Economic Development 5.1

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Economic Development 5.1-5.3



Living standards
part of speech


refer to all the factors that contribute to a person’s well-being and happiness

Measuring Living Standards

GDP per head/capita - this measures the average income per person in an economy.
Real GDP per capita = Real GDP / Population

- indicates the material well-being of the economy

- takes population into consideration, adding emphasis on the goods and services
available to individuals
- a good indicator of the jobs being created

- it takes no account of what people can buy using their incomes.

- GDP doesn’t consider changes in technology that can have a large impact on living
- Distribution of income is very unequal in reality

Human Development Index (HDI): used by the United Nations to compare living
standards across the globe, the HDI combines different measures into one to give a
HDI value from 0 (lowest) to 1(highest).
- Income index, measured using the average national income – GNI per head
- Education index, measured by how many years on average
- Healthcare index: measured by average life expectancy at birth

- takes into account some major indicators of living standards

- it is a useful method to compare global living standards– it shows clear patterns of 1/4
2/24/22, 9:54 AM Print Preview

living standards
- very useful and reliable measure since its produced by the UN

- there are wide divergences in HDI within countries

- GNI per head doesn’t say anything about inequalities in income and wealth within
- the HDI information for all countries may not be available

GPI (Genuine Progress Indicator) - GPI is other composite measure containing

numbers of indicators. It starts with GDP then adjusts for income distribution



Absolute poverty
part of speech


the inability to afford basic necessities needed to live (food, water, education,
health care and shelter). This is measured by the number of people living below a
certain income threshold (called a poverty line).


Relative poverty
part of speech


Relative poverty is basically a measurement of income inequality since a high

relative poverty should indicate a higher income inequality.

- Unemployment: when people are unemployed and have to go without income for a
long time, they may end up having to sell their possessions, consume less and go and
into poverty.

- Low education levels: this means that people are uneducated, unskilled and unable
to find better jobs, keeping them in poverty. 2/4
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- The size of family: more family members with only a few people earning, means
more costs of living, pulling the family into poverty if they’re not earning much.

- Age: older people are likely to have more health problems and be less suitable for
further employment, causing poverty. Young people are still employable and may find
ways to earn an income.

- Poor government support for basic services.

- Poor health: ill mental and physical health is both a cause and result of poverty.

- Introduce measures to reduce unemployment: an expansionary fiscal/monetary

policy will increase aggregate demand and increase employment opportunities.
Income and standards of living will rise.

- Impose progressive taxes: income taxes are progressive, that is, they increase as
income increases. Imposing these will mean that people on higher incomes will pay a
large percentage of their incomes as tax and help reduce relative poverty.

- Introduce welfare services: money from taxes can be provided as income support to
people with very low incomes. It can also be used to provide free or low-cost homes,
healthcare and education.

- Introduce minimum wage legislation to raise the wage of low-paid employees.



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total number of people inhabiting a specific area.

- Birth rates: the average number of children born in a country each year compared
to the total population of an economy is known as the birth rate 3/4
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- Living standards: improved quality and availability of food, housing, clean water and
medical care result in fewer babies dying. Countries where children often die due to
poor living standards have higher birth rates

- Contraception: increased use of contraception and legalisation of abortion have

reduced birth rates in developed countries.

- Marriage: in developed countries, people are tending to marry later in life, so birth
rates have reduced.

Updated 4 months ago 4/4

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