Reliability Measures and Evaluation of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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Reliability Measures and Evaluation of Mobile Ad hoc Networks

Dr. N. Padmavathy
Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA

 Introduction
 Why Reliable MANETs?
 Network Reliability
 Reliability Analysis
 Assumption and Example Considered for the study
 Algorithm
 Simulation Results
 Summary
 A Monte Carlo Simulation based evaluation of MANET reliability is
proposed, which considers :–
Mobility models (RWPM, GMMM and also no mobility model)
scenario metrics (transmission range, network size, coverage area)
different tuning parameters ()
 Most of the researchers have modeled MANET randomly using uniform
distribution to define the 2D-simulation area.

 Node position relative to their neighbor is estimated based on location

information, signal strength, BER, and mobility.

 Our work is focused on node movements leading to dynamic topology

resulting in frequent link breaks. These link failure lead to connectivity
failure which has direct impact on network reliability.
Why Reliable MANETs ?

In general, the entities of the networks are prone to random failures, attacks and
The failure of these network components may be due to varied reasons:
- transmission range
- coverage area
- node positions
- atmospheric effects
- physical obstacles
- limited life

All these parameters are directly related with the connectivity of the network. If
connectivity fails, the network fails.
(Chaturvedi and Padmavathy., 2013)
Network Reliability
(The ability of the network to continue network services in the case of component failures)
(Konak et al., 2006)
Reliability means that, the network is
- available
- secure
- consistent
- trustworthy
even under limited number of failures.

In other words, network reliability refers to the reliability of the overall network to
provide communication even on failure of a component/components in the network,
Network reliability means the probability that there exists at least one feasible link
between two nodes under predefined conditions (Peiravi et al., 2008).
i.e., the network is not operational, if the desired connection is lost.
Reliability Analysis
Reliability Analysis is used
- to quantify the ability of the network performance with the
impact of the failure.
- to identify the weakness in the network.

Reliability measures to assess the performance of infrastructure based networks

- 2-terminal Reliability
- All terminal Reliability
- k terminal Reliability

These measures have also been extended for Infrastructureless networks.

1. Network is homogeneous and operational at the start of the mission
2. Node movements follow –
i. RWPM with zero pause time, with uniformly distributed node
velocity (Vmin, Vmax) and node direction (0, 2) (or)
ii. GMMM with each node assigned a mean speed ( S), mean
direction ( ) and degree of randomness () (or)
iii. The nodes are uniformly and randomly distributed around the
deployment region.
3. Times to failure of nodes are assumed to follow Weibull distribution
with scale parameter () and shape parameter ().
4. Failures of node are statistically independent and once a node fails, it
remains fail for the remaining period of the mission time.
5. All links are bidirectional without any constraint on their load carrying
6. The presence (absence) of the link depends on the distance (dij)
between the nodes and the transmission range of the nodes (rj).
Example Considered for the study

Input Parameters Specification

No. of Nodes in the network (N) 18

Transmission Range (rj) 3 Miles

Network Coverage Area (D) 64 Miles2

Minimum Velocity (Vmin) 3 mph

Maximum Velocity (Vmax) 6 mph

Scale Parameter () 1000

Shape Parameter () 1.5
tMission 72 hours
No. of Iterations (Q) 10 000
Mobility Model RWPM/GMMM/No Mobility
Algorithm - MANET Reliability with Mobility
The procedure is as follows:
Initialization of Input Data: Number of nodes (U), Network Coverage
Area (D), Transmission Range (rj) , Scale
Parameter () , Shape Parameter (),
Maximum velocity (Vmax), Minimum
Velocity (Vmin)
Step 1: Initialize all the input parameters
Step 2: Initialize, RG     
ui k 
Rui   RG|k.  
Step 3: Simulate the node status vector of size n-|k|. The probability of success
of a node is time-dependent and can be determined using

   
Rui    Pr  ui    1  e
Step 4: Simulate the link status vector of size 1x (n x (n -1)/2 by computing the
Euclidean distances and reliabilities by using
1, if dij    rj  or ri 
Link Status Lij    
0, otherwise

 
Euclidean distance dij     x j    xi      y j    yi   
2 2 2

Step 5: Check for connectivity of k  U nodes of the network at time . If k nodes

is connected then increment Cq ( ) and set  =  +   .
Step 6: Simulate the mobility of the nodes according to RWPM by uniformly and
randomly choosing the velocity of the nodes between (Vmin, Vmax) and the
direction between (0, 2)
Step 6: Simulate the mobility of the nodes according to GMMM by uniformly and
randomly choosing the velocity of the nodes between (Vmin, Vmax) and the
direction between (0, 2)
Step 7: Compute the new node positions at every time increments using (or)
xi      xi     vi   cos i  
yi      yi     vi   sin i  
Step 7: Compute the new node positions at every time increments using

S   S 1  1    S  1   2 SG1 x  x 1  S 1 cos  1 

y  y 1  S 1 sin  1 
   1  1     1    2 G
 1

Repeat Step 3 through Step 7 until   tMission.

Step 8: Repeat Step 2 through Step 8 for Q number of simulation runs.

Step 9: Compute reliability and variance using

RG   
ui k ui
 R  

q 1 q 
 C  

RG   1 RG   
Var  RG    
Algorithm - MANET Reliability without Mobility
The procedure is as follows:
Initialization of Input Data: Number of nodes (U), Network Coverage
Area (D), Transmission Range (rj) , Scale
Parameter () , Shape Parameter ( )
Step 1: Initialize all the input parameters

Step 2: Initialize, RG     
ui k 
Rui   RG|k . 

Step 3: Generate (xi, yi) random locations for i = 1, 2... n.

Step 4: Simulate the node status vector of size n-|k|. The probability of
success of a node is time-dependent and can be determined
using     
Rui    Pr  ui    1  e

Step 5: Determine the Euclidean distance between each pair of MN

 
using 1
dij     x j    xi      y j    yi   
2 2 2
Step 6: Check for the link existence by comparing the Euclidean
distance and the transmission range using
1, if dij    rj  or ri 
Lij    
0, otherwise
Step 7: Check for connectivity of the network using the connection
matrix at time . If the network is connected then increment
Cq ( ) by one and update =  +   .

Step 8: Repeat Step 2 through Step 7 until   tMission.

Step 9: Repeat Step 2 through Step 8 for Q number of simulation


Step 10: Compute reliability and variance using

R   
  R  
u k ui
 Q

q 1
Cq  
RG   1 RG   
Var  RG    
Simulation Results - Node Movement
(i) RWPM (ii) No Mobility

(iii) GMMM
Network Topologies – with mobility

Network Topologies – without mobility

Impact of Scenario Metrics for different
Mobility Model

Impact of
 The main contribution of this study is a simulation based MANET
reliability evaluation considering different mobility models.

 The effect of NCA, NS and TR along with mobility parameters

(velocity and direction) and degree of randomness () has been

 The degree of randomness () has less significant impact on MANET

reliability since it has no significant impact on network connectivity.

 Through our approach we also show that the mobility considerations

has no significant impact on MANET reliability as the same results are
obtained by just implicitly simulating the location of the MN.

 The advantage of the approach being that considering no mobility

reduces computational burden and also the number of random
variables involved in the proposed algorithm making it more simple
and efficient.

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