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Developing a Governance Charter

Statement and Strategy Map

Learning Objectives:

a) To familiarize the students with the elements/components of a charter

b) To provide basic definition of terms in order to have a grasp of the
elements/components of a Charter Statement
c) To guide the students in the processes involved in the formulation of value
chain, conduct of customer analysis and formulation of strategic objectives
through strategic shifts; and
d) To provide deeper understanding and appreciation of the PNP
P.A.T.R.O.L Plan Roadmap.
The Charter Statement

 The IDENTITY is your distinct and unique personality. It may be a name, logo,
seal, initials or a brand
 Your VISION is your desired future state. It should be ambitious but realistic and
can be done within a certain timeframe. Once your vision has been realized it
should be changed.
 Your MANDATE is a directive, law or decree from a source of authority which
embodies the mission of the specific unit/office/ organization.
 Your MISSION is embodied in the law or directive that established the
unit/office/organization. It is its reason for existence and therefore should be
forever pursued.
 Your PHILOSOPHY is a statement of what you stand for in life
 Your VALUES is your moral compass and is never negotiable.
Strategy Map or Roadmap

The strategy map is the logical representation of what the organization will do in
every perspective to fulfill its mission and attain its vision

The strategy map contains 4 “perspectives” in the sample shown. (1) Community,
(2) Process Excellence, (3) Learning and Growth, and (4) Resource Management

Objectives formed in the strategic shifts are copied inside the boxes in the
Strategy Map.
Customer Analysis
To analyze our customers we first need to determine who our customers are and
what their needs and expectations are.

Your PRIMARY CUSTOMERS are the main beneficiaries of your services and
your SECONDARY CUSTOMERS are the indirect beneficiaries of the service your

Your MAJOR DELIVERABLES are the goods or services that are mandated to
provide to your customers

Your CUSTOMER VALUR PROPOSITION is mainly the benefits that your

customers receive from your services. It Is also the reason why your customers will
patronize your services and what it will imprint in their minds.

The PGS provides the template to identify primary (the main beneficiaries of the
services we provided) and secondary (the indirect beneficiaries of the services we
provided) customers, the specific goods and services that we need to deliver (major
deliverables) and the outcome or value proposition resulting from the timely and
effective delivery of services/goods.

The Value Chain

The Value Chain is the sequence and configuration of activities that enable the
organization to deliver value to its constituents.
Strategic Shifts
PGS shall provide breakthroughs and as such we must be able to identify our
current situation, the existing resources we have, the current competencies and skills of
our human resources and the existing policies, systems and police procedures; and
then define the strategic shift that we need to undertake that will attain our objective
resulting to transformative results. This we need to do the process of identifying
strategic shifts in all the four (4) perspectives of Resource Management, Learning and
Growth, Process Excellence and Community as our basis in developing specific

For PROCESS EXCELLENCE PERSPECTIVE, we need to identify strategic shift to

improve our core processes or tasks in order to attain our strategic outcomes. We
should do this giving due consideration to the value chain with emphasis on those that
are considered will add value.
For LEARNING AND GROWTH PERSPECTIVE, we consider three factors: Human
Capital, Organizational Capital and Information Capital in determining how we equip our
units/offices with the needed competencies, values and technologies to support our
process improvement. In particular for organization capital, we need to look at the
leadership by exerting efforts to ensure availability of a cadre of leaders at all levels; for
culture we must develop the awareness and internalization of the mission, vision and
core values needed to execute the strategy. For alignment, we must ensure the
alignment of goals and incentives with the strategy at all levels of the organization; and,
for teamwork, we must ensure the sharing of knowledge and staff assets with strategic
potential. For information capital, we must ensure provision of available portfolio of
information technology (IT) applications and systems required by the strategy.
On RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVE, considering our limited resources,
consideration must be given on how we manage and rationalize allocation of our
available financial and logistical resources for maximum impact.
The PNP Charter Statement
The PNP Charter Statement highlights its vision of, “ Imploring the aid of the
Almighty, by 2030, We shall be a highly capable, effective and credible police
service working in partnership with a responsive community towards the
attainment of a safer place to live work and do business”.

The PNP vision statement is in line with its mission and mandate provide by
successive laws/RAs 6975, 8551 and 9708, which are: ‘To enforce the law, prevent
and control crimes, maintain peace and order, and ensure public safety and
security with the active support of the community’.

Highlighted in both its vision and mission statements, the active support of the

The PNP Charter Statement also identified its Core Values that serves as its moral
compass that guides every undertaking which are: Maka-Diyos, Maka-Bayan, Maka-
Tao and Maka- Kalikasan.

The PNP Strategy Map or Roadmap

The PNP Roadmap identified four (4) Distinct but closely inter-related and mutually
supporting perspectives with specific objectives that when achieved will result to the
accomplishment/realization of its vision for a highly capable, effective and credible
police service. The three (3) driver perspectives of Resource Management, Learning
and Growth, Process Excellence contributes to the fourth/ outcome perspective
‘Community’ resulting to the attainment of a safer place to live, work and do business.

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