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Social Studies

for CSEC® Examinations

3rd edition

Ivan Waterman
Janey Fisher

CSEC® is a registered trade mark of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC).

SOCIAL STUDIES FOR CSEC® examinations 3rd edition is an independent
publication and has not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by CXC.

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Acknowledgements iv
Preface iv

SECTION A – Individual, Family and Society

1 Interaction within the family 2
2 Family law and social issues 31
3 Our cultural diversity, social groups and institutions 65
4 Government 105
Section A End of term test 136

SECTION B – Sustainable Development and Use of Resources

5 Human resources 140
6 Physical resources 190
7 Regional integration, trade and cooperation 224
Section B End of term test 256

SECTION C – Options
8 Communication 260
9 Consumer affairs 292
10 Tourism 319
Section C End of term test 348
Appendix 1 School Based Assessment (SBA) 351
Appendix 2 Private Candidates’ Paper 03/2 361
Appendix 3 The Choose-a-Job Flowchart 363

Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions 369

Further reading 370
Index 371

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The authors wish to thank all those who have contributed in some form or other to the
production of the first edition of this book. Special thanks are owing to the following persons
and organisations:
Mr I Douglas of the Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce
Dr R Buckmire of the Caribbean Development Bank
The Caribbean Development Bank for the use of their library
The Statistical Office of Barbados
The Caribbean News Agency
Mrs L Carruthers and Miss E Parris who helped Ivan Waterman by typing manuscripts
Miss C E Fisher and Mr M J Fisher who helped Janey Fisher with research
Charonne Prosser who copy-edited the manuscript and read the proof on behalf of the publishers.
The publishers would like to thank David Gilbert, Michelle Rhone, Vashty Gooding, Agatha
Joseph, Vassel Reynolds, Salomie Ramsay-Williams and Dwight Dean for their assistance in
compiling this edition.


CSEC Social Studies is designed for students in the upper forms of secondary schools in the
Caribbean, especially for those studying for the CXC examination in Social Studies.
While the topics covered in this book follow, as closely as possible, those set out in the syllabus
for the CXC Social Studies, it must be remembered that Social Studies is a dynamic discipline
reflecting changes in the social, political and economic environment which are taking place
constantly. Individual research and awareness of current affairs are important aspects of the
subject which students must employ in order to cover the whole syllabus adequately.
The teacher of Social Studies should be a guide and facilitator rather than a mere giver of
information, since students need an opportunity to find things out for themselves if they are
to understand the topics fully. The activities in this book are intended to foster the required
skills, attitudes and values for Social Studies and to act as a stimulus for further enquiry.


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