Educational Model

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Meaning of Educational Model

An educational model consists of a compilation or synthesis of different theories and pedagogical

approaches , which guide teachers in the preparation of study programs and in the systematization of
the teaching and learning process .
In other words, an educational model is a conceptual pattern through which the parts and elements of a
study program are schematized. These models vary according to the historical period, since their validity
and usefulness depend on the social context.
By knowing an educational model, the teacher can learn how to develop and operate a study plan,
taking into account the elements that will be decisive in didactic planning . Therefore, it is considered
that the greater knowledge of the educational model by the teacher will generate better results in the
classroom. The traditional educational model focuses on the development of a study program, without
too many additional elements since social needs and the intervention of specialists, among other
factors, are not explicitly taken into account.This educational model includes the figure of the teacher
(who plays an active role), the method (the lecture-type class), the student (with a receptive role) and
the information (the content presented as different topics). In this sense, the traditional model has little
influence from scientific-technological advances in education , so it is currently somewhat limited. In any
case, its usefulness as a pedagogical basis in the training of various generations of teachers and students
is recognized .
Broadly speaking, the traditional educational model can be used to build on it a modern one, adapted to
the needs of students and teachers, as well as the technological and educational resources that we have
today, or it can be completely ignored and work on a blank canvas for absolute innovation. The second
case is much more difficult to achieve, and not necessarily better.
One of the problems with this way of teaching is the undeniable rigidity of the sense in which knowledge
moves: always from the teacher to the students. This is also perceived in the contents themselves, since
they do not change because nobody questions them. In this way the doors are closed to the opinion of
the students and knowledge stagnates, denying its evolution.
In the second half of the 20th century, various educational models considered innovative appeared,
seeking to leave the traditional one behind or complement it with new techniques and tools.
- Meaning of Educational Model

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