
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one). And
for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.
Conversation of the room service

Room service : “good morning, room service Purwanti speaking, how may I assist you?”
Guest : “I want to order food and beverage”
Room service : “alright sir, what you like to order?”
Guest : “I want to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one)”
Room service :” alright sir, what do you want to order for dissert?”
Guest : “1 vanilla ice cream”
Room service : “now, could you please telling me your name and your room number?”
Guest : “Mr. goh in room 307”
Room service : “alright your name is mr. goh in room 307 and you want orders 1 shrimp
cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one), and for dissert 1 vanilla ice cream, this correct sir?”
Guest : “yes correct”
Room service : “thank you mr.goh. your meal will be delivered as soon as it’s all ready, have a
nice stay”
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
 she doesn’t understand of all the meaning at the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
 I would buy this museum, If I had much money
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with – father
 I was twenty, when I visited London with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought – a
 My friend has bought of a new one expensive house
IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming The Guest

= Good morning Sir/ Madam, welcome to our restaurant.

2. Asking for reservation

= Do you have reservation before Sir/ Madam?

3. Seating the guest

= Here is your table Sir/ Madam

4. Presenting breakfast menu

= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Our menu today are (….), (….), and (….),etc.
Our special menu today is (…)

5. Taking order
=What would you like to order Sir/ Madam?
Can I write your order now Sir/ Madam?

6. Serving tea or coffe

= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your coffe or tea. Plese enjoy!

7. Serving breakfast menu

= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your breakfast. Please, enjoy your meal!
8. Clear Up
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. May I take your plate?
9. Billing
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Here is your bill. Would you like to pay, by credit or cash?

10. Thanking the guest

= Thank you very much for coming to our restaurant Sir/ Madam.
Have a nice day
V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton
1. ba_+_con= bacon
2. be_+_ef = beef
3. chic_+_ken= chicken
4. du_+_ck = duck
5. go_+_ose = goose
6. ha_+_re = hare
7. la_+_mb= lamb
8. mut_+_son= mutson
9. phea_+_ sant= pheasant
10. pig_+_eon = pigeon
11. po_+_rk= pork
12. rab_+_bit = rabit
13. ve_+_al = veal
14. veni_+_ton = veniton
NO : 05 / 1915823022






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. The Ritz Hotel is less good than the Star Hotel, but the Strand Hotel is the least good.
2. The Ritz Hotel is more expensive price than the Strand hotel, but the Star Hotel is the
most expensive price.
3. The Ritz hotel is gooder than the Strand Hotel, but The Star Hotel is the goodest.
4. The Strand hotel is farther go to airport than the Star hotel, but The Ritz Hotel is the
farthest go to airport.
5. The Star Hotel is more modern than the Ritz hotel, but The Strand hotel is the most
6. The Ritz hotel is bigger than the Strand hotel, but the Star hotel is the biggest.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

OT : “Good Morning Room Service, Tina speaking may I help you?”

GUEST : “Good Morning, I would have breakfast please…”
OT : “Alright Mr, may I know your name and your room number?”
GUEST : “I am Goh in room 307.”
OT : “Alright Mr. Goh, what breakfast do you want?”
GUEST : “I would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak with medium one”
OT : “Alright Mr, would you order for the dessert?”
GUEST : “oh yes.. I want one vanilla ice cream please…”
OT : “Alright Mr. Goh. Could I repeat you order?”
GUEST : “okay…”
OT : “Alright Mr. Goh. You order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak with
medium one and one vanilla ice cream for dessert. Is that right Mr?”
GUEST : “yes right.”
OT : “Alright Mr. Goh, what time would you like to be served?”
GUEST : “ at 8 a.m please…”
OT : “Alright Mr. Goh, your order will be served at 8 a.m. there is anything else
GUEST : “no thank you”
OT : “ Alright Mr. Goh thank you for calling and have a nice day!”
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning – of
=> She doesn’t understand of all the meaning at the word.
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if – money
=> I would buy this museum if I had much money.
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
=> you never can what put do off today till tomorrow
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with – father
=> I was visited London with my father when I twenty
=> when I twenty I was visited London with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought – a
=> one of my friends has bought a new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

4. Welcoming the guest

-good morning, welcome to our restaurant.
5. Asking for reservation
-Do you have reservation before?
6. Seating the guest
-pulling chairs for the guest
7. Presenting breakfast menu
-in our restaurant we have 2 menu breakfast. There are fried rice seafood with ice tea and
Fried French with lemon tea.
8. Taking order
-your order is fried French with lemon tea, there is anything else mr?
9. Serving tea or coffee
-excusme this is tea
10. Serving breakfast menu
-excusme mr, this is your breakfast. Enjoy for the breakfast😊
11. Clearing up
-take out all plate and glass in table.
12. Billing
-excusme mr. this your billing
13. Thanking the guest
-thank you for coming in our restaurant. I wish you come back again. See you and have a
nice day😊

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

1. -bacon
2. -pork
6. NAME : Mudrika Aulia Irawan
NO : 06 / 2B Hotel






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. The Ritz Hotel is more expensive than the strand hotel ,But the star hotel is the most expensive
among all of the 3 hotels
2. The star hotel is more modern than the Ritz hotel, But the strand hotel is the most modern
among all of the three Hotel.
3.The Ritz hotel is better than the Stard hotel ,But the star hotel is the best hotel among all of the
3 hotels
4. From Town Center The star hotel is farther than the Ritz hotel, But the Strand hotel is farthest
hotel from town center .
5.From airport The Strand hotel is closer than this Ritz hotel, but the star hotel is the closest hotel
from airport.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Conversation of the room service

Room service : “good morning, room service Rika speaking, how may I assist you?”

Guest : “I want to order food and beverage please ”

Room service : “Alright sir may i know your name and your room number please?”

Guest : “Mr. goh in room 307”

Room service : “alright sir, what you like to order Mr. Goh ?”

Guest : “I want to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one)”

Room service :” alright sir, what do you want to order for dissert Mr Goh?”

Guest : “1 vanilla ice cream”

Room service :” alright , Anything else i can do for you Mr.Goh?”

Guest : “No thankyou”

Room service :” Alright Mr.Goh i would like to repeat your order please? ”

Guest : “yes sure”

Room service : “alright your name is Mr.Goh in room 307 and you want to orders 1
shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one), and for dissert 1 vanilla ice cream, this correct

Guest : “yes correct”

Room service : “thank you mr.goh. your meal will be delivered as soon as it’s all ready,
have a nice stay”

Guest : “you’re welcome”

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
= She doesn't understand of all the meaning at the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
= I would buy this museum if I had much money
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
=Never put off till tommorow what you can do today
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
=I visited London with my father when I was twenty
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
= My friend has bought of a new one expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1.   Welcoming The Guest
      = Good morning Sir/ Madam, welcome to our restaurant.
2. Asking for reservation
= Do you have reservation before Sir/ Madam?
3. Seating the guest
= Here is your table Sir/ Madam
4. Presenting breakfast menu
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Our menu today are French fries , burger, beef steak
  Our special menu today is sirloin steak
5. Taking order
=What would you like to order Sir/ Madam?
  Can I write your order now Sir/ Madam?
6. Serving tea or coffe
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your coffe or tea. Pleseenjoy!
7. Serving breakfast menu
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your breakfast. Please, enjoy your meal!
     8.   Clear Up
          = Excuse me Sir/ Madam. May I take your plate?
     9.   Billing
      = Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Here is your bill. Would you like to pay, by credit or cash?
   10.  Thanking the guest
      = Thank you very much for coming to our restaurant Sir/ Madam. 
          Have a nice day

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

1. ba__+__con= bacon
2. be__+__ef = beef
3. chic__+__ken= chicken
4. du__+__ck = duck
5. go__+__ose = goose
6. ha__+__re = hare
7. la__+__mb= lamb
mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

1. mut__+__son= mutson
2. phea__+__ sant= pheasant
3. pig__+__eon = pigeon
4. po__+__rk= pork
5. rab__+__bit = rabit
6. ve__+__al = veal
7. veni__+__ton = veniton
7. NAME : Ni Luh Putu Chintya Mahadewi
NO : 07






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

.1. Between the strand, the ritz and the star hotels, the star is the good expensive

2. If from the strand hotel, reach the town centre the distance is quite far, it takes 20 minutes

3. The fastest distance to the airport from the three hotels is from the star hotel because it only
takes 1 minute and just walk

4. The star hotel is a big hotel because it is five-star and has complete facilities although there
are fewer rooms occupancy than the ritz and the strand

5. Among the three hotels the strand hotel has the lowest close price of around $ 90- $ 120

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.
Chintya : Good Morning room service This is Chintya how may assist you ?

Mr. Goh : Good morning I would like to order some meal

Chintya : May i know your room number and your name please sir?

Mr. Goh : Goh from room number 307

Chintya : Yes Mr. Goh,what would you like to order, please?

Mr. Goh : I would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak, and for the dessert I want
vanilla ice cream

Chintya : What kind of steak do you want ?

Mr. James Philips : medium, please

Chintya : Anything else, sir

Mr. Goh : No, thanks

Chintya : May I repeat your order sir?

Mr. James Philips : Yes, please

Anisa : Your order is 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 medium sirloin steak, and for the dessert is vanilla ice
cream for room 307, is that correct ?

Mr. Goh: Yes

Chintya : What time would you like to be served ?

Mr. Goh : 07.00 p.m please

Chintya : Certainly sir, your ordered would be served at 07.00 p.m, thanks for calling room
service and have a nice day Mr. Goh

Mr. Goh : ok

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand at all the meaning of the word.
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if – money
If i had much money,i would buy this museum
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Never put off till tommorrow what you can do today
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with – father
When i was twenty i visited London with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought – a
My friends has bought a one of new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest

“ Good Morning Welcome to our restaurant”
2. Asking for reservation
“ Do you have reservation before?”
3. Seating the guest
“ Please this way sir”
“ This is your table and I’m your waiter/s”
“ Have a seat please”
4. Presenting breakfast menu
“ This is our menu sir/madam and for the special menu today is chicken cordon bleu”
5. Serving tea or coffee
“Excuse me would you like coffer or tea”
6. Taking order
“ Excuse me already to order now sir/madam”
7. Serving breakfast menu
“ Excuse me this is your breakfast sir/madan, enjoy your meal”
8. Clearing up
“Excuse me have you finish?”
9. Billing,
“Excuse me sir/madam here is the bill, please”
10. Thanking the guest
“ thank you sir/madam have nice day”

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton
Be + ef =Beef
Chic + ken =Chicken
Du + ck =Duck
Go + ose =Goose
Ha + re =Hare
La + mb =Lamb

Mut + ton = mutton

Phea + sant = pheasant
Pig + eon = Pigeon
Po + rk = Pork
Rab + bit = Rabbit
Ve + al = Veal
Veni + son =Venison
8. NAME : Hade Dwipayani
NO : 08






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. (Good) : The Ritz hotel is better than The Strand hotel, but The Star is the best.

2. (Big) : The Strand hotel is bigger than The Ritz, and The Strand Hotel is the
biggest hotel.

3. (Expensive) : The Ritz hotel is more expensive that The Strand hotel, but The Star
hotel is the most expensive hotel.

4. (Close) : The Srand hotel is closer than The Ritz hotel from the airport, but The
Star is the closest hotel from the airport.

5. (Modern) : The Star hotel is more modern than The Ritz hotel,but The Strand is the
most modern hotel
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Room Service    : Good Morning, Room service, Vriska speaking how may I assist you? 

Guest: Hi, I’d like to order something to eat.

Room Service : May i know your name and your room number, please?

Guest : My name is Mr.Goh and my room number is 307.

Room Service    : Which one do you want to order Mr.Goh?

Guest: I’d like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one). And for the dessert one
vanilla ice cream.

Room Service: Is there anything else?

Guest: No, thank you

Room Service: Alright i would like to repeat your order, your order is 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin
steak (medium one). And for the dessert one vanilla ice cream. Is that correct?

Guest: Correct. 
Room Service: Thank you, Mr. Goh. Your meal will be delivered as soon as it’s all ready. Have
a nice day.
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn't understand of all the meaning at the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
I would buy this museum if I had much money
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Never put off till tommorow what you can do today
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
I visited London with my father when I was twenty
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
My friend has bought of a new one expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest

 Greating to the guest based on time. Example : good morning sir/madam. May I assist

14. Asking for reservation

 Waiter/waitress have to ask about the reservation. Example :”do you have reservation
before sir/madam?
If yes ask for the guest name and guide the guest to the reserved table, if no offer choice
of seating

15. Seating the guest

Water invite the guest to take a sit . Example: “take a sit please”
16. Presenting breakfast menu
Menu must be presented to guest opened. Example: “this is our breakfast menu sir
17. Taking order
Water must be have warm smile and good attitude. Example: “excuse sir/madam, are you
ready to order now?
18. Serving breakfast menu
Make sure the food are made as ordered and served the food to the guest. Example :
“Excuse me sir/madam,this is your breakfast, please enjoy your breakfast.
19. Clearing Up
After the have finished their breakfast. Example:” Excuse me sir/madam,have you finish
with your breakfast, may I clear up your plate?”
20. Serving tea or coffe
Example:” Excuse sir, would you like something for coffe or tea?”
21. Billing
Ensure the bill is accurate and always double check. Example :”Excuse sir, this is your
bill. Can I get your sign please?”
22. Thinking the guest
Thank the guest by name. Example :” thank you sir/madam,I hope to see you again and
have a nice day”

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb(lamb)
be__ __ef (beef)
chic__ __con
du__ __ose(goose)
go__ __ck(duck)
ha__ __re(hare)
la__ __ken (chicken)

mut__ __rk(pork)
phea__ __bit(rabbit)
pig__ __al(veal)
po__ __son(mutson)
rab__ __sant(pheasant)
ve__ __eon(pigeon)
veni__ __ton( veniton)
9. NAME : Ni Luh Mira Purnamiasih
NO : 09 / 19158232042
Kelas : 2B Perhotelan






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest
1. Between the strand, the ritz and the star hotels, the star is the good expensive.
2. It from the strand hotel, reach the town centre the distance is quite far, it takes 20 minutes.
3. The fastest distance to the airport from the three hotels is from the star hotel because it only
takes 1 minute and just walk.
4. The star hotel is a big hotel because it is five – star and has complete facilities although there
are fewer rooms occupancy than the ritz and the strand.
5. Among the three hotels the strand hotel has the lowest close price of around $ 90 - $ 120.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.
 Conversation
Taking Order
Guest : Kring... Kring...
OT : “ Good Morning, Room Service Section, Mira’s speaking, how may i help you,
Sir ? “
Mr.Goh : “ Good Morning too, i would like to have some breakfasts, please... “
OT : “ Alright sir, may i know your name and your room number please?“
Mr. Goh : “ My name is James Goh in room number 307 “
OT : “ What would you like to order Mr. Goh ? “
Mr. Goh : “ I would like to order 1 sirloin steak medium and I would you like to order 1
shrimp cocktail ), right ? “
OT : “ Allright Mr. Goh, would you like to order for the dessert ? “
Mr. Goh : “ Yes, i would you like to order for the dessert is one vanilla ice cream “
OT : “ Alright, Is there anything else that we can do for you, Mr. Goh ? “
Mr. Goh : “ No, thanks. That's all enough “
OT : “ Alright I’ll repeat your order. Your order is 1 sirlon steak medium, 1
shrimp cocktail and for the dessert is one vanilla is cream is that correct, sir ?
Mr. Goh :” Yes, it is correct”
OT : “ Certainly Mr. Philips, your order will delivery as soon as it’s all ready.
Thank you for using our service. I hope you enjoy your meal. Have a Good Day. “
Mr. Goh : “Thankyou.”

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand at all the meaning of the word.
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
If i had much money, i would buy this museum.
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
What you do today can never put off till tomorrow.
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
When I was twenty i visited London with my father.
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
My friends has bought a one of new expensive house
IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest : Give an appropriate greeting.

“ Good morning, sir / madam. Welcome to our restaurant. For how many persons sir /
Madam ?”

23. Asking for reservation : check reservation.

“Wait a moment please, i will check your reservation”
“Alright, sir. Already check your reservation. Room number 123 Mr. John Smith already
prepare table number 2”

24. Seating the guest : Take the guest to the table

“Would you follow me sir / madam”

4. Presenting breakfast menu : “ Please be seated sir. Here is the menu sir/ madam”

5. Serving tea or coffee : Offer coffee or tea to the guests

6. Taking order : Waiter / s records the guest order “alright, would you like to start with?”

7. Serving breakfast menu : “Here is your breakfast order, sir / madam”

8. Clearing up : “ Excuse me sir / madam, may clear your plates?”

9. Billing : “Here is the bill Sir / Madam”

10. Thanking the guest : “ How was the food sir / madam ?” “Thank you, please do visit next
time and have a good day sir / madam”

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__con la__mb
be__ef ba__ef
chic__ken ba__con
du__ck go__ose
go__ose du__ck
ha__re ha__re
la__mb chic__ken

mut__ton po__rk
phea__sant ra__bit
pig__eon ve__al
po__rk veni__son
rab__bit phea__sant
ve__al pig__eon
veni__ mut__ton
10. NAME : Ni Nyoman Ariani
NO : 10






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.
good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest
1. (Close) : Hotel Strand is closer than the Ritz to the airport, but the Star is closest.
2. ( Far) : The Ritz hotel is far from the town center, but the Strand and the Star are further.
3. (Expensive) : The Ritz is expensive than the Strand, but the Star is the expensivest.
4. (Far) : The Stard is far from the airport, but the Ritz is the farthest.
5. (Good) : The Ritz is a good hotel, but The Star is the goodest hotel.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Room Service : Good morning room service, Ariani speaking how may assist you?
Mr. Goh : Yes please, I want order some food?
Room Service : Yes Sir
Mr. Goh : I want 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one) And 1 vanilla ice
cream for dessert
Room Service : Alright sir, May i know your name and your room number?
Mr. Goh : Mr. Goh room 307
Room Service : May i repeat your request Mr.Goh ?
Mr. Goh : Yes Please
Room Service : Alright Mr.Goh , you request 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak with
medium maturity and 1 vanilla ice cream for dessert . its that correct ?
Mr. Goh : Yes correct
Room Service : Anything else Mr.Goh ?
Mr. Goh : No thanks
Room Service : Well Mr. Goh we will deliver your request to your room as soon as
Mr. Goh : Thank You for your help
Room Service : With my pleasure Mr.Goh , have a nice day

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand at all the meaning of the word.
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
If i money had would buy much museum this
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
You never can put do off day what today till tomorrow
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
When i twenty, i was visited London with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
My friends has bought a one of new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu
1. welcoming the guest : Greetings when guests have arrived at the restaurant's door saying
"welcome" or good morning, make eye contact, smile kindly with a slight bow to give the
impression of respect.
2. asking for reservation : Ask the guest if a previous reservation has been made. Do you
have resevation, and how many person
3. seating the guest : The next step is where the guest has entered the restaurant and the
waiter will guide the guest to the dining table they ordered. Where are the first ladies are
welcome (ladies first).
4. Step 4 : Presenting the breakfast menu : Waiters are advised to be one step from the guest
table, with the body position upright but relaxed. While waiting for guests ready to order
5. taking order : Record all guest orders
6. Serving tea or coffee : Serve tea or coffee to guests.
7. Serving breakfast menu : Serving orders ordered by guests. dishes are served from the
right of the gues.
8. Clearing up : Clean all the cutlery used by guests in the form of glass.
9. Billing : Done after the guest has finished eating and will leave the restaurant, also confirm
to the guest about how much the total must be paid by the guest.
10. Thanking the guest : After the guest has finished and made the payment process, thank
the guest and ask the guest to come back another time.

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb (lamb)
be__ __ef (beef)
chic__ __con (bacon)
du__ __ose (goose)
go__ __ck (duck)
ha__ __re (hare)
la__ __ken
mut__ __rk (pork)
phea__ __bit (rabbit)
pig__ __al (veal)
po__ __son(venison)
rab__ __sant (pheasant)
ve__ __eon (pigeon)
veni__ __ton (mutton)

11. NAME : I Gede Surya Mahendra

NO : 11





I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. (Big) : The Ritz hotel is bigger than the Strand, but the Star is the biggest hotel.

2. (Modern): Hotel Ritz has fewer rooms than the hotel stand, but the Star has fewer.
3. (Expensive): The Ritz hotels are more expensive than the Stand hotels, but the star hotels
are more expensive.

4. (Far): the hotel stands closer to the airport than the Ritz, but the star hotel is the closest.

5. (Far): The star hotel is closer to the city center than the stand hotel, but de Ritz is the
closest hotel

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Surya: Good afternoon, this is room service the order taker dede's speaking how may I assist
Mr. Goh : Good afternoon, I would like to have lunch in my room, please.
Surya : Yes sir, may i know your name and room number sir?
Mr. Goh : My name is Goh and my room number is 108.
Surya : Yes, Mr. Goh. May I spell your name?
Mr. Goh : Yes sure.
Surya : G for golf, O for oscar, H for hotel.
Mr. Goh : Yes that’s my name.
Surya : Yes, Mr. Goh. What would you like to have for your lunch, please?
Mr. Goh : I would like to have one shrimp cocktail.
Surya : Yes sir, one shrimp cocktail. The next please?
Mr. Goh : One sirloin steak, medium one please.
Surya : Yes sir, one medium sirloin steak and for the dessert, please?
Mr. Goh : One vanilla ice cream.
Surya : One vanilla ice cream. I would like to repeat your order, one shrimp cocktail, one
medium sirloin steak, and one vanilla ice cream, anythings else Mr. Goh?
Mr. Goh : No thankyou.
Surya : Yes Mr. Goh, please wait for 45 minutes, and our staff will delivered your order to your
room, thankyou for your order and have a nice day Mr. Goh.
Mr. Goh : Thank you.
Surya : You’re welcome Mr. Goh.

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning – of
she doesn’t of the understand meaning at all the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if – money
I would buy this museum if I had much money.
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
you never what can do off today till tomorrow.
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with – father
I was with father visited London when my twenty.
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
My bought a one new house expensive of has friends.

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest.

Greating to the guest based on time. Example : “Good morning Sir/Madam. May I assist

2. Asking for reservation

Waiter/waitress have to ask about the reservation. Example : “Do you have reservation
before sir/madam?”
If yes ask for the guest name and guide the guest to the reserved table, if no offer choice
of seating.

3. Seating the guest

Waiter invite the guest to take a sit. Example : “Take a sit please”

4. Presenting breakfast menu

Menu must be presented to guest opened. Example : “This is our breakfast menu

5. Taking order
Waiter must be have warm smile and good attitude. Example : “Excusme sir/madam, are
you ready to order now?

6. Serving breakfast menu

Make sure the food are made as ordered and served the food to the guest. Example :
“Excusme sir/madam, this is your breakfast, please enjoy your breakfast.”

7. Clearing up
After the have finished their breakfast. Example : “Excusme sir/madam, have you finish
with your breakfast, may I clear up your plate?

8. Serving tea or coffee

Example : “Excuse me sir/madam, would you like something for coffee or tea?”

9. Billing
Ensure the bill is accurate and always double check. Example : “Excuse me sir/madam,
this is your bill. Can I get your sign please.”

10. Thanking the guest

Thank the guest by name. Example : “Thank you sir/madam, I hope to see you again and
have a nice day.”
V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

- Be + ef = beef
- Chic + ken = chicken
- Du + ck = duck
- Go + ose = goose
- Ha + re = hare
- La + ken = laken
- Mut + ton = mutton
- Phea + sant = pheasant
- Pig + eon = pigeon
- Po + rk = pork
- Rab + bit = rabbit
- Ve + al = veal
- Veni + son = venison


NO : 12
NIM : 1915823057






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. The Ritz Hotel is better than the Standart, but The Star is the best
2. The Ritz Hotel is bigger than The Star, but The Standart is the biggest
3. The Ritz Hotel is more expensive than The Standart, but The Star is the most expensive
4. The Standart Hotel is more coser to the airport than The Ritz, but The Star is the closest
5. The Star Hotel is the further to the town centre than The Ritz, but The Standart is the
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Yoga : Good Morning, room service, the order taker Yoga’s speaking. How my assist


Mr. Goh : good morning, I would like to order room service for breakfast

Yoga : Alright sir, my I know what your name and your room number , please?

Mr. Goh : my name’s Goh. It’s room 307

Yoga : alright Mr. Goh. What would you like to order?

Mr. Goh : do you have any suggestion for me?

Yoga : yes sir, today we have T-bone steak & eggs, shrimp cocktail, sirloin
steak,blueberry chips pancakes, and fried rice with egg and chicken. Which one
do you need Mr. Goh?

Mr. Goh : sound’s good. I’d like to have 1 shrimp cocktail and 1 sirloin steak

Yoga : Alright Mr. Goh, How would you like your sirloin steak cooked?

Mr. Goh : Medium, please

Yoga : Alright Mr. Goh. Would you like anything Dessert?

Mr. Goh : I like to have one vanilla ice cream.

Yoga : alright Mr. Goh. So that will be 1 shrimp cocktail and 1 sirloin steak, and for
dessert is 1 vanilla ice cream. Is that correct?

Mr. Goh : correct

Yoga : Thank you Mr. Philips. Your breakfast will be delivered as soon as it’s all ready.
Enjoy your meal.

Mr. Goh : thanks.

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of

She doesn’t understand at the meaning of the all word

2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money

I would like buy this museum if I had much money

3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what

Do you never can what put off today till tomorrow?

4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father

I visited London with my father when I was twenty

5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a

One of my friends has bought a new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest

Greet the guset and say “good morning, good afternoon or good evening”
2. Asking for reservation
Ask the guest about the reservation” would you have reservation before?”
3. Seating the guest
Escode the guest to the table, make sure the guest need smoking area or not
4. Presenting breakfast menu
Present the breakfast menu, start from ladies dan wise clock
5. Taking order
Take the order dan repeat the order
6. Serving tea or coffee
For the first serve cofe or tea
7. Serving breakfast manu
Serving the guest’s order with wish clock
8. Clearing up
After the guest enjoy the breakfast, clear all of plates and cutlery on the table
9. Billing
For the billing, ask the guest they need pay by cash or shuttle to room charge
10. Thanking the guest
The last ask the guest about food taste dan say “thank you for comeing, have a nice day”

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb Bacon
be__ __ef Beef
chic__ __con Chicken
du__ __ose Duck
go__ __ck Goose
ha__ __re hare
la__ __ken Lamb

mut__ __rk Mutton
phea__ __bit Pheasant
pig__ __al pigeon
po__ __son Pork
rab__ __sant Rabbit
ve__ __eon Veal
veni__ __ton Venison


NO : 13 / 1915823062







I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. The Ritz hotel is better than The Strand hotel, but The Star is the best.
2. The Strand hotel is bigger than The Ritz, and The Strand hotel is the biggest hotel.
3. The Ritz hotel is more expensive that The Strand hotel, but The Star hotel is the most
expensive hotel.
4. The Star hotel is closer from the town centre than The Strand hotel, but The Ritz hotel is
the closer from town centre.
5. The Strand hotel is farther from airport than The Star hotel, but The Ritz hotel is farther
6. The Star hotel is more modern than The Ritz hotel, but The Strand is the most modern

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Room service : Good morning, Room service, Wika speaking, How may assist you?

Guest : Good morning, I’d like to order something to eat.

Room service : Alright, may I know your name and your room number, please?

Guest : Yes, my name is Mr. Goh and myroom number is 307.

Room service : Alright Mr. Goh, what do you want?

Guest : I’d like to have 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 medium sirloin steak , and for dessert I want 1
vanilla ice cream.

Room service : Alright Mr. Goh, so that will be 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 medium sirloin steak, and
for dessert is 1 vanilla ice cream, that’s correct?

Guest : Yes correct.

Room service : Alright, do you want to anything else Mr. Goh?

Guest : No, thanks.

Room service : Alright Mr. Goh, thank you for your calling. Your meal will be delivered as soon
as it’s all ready. Have a nice day.
Guest : Okay, thank you.

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand the meaning of the word at all.
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
If I have much money, I would buy this museum.
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
I visited London with my father when I was twenty
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
One of my friends has bought anew expensive house.

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming The Guest

= Good morning Sir/ Madam, welcome to our restaurant.
2. Asking for reservation
= Do you have reservation before Sir/ Madam?
3. Seating the guest
= Here is your table Sir/ Madam
4. Presenting breakfast menu
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Our menu today are (….), (….), and (….),etc.
Our special menu today is (…)
5. Taking order
=What would you like to order Sir/ Madam?
Can I write your order now Sir/ Madam?
6. Serving tea or coffee
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your coffee or tea. Please enjoy!
7. Serving breakfast menu
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your breakfast. Please, enjoy your meal!
8. Clear Up
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. May I take your plate?
9. Billing
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Here is your bill. Would you like to pay, by credit or cash?
10. Thanking the guest
= Thank you very much for coming to our restaurant Sir/ Madam. Have a nice day

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb bacon
be__ __ef beef
chic__ __con chicken
du__ __ose duck
go__ __ck goose
ha__ __re hare
la__ __ken lamb

mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al mutton

po__ __son pheasant

rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

14. NAME : Ni Kadek Merlina Natari

NO : 14





I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest
1. (Expensive) : The Ritz is expensive than the Strand, but the Star is the expensivest.
2. ( Far) : The Ritz hotel is far from the town center, but the Strand and the Star are further.
3. (Close) : Hotel Strand is closer than the Ritz to the airport, but the Star is closest.
4. (Good) : The Ritz is a good hotel, but The Star is the goodest hotel.
5. (Far) : The Stard is far from the airport, but the Ritz is the farthest.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Room Service : Good morning room service, Dinda speaking how may assist you?.
Mr. Goh : Yes please, I want order some food.
Room Service : Yes Sir.
Mr. Goh : I want 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one) And 1 vanilla ice
cream for dessert.
Room Service : Alright sir, May i know your name and your room number?.
Mr. Goh : Mr. Goh room 307.
Room Service : May i repeat your request Mr.Goh ?.
Mr. Goh : Yes Please.
Room Service : Alright Mr.Goh, you request 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak with
medium maturity and 1 vanilla ice cream for dessert . its that correct ?.
Mr. Goh : Yes correct.
Room Service : Anything else Mr.Goh ?.
Mr. Goh : No thanks.
Room Service : Well Mr. Goh we will deliver your request to your room as soon as
Mr. Goh : Thank You for your help.
Room Service : With my pleasure Mr.Goh , have a nice day.

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand at all the meaning of the word.
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
If i had much money, i would buy this museum.
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
What you do today never can put off till tomorrow
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
When i twenty, i was visited London with my father.
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
My friends has bought a one of new expensive house.

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

Step 1 : Welcoming the guest

Greetings when guests have arrived at the restaurant's door saying "welcome" or good
morning, make eye contact, smile kindly with a slight bow to give the impression of respect.
Step 2 : Asking for reservasion
Ask the guest if a previous reservation has been made.
Step 3 : Seating the guest
The next step is where the guest has entered the restaurant and the waiter will guide the
guest to the dining table they ordered. Where are the first ladies are welcome (ladies first).
Step 4 : Presenting the breakfast menu
Waiters are advised to be one step from the guest table, with an upright but relaxed body
position. While waiting for guests to order.
Step 5 : Taking order
Record all guest orders.
Step 6 : Serving tea or coffee
Serve tea or coffee to guests.
Step 7 : Serving breakfast menu
Serving orders ordered by guests. dishes are served from the right of the gues.
Step 8 : Clearing up
Clean all the cutlery used by guests in the form of glass.
Step 9 : Billing
Done after the guest has finished eating and will leave the restaurant, also confirm to the
guest about how much the total must be paid by the guest.
Step 10 : Thanking the guest
After the guest has finished and made the payment process, thank the guest and ask the
guest to come back another time.

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

Ba (bacon) __mb (lamb)
Be (beef) __ef (beef)
Chic (chicken) __con (bacon)
Du (duck) __ose (goose)
Go (goose) __ck (chicken)
Ha (hare) __re (hare)
La (lamb) __ken

Mut (mutton) __rk (pork)
Phea (pheasant) __bit (rabbit)
Pig (pigeon) __al (veal)
Po (pork) __son (venison)
Rab (rabbit) __sant (pheasant)
Ve (veal) __eon (pigeon)
Veni (venison) __ton (mutton)

15. NAME : Sandra Oktavia

No: 15/1915823072






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest
1. The Star is Bigger than The Ritz, but the Strand is the Biggest
2 The Star is more modern than the Ritz., but the Strand is the most modern
3. The Ritz is more expensinve than the Strand, but the Star is the most expensive
4.The Ritz is closer than The Strand for go to the town centre, but the Star is the closest
5.The Ritz is better than The Strand, but The star is the Best
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one). And
for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Order Taker : ” Good, Morning, this is room service the order taker’s Sandra I speaking, How
may assist you, please ?”
Guest : “ I’m Goh from room 307, I woud like to have a breakfast in my room, please.
Order Taker : ”Alright Mr. Goh, What would you like to have a breakfast, please ?”
Guest : “I would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak in medium one, please.”
Order Taker :” Alright Mr. Goh, 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak in medium one. And for the
dessert please ?
Guest :”I want one vanilla ice cream.”
Order Taker :” Alright Mr. Goh, I will repeat your order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak
(medium one). And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.” Is that
Correct or Anyone else ?”
Guest : “yes correct, no thanks and how long does it take, please?”
Order Taker :” it takes about forty five minutes please. But we willtry our to do best, as soon
as possible.”
Guest : “Thank you”
Order Taker :” My pleasure Mr. Goh, Thank you for using room service facility have a nice
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand at the meaning of all the word.
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
If I had much money I would buy this museum
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
What you do today never can put off till tomorrow
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
1 visited London when I was twenty with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
One of my friedns has bought a new expensive house
IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest

2. Asking for reservation

3. Seating the guest

4. Presenting breakfast menu
5. Taking breakfast order
6. serving tea or coffee
7. Serve the order
8. Clearing up
9. Billing
10. Thanking the guest
V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken
mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

 Be + ef = Beef
 Chic + ken =Chicken
 Du + ck =Duck
 Go + ose =Goose
 Ha + re =Hare
 La + mb =Lamb

 Mut + ton =Mutton

 Phea + sant = Pheasant
 Pig + eon = Pigeon
 Rab + bit = Rabbit
 Ve + al =Veal
 Veni + son =Venison
16. Nama: Sang Ayu Putu Mira Damayanti
No : 16

1. Degree of Comparison
 The Ritz’s room is more than the Star, but the Strand is the most.
 The Ritz hotel is bigger than the Strand, but the Star is the biggest.
 The Star hotel is newer than the Ritz, but the Strand is newest.
 The Star hotel is more famous than the Strand, but the Ritz is the most famous.
 The Ritz hotel’s price is more expensive than the Strand, but the Star is the most
2. ( Make The Dialog Between Room Service Staff & Guest )
 Conversation
Taking Order
Guest : Kring... Kring...
OT : “ Good Morning, Room Service Section, Mira Speaking, may i help you, Sir
Guest : “ Good Morning too, i would like to have some breakfasts, please... “
OT : “ Would you tell me your room number and your name, please ? “
Guest : “ My name is Mr. Goh from Room 307 “
OT : “ What would you like to order Mr. Goh ? “
Guest : “ I would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak ( medium one ), and
for the dessert please add vanilla ice cream. “
OT : “ Allright Mr. Goh, i will forward it and send somebody up as soon as fast i can.

OT : “ Is there anything else that we can do for you, Mr. Goh ? “
Guest : “ No, thanks. That's all enough “
OT : “ May I repeat your order ? “
OT : “ You ordered 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak ( medium one ) and
vanilla ice cream for the dessert. Is it correct ? “
Guest : “ Yes “
OT : “ What time would you like to be served ? “
Guest : “ Please at 8 a.m “
OT : “ Certainly Mr. Goh, your order would be served at 8 a.m. Thank you for
using our service. I hope you enjoy your meal. Have a Good Day “

3. She doesn't understand all of the meaning at the word.

I would buy this museum if i had much money.
What do you never can put off today till tommorow ?
I visited London with my father when i was twenty.
My one of friends has bought a new expensive house.

4. Sequence of Breakfast Service :

 Welcoming guest
“ Good Morning, welcome to our restaurant & how can i help you ? “
 Asking for reservation
“ Would you like to make a reservation today ? “ or “ Have you had a reservation
before ? “
 Seating the guest
“ Allright Mam / Sir, your seat at there and let me escort for yours. “
 Presenting breakfast menu
“ Just for information today for breakfast menu that has available are Indonesian &
Continental’s completes ala' charte menu as usual in this first restaurant. Don't forget we
certainly serve morning tea and mineral water. You could choose one from all sets menu.

 Serving tea
“ Happy tea Mam / Sir as our open today. “
 Taking order
“ Allright Mam / Sir, i'm so sorry before, have you finish ? “
After you finish, let me to note your order and repeat it, right ? “
 Serving breakfast
“ Excuse me Mam / Sir, this is yours, hope you enjoy your meal. If you want any
assistance don't be hestitate to call me or other waiter / ss. I stay in the front of the corner
after this to welcome guest. “
 Clearing up
“ Allright Mam / Sir. Have you finish your meal ?
After it has finish i would like to help you to clear it, thank you Mam / Sir. “
 Billing
“ Excume Me Mam / Sir, this is your bill, and your sign in here, please...
For information you could finish at the cashier, right ? “
 Thanking
“ Thank You So Much Mam / Sir to visit our restaurant and giving your trust to use our
service, we hope you’ re enjoy and want to comeback here for getting your special meal,
Happy Good Day Mam / Sir. “

5. – Bacon ( ba + con )
- Beef ( be + ef )
- Chicken ( chic + ken )
- Duck ( du + ck )
- Gore ( go + re )
- Hamb ( ha + mb )
- Laose ( la + ose )
- Mutton ( mut + ton )
- Pheasant ( phea + sant )
- Pigeon ( pig + eon )
- Pork ( po + rk )
- Rabbit ( rab + bit )
- Veal ( ve + al )
- Venison ( veni + son )

17. NAMA :Dinda Eprilianti Rahayu

NO :2B Perhotelan/ 1915823082 / 17
Ujian Akhir Semester
I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

1. (Expensive) : The Ritz is expensive than the Strand, but the Star is the expensivest.
2. ( Far) : The Ritz hotel is far from the town center, but the Strand and the Star are
3. (Close) : Hotel Strand is closer than the Ritz to the airport, but the Star is closest.
4. (Good) : The Ritz is a good hotel, but The Star is the goodest hotel.
5. (Far) : The Stard is far from the airport, but the Ritz is the farthest.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr.
Goh in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium
one). And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.
Room Service : Good morning room service, Dinda speaking how may assist you?
Mr. Goh : Yes please, I want order some food
Room Service : Yes Sir
Mr. Goh : I want 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one) And 1 vanilla ice cream
for dessert
Room Service : Alright sir, May i know your name and your room number?
Mr. Goh : Mr. Goh room 307
Room Service : May i repeat your request Mr.Goh ?
Mr. Goh : Yes Please
Room Service : Alright Mr.Goh , you request 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak with medium
maturity and 1 vanilla ice cream for dessert . its that correct ?
Mr. Goh : Yes correct
Room Service : Anything else Mr.Goh ?
Mr. Goh : No thanks
Room Service : Well Mr. Goh we will deliver your request to your room as soon as possible
Mr. Goh : Thank You for your help
Room Service : With my pleasure Mr.Goh , have a nice day

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. She doesn’t understand at all the meaning of the word.

2. If i had much money,i would buy this museum
3. What you do today never can put off till tomorrow
4. When i was twenty i visited London with my father
5. My friends has bought a one of new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

Step 1 : Welcoming the guest  Greetings when guests have arrived at the restaurant's
door saying "welcome" or good morning, make eye contact, smile kindly with a slight
bow to give the impression of respect.
Step 2 : Asking for reservasion  Ask the guest if a previous reservation has been made.
Step 3 : Seating the guest  The next step is where the guest has entered the restaurant
and the waiter will guide the guest to the dining table they ordered. Where are the first
ladies are welcome (ladies first).
Step 4 : Presenting the breakfast menu  Waiters are advised to be one step from the
guest table, with an upright but relaxed body position. While waiting for guests to order.
Step 5 : Taking order  Record all guest orders.
Step 6 : Serving tea or coffee  Serve tea or coffee to guests.
Step 7 : Serving breakfast menu  Serving orders ordered by guests. dishes are served
from the right of the gues.
Step 8 : Clearing up  Clean all the cutlery used by guests in the form of glass.
Step 9 : Billing  Done after the guest has finished eating and will leave the restaurant,
also confirm to the guest about how much the total must be paid by the guest.
Step 10 : Thanking the guest  After the guest has finished and made the payment
process, thank the guest and ask the guest to come back another time.

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic
foods. The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

1) Bacon
2) Beef
3) Chicken
4) Duck
5) Goose
6) Hare
7) Lamb
mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

1) Mutton
2) Pheasant
3) Pigeon
4) Pork
5) Rabbit
6) Veal
7) Venison

18.NAME : Ni Kadek Desiani

NO/NIM : 18/1915823087
KELAS : 2B Perhotelan






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest
1. The Ritz hotel is gooder than the strand hotel, but the the star is the goodest
2. The Ritz hotel is more expensive than the strand hotel, but the star is most expensive
3. The Ritz hotel is bigger than the star hotel, but the strand hotel is the biggest
4. The Star hotel is farer to the town than The Ritz Hotel hotel, but The Strand Hotel is the
5. The Star hotel is closer to airport than The Ritz Hotel , but The Strand Hotel is the closest

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Order Taker : Good morning, Mr.Goh in room 307. This is room service the order taker Desi’s
speaking how may I assist you?
Mr.Goh : We would like to have lunch in my room, please.
Order Taker : Alright, Mr.Goh. What would you like to have for your breakfast, please?
Mr.Goh : We would like to have 1 shrimp cocktail.
Order Taker : Alright, Mr, Goh, 1 shrimp cocktail the next please?
Mr. Goh : 1 sirloin steak
Order Taker : Alright, Mr.Goh. 1 sirloin steak. How would you like your sirloin steak done,
please? Would you like them rare, medium or well done, please?
Mr. Goh : Medium,please.
Order Taker : Alright,Mr.Goh. 1 sirloin steak medium. And for the dessert, please?
Mr. Goh : One vanilla ice cream.
Order Taker : Alright Mr.Goh. One vanilla ice cream. Anything else, please?
Mr.Goh : No. That’ all. How long does it take, please?
Order Taker : It takes about forty five minutes please. But we will try to do our best, as soon as
possible. I hope you enjoy it.
Mr.Goh : Thank you.
Order Taker : You’re well come Mr.Goh. Have a nice stay in our hotel.

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. She - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning – of
She doesn’t understand at all the meaning of the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if – money
If I had much money, I woud buy this museum
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
What you do today can never put off till tomorrow
3. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with – father
When I was twenty I visited London with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
My friends has bought a one of new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu
1. Welcoming The Guest: Give an appropriate greeting.
“Good morning, sir/madam. Welcome to our restaurant. For how many persons

“Well, where would you like to sit sir? Smoking area or non-smoking area?
2. Asking for reservation: Check recervation.
“wait a moment please, I will check you reservation”
“Alright, sir. Already check your reservation. Room number 123 Mr. James Philip
already prepare table number 4”
3. Seating the guest: Take the guest to the table
“Would you follow me sir/madam”
4. Presenting breakfast menu: “Please be seated sir. Here is the menu sir/madam”
5. Serving tea or coffee: Offer coffee or tea to the guests
6. Taking order: Waiter/s records the guest order “Alright, would you like to start with?”
7. Serving Breakfast menu: “Here is your breakfast order, sir/madam”
8. Clear up: “Excuse me Sir/Madam, may clear your plates?”
9. Billing: “Here is the bill Sir/Madam”
10. Thanking the guest: “How was the food Sir/Madam?” “Thank you, please do visit next
time and have a good day sir/madam”.

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__com la__mb
be__ef be__ef
chic__ken ba__con
du__ck go__ose
go__ose du__ck
ha__re ha__re
la__mb chic__ken

mut__ton po__rk
phea__sant ra__bit
pig__eon ve__al
po__rk veni__son
rab__bit phea__sant
ve__al pig__eon
veni__son mut__ton

19.NAME : Ni Kadek Lina Kesuma Dewi

NO : 1915823092 / 19




I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest
1. ( Good) : The Ritz hotel is better that The Strand hotel , but The Star is the best.
2. ( Big ) : The Strand hotel is bigger than The Ritz, and The Strand hotel is the biggest
3. ( Expensive ) : The Ritz hotel is more expensive that The Strand hotel , but The Star hotel
is the most expensive hotel.
4. ( Close ) : The Strand hotel is closer that The Ritz hotel from the airport but, The Star is
the closer hotel from airport.
5. ( Modern ) : The Star hotel is more modern than The Ritz hotel , but The Strand hotel is
the most modern hotel.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.
Room service : “ good morning , room service, lina speaking. How may I assist you?”
Guest : “ hi , I want to order “
Room service : “ Alright may I know your name and your room number please “
Guest : “ I am Mr.Goh from room number 307”
Room service : “ Alright Mr.Goh want do you want to order?”
Guest “ I want 1 shirmp cocktail , 1 sirloin steak with medium one ang 1 vanilla ice cream for
dessert “
Room service “ Alright Mr.Goh may I repeat your order ? “
Guest : “ Yes , of course “
Room service : “ Alright your order is 1 shirmp cocktail , 1 sirloin steak and vanilla ice cream for
dessert is that correct Mr.Goh “
Guest : “ Yes , correct “
Room service : “ Alright Mr.Goh would you like anything else ?”
Guest : “ no”
Room service : “ Alright Mr.Goh your order will be prepared and if your order ready I will send
room service to serve your order in your room”
Guest : “ ok”
Room service : “ Thankyou for calling Mr.Goh and have a nice day “

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand the meaning of the world at all.
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if – money
If I had much money , I would buy this museum.
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Never put off till tomorrow what can do today.
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with – father
I visited London with my father when I was twenty.
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
One of my friend has bought a new expensive house.

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming The Guest

( Good morning Sir/ Madam, welcome to our restaurant. )
2. Asking for reservation
( Do you have reservation before Sir/ Madam? )
3. Seating the guest
( Here is your table Sir/ Madam )
4. Presenting breakfast menu
( Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Our menu today are (….), (….), and (….),etc.
Our special menu today is (…) )
5. Taking order
( What would you like to order Sir/ Madam? )
6. Serving tea or coffe
( Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your coffe or tea. Plese enjoy! )
7. Serving breakfast menu
( Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your breakfast. Please, enjoy your meal! )
8. Clear Up
( Excuse me Sir/ Madam. May I take your plate?)
9. Billing
( Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Here is your bill. Would you like to pay, by credit or cash? )
10. Thanking the guest
( Thank you very much for coming to our restaurant Sir/ Madam. Have a nice day )
V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

ba__ __mb (Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)
be__ __ef
chic__ __con Bacon
du__ __ose Beef
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

A B Mutton
mut__ __rk Pheasant
phea__ __bit Pigeon
pig__ __al Pork
po__ __son Rabbit
rab__ __sant Veal
ve__ __eon Venision
veni__ __ton

20. NAME : Pande Made Tresna Nara Difa

NO : 20






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. The Ritz Hotel is more expensive than the strand hotel ,But the star hotel is the most expensive
among all of the 3 hotels

2. The star hotel is more modern than the Ritz hotel, But the strand hotel is the most modern
among all of the three Hotel.

3.The Ritz hotel is better than the Stard hotel ,But the star hotel is the best hotel among all of the
3 hotels

4. From Town Center The star hotel is farther than the Ritz hotel, But the Strand hotel is farthest
hotel from town center .

5.From airport The Strand hotel is closer than this Ritz hotel, but the star hotel is the closest hotel
from airport.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Conversation of the room service

Room service: good afternoon Room service DIFA speaking how may assist you?
Mr.Goh: Good afternoon , this is room three zero seven i'd like to order
Room service : right. excuse me, iam talking with Mr.Goh
Mr.Goh : that’s right
room service : what can i do for you sir?
Mr.Goh : i’d like to order one shrimp cocktail,one sirloin steak medium rare and for dessert I
want to order one vanilla ice cream please.
room service : okay sir,iam repeat your order one shrimp cocktail,one sirloin steak medium rare
and for dessert one vanilla ice cream .that right sir?
Mr.Goh : greet! how long will it take?
room service : only fifteen minutes sir
Mr.Goh : okay,thankyou
room service : you’re welcome sir

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
= She doesn't understand of all the meaning at the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
= I would buy this museum if I had much money
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
=Never put off till tommorow what you can do today
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
=I visited London with my father when I was twenty
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
= My friend has bought of a new one expensive house
IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1.   Welcoming The Guest
      = Good morning Sir/ Madam, welcome to our restaurant.
2. Asking for reservation
= Do you have reservation before Sir/ Madam?
3. Seating the guest
= Here is your table Sir/ Madam
4. Presenting breakfast menu
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Our menu today are French fries , burger, beef steak
  Our special menu today is sirloin steak
5. Taking order
=What would you like to order Sir/ Madam?
  Can I write your order now Sir/ Madam?
6. Serving tea or coffe
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your coffe or tea. Pleseenjoy!
7. Serving breakfast menu
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your breakfast. Please, enjoy your meal!
     8.   Clear Up
          = Excuse me Sir/ Madam. May I take your plate?
     9.   Billing
      = Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Here is your bill. Would you like to pay, by credit or cash?
   10.  Thanking the guest
      = Thank you very much for coming to our restaurant Sir/ Madam. 
          Have a nice day
V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.
(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)
bacon __mb
beef __ef
chicken __con
duck __ose
goose __ck
hare __re
lamb __ken

mutton __rk
pheasant __bit
pigeon __al
pork __son
rabit __sant
veal __eon
venison __ton

1. beef
2. chicken
3. duck
4. goose
5. hare
6. lamb
7. mutton
8. pheasant
9. pigeon
10. pork
11. rabit
12. veal
13. venison


NO :1915823102 / 21
I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.
1. Good: The Ritz Hotel is better than The Strand Hotel, but The Star Hotel is the best.
2. Big: The Ritz Hotel is bigger than The Star Hotel, but The Strand Hotel is the
3. Expensive: The Ritz Hotel is more expensive than The Strand Hotel, but The Star
Hotel is the most expensive.
4. Close: The Strand Hotel is closer than The Ritz Hotel, but The Star is closest.
5. Far: The Star Hotel is farther than The Ritz Hotel, but The Strand Hotel is the
6. Modern: The Star Hotel is more modern than The Ritz Hotel, but The Strand Hotel
is the most modern.
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr.
Goh in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium
one). And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.
Room Service : “Good evening. This is room service, Mellynia’s speaking, how
may I assist you?”
Mr. Goh : “Good evening, I would like to order room service.”
Room Service : “Okay, sir. May I know your name and room number, please?”
Mr. Goh : “My Name is Goh and my in room 307.”
Room Service : “Thank you. What would you like to order, sir?”
Mr. Goh : “I’d like 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak.”
Room Service : “How would you like your steak cooked?”
Mr. Goh : “Medium, please”
Room Service : “Would you order the dessert, sir?”
Mr. Goh : “1 vanilla ice cream, please.”
Room Service : “Okay, is there anything else you’d like, sir?”
Mr. Goh : “No.”
Room Service : “OK, sir. That will be delivered to your room shortly. Enjoy your
meal. Thank you.”
Mr. Goh : “Thank you.”

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences!

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand at the meaning of the all word.
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if – money
I would buy this museum if I had much money.
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Never do put of till tomorrow what you can today.
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
I visited London with my father when I was twenty.
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought – a
One of my friends has bought a new expensive house.
IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step. Jumbled steps: serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking
for reservation, welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving
breakfast menu, taking order, presenting breakfast menu.
1. Welcoming the guest. 6. Serving tea or coffee.
2. Asking for reservation. 7. Serving breakfast menu.
3. Seating the guest. 8. Clearing up.
4. Presenting breakfast menu. 9. Billing
5. Taking order. 10. Thanking the guest.
V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic
foods. The first one in the first section has been done as an example
1. Bacon
2. Beef
3. Chick
4. Duck
5. Goose
6. Hare
7. Lamb
8. Mutton
9. Pheasant
10. Pigeon
11. Pork
12. Rabbit
13. Veal
14. Venison
22. NAME : Komang Gde Rakha Narottama
NO : 22/1915823107






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels using
the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. The ritz hotel is more expensive than the strand hotel.But the most expensive is the star hotel.

2. The Strand hotel is closer to the airpot than the ritz hotel.But the closest is the star hotel

3. The star hotel is farther to the town centre than the ritz hotel. But the strand hotel is the

4. The ritz hotel is better than strand hotel.But the The star hotel is the best

5. The Star hotel is more modern than the ritz hotel. But the most modern is the strand hotel.
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

OT: “ Good Morning,room service cahaya’s speaking,how may assist you?”

GUEST: “ Good morning,I want to order some breakfast”
OT:” sure sir,may would you tell me your name or your room number sir?”
GUEST:” I’m Goh from room 307”
OT:” alright Mr. Goh what would you like to order sir?”
GUEST:” I want to order 1 shrimp cocktail,and sirloin steak and one vanilla ice cream for
OT: “ what type of sirloin steak do you want Mr. Goh,small ,medium or large?”
GUEST:” the medium please”
OT:” alright Mr.Goh may I repeat your order?”
GUEST:” sure”
OT:” alright Mr.Goh your order are 1 shrimp cocktail,1 medium sirloin steak and for
dessert you want vanilla ice cream,is that correct sir?”
GUEST:” yes correct”
OT:” alright sir thank you for your order,your order will serve as soon as possible ,have a
nice stay Mr.Goh”

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand the meaning of the word at all
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
I would buy this museum if I had much money
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Never put off what you can do today till tomorrow
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
I visited London when I was twenty with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
One of my friends has bought a new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest

1. Asking for reservation
2. Seating the guest
3. Presenting breakfast menu
4. Serving tea or coffee
5. Taking order
6. Serving the breakfast menu
7. Clear up
8. Billing
9. Thanking the guest

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

Bacon __mb
Beef __ef
Chicken __con
Duck __ose
Goose __ck
Hare __re
Lamb __ken
Mutton __rk
pheasant __bit
Pigeon __al
Pork __son
Rabit __sant
Veal __eon
Venison __ton

1. beef
2. chicken
3. duck
4. goose
5. hare
6. lamb
7. mutton
8. pheasant
9. pigeon
10. pork
11. rabit
12. veal
13. venison
NO : 23






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels using
the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. The Strand hotel is good, but The Ritz is better than The Strand, but between both of them, The
Star is the best hotel among The Strand and The Ritz
2. The Ritz is bigger than The Star, it has 55 rooms while The Star just has 45 rooms. But, the
Strand is the biggest, because it has 102 rooms
3. Room charge in The Strand is expensive, it takes $90-$120 for a night. But The Ritz is more
expensive because it takes $130-$160 for a night. But then, The Star is the most expensive hotel
because it takes $170-$200 for a room per night.
4. The location of The Ritz hotel is close to the airport, it just need 15 minutes from airport to
Thre Ritz hotel. Strand hotel is closer to the airport than The Ritz. But, The Star is the closest to
the airport, it just take 1 minutes.
5. The location of The Star hotel is farther than The Ritz to reach the town centre, but The Strand
hotel is farthest to reach the town centre than The Ritz and The Star.
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

In the telephone.

Order Taker : “Good Afternoon, room service, the order taker Tiwi’s speaking, how may I
assist you?”
Mr. Goh : “Hi, I’m in room 307 would like to have lunch in the room, please.”

Order Taker : “Alright, Mr. Goh. What would you like to have for your lunch?”

Mr. Goh : “I would like to have 1 shrimp cocktail.”

Order Taker : “Alright, 1 shrimp cocktail, and then?”

Mr. Goh : “I also would like to have 1 sirloin steak.”

Order Taker : “Alright, 1 sirloin steak. How would you like the steak to be done? Would
you like it rare, medium, or well done?”

Mr. Goh : “I love the medium one.”

Order Taker : “Alrigt, 1 sirloin steak with medium done. Is there any other things, Mr.
Goh? Would you like to have any dessert maybe?”

Mr. Goh : “Yes, sure. I want one vanilla ice cream, please.”

Order Taker : “Alright, and one vanilla ice cream. Is there any other things, mr. Goh?”

Mr. Goh : “no, that’s all.”

Order Taker : “Alright, I will repeat your orer. You are Mr. Goh from room umber 307
and you would like to have a lunch in the room. For your lunch you would like to have 1 shrimp
cocktail, 1 sirloin steak with medium done, and 1 vanila ice cream. Is it all correct, Mr. Goh?”

Mr. Goh : “Yes, it’s correct.”

Order Taker : “Alright, your order will be process soon. Please wait a moment and our
staff will deliver your order immediately after the order is ready. Thank you for your calling, Mr.
Goh. Have a nice day.”

Mr. Goh : “Thankyou.”

Order Taker : “With my pleasure.”

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand at the meaning of all the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
If I had much money, I would buy this museum

3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what

You can never put what today do off till tomorrow

4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father

I visited London with my father when I was twenty

5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a

One of my friends has bought a new expensive house.
IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

10 step as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast :

1. Welcoming the guest

1. Asking for reservation

2. Seating the guest
3. Presenting breakfast menu
4. Taking order
5. Serving tea or coffee
6. Serving breakfast menu
7. Clearing up
8. Billing
9. Tanking the guest
V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

1. Beef
2. Chicken
3. Duck
4. Goose
5. Hare
6. Lamb
7. Mutton
8. Pheasant
9. Pigeon
10. Pork
11. Rabbit
12. Veal
13. Venison
24. NAME : I Gede Ariawan
NO : 24






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels using
the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. (Big) : The Ritz hotel is bigger than the Strand, but the Star is the biggest hotel.

2. (Modern): Hotel Ritz has fewer rooms than the hotel stand, but the Star has fewer.

3. (Expensive): The Ritz hotels are more expensive than the Stand hotels, but the star hotels
are more expensive.

4. (Far): the hotel stands closer to the airport than the Ritz, but the star hotel is the closest.

5. (Far): The star hotel is closer to the city center than the stand hotel, but de Ritz is the
closest hotel
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Ariawan: Good afternoon, this is room service the order taker Ariawan speaking how may I
assist you?
Mr. Goh : Good afternoon, I would like to have lunch in my room, please.
Ariawan : Yes sir, may i know your name and room number sir?
Mr. Goh : My name is Goh and my room number is 108.
Ariawan : Yes, Mr. Goh. May I spell your name?
Mr. Goh : Yes sure.
Ariawan : G for golf, O for oscar, H for hotel.
Mr. Goh : Yes that’s my name.
Ariawan : Yes, Mr. Goh. What would you like to have for your lunch, please?
Mr. Goh : I would like to have one shrimp cocktail.
Ariawan : Yes sir, one shrimp cocktail. The next please?
Mr. Goh : One sirloin steak, medium one please.
Ariawan : Yes sir, one medium sirloin steak and for the dessert, please?
Mr. Goh : One vanilla ice cream.
Ariawan : One vanilla ice cream. I would like to repeat your order, one shrimp cocktail, one
medium sirloin steak, and one vanilla ice cream, anythings else Mr. Goh?
Mr. Goh : No thankyou.
Ariawan : Yes Mr. Goh, please wait for 45 minutes, and our staff will delivered your order to
your room, thankyou for your order and have a nice day Mr. Goh.
Mr. Goh : Thank you.
Ariawan : You’re welcome Mr. Goh.
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning – of
she doesn’t of the understand meaning at all the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if – money
I would buy this museum if I had much money.
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
you never what can do off today till tomorrow.
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with – father
I was with father visited London when my twenty.
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
My bought a one new house expensive of has friends.

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest.

Greating to the guest based on time. Example : “Good morning Sir/Madam. May I assist

2. Asking for reservation

Waiter/waitress have to ask about the reservation. Example : “Do you have reservation
before sir/madam?”
If yes ask for the guest name and guide the guest to the reserved table, if no offer choice
of seating.

3. Seating the guest

Waiter invite the guest to take a sit. Example : “Take a sit please”

4. Presenting breakfast menu

Menu must be presented to guest opened. Example : “This is our breakfast menu

5. Taking order
Waiter must be have warm smile and good attitude. Example : “Excusme sir/madam, are
you ready to order now?

6. Serving breakfast menu

Make sure the food are made as ordered and served the food to the guest. Example :
“Excusme sir/madam, this is your breakfast, please enjoy your breakfast.”

7. Clearing up
After the have finished their breakfast. Example : “Excusme sir/madam, have you finish
with your breakfast, may I clear up your plate?

8. Serving tea or coffee

Example : “Excuse me sir/madam, would you like something for coffee or tea?”

9. Billing
Ensure the bill is accurate and always double check. Example : “Excuse me sir/madam,
this is your bill. Can I get your sign please.”

10. Thanking the guest

Thank the guest by name. Example : “Thank you sir/madam, I hope to see you again and
have a nice day.”

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

- Be + ef = beef
- Chic + ken = chicken
- Du + ck = duck
- Go + ose = goose
- Ha + re = hare
- La + ken = laken
- Mut + ton = mutton
- Phea + sant = pheasant
- Pig + eon = pigeon
- Po + rk = pork
- Rab + bit = rabbit
- Ve + al = veal
- Veni + son = venison
25. Nama : I Putu Praptiyasa
No : 25
Kls : 2B Perhotelan






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels using
the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

6. (Big) : The Ritz hotel is bigger than the Strand, but the Star is the biggest hotel.

7. (Modern): Hotel Ritz has fewer rooms than the hotel stand, but the Star has fewer.

8. (Expensive): The Ritz hotels are more expensive than the Stand hotels, but the star hotels
are more expensive.

9. (Far): the hotel stands closer to the airport than the Ritz, but the star hotel is the closest.

10. (Far): The star hotel is closer to the city center than the stand hotel, but de Ritz is the
closest hotel
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Yasa: Good afternoon, this is room service the order taker Yasa speaking how may I assist you?
Mr. Goh : Good afternoon, I would like to have lunch in my room, please.
Yasa : Yes sir, may i know your name and room number sir?
Mr. Goh : My name is Goh and my room number is 108.
Yasa : Yes, Mr. Goh. May I spell your name?
Mr. Goh : Yes sure.
Yasa : G for golf, O for oscar, H for hotel.
Mr. Goh : Yes that’s my name.
Yasa : Yes, Mr. Goh. What would you like to have for your lunch, please?
Mr. Goh : I would like to have one shrimp cocktail.
Yasa : Yes sir, one shrimp cocktail. The next please?
Mr. Goh : One sirloin steak, medium one please.
Yasa : Yes sir, one medium sirloin steak and for the dessert, please?
Mr. Goh : One vanilla ice cream.
Yasa : One vanilla ice cream. I would like to repeat your order, one shrimp cocktail, one medium
sirloin steak, and one vanilla ice cream, anythings else Mr. Goh?
Mr. Goh : No thankyou.
Yasa : Yes Mr. Goh, please wait for 45 minutes, and our staff will delivered your order to your
room, thankyou for your order and have a nice day Mr. Goh.
Mr. Goh : Thank you.
Yasa : You’re welcome Mr. Goh.
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
6. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning – of
she doesn’t of the understand meaning at all the word
7. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if – money
I would buy this museum if I had much money.
8. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
you never what can do off today till tomorrow.
9. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with – father
I was with father visited London when my twenty.
10. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
My bought a one new house expensive of has friends.

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

11. Welcoming the guest.

Greating to the guest based on time. Example : “Good morning Sir/Madam. May I assist

12. Asking for reservation

Waiter/waitress have to ask about the reservation. Example : “Do you have reservation
before sir/madam?”
If yes ask for the guest name and guide the guest to the reserved table, if no offer choice
of seating.

13. Seating the guest

Waiter invite the guest to take a sit. Example : “Take a sit please”

14. Presenting breakfast menu

Menu must be presented to guest opened. Example : “This is our breakfast menu
15. Taking order
Waiter must be have warm smile and good attitude. Example : “Excusme sir/madam, are
you ready to order now?

16. Serving breakfast menu

Make sure the food are made as ordered and served the food to the guest. Example :
“Excusme sir/madam, this is your breakfast, please enjoy your breakfast.”

17. Clearing up
After the have finished their breakfast. Example : “Excusme sir/madam, have you finish
with your breakfast, may I clear up your plate?

18. Serving tea or coffee

Example : “Excuse me sir/madam, would you like something for coffee or tea?”

19. Billing
Ensure the bill is accurate and always double check. Example : “Excuse me sir/madam,
this is your bill. Can I get your sign please.”

20. Thanking the guest

Thank the guest by name. Example : “Thank you sir/madam, I hope to see you again and
have a nice day.”

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken
mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

- Be + ef = beef
- Chic + ken = chicken
- Du + ck = duck
- Go + ose = goose
- Ha + re = hare
- La + ken = laken
- Mut + ton = mutton
- Phea + sant = pheasant
- Pig + eon = pigeon
- Po + rk = pork
- Rab + bit = rabbit
- Ve + al = veal
- Veni + son = venison
NO : 26
NIM : 1915823127






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels using
the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

11. (Big) : The Ritz hotel is bigger than the Strand, but the Star is the biggest hotel.

12. (Modern): Hotel Ritz has fewer rooms than the hotel stand, but the Star has fewer.

13. (Expensive): The Ritz hotels are more expensive than the Stand hotels, but the star hotels
are more expensive.

14. (Far): the hotel stands closer to the airport than the Ritz, but the star hotel is the closest.
15. (Far): The star hotel is closer to the city center than the stand hotel, but de Ritz is the
closest hotel

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Aditya : Good afternoon, this is room service the order taker Aditya’s speaking how may I assist
Mr. Goh : Good afternoon, I would like to have lunch in my room, please.
Aditya : Yes sir, may i know your name and room number sir?
Mr. Goh : My name is Goh and my room number is 108.
Aditya : Yes, Mr. Goh. May I spell your name?
Mr. Goh : Yes sure.
Aditya : G for golf, O for oscar, H for hotel.
Mr. Goh : Yes that’s my name.
Aditya : Yes, Mr. Goh. What would you like to have for your lunch, please?
Mr. Goh : I would like to have one shrimp cocktail.
Aditya : Yes sir, one shrimp cocktail. The next please?
Mr. Goh : One sirloin steak, medium one please.
Aditya : Yes sir, one medium sirloin steak and for the dessert, please?
Mr. Goh : One vanilla ice cream.
Aditya : One vanilla ice cream. I would like to repeat your order, one shrimp cocktail, one
medium sirloin steak, and one vanilla ice cream, anythings else Mr. Goh?
Mr. Goh : No thankyou.
Aditya : Yes Mr. Goh, please wait for 45 minutes, and our staff will delivered your order to your
room, thankyou for your order and have a nice day Mr. Goh.
Mr. Goh : Thank you.
Aditya : You’re welcome Mr. Goh.

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

11. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning – of
she doesn’t of the understand meaning at all the word
12. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if – money
I would buy this museum if I had much money.
13. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
you never what can do off today till tomorrow.
14. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with – father
I was with father visited London when my twenty.
15. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
My bought a one new house expensive of has friends.

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

21. Welcoming the guest.

Greating to the guest based on time. Example : “Good morning Sir/Madam. May I assist

22. Asking for reservation

Waiter/waitress have to ask about the reservation. Example : “Do you have reservation
before sir/madam?”
If yes ask for the guest name and guide the guest to the reserved table, if no offer choice
of seating.

23. Seating the guest

Waiter invite the guest to take a sit. Example : “Take a sit please”
24. Presenting breakfast menu
Menu must be presented to guest opened. Example : “This is our breakfast menu

25. Taking order

Waiter must be have warm smile and good attitude. Example : “Excusme sir/madam, are
you ready to order now?

26. Serving breakfast menu

Make sure the food are made as ordered and served the food to the guest. Example :
“Excusme sir/madam, this is your breakfast, please enjoy your breakfast.”

27. Clearing up
After the have finished their breakfast. Example : “Excusme sir/madam, have you finish
with your breakfast, may I clear up your plate?

28. Serving tea or coffee

Example : “Excuse me sir/madam, would you like something for coffee or tea?”

29. Billing
Ensure the bill is accurate and always double check. Example : “Excuse me sir/madam,
this is your bill. Can I get your sign please.”

30. Thanking the guest

Thank the guest by name. Example : “Thank you sir/madam, I hope to see you again and
have a nice day.

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

- Be + ef = beef
- Chic + ken = chicken
- Du + ck = duck
- Go + ose = goose
- Ha + re = hare
- La + ken = laken
- Mut + ton = mutton
- Phea + sant = pheasant
- Pig + eon = pigeon
- Po + rk = pork
- Rab + bit = rabbit
- Ve + al = veal
- Veni + son = venison
27. NAME : Putu Angga Setiawan
NO : 27 (2B Hotel)






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels using
the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star
Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. Good : The ritz hotel is better than. The strand hotel, but the star is the best
2. Big : the strand hotel is bigger than, the ritz and the strand hotel is the biggest hotel
3. expensive : the ritz hotel is more expensive that, the strand hotel, but the star hotel is the most
expensive hotel
4. close : the strand hotel is closer than, the ritz hotel from the airport , but the star is the
closest hotel from the airport
5. modern : the start hotel is more modern than, the ritz hotel, but the strand is the most
modern hotel
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Conversation of the room service

Room service : “good morning, room service Purwanti speaking, how may I assist you?”
Guest : “I want to order food and beverage”
Room service : “alright sir, what you like to order?”
Guest : “I want to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one)”
Room service :” alright sir, what do you want to order for dissert?”
Guest : “1 vanilla ice cream”
Room service : “now, could you please telling me your name and your room number?”
Guest : “Mr. goh in room 307”
Room service : “alright your name is mr. goh in room 307 and you want orders 1 shrimp
cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one), and for dissert 1 vanilla ice cream, this correct sir?”
Guest : “yes correct”
Room service : “thank you mr.goh. your meal will be delivered as soon as it’s all ready, have a
nice stay”
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
 she doesn’t understand of all the meaning at the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
 I would buy this museum, If I had much money
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with – father
 I was twenty, when I visited London with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought – a
 My friend has bought of a new one expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming The Guest

= Good morning Sir/ Madam, welcome to our restaurant.

10. Asking for reservation

= Do you have reservation before Sir/ Madam?

11. Seating the guest

= Here is your table Sir/ Madam

4. Presenting breakfast menu

= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Our menu today are (….), (….), and (….),etc.
Our special menu today is (…)

5. Taking order
=What would you like to order Sir/ Madam?
Can I write your order now Sir/ Madam?

6. Serving tea or coffe

= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your coffe or tea. Plese enjoy!

7. Serving breakfast menu

= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your breakfast. Please, enjoy your meal!
8. Clear Up
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. May I take your plate?

9. Billing
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Here is your bill. Would you like to pay, by credit or cash?

10. Thanking the guest

= Thank you very much for coming to our restaurant Sir/ Madam.
Have a nice day.
V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken

mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton
1. ba_+_con= bacon
2. be_+_ef = beef
3. chic_+_ken= chicken
4. du_+_ck = duck
5. go_+_ose = goose
6. ha_+_re = hare
7. la_+_mb= lamb
8. mut_+_son= mutson
9. phea_+_ sant= pheasant
10. pig_+_eon = pigeon
11. po_+_rk= pork
12. rab_+_bit = rabit
13. ve_+_al = veal
14. veni_+_ton = veniton
29. NAME : Kadek Ngurah Krisna Pranata
NO / Nim : 29/1915823142





I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels using
the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. The ritz hotel is more expensive than the strand hotel.But the most expensive is the star hotel.

2. The Strand hotel is closer to the airpot than the ritz hotel.But the closest is the star hotel
3. The star hotel is farther to the town centre than the ritz hotel. But the strand hotel is the

4. The ritz hotel is better than strand hotel.But the The star hotel is the best

5. The Star hotel is more modern than the ritz hotel. But the most modern is the strand hotel.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

OT : “ Good Morning,room service ngurah’s speaking,how may assist you?”

GUEST : “ Good morning,I want to order some breakfast”
OT :” sure sir,may would you tell me your name or your room number sir?”
GUEST :” I’m Goh from room 307”
OT :” alright Mr. Goh what would you like to order sir?”
GUEST :” I want to order 1 shrimp cocktail,and sirloin steak and one vanilla
ice cream for dessert”
OT : “ what type of sirloin steak do you want Mr. Goh,small ,medium or
GUEST :” the medium please”
OT :” alright Mr.Goh may I repeat your order?”
GUEST :” sure”
OT :” alright Mr.Goh your order are 1 shrimp cocktail,1 medium sirloin
steak and for dessert you want vanilla ice cream,is that correct sir?”
GUEST :” yes correct”
OT :” alright sir thank you for your order,your order will serve as soon as
possible ,have a nice stay Mr.Goh”

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
= She doesn't understand of all the meaning at the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
= I would buy this museum if I had much money
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
=Never put off till tommorow what you can do today
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
=I visited London with my father when I was twenty
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
= My friend has bought of a new one expensive house
IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of

= She doesn't understand of all the meaning at the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
= I would buy this museum if I had much money
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
=Never put off till tommorow what you can do today
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
=I visited London with my father when I was twenty
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
= My friend has bought of a new one expensive house

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

bacon __mb
beef __ef
chicken __con
duck __ose
goose __ck
hare __re
lamb __ken

mutton __rk
pheasant __bit
pigeon __al
pork __son
rabit __sant
veal __eon
venison __ton
1. beef
2. chicken
3. duck
4. goose
5. hare
6. lamb
7. mutton
8. pheasant
9. pigeon
10. pork
11. rabit
12. veal
13. venison
30. NAME : I Kadek Suputra Ariesta
NO : 30 / 1915823147





I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels using
the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest
7. Good: The Ritz Hotel is better than The Strand Hotel, but The Star Hotel is the best.
8. Big: The Ritz Hotel is bigger than The Star Hotel, but The Strand Hotel is the biggest.
9. Expensive: The Ritz Hotel is more expensive than The Strand Hotel, but The Star
Hotel is the most expensive.
10. Close: The Strand Hotel is closer than The Ritz Hotel, but The Star is closest.
11. Far: The Star Hotel is farther than The Ritz Hotel, but The Strand Hotel is the
12. Modern: The Star Hotel is more modern than The Ritz Hotel, but The Strand Hotel is
the most modern.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

OT: “ Good Morning,room service Suputra’s speaking,how may assist you?”

GUEST: “ Good morning,I want to order some breakfast”

OT:” sure sir,may would you tell me your name or your room number sir?”

GUEST:” I’m Goh from room 307”

OT:” alright MR. Goh what would you like to order sir?”

GUEST:” I want to order 1 shrimp cocktail,and sirloin steak and one vanilla ice cream for

OT: “ what type of sirloin steak do you want mr. Goh,small ,medium or large?”

GUEST:” the medium please”

OT:” alright mr.Goh may I repeat your order?”

GUEST:” sure”

OT:” alright mr.Goh your order are 1 shrimp cocktail,1 medium sirloin steak and for dessert you
want vanilla ice cream,is that correct sir?”

GUEST:” yes correct”

OT:” alright sir thank you for your order,your order will serve as soon as possible ,have a nice
stay mr.Goh”
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn’t understand at all the meaning of the world
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
If I had much money, I would buy this museum
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Never put off what you can do today till tomorrow
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
I visited London when I was twenty with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
One of my friends has bought a new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1.   Welcoming The Guest
      = Good morning Sir/ Madam, welcome to our restaurant.
2. Asking for reservation
= Do you have reservation before Sir/ Madam?
3. Seating the guest
= Here is your table Sir/ Madam
4. Presenting breakfast menu
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Our menu today are French fries , burger, beef steak
  Our special menu today is sirloin steak
5. Taking order
=What would you like to order Sir/ Madam?
  Can I write your order now Sir/ Madam?
6. Serving tea or coffe
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your coffe or tea. Pleseenjoy!
7. Serving breakfast menu
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your breakfast. Please, enjoy your meal!
     8.   Clear Up
          = Excuse me Sir/ Madam. May I take your plate?
     9.   Billing
      = Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Here is your bill. Would you like to pay, by credit or cash?
   10.  Thanking the guest
      = Thank you very much for coming to our restaurant Sir/ Madam. 
          Have a nice day

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la__ __ken
mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

1. ba_+_con= bacon
2. be_+_ef = beef
3. chic_+_ken= chicken
4. du_+_ck = duck
5. go_+_ose = goose
6. ha_+_re = hare
7. la_+_mb= lamb

1. mut_+_son= mutson
2. phea_+_ sant= pheasant
3. pig_+_eon = pigeon
4. po_+_rk= pork
5. rab_+_bit = rabit
6. ve_+_al = veal
7. veni_+_ton = veniton

NO: 31





I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.
good big expensive

close far modem

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars ★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★
Number of rooms 102 55 45

Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200

How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920
Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest
1. The Ritz Hotel is better than the Standart, but The Star is the best.

2. The Ritz Hotel is bigger than The Star, but The Standart is the biggest.

3. The Ritz Hotel is more expensive than The Standart, but The Star is the most expensive.

4. The Standart Hotel is more coser to the airport than The Ritz, but The Star is the closest.

5. The Star Hotel is the further to the town centre than The Ritz, but The Standart is the

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Guest : (Kring.. Kring..Kring..)

OT : “ Good morning, room service. Nia's speaking, How may i assist you ? “ Guest : “
Hi , i would like to have some breakfasts, please... “
OT : “ Would you tell me your name and your room number, please Sir ? “ Guest : “ My
name is Goh, Iam in room 307 “
OT : “ What would you like to order Mr. Goh ? “
Guest : “ I would like to order 1 shrimp coctail and 1 sirloin steak medium one please OT :
“ Allright Mr. Goh, would you like to order dessert maybe? we have spesial dessert for
Guest : “ Of course i would like vanilla ice cream for my dessert
OT : “ Is there anything else that we can do for you, Mr. Goh ? “
Guest : “ No, thanks. That's all enough “
OT : “ May I repeat your order ? “
“ You ordered 1 shrimp coctail, 1 sirloin steak for medium and 1 vanilla ice cream. Is it
correct Mr. Goh ? “
Guest : “ Allright “
OT : “ What time would you like to be served ? “
Guest : “ Please at 8 a.m “
OT : “ Certainly Mr. Goh, your order would be served at 8 a.m. Thank you for using our
facilities. I hope you enjoy your meal. Have a nice stay!”

III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn't - at- meaning - of =She doesn't
understand at the meaning of the word
2. would - I - I - had - museum - much - this - buy - if - money =I would buy this museum
if i had much money
3. never - can - put - do - off - today - tomorrow - till - you - what =Never put off until
tomorrow what you can do today
4. I - was - I - visited - London - my - when - twenty - with - father =I visited London with
my father when i was twenty
5. new - house - expensive - of - my - one - friends - has - bought - a
=One of my friends has bought a new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions used
for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation,,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest :

Greeting to the guest based on time. Greet and greet the guests who are called (if we
know) with a smile, Wai, and eye contact.
Waiter: Good morning welcome to Suku restaurant, How are you this morning
sir/madam? Guest: I'm very well, Thank you
Waiter: My name is Nia, How may i assist you ?
Guest: Yes, I Want to have breakfast here
Waiter: Certainly sir/madam.

2. Asking the Reservation :

Waiter have to ask about the reservation & pax. Example: “Do you have reservation
before” If yes, ask for the guest's name and guide the guest to the reserved table. If no,
offer choice of seating.

3. Seating the guest :

Greeter / Waiter invite the guest to take a sit. Example: “Take a sit, please”
Table setting are adjusted to the number of guest.
waiter: Ok mr. jack this is your table, is it comfortable for you?
Guest: Yes, thank you.
Waiter: Have a seat please!
4. Presenting menu breakfast:
All Beverage menu should be clean and in good condition.
Menu should be at least 2/3 languages.
Menu must be presented to guest opened.
Present menu in the guest table and open the first page.

5. Taking the breakfast order :

Staff should have a warm smile and polite attitude. Approach guest table within 10 seconds whenever they need to
order. Always prepare a note pad and a pen. Offer recommendation.
You can say: “Are you ready to order sir and madam?”

6. Serving Coffe or tea :

Pour coffee or tea
Waiter : “This is your coffe or this is your tea. Please enjoyed.,,

7. Serving the breakfast:

Make sure the beverage are made as ordered . Serve beverage to the guest Always serve ladies first. Avoid reaching
across guests.
Move around the table and serve every guest from him right side with your right hand when possible. Repeat the
name of the drink and any special requests as you serve each drink to ensure that it is correct. Serving the food to the
guest from left side.

8. Clearing Up :
Wait to clear glasses and plates until more than one guest at a table is finished, so guests who are still eating or
drinking do not feel rushed.
After all guests have finished their dessert, all plates, cutlery and side dishes related to the dish must be removed.
Wait to clear glasses and plates until more than one guest at a table is finished, so guests who are still eating or
drinking do not feel rushed. After all guests have finished their dessert, all plates, cutlery and side dishes related to
the dish must be removed.

9. Billing
Ensure the bill is accurate, always double check the bill before presenting it to the guest. Always count guest5 s money
infront of guest.
Thank the guest and process quickly.
Waiter: Excuse me madam/sir this is your bill, it is (jumlah bill tamu), please check it first, how would you like to pay it?
By cash or credit card or charge to the room (jika tamu hotel)? Sir: Send to my room.
Waiter: Please sign here, and write your name .
sir: Okay.
10. Thanking The Guest:
Thank the guest by name and bid farewell to all members of the party.
Help customers leave their table.
When assisting the guest, ensure ladies first.
Always says: “Hope to see you again.” or “Please come again soon.” or "Thank you
very much for having dinner with us this morning ”,"See you tomorrow and have

V. Match the letters in column A with t hose in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba + con = bacon)

ba+con = bacon mb

be+ef = beef ef
chic+ken = chicken con
du +ck = duck
go+ose = goose ck
ha +re = hare
la + mb = lamb ken


mut +ton = mutton rk

phea +sant = pheasant bit
pig+eon = pigeon al
po+rk = pork son
rab+bit = rabbit sant
ve+al = veal eon
veni+ son = venison ton
32. NAME : Kadek Juni Adi Yanti
NO : 32






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

1. Between the strand, the ritz and the star hotels, the star is the good expensive.
2. If from the strand hotel, reach the town centre the distance is quite far, it takes 20
3. The fastest distance to the airport from the three hotels is from the star hotel because it
only takes 1 minute and just walk.
4. The star hotel is a big hotel because it is five-star and has complete facilities although
there are fewer rooms occupancy than the ritz and the strand.
5. Among the three hotels the strand hotel has the lowest close price of around $90 - $120.

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Taking Order
Guest : Kring... Kring...
OT : “ Good Morning, Room Service Section, Juni Speaking, may assist you, Sir
Guest : “ Good Morning too, i would like to have some breakfast, please... “
OT : “ Would you tell me your room number and your name, please ? “
Guest : “ My name is Mr. Goh from Room 307 “
OT : “ What would you like to order Mr. Goh? “
Guest : “ I would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one), right ? “
OT : “ Allright Mr.Goh, would you like to order dessert? “
Guest : “Yes, i would order 1 vanilla ice cream”
OT : “ Is there anything else i can do for you, Mr.Goh? “
Guest : “ No, thanks. That's all enough “
OT : “Alright, i will recomfirm you order. So you need order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1
sirloin steak (medium one) and you order dessert 1 vanilla ice cream. Its that correct?”
Guest : “ Yes correct “
OT : “ Certainly Mr.Goh, your order would be served. Thank you for
using our service. I hope you enjoy your meal. Have a Good Day “
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning – of
 she doesn’t understand at all the meaning of the word
2. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
 if i had much money, I would buy this museum
3. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
 what you do today can never put of till tomorrow
4. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
 when i was twenty i visited London with my father
5. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
 my friends has bought a one of new expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming The Guest : given an appropriate greeting.

“Good morning, sir/madam. Welcome to our restaurant. For how many persons
“Well, where would you like to sit sir? Smoking area or non-smoking area?”
2. Asking for reservation : check reservation.
“Wait a moment please, I will check you reservation”
“Alright, sir. Already check your reservation. Room number 123 Mr. Boy William
already prepare table number 4”

3. Seating the guest : take the guest to the table

“Would you follow me sir/madam”
4. Presenting breakfast menu : “Please be seated sir. Here is the menu sir/madam”
5. Serving tea or coffe : offer coffee or tea to the guests
6. Taking order : Waiter/s records the guest order “Alright, would you like to start with?”
7. Serving breakfast menu : “Here is your breakfast order, sir/madam”
8. Clear up : “Excuse me sir/madam, may clear your plates?”
9. Billing :”Here is the bill sir/madam”
10. Thanking the guest : “How was the food sir/madam?” “Thankyou, please do visit next
time and have a good day sir/madam”

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__con la__mb
be__ef be_ef
chic__ken ba__con
du__ck go__ose
go__ose du_ck
ha__re ha__re
la__mb chic__ken

mut__ton po__rk
phea__sant rab__bit
pig__eon ve__al
po__rk veni__son
rab__bit phea__sant
ve__al pig__eon
veni__son mut__ton
33. NAME : Ni Kadek Vriska
NO : 33






I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

good big expensive

The Strand The Ritz The Star

Number of stars
Number of rooms 102 55 45
Price $ 90-$120 $130-$160 $170-$200
How many minutes to the 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute
airport ?
How many minutes to the 20 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes
town centre?
Old or new? New-1990 Old-1870 Old-1920

Example : (Old) : The Star hotel is older than the Strand, but the Ritz is the oldest

6. (Good) : The Ritz hotel is better than The Strand hotel, but The Star is the best.

7. (Big) : The Strand hotel is bigger than The Ritz, and The Strand Hotel is the
biggest hotel.

8. (Expensive) : The Ritz hotel is more expensive that The Strand hotel, but The Star
hotel is the most expensive hotel.

9. (Close) : The Srand hotel is closer than The Ritz hotel from the airport, but The
Star is the closest hotel from the airport.

10. (Modern) : The Star hotel is more modern than The Ritz hotel,but The Strand is the
most modern hotel

II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one).
And for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.

Room Service : Good Morning, Room service, Vriska speaking how may I assist you? 

Guest : Hi, I’d like to order something to eat.

Room Service : May i know your name and your room number, please?
Guest : My name is Mr.Goh and my room number is 307.

Room Service : Which one do you want to order Mr.Goh?

Guest : I’d like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one). And for
the dessert one vanilla ice cream.

Room Service : Is there anything else?

Guest : No, thank you

Room Service : Alright i would like to repeat your order, your order is 1 shrimp cocktail, 1
sirloin steak (medium one). And for the dessert one vanilla ice cream. Is
that correct?

Guest : Correct. 

Room Service : Thank you, Mr. Goh. Your meal will be delivered as soon as it’s all ready.
Have a nice day.

III.Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !

6. she - understand - all - the - the - word - doesn’t - at- meaning - of
She doesn't understand of all the meaning at the word
7. would – I – I – had – museum – much - this – buy – if - money
I would buy this museum if I had much money
8. never – can – put – do – off – today – tomorrow – till – you - what
Never put off till tommorow what you can do today
9. I – was – I – visited – London – my – when – twenty – with - father
I visited London with my father when I was twenty
10. new – house – expensive – of – my – one – friends – has – bought - a
My friend has bought of a new one expensive house

IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step.
Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for reservation, ,
welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast menu,
taking order, presenting breakfast menu

1. Welcoming the guest

"Welcome to Bali Restaurant. How are you this morning?"

11. Asking for reservation

"Do you have reservation before sir/madam?"
"May I have your name and room number, please?"

12. Seating the guest

"Is this table to your liking?", "Are you comfortable to sit here?"

13. Serving tea or coffee

"Here is your coffee / tea"

14. Presenting breakfast menu

"This is the breakfast menu

15. Taking order

16. Serving breakfast menu

17. Clearing up

18. Billing
19. Thanking the guest
"Thank you very much for dining with us this morning", "See you tomorrow and have a
good day"
V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.

(Example: ba___ + ___con = bacon)

ba__ __mb
be__ __ef
chic__ __con
du__ __ose
go__ __ck
ha__ __re
la___ __ken

mut__ __rk
phea__ __bit
pig__ __al
po__ __son
rab__ __sant
ve__ __eon
veni__ __ton

ba__+__con = bacon
be__+__ef = beef
chic__+__ken = chicken
du__+__ck = duck
go__+__re = gore
ha__+__ose = haose
la__+__mb = lamb

mut__+__ton = mutton
phea__+__sant = pheasant
pig__+__eon = pigeon
po__+__rk = pork
rab__+__bit = rabbit
ve__+__al = veal
veni__+__son = venison

34. Nama : Fitri Wulandari

No : 34
NIM : 1915823167
Kelas : 2B Perhotelan

I. Look at the information about the three hotels. Write five sentences about the hotels
using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.
1. The ritz hotel is more expensive than the strand hotel.But the most expensive is the star hotel.
2. The Strand hotel is closer to the airpot than the ritz hotel.But the closest is the star hotel
3. The star hotel is farther to the town centre than the ritz hotel. But the strand hotel is the
4. The ritz hotel is better than strand hotel.But the The star hotel is the best
5. The Star hotel is more modern than the ritz hotel. But the most modern is the strand hotel.
II. Write down a conversation of the room service receiving a telephone call from Mr. Goh
in room 307. He would like to order 1 shrimp cocktail, 1 sirloin steak (medium one). And
for the dessert, he orders one vanilla ice cream.
OT: “ Good Morning,room service fitri’s speaking,how may assist you?”
GUEST: “ Good morning,I want to order some breakfast”
OT:” sure sir,may would you tell me your name or your room number sir?”
GUEST:” I’m Goh from room 307”
OT:” alright MR. Goh what would you like to order sir?”
GUEST:” I want to order 1 shrimp cocktail,and sirloin steak and one vanilla ice cream for
OT: “ what type of sirloin steak do you want mr. Goh,small ,medium or large?”
GUEST:” the medium please”
OT:” alright mr.Goh may I repeat your order?”
GUEST:” sure”
OT:” alright mr.Goh your order are 1 shrimp cocktail,1 medium sirloin steak and for dessert you
want vanilla ice cream,is that correct sir?”
GUEST:” yes correct”
OT:” alright sir thank you for your order,your order will serve as soon as possible ,have a nice
stay mr.Goh”
III. Rearrange the following words into grammatically correct sentences !
1. She doesn’t understand the meaning of the word at all
2. I would buy this museum if I had much money
3. Never put off what you can do today till tomorrow
4. I visited London with my father when I was twenty
5. One of my friends has bought a new expensive house
IV. Mention 10 steps as a sequence of handling a la carte breakfast and the expressions
used for each step. Jumbled steps : serving tea or coffee, thanking the guest, asking for
reservation, , welcoming the guest, clearing up, billing, seating the guest, serving breakfast
menu, taking order, presenting breakfast menu
1. Welcoming The Guest
= Good morning Sir/ Madam, welcome to our restaurant.
2. Asking for reservation
= Do you have reservation before Sir/ Madam?
3. Seating the guest
= Here is your table Sir/ Madam
4. Presenting breakfast menu
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Our menu today are (….), (….), and (….),etc.
Our special menu today is (…)
5. Taking order
=What would you like to order Sir/ Madam?
Can I write your order now Sir/ Madam?
6. Serving tea or coffe
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your coffe or tea. Plese enjoy!
7. Serving breakfast menu
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam, this is your breakfast. Please, enjoy your meal!
8. Clear Up
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. May I take your plate?
9. Billing
= Excuse me Sir/ Madam. Here is your bill. Would you like to pay, by credit or cash?
10. Thanking the guest
= Thank you very much for coming to our restaurant Sir/ Madam. Have a nice day

V. Match the letters in column A with those in column B to make the names of basic foods.
The first one in the first section has been done as an example.
1. beef

2. chicken

3. duck
4. goose
5. hare
6. lamb
7. mutton
8. pheasant
9. pigeon
10. pork
11. rabit
12. veal
13. venison

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