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CONTRACT TO SELL (Goversine THE PURCHASE AND SALE oF A Conpomintum UNIT) ‘This Contract to Sell, made and entered into by and between: AYALA LAND, INC,, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with principal office and place of business at 31st Floor, Tower One & Exchange Plaza, Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Metro Manila, represented herein by its duly authorized Attorney-in-Fact whose name and signature appears in the signature pages hereof, by virtue ofthe powers conferred upon her, (hereinafter known as the “SELLER” and YOU MI LEE, of legal age, Korean, single, resident of and with postal address at Chungchungnamdo, Cheonansi, Seobukgu Buldang, 26ro 99. 703-004 (LHCheunyennamu 7BL), South Korea 31156, (hereinalter known as the “PURCHASER”) Ses Fontn Thar « ‘Wuieneas the SELLER is developing « condominium project (the “Project”) in accordance with Republic Act No. 4726, as amended (otherwise known as the Condominium Aet) and Presidential Decree No. 957, as amended (otherwise known, as The Subdivision and Condominium Buyer's Protective Decree) which isdescribed in Seetion 1 and has been designated ‘with the project name specified in Annex C; ‘Wureas, it is the intention of the SELLER to create a residential community under a general scheme of development ‘which has for its purpose, among others, the enhancement of the general welfare of owners or oceupants thereof primarily through the adoption and imposition of certain covenants, restrictions and limitations constituting voluntary easements on the Project, and in fulfillment ofthis intention, the SELLER has executed the Master Deed with Declaration of Restrictions for the Project (hereinafter, the “Master Deed"), a copy of which is hereto attached and made an integral part hereof as Annex A; ‘Wosaas, the PURCHASER has offered to purchase from the SELLER, and the SELLER is willing to sell to the PURCHASER, a condominium unit located in the Project, subject to certain terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; ‘Now, Twenerore, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the payment of the purchase price and all other amounts herein below specified, and the PURCHASER’ faithful compliance with the Master Deed and its covenants, representations and watranties hereinafter set forth, the SELLER has agreed to sel, transfer and convey tothe PURCHASER. and the PURCHASER has agreed to purchase from the SELLER, the condominium unit herein specified, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Proser The Project is a condominium project more particularly described inthe Master Deed, The SELLER has caused covenants, ‘sritions and limitations to be imposed under the Master Deed as voluntary easements on the ownership, use and occupancy of the condominium units and common areas located in the Project in order to promote and protect the general welfare of the members of the condominium corporation to be established forthe Project (the “Condominium Corporation") pursuant to Section 10. The PURCHASER’s compliance with these covenants, conditions, restrictions and limitations constitutes an essential consideration for the sale of the condominium unit hereinafter described, 2 Te Usir To Br Purcnssen The PURCHASER agrees to buy a residential condominium unit in the Project, together with its appurtenant parking slo(s), ifany (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Unit"), having the specifications described in Anmex B and being ‘more particularly described in Annex ‘The sale of the Unit to the PURCHASER stall include an_ undivided interest in the common areas of the Project and ‘membership in the Condominium Corporation, ‘The PURCHASER hereby acknowledges that, in buying the Unit, the PURCHASER has independently assessed the location of the Project and the Unit in relation to the Project. Further, the PURCHASER hereby acknowledges that he has full knowledge that land development works and improvements are actually being undertaken or may inthe future be undertaken by the SELLER or any other person as part of, within or in the vicinity of the Project. The PURCHASER, for himself and his successors and assigns, hereby holds the SELLER, its successors and assigns, harmless and free from any claim, action, damage, loss or expense of whatsoever nature and kind which may be caused to the Unit or whatever features which the Unit may have based on the current plans, or on account of any inconvenience, discomfort, disturbance and/or nuisance arising out of or in connection with any development works and improvements undertaken or to be undertaken as part of, within or in the vicinity of the Project. 3. Purchase Price ANb Manes OF Pavatent 3.1 The Purchase Price ofthe Unit herein purchased and its manner of payment are set forth in Annex C-1, ‘The sale by the SELLER of the Unit, nd the agreement of the PURCHASER to purchase the Unit a the Purchase Price herein stated, is understood to have been made in accordance with Article 1542 of the Civil Code. 3.2 Ifthe PURCHASER intends to avail of and/or obtain financing forthe payment of the Purchase Price, ot any par thereof, froma bank or financing institution acceptable to the SELLER, the PURCHASER shall be solely responsible for filing the requisite loan application form prescribed by the bank or financing institution, together with all the necessary supporting requirements/dacuments forthe processing of said loan application to ensure that the release ofthe loan proceeds to be used to finance the purchase of the 33 34 Derauur 4d ‘The PURCHASER shall comply with all the requirements of the lending bank or financing institution and expedite the release ofthe Joan before any ofthe dates for payment of the Purchase Price, orany part. thereof, which shall be financed from the loan, shall fall due, It is understood that any delay in the Payment of any amount forming part of the Purchase Price as such amount falls due, resulting from any delay inthe processing ofthe loan application of the PURCHASER due tothe fault or negligence ofthe PURCHASER or due o causes within the latter's control, shall give rset the SELLER's rights specified in Section 4.2. Inthe event, however, that the SELLER does not exercise its right to cancel this Contract ‘o Sell pursuant to Section 4.2, without prejudice, however to the exercise of such right at anytime, this Contract to Sell shall continue to be in effect subject to the condition thatthe PURCHASER shall pay the penalty prescribed in Section 4.2.1 on the unpaid amount from the date of default tothe date of ‘payment or the date of cancellation ofthis Contract to Sell, whichever is earlier. 4m the event the loan application of the PURCHASER is approved by the bank or financing institution the PURCHASER shall cause such bank or financing institution o submit to the SELLER a Letter of Guarantee advising the SELLER of the approval othe PURCHASER's loan from the bank or finan institution within the period prescribed in Annex C-1. The PURCHASER hereby bank or financing institution to release directly to he SELLER whatever amount may be av the approved loan df the PURCHASER to pay the Purchase Price, or any pat thereof, as sich amount becomes due, However, should the amount of the loan approved by the bank or financing institution be tess than the balance of the Purchase Price due under Annex C-l. then the PURCHASER shall pay the difference to the SELLER within the period specified in the Statement of account to be issued by the SELLER. to ensure that the SELLER can authorize the bank or finan i Foan progec Ai {mn the event the loan application ofthe PURCHASER, or any portion thereof, is disapproved by the bank of Financing institution, the PURCHASER shall pay to the SELLER the balance ofthe Purchase Price which was intended by the PURCILASER to be financed ftom the proceeds of the loan on the due date preseribed for payment of such balance in accordance with Annex C1 Jn the event that the PURCHASER fails to pay the Purchase Price or any amount constituting a portio’t ‘ofthe same, as well as any ofthe amounts required to be paid under this Contract to Sell as specified in Annex C-1 on the applicable due dates therein specified, the SELLER shall have the right to exe rights in accordance with Section 4.2, Notwithstanding any instruction of the PURCHASER to the contrary respecting the application of his Payment, its agreed that: (a) any payment received by the SELLER shall be applied against the statement ‘of account or billing with the latest date; and (b) in the event that the payment of the Purchase Price, interest, or penalty charges is covered by one statement of account, then the payment received by the SELLER shall be applied to the payment of obligations stated therein in the following order of priority first against penalty charges; second, against interest; third, against the SELLER’s advances for taken association dues, and other charges; and lastly, avainst the Purchase Price and corresponding value, added tax. Should the payment received be insufficient to completely settle any outstanding obligation, whether covered in one statement of account or otherwise, then any sulbsequent payment to be received from the PURCHASER shall be applied in the payment of such unpaid amounts ‘The PURCHASER shall eomply withall the addtional conditions for purchase under Annex C, ineluding the submission of the completed Installment Purchase Application prescribed for purchases under the ‘house financing or installment program (the “Application”), ifapplicable The following events shall constitute an event of default under this Contract to Sell and the Deed of Absolute Sale (if executed pursuant hereto) (a), failure or delay ofthe PURCHASER to pay any amount due under this Contract to Sell onthe date ‘or within the period specified for its payment for any reason whatsoever: (b) failure or delay ofthe PURCHASER in the delivory ofthe copy of the eredit life insurance policy or life insurance policy (as applicable) and receipts evidencing payment of the premium(s) therefore fm the date or within the period specified for its delivery pursuant to Annex € {it applicable), (© failure or delay of the PURCHASER in the submission of the Letter of Guarantee of the PURCHASER's loan from the bank or financing institution or post-dated checks on the date prescribed therefore under Annex C-1, as applicable: (@) failure of the SELLER to obtain and receive the actual receipt of the proceeds of any post-dated check due to insufficiency of funds, closure of account, refusal of the drawee bank to honor the check on the date of presentment for payment, or for any reason whatsoever, other than duc to the willful act or gross negligence of the SELLER (©) cancellation by the PURCHASER of this Contract to Sell or Deed of Absolute Sale (if executed pursuant hereto), following the PURCHASER's withdrawal of the purchase of the Unit, for any Feason whatsoever, other than due to the willful actor gross negligence of the SELLER; (9, material breach of any provision hereof, including the failure ofthe PURCHASER to comply with any covenant or obligation required tobe performed or undertaken hereunder otto comply with any covenant or restriction under the Master Deed, of (@) the concealnient of any material fact, or providing any information which is determined to be false ‘oF misleading inj any document or instrument signed, executed or submitted to the SELLER in connection with the sale of the Unit, including the Reservation Agreement, the Application (if applicable), this Contract to Sell, the Deed of A solute Sale (if executed pursuant hereto), and their respective supporting documents, on the basis of which the SELLER shall have agreed tothe sale of the Unit to the PURCHASER. 4.2 Upon the occurrence of an event of default specified in Section 4.1(a), (b), (¢)(@) or (e), the SELLER. shall be entitled to exercise or avail itself, at the SEL LER’ option and diseretion, of any, some or all of the following rights or temedies, whether cumulatively or alternatively, in conjunction with or separately, from any other right or remedy granted hereunder or under the laws 4.2.1 The SELLER shall have the right to collect penalty charges atthe rate of two percent (2%) of the Uunpaid amount for every month (or fraction thereo') of delay in remiting to the SELLER the amount due. Penalty charges shall be computed deily and compounded monthly. The payment of penalty charges as provided hercunder shill not be a substitute for and shall be in addition to the Payment of the amounts otherwise due under this Contract to Sell as set forth in Annex C-1 4.2.2. The SELLER shal be entitled to cancel this Contract to Sell and the Deed of Absolute Sale (if executed pursuant hereto) without need of a court declaration to that effect by giving the PURCHASER a written notice of eancellation in accordance with Section 15,10. Asa result of such cancellation, the PURCHASER shall be entitled to a refund of all amounts paid on the Purchase Price less the following: (a) liquidated damages in an amount equal to twenty percent (20% of the Purchase Price; (b) real estate broker's commission; (c) taxes and expenses paid by the SELLER to the goverment or thin parties in connection herewith; (d) any acerued penalty charges as ofthe date of cancellation, (e) any unpaid charges oa tHe Unit as of date of cancellation; (0 security deposit specified in Section 7.3, applicable; and (g) an amount determined by the SELLER to be necessary to restore the Unit to the same physieal condition it was found at the time of acceptance of the Unit by the PURCHASER provided, that ifthe default is duc to the PURCHASER's failure to pay any installment on the due date thereof, the cancellation shall be subject to the provisions of Republic Act No 6552 (otherwise known as the Realty Installment Buyer Ac) Where the PURCHASER has paid at least 1wo (2) years of installments, the PURCHASER shal be entitled to 2 grace period of one (I) month for every one (1) year of installment payments made within which to pay the installment(s) due, without ‘additional interest; provided, that the PURCAHSER shall be entitled to exercise the bbenefit hereunder only once in every five (5) years of the life of the Contract to Sell and its extensions, ifany. {In the event, however, that the PURCHASER fails to pay the installments due at the expiration of the grace period as aforesaid, the SELLER may eanee! the Contract to Sell by giving the PRUCHASER thirty (30) days’ prior written notice of cancellation or demand for rescission of the Contract to Sell by notarial aet, As a result of stich cancellation, the PURCHASER shall be entitled to a refund of the eash surrender Value of the payments made, which cash surrender value shall be equal to the sum of the amount equal to fifty percent (50%) ofthe total payments made plus an additional five percent (5%) ofthe total amount paid for each year of payment in excess of (five) 5 years, but not to exceed ninety percent (90%) of the total payments made, less the following: (a realestate broker's commission; (b) security deposit specified in Section 7.3, if applicable; (c) taxes and expenses paid by the SELLER to the government or third partes in connection herewith: and (d) an amount determined by the SELLER to bbe necessary fo restore the Unit to the same physical condition it was found at the time of acceptance of the Unit by the PURCHASER, if applicable, Where the PURCHASER has less than two (2) years of installments, the PURCHASE shall be entitled to a grace period of not less than sixty (60) days from the date the installments became due In the event, however, that the PURCHASER fails to pay the installments due at the expiration of the grace period as aforesaid, the SELLER may cancel the Contract 10 Sell by giving the PURCHASER thirty (30) days" prior written notice of cancellation ‘or demand for rescission of the Contract (o Sell by notarial act. As a result af such ‘cancellation, the PURCHASER shall be entitled to a refund of all amounts paid on the Purchase Price less the following: (a) liquidated damages computed in the amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the Purchase Price; (b) real estate broker's ‘commission; (c) taxes and expenses paid by the SELLER to the government or third parties in connection herewith; (¢) security deposit specified in Section 7.3, if applicable; and (c) an amount determined by the SELLER to be necessary to restore the Unit tothe same physical condition it was Found at the time of aeceplance of the Unit by the PURCHASER, if applicable 4.3 Upon the occurrence of an event of default under Section 4.1(f) or (g) the SELLER shall be entitled to forfeit all amounts paid, without prejudice toa claim for damages against the PURCHASER under the circumstances. In such an event, the SELLER may cancel the Contract to Sell and the Deed of Absolute Sale (ifexeeuted pursuant hereto) by giving the PURCHASER fifteen (15) days' prior writen notice of cancellation or demand for rescission of the Contract to Sell or Deed of Absolute Sale (if 46 47 As the Unit covered hereby as it this Contract to Sell and the Deed of Absolute Sale if executed pursuat hereto) had not been executed; provided, that pursuant to the Standards, Rules and Regulations Implementing Presidential Decree No. 957, as amended, no installment payment made by the PURCHASER for the Unit shall be forfeited by the SELLER when the PURCHASER, afier due notice to the SELLER and clearance from the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (or its successor agency), desists from further payment of installments duc tothe failure of the SELLER to develop the Project according to the approved plans thereof. In ease of cancellation of this Contract to Sell and the Deed of Absolute Sale (if exeeuted pursuant hneteto), the PURCHASER shall immediately vacate the Linit and deliver to the SELLER full and vacant possession ofthe same, The SELLER or its representative shall have the right to enter the Unit nd take full and complete physical possession of the same and take whatever action is necessary oF advisable to protect or enforce the SELLER’s rights and interests inthe Unit, without any interference by the PURCHASER. Improvements made or introduced by the PURCHASER on the Unit, ifany, shall atthe option of the SELLER, become the property of the SELLER without any obligation on the part of the SELLER to reimburse the PURCHASER forthe cost or value 0! such improvements. Inthe event thatthe SELLER refuses to accept the improvements, then the PURCHASER shall remove any improvements made or introduced thereon without any cost to the SELLER whatsoever, and deliver the Unit to the SELLER, inthe same physical condition it was found atthe time of delivery of the Unit tothe PURCHASER. In the event that the PURCHASER fails to effect such removal, then any improvements remaining on the Unit shall fe deemed automatically abandoned by the PURCHASER, and the SELLER may thereupon center the Unit and cause the demolition or removal of such improvements, without necessity of a court order, and charge the PURCHASER the costs thereof 4 In is understood and agreed that no failure or delay by the SELLER in exercising any right, power or privilege under this Contract to Sell and the Deed of Absolute Sale (if executed pursuant hereto) shall bbe construed as a waiver thereof nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any further exereise of any other right, power, or privilege. Acceptance by the SELLER of any payment made in a, ‘manner oF at any time other than as herein provided shall not be construed as a variation, novation or* \waiver of the terms hereof, The PURCHASER hereby agrees that any and all act performed in good faith by the SELLER, its authorized agents or representatives, under the provisions ofthis Section 4 may not be subject to any petition for injunction and that the SELLER andor its authorized agents or representatives, shall be fice from any and all civil and/or criminal respons: ilities whatsoever, save in the ease of fraud or bad faith. The right or authority of the SELLER to pursue any remedy provided herein arising out of or in connection with the default of the PURCHASER shall not require the PURCHASER's prior written consent or the performance of any other act. ’ ‘The provisions of this Section 4 shall survive the cancellation ofthis Contract to Sell and the Deed of Absolute Sale (if executed pursuant hereto), ‘Taxes, RecistRstion Costs AND EXPENSES 5A ‘The following taxes, costs and expenses shall be forthe aovount of the PURCHASER: (a) documentary stamp tax, transfer tax, registration fees and other expenses, costs and taxes (other than taxes on the net income 6f the SELLER or any other tax ereditable thereto) imposed or to be {imposed in connection with the sale of the Unit and/or transfer of ttle ofthe Unit from the SELLER to the PURCHASER, the execution and registration of the Deed of Absolute Sale, the issuance of the condominium certificate of ttle covering the Unit and corresponding tax declaration in the name of the PURCHASER; (b) value-added tax, if any, aceruing by reason of the reccipt by the SELLER of the Purchase Price (or ‘any portion thereof) as well as all the other amounts 0 be due and payable to the SELLER under this Contract to Sell and the Deed of Absolute Sale (if executed pursuant hereto); (©) mortgage registration fees where PURCHASER has availed of financing from a bank or financial institution where the bank or financial institution has delegated to the SELLER the collection of stuch mortgage registration fees and the annotation ofthe loan mortgage agreement onthe title to be issued in the name of the PURCHASER; 15.7 The provisions of Presidential Decree No. 957, as amended, where applicable are deemed incorporated herein by reference. 15.8 Incase of controversy in the interpretation of the plans and specifications or in the measurement of the Unit, the interpretation of the SELLER shall prevail. At any time before their respective delivery, the Unit and the building where it is located may be altered or adjusted as shall be necessary to conform to the generally accepted principles of good building design and construction, but subject to the applicable requirements of the Master Deed, Such alterations or adjustments shall not, however, be a basis for an adjustment in the Purchase Price for the Unit. 15,9 All covenants herein shall extend to and be obligatory on the heirs, personal representatives, successors” land assigns (as the case may be) ofthe partes 15.10 Allmnotices, consents, requests and demands to or upon the PURCHASER shall bein writing and delivered personally (including by couries), sent by electronic mail, faesimile transmission or by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, to the PURCHASER’ address stated in this Contract to Sell, or such ‘other address as may hereinafter be conveyed by the PURCHASER to the SELLER in writing in accordance ‘with Seetion 15.2. Any such notice shall be deemed given when so delivered personally (including by courier), of if sent by electronic mail or facsimile transmission, when so transmitted, oF if mailed, upon receipt and the SELLER shall not be held liable for any damages, costs, expenses or losses that may be incurred by the PURCHASER by reason of any delay o failure on his part to receive such notice personally 15.11 Should cither party resort fo the courts of justice forthe protection or enforcement ofits rights under this Contract to Sell and the Deed of Absolute Sale (if executed pursuant hereto), the defaulting party agrees topay the non-defaulting party, by way of attomey’s fes, the amount equal to twenty percent 20%) of. the amount claimed in the complaint but in no ease less than P50,000.00, in addition to the costs and “ expenses of litigation, damages (whether actual or consequential) to which the non-defaulting party may be entitled under the law, and other expenses which the law may entitle the non-defaulting party to recover from the defaulting party. The parties hereby agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the proper court of Makati City, Metro Manila, It is understood that upon execution hereof, the parties waive any other venue. 15.12 there are two (2) or more buyers under this Contract to Sell, the tert “PURCHASER” as used herein shall collectively refer to all such persons, and their obligations under this Contract to Sell shall be deemed contracted by them ina solidary manner. The use of the masculine gender herein includes the feminine and neuter gender. 15.13 This Contract to Sell may be executed in counterparts. One fully signg set of counterparts shall for al intents and purposes be considered a single document. Tis Contract to Sell shall be deemed to be {executed on the date when both the SELLER (acting through its authorized representatives) and the PURCHASER shall have affixed their respective signatures hereto, and acknowledged the same to be their free and voluntary act and deed, 15.14 This Contract to Sell is made and performed inthe Philippines and shall be effective upon acceptance by the SELLER. This Contract to Sell and the Deed of Absolute Sale (if executed pursuant hereto) shall be governed by and construed under the laws ofthe Republic ofthe Philippines, regardless of the laws that ‘ight otherwise govern under appligable principles of conflicts of law, Any and all disputes in eonneetion with of arising out of this Contract to Sell shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the proper court of Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines. The PURCHASER waives any other venue and the ‘defense of an inconvenient forum, Is Witness Wuterror, the parties have hereunto signed these presents in the place and the date hereinafter provided, AYALA LAND, INC SELLER By: KRISTINA A, SALVADOR PURCHASER SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF “Signature over Prinied Name Signature over Printed Name FIRST ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPUBLIC OP THE PHILIPPINES )SS. 1 certify that on this date __. before me, @ notry public duly authorized in the ety ‘named above to take acknowledgements, personally appeared AYALA LAND, INC. (000-153-790 Represented by KRISTINA A.SALVADOR 203-504-777 Passport No. 05 August 2018. DFA, NCR Northeast ECH9I3S53 who were identified by me through competent evidence of entity to be the same persons deseribed in the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged before me that their respective signatures on the instrument were voluntarily afixed by them for the purposes stated therein, and who declared to me that they have exeeuted the instrument as thelr fee and voluntary act and deed and that they have the authority to sign on behalf of thie respective principals, ‘This Contract to Sell consists of |] (__} pages. including the page where this acknowledgment is writen, to which Annexes A, B, C, and C-1 have been attached, Each and evry page of this instrament has ben signed by the parties and their witnesses : IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hereunto set my hand and affix my notarial seal on the date and atthe place above writen, Doe. No, Page No. Book No, Series of. SECOND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ) Ss. 1 cet that on this date, __. before me, a notary publ bly authorized in the ety ahove fo take acknowledgemens, panonaly appeared : TAX COMPETENCE EVIDENCE DATE AND PLACE MAME — IDENTIFICATION COMPETENCE ENIDENCE, Sn NO. oer Ak sau YOU MI LEE 732.978.53 Paspont No 17 March 2011 Minis of Frsin >M74203099 Ales und Trade ‘who were identified by me through competent evidence of identity to be the same persons deseribed in the forevoing instrument, who acknowledged before me that their respective signatures on the instrument were voluntarily atixed by them for the purposes slated therein, and who declared to me that they have eXecuted the instrument as thei free and voluntary act and deed and that they have the authority to sign on behalf of ther respective principals ‘This Contract to Sell consists of |] (_) pages, including the paze where this acknowlederient is writen, to which Annexes A, B, C, and C-1 have been attached. Bach and every page of this instrument has been signed by the parties and their witnesses, IN WITNESS WHEREOI “hereunto set my hand and affix my notarial sea on the date and atthe place above written, Doe. No. : * Page No. " Book No, Series of ANNEX C-1 10-14(36)-76@ 0% Interest -Special i [ AYALALANDINC. a | CUSTOMER SERVICE UNIT ARBOR LANES : - OFFICIAL COMPUTATION | Project Details ARBOR LANES PHASE 3 BLOCK 5 5B-7E Unit Typer DUO SUITE, (PLUS 1 PSLOTIS BI-593) Ad . var 3,064.540.00 Other Charges 930,597.14 Due Date Monthly Payment ‘Other Charges Total Monthly Payment 10072018 200,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 11/26/2018 2,660,300.00 0.00 2,660,300.00 12/102018 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 o1rio72019 110,000.00 0.00 ’ 110,000.00 o2r972019 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 03/10/2019 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 04/10/2019 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 05/10/2019 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 06/10/2019 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 07/10/2019 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 + 08/10/2019 110,000.00 . 0.00 110,000.00 09/10/2019 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 1010/2019 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 111072019 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 12/10/2019 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 1/10/2020 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 02/10/2020 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 03/10/2020 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 04/10/2020 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 05/10/2020 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 06/10/2020 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 07/10/2020 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 08/1012020 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 (09/10/2020 110,000.00 _ 0.00 110,000.00 10/10/2020 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 11/10/2020 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 1210/2020 110,000.00 ~ 0.00 110,000.00 01/10/2021 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 02/10/2021 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 03/10/2021 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 04/10/2021 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 05/10/2021 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 06/10/2021 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 07/10/2021 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 08/10/2021 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 09/10/2021 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 10/10/2021 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 11/10/2021 110,000.00 930,597.14 1,040,597.14 12/10/2021 21,782,260.00 0.00 21,782,260.00 NOTE: 1. Inthe event that there is an increase in amount of OTHER CHARGES, the SELLER shall ave the ight to charge the PURCHASER, and the PURCHASER agrees to pay, an amount proportional to or coresponding to the sid

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