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Saint Louis School, Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)

To the Grade 10 of Saint Louis School



Research Paper
Presented on the Junior High Scool Department
Solano, Nueva Vizcya

in partial fulfillment of the requirments in

Villamin, Kelly Pauline S..

Grade 10 - Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Mr. Aumary Xander Baysa

English Teacher
Chapter 1

Background of the Study:

All parents dream of a wonderful life for their children so they are doing everything to make
it happen from giving their basic needs, supporting their education to giving advices about
finishing studies first before having a family. But some teenagers get curious about sex in an early
age and end up bearing a child.
The curiosity of these teenagers was brought about by having lack of knowledge towards the
issue regarding sex considering that the Philippines is a conservative country, the issue regarding
sex was not often discussed around teenagers and parents do not feel of teaching or enlightening
their children on that matter. Due to this issue on lack of knowledge regarding sex, there have
been an evident increase of teenagers getting pregnant at a very young age. According to World
Health Organization, 16 million women aged 15- 19 give birth each year, constituting 11% of all
births worldwide. In low- and middle-income countries, almost 10% of girls become a mother at
the age of 16 and the highest rates can be found in sub-Saharan Africa, south-central and south-
eastern Asia (WHO, 2013). In the ASEAN region, Philippines ranks 3rd in the highest rate for
teenage pregnancy. United Nations Population Fund Country Representative Ugochi Daniels
told that from 2000-2010, the number of live births by teenage mothers rose by 60% and NSO
statistics agree with this (GMA news, 2012).
The teachers of Saint Louis School, in Solano Nueva Vizcaya teach the students properly
about this kind of topic because this information help to prevent early pregnancy.

Statement of the Problem:

This study is look for possible effects of the youth of teenage pregnancy in Solano, Nueva
The key aims of the research are the following:
1. To assess the youth how importance the the education is. Give proper seminar to the
parents about educational development of their children, and the effective use of the family
2. Assess how the adolescence pregnancy gives impact to the life of the youth. Plan
prevention and evaluate the cause and effect.
It is hoped that the solutions suggested in the study would be useful in controlling the
escalating rate of teenage pregnancy by educating the whole family for this matter. Using this
Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning and the impact of teenage pregnancy on teenage mothers
gives them more on understanding the issue.
Significance of the Study:
The study about teen pregnancy in Solano will be conducted to the extent of how these problems
affect the growth and life of teenagers. There are many different ways that can use teen pregnancy.the
emerging field of parenting culture studies has begun to develop an analysis of the key features of
policy, practice and informal culture. The Journal of ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Society's shows
the result from cumulative years of the National Demographic and Health Survey and latest result of
the 2011 family Health Survey, shows the teenage pregnancy in the Philippines, measured as the
proportion of women who have begun childbearing in their teen years, has been steadily rising over a
35 year period. This teenage mothers are predominantly poor, reside in rural areas and have low
educational attainment. Family planning has discussed about this matter which mostly at the center of
the prenatal check up our teens period the development of parental tribalism whereby the differing
parental choices and behavior become a site for identity formation;the idea of a deficit at the level of
parenting and intimate familial relationships; the reconceptualising of the parent as a autonomous,
alternative adult to a more infantilised imagining. The teenage mother, herself neither adult north
child, becomes emblematic of these developments. (ASEAN Federation Journal, 2005).
These are the factors that causes teenage pregnancy in Solano,
Nueva Vizcaya.

Family -the type of family Orientation they have inside their homes. Low morale and aspiration
of life. Education is not really necessary for them because poverty is not their aspect of motivation.
Family planning is not introduced to their youth.

Community- the environment they have is rural, surrounded by different diverse tribe.
Crowded and composed of many nuclear families living in 1 lot. Teen mothers are everywhere.
Peers- the type of friends they have are the same as the situation of getting pregnant at early age.
And having baby or engage in sexual activity is just normal.some of the students and out of the school
youth groups are not aware about sex education and how important to finish schooling rather than
handling a big responsibility in life.
Culture- early marriage, adolescence pregnancy is some kind of normal thing or issue within the
family. The problems begin when the help and the resources are being compromised. this basically
serves as their culture our belief that since their children are the properties stage and having intimate
with their boyfriends is unstoppable rather than guiding their children into studies and other
recreational activities.
Social media- watching movies or any sexual activity videos through social media can risk a
teenager to engage more on possibilities of getting pregnant or sex experimentation out of their
curiosity. The mass media with each sexualize content is another contributing factor that perpetuates
teenage pregnancies as it gives teenagers easy access to pornographic, adult television program and
multimedia text messages.
Chapter 2

Overview of Teenage Pregnancy

The teenage pregnancy is social problem that develops disfunction of a social role especially for
women or teens. Teenage pregnancy is a public health concern in both development and developing
countries. (Vincent and Alemu, 2016) it is defined as any pregnancy that ends before the age of 20
years. about 16 million girls aged 15 to 19 years old give birth each year, which is about 11% of all
births worldwide, and this does not include births among girls aged under 15 years. Motherhood is a
significant and important aspect of life for many women around the for women in communities
where motherhood is highly desired, motherhood is a considered crucial to the woman's identity.
Teenage motherhood, occurring at a critical developmental stage of teenagers' lives, he's been
identified as having adverse social and health consequences.

The Outbreak of Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines

17th Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, S.B. No.1482 Introduced by Senator Ana
Theresia "Risa" an act providing for a national policy in preventing teenage pregnancies,
institutionalizing social protection for teenage, and providing funds therefor explanatory note; The
Constitution. The state recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and shall promote
and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It shall include in the
youth patriotism and nationalism and encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs.

Locality Issues of Teenage Pregnancy

The rising number of cases of teenage pregnancy in Solano Nueva Vizcaya. Reportedly, there
is a 2.67 percent rate increase from 2020 to 2021. Teenage pregnancy is one of the more serious social
problems in the country today. Based on the report by the National Youth Commission, the
Philippines has the highest rate of increase in teenage pregnancy as compared to other southeast
asian countries.
Definition of the key terms:

Effect of teenage pregnancy- means our result brought about by premarital sex at the age
of 13 to 19 years old in relation to her educational development. out of school youth are you aged 13
to 19 who are not in school and to who are unemployed, underemployed, or lacking basic skills.
Sex Education- means learning the external conditions such as psychological, sociological,
economic and social factors that affect the personality, behavior and development of a boy to
manhood and fatherhood and a girl to motherhood as well as with human reproduction.
Teenage pregnancy- misconception by a girl between the ages of 12 13 and 19 years old which
was not planned for

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