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Week #2
Intermediate & Advanced Level
Name: __________________________________
Date: __________________
20 pts.

Exercise in class

a) After watching the video. Answer the following questions.

1) What is the best time of day to ask for a raise?

a. early in the morning

b. at the beginning of the week

c. on Friday afternoon

d. none of the above

2) Complete the following sentence:

In the end, the better prepared you are, the better it is for you.

a. prepared

b. rich

c. calm

3) How long should you wait before asking for a raise?

a. at least 3 months

b. at least 6 months

c. at least 1 year

d. it depends

4) What do you think it means to "give an ultimatum"?

a. to make a threat

b. to make a request

c. to give bad news

d. none of the above

5) What can you negotiate for instead of money?

a. more vacations

b. new equipment

c. help with tuition

d. health benefits

e. all of the above

b) Match the following expression with its meaning.

1. Summarizing the main points Go the extra mile

2. Feeling nervous or upset agitated
3. Something that regularly annoys you Pet peeve
4. Saving the money. Socking that money away
5. Things you have been successful at because of your efforts by the book
6. A threat saying that if someone doesn't do what you want, you will punish them.
7. To do more than what people expect. accomplishmens
8. To think creative, unconventional solutions instead of common ones. Think out of
the box
9. To do things exactly according to the rules or the law boiling it down
10. To dominate a particular market. Corner the market

a. Socking that money away

b. Ultimatum
c. Agitated
d. By the book.
e. Accomplishments
f. Boiling it down
g. Pet peeve
h. Go the extra mile
i. Think out of the box.
j. Corner the market

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